The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 21, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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t Bpccl.1l to the- KcMiilon Tribune.
liimesdiile, Juno 20. The predion of
n new' house of worship by the Hones
dale' Lutheran society Is now assured,
as suuiolont friends hnvo been sub
scribed for thnt purpose.
Mrs. K n. Hnrdonburgh nnil daugh
ter, Miss C. Louisa, lrnve returned to
their Honesditle homo for the summer.
Itov. Wllllum H. Swift and son, Wal
ter, started Friday morning for Am
herst college. They will bo present at
the commencement exercises at which
tlnm William 11. Swift, Jr., will bo one
of the graduates.
Uov. William It. Swift returned on
Thursday from Lafayette college,
Kuslou, Pa., where ho attended the
commencement exercises. He also re
ceived flic degree of doctor of divinity
from the 'college and Is being congratu
lated by a host of admiring friends on
account of this well deserved title.
Professor and .Mrs. Churchill leave to
day fur Mrs. Churchill's former home
In Maryland where a portion of the.
summer vacation will be spent. The
remainder will 'be spent In Massachu
setts. The Honesdale school board have
elected Professor Hark Creasey, of
It.twley, principal of the high school;
Samuel H. Churchill, vice principal;
Miss Craco Jadwln. first assistant; Miss
Alice Clrcgory, second assistant. The
teachers for the other grades are Miss
Alary I' Coleman, Mrs. Alma ,T. Dlx,
William W. Unkcr, Mrs. W. A. Shuman,
Miss Theresa 15. Soetc, Miss Janet Blgo
low, Jllss Anna Seaman, Miss Alma K
Spencer, Miss Mnttle K. Glllnn and Miss
Jennie S. Lee.' Prof. Creasy has been
connected with Hawley schools for
cloven years and proven an able In
structor. Ho will bring to Honesdale
a good recdrd.
Mr. 15. K, Kinsman lias been elected
principal of the Scelcyvllle schools for
the coming school term.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Searlo will attend
the alumni meeting at Amhurst college
next week.
Miss Krllth F. Torroy will be the
guest of friends at Clinton, N. Y., next
Mrs. John K. 'Richmond Is convales
cing from her recent Illness.
A caravan that started March 22,
1891, one hundred miles north of Seat
tle for an overland trip across the con
tinent arrived in Honesdale Thursday
noon bound for Boston, Mass. They
have traveled over 13,500 miles. There
are nine In the company, two ot which
were born on the trip. Their outfit
consists of a dog which has been with
them from the start, a two horse and n
one horse covered wagon, both of the
forlorn and ancient type. By palmistry
the. sale of books, etev, they obtain
means for their support.
Spceinl to the Peranlon Tribune.
t'niondale, Juno 20. The Ladles' Aid
society of the Presbyterian church met
for ten at the home of 'Squire and Mrs.
II, II, Lewis on Thursday, and a,do
llghtful time was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. J. V. Bass Is slowly recovering
from her recent severe Illness.
An ice cream social was held in Ed
ward Morgan's barn Sunday evening.
The proceeds wore for the benefit of the
public library.
Miss Agnes Shannon, of Scranton, is
visiting at the home of II. II. Lewis.
Nathan Furiimn has moved his
family Into the house owned by Mrs.
II. J. Orce.
Leon Morgan, of Scranton, Is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 13d. Morgan.
Arrangements are being made for a
celebration In Carpenter's grove, on the
Fourth of July.
Children's Day will bo observed in the
Methodist Episcopal church next Sun
day ;nnrning at U o'clock.
ThoL. A. S. of the Methodist Eplsco
parcfiu'rch met at the vacant parson
age, last Wednesday and a pleasant
time is reported,
Rev. J. S, Raymond preached his first
pennon' in the Methodist church last
Sunday morning. Ho received his ap
pointment from conference In the spring
but was unable to enter upon it sooner
'on aieount of throat trouble.
Irs., Harriet Boswell expects to visit
friends and relatives In Scranton Sun
day. ..Harry Orce, or Forest City, was a
caller In town Thursday,
Our local band will take prominent
part in the celebration on the Fourth of.
A we'ek from Sunday Dr. .1. Brooks
ot yilkes-Burrc, will occupy the pulpit
of the Presbyterian church.
Sp'clnl to the Scrantan Tribune.
Brooklyn, June 20, Mrs, Ralph Sterl
ing and daughter Ethel is visiting
friends in Auburn,
Mis, Benjamin was serving for -Mrs.
