i ' J " ? Vp1 iv" r ?-I-.. , I I ,"V'W y ' V V vfw; i r' ..' i t , M- .7' .si1 V V- ,,- V 1 ' r; v T sn - ,, V'-' r i h.. V i vv ri THtf SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY JUNE 19, 1902, ' IVW j ' llfHeNews of CarfeoncUle. . w M M -. j-MlMMMMMMMMj-MwMMajWMBjMMMWM-jgaIjfaMaMMMMM ffPr"y?Y ti ,. , . . , ,rrrrrj; i ' , TWO BRIDES OP A r: BRIGHT JUNE DAY i - MIbb Lucy McDonough and Michael Barrett, Jr., Wedded with Exceed Ingly Pretty Ceremony at St. Bose Church Miss Anna C. Leaner and John H. Steele, Both of New -Buffalo, Wedded by Bev. A. F. Chaffee. A .exceedingly pretty wedding ser vice took place In St. Rose church a few minutes before the tolling" ot tho nncclUB. ' The charming bride wns Miss Hcy McDonough, of Cottiigc Btrcet, and tho groom was Michael Barrett, Jr.. of Fnllbrook Btreot. Miss Mamie Burnett wns the bride's attendant and Thomas Barrett, brother of the groom, was the best man, Just before six. with the beautiful i.'hurch thronged, the wedding party nr r!ed. When they entered the church, the Joyful mush: of the wedding inarch from Tanlinuscr, greeted them. Up the ulslo the party gracefully marched to the" tilumphal air of the wedding march, making u beautiful tableaux before tho marble altar, where tho vows were perfected;- How Walter Cioriuan, solemnized the ceremony. , While the solemn words of the mar riage contract were being icpeated, the sweet melody of "Hearts and Flowers" tilled the church and was succeeded by the joyous notes of Mendelssohn's wed ding inarch as the bridal party left the church. The music was a happy feature of tho ceremony. Prof. Stockman was hi tho organ and was supplemented by l'rof. William J,ynott, with the violin. The bride looked exquisite In a gown of cream albatross, artistically trimmed with applique. She wore a hat to match and carried bridal roses. Miss Burnett, the mold was most becomingly gowned In a steel colored gown with trimmings of black lace that produced a striking effect. Her hat matched the gown and she can led car nal lonu. A reception followed at the home of the parents of the bride on Cottage street, and later the wedding supper. Mr. anil Mrs. Barrett will not take the customary tour, but will go to housekeeping at once. ' The bride Is the daughter of lCx councllman mid' Mrs. 1'. O. McDonough, and Is a favorite In her social set. Her husband is most popular among his associates and has a wide acquaintance about town. He is a son of Kx-chlef-of-pollco M. F. Barrett. Lesher-Steele Wedding. The other Juno bride of tho day was Mit-s Ann. i C. Lusher. She was wedded to John II. Steele. The nuptials were exceedingly simple. They weie sol emnized at tho pai soilage of the First Methodist church, on Terrace ' stieet, ltov. A. F. Chaffee, officiating. The bride and groom are both from New Buffalo, Pa. The former Is a sls- Mer of Prof. (.'. M Lesher, principal of the commercial del urttnent of the Oar- bondale high school. ARE ELECTING DELEGATES. Total Abstainers Who W1J1 Elect District Officers. The total abstinence societies here abouts are electing delegates to the district convention which will take place In Arch-bald on Sunday afternoon, .Tulv 6. More than ordinary Interest and Im portance attach to tho choice of the societies, as these delegates will cast the votes that will elect the officers for the coming year, Tho delegates 'elected thus far are: .7. P. Campbell, Kdward Dockerty, Matthew Connor, M. It. Campbell and Michael Horan, Knights of Father Matthew, and John Dovancy, Timothy J. Gllhool, James Connors, Joseph Man nlon, Daniel Kelly. A NIGHT IN THE COUNTRY. Successful Dnnce at Dundaff by Bon Ton Club.' The most enjoyable dance in the country this hummer was conducted on Tuesday night in Decker's hall at Dun daff. It was conducted under the patronage of the Bon Ton Heading Club, of Car boidale, and attracted a throng of young people from this city. The pleasures of the affair, the drive Into the country, the dunce and the social commingling, were so attractive that fa'O WAY BACK. Or Feed so You Can Keep Up. People must be well fed in this world if they are expected to do good work. A carpenter with poor tools must take less wages nnd handle the poor Jobs. So In life, the person with a weak, badly nourished body must get out of the way for tlio strong ones. A hchool teacher writes from Ver- .mont, She had been compelled to take