The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 20, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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i&bmr i- jfc i
MManMiu f
' .Was Conducted Under the Auspices
of tho City Christian Endeavor
Union Rev. M. L. Flror nnd
Henry L. PeabSdy Delivered Ad
dreBEes Others Who Participated
In the Exercises MIbs Myrtle
Burns Has Accepted a Position at
Wilkes-Barre Other Notes.
In tho Dunmoro Presbyterian church
Inst night a rally, meeting, under the
auspices or the City Union Christian
Endeavor was held. Several selections
were rendered by the church choir and
the Sunday school orchestra. The 103d
psalm was read rcsponslvcly, led by
liov. W. F. Gibbons.
Rev. JI. L, Flror, of the Calvary Re
formed church, gave an Interesting
talk, that was much enjoyed. He im
pressed upon his hearers the necessity
of having an Ideal to which It should
bo their steady aim to attain. Ho urged
as an Ideal that all might reach after
Jesus Christ, the great tabernacle of
God among men.
Henry li. Peabody, who was formerly
In the evangelistic work in company
with B. Fay Mills, made a short ad
dress urging on his hearers the need of
great faith. Great faith in God, great
faith in men and great faith in our
selves Is needed' by every Endeavorer
who would do the best work In the
Christianizing of the world.
At tho close of the service a social
hour was spent in the church parlors,
and refreshments were served by' the
local society.
Short Paragraphs.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson,
of "West Drinker stiet, a son.
John Blown, a student nt Villa Nova
college, is homo for tho summer recess.
Gcoigo Wlnterstcln, Ralph Ives and
George Kellam aie sightseeing in New
York city.
Miss Myrtle Bui 113, who for several
years has been tho efllcient cashier in
Stevens' stoic, leaves Monday for Wilkes
Barre, whoie s,hc has accepted a position
with 'Warner & Co., wholesale merchants.
' Oliailes Boland, of L3ast Drinker street,
leaves today for Butte, Mont., whoro lie
intends to permanently locate.
Thomas Matthqws, of Drinker street, is
fcpendlng a week at Lake AVlnola.
P. J. Horan, of the Union Cash stores,
i.s on a luihlnobs tiip in Wayne county.
Mrs. Oshorn and daughter, Miss Fanny
Osborne, of Dudley street, leave today
for a visit at Rockland, I.,. I.
Mrs. Arthur Spencer is indisposed at her
homo on Blakely street.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. McMillan leave to
day for I.ako "Winola, whcio they will
spend the summer.
The funeral of Edward J. Howard,
the late school director of the First
ward will be held tomorrow morning.
A requiem high muss will be celebrated
In St, Patrick's church at 10 o'plock.
Interment will be made In the West
Side cemetery. The members of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians will at
tend the funeral in a body.
James, the young son of Bernard no
tenfold, of River street, mot with a pe
culiar accident on Tuesduy, while shoot
ing fire crackers. One of the crackers
of the largo variety contained a 32
callbre bullet, which, when It exploded,
entered the boy's thigh. Dr. Van Sickle
Was called and extracted the bullet.
. Mrs. W. J. Schubmehl Is in LoRoy,
fcf. Y.
Mrs. William Mori Is, uf Taylor, is the
Kuest of relatives on Susquehanna
Miss Gertrude Dougherty, of South
forth, Pa., Is visiting Sister Evangells
tu, at tho convent.
Mrs. Jennie Mason, Mrs. Richard
Pottlgrcvv, Mrs. Julia Pettlgrew and
Miss Grace Pcttlgrow attended the
wedding of a telutlvc at Piiceburg yes
terday. Prof, and Mrs. T. W. Wntkins, Mis.
C. S. Lcwsley and Miss Mary A. Evans
vera aniortg thoso who attended the re
cital given by Prof. John T. Wutklns'
music pupils at Scranton Inst evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Uuddlo left yes
terday for Hobokcn, N, J., where they
.will icblde.
Mrs. Edward Rcnnie, of Jc'rinyn, vis
ited relatives at this place yesterday,
Albert Symons, of Carbondalc, who
lias been spending a fow days In town,
if turned homo yesterday.
Mlfcs Maine Langau, of Blnghainton,
Is 1visltlng her parents on Duninore
Mr, ami Mrs. Jacob Dcltrlck and daugh
ter, Mildred, uf Sumlcrbou avenue, will
leave today for their summer cottago at
Coxtown Pond, Wayno county, They wl
make tho trip In their own conveyance.
