The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 21, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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AKItANriEMKNT9 lmvo boon limile
to hold a RcrloH or meetings Tor
tho sttidv of tlie Woicl of God
nt Dallas, Lucerne county, I'tt., bcpin
nlnc June lit niul tinting the 29th, 1902.
The oblcot of these meetings Is to
unfold nunc fully from the Sci Ipturei
Hod's plan of salvation In our Lotd
Testis Clitlst. to look Into Hod's loveuled
pin poses concerning tho Jews, the Gen
tiles and the chuith or Ood, iiri well in
til teach other precious doctrines of tho
faith once tind for nil dcllveicd to the
saints. The prcinlltcmiliil coming of our
Lord,' Ills mining for tho saints ns lin
nilncnt, and coming with 11 W saints
nrter the tilbuhitlon, will bo especially
,Tho mooting will be held In u largo
tent, well located nnd equipped. It Is
purposed to have three nicotines dally,
morning, afternoon nnd evening.
Jho following tonchcis aie expeetcl
to lead tho dlffeicnt studies: A. C.
Gitrboleln. of New Yoik city, editor of
Our Hope: Ueoigo L. All lull, of
ton: F. C. .Tennlngs, of PlHlnflcld;
Kvnngellst John M. Camle, of Ituthor
ford, N. J. Other well-known teachcis
may nlso conic.
Dallas Is situated In the mountains,
nhnut eight miles ftom the city of
IVIlkeii-nairo, l'a. It Is within easy
reach ft om that city. The Lehigh Val
ley ralhoad (Bowman's Cicek branch)
makes a Htop tlicie, and there Is also
a, trolley lino fiom 'Wllkcs-Rario to
. ' it
The Pennsylvania State Sabbath
School association will conduct four
schools of methods for Sabbath .school
vv others thlr summer. The fiit H now
In fiction at Ponnsylviinln College for
"Women, at Pittsburg, and the second
will be conducted at Hoait lake, Sus
Iquehunua t aunty, Juno 21 to II". At
, Eaglesmeie nno will bo held fioin July
13 to L'J. and at Saiatogu park, near
rottsvtlle, fiom August 25 to 20. Tbero
is no tuition fee. Tho school Is tho gift
of the state and county association, to
nil who will accept Its Instruction. If
It Is well patronized, better things will
follow another vear. AH sessions will
bo held In Griffin's pavilion.
Tho mogramme of the Chilstl.m En
deavor convention, July S-10, at Pltts
iiuYg. has been prepared, not for dis
play or spectacular effect, but for prac
tical results. State President "William
N. Yates says: "The men on the pto
gi annuo hao been selected because
: they know how to Mo and have done tbo woik nf Chilstlan Endeavor,
and know how to toll other people how
. to do it." Among the many helpful
features of the convention will be a
porlos of confeicnces to be hold on
Wednesday nnd Thursday afternoons.
I " )
Religious Not
On Sunday afternoon, weather per
mitting, the Salvation Army will con
duct a gospel meeting at Nay Aug
park. The meeting Will be led by the
new oiTleei s.
George (.Staff, a former supoiintend
ent of the Ilescue Mission, will conduct
tho sen Ice thoio on Sunday night, and
will continue in charge of tho meet-
KB until Superintendent Sanborn rc-
rns fiom his acati
iii.iny ti lends in. Set;
tion. .Mr. Gi.iff has
anion who will bo
pleased to meet him again.
Methodist Episcopal.
Elm Talk Chinch Rov. C. jr. Glflln,
pastor. Piaer and pi.ihc service at !l JO
a. m At 10 30 Rev. E. 11. Singer, tho as
sistant pastor, will pic.uh, Clnbs meeting
In Sunday bi-liool loom at closo of morn
ing sen Ices. Sunday school at '-' p m.
Junior league at .1 "0 p m. Senior league
at fiSO At 7.30 p. m , tho Rov. C. A. Ben
jamin, pastor of Abbuiy Methodist Epis
copal chinch, will picach. Stiangets aio
Aslmry Methodist, Episcopal clime li,
coiner Mousey avenuo and Eelnwaio
stiect Rov. Chnilea A. Rcnjamln. pastoi.
Devotional meeting of the Riothcrhood cf
St. Paul at 9 30 it. m. Pleaching at HiKO
a m . hv tho pastoi. Siililcet, "Wheio tho
, "Win Id Rrcalts E-own, Pin 1st Slept In."
Sunday school at 2 -J0 p. m. Epwoith
loaguo at 1,30 p in. Pleaching at ".SO p.
in. by Rev. E. JJ. Singei. of Elm Pail;
Methodist Episcopal I'huich. Prayer meet
ing, Wednesday, at 7.S0 p. in. Business
meeting of the Biothcihood of St. Paul,
on lli Second and i-'odith Tuesilajs of
each month at 7 3'" ji m. Seats flee and
all aio wclcomo. )
Simpson Mcthoc st Episcopal church
Rev. II. C Mrlleimolt, pastor. Pleach
ing at 10 .'G s. m. and 7.10 p m. Morning
topic, "Thai New Cicalmo In Chi 1st
"WhatV" The Chniitiiuipiii vesper sonlcci
will bo used In the a veiling. Tho Sunday
school nt ). in.: Junloi league at '! p in ;
Epwoith league nt U3u p. m. Pi lends and
stiaiigeis welcome.
Mirth is an almost in
fallible sign of good
health, A sick woman
may force a smile or at
times be moved to laugh
ter. But when a woman
is bubbling over with
mirth and merriment she
is surely a well womaVi.
