The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 14, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Programmes of Children's Day Exercises for
Tomorrow Epworth League Officers.
Other Events of Interest.
The proRrammo for the Children's
3ay cxerclseo nt the Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church tomorrow morning Is
as follows:
Sinning liy school nnd congregation,
No. 1D7. "Our Wny Grows Bright."
Baptism of lnfunts By tho pastor.
Mr. McDormolt nnd Asslstimts.
Recitation MIsh rear! ltldgwny
Bong. "Llttlo Ones J.lho Mo"
Primary" Department
Klrst Fsnlm Cluhs
Flower Song Six little Klrlo
CpnimnndmcnlH Chita
Solo, "Jesus Bids Us Shlno"
Miss Sylvia Jones.
Daisy cxcrclso , Klght hoys
Recitation Miss Dorothy Follows
Buttorcup exerelso Four little girls
Mrs. W. W. Davis, Mini Kmma Lewis,
Miss Lizzie llocrmatis.
Children's Day exercise Twelve boys
Murray Acker,' Clifford Lull, Mutthew
D-ilc, Charles Altcmus, George How
nid, Hurry Howard, William Scott,
Charles Utt, Harry Skrlllngor, Walter
Sutton, Lawrcnrc Kctchum, Adclbert
Opening song No. 1!K). In Uplifted
Voices, "The Summer Land."
Assistant Superintendent W. II. Hagon.
Itchponsivo rending
Superintendent Cleorgo L. Peck, school
and congregation.
Singing, school and congregation. No.
Iflo, "Prnlso the King of Kings."
Remarks Rev. II. C. McDcrmott, D.D.
Flag drill Mist Bessie Slote
Assisted by Harriet Thomas, Ruth
Bryant. Adeline Thro. Mule Acker,
Mym Smith, Ruth Williams, Ruth
Carson, Kate Davis.
Exercise Links of Love's Chain.
Ethel Utt, Dora Raymond. Alwllda
Fellows, Lulu Decker, Alice Fellows,
Elizabeth Thomas.
Singing, school and congregation. No.
200. "Oh, Season Sweet."
The officers of tho school are: Super
intendent, George L. Peck; assistants,
Messrs. William. H. Hagen, Charles W.
Lull and Walter Jones: chorister, L. H:
Kresge; pianist, Miss Gusslo Fritz; or
ganist, Miss JIcDermott.
First Baptist Church.
"The Children's Jubilee" is the title
of the exercises to be held at the First
Baptist church at 10.30 olclock tomor
row morning. Mrs. Randolph Jones is
the chorister, and Miss Clara Reed,
The programme is as followa:
Organ Voluntary Mra. B. G. Beddoo
Song, "Praise to Thee" School
Prayer Uy tho Pastor
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
i You Expect
1 Here Every
And Saturday, June 14th.
the rule. Bv the WaV. if
a summer resort soon, take advantage of Siturdjy's op
portunities. There are scores of good bargains scattered
throughout the store and not enumerated hare just the
things you want to wear or put away in your trunks for
use during your vacation.
jg Saturday We Will Offer 1
H rur i naL
Fine Satin Pillow Tops
In all the prevailing colors,
or the conventional designs
special at
a Summer Weight
"? I A t A dm ttP MIA BlIAl ArtH t 1
InVU nprle ClflAl0CC
..-.. ...-.., ........ .ww--,
weight, elastic ribbed weave.
I Men's Seasonable
& . Mxn'c ovlri flnn nrmv
Men's extra fine eauz.
seamless leet and guaranteed
"""wV - K"
Men s fine Balbriggan Combination Suits, the most
satisfactory underwear ever devised. Shirt medium or
long lengths to fit all circumference measures, g,
$1.75 quality. On Saturday $ 1 .25
3 surprising waist
Ladies' hancy Lawn Shirt Waists in pink and blue
effects; tucked, embroidered, etc., in the latest n
fashion. $1.50 Waists for -....... 9oC
Ladies' Fine Mercerized Shirt Waists that look as well
and wash better than pure silk, in all the popular colors.
