The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 20, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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rpgramme for St. Patrick's Parochial School
&J Exercises South Main Avenue Pave.
Smallpox Scare News Notes.
'-fche annual commencement exerclBcn
'tif St. Patrick's patrochlul school will
b$ held Thursday, Juno 26. The motto
ol'the class or '02 Is "Duty Is Above All
'Things," and the members of It are:
Clnaslcnl Course Arthur Atoyslus Do
Ayala, Margaret Mary Gllroy, Mabel
4no Mullen. Reglna Clyve McDermott,
"Marie Magdalen Reese, Elizabeth Aloy
flUs McCnffrey, Siitlln Gerald Arthurs,
James Alphonsus Mcllugh, Margaret
Magdalen Fleming, Mnry Wllhotmlna
'dllroy, Francis Aloyulus McIIale.
iJtenography Agnes Mary Casey. Ther
e&a Veronica IIowlov, Mary Lucllla Cu
Ick, Kathleen Ita Johnson.
Book-keeping John Joseph Dllroy.
The following programme will bo ren
dered: Orchestra Violins. Mlstes M. Jordan, r.
1a.TVless. Masters I'. MoMnlo, T. Rlttcn
housc, J. Hayes, J. Kennedy, M, Bolton,
T, Clancy: banjos. Misses A. Hurst, A.
Sullivan, Masters V. Guftncy, J. Gaffney;
mandolins, Misses M. Gllroy, V. Burke, M.
Cuslck, M. Qulnnait, Mitster J. McKcnnn:
KUltnr, Miss A. Cooper: cornets, Miss M.
McGhran, Master J. Mctlugh; flute, Mas
lor J. Glbney: piano, Miss M. Gllroy.
8alutatory Master Arthur DeAyala
Promenade of Dudes and Peddlers,
Little Boys
Pianos Misses M. Fltzslmmons, I.
Foy, M. McGhran, Master
J. Glbney.
Red Riding Hood Carmcl Fnhev
Mamma M. Gllroy
'Woodman J. Mcllugh
7ot J. McAullffe
Chorus of VUlago Children Buttercups
and BIuo Bells.
Violin Solo Master F. A. McHale
Piano Accompanist Miss S. Arthurs.
Sword Drill Senior Boys
Recitation "Charge of the Light
Brlgado" Master James Mcllugh
Banners of Beauty Chorus Boys
Pianos Mlbbes Mary and Mar
, garet Gllroy.
Nona, Druid Priestess Mabel Mullen
Villa, Prophetess Margaret Gllroy
Hilda, a Christian Lizzie McCaffrey
Maoca Marie Reese
Una Sadie Arthurs
Tersla Margaret Fleming
Selma Mary Gllroy
Druid Maidens.. Senior and Junior Pupils
'Piano Accompanist Miss Mary Cuslck.
Class Pcom Miss Reglna McDermott
Graduates Faicwoll.
The St. John's German Catholic Pa
rochial school on South Main avenue
will close one week from today. There
will not be any special cxoiclscs held,
owing to the pievailing stiike.
South Main Avenue Pave.
South Main avenue, from Oxford to
Eynon street, Is now torn up on both
sides of the street car tracks, prepara
tory to the grading of the thoroughfaio,
nnd laying of concrete base nnd brick
The curb stones nre also being placed
In position, nnd the gas and water pipes
are being telald. In consequence of all
this, the stieet Is almost Impassable.
The sidewalks on cither Bide of the
street are occupied with bricks and
puvlng Implements nnd but little room
Is left for pedestrians.
Little or no complaint, however, Is
heard on account of this condition of
affnlis, because the Improvement Is
badly needed, and everybody Is willing
to put up with the Inconvenience to ob
tain such n change.
The work Is in charge of Contractor
M. H. Dale, who has a large force of
men at work on the job.
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
Small-pox Scare.