Dr, Tierce's Favorite Prescription ha3
tnade thousands of melancholy and mis
erable women cheerful and happy, by
cunng the painful womanly diseases
which undermine a woman's health awl
strength. It establishes regularity and
so does away with monthly misery. It
dries debilitating drains and so cures
the cause of much wotpanly weakness.
It heals inflammation ami ulceration,
and cures the bearing -down pains,
which are such a source of suffering to
lick women,
"ItaWe great pleasure in recommending Dr,
Fierce' Favorite Prescription for female weak
new." wrltea Mr. Susannah rermenter. of
Pauli Store, 8heby Co .Tcxjk. I was troubled
yrttli bearing down pains in my back and hips
for eIx j ears, and I wrote to Doctor Pierce for
dvlce. J tried hi'I'aorlte Prescription and
six bottles cured me. I feel IlUe a new perwn
1 and I thank I)r, Pierce for my health. Life it a
burden to any one without health. I hae told
grest many of my friends about the great
medicine I took." '
Accept wo substitute for "favorite
Prescription." There is nothing "just
M good."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent fiee on receipt of
stamps to pay expense of mailing only.
Send, ai one-cent stamps for the paper
covered book, or 31 stamps for the
cloth bound. Address Dr, K. V, Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y,
CiHttt Sit rot Methodist Eplneopa!
fhuieh-ttev. (I, C. Iiymnn, pastor. Cln,
!l.n a. lu O. 13. DnWItf, leader: punch
ing, 10 30 a. in. 5 Sunday school, 11.43 a. nl
0. It. Clnrk, superintendent! Epwnrlh
League, 0.20 p. m.i preaching nt 7.30 p. m.
HiihIiichh meeting of Epworth t.oaguo on
Monday nt 7.30 p. m. Olnfs No. 2, Tues
day nt 7.30 p. m., J. Archer, leader.
Strangers welcome. Heats free.
Ash Street Methodist Episcopal church
-Itov. J. n. Austin, pastor. SJornlng
pleaching servlco at 10.30, Hllbject,
Trouble: What About It." CIiihs meet
ing nt 11.30 n. m., Charles Cioop, leader:
Sunday school nt 2 p. m.t Peter llnrtmtin,
superintendent: Epwoith League at fi.t
p. m.i e oning pi duelling service nt,
Hiibjeet, "Peculiar People." A cordial
wclcomo ut all tho sen Ices.
Pro Ideiieo Methodist Episcopal church
Rev. Geoigo A. Cllie, paslor. Tho
niothcthood of St. Paul meet nt 10 n. m.
Pi caching at 10 ".0: subject, "llumiin
Agency In tho Conversion of Sinners."
Sunday school nt 2 p. m.i Epworth
League nt US p. m.i topic, "Opportunities
and Facilities of the Chureli." Mrs. II.
Hatch, leader. Preaching nt 7.30: subject,
Tho Cliilstl.111 Loo That Grows Cold."
Through the summer months the evening
sen Ice will he shortendd to ono hour.
The opening tirtecn minutes will bo given
In song, led by Prof J. H. Cousins, as
sisted by tho choir and orchestra.
Afiican Methodist Episcopal chinch,
How aid Plnrc-lJr. D. S. Belitley. pastor.
Preaching at 10 30 a. m.i Sunday school.
210 p. in. A. P01 tor. Hiipcilntendeiit:
f'hilstlnn Ende.nnr prner meeting, Y.13
p in . V. 12. Gnlnos, president: 7.t3 p. m.,
pi caching. Rev. J. It. Andcison, D. D.,
of Johnstown, Pn will ptench at tho
mninhig and evening sendees. A coidlal
wclcomo to all.
First Baptist church, South Main ave
nueRev. S. P. Mathews, pastor. The
tistial seniors, Sabbath morning- and
evening, 10 30 11. in. and 7.30 p. m. Preach
ing by tho pastor; Sunday school, 2 p. m..
Dr. B. G. Beddoe, superintendent; Bap
tist Young People's union, C 30 p. m., in
assembly room. Weeklv prayer meeting
nt 7.10 p. m. Wednesday. All are wel
come to these services.
Jneltson Sticet Baptist chinch Rev.
Thomas do Gi itchy, D. D , paslor. M01 n
Ing men's meeting at 9.43, Deacon Rieh
aid Nicholls, leader. Pleaching service
nt 10 30, with scimon by tho pastor. Sun
day school nt 2 p. m. Evening service nt
7 sharp. The pastor will deliver n shoit
uddiess on the "Tine Elements of Suc
cess." At the close of tho nddics an
illustintcd praise service will be held, as
sisted by the choir and full orchestra.
Tho hvmns will bo thrown on the canvas
and Illustintcd hv the finest work of art.
This scrvko Is full of music and gospel.
You aie all Invited to attend.
Green Ridge Baptist church Rev. Hen
rv Sterling Potter, pastor. At JO .SO n. m.,
pastor will speak on "The Dnv of God's
Power," and nt 7.30 p. m., "The Church
and Hie Strike Situation."
North IWaln Avenue Baptist Chinch
Rev. A. If. Smith pastor, will occupv tho
pulpit. Sublocl, 10 30, "T1110 of
Chilstlan Life." 7.30, Children's day c
ei ciscs.