a little, backwoods school for small wages because she had not tho strength to conduct a better school. "Small nppetlto and poor digestion '.kept mo weak. I had been compelled to Host at the noon hour ripd shut myself itway."fioin,all company morning ami jjfclslit5.Jnv'fll wny'-only could I work, Sip to about a year ago, when a lady Sisltlng here from California led me to Hlinro a dish of drape-Nuts with her. .During th"d ivlnfor l.ato occasionally of 3tho food, nhvuya wftlt good results. "Last July it was 'necessary for me to JSttend UicittummeiiiL'iioQl for jenchers. jliclng podr'ln purse and sick in body I jyould not pay the expense of boarding fin a big place, so I rented a room and JJoarded myself, Orape-Nuts and cream Wasted good and I lived almost exclus ively on the food, "Gradually, to my surprise, toward JEho clpse of the, second week the sort of wiL-Miui iiusu mm nua oeeii aoout mo or a long' time, broke away and I iraspedjho thought presented with a iieurnuaa i nua noi Known for a long Ime, "I came back to my school with better lealth and memory than I have known JKfifllK-SfcnLSi-JiJULnuw,. while at Irri repeat I havo butter nerve and braJnjowcr..qnd better digestion than ITurvB had" before Ju twenty years." There Is a' reason for this. OraDe, Nut- -Food s u sure, steady brain builder, It is made for that purpose and. anyone can prove It by use. Names Hlven by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich; t Abooklebof excellent redA's. J a each pu'lage of Qrape-Nuts,, , not a conveyance waB left In Carbon dale. Tim night wns acceptably cool mid made It Ideal for dancing. The music was splendid. Miss Maine Mnx well'waa at tho piano. Among those who attended the donee from this city were Misses Genevlve Scott, Maud Collins, May Illttan, Blodwln Kviiiih, Alice Brcnnan, Isabelle Itooney, Bridget Itooney, Lucy Robin son, Klla McNtilty, Mary Muldowney, and Messrs. John Williams, Nowell Stoddard, David Harvey. Frederick Gleason, Ira Pedrlck, Frank MeWonnld, Wllllnm Lee, William Brcnnan, Harold Quliin, Thomas Potter, James Thomp son, Harry Bfownell, David Morgan, Fred Hubbard, William Bell, Irving Snyder, Harry Uoblnson, Willis D. Wil son, Louis I.ee, Rex Nicholson, David Craft, Boyd Oliver, Claude Stocker und Harry Freaser, of Jcrmyn. CASE OF SMALL-POX IN CARBONDALE William Thompson Aged 18 Years of Hospital Street, Is Suffering from a Mild Attack The Outbreak Charged to the Visit to This City of Archie Lewis, of Ashland, Who Is Now a Small-pox Patient In Jermyn. Small-pox which has been within n few miles of Cnrbondnie within tho past few months, but seemed to keep decently far away from the town, Is at last In our midst. There Is a case located In tho homo of Andrew Thompson on Hospital street. Tho victim Is William Thomp son, his 18-year-old son. The case Is a mild one, the type of the disease being varied. The origin of the Thompson caso Is traced to Archie Lewis, of Ashland, who Is now a small-pox patient In Jermyn. I-ewls It will be recalled, came from Ashland a few weeks ago to visit at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dald Thomas, of Bacon street, Jermyn. He also came to this city, visiting for several days among Cnr bondale acquaintances, the Thompson house being among the places he staid. On his return to Jermyn he was com pelled to go to a physician to seek treatment for headache and a rash on his face. Tho physician pronounced the case one of- small-pox. Since then, Jewls has been -Isolated In a tent In the borough of Jermyn. Tlie discovery of tho Thompson case was quite accidental. Yesterday a physician was passing the house on Hospital street, when he wns called In to prescribe for the sick lad. When the doctor examined the youth, he was struck by tho similarity of the symp toms to thoj-e of small-pox. He was convinced that the boy was suffering from a mild attack of varlloid. To be positive that the case Is one of small-pox, word has been sent to Dr. J. -W, Houser, of, Scranton, the physician who is in charge of all of the eases in that city. Dr. Houser will come to Carbondale today, it Is expect ed, to pass on the case. Tho Thompson house has been quar antined temporal lly by Sanitary Police man Moffltt, who has promptly taken every precaution that he knows to check the spread of, tho disease. The absence of a board of health In Carbondale at this time Is deeply de