The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 18, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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The ngonfolng Itching nutl htiriilug of tho skin, ns In Kcmmi; the fright-
fnl scaling na In pporlmte; tho loss of hair ami urmtlng of tliu pculp, as In
Rcallcd hc.ul; tho facial dUflguicmont. us in pimple and rlngwoim; tho
nwfdl Rtiircilngof Infants, and the anxiety of worn-out patents, m In milk
crust, totter, and nlt rheum, all demand 11 icmcdy of almost superhuman
- vli tiles to suceosHfttlly copu with them. That Ctn iouilv. lomcdle? nro such
otands pioycn beyond all doubt. Xo statement Is made regarding them that
la nob instilled by tho strongest evidence. Tho putity and sweetness, tho
power to afford lminctllnto relief, tho certainty of speedy nnd permanent
cure, the nhsohtto safety, nnd great economy hiivo made them the standard
ekiu cures nud humour remedies of tho civilized world.
The treatment Is simple, direct, ngrceablc, and economical, and is adapted
o tho voitngost infant us well as adults of every age. Hiitho the nll'ected
paUs with hot water and Goticuiia .Soap, to clcunso the s.urfaco of crusts
'and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without haid rubbing,
and apply Guticuim Ointmkkt freely, to allay Itclilng, initutlon, nnd inflam
mation, and soothe and heal, and lastly tnkotho CuriutmA,
to cool and cleanse tho blood. This sweet, wholesome treatment affords
Instant relief, permits rest and sleep In tho severest forms of ccema nnd
other itching, burning, and scaly humours of tho sklu, sc.ilp, nnd blood, and
points to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure when all else falls.
Millionsof Women Use Soap
AuUtcd by COTi'cunA Ointment, for prccrrln;r, purifying, anil hciuitlf.v Ins, for
'cleansing the smlp of ciu-t,M'alcs, nml lUmlitifl", mid tho stopping of falling linlr, for
toftrnliig, whitening, nnd soothing roil, rough, nnd soio hands for baby rashes ltchlngs,
nndclinflncB.ln llio foi mot lutln forniuiojliig Irritations nnd Infhnimstlons or too fico
or offensive pcrnplratlon, In the form ol washes for ulccrntlvo weaknesses nnd for many
fanatlro, antiseptic piirpocs which iciillly suggest themselves to women, especially
mothci e, nnd for nil tho pnrpnes of tho toilet, billi, and nunei y.
PIITIPIIDX DCCniUCNT DIMC (fliocolato Ooitnd) nrn n new, taiteloss
Lll I IbUnH nCoULVCn I lILLO odorless, economical substitute for the eel
ehrated liquid CuriccnA Resolvent, ns well as for all other blood purlfinrs and humour
'cures. Each pill Is equivalent to onntcaspoonful of liquid Rlsolvem. l'utup In screw
capped pocket vials, containing CO doses, price 25c.
CmirtRA RiycDiK ate poM throughout thewotM. 80Ar.2.W.,OitTt'T, Wc.riiM.Hc. Btltlih Dtmti
2'.28. Chtrterhouie Sa . London. French Denott AHuedelaPitx. Tarn, roixsa Drlo Axa Chbh. CoBr.,
Scie Ftopi , Botton, n. 3. A. " All about tai8kin,8cJp, and Utlr," free.
Epecial to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Juno 17. Fied Staik,
of Ilazlcton, iis calling on fliends In
tow n on Tuesday.
IMI-s Maithn. Bunnell and daughter,
Elizabeth, have ictiirned to their home
at this place, after .spending the winter
months In New York city.
Mis. Geoigc Klnner, of Mclioopiinv,
islted her patents, Mr. and Mrs. ninicr
Vaughn, nt this place, on-Monday.
A slier Tinker and Miss Florence Poi
tei. both of this place, were man led
at the homo ot the hiido's. patents, on
Satin day evening, June 14, by Rev.
Mi-. Stephen Robeion visited fi lends
at Wllkes-Bane, on Wednebday.
Attorney Eveiett J. Harding was doing-biUiinOF.s
In town on Monday and
MIha ItUth Moirlieail, of .Sayie, vho
has been visiting fiionclb In town, ic
tuincd lionie on Monday.
Mrs.'Fiank Hovvmd, of La Gi.ingc,
was calling on ft lends in town on
Mihs May Blown, of Pitl.ston, is the
guest of Mr. and Mis. Robert Piatt, on
Putnam street.
Miss. Ida Bell, the West Tioga mll
llnci, was doing business at Set anion,
on Tuetday.
f-poiiil In the bjJiilon Trlliunc
Thompson, .Tune 17. The Chlldien'h
day oxeiclses at tho Methodist chinch
weie voiy enjojablo. The church was
dccoiuted beautifully with Mowers
c erj w hci e. Miss IJstclla Howaul .sang
a iOlo which Aas well icndcied and
showed vocal training. The .Sunday
school oiehebtrti lead by Mr. C. Jl.
Lew If. helped to make a eiy plcifclng
p-iogi amine.
Mis. I'liller, of Sayie, Pa., and Miss
Lottie Kentnei visited at the home ot
Rev. I,. Cole and wile weel.
On account of the Htnim last week
the Foiolgn MUslonaiy hociety did not
meet but met Tuesday eenliig at Mis.
Chulle.s Picket logs.
