The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 23, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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JUKE 23, 1002. ' ' '
The News of
.Thomne Thompson, the Second Vic
tim, Is Having a Hard Time of It.
The Other Patient, His Brother, Is
Getting Well Councils Will Take
Effective Action This Week No
New Cases.
The development since Saturday In
the small-pox situation In this city
ntfeets Thomas Thompson, the second
of the two patients In the stricken
fatuity. The disease has a llrm hold
mi him and his condition now Is so
dangerous that the opinion Is ho will
have a hard time to tally through the
siege. He Is the younger of the two,
about 13 years of ace.
' The Indications In the ease of the first
patient ure exceedingly favorahle. lie
has reached the stage where the erup
tions are healing and beginning to
scale. Ills recovery seems assured.
In the ease of the other brother,
though the sumo faithful treatment has
linen followed, the ultuck Is more viru
lent and the progress more rapid.
There Is scarcely a portion of his body
that. Is not disfigured by an eruption.
The physician in charge is doing every
thing within his power and means lo
to carry the sufferer through. None of
the other two members of the family
has shown the least symptom of the
disease, and are in good spirits under
the circumstances.
Councils will meet some night tills
week to adopt means of dealing with
the situation. There Is no alarm
over the two eases that exist, but the
experience of nearby towns demand
that every precaution be taken. A
joint meeting of councils will be called
by .Mayor O'Neill, who will probably
make certain recommendations.
Among the things to be considered
will be fixing the remuneration of the
physician who will be authorized to
eare for such oases: No action In this
respect lias been taken as yet. The
pliysielun who Is looking after the
Thompsons is doing so only from a
sense of duty.
AVlth respect to his charge of them,
It can be said assuredly that he Is tak
ing absolutely n'o chances. Kvery pre
caution and safeguard have been em
ployed since lie was called Into the
case. An Idea of how he protects him
self and those who come in contact
with him can be gained when It Is
mentioned that ho devotes about four
hours each day to disinfecting himself,
using the most effective of modern an
tiseptics. He is scrupulously careful,
and, as suggested before, lakes no
chances whatever.
$300 Taken from Him, but Recov
ered by Constable Neary.
A well-known citizen is blessing For-
tune, and. Incidentally, Constable Ed
wurd Neary, that he Is not today the
loser or J.S00.
Yesterday forenoon, while the Erie
excursion train was standing at the
Seventh avenue station, he had occa
sion to use the lavatory of the depot.
"While he washing, he left Ills
wallet nearby and walked away with
out it. He returned in only a few
minutes, on discovering' his loss, but
the wallet and contents $"00 were
gone! he could get no trace of It. Con
stable Neary was sought. In a few
minutes, ho had a clue, which he fol
lowed until In; located the man on the
excursion train. The wallet was in his
inside coat pocket and bulging out
clearly showed its outlines. When ap
proached by the keen constable, the
man's face took on a crest fallen look.
He handed ovr this wallet without u
word, and before he could make any
explanations the train pulled out for
Binghamton with the man a. passen
ger. It is not known whether or not tho
purposes of tho man who took the
money were honest or otherwise, ns he
had no time to explain. An investiga
tion is likely lo follow.
The loser was overjoyed at the re
covery of the money and has slnco
been singing the praises of Constable
t Neary.
Whnt tin Admiring, Conservative
Scranton Writer Says of Our Es
teemed Townsman.
The following merited tribute to
Postmaster J. II. Thomas, our esteemed
townsman, was penned by P. A. Bar
" rett, In ills ".Men as They Pass" col
umn. In yesterday's Ehiilra Telegruni:
"Postmaster John II. Thomas, of
Carbondale, was in town this week
looking quite as fresh and cheery us
ever, although he celebrated the fifty
fourth anniversary of his birth last
April. Mr, Thomas was born In Car
bontlalo and at the age of ten was a
shitepioker at the Frogtown breaker,
receiving thirty-live cents a day and
walking two miles to and two miles
from work each day; at thirteen ho
was a mule driver: at seventeen a coal
loader, and at twenty a miner. Later
;ho became a stone niasou, got Into
jpollUca and secured a position on the
t police force of Curhoiidtlle as 'one ot
itlio finest. In 1SSS ho wns elected clerk
(of the courts, which position he held
nine yciii'. He Ib now entering upon
jhls second term as postmaster and re
j siding, on Easy street. He knows the
booJvytfjMiUUcs.Wuer than any other
Republican lu'tne comity.'"
jMultitude of Cavbomlalinns Spend
' tho Sabboth Amid Rural Scenes.