An exceptionally handsome $1.50 Waist. On Sat-
urJav Oxr
I White Lawn Dress Skirts
'" For ladies, with hemstitched, circular flounce and
dainty embroideries. A beautiful, high grade , n
3 Skin for ; $1.89
i Children's Lawn Dresses
White, of course, trimmed
made with extra full skirts,
value at
3 On White Wash
J Stock is well worth a look these days, if only to find out
rj what the latest fashions in weaves and designs are like.
No lack of assortment and special values for Saturday
3 buyers,
1 Globe Warehotis?. f
Responsive Reading,
Superintendent nnd School
Recitation, "My Window Ivy."
Recitation, "Tho Trcllsed Vine,"
May Lotd
Flower Song "Garlands of Roses,"
Recitation, "Loving nnd Living,"
Miss Tovey
Recitation, "Tho Flower of tho Mine,"
Norman Lord
Responsive Reading,
Superintendent and School
Chorus, "Glndly Singing" School
Song, "May Come In,"
Six Little Girls nnd School
Cora Harris, Bcatrlco Tovoy, Ruth Aflhlo
mnn, Cora Ashlcmau, Bcsslo Floyd,
Besslo Aswcll.
Recitation, "Welcomo to tho Llttlo
Helen Bartholomew nnd Lena Morlheu
Recitation, "I Have a Priceless Casket,"
Five Primary Children
Recitation: "Hidden Sweets."
Chorus, "Children's Jublleo" School
Recitation, "A Swarm of llces,"
Six Llttlo Girls
Song and Exercises,
Primary Department
Address By tho Pastor
Chorus, "Children In the Temple".. School
Married in Green Bldge.
John Richards, of Fllmore avenue,
nnd Misa Delia Barrett, were united in
marriage on Wednesday evening at the
home of the bride's parents in Green
Ridge, by Rev. J. C. Lyman, of the
Court street Methodist Episcopal
The bridesmaid was Miss Ida Jnmes,
and the groomsman was David Davis.
They will reside with the bride's broth
er on Keyser avenue.
Epworth League Officers.
The Simpson chapter of the Epworth
League have elected the following offi
cers for tho next six months:
President, May Jones; vice-president,
Anna Hughes: second vice-president,
Florence Keith; third vice-president,
Grace Snow; fourth vice-president,
Rertha Crawford; secretary, Grace
Daniels; treasurer, Wnlter Jones; lib
rarian, Arthur Phillips; chorister, Wil
liam Sutton; pianist, Miss Ethel Mc
Dcrmott. The Wyoming conference Epworth
league convention will be held at the
Simpson church In October.
No. 32 School Exercises.
The closlng-cxerclses at No. 32 school
were of an Interesting nature and were
enjoyed by many parents. The pro
gramme rendered was as follows:
Chorus "Sncet Summer Rain" ....School
Recitation Lizzie Mullen
Solo Corinne Collins
Recitation Lizzie Switzer
Reading Clint. M. Corlrta
Organ solo Grace Sandcis
Recitation Bcutrlce Parsons
Chorus "Shepherd Boy" School
Reading Norman Lord
Solo Tydfil Jones
Recitation Elsie Acker
will Drove no exceDtion
to !?:
VOll are thinkinrr nf Icavlnrr Inr
uny uniy
with artistic floral erentinn si are still popular. (&
gr ;,
Under Vests
I AuS .l -I If t
cillr trimmer! irJ t.vkf
. uiimiuvu mill HK'll J r
Best 25c quality for 5C
cf -ilnlaoe K1., ,.1. U .ir L1
stainless hUr.k H iir Hn s
worth 18c the pair. . ' Sp
with embrolderv and
."."::': suss
Violin solo ii. .Lin, ut, H.u.uiBeth Lewis
Duet ...nTydni Jones nnd Rachacl Jonci
Chorus, "When Bllvery Moon la Shin
ing lit,,,,.,,,,,., ,,,,,,,,,,,, School
Recitation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Martha James
Vocal duel
Bcsslo Evans and Corinne Collins,
Recitation .....Lllllnn Brown
Organ solo i,,,,,,,,,,,, William Scko
Recitation , i..,.,Penrl Jenkins
Solo ,i .,.,, ,,,, ,,.,,'., ,, .Sadlo Davlcs
Chorus, "Tho Shades of Evening". .School
Recitation . Sarah Davis
Chorus, "Gully, Gaily, Homo Wo Go,"
Jackson Street Baptist Notes,
Tho return of our tithes books with the
entertainment was a decided buccoss.