Much excitement prevails In the vic
inity of South Main avenue and Eynon
street, where a number of small-pox
cases have recently developed. On
Wednesday night Mrs. Henry Morgans
nnd two children weio lemovcd to the
Emergency hospital, and the house In
which they lived was ordered fumigat
ed, closed nnd quarantined.
Yesterday the saloon In the building
was open as usual, and a large number
of people gathered therein during the
day. Health Officer Allen was notified
of Its being open, and last evening, in
company with a patrolman, ho again
ordered the place closed.
Secretary Mahy, of the Young Men's
Christian nssodntlon, was Unavoidably
detained from being" present, aa adver
tised. A roll call of tho membership followed
nnd was answered by the members of
the society present by a text of Scrip
ture or a sentiment. A social, with
refreshments, closed a Very pleasant
evening that was heartily enjoyed,
Children's Say Exercises.
Tho annual Children's day exercises
Rt the Uellovuo Welsh Calvlnlstlo
Methodist church will bo held next
Sunday morning. Tho children's choir
will sing the cantata, "Tho Garden of
Eden." The programme Is as follows!
Scriptutc Reading and Prayer PaBtor
Address Superintendent
Chorus, "All Hall" School
Recitation, "Tho Children's Part."
Chorus, "Roses Sweet" ....Primary Class
Recitation, "Tho Cheery Word."
Song and Exercise, "Send Them tho
Gospel" Clas3 of Three
Recitation, "A Father's Hand."
Song nnd Exciclao. "What Llttlo Ones
Can Do" Class of Nine
Recitation, "Tho Piodlgal's Return."
Song nnd Exorcise, "Garlands of Glad
ness" Class of Eighteen
Song and Exercise, "The Link Chain,"
Class of Six
Recitation, "At Last."
Recitation Stanley JoncB
Eterclse. "Floral March" School
Song nnd Chorus, "O Hear My Slmplo
Stoty" Three Girls nnd School
Addicss Pastor
Solo and Chorus, "When tho Heart Is
Full of Love."
Closing Chorus, "Praise To tho Father,"
Church Gatherings.
The officers and members of various
societies identified with the Washburn
Street Presbyterian chutch met in the
church last evening and tendered a
farewell reception to one of their most
active members, Mlsb Giace R. Peck,
who will be united In marriage next
week to Judson Hutchinson, of Wash
ington. Short addresses were delivered
by a number of those piescnt.
The members of the Sumner Avenue
Presbyterian church held a meeting last
evening and elected several trustees to
serc for a term of years. Rev. James
McLeod, D. D., of the First Presbyter
Ian church, acted us moderator.
A Successful Entertainment.
The Baptist Young People's union of
the First Baptist church held their an
nual entertainment, roll call and social,
In the assembly room of the church last
evening, there being a very good at
tendance present.
Excellent recitations were given by
the Misses Alice Williams and Anna
Jones. Roy Wheeler gave a very fine
and artistic selection on tho piano.
Roger Williams, of Bucknell univer
sity, sang a. popular selection that was
very much enjoyed. A quartette of the
associate members gave a pleasing se
Recent Accidents.
George Deckelnlck, of South Main
avenue and Luzerne street, slipped and
fell in front of the hotel recently and
fractured his leg. He Is now laid up
as a. result.
George Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Rowland D. Thomas, of North Hyde
Park avenue, fell out of his bed on
Tuesday and fractured his left arm at
the elbow.
The annual picnic of the Simpson Meth
odist Episcopal chinch and Sunday school
which was postponed yestciday on ac
count of tho tain will be hold today at
Nay Aug Paik.
Mombeis of tho Sloan-Central Mlno Ac
cidental fund aie lequested to meet at
1.30 o'clock this afternoon at tho coiner
of South Main avenue and Luzerne street
to attend the funeral of the lato A 1111am
G. Williams.
Tho Ladles' Home and Foi clgn Mission
ary society of the Washburn Street Pres
byterian chuich will picnic at Nay Aug
park today.
