; 1 ' aJ IT ; t , . - ' f ' , . t ' ! w " ' "' " ' " '" w' ' ' s! ' ' . ' Xi ao THti SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1902. 3 . Lawn Settee (like illustration) 55c. One to a customer. Timely Friday Bargain. i Made of hardwood stock, strongly braced, it consti tutes an ideal piece of lawn furniture. & mm THINGS WORTH NOTING Compiled for The Tribune ly Walter J. Ballard. Monthly dividend disbursements for 1002 Unit) fur shows as follows: January $28,000,001 February 17,000,000 March ;;o.ooo,ooo April 20,000,000 CUny 10,000,000 Juno 20,000,000 Total for halt year iai.000,000 This Is a largo showing, but very far larger, If tabulated, would be the showing of wages paid before n slnglo dollar went to any of these shareholders. Milton J. Piatt, In the New York Times Is always instructive and interesting. Here's his latest on last year's crop re sults, ns llgurcd by our active and useful department of ugrlculturc: Bushels. Farm Value. Corn 1,522,510.000 $!)21,D.T.,"68 Wheat 748,160,218 167,330,166 Oats .- 736,808,724 293,638,777 liarley, rye, and Wheat 155,503,603 73.138,223 Total crops ::,1G3,2!)1,C37 SI, 737,702,934 Fifty million acres in wheat, 2S.5OO.O0O acres In oats, and tho enormous breadth of 91,333,333 acres In corn. The average number of men employed liy the steel combine last year was more than lo'J.OOO. The net earnings of tho combine were $111,000,000. It appears, therefore, the Steel corporation realized during the year about $702 net for each man In its employ. The average wage of each employe figures out to hove been about $2 a day. Including Sundays, or $712 a year. Kach employe, therefore united the combination $10 less a year than he received In wages. The total wage disbursements of tho combine was about $1,000.0(10 larger than its net earn ings. Besides this heavy wage disburse ment, fully sixty per cent, of the fifty four millions paid out for freights was dibburscd again as wages. The financial statement of the Domin ion of Canada for tho ten months ended April 30, has' given much gratlllcatlon. The ordinary receipts exceeded tho ordinary expenditures by the handsome sum of $12,6S::,703, and yielded a surplus of $3, 38.1.115 over the ordinary and capital ex penditure combined. In addition, there was a reduction In tho public debt of $2, OI7,ihi3. These figures indicate the pros perous condition of Canada. The official green-book of tho Now York insurance department hows, among other things, the experience of the Brit ish tire oilices which did business in tho United States during 1901. Tho not prem iums amounted to $36,459,794, and tho net lushes paid and outstanding, after allow ing for the unpaid losses at the end of 1!U0, were $21,819,193. Tho total expenses and commission were $13,300,093. so that the trading lo-s on the year In iho United States was $1,659,491. Receipts from in terest, dividends, and rents to tho amount of $1,829,292 alone prevented tho trading lots from being un actual drain on the reserves. A Japanese engineer, T. Slimoda, from Kobe, Japan, with the Kawasaki Dock f.rd company, is making a tour of tho different countries. Inspecting shipyards. He visited the yards, while here, of tho American Ship Building company. Mr. Slimoda says that In his country Japan ese workmen employed in shipbuilding ro cclvo only forly-llvo cents a day. Ho is well pleased with all that he has seen in tho United States. All talk of a commercial