plored. Tho fact that there Is no board of health, It will be recalled, Is due wholly to politics, politics that were condemned on every hand yesterday when the presence of small-pox became known. There Is no board of health, It might ho mentioned as a reminder, because tho names submitted by Mayor O'ls'ell have been held up in select council, owing to the failure to obtain pledges for the support of- a candidate of the office of secretary of the board. The day after Lewis visited Carbon dale and It was known that ho had smull-pox, a Carbondale physician gave notice of the danger thnt there wus of small-pot occurring In the places that Lewis visited. Tho Thompson house was particularly mentioned and it was suggested that the necessary precau tions be taken towards confining tho fabliy. However, there was no board of health to take ofllclal notice of tho physician's warning. Now It will cer tainly be hard to foretell tho conse quences as Thompson Had been around a good deal with Lewis and had even gone to Jermyn with him. The proper thing, the thing that Is demanded, Is that select council, that Is those responsible for the holding up of the names of the appointees of Mayor O'Nell meet at once and take action In order to permit of the re organization of the board of health. The public health and safety demand such action as against the satisfaction of small political purposes. CLASS EXERCISES. Interesting Night for Members of Class of '02 Carbondale High School, Peihaps the most Interesting of tho exercises In which they will participate were the clriss day doings of tho class uf 'Oi of the Carbondalo high school in tho splendidly decorated auditorium of the Central school building last eve ning. While of particular Interest to the class members the programnio had much to hold the Inteiest and to en tertain tho unusual audience that thronged the auditorium. The regrettable feature of tho even ing was the disappointment shured in by so many who were unable to gain admittance, some of whom were mem bers of families wherein there were graduates. There was much criticism of tho arrangements for accommodating tho throng that unsuccessfully sought admission. Six or seven time's the num ber of persons who could be accommo dated had beep invited and twice tho seating capacity of the hall wus on hand. The merilorlons programme which re flected so brightly on the participants was us follows; Orchestru. Oration ,,.,....,,, ,.,, Walter Loftus Clans History Jlury Flnneren Quartette Marlon 'Mill. Uiac-o Powell, Johle 1'lngelly, Nora Olver. Clans Poem ,.,....,,.,,, Hoy Pcngclly Medley .,,, ,.,!,.M CI.ihs of 'i2 Presentation ..,,.., ...Hilda McMulleu Jlfcply ..,, ,,.. ...........,..,, Wulter Lottus PART J I. Oichcfetra, Class Prophecy Kllzabctli Cavuuaiigh Plant) Soo , Alamo Myers Class Presents to School.,,, Mary Sluriln Clans Will ,,.,! ,.,,.,, ..Mary Horan Mantle Oration .u..,.l.uWllllm,Moi,iin Reply ...... ...ii. ....... ... ...'..Robert Glbbs Class Song. Class Veil and a Tiger. BABE BALL TODAY. The Crescents arid the Carbondale Clubs Will Battle Royal. There will bo a base ball battle royal this afternoon on Duffy's Held In the meeting of the Crescents and the Car bondale team. It Is likely that this game will settle whether or not It will be tho survival of the fittest. Tlie game will be called at 3 o'clock. All tho rooters ore expected to be on hand as the game will be well worth turning out to see nnd to Join in tho cheering of the fine points of the con test. No gome of the Benson promises so much as this afternoon's contest. Unolatmed Letters, List of leltei-B remaining In the Carbon dalo postofflee Juno 18, lfKW for persons iinKiiown: J. Wnlter Bump, It. L. Davis, Clean llarpklns, James Jones, Dr. T. J. Lamb, O. W. Rnbblns, Harvey It. t'ndcr wood. Mis. Jean Amnicrman, Julia An derson. Miss Sera Matthews, Perfect Cus tom Short Co.. Wladyslaw Misockl. For eign, Fiirtlnato Morcuredl Clltisoppe, Alalia atgllotll. J. 11. Thomas, Postmas ter. Attended a Wedding. Maxwell Shepherd Is In Oneida. N. Y., whcie lie will attend tho wedding of his cousin, JIIss Clarice Maxwell, to Frank Anlieuf. Miss Maxwell has visited Car bondale anil has many well-wishing fi lends In this city. On Fishing Trip. Dr. J. J. Thompson, Attorney W. E. Watt and Walter Scurry left early yes terday morning on a tlshlng trip In Wayne county. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Wllllnm Thomas Is one of tho mine em ployes who left tho city ns soon as the strlko was declared to seek work else wheie. He Is now employed in one of the biggest and swellcst hotels in Saratoga. Thomas Camion, of Sand street, Is ex hibiting to many lriends a forty pound turtle which ho caught in Brownell's swamp. The condition of Martin Duffy, of Fall brook street, who Is ut Emergency hos pital, suffering after a dangerous attack of appendicitis, Is quite encouraging. Thomas Kane, jr., of this city, who on October 1J, 1SH7, was convicted before Judge Kdwards of burglary nnd sentenced to seven yems in the Eastern penitentiary was released from tho penitentiary Tues day. Cleon Briggs, son of Percy Brlggs, of Dickson hill, who has been employed by the Delawaie, Lackawanna and AVestein lallrnad at Scranton, has resigned to ac cept a better job in the locomotive works at Schenectady. Daniel Scurry and family and Mrs. Al fred Pascoe, of this city, and Miss Mnr garet Davis, of Hyde Park, left for Ocean 13 rove, where tliey will occupy tho Scurry cottago till late In July. Miss Nellie Thomas, of Wayne street, has leturncd from six months' visit with homefolks In Wales. She enjoyed tho tilp very much. It also proved very benc llclal to her health. Marshall- Seutt, an employe of tho Clover Leaf Manufacturing company, left yesterday to spend a week's vacation nt his former home, Tunktiaunock. There was an unprecedented rush for seats for the high school commencement and all tlie seats on the main Hoor of the opera house are sold. Rev. Rodin A. Sawyer, rector of Trinity church, Is home fiom Honesdnle. He has been enjoying a couple of days' outing about that town with Rev. J. P. Ware, rector of draco church, llonesdale. JSopher Lee and P. A. Rlvcnburg spent Tuesday fishing at Robinson's pond. Thoy lelurned with one of the finest messes of fish seen here In n long time. THE PASSING THRONG. I Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Moron, of South Church street, are home, nfter spending several weeks at New York city, J. H. Campbell, of Spring street, Is spending his vacation in New Vork. Miss Mary McDermott, who has been living with the family of P. F. Coogan, left Monday for Atlantic City, where she will spend the summer. Sirs. B. S. Emory and daughter, Nadine, of West Plttston, are guests of Airs. G. B. Sampson, on Canaan street. John AY. Jones, of South Church street, Ir. confined to his home by Illness.. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krantz, of South Church street, a son. James Bush, of tlie Maple City, was a caller in town yesterday. John Williamson, of Wilkes-Barro, was a guest In this city over night. C. J. Smith, of Seelyvllle, was nt the American yesterday, . Miss Ethel Rogers, of Nanticoke, bus returned to lior home, after u brief visit with Carbondalo friends. JERMYN AND JHAYFIELP. Airs, John Howurth. a highly respected resident of Third .street, died at 6.15 o'clock laht evening, after a very painful Illness of seven weeks. Deceased was born in Oldham, Lancashire, England, sixty-two years ago, and previous to com ing here resided at Plttston. She Is sur vived by two daughters, Mrs. John Jones, with whom she resided, and Mis. .1. B. Berryman. Two sisters, Airs. Harry Smith, of Mils borough, and Atrs. John Howaith, of West Plttston, also survive. Tho funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. A rumor Is being circulated throughout tlermyn and Maytleld that on effort was made at tho last meeting of the Jermyn and Alaylleld Merchants' Protective asso ciation by some of tho merchants, to all go on a cash basis. Whoever stalled this rumor has evidently done It for selfinh motives, for tho mutter has never been brought up nt the association meetings, nor even discussed. Each and every mer clicant Is conducting his own business as he sees fit; trusting whom ho plenses, selling strictly for cash or posting notices, closed today a privilege which no ono has a light to dispute. It Is not known whether tbese reports were started by sonio of tho merchants for effect, or from outsldo pai ties, (but wherever they como from, they are positively false and done for a purpose. The business people of Jermyn are not pleased with tho recent changes of tho mall. As it Is now wo get ono mall at 7 u. m. and the next at 2 p. m. This leaves a long space of