' Flist AVclsh Baptist tbiiicli. West Mni
ket all cot Rev. J. V. Davis, pastor. Th
pastor will occupy tho pulpit on Sundav
net at the usual horns, 10 a m. and ii
p. m Sundav school at 2 p. in. All
fi lends are invited. Scats fiee.
Second Prosbj tetlan chutch, Jcffeison
avenuo between Vino ilnd Mulbeny
streets At 10 GO, morning worship; 12 m.,
Sunday school: 8 30. Young People's So
clotv of Chilstlan Endeavor; 7.30, evening
worship, with sermon by Mr. Odell on
"flip Wpild's Unrememborcd."
Green Rldgo Presbyteilnu church Rev.
I.'j. Lansing, pastor. 10 b0 a. m., service
of woiulilp with seiniou by the pastor;
12 m.. Bible school; 0 30 p. m, Christian
Endeavor; 7.30 p. m, evening worship,
with sermrin by the pastor, subiect, "La
bor OiRanlzations: Evils to Bo Reme
died." AH arc welcome. .
Providence Presbyterian church Rev.
Di. Guild will occupy the, pulpit at 10 30 n.
pi. and 7.30 p. m. : Sunday school and
Junior and Senior Endeavor meetings as
uual. All services In tlie Sunday school
looms, while the main auditorium Is be
ing renovated and drcoratcd,
Waslibuin Stieet PresbUoiinn chinch
Rev. John P. MolTnt. D D. pastor. Sei
vices at 10 10 a. in. and 7 30 p. m. Bible
school at 12 in. Chilstlan Endeavor, 6 20
p. m.i pi.icr meeting "Wednesday, 7 20
p. m. Tho . stor will preach morning
and evening The subject of tho evening
sot mnn will be "Mnulago vs. Divoico
The Cause and One for tho Latter." All
Adams Avenuo Chapel, New Yoik sticet
Rev. James Hughes, will picach at 10 30.
Subject, "Heaven n Picpared Place for a
Picpaiod People." Evening at 7.13. Sub
jet t. "A Distinguished Woikmnn, a Glo
ilous Woik and a Dlvlno Pattern." Sun
day school at 3 o'clock. Tho Chilstlan
Kndeii' or soilety at 7 p. m. A eoidinl
Invitation Is given to nil to attend these
sen Ices.
St, Luko's Pailsh Rov. Rogers Tsinel,
D. D, lector; Rev. Edvviud J. Hiiughtun,
cm ate, Pom th Sunday after Tiinlty.
St, LuKo'h chinch 7.30 a. in , holy com
munion; 9.13 a. ni Sundny school; 10 '!0 a.
m., moinlng prnjer and scimon; 7.30 p.
m.. ovenlng piaer and seimon.
St, Muik'H chapel, Diuimoio 7.30 a. m
holy communion; 9 30 a. m Sundav
school: 1030 a. m, morning prnjer and
senium; 7.30 p. m evening piajer and
St. Geoigo's. Olj pliant 2 SO p. m , Sun
day school: 3 20 p. in 1 evening servlte.
St. James', Nicholson 10 30 a. m., morn
ing piajer and sermon.
I2ast 12nd Mission Sunday school, 2.30
p m.
South Sldo Mission-Sunday school, 2 20
p. in. '
Chin th of tho Good Shepherd, col nor
Mousey avenue and Gicen Rldgo stieet
Pom tit Sunday after Tiinlty. Rov, Fran
cis 11, Bateinan, lector. Holy communion
at 7.20; moiulug piajlr, 10.20 11. m.i Sun
day school ana lectoi's class, 2 20 p. in ;
owning piajet, 7.30 o'clock,
St, John's MIfhIoii. Obtot bout Hall,
PiovldeiKo Squato 220 p. m., Sunday
school, I'll, ia. Flist auuheisniy tif tho
Mission will bo colebiated. Evening pray
er will bo lead by tho lector, and tho
Rov. Dr. Isiael, jeetor of St. Lulto'S
chinch, will pi each. Tho vested boy choir
ot thn Chmch of tho Good Shepherd will
bo picsont at tho bcivieo. All cotdlally
wcltomo, 1
Reformed Episcopal.
Giaco Refoimed Episcopal church. Wy
oming nvonuo below Mulbeny sticet
Gem go L. Ahleli, pastor. Piayor and
pialso servlco. 930 u. m.i dlvlno woishlp,
10 30 a, m. and 7.W p. m. PichcIiIiir by tho
pastor, Moinlng subject, "Complolo In
ciulst." col, 2S--.0; ovenlng subject,
Types of the Chinch," I Cmlntlilaiis. x,
11. Sabbath school, JJ m.; Young People's
Satiety of Chilsllaii Endeavor, i30 p. m.
Lesson utility Wethicwday, 7.30 p. m. Piny
cr meeting ut S. Seats fico. All ato vvel-como.
Evangelical Lutheran.
EvanBollcnl Lutheran-Fouith Sunday
after Trinity, Gospel, 'Luke ;36.
Epistle. Horn. , III ilS.KJ. -..
St. Mnrlt'H. Washburn street Rov, A
L. Ranier, Ph. D., pastor, Services nt
10.80 a, m. and 7.30 p. m.i Luther League.
0 30 p, m.i Sunday school, a m. Morning
subject, "Precepts for Christian Con
duct"; ovenlng subject. "Children of the
Heavenly Father."
Christ church, Cedar avenuo and Birch
sticet-Rev. James Wltke. pastor. Ser
vices at 10 10 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday
school, 9 a. m.
St, Peter's, Prcscoll avenue Rev. John
Randolph, pastor. Services at 10.30 n. m. i
Sunday school, 9 a, in.
