The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 23, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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' 'ht-M
3i- i
H tnrt. -
the uonnnt tiAnnwAM stoki
Are you thinking of pur
chnstiiB one? It will pay
you to ceo what we have
before you do.
Palmer's Patented
excel nil others In style,
beauty and lasting duali
ties. v
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washington Ave
of Music and Art
MIbh S. I.oitlso llni'dPiiliorBli.
Director ana Teacher oC IMiino
ami Theory. ..
Mr. Hulnner Suitor, of cv
York. Tcurlior of Advanced C lass
In Piano. Orsan and Harmony.
Mlsa Hester A. WorthlHRton,
Principal oC All Department.
Pupils receive tlio pernonnl at
tention of these teachers In pil
vato or oIhph lessons as desired.
Carter nulldlng, COI Linden St.
awaiting YOU. The most
Comfortable and easily
dressed BABY is the one
clothed in the little gar
ments that you buy at the
118 Washington Avenue. .
Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming
and General Draying.
New Stable3, 1415 Mulbery Street.
Now 'Phone 2057.
A Good
Bank Account
Is exceedingly comforting in
times of need. Begin now and
keep at It systematically while
the opportunity Is ripe.
Serantonians who intend to leave the
L'lly for their annual vacations this
cummer should not lose track of what
is going on at home. The readers of
The Tribune can have their paper
changed to their new addresses with
out extra charge and will receive It
promptly and regularly by mall, If they
.Will drop a postal to The Tribune office
giving both the old and new addresses.
If you do not take The Tribune have
it sent to you while nway from homo.
It will cost only 12 cents u week or 50
tents ti month. In this way you cun
Jwp posted about your friends.
jonn If. Blackwood, of Washington, D.
',, Is Malting In the city.
Miss Salllo Hope Tripp and Miss Kthcl
'Aimedii Urcen ate visiting In Wlllw.s
Hnrre. Dr. 1-J. K. Scunlon and Miss Mary Slieri will ho married In St. Peters' embo
li nil Tuesday.
Kx-Coinipilmnn K. M. Towltsbiuy, who
went to lliifrulo with tho Lackawanna
J i on. and Stocl company, spoilt yester
day In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. George K, Uroiirton, jr.,
hive returned from their .honeymoon In
tliu Now Knglnnil states, aro are m 013
North Washington avenue.
Mrs. William l-'iinui'll Is seriously 111 nt
the family homo In this city, Late last
night tho attending physicians reported
her to bo resting comfortably, tluuigh
Very weak.
II. P. Connolly, of Connolly &. Wallace,
bud Attorney W. V, lloylo aro homo
f i om a ten days' visit to Jacksonville,
J'la,, wboro thoy were guests of Mr. Con
Holly's sister, Mrs. John O'llara.
Superintendent HunbOrn. of tho Rescue
Mission, and John Jl. Troch leave this
morning for their annual trip to tho
Maluo woods. P. W, Pea real I, of Now
Vork, will Join them In a few days.
Mrs. William I'. Kennedy gave a unarm
ing tea Friday In honor of Jllss Kathar
ine Kennedy, at her home, 1712 Capouso
iweiiue. The guests were: Mrs. Newbury,
Sl)H. SpaulUlng. Mrs. John Ponro, Mrs.
Arthur Dumi, Mrs. Kennedy, Miss Puore,
Miss Robinson, Miss Lludenbuig, of Co.
hiinbus, Q,, tho Misses Moore and Miss
The Faelten Recital.
Tho diagram for reserved seats for
the Faelten Recital at the Parish house
ihls evening will be In the Conserva-
kory o'fllce, 604 Linden street, all day,
"Atterbury System" I
"leans Smart Clothes,
For His Sermon Yesterday Morning
Ho Discussed "Christian Liberty."
If tho Principles of Liberty Set
Down by Peter and Pftul Were
More Cordially Embraced It
Would Be an Unspeakable Bless
ing to Society in General and to
the Church in Particular.
"Christian Liberty" wns the topic dis
cussed by Rev. Juntas MoLeod, D. D.,
In tho First Presbyterian church yes
terday morning.
