BEfy-rrwf.'sT K'p-'j ii rcvj t..-i.l,'0J,D,Tpit,'. iCtSLVrrry;trwnaTKrin 'iI-T--VV."A. P" -? - , fy 4--T' ' -VJ 'IT a "& !",' - i " ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, JtJNE 23 i90& ' WMOUM ViMMWm vflHHDSBnS fjUmmWmmWmU JHMiWBflEi9z9V3FA Sick people, invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter,;m All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. There is nothing "just as good" for the cure of coughs, bronchitis and lung disease. V Br, Pierce's expense of mailing ONLY. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the hook In paper covers. Address: Br. R. V PIERGE, Buffalo, N. Y. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA .MONTROSE. Bpccial to the Scranlon Tribune. Montrose, June 22. II. Ar. Beach ana wife took an automobile trip to Scran lon Jast week. Stanford Mulford anil his friend, Ralph Sampson, have been enjoying camp life at Elk lake. riev. E. A. AVarriiier and son, Philip, have returned home from Elk lake, where thv spent a week, fishing. They brought home a fine lot of fish, the largest of which weighed live pounds. Nov. Samuel Dunham, of the AVost Presbyterian church, Blnghamton, will occupy the pulpit of the First Presby terian church In this place on Sunday, June 22. Dr. J. O. Wilson, who has been on a trip which included the annual con vention of the American Medical asso ciation at Saratoga, a. visit to Lake George and a trip down the Hudson to Now York city, where ho has since been putting lu long days lu the city hos pitals, will return homo in time to open Ills office and resume practice on Mon day, June 2'J. Seller Bros, have sold their milk sta tion and business to the Gall Borden Condensery company, said to be the largest and linanelally the strongest condensery company In the world; their famous "Eagle" brand of con densed milk being generally acknowl edged as the standard of quality, throughout the universe. The new com pany Is already planning to erect a fine brick building In which to instal a largo and complete condensery plant of the most modern and Improved type, H Is stated that the concern will give steady and lucrative employment to from fifty to seventy-live hands, about equally divided as to sex. It Is said that the Borden company will pay the farmers a fixed price per quart for their milk the year round, the probable price being mentioned na three cents a quart, and if this proves true It will be n substantial advantage to the dairy men of this vicinity and more and larger dairies are suro to como Into being as a result of the Urn-dens locat ing In Montrose, The coming of this r.'iiterprlso appears like a good start toward what has long been voted the crying need of this town, and that is more Industries, Places whero our young men and women can secure an ihonest employment at a living wage. The condensery will bo a great help lu this direction, and It Is likely that Its coming hero will attract other enter prises to our town. Let them come! And meanwhile, let us glvo glad wel rnnio to the milk condensery and do all In our power to niako It a success and be on tho lookout for other good things. Montrose Is, apparently, on tho verge of a business boom and If It comes, It will be nn altogether welcome guest In this beautiful, picturesque, but also quiet summer town. A number of Republicans of this place wlH go to Susquehanna on Monday, Juno 23, to attend tio senatorial con ferenco to be held at Hotel Liiiigfonl on that day, Captain W. II, Dennis, jr., and tenant Charles L. Van Scoten were at ficranton on Friday, attending a meet ing of tho field, line and staff ollleers "HANAN The Perfected Shoe for I SAMTI3K HKOS. "Icn. I said, in substance, "I spent my money for medicines and doctors without any permanent benefit and every day I was growing weaker until I began the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery." It is a fact, testified to by thousands of healthy, happy men and women, that "Golden Medical Dis covery " cures obstinate, deep-seated coughs, bleed ing of the