Miss Madgo Brandt, of Wilkes.Burro, Is
f-pcndlng a few days with Miss Gusslo
Ul'uiult, of Motibey avenue,
Mrs, George Watson, of Jeffeison ave
nue, gave a very dcllglitful cobweb party
yesterday afternoon In honor of MIbs
Floy Klntiicr. Mrs. Watson was ushlsted
In entertaining by Mrs. KiiUncr luut Miss
Lewis. Tea was served on tho Iawp,
Among those present were: Misses Grace
Athcrton. Helen Sadler, Julia llcnwood,
Maude C'hlvers, Gertrude Guild, Hnrrlct
Kloglor, Mny Watson, Carrie Hltchoocn.
Ruth Hann, Isabella Jones, Leila Wood
ruff, Clara Woodruff, Jessie Kcly, Not
tlo Laurence, Kmlly Edgar, Francis
Llndtny, Nora O'Uoylc, jKabcllo Fein
berg, Florence Felnbcrg, Mabel Knttftcld,
Florence Clark, Bertha Fellows, Graco
Tripp, Florence Nye, Stella Klnback,
Misses Jcsslo and Knto Kelly, of
Wllltcs-Unrre, who hnvo spent the past
week with Giocn Ridge friends, will re
turn homo today.
Mrs. Clarence Foster, of Sanderson ave
nue, Is spending a few weeks In Balti
more. Ralph Snnwden, Mne Benedict and
Miss Pearl Treverton attended the com
mencement exercises nt Wyoming semi
nnry tills week.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Green
Rldgo Presbyterian church will conduct
a peddlers' parndo In the church parlors
this evening.
Somo Public Service Companies Ig
noro City Treasurer.
City Treasurer Robinson has received
but two responses to the letters which
he sent out to tho corporations coming
under the provisions of the license las
ordinance passdd some months ago by
It willchc ronieniborcd that this ordi
nance provides for a tax of live per
cent, on the gross receipts of tho pub
lic service companies doing business In
this city, the same to be due on the
Hist of June of every year. The ordi
nance went Into effect on Aprlll and
the city 'treasurer det"rmlned to try
nnd see if he couldn't collect a tax for
the year ending June 1. He sent out
communications to the jseveral com
panies asking for a statement of their
gross receipts for the year ending on
the above mentioned date.
The two replies came from the Con
solidated Telephone and Central Penn
sylvania Telephone companle's. General
Manager Wayland, of the former com
pany, points out that a, two per cent,
tax cannot bo collected from that cor
poration because of the provision in Its
franchise which provides for the collec
tion of only a one per cent tax.
The general manager of the Central
Pennsylvania company writes that
"even If this tax Is legally assessable,"
it could be only collected for the year
ending June 1, 1003. The Scranton
Railway company, Scranton Illuminat
ing, Heat and Power company and
Scranton Gas and Water company
have ignored the city treasurer's re
T. W. Knowles Fined $50 by Magis
trate Millar Last Night.
T. W. Knowles, propiletor of the
Eagle hotel at 309 Penn avenue, was ar
rested last night by tho police on the
charge of selling liquor without a
license. When arraigned for a hearing
before Magistrate Millar ho admitted
having sold bottled beer, but claimed he
didn't know that was against the law.
"What was the stuff you've been
drawing from faucets?" asked Superin
tendent Day.
"Oh, that was only Weiss beer and
cider," replied Mr. Knowles.
The magistrate informed him that
selling any kind of intoxicants, whether
bottled or unbottled, without a license,
is a violation of tho law. No witnesses
were examined because of Mr. Knowles'
admission of his guilt. Ho was fined $30
and costs.
Was a Well Known Attorney and
Former Resident of Scranton.
Peter A. Mahon, one of the leading
members of the Northumberland coun
ty bar, and a former resident of this
city, died on Tuesday night last ut the
Hotel Florence in Philadelphia fiom
The deceused was a brother of Attor
ney James Mahon, of this city, and
studied law with him when flie latter
was district attorney of the mayor's
court. Ho was admitted to the Luzerne
county bar in 1875. After a short prac
tice in Wilkes-Barrc he went to Sha
mokln, where he rapidly made a name
for himself. He was elected district at
torney of Northumberland county in
18S3, and was re-elected three years
later. Tho funeral will be held this afternoon.