Emmanuel Gorman-Polish Lutheran
church, Recso street. Rev. Ferdinand
Haltelmelor, paslor. Services In tho Ger
man language at 10 30 it. m.
St. Paul's, Short nvemic-Servlces nt
10.30 n. m. and 7.30 p. m.i Sundny school
at 2.30 p. m. ReV. Howard Kunklo will
occupy pulpit. "
EnglMi Evnngellcnl Lutheran Church
of llic Holy Trinity, comer Adams ave
nue nnd Mulberry street Rev. 12. F. Hit
ler. A. M., pastor. Services, 10.30 n. m,
and 7.30 p. m.i moinlng subject, "Tito
Mole In Thy Brother's Eye"! ovenlng
subject, "No Man Llveth or Dleth to
llhmtclf": Sunday school, 12 m.i Luther
League, p. m. Seats free. All wel
come. Giuco Evangelical Luthcian church
(General Synod), corner of Mulbeny
sticet and Piescntt avenue Rov. Luther
Hess "Waring, pastor. 9.10 a. m., Sunday
school! lono a. 111., dlvlno woishlp, with
sermon: 7.13 p. tit., Young Pcoplo'H Socie
ty of Chilstlan Endeavor: 7.13 p. m , uven
lug woishlp. with sol nion. Good music.
Everybody welcome.
All Souls' UnlveiBallst Church, rino
street, between "Adams and Jcfteison ave
nuesRev. Thomas B. Pnvnc, pastor. Di
vine service, with sermon, nt 10 30 11, m.
Hiibjeet, "Tho Power of Habit." Sunday
school at 12 m. Seats free. Stiangets cor
dially welcomed. No evening set vice.
Fico Methodist chin eh, Finn chnpol,
Gieon Rldgo S. D. Moltcr, pastor. Meet
ing on Sabbath "As follows: Pleaching nt
10 30 and 7.30. Class meeting at cjoso cf
moinlng service. Mld-weolt prayer moot
ing Thin day at 7.4, p m. Everybody Is
coidlallv Invited to come. Ail seats free.
Gospel Tabernacle church, Jortois"on
avenue, Dunmorc James Lelshman, pas
tor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. nnd 7.30 p.
m. Bible school nt 12 m. Young People's
meeting, 6 30 p. m. Dr. II. S. Phillips will
pi each morning nnd evening. Chrlstlnn
and Missionary Alliance meetings Tues
dav, 2 30 and 7.30 p. m.
Plymouth Congrcgatlonnl church. Jack
son street Rev. W. G. Jenkins, Pont y
Piydd, South Wales, will occupy the pul
pit. Morning service nt 10 30; ovenlng
service at 7.30: Sabbath school at 12 m.;
Sabbath school at Sherman Avenuo at
2.13 p. m.
Chilstlan chinch. Noith Main avenuc
Prenehlng bv the pastor. Rev. Robert W.
Clvmer, ot 11 a. m. nnd 7.30 p. m. Morn
ing subject, "In tho Hands of God;" oven
lng, "Commeiclallsm, or tho Spit It of tho
Dollar." This Is the (list sermon In a
series on "The Opponents of the Chmch."
Special music. All are welcome.
Plist Pilmltlve Methodist Church, Green
Rldgo Rev. G. Lees, pastor. Regular
services at 10 30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sub
jects, morning. "Unrecorded Workers";
evening, "What Is Conscience?" Class
meeting after morning sermon. Sunday
school at 2 30 p. m. All welcome.
Calvary Reformed church, Monioo ave
nue and Gibson street Rev. Mai Ion L.
Flror. pastor. Services Sunday at 10 30 a.
in. and 7"0 p. m. Holy communion at
both services.
Bom, xiii: 8-14.
BY REV. j. n. aiLDERT, D. D.
Secretary of American Society ot IUlIglous
TRANSFER Tho lesson committee sus
pending Its studies In the life of Paul, has
diiectcd us to a passage lu one of Paul's
letters. Many will lcgiet this. Tho
chaim and lascination in tho wondou'ul
stoiy make ono desire to follow It con
tinually. And jet the themo of our pies
ent lesson Is alwajs luteiestlng and 1m
poitant. Besides, tho committee, io
spondlng to numcious petitions, feels
obligated to give a tempeianco lesson at
least once a year. Thnt subject cnteis
heio In Us usual Biblical w.iv, as a pait
of a moio extended thought. Let tem
peuince alwajs appear In Us relations to
other gteat virtues.
PAUL The author ot the book fiom
which the lesson Is taken vvab n man of
gi eat learning (Acts xll:3). Raised a
Phailsco (Acts xxv I: 3), ho eaily Imbibed
the feelings ot hostility toward Chilst
lans. Conv cited while on his way to
Damascus (Acts ix:l-9), ho became an
earnest advocate ot tho causo which ho
had so bittcily opposed. Tho twolvo men
whom Jesus called to be apostles having
devoted themselves to tho ministry among
tho Jews, Paul was chosen bv tho Holy
Ghost to ho tho apostlo of tho Gentiles
(Acts lx:13). For that scivlco ho was
qualified by visions and revelations (If
Cor. xlI:l-4). which, added to his natuial
and acquit cd talents, placed him In tho
fiont innk among ministers (HCor. xl:3),
and gave him n commanding Influcnto in
tho chinch. Solemnly set npai t at An
tloeh (Acts xll:l), ho went westward on
a seilcs of missionary tours pi caching
nnd establishing churches. But, because
ho was not ono of tho oilglual twelve,
neither a, peisonal acquaintance ot Jesus,
nnd boc.i'usQ his views weie peculiar, ho
was tegiirded with suspicion by many
and compelled to nsscit and defend his
authority. Ills wiltlngs ronstituto tha
laigest section of the New Testament.
