The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 21, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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. ' , ' " '
Aro you thinking ot pur
chasing one? It will pay
ynu to sec what wo have
before you do.
Palmer's Patented
excel nil others In style,
beauty and lasting quali
ties. Foote & Shear Co.
f!9N. Within atan Ave
y - -
The Hardenbergh
of Music and Art
Miss S. I.oulso UnrdenuorRh.
Director Hnd Teacher of I'lnno
and Theory. .
Mr. Sumner Rnltcr, ot New
York, Teacher ot Advanced Class
In Piano. Orpin and Harmony.
MUs Hester A. WorthlnRton,
Principal of Art Department.
Pupils receive the personal at
tention of these teachers In pil
vato or claps lessons as desired.
Carter Building, 604 Linden St.
awaiting YOU. The most
Comfortable and easily
dressed BABY is the one
clothed In the little gar
ments that you buy at the
118 Washington Avenue.
Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming
end General Draying.
New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street.
New 'Phone 2057.
fa'erantonlans who Intend to leave the
fcity for their annual vacations this
summer should not lose track of what
Is going on at home. The readers of
ffho Tribune can have their paper
t-hangcil to their new addresses with
but extra charge and will receive It
inomplly and icgulaily by mall, If 'they
'Mil diop a postal to The Tribune oillcc
'felving both the old and new addresses.
If 'ou do not take The Tiluunc have
Jt sent to you while away from home.
It wilt cost only l!i cents a week or CO
fonts a month. In this way you cun
keep posted about your friends.
jThey Gave n Recital in Guernsey
Hall Last Night.
A large and appreciative audience
listened to a recital given last evening
liy tho piano pupils of Pi of. CI. Albln
Korn In Guernsey hall. That Mr. Korn
Is an elllelcnt and conscientious in
htructor is evidenced in tho technique
und undcistandlng with wfyJch his pu
pils Interpret.
Among the number notably well ion
ilcral were "Monastery Hells," by Miss
draco Held; "Tho French Child's
Four" and "The Old French Dance," by
the little Mlsbes Mary and Hollo Post.
Narcissus was played sweetly and In
liericct time by Miss Laura Husscii. An
nirangciueut of two American songs
,v.i8 played by Master Willie Foote,
Among others most worthy of note
Veie Miss Enunu Hchnell, who played
'Sweet Sixteen" In a most charming
manner; Miss Myra Smith, who Inter
preted tho "Hallelujah of the Birds,"
and Miss Florence Rafter, whoso ren
dering of the Second Mazurka by God
aid was a surprise, she being so young
nn artist,
"The Song of Ukraine," a weird fan
tasle from the Russian, was most ably
j-endeied by Kelstltus Szlupoo, who
ehows unmistakable talent, which close
application will certainly develop. Miss
Kuto Davis, Miss Frieda AVngner, Miss
Marian Smith, Miss Adelherd Gallon
kump and Miss Aldolra Szlupas also
rendered solos. Mrs. O, Qullenkniup
emd Miss Keldler ably assisted with vo
cal numbers,
Princeton, man desires tutoring. Hest
references. Address XYJ5, Tribune.
"Atterbury System"
Hearts Smart Clothes,
Suggests That a Public Vaccinator
Be Sent Into All Infected Districts
Empowered to Vaccinate All Un
protected Persons He Advises Lo
cal Physicians to Bepoit All Cases
of Eruptive Diseases if They Are
Not Positive in Their Diagnosis
of the Same.
Dr. W. 13. Allen, superintendent of
the bureau of health, In his report for
the month ot May, transmitted yester
day to Director of Public Safety Worm
ser, discusses the prevalence of small
pox In this city niul, advises physicians
to be careful to report all cases of
eruptive disease not clearly denned. Me
also recommends that compulsory vnc
clnatlon bo carried out In nil Infected
districts. The full text of the report
follows: '
Scranlon, Pa., Juno 18, 1!02.