war between this country and any European competi tor Is ill-founded, We occupy tho unique po.sltlonof producing practically every thing wo require. Should It come to tho point of shutting out all imports there is hardly a single article with which wo would havo to do without. That is not the caso on tho other side of tho Atlantic. There is not a slnglo country that pro duces Its entire requirements. Shut off tho cotton, tho grain and provision supply from this country and all Europe would go. hungry, and many people who now talk so lightly of closing Europenn mar kets to American products would see star vation staring them In tho face. Threats are easy and cheap, but It's quite an other thing to fight on nn empty stomach nun I list a well-fed and olherwlso well equlppcd opponent. And that's tho situ ation that would conliont Europe In tho caso of a tariff war. The Manufacturer A wiso wag onco said in response to tho toast, "Here's to your prosperity, Mav you stand it llko a man:" "That's a better sentiment than you think it is," said ho, "It takes a clever man to stand prosperity. Any fool can stand udver tlty; ho has to." ' Great Britain docs, In fact, apparently buy from foreign, countries more than slio sells to foreign countries somewhere from, $800,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 ii year, and lias, been going along at this rato for sev eral years past. In fact, slio has not had a merchandise balance in her favor In tho last hundred years. Any other coun try would havo been bankrupted. What lias kopt Great Britain solvent? She is tho greatest money lender among all the nations. 'tie greatest Investor in foreign productive, enterprise, the greatest car-, rler of over-sea commerce,, Her rev enues from those sources alone aro esti mated at not less than $00,000,000 n year, Jt; Is In that way Bho balances her books npd keeps square with the world. Pro tcctlonlst. , Taking a day for pleasure, tho Eng lishman attends tho races, nnd sees the highest stakes won by nn 'American jnokcy. Looking over 'its evening paper,' he reads of tho'plnclng in American ship ards of orders for American style battle, ships for Europeun as well as Asiatic na tions, and learns that the tsecno of the coronation of tho King of England Is to be, painted by nn American urtlst, and that the forty thoiikand gold, silver and bronze medals, oicrcd by tho command of the king, to commemorate his corona tion, ore being made In Massachusetts. From "Amei leu's Invasion of Europe," by Ocoigo If. Daniels, In Four-Track Nowe, for June. In a recent competitive bid for supply of field glassed for tho navy' department, to lie Included In tho outfit ot about .sev enty of tho new wur vessels, the Cleve land gasses far exceeded 'those- niadeby the only other manufacturer of prism cy4, glasses la this country and those CredltYouPCertalnlyt JKa " 221-223-225-227 fireen the Price , ... is Ciose to the cost Wyoming Avenue. 0f manufacture. o.i. n,i. in , m., .fl mado by the hot foreign manufacturer.", nnd tlio Cleveland llrm of Messrs. Wag ner and Swnsey, easily won tho contract, The foreign manufacturers nre gl'catly chagrined at the loss of their business, and -arc said to bo using every possible means to discover the secrets and meth ods of tho Cleveland firm, which lmvo mado Its output bo successful, Marine Record. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York, Juno 19. There was quite an animated shaking out ot speculative ac counts in today's ttock market nnd a sharp reaction from tho recent prolonged udvance. It becumo evident soon after the opening this morning that the culmin ation of tho rlso had occurred yesterday. Tho leading speculative interests in the market apparently took advantage of thu stimulating Inlluenco ot yesterday's ex cited rlso In Illinois Central to tako prof its. Prices gave Way readily and fell on nn average lrom ono to two points below last night's level. Tho bears were so precipitate In their selling that they were obliged to bid quite urgently for stocks when they came to take profits, causing some substantial rallies. With the de mand from tho shorts satislled tho market yielded again and closed dull and irregu lar. The whole movement was technical and was as little affected by news of the days as tho previous udvnnco lias been. The earlier weakness was conllned to the stocks which havo been tho favorites dur ing the bull campaign, but active selling of United States Steel developed and ear lied that stock down 1 below last night. There was no unfavorable news today which lias not been under discussion for some time past. But in the changed sen timent of the speculation additional con sideration is given by tho national con vention of coal miners and the effort to In lug about a general strike. Total sales today were 583,500 .shares. Bonds were weak in sympathoy with stocks. Total sales, par value, $3,110,000. United States bonds wero all unchanged on the last call. The following quotations aro furnished The Tribune by Haight & Freese Co., .".It Si.". Mears Building. W. D. Itunyon, man ager. Open.Illgh.Low.Close Amal. Copper G7 XXSy,iiWi ff"S Amal. Copper (!74 67 66 07 Am. C. & F 32i 32 32 Si American Ice IS 16 1434 34 Am. Jce, Pr 51 51 19T &0'i Am. Locomotive .... 33',i 33-a :'.2vi 32 Am. Loco., Pr 91 91 ill 9.1 Am. S. & It. Co .... 4SU 48U 47 IS American Sugar ....126 127 12ii 12fi'i Anaconda Copper ...113 113 110 llfl'i Atchison K2VS K!U 81 S2'A Atchison, Pr 10Hi 3011a inoifc toni'c Bait. & Ohio 107 107 Iwilj lOiVU Brook. It. T ii6 Ii7'.!i fiiiJs l.7(k Canadian Pacific ....1:1". 13.. 1341i 133 C'hcs. & Ohio 11 46Vi 40!i -Hi1. Chicago & Alton 8S-i 38" 38 SMI Chic. & O. W 2914 29" 29 29(4 C, M. & St. P in 173- 172U 7-ft C, It. 1. & P 174'& 17ls 1T2V& 1721L- Col. Fuel & Iron .... 9'i 9ii 94" 954 Col. & Southern .... St 31 8014 30'. Col. & South., 2d Tr. it 41 43i 43"a Erie 3714 37'4 36'- ;k Erie. 1st Pr 6814 (.814 67 67-4, Hocking Vallev S3',. Kli S3 S3 Illinois Central 159 159 13tit 157'ft Kan. City & South.. :ya :41i Sty, 31', Louis. & Nash 13714 137"i 137 137" Manhattan 13114 131V. 131 I31?i Met. St. Ry 13114 15114 150i 150'a "Mexican Central .... 28 2S 2S 28 Mo., K. & Tox 27U 274 26 'i 27 . Mo K. & Tox Pr.. 59!4 5914 .18 5S. Mo. Pacific 108 108!, 106H 107I N. Y. Central 13714 137?4 150' 156', Norfolk & West .... .17 57 &U'i EOT! Ont. & West 3294 32 32?i 32"i Pacific Mall 42'. 42'4 41l" 42 Pcnna. R. R 152!! 13214 15114 1311 Peoplo's Gas 102"a 10294 102ia 102V. Pressed Steel Car.... 46 4G14 45"-4 4611 Reading .... 66!4 6"4 03V. 3?4 Reading, 1st Pr 8.1 S414 S3"-i 8414 Reading, 2d Pr 7014 70U H9'A i;9'. Republic Steel IT. 17.74 1714 17V" Republic Steel. Pr... 7314 73V 7314 7SU St. L. & San F 70 70 (,9 69 Southern Pacific .... (!5"$ ti5V. 4i G4"4 Southern R. R 37 37" 3614 3i'.9i Southern R. R Pr.. 9514 9314 9514 fir.v, Tenn. Coal & Iron.., 64 61 C2H 6-1 Texas & Pacific 42 42 4134 4' JInlon Pacific 1069J 106" 105' loi". Union Paclf e. Pr ... R9Vi K914 ssi: csaf tt a t An.i.A.. ,.,,. ,n.r -..' -' W. J,l-tllICl iJ, -l'R 1., 1.1 II' S. T.eilthCl Pr .. 