Ilo took for his text tho words: "Por
brethren, ye have been called unto lib
erty! only use not liberty for nn occa
sion to tho llosb, but by love serve one
another," from Gal., v:13, and "As free
and hot using your liberty for 11 cloak
of maliciousness, but as the servants ot
God," 1 Peter, 2:1C. Dr. McLeod said:
In these sentences, tho two great apos
tles Paul and Peter teach substantially
the same doctrine. Thero was a time
when Peter hold n widely different opin
ion. He and his "beloved brother, Paul,"
collided at Antloch, and tho contention
between them was riultu sharp. At that
time, as on other occasions, tho Incautious
and Impetuous Peter was at fault, and
Paul "withstood him to the face, because
bo was to be blamed." Peter was wilting
to sacrifice a great principle, for tho
sake of conforming to a Jewish prejudice.
Paul, on tho other hand, stood up for
Christian liberty and for Christian toler
ation; mid ho opposed with much spirit,
and with unanswerable logic, tho narrow
and unchristian doetilno which Peter bad
advocated and commended. The contro
versy, though animated, was altogether
brotherly. It left no sting In the hearts
of tho apostles.
Peter saw his error, and ho acknowl
edged It; for, In after yours, be, with that
outspoken candor and magnanimity which
characterized him, not only endorsed
Paul's teaching, but ho almost adopted
his language. Paul says; "Brethren, ye
have been called unto liberty; only use
not liberty for an occasion to tho llcsh,
but by love servo one another','; and Peter
only echoes Paul's doctrine when ho says:
"As free, and not using your liberty as
a cloak for maliciousness, but as tho
servants of God."
in this, mid In other controversies and
strifes which occurred between the dis
ciples and apostles of our Lord, we have
abundant proof that they were men of
"like passions" with us. This sainthood
did not always lilt them above tho in
firmities to which human nature Is lia
ble. If such saints as Paul and Peter, or
Paul and Barnabas bad their misun
derstanding and their quarrels, need we
wonder If stood and honorable men are
found nowadays who differ widely on
points of Christian doctrine, and who. at
limes, allow personal and party feelings
to enter Into their sharp contentions If
St. Peter fell Into serious error on the
subject of religious liberty, Is It any won
der of men who aro far from being saints,
have fallen Into grievous error oh the
subject of civil liberty.
Tho principle laid down by both Paul
and Peter Is one that no Christian can
afford to ignore. It is a foundation doc
trine. Jirothciiy love and good citizenship
ore built upon it. Tho doctrine may bo
stated thus: Instead of using our Chris
tian liberty as a law for selfishness, or
as a means of oppressing our neighbors,
or as a "cloak ot maliciousness," we,
"as tho servants of God," ought to be
loyal to His truth, and "by love, servo
one another."
If this doctrine were morp cordially em
braced and more widely practiced, It
would be an unspeakable blessing to so
ciety in general, and to tho church In
In our own highly favored land, so
ciety is today suffering grievous Injury
because multitudes among us havo eni
braco false views of liberty. Those
prejudiced Jewish zealots whom Paul re
buked, and with whom be reasoned, havo
their successors. They are blind to rea
son. They are deaf to entreaty. They
have no right conception ot the mean
ing of Christian liberty. They tako but
little if any interest in other folks. Their
thoughts aro concentrated 011 them
selves. Society has not many rights
which they feel bound to respect. When
the laws of tho land Interfere with their
Ideas of liberty, then they aro opposed to
such laws. They want a loose rein. Thoy
are quite willing that other violators of
law and order should be curbed and pun
ished, but they aro Indignant when tho
law steps In and puts a curb upon them
selves. Their Idea of liberty Is that they
should bo "a law unto themselves."
JUut wo need not wonder nt such con
duct on tho part of tho thoughtless for
thoughtful men huvo held widely different
Ideas In respect of liberty, In the mind
of George Washington and the colonists,
liberty meant something very different
from that which It conveyed to tho mind
of tho king and parliament of England.
A patriot and a traitor have different
Ideas of liberty, it will never do to
put Georgo Washington nnd Benedict
Arnold In the same category.