K. P. Bailey last week.
Miss Louise Barnes, of Scranton, Is
spending the week with relatives in
K. S, Eldiidgo and K. L. Weston have
begun picking und shipping strawber
ries. Mr. and Mrs, K, D, Snyder visited
Scranton recently.
Miss Josle Dolaney returned from a
Visit In Biiigliumton today.
The .Mil ii i tit of Brooklyn graded
school will holt a banquet Juno 2S.
Kssm Kent Is In town after uu ex
tended business trip,
Itoy Shadduck Is homo from Wyom
ing seminary.
Miss Bertha Richards is visiting her
Mrs, Sali Wado spent Sunday with
friends In Brooklyn.
The children's day scrylco at the
Universalis! church was very nicely
rendered nnd enjoyed by n largo au
dience, Mr, C, II, Ely entertained his sister,
Mrs. Smith nnd grandson, of Sprlng
vllle, Sunday, '
Mrs, Frank Benjamin of Nicholson,
spent Sunday with Jior sister, Mrs, A.
O." Sterling.
Mr, K, P. Bnley has returned from a
visit with his daughter at Williamson
The Perfected Shoe for Hen.
Special to the Pcrinton Tribune.
Plttston, June 20. Dial Rock Chapter,
Daughters of the Revolution, picnicked.
nt Falling springs today. A large num
ber of the members tool: In the trip,
and tho dny was an Ideal one for an
Alderman Jacob W. Kvnns and wife
contemplate a trip to Portland, Oregon,
where Mr. Evans' brother is iiulto 111.
They will leave the latter part ot next
For the past three days the Kiio com
pany has beei operating Its washery
at No. fl collieries by the nld of non
union hands, of which the company
seems to have a plentiful supply. Only
st'eam sizes for use at the collieries hero
are being prepared. The only distur
bance reported In this locality within
the 'past fvw days took place at Lack
awanna last evening when four depu
ties who have been working at the
William A. colliery attempted to leave
the place and boarded, an electric car
on the Hernnton line. They were soon
dlfcovpied, however, and were forced
to leave the car and flee back to the
mine. In trying to elude their pur
suers they waded the Lackawanna
A drunken man who was making his
way home on Luzerne avenue, early
yesterday morning was stopped by a
man who started to relieve him of his
valuables. A near-by resident saw the
affair from his bedroom window and
hurried to the scene, but was unable to
capture the highwayman who lied
A colored man named Corbln, from
Philadelphia, and a white man named
Spencer, of Dallas, were arrested on the
streets here today, charged with disor
derly conduct and carrying concealed
weapons. They were given a hearing
tonight and lined. The former is em
ployed as a cook at the Helddlbcrg col
liery and the latter is a guard at the
same place.
Lauren Lewis, little son of James
Lewis, the Jeweler, while visiting with
his grandparents at Waymart this week
was bitten by a dog. The canine sank
Its teeth through the boy's upper and
lower lips.
The trimmings on a chandelier In
Moffatt's up town confectionery store
took fire last evening and quite a lit
tle excitement was caused before It was
The Hpworth League convention of
the Avocn sub-district was held in the
Broad street Methodist Episcopal
church here today, and was fairly well
attended. About fifty delegates regis
tered, and interesting sessions were held
this morning, afternoon and evening.
Special lo the Fcranlon Tribune.
Tunkhannock, June 20. Editor Jesse
L. Tiffany, of the Nicholson Examiner,
was a caller in town on Friday.
Friday was commencement day for
the high school, and "the sweet girl
graduate" was very much In evidence
on the streets.
Marshall Reynolds, who is a student
nt the University of Pennsylvania, at
Philadelphia, is home for the summer
Several of the little friends of Dr. E.
Avery, who is on a European trip, have
received coronation postal cards from
him at London, expressing good wishes.
The doctor Is In good health.
Miss Ora B. Stark, deputy register
and lecordcr, was admitted on Thurs
day to practice as an attorney in the
courts of Wyoming county.
Henry Bailey and Edgar nought, of
Lake Sheridan, were doing business in
town on Thursday.
Charles Read, of Washington, D. C,
Is the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Ross, on
Putnam street.
Rev. John Brown, of Bridgeport,
Conn., who have been visiting friends
at tills place the past two weeks, re
turned home on Wednesday.
Our schools closed yesterday for the
summer vacation.
Asa S. Kceler, esq., and O. o. Rought
ure delegates from this county to the
Democratic state convention, which
convenes at Erie, on Wednesday, June
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brundago, of
Scranton, arc visiting the former's
mother, Mrs. A. B, Woodward, on Sec
ond street.