I Y '! 'i'M
These pictures are exact reproductions of 'Pan
ama" Hats,, just imported. The Swell Hat of
the Season. $6.50 to $15.00.
4 fr 4- 4 4 k 4r 4 $ 4 4 4 4
Wedding Gifts
So hearjily was our announcement of a Cut Glass and Silverware Sale
for Wedding Gifts responded to during the past week that we have decided
to permit the reduced prices to hold good a few more days.
Those who visited our store found that we told the truth when we said
that here was the best assortment of reliable goods at the most reasonabl6
prices in fact, more than reasonable genuine bargain prices.
It is a pleasure in these times, when the pennies must be saved as well
as the dollars, to know where the pennies can be. saved. All we ask is that
you come to this store before purchasing. Many have told us that they are
very glad they did so. Why should you not be?
Peppers and Salts 25c
(Sterling SiKor Mounts.)
Sugars and Creamers $ 5.00
Water Sets 7.00
Water Bottles 3.50
Berry Dishes 4.00
Celery Dishes 6.00
Pickle Dishes 1.75
Toothpick Holders 1 50
Bouquet Holders 2.50
Water Jugs 10.00
Oil Bottles 1.50
Cologne Bottles 1.50
Rogers Best Knives and
Forks, per doz $3.50
Rogers' Teaspoons, per half
dozen 75
Rogers Table-Spoons, per half
dozen 1.50
Sugar Shells 50
Butter Knives 50
Cold Heat Forks 75
Berry Spoons 1.00
Cream Ladles 75
Gravy Ladles ; 1.00
Oyster Ladles 2.00
Oyster Forks, half dozen 2.00
Soup Spoons, half dozen 3.00
Orange Spoons, half dozen. . . . 2.00
Individual Butter Spreaders,
half dozen 2.50
Pic Servers 1.50
Salad Forks 2.00
Cake Dishes 2.00
Bread Plates 2.00
Butter Dishes 2.00
" ff"I"C e sna" P'ace on sa'e tay as a special for one week,
wLVywIVO a beautiful line of Clocks. They are all accurate time
keepers and should sell for just one-third more than the following prices;
8-Day Black Mantle Clock. ..s J3.M up
8-Day Poicelaln Clocks t.OO up
Gold Clocks new design 2.00 up
Kitchen Clocks special value.... '..$.'.00 up
Alarm Clocks good timekeepers
cxtia strong alarm 75c.
Wedding Ceremony Performed in
Green Ridge.
Prank Watklns and Miss Jennie V.
Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
F. Myers, were married last night at
the homo of the bride's parents, 10S
Larch stteet. Tho ceremony was per
formed by Rev. F. P. Doty, pastor of
the South Scranton Methodist Episco
pal church.
Tho bride was attired in a beautiful
gown of white chiffon and was attend
ed by Miss Hvans. Tho groom wns at
tended by Mr. Stevens, of Dnlton, A
leception followed tho wedding cere
mony and tho couple left later on a
wedding tour.
ii ii
$ 1,500 WAS PAID OUT.
Witnesses in Flection Contest Re
ceiving Their Money.
Tlneo clerks in tho bfflco of tho coun
ty commissioners were preparing var
iants yesterday for the witnesses from
the First, Second and Third wards In
tho Lungstaff-Kolly election contest.
The services of two clerks In tho coun
ty treasurer's oillco were required to
pay out tho money, "
About 1,100 witnesses were paid yes
terday and about $1,500 was paid out.
Tho witnesses from the Fourth, Fifth
and Sixth watds will bo paid today.
How's ThisP
Wo offur Ono Hundred Dollars Reward
for nny case of Caturrli that cannot bo
cuicd by Hall's Cutarrh Cuic,
i J, UUUNUY & Co.. Props..
Toledo, O,
Wo the undci'blsncd. havo known F. J,
Chenoy for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly hnuorublo In all business
trunbuctlons and lliiuucially ahlo to curry
out any obligations nuido by their firm.
West & Tiuux, Wholcsalo Drusglats, To
ledo, O.
.Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo. O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and muc
ous surfaces of the system. 1'ijte 75c.
per bottle. Sold bx all Druggists. Tes
timonials free.