We must bo careful not to confound
Christian liberty with license. They havo
nothing in common. Thero is no fellow
ship between righteousness and un
llghteousness. There can bo no concord
between Christ and Belial, Christian
liberty does not give a man 11 wrong
commission to do as bo pleases. Society
has rights with which no Individual
should Interfere.
One of tho choicest blessings of a na
tion Is good government; nnd good gov
ernment means civil liberty; and civil
liberty, rightly Interpreted, means reli
gious liberty; and for till tho civil and'
lellglous liberty that wo enjoy wo are
Indebted to our truly holy Christianity.
Moreover, In nil future ages, Christianity
and civil liberty will bo found marching
side by side. Tho only temple of freedom
worthy of tho name, Is that lemplo which
ban Christianity for Its "seven pillars."
Dlvlno wisdom alono has built tbnt tem
ple, nnd It Is as solid as tho throne of
God. (Prov, lx:10
To bo permitted to act as 0110 pleases,
Irrespective ot tho rights of others, Is an
Idea of liberty that would bo approved by
thieves and burglars, and by all those
who would use this liberty as a "cloak
of maliciousness"; but such conduct will
novel- bo tolerated In Christian society.
Nn Individual has any right to use a lib
erty which ho claims to tho Injury of his
neighbors; nor has a number ot indi
viduals any right to baud tbomsolves to
gether and, In tho nnme nt liberty, sac
rifice liberty on the nllnr of their selfish
ness, and do It to their own Injury na well
as to tho Injury ot the community. That
would bo to uso one's liberty "for an
occasion to tho llesh," and "as a cloak of
maliciousness," llcnco, In every well or
dered state, where an Individual, or 11
combination of Individuals, tako iimluo
liberty and violates the law, restraint
should bu used, and, if necessary, punish
ment should bo Indicted.
That Christian liberty Is In harmony
with righteous law, Is 11 fact that needs
to bo emphasized in somo utiarlcrs. In
deed wo havo high uutborlty for Iho as
sertion that Christian liberty should re
spect tho laws, oven when tho laws aro
not righteous. Tho early converts to
Chilstlunlty woro taught that thoy ought
to "bo subject to every ordinance of man
for tho Lord's Salto " Tho Christian free
dom dldnot absolve them from tho ob
Recital ,.,
t oj.
Under the Auspices of the
Conservatory of Musip
Tickets and Diagram at the Conservatory, 604 Linden Street.
ligations thoy owed tho Btnte, nor did It
glvo to them the privilege of violating tho
laws of tho land, On tho contrary, their
obligation to bo law abiding citizens was
enhanced, just because thoy wcro Chris
tians. This Is the Dlvlno Idea. It Is God's
rule for Christian liberty. "Tho powers
that be tiro ordained of God'; and "ho
that reslstcth tho power, rcslsteth tho
ordinance ot God." It was Nero who was
king when Peter urged Christians to obey
the law. This fact gives forco to his
counsel when ho snys: "Honor all men.
Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor
tho King." No good citizen will violate
tho law or advocate Its violation, or en
courage others to violate It.
It Is not necessary to discuss the right
of revolution. That right Is conceded hi
certain circumstances. Bat that Is not
now the question. The point now Is that
loyal submission to law on the part of
every citizen Is a sacred duty which is
enjoined both by Holy Scripture and
right reason. But while this is God's
truth, It Is dlstnstcul to many. Multi
tudes are governed by wilfulness and sel
fishness rather than by reason and reve
lation. Insubordination and disrespect for
lawful authority aro marked characteris
tics of these times. We see this In our
own vicinity, and it as plain to bo seen
In other quarters. We have been taught
in the school of Christ, that is a manly
thing to do honest work; but thero aro
thousands nnd tens of thousands among
us, who would havo us believe that It Is
a manly thing to keep honest men from
working. They regard It as manly to play
the part of "the dog In tho manger," and
neither work themselves nor permit oth
ers to work. That is to say, they are
using liberty "as a cloak of malicious
ness." They have no sympathy with the
teaching of Peter and Paul on tho sub
ject of liberty. To act "as tho servants
of God," and "by love" to ' "servo one
another," Is repugnant to them.