Samuel Durllng and Henry firmly,
two young men who was sentenced by
the court for larceny on Monday, were
taken to the Huntingdon reformatory
by Sheriff Gray on Friday morning.
Notice Is hereby given that I own
lot No. 501 on Cooper street, lu Taylor
borough, on which stands part of the
mill formerly of tho Lackawanna Sill;
Co, On that everybody Is forbidden to
trespass thereon. P. A. Loublgnac.
Clarence Ballcutlue, Attorney.
Children's day exercises will be held
lu Archbald and Pyne Primitive Meth
odist church tomorrow. At 10.30 a, m,
the pastor, I lev. James Walker, will
deliver n discourse on "An Error of
Neglected Children," at B.IiO p. m, A
complete service for children's day en
titled, "Sunshine and Song," will bo
rendered. The members uf the Sablmth
school lmvo prepared an excellent pro
gramme for tho occasion. All are cor
dially Invited.
At tho Methodist Episcopal church
services will bo hold at tho usual hours
tomorrow, Tho pastor, Rev, C. B.
Henry will ofuclute,
David Williams, a pitcher of the Bos
ton American League team, was n vis
itor on friends In town on Thursday.
The Taylor I'nlon baud will go to
Old Forgo this afternoon to 111! an on
Bugemeut at that place. Tho members
are requested to meet In their rooms at
1 p'clock sharp.
Mrs. Louis Reynolds, of Hellevue, has
been tho guest of relatives In town for
tho past few days.
Druggist Alfred Davis, of Forest City,
returned yesterday after spending the
past fow days lu town.
Daniel Thomas, of Plttston, called on
friends hero op Thursday,
Walter Cllbbons on Thursday went (o
visit relatives lu Boston, Mass.
Announcement has been made of tho
approaching inaniugo of Miss Rebecca
Williams; of Storrs street, to Mr, Me
Henry, of East Liverpool, Ohio,
Miss Jessie Reese, of Pataous, is the
guest of Iter aunt, Mrs. T. R. Davis, of
Main street, ,
The murrhigQ of Miss Jennie Carter,
the accomplished daughter of Edmund
Carter and Mr. Arthur While, a popu
lar young man, ulio of this town, has
been announced.
A large number of lovers of muslo at-
tended tho recital of John T. Walking
olitss nt Scntnlon on Thursday evening
Miss dortrildo Morris and Messrs, T M
iintl Rlclntrd Wittklns of this town, par
ticipated In tho recital programme.
I'aslor Row Dr. II. H. Harris wilt of
ficiate at tho Usual hours tomorrow nt
the Calvary Baptist church Sublimit
school at 2 p, m,
Tho Delaware, Lackawanna. " ami
Western company wilt pay their men
employed about their collieries hero to
day. Tho Taylor Rods will go to Honesdnlo
to battle with the representative team
of that city today.
The Cliff Works ball team would like
to arrange n game with tho Taylor
Reds for a game on Juno 28. J. Corbelt,
i m
Tho Children's day exercises nt the
Methodist church will bu given on Sun
day evening, the 2!Mh Inst.
Mrs. N, S. Davis Is convalescing,
after her recent operation.
Wallace Cook has been confined to
his homo for several days with typhoid
Mrs. L. M. Potter has returned from
uu extended trip In New York state,
much bonelllled lu health.
Miss Irene Cooper, of Scranton, Is
visiting relatives nnd friends here.
C. P. Matthews and family arc again
residents of this village for the sum
mer, having arrived here on Saturday
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank L. Phillips and
family arc expected here to occupy
their summer villa today.
Jllss Cook, of East Benton, Is here
visiting her brother, C. C. Cook.
Miss Irene Snooks has opened an ice
cream parlor.
Messrs. Martin Donnelly and John
Loftus left yesterday for Clinton, O.,
where they will spend some time.
A surprise "parly was tendered Miss
Clenevleve Schoonover at her home, on
Main street, Wednesday evening, Flash
lights were taken, and an enjoyable
evening was spent by all In attendance.
Mrs. Walter Hinds was a caller in
Scranton yesterday.
Miss Sybl BHIIngton Is spending n
few days in Mlnooka.
A number of our young people at
tended the banquet at Avoca on Thurs
day evening.
Misses Edna and Stella Levan at
tended the recital at St. Luke's parish
house, Scranton, last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wunderllcli have
returned to their home in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Peter Tiinney. or Illinois, is vis
iting her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Raf
fcrtv. OLD F0R6E.