TSe. Kiancls V. BlaKely, pies.ident ot
CVs-cnovia hcnilnaiy. accompanied by
his. mother, tnlled on Rev. and Mrs-.
Pasco last Pilday.
Mii-t. -Nellie Bloxham fiom Kajonne,
X. J., ih at home taking cue of her
mother who ih seiloiihly 111.
C. M. and V. V. Lewis made a
buslncfrs- tlip to BlngliHintou today.
Mis. Walker Is eiy 111 at tho home nf
her daurlitei. Mi. A. (', Footer.
Mr. and Mr.s. A. II. Cio.sler, Mr. and
Mrs. U C. Lay ton, Mr. and Mi. i:. y
flelatt. Mr. and Mis. W. Whitney ami
Mr. and Mis. ('. M. Lew Ik e.pect to
epend iicm week at Heait Lake.
Mr. and Mis. Chailes Tuttle have
gone to Lyons Micct to attend tho fu
neral of liis mother.
Epscial to the Scranlon Tribune.
Hnpbottoui.Jiinei 17 Mrs. Dr. ticlioon
nidkcr, of New Yotlt city, and ulster,
Mis. Whitney, of the West, aie visit
ing their paionis, Mr, and Mrs. Utley,
of this place.
Miv. KU. Men 111 ami daughter, Ar
leen, of Lestcrshire, aie visiting at Mis,
J. U. Mciritr.s and Mis. V. M. Tiffany's
thh week.
llai i y Tiffany and MUs Sallln Wtlr,
of rJaltuii, spent Sunday with Mian
Sadlo gayer,
The Unlvers-allst Ladles' Aid society
will meet with Mis. Oney Case, AVcd
nesday, June IS, for tea.
Floral e.xoi clhcs mo to bo observeu
In tho Unhcisallst cbutcli, Sunduy
evening, June c, All aio Invited.
William Witudle, a. young man living
near thin place, Is nuppose to have
stolen a satchel lontiilulng clothes, uud
belonging to n Mr, Uencdlet, of Lenox,
out of Mr, Hillings' barn In Nlcholtain
last week, A seaich wuirnnt was ob.
tubied and a putt of Benedict's goods
found lu Wundle's possession. Wandlo
"w.-ib taken bcfoio Justice of the Peuto
Finn, of this place, uud was bound over
'to court to await his trial, Having po
bondsman, ho was takon to Monti oso
The Perfected Shoe for flen.
jail by Constable Blown, Monday
Special to the Scianton TrlDunr.
Nicholson, June 17. K. F. Johnson
is on it business trip to Jersey City.
Mrs. Martin Rhue has letuincd fiom
Buffalo, where she has been visiting
her soils'.
The wife of Dr. Perry, of Pittston,
is calling on friends f here.
American League.
At Boston (Morning Rumo) R II. U
Cleveland 0 1) I) u 0 !i 0 0 1 7 11 a
Boston 010000011 J S I
Battel iea Mooie and Wood; Dlneen and
Waiiiei. L'mphe O'Loughlln.
At Boston (Aftci noon game) R.ll.R
Cleveland 10 0 110 0 0 11 7 1
Boston 0101010003 I!
Battel ies Jones and Wood; Young and
Ci igei . Unipil c O Lougblin.
At Chicago- R 11.13
Philadelphia. 0 fl I) 0 1 (I 0 0 1- 2 ." 4
Chicago lOOOHOOO i! 6 3
Battel les Mitchell mid Schicckcngost;
Gaivln and Mol'ailand. Umpiic Cauilh
cis nnr Sbeildan.
At Uctiolt- R.II.D.
Wnslngton ononoonno n t J
Detiolt 1 00U 0 00.1 I 11 0
B.itteilc I.eo nnd; Jleicer and
Buelow. L'mplic Johnstone.
At St. Louis ill innings; tic daikno-s.
Baltimoie n n 0 1 1 0 0 0 n 0 0 J H 1
St. Louis 0001010000 0 I! 11 2
Battciies McGinnlty and Kobliison;
SudholC and Siigdnn. l'mplic Connolly.
National League.
wt Bo-Ion (Jloiulng gamei-
.Vow Yolk n o j a o o o I II ,! i .'
Boston 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 t l 1.' 2
Battel les Tn.vlor and Bow ei man; Willis
and KittiidRo. l'mplic Cantllliou.
At Boston (A tei noon game)- R.II.B.
New Vml; l l o n o o o n o- 2 s 5
Boston j l ii "i n :s i o i; Ti o
Battel ioh Blew itt and Bowrrman; Pitt
ingci and Moian. l'mplic Cantllhon.
At Phllailolpliiit- R.II.H.
Biookljn 2 0 0 0 10 0 1(1-411 1
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .' I ,1 3 0
Battel les Newton aim 1'niicll; Ibeig. ;
l eii. ami jjooiii, impuc Umsllc.
Other clubs not silicduled,
Exhbltlon Games,
At Allooua rt II. G.
Altoonu 0 2 110001 !i jo 1ft
St Louis (National),,! 0 (H 0 0 II 1 0-11 13 I
Battel ics Veil and Lang; Wicker and
Nichols. Umpiic Amies.
At IIiiiil-buiK- R.ii v.
Cllleagt 002 10000 3 il t
llnillfaburg J U 0 0 0 I) 0 II 0 0 7 2
Battel hs-St. Vialu and Kllng; Albeit
and KiiufiiMiiu. l'mplic Lcmmy.