Is not this true? And is it not pitiable?
Is thero any remedy for It? Yes. An en
lightened Christianity is the remedy.
Righteous laws can do much, but when
these friends aro brought Into vital con
tact with Jesus Christ, they will then act
"as His servants," and they will not mis
take liberty for license.
History teaches us that disdain of law
ful authority Is both tho precursor nnd
the sign ot a falling state. And surely
the desire to do justice between man and
and man, the desire to uproot evil, to re
ward virtue, and to punish vlco ought not
to bo regarded as tho exclusive privilege
and duty of any one party in the state,
or In tho nation.
There can bo no surer test of the po
litical, social and religious condition of a
people than that which permits citizens
to Ignoro and set at defiance the laws of
the land; and thero Is no wav in which
patriotism and piety can be employed
more honorably or mora usefully than by
endeavoring to establish respect for law
and order in every community, in every
workshop, In every place Ot business, and
In every homo. Begin with the children,
for If they bo trained up In tho way they
should go, they will not depart from It.
Note also this point: As citizens of the
Christian commonwealth, we aro under
obligations to each other. Wo nro God's
servants, and by love, we should serve
one another. If this rulo woro observed,
it Would rid society of somo of the great
evils that now uflllet it. There would be
no clashing of Interests between class and
class, between capital and labor, be
tween employers and employes. The
Christian rule: "Bear yo one another's
burdens" has been too often Ignored, I
suppose It Is truo that no nation on earth
has bad greater prosperity that this na
tion of ours, and I suppose It is also
true, tbnt in no nation does tho Individual
enjoy greater liberty. These aro blessings
for which we cannot be too thankful;
but they aro blessings which havo been
abused, and If we dcslro to perpetuate
these blessings wo must be on our guard
against their further abuse. "Tho broth
erhood of man" is a talcing phrase, but It
Is often misleading and It Is often ig
nored. We say: "A man's a mail for a' that,"
and straightway wo treat him as If ho
wero something else than a man. In tho
treatment of their fellow-men, thero Is, In
ninny quarters, a vast difference between
their brotherhood doctrlno and their
brotherhood conduct. Tho church of
Christ Is not entirely free from this
fault. Its brotherhood doctrine Is nil
right, but some Christians fall far short
of carrying that doctrine Into practice.
If professing Christians do not obsorve
tho Golden Rule, It cannot bo expected
that men ot the world will observe It.
AVo have good reason to helluva that
mutual forbearance, mutual sympathy,
mutual happiness and brotherly kindness
would go far to prevent strife- nnd 111 will,
and to bind together In bonds ot friend
ship, employers and their employes. Of
course, tho vicious, and tho malicious and
tho unreasoning crowd must bo dealt
with In another way. Thoy must bo with
stood to tho face; and for tho sake, of
tho law nblding, nnd In tho Interest ot
Christian liberty, thoy must bo restrained
and punished,
1 speak In this way today, because of
local conditions, and because of threaten
Ings which, If carried out, would entail
widespread sufferings nnd loss, To carry
out theso threats would, In my judgment,
bo a monstrous abuse of power, unci It Is
to be hoped that those Immediately Inter
ested tho employers und tho employed
wlll havo enough of wisdom, and enough
of patriotism, and enough of tho spirit of
Christ to prevent such a cntustropho,
"Brethren, yo have been called until
liberty," The liberty which Paul nnd
Peter had In mind was as hluh above
tho common worldly Idea of liberty as
tho heaven Is high above tho earth, They
had In mind that liberty wherewith Christ
makes Ills people free. They knew and
know that no man Is free who Is tho blavo
of passion, or of appetite, or of selfish
ness; that no man Is free. In a Christian
sense, who is pot Christ's obedient sar
vant, nnd whoso life Is out of harmony
wjth the will of God. To bo freo from
the guilt, and the penalty, und tho power
of sin j to bo conscious of the smllo of
God, and to havo 11 good hope through
grace of everlasting llfo this Is the lib
erty to which Christian aro called, and
thoso who enjoy this liberty will never
iiho It for a mean purpose, or uu a cloak
of maliciousness; but, as the servants ot
God, they will put It to a holy use Instead
of oppressing their neighbors, they will,
by love serve one another,
JftSuMliM wWilflB vflHIBES'' V
? V"''
In St. Luke's Parish House
The Standard Studio and Art Co.,
209 Wyoming Avenue, Invites In
spection of Store and New Ideas in
Tho Standard Studio and Art com
pany, under which name of tho business
of the Grlflln Art Co., SOD Wyoming ave
nue will bo conducted as soon ns the
necessary legal proceedings can be com
pleted, solicits the patronage of the peo
ple of this vicinity nnd In addition to
a very fine and up-to-date stock from
which to make selection promises great
inducements In the form of price reduc
tions that will effect a considerable
saving on each purchase.