UiU'a Family Pills u tho
Interesting Chat with Madame Do
vere on the King of Beasts,
Mine. Pauline Devere, the Intrepid
French Hon trainer, who will bo seen
hero with tho-Hostock-Ferrarl trained
wild animal show at the Elks Carnival,
Is without question tho greatest female
lion subjugator tho world has ever
known. Her mastery over the mighty
forest monarchs seems almost superhu
man. Great, shaggy kings of tho jun
glo obey her every command as sub
missively as dogs do their masters, In
an entertaining talk about her pupils
she recently said:
"I dearly love my lions, nnd they love
me as much us a lion can love but
they aro lions all tho same, and their
loye, llko their other traits Is, to a do
gtee, n love of cruelty, cunning and
treachery, Their vry love, and the
Jealousy that uecompanles It, may ut
uuy time cause one of them to tear me
to pleces.lf I chanced to make too much
oyer one of the others, A lion Is ail
danger, even In his love, Once, in .Min
neapolis, where I was exhibiting, Nero
sprang at mo and nearly tore my arm
orf, Monarch bit mo through the cgj
and Duke bit me on tho head, but got
a mouthful of hairpins, hair and feath-
Trading- Stamps
213 Lacka. Ave.
Trading Stamps
'fr $ $ $ $ $ V fc $ ? $ fr ? V ?s ? fc $ ty fy &
ers, and was glad to let go. When Nero
attacked me my lioness, Empress, leap
ed at him and grabbed him by tho
throat, throwing hiin backward nway
from me. She would bite mo herself It
she felt ugly, but she would go for any
one of the others that did it."
ycais, died at his home, corner of North
Hyde Park avenue and Schlaggr boula
vard, at 2.45 o'clock yesterday after
noon, after an Illness lnstlng over two
years. Deceused had been a patient
sufferer from cancer of tho stomach,
and everything known to medical scl
eneo had been done for him, but with
out avail, and ho peacefully succumbed
to tho Inevitable. For a number of
years Mr. I, aiming was employed as on
engineer on the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western railroad, and wits a mem
ber of tho nrotherhodd of Locomotive
Knglneers, tho Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western Mutual Aid, Lackawanna
Qouncll, Royal Arcanum, tho Knights
of Mnltu, and the Union lodge of
Masons. He Is survived by his wife,
two sons, Frank and Fred, his mother
and father and one brother, Charles E.
Lanning. Tho funeral services will bo
held at tho house Sunday afternoon qt
2.30 o'clock, now J. P. Moffat, D. D.,
and tho Union lodge will bo In charge.
Interment will bo made In the Forest
Hill cemetery, , ,
one of Scranton's best known physi
cians, passed away yesterday morning
at his home, corner of Vino street and
Mouioe avenue, after a short illness.
The doctor was 39 years old, and had
practiced medicine In this city for the
pabt twelve years. Ho was born In
Rradford county In 1803, and was n
graduate of the Jefferson Medical col
lege, of Philadelphia. Before coming to
this city he waa resident physician at
St. Agnes' hospital, In Philadelphia, for
some time. Dr. Barnes waa recognized
both by laymen and tho fellow-mcmr
bers of hla profession ,as a physician of
high attainments and of great skill.
Ho served at one time as president of
the Lackawanna Medical society. He
Is survived by his vfo and his father,
J, J. ,Barnes. of Hcrrlclcville. a'ha
Dependable Shoes
At Little Prices
" Fine new shapely Shoes, correct in style, seasqn-
j able weight, well made and in satisfying variety. ,
f The "most for the money" is here. See our
J popular price $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Shoes,
Shoes for the street
Shoes for hard work
Shoes for all occasions
Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy,
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
funeral will bo held tomorrow after
noon at 3 o'clock, with Interment In tho
Dunmoro cemetery.
MAY FARLEY, the 3-year-old daugh
ter of William H. Farley, of 1346 Wyo
ming avenue, died ut tho Hahnemann
hospital on AVednebday, after an oper
ation, The funeral will be held this
morning at 8 o'clock. Interment will
be made In Lcwisburg.
The amended nnswer At Itov. John J.
Aldan In tho cciulty.biilt brought against
him by Clooifa'o Slntuwo and, others was
tiled yesteiday,
Tho bond of Joseph White, collector of
taxes in Fcl) township, was approved by
Judgo Edwards yeutciduy. Tho sureties
are John White, J. J. McNulty, A. J.
davln, B. J. Murphy, Cathcilno Lcary
and Akym liowrau.