Yesterday was a close approach to
oiio of. those perfect days ot June; tlm
only' drawback was a slight coolness,
which, however, was all the more c.
jceptuble to some, It wub tho best Sup-
duy which blest this community In a
i .if How's ThlsP
! We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard
for any cm of Cutarrh that cannot be
CUfd by Hall's Catarrh Cum,
b J. CHISNKV & Co.prop.,,.
j We tho undersigned, have knowiiV r
,$tenVXr?JMJXXv:a .am '.o
.MM yuH- WWfjfMj1J Ml I(l IJUUIUCfS
iirununaiinna nn iinnnniniin titi. a
tlon and financially able, t ,.,.,',,
;?.'tJW Pblla"9"? ?B by tnolr firm. 'itimy, wnoiesaio WruuBlata. iv,.
Uffglats, T
lfilf). Q.
Waldlng, . Klnnan &
Marvin, Wholesale
D ratals ts. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure l taken Intenmliy.
acting directly upon the blood and iiiiun
eus surface of the system. Price 7j0
ner .bottle. Bold by all Orunlits tV
Hmonlals free.
Hall's Family rills are tha best.
number of weeks, ntid tho advantages
It offered for a day of rest, amid the
tttilet and hentUlfttl surroundings of the
rural lands contiguous to Oarhondate,
were taken advantage of by n multi
tude of Cnrboiidiillnns.
All of tho nearby uolifts of Interest
and woodland beatrty were sought. A
long procession of carriages passed
from tho city In tho early morning
over the several roads leading from
Curbouditto, and before the day was
half over, not u carriage or n eonvey
nnce of any sort could he engaged at
tiny of tho liveries. It wns the first real
weekly exodus or rest-seekern and was
a precursor of what will be the rule
every Sunday until the cool of autumn
makes driving unpleasant.
It won a rare day for driving, ns the
roads were In the most favorable con
dition, following the rain of the past
few days. The landscape, too, partook
of the benefits of the rainfall, and wore
Its brightest green, tile green that Is so
restful to the eye.
Crystul lake, Clifford and Wuymart
were the favorite places for driving
parties, while a number went to 1'oyu
telle and Rliighumlon; others taking
advantage of the pleasant trolley ride
over the wood-lined mountain to For
est City.
Mail Carriers Are After tho Police
men for a Game of Ball.
There will bo a union, reunion or dis
union of the blue and the gray on the
afternoon of July 4, or some morning
between 4 and 6, If the Carbondale po
licemen dare accept the challenge that
is hereby hissed at them by the mull
carrleis of the Carbondale postofllcc.
The carriers have a team, be It
known, and a few to spare. The car
rleis know the iiatUnial game, he this
also known, for at cutting across lots
in hustling over their routes they en
counter enough of sanies of "one, two
and throe-old cat" to teach the line
points of the national sport to the po
licemen. As suggested earlier, the game needs
to be played either July -I, nfl&rnoon,
or some summer morning between i
and ti o'clock. After 4 o'clock the Im
porlant hours of sleep are ahead of the
Carbondale policemen, and the carriers
are too considerate to ask the men In
blue to overwork. On the contrary, the
carriers are willing to make the sacri
fice of rising ten or fifteen minutes
earlier in order to accommodate the
"coppers" and then rub in a defeat.
A guess at the make-up of both
teams Is something like this:
Carriers William Chase, catcher, to
play and scoop the high ones; P. F.