Price, 8c
Pearl Buttons have never been g
3 ssn tniirVi in rlpmnnrl na now Tlirr'tva &
used for everything, and everybody &
& wears them. fi
g We bought a 500 gross lot the &
other day from a firm that needed S
j money worse than anything else in gi
& this world. !
if Our stock was full, and we had si
no idea that our offer would be ac- T.
cepted, but it was, and we've resolved si
U to give our friends the full benefit of
5 the
Wondrous Bargains.
? These buttons run in all sizes and are mostly of J
2 the popular 2 and 4-hole Fish Eye pattern. Every
caju lSKcicau, iresu auu psricct. motors, wreaiu or v
"jWhite only.
8c for the
1 Card of Two Dozen
2 Is the Bargain Price for Friday and Saturday only. &
9 There is not a button in the lot worth less than 10c ft
2 the dozen, and the majority are worth 12c and 15c. &
2 JivThat makes the Bargain Price ju3t about oue-third j&
2 jgfaje actual value, and mothers who are foreever look- &
2raEor buttons for this, that, or the other thing, can &
je(fcrd(y afford to let this opportunity pass without tak- fe
2HSf advantage of it. Remember the Bargain Price is
vSf-ri vjawmuay uuiy, wwa WCCK. Ti
for the Card of Two Dozen.
Warehoiis?. !
.aiu. ft
Aldeiman Hollow held John Cushua, of
West Linden street, in $J00 bail lecently.
on tho charge of making thieats against
tho life of James S. Butler, his neighbor.
Rev. ' Jenkins will occupy the
pulpit of the Pl mouth chuich next Sun
day. The mombeis of Kejstone lodge, Loy
al Knights of Ameilca. held a meeting
last eenlng for the purpose of making
uuangemonts for their annual outing,
which will bo held at Haivcy's Lake in
the near fiitme.
The West Scianton Assembly of the
Royal Society of Good l'ellows held a
meeting in Red Men's hall last evening
and initiated bcvcial mcmbois and le
eched seeial applications lor member
ship. Much Interest Is being manifested in
the bowling tournament, which is now In
progress at tho Llectric City Wheelmen's
1 Iub house. Some of the members arc
making cry cicdltable scoifs.
The ladles of the Iiish Catholic Benev
olent union, No. W)J. held a meeting in St.
L.eo's nail last eoning, and after tho
icgular business meeting a social session
was held.
Dr. and Mis W. A. Paine, of Washburn
sticel, returned homo last cxenlng fiom
Willlanispoit, whcie they attended tho
commencement exercises pf the Dickin
son seminary.
The Royal Arcanum Held day will occur
at Nay Aug paik next Monday, when
members throughout the city and county
will participate. Addi esses will bo de
lheied and n programme of sports en
joyed. David W. Phillips, son of Rev. and Mrs.
D. C. Phillips, of South Hyde Paik ave
nue, a member of the freshmen class at
Lafayette college, has been awarded a
pi ize of $J0. which Is the La man Coleman
pilzo for ecellence in Biblical study.
Attornoy Walter S. Bevan leturned
iiome jestcinay trom attending a 10
unlon of the class of '97 at Lafacttte col
Tho Tilpp Slopo and Dilft Fund will
hold a meeting In Co-operative hall to
monow evening.
Woid was sent to police hpadquarteis
on Jackson stieet last evening that buig
lais had cutcied tho homo of Gideon
Moser, at tho coiner of Lafa.ette stieet
and Sumner avenue, but when an In
vestigation was made no trace of anv
theft could be found.
Hadn Olher, son of Solect Councilman
Joseph -Oilier, soveroly gashed his left
foot with an ax while cutting kindling
wood last oicnlng.
North Main avenue, are spending ft few
days at Beech Lakr, Wayne county.
Miss Courlrjuht, of Wyoming, Is tho
BUest of West Beranton friends.