ROMANS. Paul wrote thirteen letters,
some say fouiteen, the book of Hebiows
being In dispute. Tho one before us 19
the sixth In tho order of time, It having
been picccded by 1 Thessalonlans, It
'"hessalonians, I Corinthians, J I Coilnth
lans and Gniatlans. It was wiltten at
Cot Inth A. D. 38, Expecting to visit Rome
on his way to Spain (Rom. xv:2l), ho de
bited to pauso theio mid lender somo sci
vlce. (Rom. 1:10. Ho had many fi lends
In the Impel la I city (seo chapter xvl),
whom ho was anxious to meet. Thnt tho
way might be piepared for his visit ho
wioto this letter and sent It by tllo hand
nf Phebo. It Is the most elaborate of all
Ills vv tilings, Godot, mils it "Tho Cnthe
dial nf thn Chilstlan Faith." .Coleildga
sn.vs, "It is tho pmfouiidcst book lu ex
istence." A whole llbiary has been
wiltten lnv Us exposition. Somo of Its
statements cover thn vastest thomes that
over engaged tho mind of man. Heio Is
tho bnttlcgiound of Protestant sects, Tho
letter contains Paul's Idea of tho Gospel.
Us elder themo being "Justification by
Faith." Tho Mist cloven chnpteis mo iloc
tilunl, and (hey fmm tho secuio basis
for tho pine Ileal dhcctlons contained lu
the closing chaptcis.
To appieclato-tho full foico of tho
seven veises that form our lesson ono
needs to read at least the entire piuc(lcal
pait of tho epistle, chaptcis xllxv, In
this way only may bo obtained tho
sweep and swing of the thought of this
gieat man, Still, thoio nro thieo points
which may bo piolltably conflicted, even
though detached fiom all that preceded
and followed.
NEW LAW. In veises 8, 9 and 10 tho
npostlo enjoins love as tho piulstlan nilo
of life. In another plnro ho calls It "the
bond of pei fectuess" (Col. III:H), Theiu
mo thieo manifestations of love-that
which Is due to God, that which Is duo to
one's neighbor (Matt. xxll.M3), and that
which Is duo to tho followers of Chi 1st.
Paul Is dealing hero wl(h tho last foim,
"Lovo ono another," ho says. In an
foimcr Governor ot Tennessee, suld of Obteoriathy: "When a centuiy lator
historians are sifting tho events of this time for the epoch-making tllscovciles
of science and civilization tliuio will bo few chaptcis more impoitant, I think,
than that devoted to tho reformation lu medicine which will have come about
thiough tho acceptance and practice of Dr. Still's system known as Osteo
pathy." For free Osteopathic literature, addiess Dr. llcrbt. I. Km man, 15J0
North Washington avenuo, Scranton, Pa.
other plnre (I. Thess. lv:D), ho dcdaio
that Christians ato taught of God to do
this, and John asset ts (I. John Iv!ll-l2)(
that wo ought so to lovo because God
loved us, and becausu Jesus commanded
us so to do (t, John lllill: John xv:l.).
Peter, nmi cover, fhvs tho tmnie, but uiges
that tho love ho with puro lieait and fer
vent (L Peter II2J), But 111 the lesson
Paul iuils (bo law In a moid complcto
foim. "Owe no man anything bit to
love." Ho deems lovo to ho a debt, ono
that can hover bd discharged, which one
must ho nlvvnjs paying. Ho would hind
Christians together by mutlinl hn'ectloli,
its every planet lu tho solar s.vstom Is
bound to every oilier planet nnd as all
win Ids lu all B.vstoniH obey tho law or
giiivltatlon. This Is tho new law under
which hellcveiH nto placed. Tho old law
legalaled men's conduct by statute, lu
iiiimtral lo regulations weio Imposed nmi
Judges wcu itppUntcd to ndjust differ
enci-j mi that the lights of menibcis ot
th.i Jewish chinch might bo seemed.
This new law does not abolish tho deca
logue -It founts It (Rom. 111:31), because
lo'o works no ovll to one's neighbor (t,
Tim. i:C).
NEW DAY.-Voiscs 11 nnd 12. "Now It
Is high tlmo to nwalto out of sleep, for
now is our salvatlan neaier than whon
wo believed. The night Is far spent, tho
day is at hand." Thu Inspired wrllois
weio tho pessimists. They did not Ionic
bacUvvnid, hut forvvald for tho golden cin
(Keel. vllilO). Fully nwnic ot tho ovll In
tho wotld and deeply dlsttcsod on ac
count of It, they did not thciefoio con
clude that all things weio hastening to
juln. On tho contimy, ,tho belief that
tho gcncuil tendency was towuid a bet
ter state; that the outcome would ho to
the glory of God (Phil. 11:11). With the
piophcls oveiy dark plcluio was lighted
up by tho piomlso of Messiah (Mai. lv:l
2). With the apo there was the ex
pectation that Jc Aould come again
(II. Tim. Iv.R). Not i.i'e least ot the ser
vices icndcied by piophcts and Apostles
was the awakening of hope In minds that
otherwise might liavo been filled with
despair. So lu Iho lesson Paul calls at
tention to tho period 'in which he lived.