lungs, bronchitis, emaciation, weakness and conditions generally which, if neglected or unskilfully treated, find a fatal termination in consumption. "About three years ago I was taken with a bad cough, vomiting and spitting blood," writes Mr. D. J. Robinson, of Spring Garden, West Va. "I tried many remedies ; nothing seemed to help me till I commenced using Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. After using ten bottles and four vials of his ' Pleasant Pellets ' I commenced to im prove. My case seemed to be almost a hopeless one. Doctors pronounced it ulcer" of the lungs. I was sick nearly two years part of the time bed fast. Was given up to die by all. I thought it would be impossible for me to live over night at one time. I haven't spit any blood now for more than twelve months, and have worked on the farm all last summer. It was Dr. Pierce's medicines that cured me." m B0OTHI Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains no alcohol and is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. especially those suffering from Common Sense medical Advisor, containing over 1000 large pages, Is sent FREE on of the Thirteenth regiment, .National Guard. On Wednesday last, in this place, the Montrose base ball nine crossed bats with the celebrated Great Bend base ball aggregation. The game was long drawn out and a somewhat spiritless affair, but Montrose did most of the running, the score being 22-7 in favor of our boys. Great Bend took its defeat gracefully, and hope later to defeat Montrose. NEW MILFORD. Srcri.ll to (lie Scranlon Tribune. New Mllford, June 20. Miss Amber Vance, of Great Bend, was in town Friday on business. M. J. Brundagc called on Rlnghamtoij friends Friday. Row It. X. Ives attended tho funeral of Chauncey Foot, at Franklin, Thurs day. Rev. Charles Smith and wife called on friends at Lakeside the forepart of the week. Mrs. Rooney, of Great Bend, was in town this week. Miss Nina Moore Is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. George Leon ard at Greenville, Pa. Miss Inez Shelp attended commence ment exercises at Mansfield state nor mal school this week. Fred Badger, one of New Milford's popular young men, has secured a posi tion as draughtsman In tho omco otAXxo assistant engineer of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western engineer corps at Blughamton. On Thursday and Friday, June 2G and 27, Company II, Fourth regiment, PICTURE 1 Bra wm M i 1W1 MKMMMawwMrtwtowwMMM .m" i i' n mmmmmm mmm mm mm . A farmer went tiottlng upon his gtvy mare, lluinpety, buuipoty, bump! With his daughter behind him an rosy and fair, Lumpely, himpoty, lump! Find tho farmer's son, a calf and a dog. Solutions for Last Monday, Juno 10 The boy is back pf lady's right aim, the dog In tho (lower vase. Tuesday, June 17 Thcro is ono on each tildo of the dead man's left leg. Wednesday. June IS-Ono Is beneath tho rum's horn, the uthcr at Bo-Pccp's feci. Te Robber Gives you choice of your money or your life. That other robber, disease, often picks your pocket while he is taking your life. Many a sufferer from lung disease has disease in chronic form, are receipt of stamps to pay Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, will meet in annual reunion at the home of Charles A. Kenyon. Mr. and Mrs. George Haydcn arc en tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, of Scranton. Miss Clara Inderlled will leave on Tuesday for Passaic where she will spend several weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Attt Stoddard, of Franklin, were the guests at the home of S. V. Turnbull Friday. TUINKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, Juno 22. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Brown are entertaining the tatter's cousin, Miss Irene Hasscn, of Towanda, at their home on East Tioga street. Mrs. Lillian Foote, of Scranton, is vis iting friends at this place. The state engineer is expected here this week to execute the plans and specifica tions for tho proposed steel bridge across the Susquehanna river at this point, and also for a bridge across the Tunkhannock creek at Dion. In the mutter of the old full- ground bridgo at Nicholson, tho ex ceptions have been argued lioforo tho Dauphin county court, and a decision is soon expected to bo given. Miss Elizabeth Klefer," who has been visiting friends at Wllkes-Barre, tho past week returned homo on Friduy. District Attorney O. Smith Khmer was a business man at Wilkes-Burro on Sat urday. Marshall Seult, of Carbomlnle, Is stop ping witli friends In town. Miss Itasca Baker, who has been re siding at Columbus, O., for a long tlmo past, returned hero this week, where she will remain. Miss Kate Council, of Philadelphia, Is visiting her parents at this place for a short time. Attorney Charles M. Culver, of To wanda, was doing business in town on Saturday. A couple of street fakirs visited this place on Friday, ostensibly- to advortlso a now metal which was much better than sllvor for all purposes. Thoy ntortod in to do tho people, but subsequently became nlarmed at remarks which thoy heard from tho crowd, and hastily closed busi ness. PUZZLE. Week's Puzsles: Thurbday, Juno 19-Ono Is over Emnr bon'e head, tho other above tho well. Filday, Juno 20-ilo Is back of foro. Inost girl's bead; she Is over tho other's bat. Hutuidriy, June 21 The father Is under Iron limb, the mother In branches of young tree. I TAYLOR. Children's day exercises were fitting, ly observed nt the Nebd Congregational church Inst evening. A very entertain ing programme was rendered nnd great ly enjoyed by the Inrgo congregation prcsont. The programme was rendered nn follows! Solo, "Children's Day," Ad die Evans; song, "Sunshine," by cchooli ntldress, Edna Morgans; speech, Roy Cooper; dialogue, "Children's Day," Mlsse's Jennie Dlgwood, Jennie Roberts nnd Mercy Moycrs; prayer, pastor; song, ".Showers of Blessings," by school; recitation, "Lesson of Children's Day," Mary Schlves; dialogue, "The Rattle of the Books," Misses Mnbel Hellas and Cuss'le Cook; recitation, "A Flock of Doves," Sarah Wntklns; solo, Blanche Beagle; dialogue, nine characters! chorus, school; solo, "I'm Seeking a City;" chorus, "Lead, Kindly Light," by school; solo, Rachel Step hens; qitnrtette, "Home, Sweet Homo;" solo, Jennie Roberts; song, "Load Me, Savior," congregation. Rev. C. R. Henry, pastor of the Meth odist Episcopal church, delivered two eloquent and Instructive sermons at both morning nnd evening services yes terday, taking as his subjects, respect ively, "A Firm Foundation," and "Causes of Present Perils." The Reds and tho Orioles, two local teams, will piny ball on the river side grounds this afternoon. On Wednesday the former will journey to West Scran ton and cross bnts with the Athletics of that place, Alfred Rundle, of Lincoln Heights, visited relatives In to.wn yesterday. A very pleasing children's day pro gramme was rendered nt the Archbald and Pyne Primitive Methodist church last evening. The pastor, Rev, Walker, delivered an appropriate address during Hie service, Announcement has been made o the marriage of Miss Ida M. Courtrlght and Mr. Thomas Evans, both popular young people of this town, which will be solemnized on Wednesday at high noon, John G. Owens, of Atherlon street, returned homo on Saturday from New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Robblns, of Storrs street, visited relatives at West Scranton yesterday. Grirtlth W. Owens, who had his foot amputated a week ago, Is Improving as well as can be expected. Miss Martha Rogers, of West Plttston, was the guest of friends in town on Saturday. Miss Ella Howells and niece, Bessie Evnns, of South Taylor, are spending a few weeks with the former's sister, Mrs. Henry Lewis, at Washington, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. William Coombs and son, of Taylor street, left on Saturday for a few weeks' visit with relatives In Indiana. Miss Gertrude Morris, of Grove street, attended the graduating exer cises at the Bloomsburg normal school on Saturday. Mrs. John Daniels, Mrs. T. M. Howells and Mrs. Frederick Wilson, of South Taylor, spent yesterday visiting rela tives in Jermyn. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Atherton, of Main street, have returned from a few days' visit with relatives In Tunkhan nock. Gonier Johns, of Philadelphia, spent yesterday as tho guest of his cousin, W. E. Morgans, of West Mlnooka. Miss Kate Ruddy, of South Scranton, was the guest of Miss Kate Ludgate, of Main street, yesterday. Luther Harris, of Main street, is spending his vacation at Buffalo, N. Y, Misses Annie and Minnie Baker, of Main street, spent the Sabbath as guests of Miss Martha Rogers at West Plttston. Operutor G. A. Rltter, of Mauch Chunk, called on W. H. Peterson of Grove street yesterday. DALTON. Rev. A. W. Cooper and wife, of Mont rose, visited among friends in this placo on Thursday. Attorney A'an Cleft, of Oneonta, N. Y Is tho guest of his parents, Rev, and Mrs. A. J. Van Cleft. Tho strike fever reached this placo for tho first time in tho history of tho bor ough, A party of young people employed picking strawberries by- Juspar Shoe maker went on a btriko AVednesday for an increase In wages. From tho latest reports a satisfactory settlement has not yel been made, and both sides seem quite determined. No serious trouble, however, Is anticipated, which might necessitate tho calling out of tho sheriff and his deputies or tho National Guard. Mrs. Fred Palmer Is entertaining her father and mother, of Scranton. Postmaster F. M. Tiffany was a visitor In Susiiuehunna county on Thursday. Mrs. Fred Snyder entertained last week her cousin from Illinois. SUNDAY BASE BALI,. American League. At St. Louis R.1I.E. St. Louis 0 0 .1 0 1 1 0 Ox-7 7 1 I Philadelphia U12 0 0 0 0 o J Rati cries Powell and Donohuc; Mit chell, J lusting nnd sehreck. Umpires Sheridan and Connolly. Attendance 10, W0. At Chicago-first game R.H.E. Chicago 00 0 2 00000-2 .1 2 Baltlnuil-ii 0 100010013 9 2 Batteries Patterson and Sullivan: Mc Gluuity and Breimhan. Umpire Carru tliors. Second game twelve Innings R.IIE. Chicago 0 0 0 1 000000 01 (i 2 Baltimore o 0 1 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 l 2 7 S flatteries Garvin and Sulllvnn; Cronin and Hrenaban, Umpire Curruthcrs, At tendance 10,759. At Detroit R.H.E. Detroit 0 0 1 0 1 010 28 II !! Boston 000120202-714 1 Butteries Mullen and MeGuIro; Pren tls and Warner, Umpire Johuhtoue. At tendance, . At Fort Wayne, 1ml R.II.E. Cleveland 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 6 9 0 Washington 0 0 o o o o :; 1 o- 4 7 5 Butteries .loss and Bemls; Gurrlr-k and Clark, Umpire O'Louglillii. Attendance -2,500. National League, At Chicago nineteen Innings Chicago- R.M.K. 1000000010000000000-3 11 5 PlttshUI-K- 1111000000000000000 02 11 I Jlatterlea Taylor and Kllng; Phllllppl ami H111III1, Umpire O'Day, Attendance -10,OUO. At Cincinnati- R.H.E. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 2 x-7 10 0 St. I.ouls 000 10 000 1-2 S 2 mtliTles-Tlu'lhimii ml Peitz; O'Neill and O'Neill. Umpires Brown and Pow ers. Attendance 5,000. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS icr Children. Mother Owyt for yeju a nure in the Clilldifii'i Home lu .Sew Yuik, tri-ated tlii. dun kiicicsitully with a remedy, uuw pirpjied ami pUicd in the drup ttoii'i, ijlhd Mother Grua Sweet Powders tor ChlMrcu. 'fhey me liuimlfM is milk, ileaant In lake mil nctcr full. A certain cuic lor fcieiUliiiosj, loiutlp.i tlon, hud mlie, trethln; ami tloniatli dUor dcra and temoe wnrms. At all drugglti. "Jo; Don't aiieit any mlMltule. Sample tent fHUl,'. Addict Allen S. Olmited, Ue itoy, X, V, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" WANTS. FOR HS, Fl SKIES Only Half a Cent a Word. For Bent. FOtt tU.'N"l'1lliitviil1in milium at Lake Wlnola for month of July. 