F. Ii. 'Wormscr, Director of Public Safety.
Dear Sir: 1 have the honor to present
the report ot the secretary of the bureau
of health for the month of May, 1902. It
Is gratifying to notu the small number
of contagious discuses icportcd 32 In all
with but four deaths two from whoop
ing cough and two from typhoid fever,
which should hardly bo classed with con
tagious diseases. There Is still small-pox
In the city ot so mild a form that in many
Instances eases aro not teportcd until
the dlsense has nearly run Its course and
the whole neighborhood has been In
fected. It Is not strange that physicians
having no clinical knowledge of the dis
ease should be uncertain, but It would ho
better ot this time, when mild small-pox
Is so prevalent all over this country, that
all eruptive diseases not clearly defined
should be reported and the opinion of un
expect obtained at once.
It Is not sufficient to say that because
the disease Is mild and thcro aro no
deaths It cannot be small-pox and must
be a "new disease." It would bo just as
reasonable to say that scarlet fever.
which formerly was the most dreaded of
all the exnnthcmatous diseases, on ac
count of the great mortality, and which
now Is one of the most benign, Is not
seal let fever because tho patients sel
dom die. Types of dlscoso change and It
is not unteasonable to believe that
through successive generations of suc
cessful vaccination tho people have be
come Immunized, so that small-pox can
not take on such violent action. Our
only way of escaping a continuance of the
disease will lie a rigid enforcement of
vaccination. Of all tho cases reported,
only four have been vaccinated at all
and they not within fifteen years.
Till" dltciise should bo stopped right
now. It possible. Wo have had free vac
cination, but there aro so many people
who obicet to it and for various reasons
have failed to have it done, that the
community is not protected. I think alt
sections of the city whore the disease
exists should bo visited by a public vac
cinator with power lo insist upon or com
pel rather, the vaccination of all unpro
tected people. This I think, would wind
It up In short order and save the city
great eJpene.
Very respectfully,
K. Allen, M. D..
Superintendent Bureau ot Health.
Director of Public Safety Wormsor
said yesterday afternoon that ho has
not derided whether or not to follow
out the doctor's suggestion regarding
compulsory vaccination. A resolution
is pending In councils providing for a
continuance of free vaccination and
until this comes before the director It
is unlikely that he will arrive at a defi
nite decision.
A serious doubt as to whether com
pulsory vaccination can be enforced ex
ists In the minds of some of those who
have given the mutter consideration.
A Wonderful Realm of Mystifying
Illusions That Are Startling.
The weird spectacle of a marble
statue, gradually turning Into a live
woman of tare beauty right before
one's very eyes, the marvelous scene of
a woman's decapitated head retaining
its life, indefinitely and talking In ap
parent ease and comfort to Its horrified
audience, tho wonderous Idea of a
handsome young woman all clad In
flimsy white floating about In thin air
like some departed spirit truly the
queen of the ntmosphere aro sights
which would sconi to belong to super
natural and unreal of other worlds than
ours, but strange as they are to bo
possible as they seem, they are to bo
seen together with hundreds of others
equally ns strange and appatently Im
possible In "tho wonderful Moorish Pal
ace of the great Bostoek-Fcrarl Mighty
Midway Carnival Aggregation.
In tho great-turreted castle-like pal
ace rising grim and stolid from the
center ot the midway, attended by leal
Moors In nutlvc costume the wonders
are shown In such masterful manner ns
to make one forget they are alt only
Illusions and that he has not been sud
denly transported to some far-distant
and less practical sphere than that on
which we live, The greatest illusionists
of tills country and Eur'opo have com
bined tlielr skill and cunning to make
tho Moorish Paluco tho most wonder
ful exhibit of its kind extant. It will
be seen licic on tho midway during the
Kilts' Carnival week, commencing
June 30.
Individual Development
is best promoted at the small college.
Hero 'tho Instructor comes into close
personal association with every stu
dent; every student knows every oth
er student; tho conditions of growth
are nntural and Incentives to tho best
wdrlt have stoutest effect, College life
may well be more than college learn
ing. Swarllimoro College has no ambition
to be a university, but lather to do
thoroughly tho work of the well-
equipped small college. Co-edueatlonal;
under management of Friends. Cata
logue on application, Dr. Joseph
Swain, piesident, Swnrthmore, Pa. "
The National Educational Association
Meets In Minneapolis, July 7-u. All
pei sons wishing to tnko advantuge ot
tho low rates olTered by the railroad
companies aio requested to meet In
the ofllce of the superintendent Tues
day, June IN, nt 3 p. m. Railroad rep
resentatives will be ptesont and all In
formation In tegaril to berths, etc.. will
be glyon. CI. AY, Phillips, Supt.
