- ')V r ."S& THE SCftANTON tRIBtNE-HUHSDAY, t JUNE 19, 1002. u- . -i- -' ' j t 1 1' ' - ," r ' n w t ftOOOQOOOOOC rS THE MODEM nAltmTAM VTORVt Don't Worry Hocnimo tho coal bin Is empty. Oct a Gas Range They're always ready for usc-qiiiek and economical, A four burner Ideal ltango with boiling mut baking oven Price $9.35 T7-i-i Sir .m Iyv .t r..Li . a X XXXXXXXXXXXXN Title Guaranty and Trust Company stock for pale. Five, ton and twenty shares tit $183 per shnrc. Wo are desirous of putting these few shares In the hands of persons who will do business with the bank. We recom mend them for business ladles nnd con servative men Investois. If these should be sold when you call, leave your order for the number of shares you want and we will try to get them lor you. 15. K. Comegys & Co., Phone 109. Council Building. Webster Coal and Coke bonds for sale. We havo $2,000 worth. Wo will sell a little below tho market value. We recommend them for con scrvatlvc Investors. It. E. Comegys & Co., Phone 100. Connell Building. The Hardenbergh School of Music and Art .. Miss S. Louisa Hardenbergh, Dlieclor and Teacher of Piano and Theory. . Mr. St'iimor Salter, of ,ev York. Teacher of Advanced Class In Piano. Organ and Harmony. Miss Hester A. Worthington, Principal of Art Department. Pupils receive tho personal at tention of these teachers in pri vate or class lessons as desired. Carter Building. Ml Linden St. Mothers BABY'S OUTFITS here awaiting YOU. Tho most Comfortable and easily dressed BABY is the one clothed in the little gar ments that you buy at the BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. PETER N. HAAN Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming and General Draying. New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street. New 'Phone 2057. L ackawanna THE" aundry . ENOUGH SAID. &, GMMMEEgS& VS-SSSSS'OiT PERSONAL. Miss Cora Decker Is spending a couple of weeks In Boston Librarian Cur Is attending tho conven tion of librarians in session in Boston. Mr. and Mr.. Fred O. Whlto and MI-s White, fit llawley, were at the Jerniyn jcbtm'day. Judge John .J'. Kelly. William Kelly and .Inlm J. I.oftus left yesterday for a few weeks' tour of the Middle West. Mrs. M. Who, of Now Ymk, is visiting at tho lionm nf her daughters, .Mis, A, Witto and Mrs. II. Levy, :U Madison ae line, Mrs, Mary A. Williams and dituglitcr, Lizzie, of William street, aro attending commencement exercises of Mausllcld Stato Normal school. I',ev, David Jones and family, of South' Lincoln avenue, will salt mi Saturday fur Kiigliiiid nnd Wales, whero they will spend three months. Miss Mary J, Cornelius, of i:ikl.iud, 1M., Is spending u few weeks at t)tu Guernsey cottage, I.ako Ailel. with her sister, .Mrs. 13. O. Webb, of UIJ Madison uvonuo, Miss Carolyn Van Worincr, of Port Jer vis, New York, who lias been visiting her lister, Mrs. Adcl Moore, for tho last two weeks, leaves for her homo today. Miss CJuieo Pails, of Virginia, Is spend ing tho summer with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Cronilc, who has recently returned after spending tlio winter hi the. south. Miss Chrlt.tlno Fellows Is in Ithuca, at tending tho commencement exercises at Cornell university, wljero her brother, Ku. genu Fellows, Jr., graduates today, ie celvlng tho degree of A, li. ' " m Princeton man desires tutoring, Best references. Address JCY52, Tribune. I"Attcrbury System" I Tleans Smart Clothes 1 Ready .to. Wear. I SALTER BHOS, I T"3K PUBLIC DAY AT ORAL SCHOOL GLIMPSE AT THE GREAT WORK BEING DONE THERE. There Aro No Graduates This Year nnd Public Bay Was Substituted for tho Regular Graduation Exer cisesRegular Course at the School Is Ten Years Demonstrations Given of tho Cleverness of Pupils. Many of Them Showed Extraordin ary Intelligence. There were no graduates al .the Pennsylvania Oral school this year. Tho renson may not be entirely under stood by the general public that Is ac customed to seeing students turned out by tho hundred as "finished" on the Juno commencement day. ' The fact is that at another oral school, much larger than this, there were but five graduates last year from 500' pupils. Our oral school graduated two from among eighty pupils, which was a good record. Those two are now back hero taking a post-graduate course, one of them assisting In the In stitution und thus aiding In her own support. It should be remembered that the reg ular course requires ten years and may consume twelve years, but when It Is realized that the children are received under the nges of six Indeed one