time In the business part of tho day. Wo should certainly havo a mall from Scranton direct on the 10.43 train. It Is hopid that our postmnuter will Interest himself in this, and have the matter corrected. Tho shooting of firecrackers, toipedoes and other fireworks on tho main streets of Jermyn has becomo a greut nuisance and annoys people that nro nervous and In delicate health, and endangers the lives of those who drive horses, as the boys havo become veiy careless, nnd often throw llrecruckers at liort-es as they pass by. While boys should bo grunted all the pleasure that there Is In this kind of sport, It does not seem necessary that they should use tho pilnclpal streets for It. Theio Is a law and penalty against this, and we hope our borough officials will piohlblt the use of tho streets for such puiposes. A delegation of members of Oriental Star lodge, No. CSS, Kice and Accepted 'The Best Cough Medicine, I sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than of all similar prepara tions put together and it gives the best satisfaction of any medicine 1 ever sold. J guarantee every bottle of It. F. C, Jaqulth,. Inland,, Allen. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. IIE SB At the Same Point with Scranton People as Elsewhere. , Trouble begins with tho first back ache. "J'Ib serious trouble too Kidney trouble. Neglect means other pains more dan gei oust. Urinary disorders quickly follow. Loan's .Kidney Pills euro all kidney ills. And are endorsed by Scranton citi zens. Airs. K. P. Jones, of 1010 Lafayette street, says: "Stiffness of tho knees, bloating around the ankles, pain across tho loins when stooping, lifting any thing, or when I exerted myseir, clearly proved I had' kidney complaint. Doan'a Kidney Pills were brought to my notice through an advertisement I saw in ono of our papers, 'and I procured a box from Matthews Bros.' drug store. I followed up the treatment until I used several boxes. Tho lameness and tho bloating disappeared. I know of others In Scranton who used Doan's Kidney Pills und obtained great relief." For sale by nil dealers; price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo, N. Y sole agents fpr the United States. Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. Alasons. paid a fraternal visit to Aurora lodge, No. 523, Wednesday evening. Airs. Hodge and daughter, AlabcJ, of Olyphant, spent yesterday with Atr. and Airs. David Allen, of Alain street. Airs. William Brown and children, of North Alnln street, are visiting her re latives at Honcsdalc. OLYPHANT At S o'clock yesterday morning an ex-' eeedlngly pretty wedding wns performed In St. Patrick's church, when Alius Mary O'Boyle, the only daughter of Hugh O'Bovle, of Dunmoro street, und John Laughnn were joined in marriage. Promptly at the hour appointed, the wed ding party entered the church and pro ceeded to the sanctuary rail, as the strnlns of Atendelssohn's wedding march were played by AIlss Nettle McDonnell. The ceremony was performed with a nup tial mass by Rev. P. J. Alurphy, tho pastor, and was witnessed by a throng of friends of the contracting parties. The bride was very becomingly nttlred In a tailor-made gown of brown broadcloath". She wore a white chiffon hat and carried a prayer book. She was attended by her cousin, AIlss Annie Hoban, who also looked very attractive In a gown of grey liberty satin, trimmed with coffee-colored lace and turquoise panne velvet, and a hat of white chiffon. AI. W. Cummings, jr., was groomsman. When tho nuptial services were concluded, the bridal party returned to tho bride's home, whore a reception was tendered to tho immediate relatives. A sumptuous wedding break fast was served. Air. and Alts. Laughan left on the noon train for a trip to New York and other places of Interest. The bride and groom have many friends who extend to them their slncerest wishes of enduring happiness in their united lives. Earl, the Httlo son of Air. and Airs. Wll llnm Adah- received a painful cut on tho head by being accidentally thrown against a fire hydrant while tho Excelsior Hose company wero out making tests on Tues day night. Dr. A. E. Crnus dressed the wound. Bartholomew J. Lynch and Aliss Ger trude Allller were married yesterday morning at 0 o'clock at tho bride's homo in Lancaster, Pa. Air. Lynch Is a young merchant of this place. He Is also vice president of tlie Citizens' bank