84"4 84"i SMI 84' i'. s. steel ssii 3S',4 36i. 3714 V. S. Steel, Pr 88'i 88'4 87 4 SS'4 ;,...' t4 -B -s"i i.1 2S, vanasn, i-r 4,il 4514 443', 44-f Western Union 92 (ij Dl"' n' Wheel, & L. E 24 22'4 2"'i "I6 Wisconsin Central ., 27T 27 27" "7'A Money, 294 per 'cent. CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Cloio. July 7'u; T.'iii "-.it r.,.T 72V4 September lii .., ,--;j ,u-s 71 1.5 5S',1 36'4 2S'4 17.72 17.82 10.30 10.32 la CORN. July September OATS. July September PORK, July ...;... September LARD, July Soptember RIBS. .. ii",-; .. DSj .. .Wi .. 2bVj ... 17.72 ... 17.S2 ... 10.30 ... 10.32 fiSH 5S 30!4 2S98 17.83 17.93 10.37 10.37 foil DSli 36'4 2S?8 17 75 17.93 10.37 10.37 .' ; 10..17 10.52 10.57 10.62 September 10.37 10.50 10.37 1030 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. T..K- L'r"' Ulshn- -"' Close. J.llI ; 8.52 B.U) 8.52 8 58 Atlglist 8.22 8.30 8.22 89 October 7.86 7.93 7.83 7,91 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr,.., County Saw Bank & Trust Co First Nat. Bank (Carbondalo). Third Natlonul Bank ,. Dlmo Dep. & DIs. Bank.,..,.,, Economy L H. & l Co Fit st National Bank , Lack.' Trust &(Safo Dep, Co,,. Clark & Snover Co.. Pr,,,.,.,, Scranton Savings Bank,,, Traders' National Bunk Scrnnton Bolt & Nut Co People's Bank Uld.Asked 300 ... .:. 500 3oo ,;; 1300 IV- - -' ,,. . wo ,,, 223 125 135 ,;; ... 33 5 ... 115 ... 115 , 115 ": 07 ,.. 97 m 1(13 BONDS, Scrnnton Packing Co IUII JUL'Ulllb V0 ,,,,', ton Pnssengcr Railway, mortgage, due 1920.,..,.. o's Street Railway, film ttcranton nrst i People' mortgage, duo 1918 .People's Street Railway, Gen- erui morigagc. tiuo m.'i ,,,,., Scianton Trac. Co., 0 per cent. Economy L., II. & P. Co..,,,. N. Jersoy & Pocono Ico Co.... Consolidated Water Supply Co Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G, Dale, 27 Lacka, Avo 1 Flour $4.40. Butter Fresh creamery, 24c. j XresU dairy, 23c Cheese 13al314e. t Eggs Nearby. J8o.; western, 171So. Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.35a2.40. Green Peas Per bushel, $2.25. Onions Bormudas. $3.00 per crato. Potatoes Per bushol, 80c. Kew York Grain and Produce Market New York, June 19. Flour Murkct was steady as4 generally 5c. higher un tsjirim; FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600000 i Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. the ' Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of tho property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Fan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock' now selling at $ .50 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES MINING CO 1202 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. LOWA.Fi HA PEF CA5HHAL CEicawmn patents. Wheat Firm: No. 2 red, 79!c. elevator; No. 2 led, SOaSIe. f. o. b. atloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, S2&c. t. o. t. atloat; decided strength appeared i n wheat today; closing prices were lullic". net higher; July closed 79c; September, 775c; December, 78:lic. Corn Spot easy; No. 2, USltc elevator and (.Dike; f. o. b. atloat; option market was irregular; the closo was ikaSAc. lower to He. higher on December; July closed, GoSic.: September, raiic; December, 50c. Oats Spot steady; No. 2. 