Kmma Thomas cstctday obtained a
wrt of replevin to recover possession of
Jmuuebold udndu vaJue4 ftt tlDO. which bha
iillefios wero unlawfully seized by Mary
DurUIn, landlord, and John Mcdowan
and John McAndrew, constables,
Jamea Cross Assassinated,
By Extluiho Who from The Associated Press.
Llttlo Rock , Alk., Juno 19, James
Cross, sop of Cuptalu J. C, t'ross, of this
city, was assassinated last night at their
plantation, near Pendleton, Dcslica coun
ty, by it negro named Martin Nash. Tho
killing Is uitid to ho tho result of an old
feud between tho Cross family and an
other prominent family of the neighbor
hood. Escaped Murderers Captured,
BEschidv Wire from The Associated I'rets.
Stroudsburg, Juno 19. Charles Grcther
and ucunle Alcllo, the convicted mur
derers who escaped from tho county jail
here on Sunday, wero captured today. The
former wus caugnt at ManunKa uiiunu,
N. J., and tho latter at liclvluere, N. J.
Neither resisted arrest-
.',. '
-vv-K'"Mr viW
Notici the List of Good Things in the Basement
Sale No. 1
jL' flrwi
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
Sale No. 2
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
Sale No. 3
Begins Promptly at
4 O'clock.
Sale of Boys' iWasliablc Knee Pants,
on tlie' Second (Floor A! special sale
that will make a triumph'. These Pants
arc made- from crash, plain and striped
galatca and wash cheviots; come in
dark, medium and light colors f good
waist band and well made.' Not over
four pairs to a customer. Sold for
sixty minutes, Friday, at -
each lwv
A chance to buy shirt waists at llttlo money.
up of nil sorts of clouting uko lace, mihb is u ki-v imiaiu, "ii-. .5,i'ir.
d ct that etc the hour Is up this entire lot will be cut up. To nt do Parte
ami Val. Laces. 3 to 6 Inches wide, with Insertion to match. Hegu- ti '
to 25c. ayaid, Friday uuy it at, per yarn,,,, ---.
Iht nrlco ill)
Salo of OlnKhnms One of tho best hrnnas on mo marKet. we inrui
nately purchased this cabe of splendid goods a few days uko at a special
price. AVe shall pass this lucky inovo on our part along and allow; you
tho benefit of It. Hvery piece Is a good pattern and Rood colors; for chil
dren's dresses, boys' waists and women's dresses. You can't And a bet
tor wabh fabric, and at today's price will prove u great saving. p.
A yard,,, ,,,..,...,..,,, ...,. ,. ,,m ....... ( ..........
Jonas Long's Sons
Sale of Shelf Paper Best quality; all
colors. Come in ti-yard lengths
and priced for today's selling at 3C
Sale of Toilet Paper Full weight,;
full count; medium sized roll; regularly
sold at uc. each. Today buy seven ,
rolls of paper, for sixty min-
utcs, at , j&oC
Sale, of Hammocks Medium size;
fancy colors. This is the time of year
for Hammocks. Arc you going on an
outing expedition? Take a hammock,
it will help you pass the day more com
fortably. Regular value G9c. A
Friday Sale 49C
Sale of Oil Cans This can Is 5-gallon slzo; mnde of galvanized iron.
Can use it for gasoline as well. A. can usuully sold for 65c. Frl- ig.
day, buy it at Dk'
Sale of Oil Stoves This is a single burner: stands 9' Inches high.
Just the thing for camping parties; easy 'portable; good value at a q
60c. Friday, for sixty minutes, buy it at
Sale of Garden Hose 50-foot lengths; 7-ply; extra good quality; sea
son's guarantee. Oftentimes during the hut weather tho lawn or garden
needs a drink. A good hose Is needed. The kind on sale today Is j r
our very best value and worth 15c. Friday, per foot v
Sale of Tea and Breakfast Plates White Seml-Porcelaln: platen are
ono of tho daily necessities, nnd oftentimes are broken quickly. If you
feel the need of some, come here this Friday and buy this kind a
at : c
Salo of Wash Boards Made firm; has a double zlne surface;
good value at 29c. Friday buy them at
Sale of Clothes Lines Special quality; 3-ply; strong; 5-16 inch thick.