At Wniceater, Mass, Woicc.stcr, &;
I'lttsblUB, 2.
College Games,
At Philadelphlii-Cnivenity of I'eun
sylvanla, S; llottjsbiiig (ollege, 0
At Betlilehein-Clty College of New
York, o; Lvhlsli, o.
Eastern League.
Jcihoy City, I.'; I'invldciitc, I,
Monti chI, .1, KochcHtrr, 2.
Toiouto, I.'; Iliiftnlo, 3.
Tho mail led men of Jonna Long's Sous'
Htmo placed tho biugle men a game of
tniho ball on ilio Ash stiect in omuls last
uvcnlng, Tho battel Ics for tho mauled
men was Major and Cilllciukle; tlnglo
men, BuekwalteiH, Ael.eiton nnd Bcig
hauser. The mauled inon won by a scoiu
of II to J. Tho ftatiues of tho gumo vvcta
tho pohiHimonul homo inn of Mttjor ami
the eoiibl.stcnt umplllng of J, Luiniv.
Tlioia will bo u mooting of tho Alumni
baso ball club on Thuisday nluht at S
o'clock at their club looms, Muttci.s of
gnat impoitunce urn to bo couHbleied.
Uvyty member Is icnucsled to bo pieseut.
Thomus, manngfr.
Tlio lusult of tlio games plujcd In thu
Rlectilu t'lty Amateur leiiguo ctoiday
weici u h tollouH, Sinira; Hpaldings, S;
Kcllpse. 9. The gaiuo wns foi felted to tho
Slider, Jis., as the Nuy Aug suns did not
appear. Tlio ntutidlug of tho clubs
P, W. L. P.C.
Slldeis, JS v...... 3 l My!
Spaldlngs , 3 2 I ,tW
Kcllpso ..,,,,,.. 3 2 t .t,W
Nay Aug Stars ,,.. 3 0 3 .000
TAL. I'm to Uleo, the loveliest Island wash
ed by ocean waves, lies between the At
lantic and the Caribbean, 1,330 mites
fiom New Yoik city. It Is, In lound
numbciM, about one bundled miles long
fiom east to west, and about tlilrty-sls
miles biond liom north to suuth, hav
ing an tu on ot 3.GGS Hijuitto milts, In
cluding the adjacent and dependent
Islands, Vlcuues, Culebia and Mona,
and a seme ot two of smaller keys. An
Idea of lis size can, peiltnps, bo gained
by some familiar compailsons. Porto
Illco is uiipio-Nlmatcly three times as
laige as Rhode Island, one nnd clght
tcnthfl n Luge as Delawaie, thieo
fouiths thu size of Connecticut, and
nearly one-sevciity-clglith the size ot
Texas, being almost exactly equal In
aiea to four counties ot the icgulur
dimensions In that gigantic state. It
Is the smallest of the Oi cater Antilles,
and lies faithcst to the east and south.
It has a sea Hue of about 3K0 miles. Its
shape Is nearly a perfect paiallelogiam,
having the southeast comer gently
loundcd orf.
The industrial possibilities of the Isl
and, considering the fertility of Its
soil, the mildness ot Its ellninte, tho
abundance of Its rain, Its Insular posi
tion nnd Its teeming population, can
sciiccly be viewed with anticipations
too optimistic. While at present, as It
has been since Columbus first et foot
upon Us bhorcs, Its chief reliance Is
agriculture and stock-raising, there Is
no reason why manufactures should not
llourish here, and an ocean commerce
spring up, not only with the Noith
American continent, but with all the
It is peifectly feasible that, while
developing the Immense agricultural
resources of tho island, at evety sea
port factoiles might be established
and nothing leave the island but fin
ished pioducls.
Poito Rico can sell to tho woild, not
only cofleo leady for the consumer's
use, but leflned sugar and molasses,
lum, cigars equal to those purchased
in Havana, cotton goods of all descrip
tions, line leather, shoes and harness,
chocolate and all Its products, canned
fruits equal or superior to tho best
preserved in California, and many oth
er necessatles and luxuiies which will
biing In ictuins sufficient not only to
suppoi t In comfort the million of peo
ple now theie, but five times as many.
It Is with the piesont, however, more
than the futuie, that wo have to deal
In this connection. Tho industiial
possibilities of Porto Rico ate at this
time largely agi cultural. Of tho su
perficial aica of 2,347,320 acres, a little
less than half a million acies aie now
producing ciops. After setting aside
this twenty per cent, of cultivated land,
theie icmains fifty-one per cent, in
pasture land, thirteen per cent, in un
classified uses and woodland, and six
teen per cent. In towns, loads, stieams
and swamps. A gieat portion of this is
in foiesK which cover the hilltops
and dot the slopes in cveiy dlsttict.
One Is nev er out of sight of leafy
groves and wooded mountains.
Tho three principal ciops aio coftee,
sugar uud tobacco; cattle also and
othei live stock aio raised successful
ly, and In considerable numbeis. The
coffee plantations cover with their
gieen foliage, their jasmine-llko fiow
eis and cheiry-llke beiries, seven per
cent, of the whole Island and th!rt
six per cent, of Its cultivated lands. It
Is perfectly obvious, however, that four
times as much land as at piesont could
be used In glowing coffee weio the
niaikct to be touiitl lor its exportation.