Foxe, pitcher, who is onto the curves of
the sphere as he is on the curves of the
country's railroads; I. F. Carroll, the
short man In short field; David Walsh,
another long fellow, first base, to pull
down the short man's sky rockets;
Cioorgp Davis, second base, who has
spent tile past week sizing up' Brother
Chase's throwing arm: Martin 1.. Oli
ver, third base, who will be good com
pany for tlie short man; William Fox,
right Held, captain of the .Held force;
John Nealoa, centre field, where. he will
have no questions to answer, and
Frank .Smith, substitute carrier, left
Held, the best place for the fat men, as
no blue-coat will over knock n fly that
Policeman Chief McAndrew, catcher;
another long fellow In the right place,
who is supposed to catch base balls as
readily us he catches thieves; Patrol
man Carden, pitcher, tlie Fallbrook
man, where all the good throwers come
from; Patrolman Huikly, the Belmont
short man; Patrolman McAndrew, first
base, another long fellow; Patrolman
Hell, second base, with "Policeman
Jack" to catch tlie chiefs lightning
throws: Park Policeman William Kil
leen, third base, where he can divide
his time chasing sparrows; Special Po.
Ilcenmn Clark Helssel In right Held as
aide-de-camp to First Baseman McAn
drew; .Special Archie Uuriiey, In cen
tre Held, where there will be nothin'
tloin'; and Special Patrick Malla In left
Held, close to home.
Mall-wago-i Drivers P. A. Walker
and Fred Sheridan will transport the
bats, shin pads, breast protectors, etc.,
to the field of battle; and Constable
Kdward Neary will be the chief coaclier,
taking his stand near Chief McAndrew.
Constable Morau will have u roll ot
long green to take all odds on the men
in blue and Constable Emmett will put
himself in communication by wireless
telegraphy with Steve Clllby for point
ers on liow they play the game in
Cherry Ridge.
This will be "the" game of the sea
Guest of School Director Hughes and
Carbondale Press Club.
Attorney I', A. O'lJoyle, of West
I'ltlston, who delivered the baccalaur
eate address at the High school com
mencement Friday, was entertained at
luncheon afterwards by School Direc
tor 1 i Hughes and the members of
the Carbondale Press club.
It was a delightful hour that tlie par
ty spent, There was a social Inter
course and an exchange of cordial, good
feeling that will make tlie evening u
pleasant one to recall for all present.
It was Mr. O'Hoyle's first real acquain
tance with tlie warm-hearted hospital
ity of Curboudule, and he left for home
loudly confirming what he hud heard
of tho hospitable spirit of tlie anthra
cite eitv.
Mr. O'Hnylc has the assurance of al
ways being accorded a hearty welcome
to Carbondule,
Mny Bs Sent Today to Box's Store on
Church Street.
As no visitors can now be admitted to
Emergency hospital, tho Klower Mis
sion entertainment will not be held, but
all persons having ilovvcrs to spare will
please send theiu to Mrs. llox's store
on North Church street (opposite Kir
by's furniture store) it a o'clock tills
afternoon and tlie superintendent of
Flower .Mission department of W. C. T,
V, will bcu that they ure sent to the
Meetings of Tonight. '
Common Council.
Olive T-eaf Lodge, Odd Fellows,
federal Union, N'o, 7,211,
Patriotic Order, Son of America.
Carliondale Council, Knights of Col
umhub'. Pastor and Assistant Absent.
Very Itev. T. V. Coffey, V, U., pastor
of St. loso church, hiiiI tev. Walter
Oorman, one of tlie assistant priests,
will no absent from Carbondale tills
week', leaving thli morning to attend
the" two weeks' refrcat of the priests of
the Scrnntori diocese at dlfen Summit,
Rev. tlcorgo Dixon, who was In retreat
last week, will look after the parish
work. '
Tho Half Moons Fell Before Scran
ton's Team,
The pets were defeated yesterday af
ternoon on Duffy's Held by the central
city tcain of Hcrnnton In so decisive a
manner that removed any doubt that
might exist In the minds of the crank
tclntlve to the merits of both teams. It
was on overwhelming defeat, and the
bcBt team won. The Crescents for sev
en Innings played u great game, but
nt that point of the contest they weak
ened and the .Scranton boys bore them
to the earth. McAndrew had, until the
fatal seventh Inning, the Scranton team
completely at his mercy, but when they
began to get on to his curves they cer
tainly made the most of their time and
energy, and before they had censed In
their efforts, seventeen runs were
marked to their account. Fox was an
enigma lo the pets and all they could
realize from his shoots wns four runs.