Oscar Tenner Is on a business trip to
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kern nnd Master
DeWItt Hubcr, of Jackson street, are
visiting relatives nt Clark's Summit
Mrs, Daniel Edwards and daughter,
Martha, of North Itobccca avenue, aie
spending a fow days with relatives nt
Thompson, Susquehanna county.
Miss Alleo Wilson, of North Oarficld
avenue. Is confined to hor homo with an
Injured foot. t
Joseph O'Brien, of Bellcvue, has accept
ed a position in Jotinstown.
Misses Mary Loughroy and Margaret
Buckley have returned home from a visit
with friends In West PHtston.
Richard Perrow, of Price street, has
sccuiod a position In Ishpemlng, Mich.
Llljah Savltts, of Pllmore avenue, li
confined to his home with an attack of
A Foiest Dershlmer, of South Main ave
nue, will return home today from Buck
nell university.
James Davis, of Eynon street, Is spend
ing his vacation at Lake Ariel.
John Morris, of Hampton street, Is nblo
to be around again after an Illness of
three months' duration.
Samuel Jones, of Luzerne street, has re
turned home from a visit with relatives
In Pittsburg nnd Newcastle.
Miss Jpimlo Miller, of Sayre, Is visiting
nt the homo of her mother, on North
Lincoln avenue,
Burrnll Chase and Edward Lewis, of
tho Chemicals, spent yesterday In Blng
humton. Mrs. Charles R. Acker, of Fnlrvlow ave
nue, attended tho commencement exer
cises at Wyoming seminary yesterday.
Miss Hannah Rclswlck, of Jackson
street, and her guest, Miss Cora Wlldrlch,
ot New Jersey, aro visiting friends In
Mrs. George Buss, of Plttston. bns re
turned home from a visit with Sirs.
Thomas E. James, of North Hydo Park
Charles Carnenter. of Vintondale. is
isltlng at the home of his parents on
North Rebecca avenue.
Mrs. T. W. Jenkins, of Albany. N. Y., Is
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Evan
J. Davis, of South Main avenue.
Misses Anna Edwards and Christine Fel
lows, of South Main avenue, are attend
ing the graduating exercises at Cornell
Mrs. Edward Burschell, of North Re
becca avenue. Is the guest of friends in
Ntw York city.
Misses Ada and Rose Slote, of Eynon
street, nre sojourning at Moscow.
Miss Ethel Davis, of Peckvllle, Is visit
ing nt the home of hor pnrents on North
Lincoln avenue
Elliot Ackei, of Falrvlew avenuo, is
spending his vacation at Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, of Koser
avenuo, hale a new daughter at their
Kred Goerllt?, of Morton avenue, is con
fined to his home with an attack of rheu
matism. Miss Nellie Miles, of North Bromley
avenue, is confined to her home by Ill
Marriage of Kiss Annie Loftus to
Martin Mulchrone in Holy
Rosary Church.
A pietty wedding was solemnized at
high noon yesterday in Holy Rosary
chuich, when Miss Annie Loftus,
daughter of Mr. Anthony Loftus, of
Bilck avenue, was wedded to Martin
F. Mulchrone, of Pawnee street, by
.Rev. J. J. Holmes. The bride was at
tended by Miss Kate M. Flynn, of Buck
avenue, while Martin Devanney, of
Wales street, attended the gioom.
The bride was beautifully attired in
a gown of white silk, trimmed with
duchess lace, and carried a large bou
quet of bride roses. Tho biidcsmaid
was similaily attired. After the cere
money, tho bridal party was driven to
tho home of tho bride on Biick aie
nue, where a dainty wedding repast
was seried
Mr. and Mrs. Mulchrone left on the
.-( Licnign valley train lor an ex
tended wedding tour to Philadelphia
and Atlantic City. Upon their return,
they will reside in .1 newly furnished
home on Brick avenue.
.s Always a Busy Day Here Because We
Make It Interesting and Profitable for You.