"The night" the time of daikness and
ignoianco, of sin and oppiesslon "Is far
spent. "Tim day is at hand," tho tlmo
of light, ot Joy, and good will, Is being
usheied in. He would lmvo tho Roman
Christians ic.ill7r that they were enter
ing upon a new eia. which Abinham
(John 111:36). and Kaeharlas (Luko 1:7S
though separated by contuiles. lcjolccd to
two. He deslied them to know their ex
alted privileges, as chlldicn of tho day
(I. Thess. v:3-8), and calls special atten
tion to the fact that thev had flist be
lieved (II. Cm. vi:2), an earnest of what
they might expect.' That they might bo
prepared for this new tlmo (Heb. tv:7)
ho exhoits them to nwake out of oleep
(Eph. v":4), to shako off tho stupor that
had settled down upon tho catnal world,
and bring Into fullest activity all ot their
tedcemed powcis.
NEW WALK. Veises 12 and U. Tho
apostlo next exhibits the conduct be
coming to a Clliistlan In this new' day.
That conduct ho calls a walk, a favoilto
expression, used by him thirty times in
his epistles, also by the other sacred wi It
ers (Gen. v:2l; I. John 1:7). Tho follower
of Jesus Is not a peimancnt dweller heio
(Heb xlil:ll). but ho Is on a joinnoy.
tluoiigh theso earthly relations to an
eternal home. Neither Is ho expected to
remain In a IWod tvpo of chai actor, but
to bo continually adv.uulng (Hob. vl:l),
fiom the lower lo tho higher (Phil. 111:11).
Both of theso Ideas ato beautifully cx
piessed by tho teim walk, a piogiess,
stop by step, little by little, tow.aid ,i
goal. Chiistian living is heio presented
under two heads, negatively nnd posi
tively, what is Impioper and ought to be
shunned, what Is propcily and ought to
he encouiaged. Both sides ato put forth
with boldness and clearness. "Cast off
the woiks of daikness," ho s.ivs the
deeds that have been allowed In tho for
mer da.vs cannot ho tolerated In this
(Eph. v:3; . Cor. vt.9-10). What deeds?
Ho enumerates "rioting, drunkenness,
chambeilng. Wantonness, strife and envy
ing," each of which subjects would lepny
cat ef ul and piolonged study. All Christ
ians aio expected to bo fieo fiom these,
and to legal d them as belonging to that
old life which they have renounced. Ah,
but they aie in a woild of sin, constantly
exposed lo udvci suites! So comes tllo
posltlv'o ptecept, "Put on tho armor of
light" all thoso appliances furnished in
tho Gospel for peisonal sccuilty (Eph.
vl:13; 1. Thes. v.S). The weapons in
God's nimory nro all spiritual but mighty
(II. Cor. x:4). And then, defended, livo
"honestly," or discreetly, as tho margin
1ms It bestow thought and caro to havo
our action light. Then conies tho final
command, "Put 3'0 on the Lord Jeslis
Cliiist," nnd miiko no provisions lor
tho lust of tho flesh. The old light be
tween tho two natiiies (I. Peter il:ll), is
heio recognized, and tho secret of victory
shown (Gal. v:lo).
1. Nenily nineteen centuiles have passed
away since Paul wrote. Tho day, -then
ushcilng In, has advanced toward high
noon. The spi ending laj.s of light then
sneaking tho east, pour tlown their efful
genco on half the globe. Much moic eai
nestly ought oveiy tiuo follower of Christ
to lejolce. J. But, alas! many of tho evil
piactlces, then considered nut of place,
as belonging to a tmmer eia, still linger.
"Rioting, diiinkeniiess, chambering" tha
long catalogue hi sickening detail dls
gtaces our civilisation. Thn dilnk habit,
tho saloon, tho houso of shame, tho low
theater, the prise light, the gamnllng den,
nil pander to tho lower natuie. Men ot
God, set your faces ngalnst the-e things.
3. A elm Ion voice ought to go through tho
land pioclalmliig with apostolic foieo the
law of lovo and the life of piulty. Speed
o on, ye regeneiatlng foices of tho Gos
pel (Eph. JvtJO.
Neutrals in War Not to Be Expected
to Shut Up Shop,
In tho May number of the Noith
American Review, W. L. Ponfleld, so
licitor of the state department, dis
cusses with gieat elabointlon tho leg
ality of "Hiltlsh Purchases of War Sup
plies In the United States." The ques
tion Is examined In the light of the pro
visions ot International law nnd ot tho
pructlec of tho great powers, especially
of tho United Stutcs, nnd Mr, Penlleld
comes to the conclusion that tho un
varying principle applicable to such
cases Is that which was piopounded as
caily in 1793 by Alexander Humllton,
with the approval of Thomas Jeffeison,
to the 'effect that "tho pin chasing with
in and exporting from thu United
States, by way of merchandise, articles
commonly called continb.tnd, being gen
erally warllko liistiuiiieuts nnd mili
tary stores, Is fiee to all the parties at
war, and is not to bo Inteifeicd with."
Mr. Ponfleld Intimates that the ctlt
Iclsms legal ding British purchases of
hoi ses and mules u Ameilca for use
In South Africa have been due to con
fusion of Idens with leganl to tho du
ties actually owing by a neutral state
nnd the duties assumed or supposed to
bo owing by Its citizens or subjects ,to
the belligerent stutes. He Hays;
"If the doctilne weie otherwise, under
tho law of nations, the conditions of
- . . .