The score was ns follows:
n. it. o. A. H.
Cordon, Hb 1 1 0 .1 B
France, c 1 it f 2 0
FerrK cf 2 2 3 0 0
Thomas, 2h I 2 II fi 0
Connery, ss 2 2 0 1 2
Fleming, lb I! 2 !) 0 0
Hull, If 2 2 2 0 0
llaggerty, rf o u 1 n 1
Fox, p i t o :: o
Fallon, so 1110 2
Total 17 It! 27 It 7
It. H. O. A. E.
MoiiiikIium, 3b J 1 0 fi 1
Cuff, If 1 t 1 o II
Kinmott, cf 2 2 1 0 '0
Fliuinery, c 0 2 0 2 2
llnrte, rf 0 o I 0 I
Mellale, ss 0 t 1 1 1
Gallaghy, 2b 0 0 111
McDouough, lb 0 2 0 2 0
Jtnssell 0 2K 0 1 0
McAndrew, i 0 2 0 10
m 1
Totals 4 It 21 13 7
.Scranton o 0 2 0 0 1 fl :i 2-17
Carbondale 1 0 000300 04
Three-base hit Emmett. Two-base hits
Emmett, Flannery, Cuff. Struck out
By McAndrew, 10: by Fox :;. empires
Hui lie and Roland.
Made Deacon Saturday and Will Be
Ordained at Cathedral on July 2.
Itev. Kdward Burke, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E, P. Burke, reached home yes
terday morning from Baltimore, Md.,
where on Saturday morning In the
Cathedral ot that city, he was made a
deacon by Cardinal Gibbons, together
with a number of candidates for the
Itev. Mr. Burke is home to prepare
for the retreat which will immediately
precede his ordination to the priesthood.
This will take place in St. Peter's Cath
edral, Wednesday, July 2, at 8 a. m.,
Hlglit Itev. M. J. Hoban. officiating.
Itev. Mr. Hurke sings his llrst mass In
.St. Hose church on the succeeding Sun
day, July 2. at 10.30 a. m. The Invita
tions to his ordination and first mass
are being sent to his friends today.
Will Take Place Beginning of July.
Date Not Fixed Yet.
The graduation exercises ot tlie
nurses' class of '02 of the training
school or Emergency hospital has been
defened by reason of Miss Wright, the
superintendent, having been on a leave
of absence. Since she has returned, she
had addressed herself to the details of
the exercises. Willie the date has not
been fixed up It Is certain they will not
take place before July 1; but some time
during the first ten days ot the coming
The exercises will take place as here
tofore In the Burke building. There are
three nurses in this yeur's class: Miss
J.oomls, Carbondale; Miss Gardner,
Clifford; Miss Wllker, Canada.
Total Abstinence Societies to Honor
Memory of St. John the Baptist.
Tomorrow will be the feast of St.
John the Baptist, a day of more than
passing Importance in the Catholic
John the Baptist Is the patron saint
of the Total Abstinence societies', and
in observance of this fact the Carbon
dale societies will honor the memory of
their patron and attest their devotion
to him by going to holy communion In
a body next Sunday at the 8 o'clock
mass in St. Hose church.
All of the local Total Abstinence
societies will respond, the Pioneer
Father Muthew, Knights of Father
Mathew, St. Aloyslus, St, Rose and St.
Collector Clifford Meets with the
Board The Agreement.
The school board held a special meet
ing Saturday and discussed the settle
ment of tlie tux duplicate In the hands
of Collector Clifford.
Mr, Clifford was present and went
oyer the situation with the directors.
Briefly stated, the result of the meet
ing was the assurance from Mr. Clif
ford of a settlement nt the end ot two
The other business transacted was
the acceptance of Treasurer Kvuns'
bond for $15,000, and the surrender of
the bond of ex-Treasurer Swlgert,
Treasurer Kvuns repurted $300 received
from Collector Watt.