'inqulro ot Mrs. T. D. Lowls, 1701 N. Main avenue, Scranton, l'n. FOR RENT-Small store .north Washing ton avenue, George II. Davidson, Cou ncil building, or Dr. Van Cleef, city. BARN FOR RENT-$l2, April 1st. three box nnd three single Btnlls and wubIi rack, rem- of ,124 Madison nvontic. In nulro at 0.14 Madison avenue. Furnished Booms for Bent. 1'OR RUNT One or two nicely furnished rooms, suitable for a couple or oao or two men! alt Improvements; with or with out board, at 017 Adams avenue, V-AjW FOtt RENT-Ono furnished room, with Improvements; also ono on third floor, cheap. 627 Adams uvenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. mo'Jjru Improvements; private family, gen tlemen preferred, at 637 Adams uvemio. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pre ferred, at r39 Adams avenue. Wanted To Bent. WANTED Furnished house of four or five rooms for housekeeping. Address A. G. E Tribune offlce. Wanted To Buy. WANTED Tto buy n second hand baby carriage. Address Box 000 Tribune of fice. DDNM9RB DOINGS. Temperance Sermon Preached by Bcv. Charles H. Newlng, Fas tor of the M. E. Church. Rev. Charles H. Newlng, of the Meth odist Episcopal church, last night preached an eloquent and convincing sermon on the evils of Intemperance. His text was from Luke il-31: "And as ye would that men should do unto you do ye also to them likewise." Mr. Newlng said: "What Is wanted in the temperance ranks today Is more union of energy. The liquor men are a unit, and they show wisdom to bo thus united. The reason the forces that work for right eousness are so often defeated is be cuuse they are too often divided, and waste their strength fighting each oth er instead of unitedly working against the common foe. "Don't please the enemy by finding too much fault with your best friends. Because all who are opposed to this evil do not agree with you regarding tho best way to fight It, do not think they nre against you. Be tolerant, and ncccpt all the assistance the combined forces can possibly render for the gen eral good. "The temperance address of ten years ago Is ten years out of date. The har rowing details, the blood curdling In cidents, the pathetic stories of the "Ten-nlght-in-a-bar-room" type are not needed now. There . Is no longer any question as to the evil of the liquor traffic. It is a reflection on the intelli gence or the morals of an audience to spend tlmo telling them these old stories. This was the battle ground of our- fathers, but we have pitched our tents nearer the enemies' lines. "The battle today Is not against the business from a moral standpoint. It stands condemned by its own confession as a curse and a desolation in every community in which it exists. But what shall we do? How shall we break the grip of this evil monster? We be lieve as tho Methodist Kplscopal church has so emphatically declared that tho sale of Intoxicating liquors 'cannot be legalized without sin,' and therefore this evil business should not be licensed by the state or national government. The people are supreme. There are tout- million voters in this country who are members of Christian churches. These could, if so minded, vote It out in a day, and enact laws to keep it out. In the name of truth' and righteousness I impeach this traffic In strong drink of high crimes and misdemeanors. In the name of the Industries It has par alyzed, the public peace it has broken, and the public conscience It has en slaved. And may the all wise God show us our duty and help us to do it." Children's Day Services. Children's day exercises were held In the Dudley street Baptist church last evening. The building was filled by un audience that enjoyed tho programme rendered. Attractive decorations had been arranged by the scholars. The fol lowing programme was rendered: Voluntary Organist Pray 1 .)