Grand Display of Fire
works, Crackers, Torpedoes,
And all kinds of noisy things
for the 4th. Our prices are al
ways low. 'We handle only the
best in quality Friday is open
ing day.
Serpentine Laces
All new, fifty pat
terns to show you,
many of them worth
double our price.
Choice per vard,
Lace Beading, white
only, per yard, 4c.
See our window for
the best value in town
for Silk Ribbons, Taf
fetas, Moires, Satins,
etc., worth 15c to 25c
yard. Friday,
Towel Talk
We have just put on sale the finest lot of
Bath Towels, we believe, ever offered 4 fkf,
for the money. Friday, Sc and "
Harry Gallagher, of Meridian street, has
accoptcd a position with tho Now Voik
Ship Building company at Philadelphia.
Mih, Augusta Bongcr, of New York
city, returned home p&terday after a
visit with West Sctnhton friends and
Master Kdwin and MIfh LMIth .Tonkins,
of Danville, nie visiting their aunt, Mis.
William V. Giifllths, of Noitli Bnmner
Harry S. Jenkins, of South II,ido Park
aienne, returned jestcrday fiom a fow
days spent at Lake Ariel.
Mr. and Mis. a, W. Jenkins, Miss Jen
nlo Jenkins and Mis. lluny S. Jonklns,
of South Jljdo Park uicnue, nie spend
ing tho week nt Lako At lei.
Forest Longwoith has decepted a po
sition in Buffalo, N. V.
Miss Alta Slutter, of Noith Lincoln
avenue, Is entertaining Miss Delia Cooper,
of Couitdalc.
Mrs. necdhtrom, of liynon hticet, Is tho
Burst of f 1 lends at Mt. Botlicl.
Mrs A. M. Mcttler and son, Ben, of
Mllford, are visiting Mrs. T. J. Spencer,
of Jackbon street.
Miss Olllo Thomas, of Chestnut street,
is coullued to her homo by Illness.
Mr, and Mis. Itobcrt Lldrcd. of North
Hydo Paik uicuuc, 1110 spending u few
dns In Huffalo, N, Y.
MIbs Myrtle Savltts, of South Fllmore
amine, is spending her vacation in Buf
falo. Ttov, David Jones and family, of South
Lincoln avenue, will leave tomoirow foi
a tbieo months' sojourn In Wnles.
Thomas Davit), of llnoii Htleet, Is vis
iting ft lends In Carbondnlo.
Huiry Monnlnger, Tliomus L"las and
Hugh O'Boylo nro sojourning at Lake
William Thomas, of Hazleton, has re
turned homo fiom a visit wth West
Scianton fi lends.
Michael McDonald, of Jackson stieet,
has gone to Plttsbuig, wheie he will re
side. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olver and son, of
Allen's foot Ease, a ponder, It cures painful,
niurlliis, nerioua feet ami ingrowing nail,, ana
instantly tlc the eting out lt lorru and buniona
It'a the K 1 cites t comloit UiJlomy of the age.
Allen's Foul-ease males tight or new thoea feel
fj.y, It la a certain cure tor tweatiug talloua
and hot, tired, aching (cj.t. Try it today, bold
by all druggUta and lioe stores. Don't accept
any tuNlltute. By mail lor 23c In itampa. Trial
pacUjr rwji.f Artdrew. illen 8, Olnuted, Lf
Married Men Defeated.
A one-sided game of base ball was
played on the Von Storch field last
evening, between the mnriied and bln
gle men of Mulley's department store.
The single men pioved themselves the
best players and won by a score of 23
to 10
The leading feature of the game -was
the home mn hit anil base stealing of
John Edwaids, for the single men. Bat
tin and Evans did tho battery work for
the man led men, while BIrtley and
Purcell weie the battery for the sin
gle men.
Hardware Dept.
Large size jar, about
one pint, Petroleum
Jelly or Vaseline, 10c
Fly Killers, wire, 10c
Sad Iron handles 10c
Brass Extension
Rods, 4c.