So far about $225 were received. There
nro a great many more books out, nnd
It Is the desire of the committee that
every book bo returned by next Sab
bath that the trustees may not be em
bnrruBscd In the work they have undcr-
rue sanies- Aid society is requested
to meet next Wednesday In order to
close their work for the summer vaca
tion. Tho youngmicn members of Miss Nor
ma Nlcholls' class held their weight
social lust Tuesday evening. It was a
success and n good time was enjoyed
by every one present.
The good wishes of the church follow
David GIbbs and Elizabeth Morgan,
who were married last Wednesday by
the pastor.
The choir will sing next Sunday even
ing that beautiful hymn, "Now tho
Day Is Over." Tho lllustrntlon to tho
hymn Is that benutlful work of art,
"Tho Angelus."
Notable Achievement.
It Is a noticeable fact that two of tho
lending graduates of the class of '02 of
the Scranton High school were former
pupils of No. 14 school, namely, Ed
ward E. Lord nnd Miss Eva Kittle.
Thirty-four of tho graduating clnss
of No. 14 school this year had an aver
age of over 93 per cent. Miss Emma
France had a general average of 99 per
cent for the school year.
Children's Day Exercises.
Tomorrow will be observed as chil
dren's day in tho Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church, the First Baptist
church and the Chestnut street German
Presbyterian church.
Eleborate programmes have been ar
ranged, and the parents and frlend3
are cordially Invited to attend the ser
vices in the morning.
Events of Today and Evening.
The olllccrs of tho various mine locals
In West Scranton will meet in Jayne's
hall at 10 o'clock this morning. Business
of importance will be transacted.
Tho Loyal Crusaders will meet in Red
Men's hall this evening, and will be ad
dretscd by Prof. Young, of North Scran
ton. The Capousp Colliery Accidental fund
will meet in Co-operative hall this even
ing. Tho A. O. If. choir and ladle.s' auxiliary
members are requested to attend tho
meeting In Young Men's Institute hall
this evening.
The lino todleers of the First regiment
ot Luiiccrc, Catholic Total Abstinence
union of America, will meet In Young
Slon's Institute hall tomorrow afternoon.
MIkh Mac Hughes, of West Scranton,
and David J. Williams, of North Scran
ton. are members of this year's graduat
ing clnss of tho Mansfield State Normal
school. The commencement exercises will
bo held dining the coming week. Mr.
Williams will deliver an oration on "Tho
New South."
Miss Mabel Dershlmer and her pupils
plcknlckcd at the Round woods on
Thursday. Miss Elizabeth Lewis and her
pupils spent yesterday at Nay Aug park.
Irving Cox. of Washburn street, left
this week for New Orleans.
Mrs. Mary Lynch, of Luzerne street, Is
recovering from Injuries received recently
while at work In the Keystone laundry.
Jacob Pfclffer and Adolph Brunlng have
returned hommo from a fishing trip along
the Sus-quehanna river.
Mr. and Mis. Georgo Martin, sr.. of
Academy street, have as their guest, Mrs.
H. Dunlap, of Susquehanna county.
S. M. Reese, of North Hyde Park ave
nue, has returned home from a buM
ncss trip to Wllkes-Barre.
Mrs. Phoebe Kintner, of Lake Carey,
Is visiting her brother, John Florey, of
Falrvlew avenue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Ilouck's child Is I'l
at their homo on South Main avenue with
scarlet fever.
Henry Florey, of Lake Carey, who has
been visiting relatives here, left recently
for Color.ido.
Prof. George Howell, of Washburn
street, delivered 1111 address nt tho com
mencement exercises of the Hawley High
school, Wednesday evening.