wns taken at three and a half the average length of time employed Is no more than in the public schools. A significant fact in tho case of deaf children is that they aro chiefly from the homes of parents possessed of small means. Pathetic as this may seem it Is explained by tho statement that the llcli who discover such an af fliction in their families at once pro cure tho best skilled surgery and as far as possible prevent the disastrous con sequences of illness. Children's diseases, such as scarlet fever, receive careful attention and result in fewer cases of permanent disability. LfCAVE SCHOOL, EARLY. With the very poor this is unfortun ately not the same. Hence the state oral. schools contain a majority of pu pils from homes of poverty. Often wlien they have remained several years in training their assistance Is demand ed by their parents and thus it Is that they aro lemoved before they finished the required course In school and are not graduated. Yesterday was class day at the Penn sylvania oral school. The beautiful grounds were gay with roses nnd laurel. Within, the bright rooms and the teachers with their gracious manner and attractive faces revealed the secret of tho happiness which seems to prevail even among those to whom the world must ever be a silent place. One has to be especially lovely In character as well as in feature to teach little deaf children. From Inner foun tains of unexhaustiblo sweetness one must draw infinite supplies of patience and gentleness, and thus it is that there are no stern brows In the oral school, no crabbed voices, no sneering !ps. It it a very useless exertion to shrltk and scold to ears that hear not, and the teachers up there have no desire to lift their voices in anger. The children are like other children, restless, mischievous and vexing at times, but they are attentive and they seem to learn with marvelous celerity. There weie little people of eight years who could far surpass many hearing ones of the same age In public schools in their language work and mathemat ics. Small mortals of six, struggling to form tho words that they could nev er hoar In life, displayed such keen In telligence after tho work of less than a year that it seemed scarcely less than miraculous. REQUIRES PATIENCE. Rut oil, the patience the patience! It fairly gave the visitor a heartache to see the proofs of it on every side the delicate sympathy of the teacher with her exquisite patience, tho patience of the little child in his anxious effort to do what was asked, when the chief ave nue of the senses as far as the youthful understanding is concerned was forever walled up. An Interesting feature of the morn ing's work was shown In Miss Ballou's room whore a class of children borne of whom were not more than eight years old,, did clever little "play" exercises, showing extraordinary Intelligence. Their knowledge of numbers and of events of general and current interest, was wonderful. ' in tho other grades the valuable foundation laid thus carefully, thus tenderly, was' evident. You cannot leave a lesson half taught to a little deaf child. You must take nil the time there Is; no need of worry about pass ing examinations nnd tests; no nervous prostiatlons for fear the marks will not be high enough. No jealousies; no small, petty meanness in order to sup plant another In the class. The public: school system of this city might well Imitate soma of these methods. Miss Hrown, the principal, Is doing a. remarkable work among these chil dren and young peoplo who aro denied so much on earth. She Is assisted by a most capable corps of teachers, several of whom have been there sinco tho be ginning of the school, Among tho teachers aro; Miss Church, Miss King, Miss Richards, tho Misses Conner, Miss Unllou, Miss Peck, Miss Williams. Tho Langstaff-Kelly Contested Elec tion. Notice Is hereby given that the county commissioners will pay tho witnesses In the above contest enso of those resid ing In the First. Second and Third wards of Scrnnton, on Thursday, Juno 10, 1902; and those lesldlng In tho Fourth, Fifth und Sixth wards of Scruntou on Friday, Juno io, 1002. See pupers for subsequent payments of other localities. John J. Uuikln, John Penman, John Courier Morris, County pommlssloiiers. To the Retail Liquor Dealers of Lackawanna County; There will bo a regular meeting at Honnn's hn, L':!u Lackawanna avenue, at 2.30 p. in. Filday, Juno 20, 1002, to make arrangements for thuconveiitton, This will bo the last meeting before tho convention. Kindly try and attend. Yours, Fied