., ...I'astor Song, "Pralao to the School" School Responslvo Reading Congregation Recitation, "Trellis A'ino." Miss Bogart Song. "Gurland of Roses" School 'Dialogue MIs.SjFostcr, Miss AVeacotl Responsive Rending School Recitation Miss Jones Song, "May AVo Como In" Quartette Hecltatlon Miss Foster Recitation I.eah Malnes Song. "Children's Day Jubilee" School Benediction Superintendent SHOBT PARAGRAPHS, Floyd Hand, of Mill street, has gone Into the sauiib raising business on 11 large scale, During the past week lie has received several largo consign ments of breeding birds from tho Ply mouth Rock Squab company, unci in a short time he expects to be able to sup ply the local demand. Mrs. Thomas Cunnlon Is Indisposed ut her home on AVebster avenue.' An important meeting of the Royal Arcanuni will bo held In Mnsoulu hall tonight when It Is hoped every inein tier will be present, St. Agnes Guild, of St. Mark's church will meet at tho rectory this evening. Kdwnril Kschleman, of lOIUubeth jiort, N, J Is visiting friends in town. W. L. Piucell lias returned homo from a business trip spent nt Baltimore nnd Philadelphia, Gilbert Close, of Princeton college, Is spending the summer holidays at his home on Elm street, Wlllhini MoNeeny, of Philadelphia, Is a guest ut the homo of J. C, Byron, on Dudley street. m Bound. House Burned. Dy Kxclmlve Wire from The Aioeiated I'rrta. Fresno, Cal.. Juno 22. The round bouto of tho Southern Pritllli-. railvmy and twelve locomotives were destroyed by Uro early today; estimated loss-, 200,00v. No Order Accepted for Less Thnn 10 Cents. Help Wanted Halo. COAL. MINERS WArMTEGT y, a , , THE POCAHONTAS COLLIERIES COMPAIW nJHuUl' J'!xlnK- fbihorlnleiutent, with bituminous coal mines lu the town of SK"1""'", '''"zw0" P,l'!!y'1 m? ,u y1'?""". " tho Norrolk and A Vestorn Rail, waj, wants somo good, experienced coal miners at once. ' ".... .,. For pick mining nnd loading entry cowl ', m cents tier ear For pick mining and loading room coal W co ih c car j',nr mln ne and oadlng machlno under-cut entrv m ji cei n er car !.! .iml.!".Wul lom"MS """'""'o "huet-cut room .coa I -S 'per Ins do track layers , tm to ' "i ii.m- ii.i v nifto5 timbV? h0,,,L,,a ::::.::::.:$ .S fas Rr 2$ 1 12 55 i Effi '"1 ..""'. ,...-U1 per day ....'"" miiuer iiivii nnipurK il.Bfl ner iluv Parties at 10 can procure special tickets for Jlo.7.1 for eacli norson over peS'alon "ll'-ii'01"' fpom Pllllauol"h1'1 l" I'nhontas. Itegul.Vt-' "fare for to,vnS? ifeA, K00tl "ccommodatlons. as lOlJsO men. J0.O0 easily earned at home evenings writing for us. For particu lars send addressed envelope. Filbert Mfg Co., Dept. 13.1, Box Ull, Fhlladeldhla. TRAVELINO HAI.V.HMAN Inr Pennsyl vania to 8.011 retail trade. Attractive, salable lino. Established high rated house. Box 2:5, Detroit, Mich. A ANTED Trustworthy person lu each county to manngo business, old estab lished house, solid llnanciul standing; straight bona fldo weekly cbbIi salary 1S nnlr) ft., nnt. . . .!. ....!.. .. a..t1. til ,...u ..... ..1:1.1. .-uvil UIUH'CIUU , .Will Mil expenses direct from headquarters; money fldVHIW'pfl tn AvnnnunD lniuiirni !!?i Caxton building, Chicago. Help Wanted Female. LADIES wanted to copy letters at homo during spare tlmo evenings and return to us. Wo furnish paper free and pay $10 pel- M. Send addressed envelope for par ticulars and copy. F. M. C. Dept. 13.1, Box Mil, Philadelphia. COMPETENT girl wanted: inquire of Mrs. M. F. Wymbs, 409 Wyoming ave. CUSTOM SHIRT OPERATORS wanted at once. Rooms M nnd U Burr building. II. W. Syken & Co. Beeruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U.S. ARMY-Ablc-boilled unmarried men between ages of 21 and 3.1; citizens of United States, of good character nnd temperate habits, who inn speak, road and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, No. 123 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED by a boy II years ot age as olhco boy or eJork in drug store. Address 1G3D Mousey avenue. MIDDLE AGED lady would Ilko position as housekeeper or gcneial housework in Small family". W. J. C, 427 Alder street, city. SITUATION WANTED-By a woman to do washing or cleaning, can go Mon days or any day. Address M., 040 Birch street. SITUATION WANTED-As nursery gov erness or at light houscnork by a young lady graduato used to work. Ad dress Box 133, Fnctoryvllle, Pa. Honey to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO T.OAN Quick, stialght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. AValker, 314-313 Connoll building. Miscellaneous. GENTLEMEN'S Shirt AVaiuls cut and marto to order. 