The hurricane of August, 189D, destioy
cd many of the coffee trees, and, of
course, diminished the ciop, and as it
lcquiicd tlmo after tho Injuiles sus
tained for the' tiees to renew their
heating, only dining tho piescnt jear
can this industry bo lestoied to Its
foinier condition. However, dining
twenty months of Ameiican militaiy
occupation theie was expoi ted $7,4-'0,-000
worth of cotfee, and duilng the Hist
ten months of civil admlnistiatlon tho
e.poi ts have reached $1,307,442 worth.
Although the sugar planting is con
fined to the soaeoast plains or planus
and to the alluvial bottoms along the
mai gins of the laigcr stieams, jot
theie is no doubt that a largo acieage
of such binds, which aie now devoted
to pastuiage, under pioper conditions,
could bo devoted to the cultuie of su
gar cane,
The 2.33S sugar plantations now ex
isting on tho island cover an average
aiea of about thirty-five acies each.
Reliable statistics show that tho jleld
of sugar per acio Is gi cater than in any
other caiiTgrowIng countiy In the
world, e.tept Hawaii and Java, and It
approximates those. However, tho cost
of pioductlou Ih $10 per ton cheaper
than hi Java, $11 cheaper than in
Hawaii, $12 cheaper than lu Cuba, $17
cheaper than lu Egypt, $10 cheaper
than lu tho Btltlsh West Indies, and
.$47 cheaper than in Louisiana and
Te.NHS. With these advantages of
cheaper piodiutlou at less cost llio su
gar plantcis ot Porto Rico ought to be
able to compcto with tho icst of the
world In any open matkot.
It Is a mailer of encouragement that
the iccent opening nf tho maikets of
the United States to tho people of Porto
Rico, has stimulated this Industry In
paitieulur, and, already toveral "ecu
tials" aio lu piocess of election, In
olving an expendltuio of several mil
lions of American capital, alieady as
RUUd to the Island.
Although tho 13,704 acres coveied by
tho tobacco plantations of Porto Rico
inny seem Insignificant, 5 ot, when wn
see that the ciop of 1897, after having
been partlully convened Into clgais and
clgaiettes, was cxpoitccl and sold for
$1,104,000, It cannot be regaidcd as un
important. Fiom vailous causes this
export of tobucco, clgais and cigarettes
was 1 educed duilng tho time of the
American militaiy occupation. Duilng
the lit at ten months of the piescut ud.
ministration. 1,111 tons of tobacco, val.
ued at $403,000, have been expoited.
for Children. Jlollicr Cray, lor jfjra a nuieo In
I he I liildrfiiVi Iluinu In .New Vuil, trutwl ih.
dim tiKCfsilull) with a remed, now tuctuieil
and placed in tliu ilius ctorvn, (ailed .Mother
llruy'ri bwect Powderj (or ( lilldrcn. 'llicy arc
haiiiilcu mlk, plcatant to uko and net or
(all. A certain cure for ictcrlihncit, coiitlpa.
lion, bead mhf, tcrthlnj: and tpmach dltor
iler ind remove norms. At all drugjMi, ,io.
Don't accept an) tutmtltut. Sample tent I'KUE.
Addicts Allen &. Olmited. U Boj, N. V.
Kidney Disease Kills.
Hundreds of Thousands.
Kidney diseases should be attended to
at once, for almost 90 per cent, of our un
expected deaths of to-day are from that
cause. Dr. Dnvld Kenncdy'9 Favorite
Remedy is the only sure cure known for
diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and
blood, rhetimntlsm, dyspepsia and chronic
constipation. 1 1 is marvelous how It stops
that pain in tho back, relieves tho neces
sity of urinatlnc; so often at night, drive
away that scalding pain in passing water,
corrects the bad effects of whiskey and
beer and shows Its beneficial effects on
the system in an incredibly short time.
George L. Smith, foreman of the Hoi
ley Manufacturing Company's Works,
Locknort, N. Y., says in n recent letter:
"I have used Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy with tho most bene
ficial results. 1 was troubled with
gravel nnd kidney complaint very
severely, it bothered mo a gicat deal,
and have found great relief from Its
use, and cheerfully recommend it."
" Favorite Remedy " is the most suc
cessful medicine ever discovcicd for kid
"hey, bladder, liver and blood diseases.
Its record of cures has made it famous in
medical circles everywhere. It is recog
nized as a specific. It purifies tho blood
nnd dissolves the excess of uric acid in it,
clears up tho urine, restores the kidneys
and bladder to their normal condition,
and gently moves the bowels.
It is for sale by all druggists in tho
Mew CO Cant Sizo and the regular
$1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle enough for trial, free ny matt.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Hondout, N. Y.
. . .
Dr. Darld Kennfdy'n floldcn I'linteri strength
en Muscles, remove pain anywhere. ISc each.