Gloves Cleaned Free,
We liaye secured an expert dry
cleaner floin Stateu Island, r, Y, To
prove It wo will clean ladles' white
gloves next Monday free of charge.
Davis' Steam Dyo Works,
310 Penn avenue,
P. H. Zuinieh, Prop.
Recital ,
, (Of Boston.)
EvEmnKxt In St. Luke's Parish House
Under the Auspices of the ,
mservatory of Music
Beautiful Elmhurst Property Placed
in Hands of W. T. Hackett,
Broker, to Be Sold.
A Highly Cultivated Farm
Home, Provided with
Henry Wehrum's beautiful home at
Elmhurst is now offered for sale
through W. T. Hackett, real estate
broker. For some time past this mag
nificently appointed and delightfully
situated place has been the envy of
thousands who enjoy the drive out
over the Nay Aug Park and Elmhurst
The location of this property Is Ideal.
Enjoying an unrivalled view of rugged
mountain and beautiful valley scenes,
it is still within easy reach of Scranton
by cars or carriage drive. Mr. Wehrum
has provided agalnst'the inconvenience
Usually Incident to a country home.
Sparkling springs, carefully housed, re
inforced by a huge windmill pump, give
the house and stables an ample supply
of water, which flows at a pressure of
23 pounds to the square Inch. A per
fectly equipped acetylene gas plant
furnishes a most satisfactory light. A
modern steam plant completes a list
of luxuries that aro seldom enjoyed by
the suburban resident.
The Property.
The property consists of over 72 acres
of land, much of which Is under nn
enviable state of cultivation. Great
stone wnlls along the street fronts and
at the property dividing linos, add sub
stantially to the appearance of tho
The House.
The house, a model of comfort and
architectural beauty, Is delightfully
situated, commanding a magnificent
view of the surrounding country. There
aro three vcstibuled entrances. The
wide halls and nil rooms on the first
and second stories have rich parquet
lloors. Two stairways lead from base
ment to second floor. A largo school or
nursery room and a servants' room are
finished off In the basement. The first
and second floors each contain G rooms,
besides two bath rooms, extra lava
Anniversary to Be Celebrated in
Nay Aug Park.
Tho councils or the Rovnl Arcanum
ot Scranton and vicinity will celebrate
the twenty-fifth anniversary ot the
order by having a field day at Nay
Aug park, Mondny, Juno 23.
At 1 o'clock the councils will parade
through tho streets ot the central city
to it point on Madison avenue, where
curs will be In waiting to take the
paraders to the park. Bauer will give
a concert from 3 to 6 In the afternoon.
The following programme has been
arranged for the afternoon; Tug-of-War,
Lackawanna vs. Scranton coun
cils; egg race, free for nil; tug-of-wnr,
Dunmore vs. Electric City councils;
sack race, free for all: quoits, free for
all (championship): three-legged race,
free for all; quoits, Lackawanna vs.
Scranton councils (match); egg race,
frco for all; broad Jump, free for all;
ladles' croquet, free for ladles ot the
Royal Arcanum (prize, croquet sot);
band concert, Bauer's band. Prizes
given to winners of nil events.
Story of the Old Man and the Ad
vantages of Small-pox.
Sanitary Officer Burke Is tolling a
good story these days. One of the cap
tain's many duties Is to order food for
the Inmates of the various quarantined
houses and assist In Its delivery,
The other day he wnB up In North
Scranton and was In tho act of carry
ing a big basketful of groceries around
to the back door of ono of the Infected
houses, A little old man was leaning
over the fehce which separated tho
"0 lbs. Granulated Sugar .,, ,,..,$1.00
i lbs. Extra C ,,.,, , ,,,, 1.00
Elgin Creamery Butter , ;i
Delicious Mocha and Java .,,,,...,,,,. ,:3
Our guatantee Your money lefunded If
any urtlclo docs hot give eutUfuctlon.
Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,
411 Lackawanna avenue, 321 North Main
avonue. 'Phbno 73-2. Prompt deljvery.
New 'phone I'ii.
Property and a Country
City Conveniences.
tories, etc., and there aro three rooms
on the thlitl floor. The collar Is divided
off into two wine closets, a heating
plant room and a milk, vegetable and
preserve storage room.
The Interior finish of the house is all
that could bo wished for, and Includes
many little arrangements and features
that add greatly to the convenience and
comfort of a house.
Other Buildings.
In addition to the beautiful home
thpre aro these:
Six-room cottage for farmer.
Two 'largo barns. ,
One wagon house,
A workshop.
A greenhouse.
A chicken coop.
And an Ice house.
All these buildings are well placed,
back from the street, and present that
well-kept appearance that has marked
the enterprises and properties that
have been under Mr. AVchrum's exact
ing care.
Elmhurst is easily reached from
Scranton by the Delaware, Lackawanna
and "Western and the Erie railroads
with several trains dally, or it is but a
short drive over the Nay Aug Park and.
Elmhurst boulevard a drive that from
point of scenic beauty and good roads,
has few equals In the state of Pennsyl
vania. Tho old Drinker turnpike also
affords a driveway that has become fa
mous for tho beautiful landscapes It
air. Wehrum's business as manager
of the Lackawanna Steel company, in
Buffalo, necessitates the removal of his
family to that city, and so he has de
cided to dispose of this property.
Full particulars and permission to In
spect the plnco may bo had upon appli
cation to "W. T. Hackett, real estate
broker. Real Estate Exchange Build
ing, 12B and. V2S Washington avenue,
next ynid .and was thoughtfully puff
ing uwny at' a clay pipe.
"I say, Captain Burke," he cnlled out,
"how much would you charge to put
up one of those smallpox signs on a
man's house until nfter the strike is
"We don't put those plgns up unless
there's someone in tho house sick with
smallpox," replied tho captain.
"t suppose not," said tho old man,
seriously, "but I wns thinking It would
bo n mighty handy thing If we could
get our groceries that easy thehe hard
A reward of ono thousand dollars will
bo paid by tho undersigned for tho ap
prehension and conviction, or for tho
procurement of evidence sufficient for
the conviction, of tho person or per
sons who shot Charles Robinson, an
employe of this company, at Olyphatu
during tho night of Saturday, Juno 14,
1D02. The Delaware and Hudson com
pany. C. C. Rose, Superintendent.
Full Line
Fruits and
Our storo opens at 6 n. m.
Please pluco your orders beforo
9 a. in.
Tho best goods arc sold early,
E, G. Com,
Don C. Capwell Advanced One PobU
tion in The Tribune's Educational
Contest Louis McOusker Scores
for tho First Time in Six Weeks.
Complete' Standing of All Con
testants Who Have Brought in
Points What the Workers Have
Done So Far This Month.
Standing of Contestants
, , . Poind.
1. Charles Burns, Vandling.343
2. A. J. Xellerman, Scranton.282
3. Win. T. S. Rodriguez,
Scranton 255
4. Fred K. Gunster, Green
S 178
o. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondale 174
6. Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondale 141
7. Albert Freedman, Belle-
vue 118
8. Oscar H. Xipp, Elmhurst. Ill
9. Win. Sherwood, Harford . 69
10. L. E. Stanton, Scranton.. 68'
1 1. Harry Madden, Scranton . 08
12. J. A. Havenstrite, Mos
cow 53
13. Homer Xresge, Hyde Park 52
14. William Cooper. Prloeburg 38
15. Grant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 37
16. Lee Culver, Springvllle . . 33
17. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 31
18. Walter Hallstead, Scran-
ton 27
19. Frank B. McCreary, Hall-
stead 26
20. Harry 'Danvers, Provi
dence 25
21. Louis McOusker, Park
Place 23
22. Hugh Johnston, Forest
City 19
23. C. J. Clark, Peckvllle 18
24. Hendrick Adams, Chin
chilla 18
25. John Mackle, Providence. 15
28. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton 14
27. Thomas Dempsey, Oly-
phant 13
28. M 1 s s Edna Coleman,
Scranton 12
29. Louis Gere, Brooklyn.... 11
30. Don C. Capwell, Scranton. 11
31. Miss Jane Matthewson,
Factoryvllle . 10
32. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 8
33. Emanuel Buccl, Scranton. 7
Six of the workers in Tho Tribune's
Educational Contest made returns yes
terday. 'They were Charles' Burns, of
Vandling; Herbert Thompson, of Car-
bondale; William T. S. Rodriguez, of
Scranton; Don C. Capwell, oF-6crnnton;
Elmer Williams, of Elmhurst, and
Louis McCuskcr, of-Provldence. It wus
tho latter's first return since May 10
and it can be taken for an Indication
that It will bo worth while to keep an
eye on that section of tho city.