Whatsoever Clnss Enjoyable Time at
Home of Mrs. Hetzel.
Tho Whatsoever class colobrated Mrs.
IlUtzel's birthday at her homo on Lin
coln avenue Krlday, Juno 20. Of course
they had a grand time.
A short time ago the class held their
meeting for Mrs. William Davis' birth
day at her home on South Church
street. The qult which they iait
minted and bought was presented to
their teacher, Mrs. A. H. ICstabrook,
Ice Cream Festival Wednesday,
The Ice cream festival, which It was
found necessary to postpone a few
weeks ngn, will take place op Wednes
day evening at the home of the Misses
Kuluh and Edith Carey, In Reynshuu
hurst. Tlie elubornto preparations which
The Best Cough Medicine,
f sell more of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy than of all similar prepara
tions put together and It gives the best
satisfaction of any medicine I ever sold.
I guuranteo every bottle of lt.i- c,
Jaiiulth, Inland, Mich. This remedy Is
for sale by all druggists.
How SickYou Are or How
Many Physicians Have
Failed to Help You.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
will Cure You l( a Cure Is Possible.
Doctors are not infallible and there are
many instances where they have decided
a case was hopeless ami then the patlonts
astonished everyone by gettlnjr well and
the sole cause of their cure was Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. A case In
point Is that of James Lettuco of Cana
joharie, N. Y,, who writes:
"Soma years ago I wat attackad with palni
In my back and tlds that were fearful In tha
extreme. I could not control my kidney at
all and,whatcama from them waa mucous and
blood. I was In a terrible state and suffered ,
Intensely. A prominent physician ot Albany,
N. Y decided that an operation was all
that would savo me. I dreaded that and com
menced to take Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy. I felt batter almost instantly. When
1 had taken about two bottles, the flow from
the bladder was much cleaner, the pain stop
ped, end I was saved from the surgeon's knife
and am now well."
Dr. W. H. Morse, tho famous physi.
cian of Westfield, N. J has this to say
of this great medicine:
"I have known it to cure chronic Inflam
mation of the kidneys, where tho attending
physician pronounced the case Incurable."
No form of kidney, liver, blndder or
blood disease, or the distressing sickness
es so common to women, can long with
stand the great curative power of this
famous specific. Its record of cures has
made it famous in medical circles every
where. It Is for sale by all druggists in the
MOW BO Oent Size and the regular
$1 .00 sine bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle enough for trial, free fy mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N.Y.
Dr. David Kennedy's Halt Rheum Cream cure
Old Sores, Hkla and Scrofulom Diseases. 60s.
were under way when tho postpone
ment, because of the rainy weather,
took place, have been renewed and a
delightful evening with the hostesses
will certain to be tlie happy result.
The P. O. S. ot A. band will be on hand
to contribute to tho evening's pleasure
with a concert. The enterprise will be
under the auspices of the Hereon Bap
tist church.
Popularity of the take on the Moun
tin Increases Each Week.
The appreciation of Lake Poyntelle
as a spot to enjoy an outing, particu
larly a day of rest, amid mountain
breezes and scenery on Sunday, seems
to be growing pot only each year, but
each week. .,
Though the Ontario and Western ran
Its first Sunday train last week, u good-
sized crowd was attracted; and yester
day the number was appreciably
larger. The train leaving here at 9.10
carried a good-slsied delegation from
Carbondale. Among those who spent
the day on the mountain: Common
Councilman B. S. Clark and Mrs. Clark,
Miss Bertha Hathaway, Mamie Kurly
and Alice O'Mulley, Scranton, who la
visiting here; Joseph Reiirdon, Joseph
Clark, Honesdale; W. B. Grltman, and
M. K. Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. AV. K.
Hughes, of Scranton.
Walloped the Swiftwinds.
The Curbstone Striplings walloped
the Swiftwinds by a score of ::3 to 17
on the Alumni park grounds. This
Is the second time the Striplings have
defeated the Swiftwinds. On previous
occasions they defeated them just as
On Excursion to Binghamton.