From the euiliost times tho tnlslng
of live stock has been a favorite pur
suit In the Island. It Is still of great
impoitanee, as all animals Increase;-
thilvo and fatten on the luxuriant pas
tilles watered by tho clear running
stieams In eveiy section. TI19 pasture
lands of Porto Illco aio supcilor to
those of the neighboring Islands, and
over a million acres aie now devoted to
that purpose. The annual expoitatlon
of hides amounts to over $70,000. For
tho flist ten months of civil admlnistia
tlon the value of animals exported was
One souice of gieat potential wealth
to Porto Rico Is Its lich possibilities
In the production of fruits and vegetable
flbies. Doubtless, the maguey, which
is Indigenous to the Island, could be
cultivated vvitli considerable piollt. Its
pioducts aio the pita, or sisal, hemp,
which Is m.inufnctuicd Into linen, lopes,
nets and hammocks; also pulque, an
intoxicating liquor much used In Mex
ico. Duilng the Spanish domination the
expoitatlon of beeswax amounted to
consideiablo piopoitions This would
Indicate that lice cultuie could be mndo
a veiy prolltnblc Industry heie. With
the Italian bees and Ameiican hives,
added to the accessoiies of the business
in uo on the continent, the flovvois ot
the coffee plant and the lefuic of the
sugar mills could be laid under contub
ution, and combined with the sweet
ness of tho inyilads of natutal flowers
which deck tho landscape, fiom the
peak of yunque to Cape San Fianslsco,
tons of the most delicious honey would
be produced and jield .1 golden revvaid
to the industry of the bee and tho skill
of the bee fanner.
it Is unneiesniy to mention molasses
and mm, the incidental pioducts of tho
sugar cane, though they themselves aio
sutllcient to pay all expenses of tho
sugar plantcis and leave the ictuins
fiom his sugar as clear gain. The so
called minor ciops, which embiace
com, lice, beans, potatoes and the like,
aio lalsed solely for homo consumption.
A laige amount of rice, which foims
the principal lood of the pooiei people,
Is Imported every jcar. it Is unneccs
saiy to impoit a .pound of lice, tho
Island being capable of producing 11101 o
than enough for tho use of all Its mil
lion of people.
Very little attention has hcictofoio
Ik en given to tho cultuie of fiults,
though excellent manges, bananas,
plantains, mangoes, aguacates, guavas,
giapes, lemons, capotes, mamayes, nls
poios, cocoanuts and other tiopical
fruits giow wild lu the gieatest pio
fusion. Pioper cultuie would Impiovo
the quality and cnlaige the yield, and
with told-stoiago tjianspoitatlon, the
maikets of Now Yoilvumd all the con
tinental cities could bo stocked with
them the yenr lound. A ten-acie oi
ange gtove, when once in be.11 lug,
gives a comfoitnble Income, sufficient
to suppoi t h lamlly In the best countiy
stylo of Vlrgiim or Ohio. Oianges and
grape fruit, set at seventy trees per
acre, will yield an avciage of live or
six boxes pen year for eaih tiee, after
1 caching1 matmlty. 1'iops pf ten and
twelve boses per tico arc frequently
repotted, and theio aio wcll-authentl-catd
cases of Irees In Poito Illco which
have yielded over twenty boxes of line,
sweet manges.
11 Is impoitiint to note tho fact that
under fiee tiade, which Poito Uko en
voys with the Pulled States, theie is a
suing of one cent a pound, or eighty
cents per box, upon oranges exported
trout tho Island to the state, as com-
Find two English
ttene of the Battle of
miw tammmm mmmm m wMw M
Only ttatr a Cent a Word.
For Bent.
roil niJNT A flat of neven rooms nnd
bath over M, V. Wymbn' orilce on
Jackson stiect. Windows on nil utiles.
Apply M. P. Wymbs.
FOIl IltJNT rivn looms, latest Improve
melts, nt 73S Alums iivcnuc.
COTTAUIJ on Suwiuohunna river at Illack
Walnut, for rent bv week or month',
funtlfthcd, colt', stove, dishes, tlnco btuts
spilug water, be-vt llRhlng. Addiesa T. J.
Itolnhnrl, ninck Walnut, Pa.
UAllN roil HKNT-M2. April 1st. thiro
box nnd tlueo slnplo stalls and wash
rack, lcnr of 8J1 Madison avenue. In
nulio nl til Madison nvenuc.
Furniahed Rooms for Rent.
FOrt ItHNT Ono furnished loom, with
Improvements also ono on tlilld floor,
cheap. C'7 Adams avenue.
FL'HNISIIIJD ItOOMS for lent, mo-lorn
ImpiovemenlHi pilvnte family; gen
tlemen picfcricd, at 037 Adnms avenue.
FOR HUNT Fm nlsbed room; heat nnd
bath. b23 Linden street.
heat, gas nnd bath, gentlemen pre
ferred, at Mi Adams avenue.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTI2D Furnished bnuso ot four or
live ronniB for housekeeping. Address
A. G. 13., Trlbuno office.
Wanted To Exchange.
SATJDIii; HOltSK wanted In CM'hango
for lot at Clark's Summit, worth JBIT,
f0xl."0. Houses nil around the lot. U. K.
Conieg.v.s, 709 Council building.
Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Furnished or unfurnished
loom: ccntially located. AVrlto P.
O. Box SIR
Board and Rooms.
VKRY DllSIRABMJ sulto of toomii with
first class tabic boaid, can bo obtained
at ;IJ3 Jefferson avenue.
Real Estate.
FOR SAL12 I2tcgnnt sites for homos In
upper Gieen Ridge; cholco nolghb'ii
hood; most desirable localltv for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Muivlie,
1736 Sanderson avenue.
Money to Loan.