Crumb Tray and
Brush, 10c.
Decoy Sticky Fly
Paper, 2 double
sheets, 4c.
Fly Paper Holder,
can stand or hang any
place, 10c.
Glass Lemon
Squeezer, Friday, Sc.
Wild West Soap,
cake, 4c.
Cover Lifter, always
cool, 4c.
Lemon Graters, 4c.
Insect Guns, 4c. -
Stamped Linens of
all kinds, the latest
patterns, choice, 10c.
Garter Elastic, 4c
and 10c.
Hook-On Hose Sup
porter, 10c.
Ladles' Jersey Rib
bed Vests, 10c.
Ladies' Drop Stitch
Hose, 14c.
Black Brush Braid,
yard, 4c.
. Minature Brooches,
worth 2c. Special,
Friday, 10c.
Narrow Ribbons
Satin, Taffeta, etc., 5,
7 and 9, worth 5c, 10c
and i24c j'ard. Fri
day, choice
We offer some wonderful pricts
on wedding presents.
Olass Water Sets
6 glasses, 4 quart jug, and tray.
About 2 c kinds to select O aq
from, set, 49c to..: 4VO
Toilet Sets
Over 300 sets now in stock to
select from and at prices that never
were so low. These make useful
presents, prices are fco flft
$1.49 set up to 3V.yO
Dinner Sets
That all young people must have
that wish to go to housekeeping ;
makes a very useful present ; over
100 different kinds of 'sets to select
from here, from Porcelain begin
ning at $4.98 a set, to Haviland
China Sets at $25.00 JcA Wl
Tea Sets
In a large variety from tC fQ
$2.98 set to 40.yO
We are closing outpour stock of
Lamps to make room for the new
fall styles now arriving. We have
about 25 left that were $3.00 to,.
10.00 each. You can have your
choice at half price.
China Berry Sets
1 large berry dish and six sauce
dishes, about 50 styles to select
from. Prices 49c set QiA QfL
Glass Berry Sets
Plain, 34c to 49c ; t f AQ
gold trimmed 98c to... PIVO
Glass Punch Bowl
12-inch size, worth 2.00, Ofts
for Friday VOC
Glass Tea Sets
Plain crystal glass, cut glass
patterns, Friday 40c set AQrr
Glass Tea Sets
Gold trimmed, Friday, set
Full line of Kitchen Tinware, Enameled
Ware, Fibre Ware, Crockery and Gla
Ware at very low price.
The New 4Cent Store
Donnelly Brothers Victorious.
Tho Donnelly Bi others, of Jessup, de
feated O'Boylo and Farrcy, of Dun
more In a hand-bull match on the
Homy alleys yesterday afternoon, by a
scoic of 31 to 18.
The same ivib exciting, and during Its
progiesb ftonu of the spectatois began
to quanel about the merits of tho
playcis. A fight ensued, but wus
nipped In tho bud by the police.
Jlr. ami Mis. A. G. Wheeler and son,
Clifton, of ciaik's Green, are spending
u fow lass with filends on Throop
Mis. W. W. Jenkins, of 01 pliant, has
oeou visiting the homo of nor parents,
Mr. mid Mrs. I.cnis Harris, for the past
fow dajs.
Mr. ami Mis. Clarence Steele, of North
Main avenue, returned home yesterday,
after attending tho funeral of Mr.
Steelo's father, at Waltlmm, N. Y.
Tho homo uf Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas
Courtney, of Throop street, has been
brightened by tho uriivul of a baby boy.
Austin Moore, of Parker htreet, left
WcdncEd.iy to take the cnttanco examin
ations for Lehigh university at South
Sidney Clegg, of Thioop stieet, Is visit
ing friends In Vuiulllng.
Mi, and Mrs. Joseph Hodgson, of
Diighton plot, 1110 rejoicing over tho ni
rlvnl of a baby daughter.