David Craft, Harry Oleasou, Ralph
Ball, Albert Symouds, Claude Oliver,
William Brennnn, Ben Mendelsohn,
George Brennnn and George Bailey
were among the Carbondullans who
went to Binghamton yesterday on the
special excursion run by the Erie.
Constable Edward Neary spent part
of Sunday in Scranton.
Leo Duggnn, of Scranton, was the
guest yesterday ot Carbondale friends.
Miss Genevieve Blrs Is spending three
weeks nt the home of relatives on
Long Island.
Tlie axle on the tender of engine No.
855 on tlie Deluwore and Hudson road
pulling the 6.05 passenger train south
last night, broke a short distance above
the station. Fortunately only the rear
trucks were derailed. Another engine
was telegraphed for to Green Ridge and
after about an hour's delay the train
proceeded on its way.
A new fire company Is being organ
ized In niul-.ely. On Friday evening u
meeting wns held and a temporary or
ganization was formed. It will be
known as the Temple Hose company.
Already nearly twenty members have
Joined, Tho Blnkely borough council at
their next meeting will be asked to
erect tho necessary hydrants.
The funeral of Mrs. Sablnu Hylund
will take place this morning from the
family home on Dunmore street. A re
quiem high mass will be sung in St.
Patrick's church at 10 o'clock. Burial
will be made In the West Side ceme
tery. Leo Lynch, a student nt Johns Hop
kins university at Baltimore, Md., Is
Children's day was appropriately ob
served in the Blakely Baptist church
lust evening. The pulpit was very
tastefully decorated with (lowers and
ferns. The children rendered a pleasing
programmo under the direction of
Chorister L. D. Edwnrds, Tho atten
dance was very large,
Tho many friends of the late school
director, Edward J, Howard, attended
his funeral on Saturday morning. At
io o'clock a requiem high mass was
celebrated In St. Patrick's church by
Rev. John O'Donnell, who also preached
the funeral eulogy, In conclusion the
remains were taken to the West Side
cemetery and enterred, The members
of the school board, A. O, H Foresters
and V, M, W. of A. attended the obse
quies In a body, Tlie pall-bearers were
ORlccr M, J, Hastings, School Director
Thomas Nealon, Michael Moran, John
Faildeu, P, A. Cannon and Joseph
Miss Grace Lynch, who graduated re
cently from Mt. St, Vincent seminary,
has returned home,
Mrs, E. J. Hull, of Main street,
Rlakejy, gave a delightful thimble tea
from to 7 p. in. on Saturday In Innior
of Miss Rose Vandeblll, of Port Alio
gheuy, The guests were Mrs. U, B.
Bush, Mrs. K. D, Edwards, Mrs. J. A.
Hull, Mrs. E. a. Lloyd. Mrs. T. J. Par
sous, Airs, II. B. Mutthewson, Misses
Agues Hull, Flora David, Maine Surge,
Olive Murphy, Lucy Hull, Moyr Shaw,
Alice David, Sadie Lllllbiidgc, Mary
Hull and Or, Alice Lillibrldge.
Mrs. James Timlin ami daughter, Miss
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping: Center
The best of one store may
be only midcjle grade at another
it depends on the standard of
the store. Nothing is too good
for Connolly & Wallace's.
Comfortable Summer Things
$1.00 Thin White Waists Usually $1.50.
White Lawn, front trimmed with pleats and
hemstitching, pleated back. Tucked collar,
with hemstitched turn-overs, soft cull's.
$1.50. Finer white Lawn, trimmed with
pleats and lace or embroidery insertion. Soft
cuffs. Usually $1.75 and $2.
Embroidered Pongee Waists, $5. Shan
tung pongee what stylish waists it makes.
These are embroidered with small colored
dots. Collar trimmed with silk embroidered
turn-over to match the dots. Worth S6.75.
White Lawn Dressing Sacque3, $1. Made
with a deep sailor collar, and trimmed with
bands of fancy lawn. Pretty enough and tine
to sell for $1 50 but this is White Sale month.
Summer Underwear
By persistent work, day in and day out, we
raise the standard of our underwear every year
without increasing the cost.