Qulck, stiaigbt loans or Building and
Loan. At fiom 4 to (J per cent, fall on
N. V. Walker, 514-313 Connell building.
SHIRTS CI'T and made to older Rooms
41 and K Bun building. H. W. Sykes
& Co.
pnied with those sent fiom Jamaica,
Cuba or any other foreign country.
This tariff advantage Is a splendid
piollt in itself.
Pineapples when planted with slips
ot the flist class, at the rate of four
to eight thousand per acre, depending
on tho vailetv and method of planting,
pioduco the first ciop in from ono to
two eais, say an average of eighteen
months lrom dato of setting. If the
large Porto RIcan white, or Cabazona,
Is giown under good cultivation, a crop
of U.DCO apples per acre should bo lenl
lzed annually. This same area w ill
pioduco a ciop ot suckers and slips
sulllcieut to plant four or five acres,
the value of which Is equal to tho
fiult ciop.
Accoidlng to the latest statistics,
theio are Sfl.021 fauns in this island, of
an average siae of forty-five acies.
More than threc-fom ths of the superfi
cial aiea is included within the fnrms,
and nearly twenty per cent, of the
ciuiio atca of the island under actual
tillage. Of all the farms, fully nlnoty
tluee per cent, uto tilled by their own
ei.s, and of these seventy-one per cent,
aie white and twenty-two per cent, ate
coloied. Seven per cent, aio rcntets.
lively year of Ameiican occupation
thus far, has shown a decrease in the
amount of goods Imported Into Poito
Rico fiom toieigu countiies, and an in
ciease, by a very laige pei coinage, of
goods trom the I'lilted States. This Is
ns It should be, but theie Is chance for
a still gteatei For while
oods fiom all lorelgn countries still
pay the lull late of the Dlngley tariff,
all foods lioin the United States come
in lice. Clcimany heads the list in ng
giesMve activity, and It behooves the
Amerkan saleruan to wake up and tnke
possession of a valuable muikct, al
ready his by so gi"at coninieiclal ad
vantages. It Is natural that the teims
of commercial association nnd business
lelatlons In the1. way of credit fioni,
long ucqutuiiuanco and business deal
ings with tho Continent, must not bo
expected to be biokcn oft .too quickly.
Many Insular business houses have a
resident pattutr In Spain or in Fiance
who bus for the island house, securing
f.ivoiablo 1 1 edits and Incidentally a
commission to himself upon all put -chases.
IJut tlio advantage nffcicd di
rectly In dollurs and cents in the
United States must In the end pievail.
ofllccrs in this
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Than 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Cflloas,
Wnnt AdvcrtUemcnts Will Bo
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBURT Sl'HULTZ, miner Mill
bony Htuct nnd Webster avc.
GU8TAV riCUUL, b5U Adums
West Side
OL'O. W. JHN'KINS, ltl South
Main avenue.
South Scranton
I'ltllD L. T1JRPPE. 7 Cedar
North Scianton
GKO. W. DAVIS, corner Noith
Main avenue and Market
Green Ridge
CiLVRLIlS P. JONLS, 1557 Dick
I .1. JOHNS, P:0 Graen Ridgo
C. LORI1NX. coiner Wnsblngton
nvenuc and Marlon stiect.
Petersburg .
W. II. KNIJITKL, 1017 living
J. g. boni: & SON.
Help Wanted Malo.
YOUNG men, JflOO easily earned at home
evenlngn writing for im. For pnitlcu-
lnrs send nddressed envelope. Kllbeit
Mfg Co, Dept. 41"-, Box 1111. Philadelphia.
WANT!!!) I'll si class nou-unlnu jobbing
plumbers. $3 .'" per day of eight bonis.
A. M. Grlffen. P' livl'.cld. N. J.
WANTi:) Business men of imnucstlon
able el ai actor who have plcntv of en
eigy nnd push and who can give bond or
security, tu handle our line of Root Beer,
Orangeade and Lemonade put up In tablet
form. Good me ncan make big money.
Call or nddress 10 for 10 Miiniifnctiu lug
Compnnv. Simon Long Building, 'VVllkcs
Bauc, Pn.
MACHINISTS wanted for latho woik,
tunct lathe woik and erecting. Stead v
work nnd top wages. F. 11 Patch Mfg.
Co , Rutland, Vt.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTRD An expel t pressor on ladles'
waists. Davis Steam Djc AVoiks, U19
Penn avenue.
LADILS wanted to copy letteis nt home
during spare time evenings nud ictuin
to us. 'VYo furnish paper fiee and piy J10
per M. Send nddicssed envelope for pai
ticulais and copy. F. M. C. Dept. 413, Box
1111, Philadelphia.
COMPETENT girl wanted; inquire of
Mis. M. F. Wymbs. 40'J AV.vomlng nvo
once. Rooms 41 and 46 Burr building.
II. W. Sjkes & Co
Solicitors Wanted.
ton, Pa., want a few high clas3 rep
resentatives to solicit and collect in
Philadelphia and adjoining towns
and cities. Good earning, possibili
ties for bright and energetic men.
Single men who are either High
school, Normal school or College
graduates preferred. Only men who
can devote all their time to business
need apply. Send references and ad
dress, J. H. REICHERT, Supt,
112 N. Bioad St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Situations Wanted.
GERMAN woman, aged Hi vcai', stiong
and vlgoioiis, excellent laundie-s,
wants woik by the day. Call or uddiess
IIS Willow stieet.
erness or at light hoiisewoik by a
oung lady ginduatc used to woik. Ad
dicss Box 133, Factoijville, Pn.