William Flanaghnn. of Jackson street,
Is ublo to bo around again alter nn ill
ness. The Continental Mine Accidental fund
mot In Co-operatlvo hall last evening.
They nro paying benefits to their mem
bers according to the by-laws.
Tho Young People's Society of OhiU
tlmi Endeavor will take charge of tho
service In tho Ucllevuo Welsh Calvinlstlc
Methodist church tomorrow morning at
10 o'clock. In tho evening, tho p.istor.
Rev. William Davlcs, will preach In tl.o
Welsh language.
Mrs. Hccnan, of Watson avenue, Is re
covering fiom an Illness.
Fred FJi'.icham, of West Elm sticet, Is
spending his time traveling through Eu
rope. Rev. Kiln 11 rd Howell will occupy tho
pulpit of tho Sumner Avenue Presbyter
Inn church tomorrow evening. The ser
vices hpgln ut ft o'clock.
Tho Knights of Malta will attend ser
vices at tho Embury Methodist Episcopal
cnurcn tomorrow evening.
Tho G-mnnths-old child of Mr. nnd Mr.
James Miithcws, of 113'4 South Rebecca
avenue, was reported to tho board of
health yesterday, by Dr. D. W, Evans,
as suffering from smull-pox, The father
Is n patient at tho Emergency hospital,
suffering from the disease.
Warren, the young son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jenkln T. Reese, of Washburn street and
Hyde Park avenue, fell yesterday from
the second story of a new houso In courso
or erection near his lmmc. nnd Injured
his chest. Dr. Ueurgo B, Reynolds Is at
tending him.
DAVID nODKIUOK, aged 55, passed
away yesterday at the family residence,
310 Hanuii court, after a serious Illness.
The deceuhed Is survived by a wife and
two daughters, Mrs. .George Franklin,
of this city, and Mrs. Guffney, of Buf
falo, Tho funeral will take place at
3,ao p. in, tomoriow afternoon nnd In
terment will bo mude In tho Washburn
street cemetery,
MRS. J, HKNNKFOimr, of 025 Ma
ple street, died yesterday, aged 37
yeais. A husband and three small chil
dren survive. The funeral will take
placo tomorrow uftcrnoon ut 2 o'clock
from tho house,
"Atterbury System"
fleans Smart Clothes
Ready .to. Wear.
They Wero Attended by Superin
tendent George W. Phillips Every
Member of tho Clnss Is Eligible to
Enter tho High School An Enjoy
able Trolley Party to Carbondale.
Marriage of MIbb Cecilia Lauer to
John Zurflleh, of Butte City, Mont.
Pleasant Surprise Party.
The graduating class ot No. 25 school
held their commencement exercises yes
terdny. Superintendent George V. Phil
lips wan In attendance nnd addressed
the pupils. Ho urged them to apply
themselves Just us tonublously In the
acquisition of knowledge during the
coming year In tho High school us their
success warranted him In assuming
they must have done during the past.
He spoke encouragingly throughout,
and closed with the fuble of "Tho
Battle of tho Bugs."
Principal R. II. Martin and his as
sistants, MIsbos A. May Benedict and
Florence Walker, had charge of the ex
ercises. While till the numbers of the
programme wero well rendered and
were received with loud applause, spe
cial mention should bo made of Miss
Jennie Hoffman, who was compelled to
respond with n second selection on the
banjo, nnd also to Thomas Morris,
Lewis McCusker unci William Clesg,
who rendered solos In a very pleasing
manner. The programme follows:
Chorus School
Organ Solo, "Dunce in the Twilight,"
Ucnovlovo Flynn
Reading, History Lesson Thomas Jay
Song, "Tho D'oor-tloy's Last Good
Bye" Lewis McCusker
Recitation, "Tho Smack In School,"
Mildred Watklns
Banjo Solo, "Fantasia" ..Jenlne Hoffman
Declamation. "The Duel" Lottlo Mick
Quartette, "I'll Wander Back Again,"
Misses Teresa O'Donncll, Gretta Pur
cell, Minnie McCusker and Anna
Recitation, "The Virginia Belle,"
Fiank Gallngher
Duet. "When tho Birds Fly North
Again".. Wm. Clegs and Lewis McCus
Wm. C!egg and Lewis McCusker
Solo, "The Call of the Little One."