And hcic Is a scimouctto on thn
garbage pall. Text, II Kings, lv, 40:
"There Is death lu tho pot."
Theme An Impottnnl factor In homo
Flist Head tlcwaict
Second Head Bo Will lied I
Thlltl Hend-Bo wlscl ,
Conclils!on-"Wntclt out!" "Eternal
vlgllnnco Is tho pilco of llbeity."
It an thing hits to bu neglected dur
ing (bo summer, don't let It bo tho
gaibago pall. Dust on tho piano Is
bad. Specks on the minor or win
dows mo nnnoylng. You can't nlwavs
find tlmo to mnko calto for lea nor plo
for dessott. Tho sheets nnd towels
may havo to bo folded and put under
a weight to snvo honing! tho baby
wear coloicd slips to cconomlzo In
washing. All theso limitations may bo
grievous lu a measmc, but they aio
not of vital Impoitanuc. Tho cnto ot
tho garbaga pull Is.
Death and dealt itctlon nit on tho
rim of the neglected pall and bacteria
4 and mlcinbes malevolent ojics multi
ply npace. Dectjlng fruit and vege
tables arc Just as poisonous ns meat,
only not qullo so noticeable.
The best gaibago can, from a sani
tary point ot view. Is ot galvanized
Iron, with a cover of tho same. It
.von llvo in tho city, where the health
dcpaitment minions play "Ono old
cat" with your pall, tos.lng It with
Infinite abandon fiom sidewalk to cait
and back again, It Is tho only kind
that can "stand tho racket" for any
length of tlmo
If ou men suburbanite, or a dwell
er on biond aetcs, any whole iccep
taclc, tin or oven wood, will do, pio
vldod It Is frequently scalded, disin
fected and diled out. One of the five
gallon kcioseno enns makes a voiy
good pnll, with a pleco ot baling who
fastened in for a handle, keep an old
btoom for cleaning out tho pnll. Take
It out on tho grass, turn the hoso or
teakettle on It and sciub.
Once a week a disinfectant Is In or
der. A good ono to keep on hand Is
piepared In this wnv: Dissolve a hall'
pint of washing soda In sit quatts of
boiling water. A cupful of this add
ed to tho cleaning water will bo quite
Do not throw tho contents ot your
pnll, If It bo trimmings and parings of
vegetables, etc., on tho gntdeu to de
cay. If there nto ho animals on tho
placo to eat them, either bury, and
thus enrich the soil, or bum.
If tho latter, thy out flist, so ns not
to ciack tho stove. Oinngo and lemon
peeling, peach, apricot and chetry pits
make admirable kindling when dried.
Bones but nod, and pounded, nto excel
lent for making hens lay, or for giv
ing an Impetus to your roso bushes or
grapo vines. If ou have no drain and
nro forced to throw jour dish water
out on the giound, a solution of cop
pcias (a pound and a half to a gallon
of water is a good proportion), should
bo spilnklcd mound oneo or twice a
week. Lastly, lcmcmber thnt upon
on. Madame Chatelaine, tests much
of tho responsibility for tho comfoit
nnd health of your household. Thcro
Is occasionally a servant wdio may ho
depended upon to enrry out your in
structions without jour peisonal at
tention, but such mi ono Is a iitra
avis. The wlso woman lookcth well to
tho wajs of her household, and even
to tho unromantic but essentiul garb
ago pail.
With cherries still In season try
cheiry jolly for dessert.
Soak half a box of gelatine in half
n cup of cold water for an hour. Add
a scant pint of boiling wnter. and
thrce-quarleis of a cup of sugar, and
stir until dissolved. Add one cupful of
shetry antl the juice of a lemon.
peace of the neutral state would be al
most more burdensome than the state
of war between tho belligerents; as, in
case of war between two gieat Euro
pean poweis, like Grent Britain and
ft $
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Menu for Sundau. June 22
Cunnnta on tho Stem.
Radishes In Ice.
Broiled Bacon. Spanish Omelet.
Rolls. CofYue.
Sptlt-Pca Soup. Ci onions.
Pickled Reims. Rlpo Olives,
Roast Chlckon, Cm 1 nut Jelly,
Rico. Now Pptatocs.
Romalno Salad.
Chccso Stinws. Chetry Jelly.
Black Coffee.
Chicken Salad. ,
Gilllcd Sweet Potatoes.
" Cream1 Cheese.
',', Ginger Pound Cake.
Sttaln, nnd pour n little In the' bottom'
of a jelly mould that has been ilnscd
out with cold water, and set It on the
Ice. Keep the lest of tho liquid Jelly
on tho buck of tho litnge, to prevent
hntdcnlug. Havo ready a hnlf pound
of large cheiiles, which have been
pitted, and the meat of a hazel nut
lnscited In place of the stone. As tho
Jelly hnrdens put In a Inyer of chei
rlcs, then moro Jelly, and so on until
tho mould Is full. Set nway to get
perfectly cold. When ready to servo
turn out on a bed of fruit leaves,
rinsing them hist to bo suto they nro
qutto clean.
Chetry lnegiii' may also ho made
and kept In stock for a lefiesliing
summer drink. Mash two quatts of
ebonies and pour over them ono quni t
of vinegnr. Put in tin enrtheu bowl
and set In a tool place for two dajs.
Stiain through a muslin bag, nnd to
each pint of liquid allow threo-quar-ters
of a pound of sugar. Put over
tho tiro and boll slowly for fifteen
minutes. Bottle.