ENGLISH AVIDOW; Piotcstnnt; educat
ed; capable; desires position as hoii'e
kecper. Addicss M. C, i.ue Mis. Glbba,
117 Linden stiect, Scianton.
VANTHD Position, by joung woman
who has had cpciieuco nnd can mi
nlsh satlsfaetoiv icteiences. Ad,, iiuo Y.
W. C. A, "0", Washington avenue,
AVANTHD Position, as gcueinl usslotnut
lu tho of lien or to bookkeeper; c::puil
onco and icteiinccs fiunlsbed. L, care
Y. W. C. A., :-05 Washington uvoniie.
WANTKD Position us cuctnkor, eithei
in countiy or willing to go n.y foi
the summer; lesponslble and willing sei
vlee guaranteed. II,. cure Y. ','. C. A
103 Washington nvenue.
YOt'NG WOMAN would like position as
companion to mi eldcrlv lid.v; good
reader, pianbt, anil capable; luid opeil
enco tuivellng, HT , Y. W. C. A., .'V,
Washington avenue.
aged lady In PioliMlnnt tninlly or ns
housokecper in Hnuill lauill.v. Ciiu finulsli
excellent rofeiciucs. Addicss lour 303 N.
Main avenue.
WANTllD Position ns scamstiess or
lompanlon or would woik bv tho dny
with dieasiuaker. Addicts M. 11 l'
Tiibuuc ofllce, . m
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST Foc leiller puiipv iibout six week
oldv whitn with light inluied upois
Sultublo levvuid fur Itn tctillll to V. M,
Hpcpcei, 31).' Clay avenue
LOST A poiltclbook cnnlalnliig a .sum
of money, between (.'amain .Moll's ui.
lite and W2 Bleaker stieel. Gieen Illdge
l ho tinder will bo tow aided bj letuinlug
to l.S Spiuco street.
LOST Package of letl'M.s and paper. lso
monllil.v loiumutiitlnn ticket, Kings
ton. Scianton, ut IJ , L. & W, nliitlou.
PIeiuje letuin to ImRgngo loum and jo
crlvo J.'.OO levvaid, (
Business Opportunity,
out delay. Wiito for our special mar
ket lettor. Fieo on application. fc M,
Illbbaid & Co, lnenibeu jf, Y. Coiuoll
dated uud Stork i:cimm.c, 41 and 4i
Bioadvvay, New Yoik, Kslabllslicd IStil.
Long UIhUuicc 'Phono -V!5S 111 nud.
IN THE District Court of tho Pulled
States for the Middle Dlstilct of IVnn.
sshanlu, In tho matter ol lMvvln L.
Teal, Bankiunt, No. 111. In Bankiuptcy.
To tho ciedltm.i of L'dvvln 11. Teal, of
Scianton, County of Lackawanna, nud
Dlstilct aforesaid, a bnukiupt,
Notice U hcieby given that on tho Uth
day of June. A, D. 100.'. tho said Teal
wua duly adjudicated bankrupt: and that
tho 111 st meeting of their ciedltois will
bo held at tho otilco of tho Refcuo In the
Government Building, in the Cltv of
Scinutou, Pa., on tho '.'7th day of June,
A. P lias, at 10 o'clock lu tho foieiioon,
ut vvhli h time the said cicdltors inav at
tend, piove their claims, appoint a Tins
lecvcxauilno tho bankuipt, and transaet
such oilier business ns may piopeily come
befoic raid meeting.
CA. VAN WORMER. Referee.
Scranlon. Pa ISO.'.
Proof of claim W cents.
Only Hair'a Ctnt a Word
SIlALEIi PIloroMALM will bo opened In
, the offleo or the Cltv Recorder bv the
pjtector of the Department of Public
vorks at :t o'clock p. m.. on Monday.
June 21. IPO.', for tho following named
work; Lntcrntscwcr In Pnn avenuo ana
l.aich slicet: bidders shnll rnclcio with
each proposal cash or certified cheek In
tho slim of tlneo bundled ($100) dollars on
a giianinlee lo cvecute a contract It
nvyniclod the mme. lu cn.e the bidder In
whom the contract sliull hnvo been
aw aided refiiKes or omltf to execute rt
lontrnct for tho woik In accordance with
the phiits nnd rpcclllrillons therefor with
in ten (10) days fiom llio date of the
nwiml. tho enclosure srcompanjlng his
proposal shall In foi felted to the use ot
the tliv of Setanton.
I.n.vlitg flngslone sidewalks on the west
ertly side of littvton nvenue, from Roar
ing Biook bildgo to River stieet, where
same aio not laid,
Ln vlng ling-tone rldew.dks on hoth Mnis
of Not Ih Main avenue, fiom Wood street
to Maikel slirct, whoro walks ato not al
icadv laid.
Lnvlng (lagslone sidewalks on both strtrB
of rllmorn iivruue, fiom Jackson streM
to Washbnin tteel, whole walks are not
aliendv laid.
Plans and specifications nre on (lie and
can be tiecn at th Bureau of Enqlueeilng.
Bldilcis will bo fiiinlsheil with proposal
blanks at the Bureau of Enghieeilng and
no otheis will be nccepteil. x
All pioposnls shnll be filed with the City
Conti oiler, In his ofllce In the Cltv llallr
Scinnton, Pa., not liter than 230 o'clock
p in., on Monday, Juno 21. 1102,
The cltv lcscives the right to i eject any
or all bids
JOHN E. ROCHE. Director.