This nigh grade clothes line will be sold in any quantity you want
today, at, per yard
Three Items from the Grocery Department
Combination Sale of CoffSc and Sugar Our combination blend of Java
and Mocha is considered by experts to be a bargain at 25c. per pound:
Friday, for one hour, we will give 5 pounds of sugar with every 4 pounds
of coffee. Free Demonstration In Department. JTou may try it before
purchasing; and further, "Money Refunded if Coffee is Not Satisfac
tory." Remember, 5 pounds of sugar with every 4 pounds of e nn
coffee for one1 hour Friday for l.w
Sale of Flour "Our Jersey Lily," made from choice Minnesota Hard
Wheal. Money refunded If not satisfactory. For one hour buy 50 QAc
pounds for ""
Sale of Ammonia Large half-gallon bottles; full test. A ruober cork
to keep it from evaporating. Sold by your grocer at 25c. Buy it j
here this Friday at, per bottle.'.
Sale of Children's Hats Untrimmed
Rolling Rim ; split straw. This hat item
comes in the nick of time. An excep
tionally good -value at 2nc. Priced for
one hour today, on the Second
Floor at, each 1 y C
Sale of Porch Rockers, on the Fourth
Floor This Rocker is made of clear
white maple stock. Seats are double
weave, in best quality oval reed. The
runners are pinned and glued. Backs
have double banister and ornamental
spindles ; well finished ; extra coating to
withstand the weather ; regular
value is 00c. Friday J JtQ
Sale of Umbrellas Size 2fi inches; made from good mercerized cloth;
have case and tassel; crook Congo handles; trimmed and untrimmed. It
will pay you to come early If you're interested. Regular value qqc
$1.10. Friday, for this hour, buy them at ufc.
Sale of Summer Comforts A pretty figured Sllkollne; covered on one
side and plain on the other; tied with zephyr yarn. Contains only clean
white cotton; absolutely no waste; no shoddy. The cotton Is prepared by
a special process In one sheet, which renders it light and fluffy. A com
fort on a cool night at your cottage. Priced oftentimes at $1.25. qac
Sold Friday for one hour at '1fcl
Sale of Turkish Towels Size 24x50 inches. Come unbleached; plain
or red border. Great big ones that are hungry for water. Regular a
value 17c. each. Buy them this hour Friday nt tu'
Salo of Lawn Priced so low for this grade that thoso who come to
look will buy quickly. Fancy colors. Come in odd figured effects and in
small and large designs. Colors good. Regular value 19c. Frl- 71 c
day buy it at, per yard, for .,...... 72w
Sale of Women's White Cotton Ribbed (Vests Low neck and lace
trimmed. Friday's small sum for this garment will create a .world 5-
of Summer comfort. Regular value 19c. One hour today
r Salo of Ribbons Hundreds of yards of bright new Ribbons, fresh
from the looms. This Taffeta Ribbon, on sale today, is 4 inches wide, all
silk, and has a metallic finish. Maize, light blue, navy, red, -white, lilac,
turquoise, etc. Regular value 5c. Buy mis excellent ltiDDons xor jn
ni.n knni. TiVlilnl' nt
UUU 1UM. J. . (V.MJ, MV....
Mado from lawn and percales; all colors; n variety of figured effects; all
alzes; well nuido; at any other time you will pay 3oc. Como Hero 20c
Friday and buy them for , ,
Salo of Whlto Goods India linen of plain weave; 34 Inches wide. This,
kind of fabric never cornea amiss in any household, for there are a thou
sand and 0110 things It can bo used for. Valuo up to loc. Buy it
Friday tor ono hour ut.
Salo of 3-'-lnch Madras; unquestionably tho best offer In this line of
goods presented to tho people of this city. .Can't ilnd a better time to
use it than now, Mostly stripes In colurs, pink, red and blue; In giZc
wide uud narrow broken effects; value 15c. yard. Friday buy It at "a"
Sale of Lace Many of theso patterns aro shown for tho first time;
fresh and new. Nothing for aii-arounu irnniniuKs euiein mm mu mp
Sale of Women's Muslin Gowns, on
the Second Floor Empire style, i
trimmed with insertion of embroidery!,
edged also with line cambric ruffles ; all
sizes; good length and width. Do'n't
miss colling your share at these prices. Regular value 65c. Frl- co-
nay uuy infill iur uuu iiuur
Sale of Women's Waists-