Mis. Aithur ll.uiMim, of Obplmnt road,
has returned after a shoit ilslt in Wilkes
Hill re,
Joseph Powell, of Summit avenue, Is
borloiibly ill with pneumonia.
Miss Lilian Steele, of North Main ave
nue, has u turned after spending a fow
days in Wllkes-IJarre,
James U, und Daniel D. Kvans, of
Spring htreet, has returned after spend
ing it few das In Now York city.
Miss Lilian Steele, of North Mulu avo
nuu, has ictumed after a few days' rest
III Wilkes. Ban 0.
Mr. and Mis. Clarenco Steele, of North
Main avenue, left Wednesday for Walton,
N, Y,, to attend the funeral of Mr,
Steele's father.
John Owens, a student at Bucknell unit
lorslty 1 etui ned homo yesterday to speno
tho aummer vacation ulth his parents on
Wujno avenue.
Miss Maude Martin, a recent giaduate
of tho Wllkcs-Barro city hospital, Is vis
iting hor cousin, Miss .Blanche Mai tin, of
Nay Aug avenue.
Mis. C. MlotbPl, who expects to go to
Ohio. Dinner iwis scived under the tices-,
nnd all letuined noil pleased ivtlh thu
dny'b enjoyment. ,
Mrs. John Stansbury and Mrs. George
Stansbury spent Wednesday with friends
in Ctuboudnlc,
Tho Rev. Mi. Lauer and family, of
Short aicnuc, nro moiing to Mauch
Chunk, 11 hero they nlll reside In the fu
ture. Hurrv Hurst has returned, after beveral
months' stay In St. Paul, Minn.
Ray Saxon, of Stuiibbiiry'b btore, Is
spending the summer In Kansas, on uc
cuunt ot 111 health.
Funeral of the Late Fred Fetzer,
Was in Charge of Camp 4S0,
P. O. S. of A.
One of the biggest funcials over seen
on this bide took place yebteiclay, when
the icni.tliiR of the lato Fied Fetzer
Mere laid ,U lest In tho Plttston me
nus cemetery. The deceased a
member of Camp 430, Patilotlc Order
Sons of Ameilca, which society attend
ed In a body, und who also hud c lunge
of tho obsequies. Tho remains neie
taken from the family rtsldeiao on
Mooslc stieet, to the Hlckoty stieet
church, wheie for tho dead
ieie conducted by Itov, W, A. Noult.
The floweis, ulilcli nolo uiuny uud
costly, neie can led to thu giuvo by
Wllllmn Heuster, John Delta, Jacob
.MilU uud Churlcs KticJich, The p.Ul
beareib were: John Baker, Clu 1st
Itobc, William Powell und Fied KUts-llch,
Nomination of Offlceis.
At the last meeting of Comet lodge,
No. 230, Knights of Pythlus, ofliteis for
the ensuing teun weie placed In nom
ination us follows:
Chancellor commander, Frank Klef
eri vice chancellor, John Klein, C, Alor
oslnu and A, Grzywlnskl; prelate, E.
B. Holgate; master at arms, Alex Uud
lcr; master of iioik, G, J, Sihautzj
master of finance, F, C, Khrhaiilt and
G, J. SchauU; muster of exchequer,
William A. Shiftier; keeper of iccords
and seals, B. F. Moore; Inside guard,
Tho ladles of Park Place eavo a fare. I John Gapp; outblde guard, Jonn hUI-
H oartv at Nay Amr park. In honor of lllvan; trustee, Alex Budler; represen
tative to grand lodge, James Sullivan,
Alex. Budler and James Bird.
Tho funeral of tho into Henry Winkler
will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Tho Scianton Athletic club will hold a
clam bake in Baldner's park next Sun
day all day. Everybody welcome.
Tho Junger Mncnncrchor will mtet for
rchcuriul this evening.