Women's Underwear.
50c. Fourteenstyles of genuine Swiss lace
and crochet trimmed low neck, white, ribbed
lisle vests, that would bring 75c just as easily
as 30c.
50c. Lace trimmed, ribbed, white, lisle,
knee drawers.
50c. Ribbed, white, lisle knee tights.
$1.50 Genuine Swiss ribbed, white, lisle
union suits.
$2.00. Genuine Swiss, ribbed, white, lace
trimmed, lisle union suits.
75c for low neck and sleeveless; and $1 for
high neck and long sleeves genuine Swiss,
ribbed, white, merino vests.
$2.25, $2.50, $2,75, according to style
genuine Swiss, ribbed, white, silk vests,
I Connolly & Wallace
99 third more to manufao -Tfc B n
Mamie Timlin, ot Jermyn, spent yes
terday at the residence of William
Kogau on Dunmore street.
Frederick W. Ditcher, ot Scranton,
was a visitor In town yesterday.
E, X. Ferguson has returned from
Mr .T. V. Ciimmlnirs and douuhter.
Miss Nellie Cummlngs, spent yesterday
with Carbonunio relatives.
Mrs. Arthur Mahoney, ot Waverly,
was tho guest of Mrs. William 0'IIur.i,
ot Dunmore street, yesterday.
The funeral nt the late Mrs. John
Howurth took place 'from the honiu of
her daughter, Mrs. John Jones, on
Third street, Saturday afternoon at i
o'clock. Impressive services were held
by Rev. M. D. Fuller, pastor of tho
Methodist Episcopal church, nnd tho
esteem in which deceased was held was
murked by tho largo attendance. Among
thoso present were the members ot
Mizpah lodge, Daughters ot Robekali.
Tho pall-bearers wcro William Ben
nett, Johnson Bennett, Jr., William
Kmallaeomb, W. J, Toman, W. E. Da
vis nnd William Klrkpatrlek.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stacker uud
daughter, Eleanor, bad a narrow es
cape? from what might havo proved a
serious accident, on Saturday, They
were driving their spirited team to
wards Carbondale mid when nearlng
tlie aieuwood shaft Mr, Stoekor noticed
one of tho forword wheels coming off,
Before ho had the teum completely
stopped tho wheel came off the axle,
but he succeeded in halting the team,
without any serious results,
Walter Taylor, who carried off tho
senior honors at tho commencement
The Perfected
Shoe for Women,
, g;
109 l.ucka. Ave.
exercises of tlie High school, returned
home from Stroudsburg on Friday
evening with fresh laurels, having suc
cessfully passed both the junior and
middle year examinations and thus ob
taining an opportunity of being able to
graduate from the Normal school with
one year's residence, In one of the
subjects, geometry, ho had the highest
marks of any of the class, and his
whole examination was very creditably
passed. The young man, who Is but 17
years of age, has been a student at the
High school for the past year, nun al
though lie lived In the country and for
tho greater part ot the winter had to
walk or wheel four miles to school,
never had an absent or lato mark. Ills
recent success at Stroudsburg Is a dis
tinction that reflects creditably, not
nlono on hiuibcir, but on his teacher,
Principal Barrett, mid the Jermyn
High school. Wo havo no doubt we
shall hear of many other "successes this
promising student will accomplish In
his future career.
The Ladles' Aid society of, St. James
church will meet at tho home of Mrs,
Stephen Whltmorc, at West Muyllold,
at l! o'clock Thursday afternoon.
Tho High School Alumni association
will have their annual banquet on July
Children's Day I'xeicltes wore held In
tho Methodist Rplscopul ejuirch yester
day morning, The programme was ion
dered as follows: Opening mug. No. iw,
from "t'pllt'ted Voices,"' the Miiool; In
vocation, the pastor, followed by the
Lord's Pruycr; song, No. 2W, from "Pp.