Thomas Morris
Recitation, "Old Ironsides,"
Mlnlne McCusker
Vocal Solos
(a) "Tying the Leave;:."
(b) "Mamma's In Heiivcn,"
Principal R. H. Martin
Address. ..Superintendent Geo. W. Phillips
Chorus School
At the cIose of the programme, Ice
cream and cake were served to the
three grammar grades, Grammar C
pupils being the guests of the two
upper grades.
The following Is the average of each
pupil of the class, every member of
which Is eligible to admission to the
IUch school:
Mildred Watklns. H7: Margaret Gib
bons. 97; Clare Tcrwllllger, 95; Homer
Balsloy, 93; Lottlo Mick. 9J; Alice Munn,
91: Genevieve Flynn, 90; Evallno Ham
mond, 9.1; Carrie Longmore, 90; Mao Davis,
S9; Reglna Orr, R8; Helen Sadler, fcS;
Anna O'Donncll. SS; William Clcgg, SS;
Frank Bell, SS: Ruth Thompson, 87; Ethel
Rodham, 83; Helen King, S3; Mary Homer,
84; Nelllo Holleran, S3; Fannlo McNamara,
S2; Anna Flanaghan, 82; Gertrudo New
berry, 81; Charles Henwood, 81 ;Grettn
Purcell, 79; Teresa Rooney, 79; Minnie Mc
Cusker, 7S; Mao Healey, 77: Jcnnlo Tran
ger, 77; Joanna Twining, 77; Lewis Mc
Cusker, 76.
Trolley Bide.
Jf. number of prominent young men
and women enjoyed a delightful trolley
ride to Carbondale and return. Thurs
day evening. The merry company Ipft
the square at 7 o'clock In one of the
Scranton Railway company's large open
cars. The ear was beautifully decor
ated with electric lights and national
colors. The party arrived at Carbon
dale at 9 o'clock, and after spending an
hour about the city, taking in the
sights, they started for home.
The committee, consisting of Charles
Beers. David Laird, Daniel Hartzell
and Charles Thomas, In whose charge
the affair was conducted, left nothing
undone to make it a success.
Happy Wedding.
A pretty wedding was solemnized In
St. Paul's Evangelical church, Thurs
day evening, when Miss Cecilia Lauer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lauer,
of Short avenue, wits united In wedlock
to John Zurnieh. of Butte City, Mont.
The bride was attended by Miss Grace
Lauer, while William Lauer acted as
best man. Miss Minnie Zurflleh acted
as Hower girl. Tho church was beauti
fully deeoruted with potted plants and
palms. Alter the ceremony the couple
repaired to the home of the briib?, where
a dainty wedding repast was served.
Mr, and Mrs. Zurflleh were recipients
of many beautiful and costly presents.
The young couple will take up their
residence in Butte City, Mont.
Pleasant Surprise.
A very pleasant sut prise party was
tendered Misa Carrie Longmore by a
number of her friends, at the homo ot
her aunt, Mrs. Benjamin Davis, 22CS
Robert avenue, last evening. Tho even
ing was enjoyubly spent In tho usual
party diversions until a seasonable
hour, when refreshments were served.
Present wero the Misses Carrie Long
more, Annie Rhulc, Iluttle Lloyd, May
Davis, Margaret Thomas, Gertlo Willis,
Martha Thomas, Mary Thomas, Viola
Williams, Lena Williams, Lulu Davis,
and John Qulnn, George Muckle, Kd
ward Tullinun, Daniel Davis, Thomas
Howells, Zacharlah Williams, Frank
Coleman, Perry Thomas, William
Evans, Richard Hughes.
Rev. W, J, Clark, who has been In India
for eight yeurs. will address the vesper
bcrvlco In tho Young Women's Christina
association parlorf, MIS North Main ave.
lino, Bundny afternoon at (3.SU o'clock.