nilcher, President. M. P. Ulley, Secretary. Dr, Lindnbury, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours; 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.j TtoS.oOp. in. STUDENTS ARE REGISTERING NOW FOR THE Bill) IB II! WHICH WILL BEGIN TODAY Eight weeks of piano study with two lessons each week given in the forenoon. Courses for Children and Adults. J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, DIRECTOR Adams Avenue and Linden Street. NINE-YEAR-OLD BOY IN CHAINS Little Eddie Crample Had Been Tied Up Like a Bog by His rather Since Last Sunday. Mrs. W. B. Duggan, ngent of the Associated charities, and mounted of ficer Perry, found 9 year old little Ed die Crumple chained In the barn in the rear of his father's house on the East mountain yesterday afternoon. The little fellow had been chained up since Sunday afternoon by his father for stealing twenty-five cents froin a neighbor and was suffering acutely. The case In all Its aspects reveals al most barbaric cruelty. Mrs. Duggan was notified early yes terday afternoon that the bov had been chained up since Sunday by his faher and that his heart-rending cries to be released had aroused much feel ing against the latter. She took Mounted Officer Perry with her and the two hastened to-the pluce In a cab. Tho Crumples live at 110? Elm street. In tho rear is a tumble down barn. Tho boy's mother was at home and treated the whole affair In a matter-of-fact sort of a way. "The boy Is a bad one," she said, "and his father had to chain him up. I'm glad you've come to take him off our hands because he's caused us all kinds of trouble." The boy wns found crouched down in a dark corner of the barn which was foul with tho smell of animals. Around his right ankle a heavy iron chain was wound and rivited together. The other end of the chain, which was between five and six feet long, was fastened to a large staple driven into the side of the barn and clinched on the outside. ills hands were tied behind his back with a thick piece of rope wound around his wrists several times. The little fellow's eyes were red from weeping nnd ho smiled an inexpressibly happy smile when ho learned that he was to bo released. When the rope was taken off his wrist there were deep Indentations to be seen where It had pressed jnto the tender flesh. The chain was unloosened from the staple but it was found impossible to take It off his ankle, "1 took a tin box from a woman near beie," he said. "Pa and she rays it had money in it but it didn't. Pa, he lick ed mo with a stick and then chained me up hero. He'd bring some bread and coffee every day and he'd untie tmy hands to lot me eat but he'd tie 'em up again, I asked him to let me out but lie wouldn't." The little lad's arms and back were covered with big black and blue ridges showing that be must have been beaten most unmercifully. Ho wns taken to police headquarters with the chain still fastened to his ankle. Mrs. Dug gan went befoie Alderman Ruddy and swoio out a warrant for the arrest of the boy's father, .Michael Crample, who Is employed by tho Delaware, Lacka wanna & AVcstern company. He was arrested by Deputy Constable Hawks and arraigned before Alderman Kuddy. The boy was bi ought into the office with the chains clanking about him. He had to bo forced into testify ing against his father of whom ho seemed to be In inortul terror. Cram file is a rough looking sort of a man with a constant scowl on his face. Ho didn't appear to bo In the least moved by any sense of shame or feeling "Tho boy is no good, and I had to tlo him up to keep him out of mischief." "You'd ought to bo ashamed of your self," said the alderman. "This Is the most terrible case of cruelty that has been over brought to my attention. I hold you under $S00 ball for your ap pearance at comt to answer charges of assault and battery and cruelty to children." Crample wanted n little time to try and get ball but he was given no privileges and was hustled up to the county pull. The boy had to bo taken to a black smith shop to havo the chain taken off his leg. He will be sent to some edu cational Institution. $1,000. A reward of one thousand dollars will bo paid by the undersigned for the ap prehension and conviction, or for tho procurement of evidence sufficient tor tho conviction, of t.ho perron or per sons who shot Charles Robinson, an employe of this company, at Olyphant (luting tho night of Saturday, June l, 1902. The Delaware and Hudson com puny, C, C, ltoso, Superintendent. Dr, L. M, Gates, ofllce and residence, Madison ave, nnd Mulberry st. Hours, 8 to 9 u, m.j 1.30 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. m. Dr. C AY. Uoberts will bo at his ofllce Thursday of each week. . WHAT' GASH WILL DO W lbs. Granulated Sugar ,....,,..,,.,$1.00 23 lb 3. Extru C .,,,,, .,.,,., .,,,,,, l,oo ElEln Creamery Butter 21 Dolicluun Mocha and Java S3 Our guarantee Your money refunded If any article docs not glvo butUfactlon, THE GREAT, Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co, 411 Lackawanna avenue. 