The Sunday school of the Ncbo Congre
gational church will hold their rehearsal
this evening at the church. All members
taking part arc requested to lie present,
'iillihen's Day will lie held on Sunday
next, from the hours of 2 p. in. and li p.
m. The following programme will lie
rendered: Marching sung; "Children's
Day," Addle Evans; song. "Sunshine," by
school; address by Edna Morgans; speech
by Roy Cooper; "Children s Day" by
three girls. Tennie Digwood, Jennie. Rob
erts. Mercy Moyes; prayer by pastor;
song, "Showers of Blessings," school;
"Lesson of Children's Day," Mary
Shrives; "The Buttle of the Books," Ma
bel Bellas, C.issle Cook: "A 1-iock of
Doves"; recitation by Miss Sarah Wat
kins; solo by Miss Blanche Beagle; a
dialogue by nine characters; chorus by
school; solo, "I'm Seeking for a City";
snnu' by six messengers; quartette, "Lead
Kindly Light"; solo by Miss Rachel
Stephens: quartette, "Homo Sweet
Home"; solo by Miss Jennie Roberts;
quartette, "Safe, Safe at Home": recita
tion by six piessengcrs; quartette, "Lead
Mo, Savior."
Some Hints Which May Preserve
tho Little One's Life.
Maiianna Wheeler, in Harper's liaaar.
Never give the child warm water to
drink, as it Is as Hat and distasteful a
drink to the child as It would bo to tho
adult; when properly cooled it is palat
able and quenches thirst. ' Never cool
it by putting ice In the water, as iced
water is not good for the Infant, and
ice contains many Impurities. A young
infant should have two or three ten
spoonfuls between its meals, also a
teaspoonful after feeding, ns this as
sists In keeping the mouth clean. An
older child should be given more in
proportion to Its age, and a child be
tween one and two years should drink
from a half-pint to a pint of water
each dav.
It is often wise after a child has
reached Ills first year to lessen tho
number of feedings during tho heated
term. 11', for instunce, a child is being
fed once in three hours, and there is
any tendency to vomiting, or loss ot
appetite, it will be found very bene
ficial to make the Intervals of feeding
four hours. When tills Is the case tho
quantity may be Increased it, little, and
as u usual thing the child will con
tinue to gain lu weight, oftllmcs more
rapidly limn when it was fed more
A mother need not become alarmed
because now und then during the sum
mer her child refuses to take a meal, or
oven two, Do not force tho child lo
cut; the little rest he Insists upon giv
ing his stomach is often tho means of
saving both stomach and intestines
from a serious upsetting.
Find these children's parents.
Very Low Rates to Snn Francisco
nnd JPnclflc Const Points via South
ern Railway.
On account of tho biennial meeting
Knights of Pythias, to bo held lu San
Francisco, Aug. I lth to 22d, tho South
ern Railway will sell round trip tick
ets to Sun Francisco, or Los Angeles,
on Aug, 1st to Aug, nth, good to re
turn until Sept. SO, 1902, nt greatly re
duced rates. The round trip rnle from
Philadelphia will bo JC8.7B, and cor
respondingly low rates from other
points, with generous stop-overs und
privilege of returning n different' rottla
If desired, nt rnto of $GS.25. Passen
gers tuny avail themselves of either
the standard sleeper In which berth
rate ie $l,00 through from Philadel
phia, or tho excursion steeper In which
berth rate Is $7.00 from Washington.
The nbove rates apply to the general
The Southern Rnllwny operates tri
weekly personally conducted tourist
fears between Washington and San
brnnclsco without change via Atlanta,
Now Orleans, El Paso and Los An
geles. Tourist enrs leave Washington,
fi.iri p. m, every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. The route Is through tho
most delightful scptlon of the south
and west. It Is most Interesting to see
Now Orleans, San Antonio and El
Paso, tho latter place which Is Just
across the river from the old Mexican
town or Juarez, where all tho old cus
toms prevail.
Clias. L. Hopkins, District' Passenger
Agent, Southern Hallway, S2S Chest
nut St., Philadelphia,-will bo pleased
to furnish all Information.
Lackawanna Railroad Excursion to
Cranberry Lake, N. J.
On Sunday, Juno 29, a special train
will leave tho Lackawanna station,
Scranton, at S.15 a. m. for Cranberry
Lake. Returning the train will leave
the lake nt 7.00 p. in. for Scranton.
This new Lackawanna resort Is sit
uated on Its Sussex branch one hun
dred and two miles cast of Scranton.
The lake is two and one-half miles
long, nnd one mile wide, spacious plc
nlo grounds, pavilions, In short, an
ideal resort for a day's outing. The
trip going and returning will bo
through tho famous Pocono moun
tains and tho Delaware Water Gap,
affording the most enjoyable and in
teresting trip ever offered tho people
or this valley. Faro for tho round trip
only one dollar.