4tic.; No. 3 oats, 4j1jc.; No. 2 white, 00c; No. 3 white, 5114c: track mixed west ern, 4Ja4Sc; track whlto western. COaSUc; track whlto state, 50u5Uc.; options fairly nctlvo and steady on light country offer ings and covering. Butter Firm; cream ery, 19n22c; factory, IGlSnl&c.: renovated, 17n20c; imitation creamery. 17a20c; Htnte dairy. lSu21c. t'hecso Weak; new htate full cream, smnll colored, choice, OV&nDUc; small white, H'.fcnOftc; large colored. 9-hc: largo white. 9?4c. Eggs Firm; state and Pennsylvania, 18c: Kentucky, lJaUic; western candelcd, 17!aalSc, Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia. Juno 19. AVheat-FIrm, lie higher; contract grade, June, .S2n82ic. Coin None olfered. Oats Steady; No. 2 white clipped, 52!aK!e. Butter Firm, good demand; extra western creamery, 221ic; do, nearby piints, 2Jc. Eggs Firm, He. higher; fresh nearby, 18c; loss 'off; do. western, 1814c, ; do. do. southwestern, 18c; do. do. southern, 1614c Cheese Easier; New Yoik full cream, prlmo small, lOlic rteflned Sugars Five points lower on al grades except Nos. 5, ii and 7, which wero 10 points off; crown 0, 3c,; cubes, 4.90c; powdered, 4.75c; extra line granulated, 4.75c: standard granulated and crystal A, 4.03c; confectioners A, 4.43c; No. 1,4.30c; Nos. 2 nnd.1, 4.25c; No. 4, 4.20c; No. 5, 4.13c: No. Ii, 4.10c: No. 7, 4c,; No. S. 3.90c; No. 9, 3,S3c: No. 10, 3.80c; No. 11, 3.73c; No. 12. 3.70c ; Nos. 13 and 14, 3.70c; No. 13, 305c, ; No. Hi, II.OOc. Cotton Unchanged. Tallow Dull and lower; city prime, in tierces, iHinbViC. : country do.. barrels. C'.4aiic; do. dark. SUaSHc; cakes, ii?a(il4c I.lvo Poultry Firm and a slindo higher; fowls, 13al314c; old roos tors, O'JalOc: spring chickens, large, 21a ::oc: do, small and medium. 15a22c: ducks, lOalle, Dressed Poultry Steady, fair de mand: fowls, choica western, l.'lc; do, do. southern and southwestern, 1214c; do. fair to good, lll'.al2c; old roosters, S','.a9c; broilers nearby, 30aS5c: do. western, 23a. ,"0c; frozon poultry, fowls. 12al2'4c; roast ing chickens, Haltic; broilers nearby, 22a, 2Sc; westorn do,. liialOc, Receipts Flour. 400 barrels and I.O.J2.000 pounds In sacks; wheat, 21.000 bushels; corn, none: outs. 9,000 bushels, Shipments Wheat, 800 bushels; coin, none; outs, 9,000 bushels, Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, June l9.-Corn although fair ly active for an ordinary day, dinpped back Into second placo today und napped whllo wheat iniido u good running. For somo reason not entirely clour. Franco needs nil now wheal. Chicago sold It di rect to Purls and this Inlluenco in connec tion with tho wot weuther, July wheat mado u net gain of 'iitic, July corn closed lie down and July oats 'inlic, up. Provisions wero Independently strong and closed 15c. higher, Cash quotations wero us follows; Flour Steady; No. :i spilng wheat, 7iriu74i',c; No. 3 red, 79uie.; No, 2 vellow corn. O.'.'&e.: No. 2 oats, 42',&u4.ic; No, 2 while. 4714c; No. ii white, 47ot7?ic; No. 2 rvc, Tide.; fair to chnlco malting. l7it (Of.: No. 1 ilux seed. J1.5lal.5.ri: No. X unrthwestcrn. Jl.75: pilnui timothy seed, tiiOO; mess pork. 17.S0al7.9O; lard, J10.3214; short libs, J10.l71JalO.70; shoulders. STiaOc: shott clear sides, 11,13; whiskey, $1.30. Chicago Live Stock Market. , Chicago, Juno 19,-Cattlo-Uecelpts, 5,500, Including 800 Texiius; chnlco strong, oth ers steady, gobd to pi lino steers, J7.5iJ.i8; poor to medium. ti.7CH7.44: stnekom and feeders, t2.M.i5.25; cows, $1.4tla5.73; heif ers. $2.50al!.2ol runneia. tl.40.i2.40; bulls. S2.25a5.C0: calves. t'.50.iG: '1'nvnnu r,l hteors, tlaG. Hogs llecclpts today, 21.000; tomorrow. 