The only change made In the list this
morning as a result of yesterday's ac
tivity is in Mr. Capwell's taking thir
tieth place nway from Miss Jane Mat
thewson ot Factoryvllle.
The contestants whose names are not
in the main table, but who will be en
titled to 10 per cent, of their total re
turns if they do not reach thirty-third
place before tho contest closes, are:
34. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst, 7.
33. Miss Vivian Mtkle, Scranton, G.
36. Charles O'Boyle, Scranton, 5.
37. Miss Nellie Avory, Forest City, 4.
38. Edgar Wilson, Jr., Scranton, 2.
39. n. D. Dorsey, Scranton, 1.
40. Miss May Brown, Nicholson, 1.
41. Eddie Morris, South Scranton, 1.
The six leading contestants for tho
two special prizes offered for the best
work done in June are:
Leading Contestants for June.
First Prize ?10 in Gold.
Second Prize $5 in Gold.
1. Fred K. GunstSr 112
2. Oscar H. Kipp 78
5. A. J. Kelierman 67
1. Charles Burns 59
. Herbert Thompson 53
6. Maxwell Shepherd 48
The- other contestants who have
brought In points so far for this month,
with the total number scored falnco
June 1, arc:
7. Albert Freedman 30
8. Leroy E. Stanton 2D
9. William T. S. Rodriguez 27
10. Frank B. McCreary 26
11. J. A. Havenstrite 19
12. Hendrick Adams 18
i:i. Leo Culver 16
14. William Sherwood 15
15. Walter Hallsteud 12
16. Louis Gere 11
17. Don C. Capwell 11
IS. Miss Beatrice Harpur 10
10. Miss Juno Mutthewson 10
20. Homer Krcsga 10
21. Hugh Johnston S
22. Elmer Williams 7
23. C. W. Doisey 6
24. Walter Ellis 5
25. Miss Vivian Mlklo 5
26. William Cooper 4
Select Your
Straw Hat
Now while there are plenty.
Probably the very hat you'll
want is here nowt
It might not be here later
on. The choicest go first. All
hats here are choice, Come
and judge for yourself,
Panamas, $10 and $15,00,
Split Hats, $2.00, $3.00 ana
$1.0 9. Rough Hats, tl.09,
$1,50, $2.00 anil $3,00. Palms
$2.00, $3.00 and $4.00.
Agents for Knox flats
Hand & Payne,
Corner Wash. Ave and Spruce St.
The World's. Besf Stinv
mer Medicine.
Has Made People Well When
Every Other Remedy
Has Failed..
Palne's Celery Compound cures dis
ease! It has saved tho lives of thous
ands of sufferers. It has niudo the
weak strong, vigorous, and happy.
Palne's Celery Compound purifies the
blood and builds up the nervous system
nt nothing else can do; It Is pre-eminently
the great life giver and health
Overworked and tired women stand
In urgent need of this health giving
prescription to make ami keep theni
well. All women should take advant
age of the remarkable power of this
best of medicines for restoring vigor to
the blood and strength 'to tho nervous
system. Tho nil-Important thing for
nervous, -run down, and sleepless wo
men is that Palne's Celery Compound
fortifies the whole physical system,, and
by correcting digestion and regulating
the nerves, it Insures sound, refreshing
sleep. In every case of sickness Palne's
Celery Compound completely and per
manently brings back health. Mrs.1
Mary M. Myers, Baltimore, Ohio, saved
by Palne's Celery Compound after tho
failures of able physicians, gratefully
writes as follows:
"I suffered for eight yearswith ner
vous prostration and the general de
bility common to women, and hnd such
pains In my back that I could not get
around the house. I used sevcrnl reme
dies and consulted several of the best
physicians, without obtaining any re
lief. Palne's Celery Compound restored
me to health.