Word comes from Pails that a fa
voilto way of serving crawfish this
summer Is to have them finely minced
Into a sort of "supieme." and thon
placed lu a large baked potato.
Among tho most artistic and Inde
structible of summer furnishings mi
tho chnlrs, divans, tables, tnbiirets,
mliror and plctme flames made of
pi allies glass. Thtt natural gteen
fibre Is not only chniactcilzed bv Its
lestful vetdant coloiing but bv its 10
slstanco to both excessive dampness
and excessive dryness, nnd is perma
nently pietty and pleasing
In so simple a matter ns slicing ba
con thcro Is a right waj' and a wiong.
Laj- jotlf bacon on a board with the
ilnd side down. Then with a very
sharp knife, cut tho bacon In thin, uni
form slices down to tho rind, but do
not try to cut thiough It. AVhcn you
have a sufficient number of slices cut
run the knlfo under, keeping It cloe
to tho rind, nnd tho slices will be
After j-our bacon is sliced off do not
throw away tho ilnd as useless. Sciub
oft tho outsldo with plonty o fvvatcr
and a vegetable biush, and uso tho
rind with the scraps nf fat lonialnlng
to season j-our diled pea soup, or
j'our kettle of "eicens."
"Split pea" soup, by the wnj Is ono
of tho tastiest, most niitiltious and
most economical ot soups. Put a
cupful of tho pens to soak over night
In thieo qunits of cold water, having
first washed them thoroughly. Tho
next morning put In a saucepan, add
ing ft ham bono If jou have, It, or a
littlo pleco of bacon and thn rind.
Germany, if It were forbidden to citi
zens of tho United States to sell to
either belligerent all articles which
might be contraband of war. It would
substantially annihilate our commerce;
ii ii ii ii-" ii ii' ii irv ii i i m ir
'cr to Sil
cents more than you have been paying for
' -t -i '-'--- r, v . -n.
Am .M.w jK iu vH
adding mora water fiom time to time
ns tcqutrcib When nearly ready ,tn
serve pass the peas through n sieve
and add to the pulx enough stock
water or milk to makoxii soup about
tho consistency of crenm. Thicken
slightly with a tahlcspoouftlt of flour
nnd ono of butler cooked together' nnd
miitlo smooth by a halt cupful of the
liquor, before adding to tho pot. This
thickening will keep the benvy part o
the soup from settling to tho bottom.
Servo with croutons. A good diled
beau soup may bo mada In tha samt
The housekeeper who ban como to
look with unconcealed suspicion upon
almost everj thing edible ns llablo to
adultetallnii at tho tutuds of tho wily
mniitifnetiiier or grocer, may tike to
comb-honej-nsiire nt least that there
Is the genuine woik of tho bee.
Tho head of the Inigost bee supply
houso In the country has hnd a stand
ing 'offer of n thoiisnnd dollars out
for several j'oais. to go to any one
who could furnish a fairly good coun
terfeit box of comb-honey.
Thnt Rcmes'of people hav tried
goes without saving; but the Ingenuity
of man, even with n thousand dollar
bill hanging In front of him, Ims failed
to produeo even nn appioxlmnte pre
sentment, Nor Is the stinlned honey
always open to suspicion. Tons of ab
solutely puro honej aio shipped to the
east from Ailzntui ami California ev
erj' j car, and when the bees them
selves me doing so well It would be
supeifhious for man add his lahoia
to thclis. That thorn nie different
gindes uf honey In well known-Homa
iiillnllelv piefer.tble lu flavor lo otb
ei a; but the glutosn Imitation may
only be femed at the hands of the
cheap and unielinblo gtoccr.
In Hliiilncd hoiicj. as with iipleos.
teas and coffees, tlie consumer Is
laigelv at the mercv of tho grorer.
Hence the advisability of adapting
Pnlonlus' ndvlee to Hamlet, nnd
"The honest giocer found, and his
adoption tried,
'pplo him to thy soul with hoops
of steel."
In this connection, n woid of de
fense for "the butcher, tho baker, the
candlestick maUei." That there nio
rogues and tilcKs in all t lades Is, tin
foitunatelv, ti no. but that dishonest
methods arc moio cpeclallv chara'.
teilstlc of rcitnlu trades and profes
sions than othcis Is lo he doubted. It
we go on the nsumiitlnn that "all
men mo lints" It Is almost an Incen
tive for them to become so, while If,
on his honor, that his customer trusts
him and is willing to pay a fair price
for a first-class article, it is to his
own advantage to seo that she has It.
If any one gets taken In. jou will
usually find It the brow-bcatlng. hag
gling, suspicious customoi. This is
human natuie
Specially delicious is the Devonshire
clotted cream, stivcd with strnwber
tles or black caps. Put a panful of
new milk on tho tho Heat gradually
to the scalding point, but do not boll.
Leave on the stovo for about half an
hour: thon sot away in n cool placo
for live or six boms, until tho cicam1
has ilscn. This Will keep for somo
Crjslalllzed mango served with nuts
and inlslns ma'tcs a good finale to a
dinner, and 't Is not at all hard to
picp.uo at home. Cut tho fruit cioss
wlso Into thlc'c slices, picking out nil
tlie seeds. Dip each slice In the beat
en while of egg. nnd then In flno crjs
talllzed sugar. Dty on sieves In a cool
while the burden of policing with ships
and soldleis the thousands of miles of
our sea-coast, would make the state of
peace perhaps even moio expensive
than the costs of war."
The Iribune alone.