22.00U. loft nvniv iinno K,m.. higher; mixed and butchers. t7.10a7.5o; good to cholco heavy, $7.4"i.i7.03; rough he-ivy, J7.10a7.33; light. t0 9'a7.2.i; 6ulU of sales, t7.ba7.40. Sheep-Itevelpta, io.OOOj ri: 1 ill 1 18 t B Special Sale ONE DAY ONLY yywferoni ,, 322 Lackawanna Avenue. Scranton's New Furniture and Carpet Mouse. 'The Store That Saves You Money." sheep and lambs btcnily; booi! to choice wethei-H. Ki.Vi western sheep, grosser, .'.&0ul.i5; liutlvo lumbs, clipped, (Uu7; western Inmbs, fCa7. Buffalo Live Stock Market. Kust Ituffulo, Juno 19. Cattle Receipts, 00; dull, unchanged. Veals, strong und L'Jc. higher. Hogs Receipts, 5.000; nctlvo and Co. lower on light grades; 5ul0u. high cr on licayy: heavy, J7,W).i7.70: mixed, $".45 ii7.ru; pigs, $7.1Sa7.20: loughs, $7u7,10; slugs, ('i.SOali, Bheep und I.amlis Heeeipts, '-',000; steady; spring luuibn, 0.50a7l fair tii'good, $.'.7oab,23; culls to common, Jla5; yearlings and wethers, .u3.Si; sheep, toj mixed, Jl.i-.at.no; fulr to good, l).75a4; culls to common, $243.23. East .Liberty Live Stock. Kast Liberty. Juno 19. Cattle Steady; prime, $t).7347.'.'3: choice. Jti.lCaS.SOj good, JiJ.iti.30. Jlogs iJIghort prlmo heavy, $7.50 U7.53; mediums, J7.30.i7.33; heavy Vol Iters, $7.23ii7.S0; light Yorkern. $7.'.'0.i7.,.'3; pigs, $10a7.:0: roughs, $ Ca7, Sheep-Slow: best wethers, $l.Ou4.03; culls and common, tl.r.0.12; cholco lambs, tUaO.&O; veul calves, $7a7.0O. OU .Market. Oil City, Juno tit. Credit balances. 120; certlllcatcs. no hid: shipments, lu.',20U liar, t-cls; iivoragu, 92.3.19 bairola; runs, 91.7J3 barrels; uvcruge, 73,513 barrels. . M M f jfioeyzr ffomer? A Great Success The women are delighted with the Dorothy Dodd" Shoe. ' Such a shoe for three dollars is a revelation. It fits the foot in every spot - it doesn't wrinkle nor does it pinch. It's just right, and besides it has all the lines of beauty that you would expect in, a shoe designed for women by a woman of artistic taste and special skill. The Boots Are $3.00 Oxfords, $2.50 (A Pew Specials 50c Extra. ( Let us show you the new show that is caus ing the sensation in the shoe trade. The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Go. Cor. Lackawanna Ladies' Rocker Our Friday Special this week is an excellent wood seat Sewing Rocker like cut. They are well braced and are golden oak finished. Their value is double the price for this sale, 69c fr.. X When in Need J Of anything in the line of J optical goods we can supply it, Snectacles land Eye Glasses Properly fitted by an expert J optician, 4, I From $1.09 Up 1 Also all kinds of prescrip- T tlon work and repairing. J J Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue, . wfw m te rauiuess raimo w w ! WE GIVE TRADING and Wyoming Ares. Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock 1 PILSNER ! ''4, 'l,,I, 4, Brewry, E. Scranton, Pa. N. seventh S Old 'Phone, 3331, New 'Phone, 2935. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Kffect Jimo 13, 1902. Tilling I.eavo acraiitou. For Philadelphia and New Yoik via D. & II. It. It., ut 7.41, through 1'urlor Car and Day Coach Carbondalo to New York and 9.17 a. m with h. V. Coach Carbon dale to Philadelphia, nnd 2.18, 4.3.V tHlack Diamond Express), and 11.49 p. in. Sun days, D. & II, R. R., 1.38. 