and a director tlie Blakely poor board. Ills bride Is a graduate of AIMIesvIIle Stale Normal school. After an extended wed ding tour. Air. and Airs, Lynch will reside in n newly-furnished home on Delaware street. Harry Hutchlns, of tho United States marines, who has been spending a few days with his parents In Blakely, returned to Norfolk, Va., yesterday. Another June wedding wns solemnized In St. Patrick's church yesterday morn ing. The brldo wns AIlss Katie Hevers, of Alarshwood, and Alartln Walsh, of Dunmore, was the groom. The ceremony took placo at 11 o'clock. Rev. P. J. Alur phy ofllelatlng. Tho bride wore a very protfv dress of navy blue silk with white chiffon trimmings and white hat. Slio earned a bonnet of white roses. Her maid was AIlss Kntle Dolphin, of Price burg, She wns attired in a stylish cos tume of light grey crepe, with luce gar niture. Tho best man was James Hevers, a brother of the 'bride. AIlss Esther Hevers played the wedding march. After the ceremony, the wedding party wero driven to tho Delaware and Hudnon sta tion, wbero they took the 11.44 train for New York, to spend their honeymoon. Air. and .Mrs. Walsh will reside In Dun more, Tlie marriage of AILss Clara Sbermnn and William S. Jones, of Blakely, oc curred yesterday morning at Scranton. The ceremony was performed by" Rev. Dr. Pierce, pa.Mor of tho Penn Avenue Bap tist church, Later the bride and groom left for Atlantic Cltv to enjoy a week's honevmaou. Air. and Alts. Jones will go to housekeeping on Lackawanna avenue, Blnkely. Tho report of the borough auditors for the year VM has Just been issued. It Is In the form of q circular and several hundred copies of tho same have been printed. The leport Is one of the most complete over Issued und is a credit to tho auditors. Alessrs, T. L. Williams, P. J. Fnrrell and P. J. AlcIIale, T. F, Jordan spent Tuesday at Rock Lake, AIlss Sarah Ruddy and Af, J, Ruddy went to Worcester, Alnss., yesterday to ntend the commencement oxerclses nt Holy Cioss college. Their brother. Hugh Ruddy, Is a member of the graduating class. Alts, E. C. Harnden, of Binghnmton, Is tho guest of Air, and Mrs. AI. K. Harn den. of Blakely, Airs. John O'AIolley, of Dunmoro street, spent yesterday with Air, and Airs. C. P, O'Mnlley nt Scranton. PECKVILLE. The Wilson Fire company has pur chased a supply of new service (Ira hats. , During the seyoro thunder storm which passed over Peckvllle Monday, lightning struck tho rcsldenco of William Tuthlll, on Alaplo street, Tho chimney wus de. mollshed and the building badly wrecked. Alls Tuthlll, who wns In an upstuha room at the time, received a bevero shock, but quickly recovered. Tlie Blakely High school bcliolars pic nicked at Nay Aug park yesterday. All the losses at the big tiro Insured In companies lepreseuted by Air, D. O. Black, aiiioumlng to many thousand dol lars, have been adjusted. THROOP A meeting of Local Tool. United Jllno Woikers of America, will be held In the Throop Park on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. All men and women nro Invited to at tend. A number of speaker wil be on hand. By order of the president. Henry Jarvls. I Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping Center Perhaps our best service to the people is in keeping shoddy out of the store. Saving a few pennies Is often the worst ex travagance In the end. . Bathing Suits for Women We are more particular than our forebears know more of sanitary conditions, and believe more In the ounce of prevention. So we tnlce our own bathing suits, which fit; and get a style that is becoming into the bargain, and luxuriate in the cleanliness of tho age. A bathing suit that clings can't be becom ing, so mohair, which clings least of all, is con sidered best. These prices : $2, $2.50, $3, $3,50, $4, $5, $10 $11 Also an excellent quality of black silk taffeta. Price $16.50. Reduced Silks The entire department is filled with them. All a third less than usual. Mostly Foulards, 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c, 79c, 89c, 99c, $1.19. Tents for the Children Lawn tents made of good strong duck just the thing for the boys and girl's to romp in and have a good time in the yard thele hot summer days. Size, 5 ft. x 5 ft., white $2.75 Size, 7 ft. x 7 ft., white $4.00 Size, 5 ft. x j ft., colored stripes.. 4.00 Size, 7 ft. x 7 ft., colored stripes.. 