In Its photographic department the
company is to Introduce a new feature
that from point of artistic excellence Is
unequalled In the country. This new
Idea consists of a combination of the
artistic touch In outline, pose and gen
eral finish that produces a most strik
ing and lifelike presentation of the sub
ject. This method and Its application
Is the work of the new manager who has
made nn extensive special study of art
In its application to photography. The
result of this process Is a most pleas
ing photograph that Is different from
anything ever produced In this city and
its popularity will be immediate.
The establishment Is complete In Its
equipment nnd arrangement. The large
main exhibition or salesroom presents
a pleasing and artistic appearance, dis
playing a fine lino of originals and re
productions tastily framed and without
frames. There is also in this room a
complete line of ready-made frames
and framing materials.
In the rear of this room Is the com
pany's well lighted and equipped- ex
hibition gallery. At present there is be
ing held an exhibit of water colors. It
is the Intention 'of the company to
make these exhibits, for both amateur
and professional artists, a regular fea
ture. Back ot the art gallery Is the
photograph gallery. This department
has no supeiior in the slate anil its
work will be' one of the strongest fea
tures of the company's business. The
entire fourth floor Is devoted to the
wholesale and framing and frame re
pairing departments. Here experts of
the first order assure the most satisfac
tory service. The compuny will make
a specialty of original and unusual
framing work and invites prospective
frame buyers to consult its frame ex
pert free of charge.
An inspection of the store and stock
of the company is respectfully invited,
and It might be well here to state that
it Is well worth one's while to take ad
vantage of this Invitation. Tho com
pany Is making an exhibit of photo
graphs, oils, watercolors, pastels, etch
ings, grnvures, picture frames and ar
tists' materials that would do credit
to a New York or Philadelphia estab
Prominent Men Have Accepted Invi
tations to Attend.
The commencement exercises of St.
Thomas' college will take place at Col
lege hall this evening. Bishop Hoban
will preside and present the diplomas.
Among the prominent men who have
accepted Invitations to attend aro Con
gressman William Connell, . Recorder
W. L. Connell, Postmaster K. H. Rip
ple, Muyor James J. O'Neill, of Car
bondale, and President John Mitchell,
of the United Mine Workers.
The graduates of the academic de
partment are: Aloystus F. Collignn,
William JL Kllcullen, Leo J. Silvers,
Joseph A. McNulty und William J. Gib
son. Tho graduates from tho commercial
department are: Patrick J. McAndrew,
Mlchuel T. Monahnn, James J. Carroll,
John G. Duffy and John Francis Dur
kln. m
Gloves Cleaned Free.
Wo have secured an expert dry
cleaner from Staten Island, N. Y. To
prove It wo will clean ladles' white
gloves next Monday free pf charge.
Davis' Steam Dyo Works,
319 Penn nvenue,
r. II. Zurlllch, Prop.
A line worth 83.50 for
82.50, very handsome,
FAST colors.
"Brittle Bits"
The heart of grain,, ready
to eat, lOo package,
"Fruited Wheat"
A delicious cereal, 13cj Q
for 35c. Try COFo for a
breakfast beverage.
E, G. Goursen,
Leroy Stanton and Homer Kresge
Each Went Up One Placo as a Re
sult of Good Work in Tho
Tribune's Educational Contest.