lifted Voices," the school ; "Tin Beati
tudes," rosponslvely, from "I'pllfted
Voieesi," No, .':!'.', lo( by tho pastor, the
congregation standing; the baptism of
llttlo children; recitation, "Tho Water
Lily,'' Marsaret 1,'Ainoreaus; bong, No,
l!i, from 'i'pllfted S'olces," tlm school;
responalvo reading;. Nos. 2i0 nnd 2M, from
"I'pllfted Voices," superintendent ami
school; "Forget-Mo.Not Exercise," pri
mary pupils; "Palsies and Children, e.ser
ci for glrlhi easel exorcise by sills, to!
lowed by song No. 110, from "I'pllfted
Voices": recitation, "The Llttlo Roeo
filii," Fanny Mlnncr; declamation. "The
Cluversj" Cliaiilo Stcokey; solo, "Flower
What people want we sell.
What we sell, people want.
Judging human nature is as
much a part of store keeping as
judging goods.
Hen's Underwear
$1.00. Fnglish white and ecru lisle shirts
or drawers; shirts with long or short sleeves,
ana sleeveless; drawers witit long or snort legs.A
$1.50 for better quality English lisle shirtfiX
or drawers. J
Union suits made in three proportions of Y
bodv and lea measurements: will fit the lonz as
well as the short man will fit the medium man
too. $1.75 for white lisle.
Connolly & Wallace Linens
What do you think of a splendid full
bleached table linen two yards wide for 75c a
yard! Stores who buy in this country from im
porters would pay as much wholesale.
Hemmed Huck Towels, washed ready for
use, with white borders 17x34 inches, loc;
19x56 inches, i2c.
About as striking a money's worth as thci
table linen mentioned above.
All-linen Toweling, for polishing glass or
china, red or blue plaid, 18 inches wide, Uc a
Much of this kind of toweling nowadays is;"
made of union cloth cotton mixed with linen;'
but here is stuff at the same price that the mixed
costs, and all-linen into the bargain.
riuslin Underclothes '
The sale goes on busily as though there
were no end to this lovelv stuff made of nain
sook and cambric being sold torso much less
than you usually have to pay. Of some things we
still have plenty; of others we have only a few.
No detail today things are conveniently arrang
ed at the department for quick and satisfactory
Keep in touch with the store when you go.
away this summer, and vou will never want,
long for the things you need. :
Rooms 1 and 2
Commonwealth Bldg.
Jtadt at Mooalc nnJ ltmlidale WorLi
Lnflln & Rand Powder Co.'s
Klecttlo Paticilcs. Klcclilc Kvplodcrj, Kx-
plodlns Hjit. Safely Fine.
mils for You oud Me," Mary IloPcw; re
marks by the pastor: recitation, "Morn
lug Cileries," Bertha Swortsj song, "Mes
miro of tho Flowers," primary and Inter
mediate pupils; exercibe, "Johnny-Jump-I'ps,"
by six boys; closing remarks. Su
perintendent J, K. I.oveiaml; Children's
Day Offering; closing song, Np. ion, from
"Uplifted Voices," congregation. The fol
lowing lire tho olllcers of tho Sunday
school: Superintendent, Joseph E, Love
laud; assistant superintendent, William
B, Miller; secretary, Daisy Wardcll; ns
slslant secretary, Benlah E. Brown;
treasurer, Augusta R. Miller; missionary
treasurer, Rachel A'auBrunt; organUt,
Ituth A. tiarducr; assistant organist, Mrs.
William i). Miller; teachers, Ruth 'A.
(lordlier, Mary E. I'osteu, Helena M, HoU
lister, A. Edna Malone, Mrs, William R,
Miller, Mrs. W. F. Clements, Frank JV.
I'osteu, Mr. Benjamin Hozellc, Hemji
Vuti Drum, Agnes S. Watts, Augusta It.
Miller. William II. Miller. Mrs. O. E.
Vaughaii; committee, Mrs. D. J. Rob
erls, Mary E. Travis, Catherine E. Wif
dell. r.
.Mr, l.oren Clements, or Brooklyn, N. V,,
Is spending his vacation with his moth?V.
MKs l.lzzto Kolb Is eutertimilng her
cnncln, Mlbs Kctuiah Burt, of Swlft
wuier. '
1 M 4
e iWi. WjB,vA MEkfeJUW'
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