550 A pole and sufficient number of stakes go with each tent, Easy to set up. WOHEN'S UNDERCLOTHES. Reopening of the White Sale. If you come in asv great flocks as yesterday and the day before, you musn't expect the variety to hold out. What you will find are sheer nainsooks and cambric, in very summery and pretty styles. We omit details today other news must be told; but the variety is still good. Connolly & Wallacef ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Improved Train Service via the D. & H. B. B. and Lehigh Valley Kail road Between Carbondale,"Scranton and New York and Philadelphia. On June 13 the Lehigh Valley rail road will put on a new train called the "Wyoming Valley Express," which will leave Carbondale via the Delaware and Hudson railroad at 7 a. in., Scranton ut 7.41 a. m., arriving at New York at 1.13 p. in., Philadelphia at 12.40 p. in. Wost-hound train leaves Now York at 4.10 p. m., Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m arriving at Scranton at 10.03 p. in., Car bondale ut 10.49 p. lii.- Thls train will have a through Pull man buffet parlor car and Lehigh Val ley day coach between Carbondale and Nw York. ' Atlantic City the New. Atlantic City is the gem resort of tho world and the thousands who visit this famous beach enjoy .features to be found nowhere else. The great board walk, the several ocean piers, the peer less bathing, the wonderfully complete hotels and the varied amusements con stitute a life enjoyable and iccreatlve. The New Jersey Central lias a lino train service between New York and Atlantic City but three hours ate con sumed In the journey und trains leave New York at ,40 a. m. and 3.40 p. in. the trains are vestlbuled and thorough ly un to date. Buffet parlor cars are attached to every train. The New Jersey Central Passenger Department (Section A. C.) New York city, has this week Issued an illustrated descrip tive booklet on Atlantic City, which Is sent free' upon application to any ad dress, National Delegation Association, Minneapolis, Minn,, July 7th-lltb, For the above- occasion tho Lacka wanna Hallroad will sell .special ex cursion tickets to Minneapolis, good going July 4th, nth, and 6th, at $30.50 for round trip, and to be available for return passage leaving Minneapolis not earlier than July 8th, or later than July 14th, except by depositing, tickets with Joint, Agent at Minneapolis not later than' July 14th, nnd upon payment of a fee of CO cents at tho time of deposit, an extension of tho limit of leaving Minneapolis tq and Including Sept, 1, Delegates will please bear in mind the fact that by leaving Scranton on the Lackawanna liallroad, only ono change of cars, Chicago, Is necessary. A popular time Is leaving Scranton at ti:50 p. m., arriving Minneapolis ":45 the second morning, Low Bates to Asheville, N. 0,, and Beturn via Southern Bailway, The Southern Hallway wilt sell round trip tickets to Asheville, N, C Aug. 17, 18 and 19, good to return until Aug, 25, 190:', at rate of one fare, account of the meeting Society of American Florists and Ornamental Ilortlcultural Ists, This rate is applicable to the gen eral public. Tho round trip rale from Washington will bo $14.05. Through Pullman dra whig-room sleeping cats to Asheville dally, Charles L. Jlopklns, district passenger agent, Southern Hallway, 828 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, will furnish all Information. Low 'Bate of Fare to Denver, Colo rado. On account of the Sunday School In- $& thi remedy Bathing Caps and Shoes The newest bathing shoes are black sandals meant to fasten on with long cross laces. 25c and 50c a pair. Plain- rubber caps and fancy water proof caps of many descriptions. 25c and 50c each. WOMEN'S LONG SILK WRAPS $15.00 to $60.00 150. From a maker we've been getting a great many from all this spring. Nearly all of these are un lined. Some are trimmed with lace; some are stitched with white; some are entirely black; while still others have little capes over the shoulders. They are probably the most populai of this summer's light-weight wraps. HON. ROBERT L. TAYLOR former Governor ot Tomiessee, said of Onteopatliy: "When a century later historians aio sifting the events of this time for tho epoch-making discoveries of j-clenee and civilization there will he few chapters more important, I think, than that devoted to the reformation In medicine which will havo come about through the