A meeting of General Grant comman
deiy. Knights of Multa, will bo held to
night In Hartman's hall, on Plttston ave
nue, A tegular meeting of tho Scranton Saen
geuundo Is called for tonight, when final
tinangements for next Tuesdu s "kom
meis" will bo made,
Tho Junior Leaguo of St. Paul's church,
Cedar aicnuc, celebrates its fourth annl
leitmrv and nlll conduct an Ico cream
social In tho thuioh parlors on Friday
ui onlng, June 2T.
Se i vices will bo held as usual lit 10 JO
n. m. and 7,no p, m. next Sunday at St.
Paul's Methodist Episcopal church.
Otto Robinson, school controller of the
Eleventh waul, spuing a smpilbo on his
many filends Wednesday when lie made
known tho fact that ho Joined tho lankh
of the benedicts almost oier a year ago.
Mis. Robinson was foimerly Miss Besslo
Jones and was ono df the most popular
joung Indies of West Scianton. Mr. Rob
inson as kept busy cstorday accepting
tho congiatulatlons of his numerous
filends on his manlage mid thu aulvul
of a ban and holr,
Mi3. Stephen S. Spruks was 38 eais
old Wednesday, and tho day was llttlnglj?
obseiitd at tho Spiuks mansion, corner
of Clay aienuo and Linden street, A
(ainlly iinmion lias held dining tho after
noon, und after alt had cxpiessed them
sell es iellilllously towaids tho hostess,
many picsents iveie glicn, A tempting
lepast was afteiwuids seried nt which
the tollonllig meinbcis of tho family sat
down; Mr. und Mis. Spiuks, srMr, nnd
Mis. Thomas II, Spruks, Mr, nnd Mis.
llemy Spiuks, Mr. and Mrs, David
Spiuks, Mi, und Mis. Cliailcs Spiuks, Mr.
nnd Mis. G. A, Miller, Muster Wllllo
Spiukb, Romaluo Spiuks uud Mary I.ouisu
Einest Gloor, foi ennui at tho Sauauolt
Silk mill left lest evening for Phllddel
phln, iv line he nlll bo mauled today,
Tho murrlago of Fied Pilde and Miss
Lizzie Uhl, Is announced to take plate
Charles Kellcrmait, of Bitch street, who
has been dangerously 111 Is convalescing.
Miss Julia Villager, of Pjttstun aienue,
Is seilously 111.
Jphu I'lil. of Beech street, left yester
tcrday for Elmlra, whcio ho will enjoy
his summer lacatlou.
Bernard Boor, u. student at the Jo-
Tbe Elks'
Will make you think that Hlfe'S
worth living after all."
Snarling beast's, dazzling lights,
resounding bands and laughing
You will never forget it.
Week Commencing June 30.
Honey to Loan
On Watches, Diamonds and Gold
Jewelery. Private Office.
sephlno college, Columbus, O., Is spending
the holidays with his parents on this side.
W. S. Klonosky, a' phaimeclst of 1803
Plttston uveuuo, left for New York yes
terday, and nlll set salt for Europe to
day, A lioiso belonging to Dr. M. H. Qulnn,
of Plttston avenue, received serious In
Juiles to his legs in tho barn esierday.
Tho Gei man Benellclul society met In
weekly session at Mlitz hotel on Plttston
avenue last evening.
Told by President McKinley.
Di. 1. M. RUey recalls that when th
president's mother sat down for the firs
time to u white house dinner what eeemec
to I m pi ess her most was the prodigal
supply of cream, nnd she commented on
its abundance, and then addod:
"Well, William, at last 1 know what
they mean when they sprak of the crem
of society."
Tho president laughed. "I admit," Mid
he, "that theio seems to be an extrava
gant at ray of cieam on the table, but,
j on know, mother, tio can afford to keep
a, cow, now." Saturday Evening VnU
. .&
MB. a.Je,,,jL.i&.., S- kok
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Bar fT h. i 1, 4 . .- I - V