11. AV. Sykes & Co., rooms 44 and 46 Burr building. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Lackawanna Ballroad Excursion to Cranberry Lake, N. J. On Sunday, June 29, a special train will leavu tho Lackawanna station, Scranton, at 8.15 a. nl. for Cranberry Lake. Returning the train will leave the luko at 7.Q0 p. m. for Scranton. This now Lackawanna resort is sit uated on its Sussex branch one hun dred and two miles east of Scranton. The lake Is two and one-half miles long,, and one mile wide, spacious pic nic grounds, pavilions, in short, an ideal resort for a day's outing. The trip going and returning will be through the famous Pocono moun tains nnd the Delaware AVater Gap, affording the most enjoyable and In teresting trip ever offered tho people of this valley. Fare for the round trip only ono dollar. Improved Train Service via the D. & H. B. B. and Lehigh Valley Bail road Between Carbondale, Scranton and New York and Philadelphia. On Juno 13 the Lehigh Valley rail road will put on a new train called tho "Wyoming Valley Express," which will leave Carbondale via the Delaware and Hudson railroad at 7 a. 111., Scranton at 7.11 u, 111., urrlvlng at New York at 1.13 p. in., Philadelphia at 12.40 p. in, AVest-bound train leaves New York at 4.10 p. 111., Philadelphia at 4,30 p, 111., arriving nt Scranton at 10.03 p. in., Cur bondule at 10,49 p. 111. This train will have a through Pull man buffet parlor cat- and Lehigh A'al ley duy coach between Carbondale and New York. National Delegation Association, Minneapolis, Minn., July 7hi-llth. For the above occasion tho Lacka wanna Railroad will sell special ex cursion tickets to Minneapolis, good going July llh, 5th, and Oth, at $30,60 for round trip, and to bo available for return passage leaving Minneapolis not earlier than July 8th, or later than July lUli, except by depositing tickets with Joint Agent at Minneapolis pot luter than July 14th, and upon payment of a fee of 50 cents at tho time of deposit, an extension of tho limit of leaving Minneapolis to nnd including Sept, 1, Delegates will please hear in mind tho fact that by leaving Scranton 011 tho Luckuwaiiun Railroad, only ono change of cars, Chit-ago, is necessary, A popular tlmo Is leaving Scranton ut 8:00 p, in,, arriving Minneapolis 7M5 the second morning, NORTH SCRAISTON, The North End Give society returned Baturday, after making a successful con cert tour through tho lower P'U't of tho statp and Atlantic f'lty. The society fc-aye concerts in Lancaster, York, Hurrlsburg, Philadelphia and Atlunllc City, Profes. sor Mortals has arranged for a choir of twelve to go to Atlantic City July 1 and remain on Young's I'ler, one of tho larg est nnuieoiueut places lu Atlantic City, for u mouth. They will glvo concerts 11 f tcruooua and evenings. John Nibbing, watchman at tho Dick, son colliery, was iirralncd before Alder man Myers Saturday evening, at the In stance of M. S. Brink, of Breaker street, Drink, the duy previous, purchased a' ;t n DIRECTORY. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. REflLESTAlE Only Halt a Cent a Word. Help Wanted Male. thA 0119 tho pocaiiontas coi,ui:niEs company. "00 Hilllctt HIdg., Phlln LEGAL. Notice is hereby given of n in- tended application to tho Governor of Pennsylvania, August ,1, me. for a char !.ci'"i foi ".,,mJ!l5lnF '''""P'lt'.v to be called "tho South Sldo Hank.'1 of Sciantou. Va., to ho located In the southerly part ot tho cUy,.,nf Scrniitnn, Pennsylvania. Tim Hpeelllo object for which It Is to bo char tered Is to exerclso banking privileges under the provisions of tho Act entitled 1 ';," Aci J01' ,,Mn huorporatlon nnd regu lation or banks or discount nnd deposit." approved May 13, 11,7(1. Tho capital stock to bo liny thousand dollars. WELLES & TORRI3Y. Solicitors. STOCKMIOLDERSMEETINO-"TiiTnTmu-nl meeting of the stockholders or tho Scranton Lace Curtain Co.. rir the elec tion or nfilccrs, nnd transaction of such other business n!l may come bcroro tho meeting, will 1.0 held In tho ofilco of tin rVny. at the mill, on Tuesday. July J... 100.'