"I also want to say to alt mothers
that Palne's Celery Compound Is a
splendid medicine for their children."
27. C. J. Clark 3
28. Miss Kdna Coleman 3
23. Harry Madden 5
30. Louis McCusker ,. 3
31. John Mackle 2
32. Kddie Morris 1
33. Miss May Brown"". 1
Special Cash Offer of a Piano
Guernsey Hall.
Today and tomorrow we will offer lor
sale, for cash only, a fine upright
piano, slightly used and in excellent
This piano is one of the best makes,
nnd will be offered at one-hnlf the
usual price. Those contemplating the
purchase of a piano would do well to
Inspect this unusual offer.
.J. W. Guernsey,
Guernsey Hall, Scranton, Pa.
$500 Steward.
In pursuance of a joint resolution of
city councils, approved June ISth, 1902,
the city of Scranton offers a reward of
five hundred dollars to any person fur
nishing the information which will lead
to the arrest and conviction of the
person or persons who murdered Mary
Quinn on Monday night, June 2nd, 1902.
W. L. Connell,
City Recorder.
Dr. L. M. Gates, ofllce and residence,
Madison ave. and Mulberry st. Hours, 8
to 9 a. m.; 1.30 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. m.
Dr. LIndabury, Surgeon, diseases ot
women a specialty, 215 Connell building.
Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8.30 p. m.
Numbers . . .
Of the English Publlca-
tions. Leave your orders
for them nnd don't be dis-
Call at Once.
Relsman Bros.,
405.407 SnriiCR Street.
405-407 Spruce Street.
will remove all anxiety as to the Coal Supply for
your kitchen, and will also save your wife
much of the drudgery of housekeeping.
Cooking with Gas iy g
more convenient.
We are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking
Ranges for $9.75 and up. This price includes putting them In your
kitchen ready for use.' All connections free on first floor.
How About Hot Water?
A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers
that question. We have them. Price connected, $10.
Fuel gas, gross 31.00; net 90 and 80 cents per thousand.
Ranges and Hot Water Heaters on exhibition at our sales
room) No, 126 Washington Avenue,
Scranton Gas
Malonsy Oil & Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Street.
Cut This Out
. v ...
Good for zo extra
stamps until June
33; for all sale9
over $1.00.
Special Sate this week oa
Ladies' Oxfords.
76c, 98c, $1,23, $1,48, $ $2,2S
Special on Gent'a Oxfords
98c, $1,49, $2, $2, 25, $2. 00,$?
Opposite Connell Building.
134 Washington Avenue
i Wagon
2 v
f - . .-
Umbrellas :
v 4,
I Carriage
Sunshade Tops
fine assortment
Bittenbender&E. :
126-128 Franklin Ave.
No Visiting Cards
Needed when you call upon us..
That's not the case everywhere,'
though. When you get on your
host sown and set out to repay
all the visits you owe and hope
most or the people you'lo going
to see will be out. then you need
11 card cHsn full of cards.
Two cards at the Brown's,
tlnee cards at tho Whites', six at
tho Green's (they have company),
and ono at Widow Gray's your
cards are all gone.
Weil make more for you. We'll
make theni of the right style and
engrave them In a way that will
please ou however fastidious
jou mny lie.
It's our lnihincss to do printing
and engraving of tho best class
at prices that anyone can afford
to pay. If the work doesn't suit
when It's done you needn't take '
it. That's fair.
Reynolds Bros.,
Scranton, Pa.
You Can Save
30 per cent, on the dollar when
you purchase direct from th.
Our lbi of Umbrellas and
Parasols is large and complete;
and embraces all the latest pat
terns. ,We guarantee all our
' goods.
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.
313 Spruce Street
& Water Go
and Burning