Low Fares to Colorado and the
Pacific Coast.
On account of various conventions to
be hold during the summer in Colorado
and on the Pacific coast, the Lehigh
Valley railroad announces a number of
dates on which round trip tickets will
bo sold at one-way fare. These tick
ets will bear especially liberal limits,
and will afford some interesting" and
delightful tours. Information as to
dates, etc., may be obtained or any
agent of the Lehigh Valley railroad, qr
by addressing Chas. S. I,ee, General
Passenger Agent, 20 Cortland street,
New York.
Improved Train Service via the- D. &
H. It. B. and Lehigh Valley Bail
road Between Carbondale, Scranton
and New York and Philadelphia.
On June 15 the Lehigh Valley rail
road will put on a new train called tho
"Wyoming Valley Express," which will
leave Carbondale via the Delaware and
Hudson railroad at 7 a. in., Scranton at
7.41 a. in,, arriving nt New York at 1.13
p. in., Philadelphia at 12.10 p. m.
West-bound train leaves New York
at -1.10 p. in., Philadelphia at 1.30 p. in.,
arriving at Scranton at 10.03 p. ni Car
bondale at 10.4!) o. m.
This train will have a through Pull
man buffet parlor car and Lehigh Val
ley day coach between Carbondale and
New York.
National Delegation Association,
Minneapolis, Minn., July 7th-11th.
For tho above occasion the Lacka
wanna. Ilullroiul will sell special ex
cursion tickets to Minneapolis, good
going July lth, 5th, and Clh, at $30.50
for round trip, and to be available for
return passage leaving Minneapolis not
earlier than July Sth, or later than. July
14th, except by depositing tickets with
Joint Agent at Minneapolis not later
than July 14th, and upon payment of a.
fee of 50 cents ut the time of deposit,
an extension of tho limit of leaving
.Minneapolis to and Including Sept, 1.
Delegates will please bear In niliitl
the fact that by leaving Scranton on
tho Lackawanna Itnilroad, only one
change of cars, Chicago, is necessary,
A popular time is leaving Scranton at
0:50 p. in., arrhing Minneapolis 7:15 tho
second morning.
National League.
At Huston Il.ll.K.
Philadelphia 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 s 1
Hostou Odoooooooi) n o
Jlattciies Frnzer and Dnolu; Willis and
Kittrldgc. Umpire Caiitllllon.
At Hrooklyn
New York
.000010020,') II 2
.000100000-1 5 0
- "'
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Heal Estate,
Real Estate
Thnt offers Inducement to tho
nurcliaser. Wo huvo on our
books many very deslrablo
properties Into which wo In
vite your examination.
A Pleasantly
Situated Home
Full lot S-room now house-all
modern Improvements valued
at S1..10H. , KM, rash will buy It
or It may be bought for Jim)
down, Hie balance of puriiinno
price to be arranged for In easy
will buy n cozy llltlo home In
(Irecn Itlilge worth $2..V. It Iiiih
all modern Improvements In
cluding electric light.
M, H. Holgate
Real Estate and
Otuer Securities
Loans Negotiated.
Com non wealth Bldg., rcrantnr
FOU HALK-l-ot at Lake Wlnolii adjoin
ing Hiawatha Cottage. .Mrs. T. U.
Lewis. 1701 N. .Main avenue. Scranton.
FOU SALH Klegant sites for homes In
upper Green Kidgc; choieo neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for homo
In Lackawanna, county. J. A. Mnrvlnc,
17l!C Sanderson avenue.
For Bent.
FOR RKXT lllawallm cottage at Lake
VVlnola for month of July. lniiiro of
Mrs. T. D. Lewis. 1701 N. Main avenue,
Scianton, Pa.
COTTAGK on Snsiinehamia liver at Uluuk
Walnut, for rent by week or month;
furnished, cots, stove, dishes, three bunts,
spring water, best llshlng. Address T. J.
Rcinliart, Black Walnut. Pa.
FOR RENT-Bnwll store .north Washing
ton avenue. George IS. Davidson, Cou
ncil building, or Dr. Van Clecf, city.
FOR RUNT A flat of seven rooms and
bail; over M. F. Wynibs' office on
Jackson street. AVIndows on all sides.
Apply M. F. Wymbs.
HARN FOR UKNT-I12. April 1st. three
box and three single stalls and wash
rack, rear of :K4 Madison avenue. In
quire at tK4 Madison avenue.
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FOR RUNT-One or two nicely furnished
rooms, suitable for a couple or one or
two men: all Improvements; with or with
out board, at (M7 Adams avenue.