321 North Main avenue, 'Phono TJ-S. Prompt delivery. Now 'phono 133 LIST OF CANDIDATES. Republicans Who Seek Nominations for Offices to Be Filled at Com-, ing County Election. Yesterday wns the last day for the registration of Republican candidates for the offices to be filled at the coming county election. , The candidates who registered and paid their assessments are, with one exception, those who have been out spoken candidates for some time past. The exception was Hon. John R. Farr, whose llrst announcement of his can didacy for congress came with his reg istration with County Chairman H. L. Taylor after 6 o'clock last evening. The complete list of registrations Is as fol lows: Congress Hon. William Connell and Hon. John R. Karr, of Scranton. For Judge of the Orphans Court Hon. A. A. Vosburg, of Scranton. For County Commissioners Charles F. Wagner, John C. Mdrrls, Gwlllym Jones, William 11. Kvans, of Scranton; John Penman, of Olyphant, and G. B. Van Gor dcr, of Carbondale. ' None of the candidates for mine in spector registered. As explained else where they declined to register on the advice of their attorney who holds that It is sufficient for them to register with the county commissioners. The primaries will be held Tuesday, July 8, and the convention of return judges on Thuisday, July 11. BIT OFF HALF HIS TONGUE City of Scranton Charged with Re sponsibility for Accident to 12 Year-Old Edward Barrett. Because Edward Barrett, age 12 years, bit off half his tongue last Thursday night the city of Scranton wns yesterday made the defendant In a $25,000 trespass suit. Barrett lives on Bloom avenue in North Scranton and last Thursday night while he was walking along one of the streets intersecting Bloom ave nue he fell into a deep gully created by the rain and as a result bit off half of his tongue. It is alleged that Barrett will be speechless for the remainder of his life and have great difficulty in eating. The suit was brought for the youth by his father, Patrick Barrett, the papers be ing llled by Attorney C. Comegys. EXCURSION TO LAKE ARIEL. Annual Event of the Knights of Col umbus Next Wednesday. The interest that is being manifested in the fourth annual excursion of the Scranton council. Knights of Columbus which goes to Lake Ariel Wednesday, June 25, Indicates that it will be at tended by one of the largest crowds that has been to tho lake in a long time. The committee In charge of tho affair have worked to make It the most suc cessful and enjoyable of the season and they have left nothing undone that might add to the pleasure of those who will attend. Arrangements havo been made for till kinds of games and amusements and Bauer's full orchestra has been secured to furnish music for dancing, There will be plenty of re freshments and a cooked dinner will be served on tho grounds. It Is unnecessary to say anything about Lake Ariel as an excursion resort. Everyone knows that it is tho finest In this section of the state. The lake Is the most beautiful body of water lu Northeastern Pennsylvania nnd the park is second to none. Tickets for the excursion nre now on sale. They aro adults $1 and children CO cents. $500 Reward. In pursuance of a Joint resolution of city councils,- approved June 18th, 1902, the city of Scranton offers a reward of five hundred dollars to any person fur nishing the Information which will lend to tho urrcst and conviction of the person or persons who murdered Mary Qulnn on Monday night, June 2nd, 1902. W. L. Council, City Recoider. Cherries Hed (Sour and Sweet) White (Sweet) Place your or ders now. E. G. Coarsen, Wholesale or Retail, IP iwbn GUNSTER'S BIG RETURN BRING-S IN FORTY-NINE POINTS AND TAKES FIFTH PLACE. Has Been in Tho Tribune's Educa tional Contest but Fifteen Says. He Now Heads the List for June and Is Fifth in tho Big Table. Thompson, Holds Fourth Place by but Two Points Every One of the Six Leading Contestants for June Changed Positions The Two 'Car bondalo Boys Again Change Places Standing of Contestants . j, PolnU. 