Miss Hnrpur and Louis Gere Are
Tied with Those Who Led Them
Saturday Two Others Also Scoro
Standing of Contestants
1. Charles Burns, Vandllng.346
2. A. J. Kellerman, Scranton.882
3. Wm. T. S. Rodriguez,
Scranton 255
4. Pred K. Gunster, Green
. Rldg ......... 178
0. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondale 174
6. Albert Freedmnn, Belle-
vue 151
7. Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondale 141
8. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst.lll
9. L. E. Stanton, Scranton.. 71
10. Wm. Sherwood, Harford . 89
11. Harry Madden, Scranton. 58
12. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 55
13. J. A. Havenstrite, Mos
cow .' 53
14. William Cooper, Prlceburg 38
15. Grant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 37
18. Lee Culver, Springvllle . . 33
yT. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 33
18. Walter Hallstead, Scran
ton 27
19. Prank B. McCreary, Hall-
stead 28
20. Harry Danvers, ProVl-,
dence 25
21. Louis McCusker, Park
Place 23
22. Hugh Johnston, Forest
City 19
23. C. J. Clark, Peckville 18
24. Hendrlck Adams, Chin
chilla ....- 18
25. John Mackle, Providence. 15
26. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton 14
27. Thomas Dempsey, Oly-
phant 13
28. Miss Edna Coleman,
Scranton 12
29. Louis Gere, Brooklyn.... 12
30. Don C. Capwell, Scranton. 11
31. Miss Jane MattheWson,
Factory villa 10
32. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 8
33. Emanuel BUcci, Scranton . 7
A number of changes will be found In
the standing of the contestants Hi The
Tribune's Educational Contest as a re
sult of the efforts of Its ambitious work
ers on Saturday.
Albert Freedman, of Bellevuc, made
an excellent return and went from
seventh to sixth place, Maxwell Shep
herd of Carbondalo going down one
position in the table.
Leroy E. Stanton, of Scranton, took
ninth place away from William Sher
wood, of Harford, and Homer Kresge,
of Hyde Park, is now in the niche occu
pied by J. A. Havenstrite, of Moscow,
on Saturday morning.
Miss Beatrice Harpur got enough
points to havo an equal claim on six
teenth place with Leo Culver, of Spring
vllle, and Louis Gere also caught up
with Miss Edna Coleman, of Scranton,
Others who returned points, but with
out affecting their positions, wero Chas.
Burns, of Vandllng, and Miss Nellie
Avery, of Forest City.
Tho leaders for the special prizes for
the best work done in June .are as fol
lows: Lending Contestants for June.
First Prize 810 in Gold.
Second Prize S5 in Gold.
1. Fred K. Gunster 12
2. Oscar II. Klpp 78
:;. A. J, Kellerman 67
4. Albert Freedman 63
fi. Charles Burns 62
8. Herbert Thompson u!
Fourth Annual Excursion of the
Knights of Columbus.
The social event of the season will
bo the fourth annual excursion of the
Scranton council, Knights of Columbus,
to Lake Ariel on Wednesday, June iG.
Great Interest Is being manifested In
the affair, and It Is safe to say that
the largest crowd that has been to tho
lake In a long time will go thero with
the Knights.
The committee In charge has left
nothing undone that might -add to the
pleasure of the excursionists, and every
one who wishes to havo an enjoyable
day's outing should not fall to go to tho
lako with tho Knights on Wednesday.
Thero will be games of all kinds, plen
ty of refreshments, but, nccordlng to
tho rules of the organization, no In
toxicants will be sold on tho grounds.
Music Tor dancing will be furnished by
Bauer's orchestra,
In order to accommodate tho largo
crowd that will attend, special trains
have been arranged for. Thoy will
Select Your
Straw Hat
Now while there are plenty.
Probably the very hat you'll
want is here nowt
It might not be here later
on, The choicest go first. All
hats here are choice, Come
and judge (or yourself,
Panamas, $10 mid 15.00.