FOR RIONT-Ono furnished-room, with
Improvements: also one on third floor,
cheap. 1,27 Adams avenue.
Fl'RXISHKD ROOMS for rent, modern
Improvements; private family; gen
tlemen preferred, at .'h"7 Adams avenue.
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pre
ferred, at 539 Adams avenue.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTF.D Furnished house ot four or
five rooms for housekeeping. Address
A. G. !;., Tribune office.
Board and Booms.
V13IJV DICSIRAP.LF. sullu of rooms with
llrst class table board, can bo obtained
at 33.'! Jefferson avenue.
Batteries Kvnns and liowermau; New
ton and Aheurn. I'm pi re Fansllc.
At I'lttsburg-Plttslmrg-St. Louis; rain.
Cliieago-Cincliinatl not scheduled.
American League.
At Cleveland H.I I.E.
Washington 21101.0000 3 0 I
Clevelund 1 1 0 I (i 0 1 I x S 12 1
Hatteries Townsend and Clink; Wright
and Heiiils. Umpire O'l.ouglilln.
At Detroit- n.U.K.
liosloil I 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0
Detroit 0 0 0 1 020 Ox 3 S 3
Dinccii and Warner; Miller and Sic
Ciulre. Umpire Johnstone.
At St. Louls-St. Louis-Philadelphia;
At Chicago Ualtlniore-Ciilcaso; rain.
Eastern League
Rochester. 7: Worcester, 5.
Htiffulo, 3; Providence, 2.
Monti cnl, 11; Jersey City, 1,
Toionto, 13; Newark, a.
College Game.
At Cambililge- Tl'.ir.K,
Vale 0 0 0 I 0 0 i; 0 ii 7 7 2
1 larvard p o o o o o o 2 o 2 r. 5
Uatlerles fiiirvnn' and Wlnslow; Stlll
mnu, Clurkboti and Kcrnaii. Attendance
Oil Market.
Oil City, June 20. Credit balances. 1C0;
cerllllcates, no bill; shipments, 102.SI2 bar
rels; average, !tt,o barrels: rims, OS.loi
barrels; average, 77,010 barrels.
Business Opportunity. Business Opportunity,
The Finest Opportunity Ever Presented
Scranton Liveryman to Embark in Business,
See What Is Offered:
Lot In heart of city, with framo barn, with underground stable, containing nine
tecu stalls. First floor for wagons and carriages; second floor for hay, etc., and six
living rooms for stableman's residence. Eight good horses, four sets doublo har
ness, one' set doublo coach harness, ouo set doublo surrey harness, six sets btuglo
harness, six buggies, mm surrey nearly now, one three-seated wagon with top, tliroo
lumber wagons, ono agents' wagon, tliroo sleights, blankets, robes, whips, etc, etc.
For Further Information Sec
W. T. HACKETT, The Real Estate Broker
lrlcc HuIIUIiik, 126-128 Washington Avenue,
No Order
Accepted for Less
Than 11) Cents.
Help Wanted Male.
Mr, A, ,T. King, Superintendent, with bituminous cpnl mines In the town of
ntlioiitnH, Tazewell County, State of A'lrglnla, on tho Norfolk and Western Hall
y, wants some good, experienced coal miners nt onco,
For pick mining and loading entry coal ... 00 cents per car
For pick mining and loading room coal , 7,1 cents per car,
For mining' and loading machlno under-cut entry coal, ...70 cents liar car
For milling and loading machlno under-cut loom coal. ...r,S cents per cur
Inside track layers. $2.00 to $2.2.1 per day '
Inside track layer helpers ?t.r,o to $1.7,1 per day
Inside timber men , per day
lnsldo timber men helpers slot p(i day
Parties of in cm procure special tickets for Jlo.73 for each person over tin
Pennsylvania Railroad from Philadelphia- lo Pocahontas. Regular faro forona
person alone, $14.3.1..
flood miners will get regular employment and good accommodations;.'. as the"
town ot Pocahontas has over -1,000 Inhabitants. ' , ' -
300i Hullntt Hldg., Philn.
vania to sell retail trade. Attractive,
salable line. Kstabllshed high rated
bouse. Hox 223, Detroit, Mich.
WAN't'MD Trustworthy person In each
county to manage business, old estab-i
IIsIiimI house, solid ittmnclal standing;,
straight bona fldo weakly cash Biliary J1S
paid ny ciipcK each Wednesday, wun nil
expenses direct from hcadauartcrs; money
advanced for expenses. Manager, 371)
(.fixiou building. Chicago.