. -at 2 p. in. THE SCRANTON LACE CURTAIN CO.. II. J. Hall, Secretary. Board and Booms. A'EJIY DESUtAIRrsHoPromTtiMth . o,r,st. cl?sit tnbln board, can be obtained at 3...I Jefferson avenue. Beal 'Estate. FOR SALE-Lot nt Lake AVInola adjoin ing Hiawatha' Cottage. .Mrs. T. D. Lewis, 1701 N, Main avenue. Sernnton. FOR SALK-Elegant sites for homes In upper Grcon Uldgo; cholco neighbor hood: most desirable locality for home J" LnclMwnijiia county. J. A. Marvlna, liilO Sanderson avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. AA'rllo for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. S. M. Hlbbnrd & Co.. members N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange. 44 and K Broadway, Now A'ork. Established 1S6I. Long Distance 'Phone 2.1SS Broad. Rheumatism. RHEUMATISM-AU parties that wish can be speedily and permanently cured of nil varieties of Rheumatism by a vose tablo compound; cures guaranteed. In quire or address J, E. Taylor, Scranton. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. C. P. A.. 23 Trnders' Bank building. Old telephone, No. 1S6I. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROAA'N. ARCH B.. Real Estato Exchange Bldg.. 120 AVash Ington ave. ' Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S1.1 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, building. 20 CONNELL Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGEK. PAUL! building, Spruce street, Scranton, DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 113 WYOMING ave! Lawyers. WILLARD, AVARREN & KNAPP. AT torneys nnd Counsellors-at-Law. 603 to 012 Connoll building. JESSl'P & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth Building, Rooms in, 20 and 21. L. A. AVATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Board of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa A. AV. BERTHOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO No. 211 Wyoming nvenue. Patent Attorneys. P AT E N TS rlcVo5 Tho only licensed and equipped patent solicitor lu tile city. No charge for in-fm-rmitlim on patentability: over ten ycais experience. Mcplofjfle & Co.. Wears Bldjr. Hotels and Restaurants. TUB ELK CAFE, 121 AND 127 FRANK jln avenue. Bates reasonable. P. HIEGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOrSE. NEAR D L. & W. Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropeau plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGCiS CLEANS PRIVV A'AIT.TS and cess pools: no odor: only improved pumps used, A. B. Brlggs. proprietor. Leave orders lion North Main avengn. or Ekko's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry, Both telephones. f Who Screens. JOSEPH KI'ETTEL. REAR 511 LACK, ave., Scranton, infra, of Wlro Screens. Miscellaneous. MEGARUHE BROS.. PRINTERS- SCP piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine. AVareliouse, HO AVnshlngton aveuuer THE AVILKKH-BARRH RECORD CAN bo hud In Scranton nt tl.o news stand of Rclsman Bros., 401 Spruce and M3 Linden: M. Norton, 3-2 Lackawanna nvo,; J, S, sciiutzcr, 211 Kpruce stre-n. small wngon for his 1oy to haul coal, which ho picked on tl)o dump, .AVIllla Nesblng was making his rounds, he tojd the boys to get nway from tho dump and they ran away, leaving tj'. small wagon behind. Tho watchman took ilia wagon to the oillco and refused to Jrr. I urn it to Brink. Tho cui-o was sottledby Nesblng returning the wagon and pay. Ins' tho coats. Mr. Ernest Steele, a resident of AVllkcs. Barro, In spending a few days with reI4. lives on Church avenue. - ,; -Lewis Jonef, of Wayne avenue, has returned, after spending a row day w(ti friends in Uundaff. Mr, and .Mrs. Da4W Gabriel, ot AVU llatns street, returned yesterday, after spending a few days In Atlantic City, Miss Ruben Cohen nnd daughter, of Punxmituwncy, Pa., aro visiting Mr, and Mrs. Morris Cohen, of AVcst Market street. Mrs. J. M. Knowlton and son. of New York; pro, vhtlng the home 'of Mr. S. 11; Itobintou, of North Main avenue.