1. Charles Burns, Vandling. .340 2. A. J. Kellerman, Scranton.282 3. Wm. T. S. Rodriguez, Scranton '.254 4. Herbert Thompson, Car bondale 168 5. Fred K. Ounster, Green Ridge , 168 6. Maxwell Shepherd, Car- bondal 138 7. Albert Freedman, Belle- vue 118 8. Oscar H. Klpp, Elmhurst.lll 0. Wm. Sherwood, Harford. 69 10. L. E. Stanton, Scranton.. 64 11. Harry Madden, Scranton. 58 12. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 52 13. J. A. Havenstrite, Mos cow 51 14. William Cooper, Priceburg 38 15. Grant M. Decker, Hall- stead 37 16. Lee Culver, Springvllle . . 33 17. Miss Beatrice Harpur, Thompson 31 18. Walter Hallstead, Scran ton 27 19. Frank B. McCreary, Hall- stead 26 20. Harry Danvers, Provi dence 25 21. Louis McCusfker, Park Place 20 22. Hugh Johnston, Forest City 19 23. C. J. Clark, Peckville 18 24. Hendrick Adams, Chin- , chilla 18 25. John Mackie, Providence. 15 26. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton 14 27. Thomas Dempsey, Oly phant 13 28. Miss Edna Coleman, Scranton 12 29. Louis Gere, Brooklyn.... 11 30. Miss Jane Matthewson, Factoryville 10 31. Don C. Capwell, Scranton. 8 32. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 8 33. Emanuel Bucci, Scranton . 7 Fred K. Gunster, of Green Ridge, did some most phenomenal work in The Tribune's Educational Contest yester day, bringing in forty-nine points and going from seventh to fifth place in the big table. This puts him in between the two Carbondale boys, who have been close together so long, and but two points behind Herbert Thompson In fourth place. Mr. Thompson sent in four points yesterday, and was thus able to retain his position. William T. S. Rodriguez and Charles Dorsey each added to their scores yes terday, the latter going up one place. What makes Mr. Gunstcr's work the more astonishing is the fact that he has been in the contest but fifteen days, having made his first return on May 31. His return of forty-nine points had another effect that is no doubt pleas ing to him It raised him from fourth to first place In the table showing the leading contestants for June. He now has a clear lead of twenty-two points and if he is able to continue his good work should be able to secure one of tho two June prizes. Every contestant among the first six shown in this table changed position. Mr. Gunster's gain made the first three drop back one place each, and Herbert Thompson's points broke the tie that existed yesterday morning between he and his Carbondale competitor, which enabled him to pass up one place, where he now holds fifth position by four points, and is but seven points behind fourth. The race in both tables Is becoming very exciting and a few points scored by almost any contestant means an ad vance. It Ij Interesting to note that more than half of the more successful contestants, as shown by the big table, reside outside of the city, while only eight of tho thirty-three reside in tho central city. Seven of the remaining twenty-five live In suburban sections and the remaining eighteen live entire ly away from .Scranton. In view of tho fact that strike conditions nro more se vens In the smaller towns It would seem that there Is plenty of room for a few moic nctive workers right hero In Scranton. It only takes a few points to get well up In the list. Read the full particulars which tire published on tho fourth page of this morning's Tribune. Leading Contestants for June. First Prize $10 in Gold. Second Prize f 5 in Gold. 1, Fred K. Gunster 100 2, Oscar II, Klpp '. "8 .'!, A. J. Kellerman 67 4. Charles minis 66 6, Maxwell Shepherd 45 5. Herbert Thompson 49 REPUBLICAN REGISTRATIONS. H...it.m lu lia.Alu. f.llftt tl.ttt fl, A ff lowing havo registered as Republican candidates and compiled with tho rules governing Republican primary elections in Lnckawunna county; FOR CONGRESS. William Connell, 1105 Vino street, Scranton. John R. Furr, 620 North Main avenue, Scranton. FOR ORPHANS' COURT JUDGE. A, A, Vosburg, 1610 North Main nve- nue, Scranton, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Churles F. Wugner, 1000 Gibson street, Scrnnton, John C. Morris, 615 Madison avenue, Scrnnton. ' John Penman, Olyphant. Gwllym Joh,es, 327 South Hyde Park avenue, Scranton. WJUlam B. Evans, 316 North Rebecca a-venue, Scranton. G. B. van Gorder, 72 Terrace street, Carbondale, H. L. Taylor, County Chairman, Charles R, Acker, Secretary, WHAT IS FRUITED WHEATP TO.LAxS ARIEL FRIDAY, Annual Excursion of the Elm Park. Sunday School. The nunuai oxcurplon nnd plcnlo of the Elm Park Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will