WANTED A general machinist in a silk
mill: light work; must bo a good latbo
hand, Address John Krsklno & Co., Nor
wleliN. Y.
YOUNG Mt'JN Lenm rapid lettering for
signs, show cards, tickets, etc. Homo
study; booklet free. W. A. Thompson,
Pontine. Mich.
WANTFD First class non-union jobbing
plumbers, $3.2.1 pel' day of eight hours.
A. M. Uriffen. Iialnfleld, N. J.
MACHINISTS wanted for latho work,
turret lathe work and erecting. Steady
work and top wages. F. R. Patch Mfg.
Co., Rutland, Vt.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED Trustworthy, nctivo nurso
girl, 1.1 to 20 years old, for Dalton;
wages $10. Apply Friday and Saturday
morning from 10 to 12, nt 412 Connell
COMPETENT girl wanted: Inquire of
Mrs. M. F. Wymbs. 4u'J Wyoming avc,
once. Hooms II and 40 Burr building.
H. W. Slices & Co.
Bccruits Wanted.
WANTED FOR U.S. ARMY Able-bodied
unmarried inon between aires of 21 and
3.1; citizens of United States, of good-
character and temperate habits, who can
.speak, read and .write English. For in
formation apply to Recruiting Ofllcci', No.
123 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED by a boy 11 years
of age as office boy or clerk In drug
store. Address 1030 Mousey avenue.
MIDDLE AGED lady would like position
as housekeeper or gencial housework
in small fumily. W. J. C, 427 Alder
street, city.
do washing or cleaning, can go Mon
days or any day. Address M 640 Birch
GERMAN woman, aged 23 years, strong
and vigorous, excellent laundress,
wants work by the day. Call or address
448 AVIllow street.
erness or at light housework by a
young lady graduate used to work. Ad
dross Box 133, Factoryvllle, Pa.
WANTED Position, by young woman
who lias had eporienco and can fur
nish satisfactory references. Ad., caro Y.
W. C. A 203 .Washington avenue.
WANTED Position, ns general assistant
in the office or to bookkeeper; experi
ence and references furnished. L., caro
Y. W. C. A., 20.1 Washington avenue.
WANTED Position as caretaker, either
in country or willing lo go away for
the summer; responsible and willing ser
vice guaranteed. II., euro Y. W. C. A.,
20.1 Washington avenuo.
1'OUNG WOMAN would like position ns
companion to an elderly lady; good
reader, pianist, and capable: had experi
ence traveling. Ri'., Y. W, C. A., 203
Washington avenue. .
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST Eye-glasses with chain at Elm
Park picnic at Lake Ariel, Juno 20.
Finder will please return to 207 AVashlng
ton avenue.
LOST Small black wallet containing
about $10 on Main street, Plttston, be
tween Water street and tho Eagle hotel,
lienso return to E. Leader, at Avoca
postofllco and reeeivo reward,
LOST Fox terrier puppy about six week
old. while with light colored spots.
Sultablo reward for its return to F. M.
Spencer, 302 Clay avenue.
For Sale.
FOR SALE Having to break up house
keeping will soil household furniture
cheap, U2.1 Linden street,
FOR SALE Two milch cows, inqulro J.
W. Travis. Cr.ino avenue, Capouso
Works, east of Parker street,
Money to Loan.
Quictt, straight loans or Hulldlug and
Loan. At from I lo 0 per cent, Call on
N, V. AVuiker. 311-31,1 Council building.
AVANTIOD A case of liuno back, lum
bago or kidney trouble that cannot bo
relieved or cured by Knight's Kidney
Pills. Box containing GO pills, fifty cents.
Charles P, Jones, solo agent, 1337 Dickson
avenue, Scranton, Pit.
GENTLEMEN'S Shirt Waists cut and
inado to order, II, AV. Sykcs & Co,,
rooms 11 und 40 Burr building,
to a
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Help Wanted -Male.
i ,TT,,,V"00 ""' n Deed of .Trust inndo
bvUllllam Mnyer and Frederlra Mayer,
his w re, 'dated October 21, 1.S7K, and re
corded In tho orili'o Tor tho recording, of
deeds In mirt fm t .,!. m,,, ,,,,., ..,,,,,, i.