Split Hats, $2.00, $3,00 mm
$101). Rough Hats, $1.01),
$1,50, $2.00 ami $3,00, Palms
$2.00, $3.00 lUill $1.00.
Agents (or Knox Hats
Hand & Payne,
Corner Wash, Ave and Spruce St
A Scranton Citizen Tells Yon
'What It Is,
It Is not safe to experiment when
anything Important In nt Btukc. Tho
surest way. Is to prollt by tho cxporl
pnee of friends and neighbors. The pub
lic statement of a Scranton citizen
given hero Is nufltctcut proof to con
vince any render.
Mr. Albert Hoskllly, of 311 North
Kverett avenue, Hyde Park, engineer
ut the CnpouHo mines, guys: "1 had for
yours a dull pitln nerocs my back. My
back felt tunic und sore so much Unit
when I bent It was till I could do to
straighten up again. Whenever I took
cold It nlTccted my buck. At night It
bothered me a great deal with sharp
twinges which kept mo uwuke for
hours. I often got up In the morning
feeling tired und devoid of all energy
and ambition, There wns also a kid
ney weakness which nt times was nn
noylng nnd painful. I had my atten
tion called to Donn'a Kidney Pills
through our papers, from time to time,
by reading tho testimony from people.
1 wont down to Matthew Bros.' drug
store and got a box. They benefitted
1110 In every way. I have felt slight
touches ot the pain since, but a resort
to EJoan's Kidney Pills never fulled to
quickly relieve It."
For sate by all dealers! price GO cents.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United Slates.
rtemombcr tho name Bonn's and
take no substitute.
leave tho Erie and. Wyoming Valley de
pot at 9 o'clock a. 111. and 1.15 p, m,
Tickets, adults, $1; children, 50 cents
9500 Eewnrd.
In pursuance of a joint resolution of
city councils, approved June 18th, 1002,
the city of Scranton offers a reward of
live hundred dollars to any person fur
nishing the information which will lend
to the arrest and conviction of tho
person or persons who murdered Mary
Qulnn on Monday night, June -'nd, 1802,
W. L. Connell,
City Recorder.
Dr. Llndnbury, Surgeon, diseases of
women a specialty, 215 Connell building.
Hours: 11a. m. to 4 p. in.; 7 to 8.30 p. in.
During the hot
weather, commenc
ing oil July 7 and
continuing until
September 1, our
Dry Goods Depart
ment will close at 5
o'clock in the after
noon on every busi
ness day, except
We request our
customers to help us
give our salespeople
this extra time by
making their pur
chase early.
will remove all anxiety as to the Coal Supply for
your kitchen, and will also save your wife
much of the drudgery of housekeeping.
Cooking with 6as ? &
more convenient.
We are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking
Ranges for $9.75 and up. This prico includes putting them In your
kitchen ready for use. All connections free on first floor.
How About Hot Water?
A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen bollor answers
that question. We havo them. Price connected, $10.
Fuel gas, gross $1.00; net
Ranges and Hot Water Heaters 011 exhibition at our sales
room, No, 126 Washington Avenue,
Scranton Gas
I Lubricating
Malony Oil & Mantiiacttiping Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
Cut This Out
Good for 10 extra
stamps for all sates
for $1,00 and over,
Special strike prices on Ladles
Russet Shoes and Oxfords at
Strike prices this week on
Men's Shoes, 8c, $1.25,
$1.0, $2, $2.25, $2.50.
Opposite Connell Building
: Wagon l
Umbrellas !
I Carriage
Umbrellas ;
Sunshade Tops
fine assortment
Bittenbender&E. :
126-128 Franklin Ave.
We have 'em. Including the weli
Wilson Bros Eclipse Brands.
Panama Hats.
We are well equipped to supply
wedding outfits for men.
412 Spruce Street
You Can Save
30 per cent, on the dollar when
you purchase direct from the
Our lln of Umbrellas and
Parasols is large and complete,
and embraces all the latest pat
terns. ,Wb guarantee all our
t goods.
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.
I o: 813 Spruce Street.
90 and 80 cents per thousand.
& Water Go
and Burning !
j ! '
'tlA . .,., .A-mtjitaflSI