go to Lako Ariel Friday. Refreshments will be served on tho grounds and there will bo music all day. The following events have been arranged fori Iliiso Hall t'rof, Ruck's elnm versus tho School, at 10.80 a. m.i Ralph Week's cIiihb vcisutvall other Juveniles, 11.15 p. m. Itnccs Obitncles, three-legged, dashes, etc., nt U o'clock. Wntor Contests IJnnt races and swim ming races and swimming boutB at 3 o'clock. At 4.30 p. in. tho following programme will bo rendered by tho Lawrence band! March-"Giito City" Wcldcn Overture "I'oct and Pennant" Supjie Wnltz-"Vcddlng of the Winds" Hull March "Crcolo Relies" Lnmpe Overture "Columbia" Cntlln Fnntnsln "The North nnd South". Bcntllx March "Unsor Hclnrlch" Chambers The excursion train will leave tho Washington avenue station nt 8,15 a, m. Tickets are 75 cents for adults nnd 40 cents for children. They will bo good on the 2.20 train. Trains returning leave Lake Arjcl at 5.30 and 6.30 p. in. WHAT IS FRUITED WHEATP Our New Store is rather like a new baby, we're tempted to talk about it all the time, even though some of its clothes aren't finished yet and some of them don't tit. Proud of it just the same, want to show it to all our friends; so much for the new store. New Summer Shirts in a mul titude of colors, $1.00 to $2.5o, cuffs attached or detached. New things in the way of Hosiery, Neckwear, Underwear and suspenders. Knox Straw Hats Knox Panama Hats Hand & Payne, Corner Washington Aye. and Spruce Street. 4 Coronation Numbers . . T Of the Enelish Publica- tions. Leave vour orders for them and don't be dis- appointed. ' roil - n . Reisman Bros., 405-407 Spruce Street. You Can Save 30 per cent, on the dollar when you purchase direct from the manufacturer. Our lino of Umbrellas and Parasols is large and complete, and embraces all the latest pat- . terns. We guarantee all our goods. Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co. S13 Spruce Street. hon. b. McMillan- Governor of Tennessee, who signed tho Osteopathia Mil In. that State, said: "The bill legalizing Osteopathy in this Stato passed both Ilguses almost unani mously. It Is one of tho greatest discoveries of the times." For Osteopathic treatment In Scranton, consult Dr. Ilerlit I. Fiirman, Green Itldgo Sanitari um, 1530 N. Washington avenue, o Cartes Building, 104 Linden street. A GAS will remove all anxiety as to the Coal Supply for your kitchen, and will also save your wife much of the drudgery of housekeeping. C.nnkinn with Gas Is as cheaP as coal more convenient. Wo are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking Ranges for $9.75 and up. This price Includes putting them in your . kitchen ready for use. All connections free on llrst floor. flow About hot Water? A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers that question. We have them. Price connected, $10. Fuel gas, gross $1,00; net 90 Ranees and Hot Water Heaters NHBXMIMHMB room, No, 126 Washington Avenue, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK. Scranton Gas Lubricating oius f MaIon?y Oil 5 Manufacturing Company, 141-149 Meridian Strest. OLD 'PHONE es-2. Cut This Out Good for ib extra stamps until June 23; for all sales over $1.00. NETTLETONS - Special Sale this week oa Ladie3' Oxfords. 7DC, 98cf $1.23, $1.48, $2, $2.25 Special on Gent's Oxfords 98c $1.49, $2, $2.25, $2.60, $3 Opposite Connell BulldNlg. 134 Washington Avenue. ; Wagon Umbrellas I : Carriage Umbrellas Sunshade Tops I A fine assortment at Bittenbender&. ; 126-128 Franklin Ave. J t Needed when you call upon us. That's not the case everywhere, though. When you get on your best cown nnd set out to repay all "the visits you owe nnd hope most ot tho peoplo you're going to see will be out. then you need a card csisn full ot rards. Two enrds at the Brown's, three cards at the Whites', six at the Green's (they have company), nnd one nt Widow Gray's your cardB aro all cone. We'll make more for you. We'll make them of tho right style and engrave them In a way that will please you howover fastidious you may bo. It's our business to do printing and engraving of the best class at prices that anyono can afford to pay. If tho work doesn't suit when it's done you needn't take it. That's fair. Reynolds Bros., Scranton, Pa. Allis-Chalmcrs Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre. Pa, Stationary engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. RANGE and 80 cents per thousand on exhibition at our sales our sales- J & Wate Co.H and Burning NEW 'PHONE koa $ 1 No Visiting Cards 1' 1 a .a