9.17 p. 111. l'or Whlto Haven, IliizleUm und princi pal points in the coal legions, via D. & If. R. R 7.41, 2.1S and 4.33 p. m. Kor Potts vllle. 7.41 11. m. . ., ,, Kor Hethlehem, Kastou, Reading, llnr ilsbing and principal intermcdlato stn tlons. via U, & II. R. R.. 7,41, 9.47 u. in,; 2.18, 1.33 (Illiick Dliiliiond Kxpress). 11.49 p. 111. Sundays, D. & II, R. It., MS 11. m.; 1,38. 9.17 p. Ill, Kor Tiinlfhannoclt, Towiinda, Klmira, Ithaca, Geneva and pilncinul internu'dlato' Htatlmis via D., L. & V R, R., Cu3 u. m. unci 1.33 p. in. . For Guiipvn, Rochester. Buffalo. Niag ara Falls, Chicago und all points west via D. &. II. R. R. 12.0.1 p. 111.; 3.2S (Black Diamond Kxpri'ss). 10.41. 11.49 p. m. Suii duys. D. & II R. R., 12.03. 9.17 p. m. I'lillmiui parlor and bleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars 011 all tialns between WllkvH-f).iirci und New York. Phlludel pliin, liultulo and Suspension Ilrldge. IIOI1LI.N II. WU-RUR. Oen. Slipt,, 2J Cortland street, Now York. CHARI-IIS S, I,EK, Gen, Pass. Agt 2d Cortland fctieot. New York, A. V. NONK.MACIIllR, Dlv. Pass. Agt South Kethlehnm, Pn. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket office, C9 Public Scniure, Wllkes-Ruric, Pa. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, U Effect Juno 1, 1902. Trains leuvo Soruntoii for Now York At 1.50, 3 20, 0.03. 7.WI and 10.10 u. m,i 1-M0. 3.40, 3.33 11. m. For Now York and Phlhi. dclphia 7.50. 10.10 11. 111., ami 12.4o and 3.31 i). 111. l..-ii. rinitlilQlimvt A 1; In t, . For Buffalo-1.13, U.22 and 9.00 11, ill.; 1.53, ii.5') and 11,10 p. in. For Rlnghamtoii. Elmlrn and wuy stations 10.23 n. m., J.03 p. m For Oswego. Byrucuso and Utlca1.15 and u... 11. 111. , i.i i. 111. uawi'Bu, nyraciisu and L'tlca train at U.2.' a, in. dully, oxcejit Biuuiny. I'm niuuiiosu jvu 11, m.i l.Uj and U.50 . 111. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. m, nioonibburg DIvImou For Northumber land, ut 0.33 and 10.10 a. m.; 1.53 and U.1Q p. 111. For Plymouth, at S.10 u. in.; 3.4o und 9 03 p. in. Sunday Trains For Kew Yoik, 1.50, 3.20. 1105. 10.10 u.in.; 3.40 and 3.33 p. 111. Fur lliirfalo-1.13 and 0.22 a. 111.; 1.53, 0.50 mid 11.10 p, m. Vor Elinirii mid way stations 10.2,", u. 111. For DliiKhaniton and wuy Ktu- tlons, 9 00'u. in. Hloomshurg Dhlblyn 1 Leave Siiuutuu, 10.10 u. 111. und U.10 p. in. i STAMPS. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Bailroad of New Jersey. In Kffect May 18, 1902. Stations In Now York, foot Llborty street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leave Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allon town. Mauch Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash ley, AVIlkcs-Biino and Plttston at 7.30 a. m.. 7 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scrunton 7.30 a. m through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phil adelphia with only 0110 change of cars for Baltimoro and Wellington, D. C, and all principal points south and west. For Avoca, Plttston and Wllkes-Barro, 1 11. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Lone Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7.30 and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg via Allentown nt 7.30 11. m 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday. 2.10 p. m. For Tamaqua and Pottsvllle, 7.30 u. m., 1 p. m. and' 4 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLKR. Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt Delaware and Hudson. In Effect June 1G. 1902. Trains for Carbondalo leavo Scranton at 6.44, 7.3I.-, 8.3(1, 10.13 a.m.; 12.03. 1.12, 2.31, 3.5C, 5.29. 0.23. 8.21, 9.13, 10.01 p. m.; 12.18. 1.38 a.m. For Honesdale 0.44, 10.13 a. m.; 2.34 and 5.29 p. m. For AVIIkcs-Barro-C.3'!, 7.41. S.41. 9.47. 10.33 a. m.: 12.03, 1.42, 2.18, 3.23, 4.33, 6.10, 7,48. 10. 11, i!.r.i p. 111. For L. V. R. R. Kolnts-7.ll, 9.47 a. m.J 2.18. 4.33 and 11.49 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. PolntSr-0.38, 9.17 a, m.; 1.42, 3.28 and 4.35 p. m. For Albany and all points north 7,36 a. m. and 3.50 p. ni. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondalc 8.50. 11.33 a. m.; 2.1J, 3.50, 5.52 and 11.17 p. m. For Wilkes-llarre 9.3S a. m.; 12.03, 1.5S, 3.28. 0.32 nnd 9.17 p. m. For Albany nnd points nnrth-3.3f p. m. For Honesdale-8.50 a. m.; 11.33 'and 3.53 p. 111. W. L. PRYOR. D, P. A., Scrnnton, Pa, Pennsylvania Bailroad. Schedule In Effect Juno 1G, 1902. Trains leavo Scranton: u.3S a. m., wek dnvs, thiough vestibule train from Wilkes-Uuire. Pullman buffet parlor cat and couches to Philadelphia, via Potts. vlllc; stops at principal Intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Suiibury, liur. rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltinioie, Wash ington and l'or Pittsburg and the West. 9.47 a. m.. week days, for Suiibury, liar rlsbui'g, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wush Ington and Pittsburg and tho West. 1.12 11. in., week days, fHumlays, 1.5S n in,), for Sunbuiy, Ilurrlsburg, Phlladeb phla. Baltimore, Washington and Pitts, burg and the West. :i.ai p. n week days, thiougu vcstlbuU triiln from Wilkes-llarro Pullman buffei parlor ear and ccaches to Plilladolphla via Pottsvllle. Stops at pilnc.lp.il liitnrmcdluU stations. , 1 . 4.33 p. in., week days, lor Hnulelon, Stm bury, Ilurrlsburg, Philadelphia und Pitts. bW'S' .1. B. IlI'TCUIN'SON. Gen. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen, Pass, Agt, New York, Ontario and .Western, Tlmo Table In Effect Sunday. Juno 13, 1902. NORTH HOUND TRAINS. Leavo I.eavo Arilvt Trains. Scranton. Carbondalo. Cadnsia. No, I 10.30a. in. II 10 a.m. l.nu p. m, No. loop. in. 4.11 p.m. i;,no p, ni. " ' oiVT.'ioiiND?11"100' P',n Leavo Leavo Arrlvt Trains. Cadoslu. Carbnndale. Scranton. No. U 0.30 a. m. 7.23 a.m. No. 4 s.iou.m 10.01a.m. lo.40n, m. N 2 ...... 2.15 II 111. 4.00 p.m. 4.45 pm SUNDAYS ON1.V. NORTH BOUND Leave Leavo Anlv Trains. Scranton. Carbondalo. Codosla No. 9 8.:u. m, 9.10p.m. io. a, m No. 5 ...... 7. ' m.Ar.Cdrhondale7.5 p.ra !' SOl'TII BOUND. 'Jl,' Leavo Leavo Anlvt Trains. Cadoala. Caihnudalc, Seruuton No. 0 ,.,, A"-"1. 7.23H.111 No. 10 4.3IJ p.m. 0 (iii p. in. c.43 p. m Twins Nos. 1 011 week days, nnd 0 on Sundays connect Mr New oik cltv, Mid. dletiiwn. Walton, Noiwieh, Oneida, Os wego and all points west. Train 3 for Poyntelle, Walton, Delhi Sidney, Norwich und all Now Horllt biuiu'li points. Train No. 0. with "Quaker City Ex press'' at Srrantoii. via t', It. R. of N, J. for Philadelphia. Atlantic City. Bultlmori Washington ami Pennsylvania stati points. See tlnio-tablo and consult ticket agenti for coinieellons with other lines. J. C. ANDEHHON. O. P. A., New York. J. 15. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton. Pa. V-' -' -?y,' . , ''4 jSBfeMiJftjijfcWttlN, . . ...... 1.1.1.. . .ZUl ,-i;Mu-ft. 3iVfsim9mwmit!riM .miSafc-ii...?,.,- v ii mm