'deed bonk No. 1, pngn 12l, etc.. will offer
hi iinuiio sine, vomitm or olltcrv, on Fii
2',iy,,i,."! -7th-."t 10 o'clock n. m., , at tho
Sheriffs' nftlcn In tho Court House, in tho
City ot Scmutoii, all the following de
scribed lot or piece of land, sltmitn In
t,ho City of Scranton. County of Lackn
iwantui and Stala of Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described ns follows, to wit:
Heing lot No. two (2) In squaro or block
No. forty-eight (48) upon street called, atut
known us Jefferson aventio and Linden
street, upon the plot of tho City of Scran
ton. intended to bo recorded, said lot be
ing forty (40) feet In front on Jefferson
aventio and one hundred nnd fifty (130) In
depth, thq measurement of depth to com
mence ten foot lnsldo of tho sidewalk on'
above avenue and street: with tho light
to inclose, uso and occupy ten feet In
front of said lot on said avenuo and street
for cellarway, porch, portico, bay-window
nnd shrubbery, but not tho right to erect
any building thereon.
Excepting and reserving tho coal and
minerals as tho same aro excepted nnd
reserved In the deed from Tho Susque
hanna and Wyoming Valley Railroad and
Coal Company for said lot, dated October,
2Sth, 1S0S, and recorded In Luzeriio countv.
In deed book 12S, page 272. S.ild lot is im
proved with a two-story brick dwelling
house on Jefferson nvoiiuc and a doublo
two-story framo dwelling houso on Lin
den street.
Terms of Sale T won ty-flvo per cent, at
the time or sale, and tho balnnco to ho
paid within one year, deferred paymcnLto
be secured by bond and mortgago on. thq
Attorneys for Trustee.
Juno 7, 1002. , . '
NOTICE to bondholders ot Itushbrook'
Water Company. Tho Rushbrook Wa
ter Company hereby gives notice to tho
holders thereof that the bonds of said
company dated October 1st, 1S02, will bn
redeemed and paid at tho banking bonso
of the Lackawanna Trust and Sale De
posit Company, Scranton, Pa., on Octo
ber 1st, 1902, in pursuance of clauso con
tained In said bonds that same or nny.
part thereof may be redeemed and paid
nt any tlmo on and after October 1st;
J002. upon giving ninety days notice of, tho
intention of the company to rcdfijbm tho
same. "V
Business Opportunity.
out delay. AA'rlte for our special mar
ket letter. Free on application. S.. M.
inbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated, and Stock Exchange. 41 and -45
Broadwny, Now A'ork. Established 1S61.
Long Distance. 'Phone 23SS Broad.
perate gentlemaih;' aged 20. without
near relatives, wantsfgood, sincere, home
loving wife. Address G 107 Washington
street, Chicago.
ItllElTMATISM All parties that "wish
can DO'specaiiy ami permanently curoti
ot all varieties of niiounintlsm.ny a, vego
tablo compound; cures guaranteed. In
quire or address J. E. Taylor, Scranton.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank building. Old tclophono.
No, 1SIS1.
Real Estato Exchange Bltlg., 12iJ AVash"
ington avo. ',"
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building. Spruco Btreot, Scranton.
torneys and CounsclIqra-ut-Law. 603 to
012 Council building.
Counsellors - nt - Law. Commonwealth
Building, Rooms 10, 20 nnd 21.
Board of Truda Building, Scranton, Pa,
No. 211 Wyoming avenue.
PatentAttbrnoys; i ?
O A T t" MT'C liiallcountrio'if:
PAT C.IM I Oof the Globe..
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor In tho city, No charge for luj.
fnrniiitlim on patentability; over ton years
experience, ' .
KcploKlc & Co.. Mcars DUIg-.i
!! i ,,--p-r i r-
Hotels and Restaurants. if.
lln avenuo. Hates rnusoimhUi;
P, HIKULER, Proprietor,',
Passenger depot, Conducted on tho Kuji.
ropean plan. Victor Koch, rroiuiutor;-.
Scavenger. 'k'iMl L
and' cess pools; no odor; only iniproviJI
pumps used. A. fl. Biiggs. propiiotoK
l.oavo orders 1)00 North Main nveii'ip.
or Elcko's drug store, cpnior Adams awv
Mulberry, BMh toidphducs. -
Wire Screens.
avc, Scrnnloii, infrn. of AVIro
. Miscellaneous.
lilies, tcnvolopcs. paper, lugs, twln&.
AViirtlUnisc, rju AVuShlugton avenue. ,
btimi In Sciumu".iut the jpysw.'.Btancl
of Helsman Bros., liW Spruco and Mt
Linden; M. Norton, Sin J.ackawunmv
jivcjL'S.' SchplsicrV.VU Spr.nco MrcJt,
. VI
. --.,,y
'.. iSS
. m
'. M
f "ty
i 4.1
f '
I ,
yM! -af-liU'-, -tn&' y
' "