Depaitment of Public Woiks.
Scranton, Pit., June 14. 1002. .
In the DHtilcl Com t of the I'nltei
Slates Tor the Middle dNlilct oi Pennsyl
vania, John 1". Al mbi list. Scianton, nf
Lni kavMinna county, PennlMinln. .t
bnukiupt under the act of congrrrs of
Julv 1. IMS. hnvlng applied for a full dls
ehaige fiom nlldebls piovnblo liKalnyt
bis estate under said nd, notice Is hen -by
given to all known ircdllors and oth-'
er pei sons In Intel est. to appear befon
the said court at Sci anion. In snld dis
trict, on the COtb tlav ol June. lOrt;. at 10
o'clock In tho forenoon, lo show cause,
it nnv Ihev have, why the pravor ot th3
said petitioner should not be granted.
TR1 'STEITS SLE The imdernln'd.
Trustee undci u Deed of Trust made
In William Mavcr and I'ledeiira Majer.
bis wife, iliitcd October 21. 1S7S. nnd le
(oi (led In the olfice for the tecoidlng of
deeds In and for Lackawanna county. In
deed book No. 1. page 126. etc, will offer.,
at public talc, vendue oi oulciy, on Fri
day, .Tune 27th. at 10 o'clock a. m , at Ih?
Sheilffs ofnee In the Comt House m tho
Cltv ot Scianton. all the follow Ine de
scribed lot or piece of land, situate In
the Cltv of Scianton. County of Lacks -wanna
nnd State of Pennsylvania, bound
ed nnd described as follows, to wit:
Being lot No two (2) In quale or block
No foilv-elght (18) upon street called and
known as Jpffeisou nvenue and Linden
stieet. upon tho plot of the Cltv of Scran
ton. intended to bo recorded, snid lot h
ing foitv (10) fret In front on Jefferson
nvenuc nnd one bundled and fifty (130) In
depth, tho measurement of depth to com
mence ten feet Inside of the sidewalk nu
above nvenue and stieet: with the light
to IncloFe. use and occupv ten feet In
front of snld lot on said nvenue nnd strest
for ccllnrway. porch, portico, bav-window
and shrubberv. butmot tho light to erect
anv building tbeieon.
Kxcentlng nnd reserving the coal nnd
minerals ns the same nro excepted and
reserved In the deed fiom Tho Smque
hnnnn and W.voming Valley Railroad nnd
Coal Company for said lot. dated October
2Sth, 1S's. nnd recorded In Luzerne cnuntv,
in deed book 12S, page 272. Said lot 1 1m
niovcd with a two-story bilck dwelling
house on Jeffeison avenue nnd n double
two-stoiy frnmc dwelling house on Lin
don stieet.
Teims of Sale Twenty-five per cent, nt
the time of stile, and the bilance to bv
paid within one vcar, defcired payment to
be seemed by bond and moitgago on tho
WELLES iv TORREY. Tiustee.
Attoinejs lor Trustee.
Juno 7, 1102.
S 'x 'V W . Awv r rss VV V r r r. .
RHEl'MATISM All paitles that wish
can be speedily and pcrmnncntlv cured
of nil vniletles of Rheumatism In n vego
tnblo compound: cures guninnterd Tn
quhu oi nddies.T. E Talor, Scranton.
Certified Public Accountant. .
EDWARD C. HPAl'I.niNG. C. P. A., 23
Trndeis' Bank building Old telephone.
No 1811.
' Architects.
Real Estuto Exchnuge Bldg , 120 Wash
ington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
If. L. HARDING, sr. conVell bldo.
building. Spiuco stieet. Scranton.
DR. C. C. LAL'BAtJH. 115 WYOMING avo.
toincvs and Counsellois-at-Lavv. G03 to
t,12 Connell building.
Counsellois - nt - Law. Commonwealth
Building. Rooms 19. L0 ami 21,
Boaid of Trndo Building. Scianton, IJa.
No, 211 Wjomlng avenue, "
r 'T
Patent Attorneys.. -., c-
BATP MT"C luallcoiintrleii
PA I LIN I SS of the Globe,-
Thn only licensed and erpilpped patdfit
solicitor In tho city. No chajpe fpr Jn
formailon on iMtcntoblllty, oer temjears
expel lence,
Rcplosrlc & Co., fHcars Bldg.
Hotels and Restauran. . '
FheTTl"!: cape, 121 and 1:7 prank'.
liu avenue. Rates lensonlblc,
' P. ZIKOLBR, Pioprletor,.'
Passonaer dupot, Conducted, on Ih tt
loiiean plan. Victor Koch. Piopiletor.,.
Scavenger, c.
and cess pools; no odor; only Improved
pumps used, A. B. Biiggs. proprlttoi,
Leave outers 1100 North Main bijub,
or Klrko's chug store, corner Adams and
Mulheiry. Both tclepliones.
Wire Screens, .
avo,, Scianton, mfis. of Who Sorean.
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
WuichoLuso, 110 Washington avenue.
bo had in Scranton at the newt (land
of Rolsmun Bros , iOi Spruc and tAI
Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lacktwanna
avc.; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce ctre-n.
T ?l