acceptance and practice of Dr. Still's system known as Osreo-' vathy." For free Osteopathic literature, address Dr. Horbt. I. Furman, 1530 North Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE EXPERIENCES, OF PA A 'Series of delightful Skelchei utt It sued by the Lackawanna Railroad. These sketches aro contained In a handsomely Illustrated book called " Mountain and Lake Resorts," which describes some ol the most attractive summer places In the East. n postage stamps lo T. W. I assenger Agent, New York I will be mailed you. I Send 5 Cents I LEE, General Passenger City, and a copy tornatlonal association triennial con vention lo be held at Denver, Col., Juno :: to July 2, special round-trip first class tickets may be purchased of the Lackawanna railroad ticket ofllco at one-way faro for .the round trip, $15.25. Tickets will bo sold und good going June 21, 22 and 2.1. On tho return Hip, the payment of 25 cents to tho Joint agent, same will bo validated for return passage to. August 31, 1002. DUNAIORE. Tito entcitaiiunciil under tho auspices of tho llovs" hilgado at tho Tripp Ave nue Christian ehuicti was largely attend ed and much enjoyed by thoho present. Tho young t-oldleia under tho leadership of Carl Altnmose, pet form tho various military evolutions in a highly credltanlo manner, both to themselves nnd their In structor, now Dalmey has succeeded in Interesting a largo body of young folks In church wotk wIiomi activity extends be yond tho walls of tho Tripp Avenue church. Dr. IJntcson gavo n lecture on the phy sical and mental ipinlltles of distinguished men, Samples of dladstone, Grunt, Napoleon Honnparte, Washington, Well ington and many others wero dosciihcd Irnm charts. The doctor described tho human teuipeinmentK and said among other things that persons, in texture, can bo eomp.ued with ocd or cloth, The stern, rugged and solid mail Is likened unto tho powerful oak or elm, Then Vhoro Is the dish-water man, all swash and t-oflnessj ho is cmnpaied to b.is.swood or poplar; such men are rcai'so and gios ami can stand but little outward prcssmo from others who aro inoro llnely orean Izcd. Sonm pei miiis nro Iil;u coarse tow or linen clolh. tho rag-tag of ail ri ca tion; otheis tuo ll'to tho ijner ciadcs of bilk and batlu. Tim" Importance of health was cousldeied. l.lfo la not a succesM without health. Nature has un better panacea than pure water and air. Tho military drill alfqjds a healthful exeuiMi and conect polbo of the body. Tho diet should icielve caieful attention. In or der to bo healthy wo must eat what nn tn io bcems to require, and what agiees WMMMHW ThUelgaaturels on every box of the genua: Laxative Bromo-OuinineTabictt that cure a cold In ouo Uuj. No store is so fresh or varied every day as Connolly & Wallace's, No store has such a huge or varied stock to make it fresh every day. . SB Meldrum, Scott & Co. Prices That Speak for Economy Shirt Waists So many beautiful ones we hardly know where to begin to tell about them. Hade for Service Dainty, White Waist, solid tucked, in sertions, new sleeve, buttons in back, S3.75 each Beautiful as Well as Service able An exquisite combina tion of Valenciennes lace, tiny tucks and insertion, elbow sleeves, buttons in back, $4.50 each A complete lino of plain hemstitched Tucked Waists at $1, $1.25 and $2 each Slimmer Corsets The intense heat of the past few days suggests the need of tho cool Summer Corset. The corset department is re plete with the high, medium ,1 and low corset, straight front, nnd girdle in light weight linen batiste and ventilating net. - ' Price 50c and $1 each with us be.st. Wo should eat to live rath er than llvo to eat. A boy or young man blinuld not only be caieful or his actions, but of his thoughts, Tho mind becomes elevated In propoithm as u person at tempts to do good and make others huppy, A, I', McDonough returned lust evenlngr from lluwlcy, where ho lias spent tfi.9 pust few days. St. Mark's Sunday behool will picnic at Lake Ariel today, tho train leaving Duff. 111010 depot at S.SO o'clock. ;j, John Nichols 1 etui lied yesterday fiorjl a successful trout llblilng tilp in Plljp county and lust evening cnlciiulned gi number of friends at a trout supper (t his home on thinker street. . Mrs. Tied Cooko retunrned to her honj? In Now York city ycstciday after a sl:;y of several days In town. " . -t -y M " "' 'J . x aV.' -A f VZi 1 .,.