Professor Walkenshuw, A. K: Roberts,
Miss Maiion Hill find Miss nulla Coushi3
will bo tho violinists nnd Miss Ruth Jack
bon pianist for tho occasion, jjoth ladles
nnd gentlemen urn Invited, Mr. Clark's'
subject will bo "Tho Bravo Blind Bog
gar," using (lustrations.
Children's day exercises will bo ob
served In tho First Pilmltlvo Methodist
cluirchonmiow, Tho piogrammo for tho
niorningwlll bo of a miscellaneous char,
ncter consisting of recitations, solos,
duots, and horiibcs. In tho evening com
plete scrvlco for "Children's day" un.
titled "A Tribute of Flowers" will bo ren
dered. Tho choir will ho assisted by a
full orchestra. This scrvlco will bo very
Interesting and all aro cordially Invited
to attend.
William Pciry. of Holllstcr avenue. hs
returned from Pittsburg.
John King nnd Thomas McCiane ur
spending a few davs at l.uko Vlndlno.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, of Forest
City, spent yesterduy with relatives on
North Main ave'nue.
Rev, A. H. Smith, pastor of the North
Main Avenue Baptist cliutch, leaves this
-MMI $
Help and Health for Those Who Now
Cry, "Oh ! Dear. I am Really Not
Well Enough to Work, But I am
Obliged To."
How often these significant worcla nro spoken In our groat mills,
shops, nnd factories by tho poor girl who has worked herself to the
point where naturo can endure no moro and demands n rest I Tho poor
sufferer, broken in.hcnlth must stand aside nnd mako room for anothor.
Tho foreman Bays, "If you nro not well enough to work you must
leave, for wo must put somo ono in your place."
t Standing all day, week in nnd week out, or sitting in cramped posl
tions, tho poor girl has slowly contracted somo deranged condition of
her organic system, which calls n halt in her progress nnd demands
restoration to health beforo she can bo of uso to licrself or any ono else.
To this class of women and girls Mrs. Pinldiam proffers both sym
pathy and aid. When these distressing weaknesses nnd derangements
assail you, remember that thoro Is a remedy for them all. We nave on
record thousands of such cases that have been absolutely nnd perma
nently cured by Lydln E. Plnitham's Vegetable Compound, restoring
to vigorous henlth and liven of usefulness thoso who havo been pre-
viousiy soreiy aisiresscn. xteaa me
Here is the Story of Thousands of Young Women who are
Helped to Health by Mrs. Pinkham.
--"? Deab Mrs. Pinkham : I cm troubled very nvach with tho whites, and
a bearinffdown of tho womb, ily back achca so that I am hardly able to
work. Will you kindly inform rao what to do as I am suffering most terribly."
Misa May Buncu.vcn, Middle Villajo P.O., Lonjr Island, U.Y. (Mar. 17, 1000.)
" Deah JIn3. Pinsuaji : I write to thank you for tho good your remedies
havo done mo.
" I wrote to you describing my troubles nnd followed your directions. I
had doctored a irrcat deal but nothing cccmcd to help. After using six bottles
of Lydia E. Piiikliam's Vegetable Compound and four packages of
Sanative Wash I am again strong and healthy. The Sanative Wash cured mo
of the leucorrhcea (whites). I would recommend your remedies to all suffer
ing women who need thorn." Misa May limxiixcn, Middle Village P. O.,
Long Island, N.Y.
When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health
more than a million women, you cannot well say without trying
it," I do not believe it will help me." If you arc ill, do not hesitate
to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at
once, and write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice.
It is free and helpful. Write to-day, delay may mean death.
morning to spend a few days In Phila
delphia. Miss Lillian Morris, of West Chester, is
spending tho summer vacation with her
patents on William 3trcet.
The Green Ridge castle, Ancient Order
of Mystic Chain, will meet in regular ses
sion next Monday and tho ofllcois for the
ensuing term will bo elected.
Miss Mary McIIulo and Loretta Mor
rison, of Putnnm street, spent Thuisday
evening with fi lends In Taylor.
General Grant Commandery, Knights
of Malta, Celebrated Its Fifth
Anniversary Other Notes.
General Grant commandery, No. 220,
Knights of Malta, celebrated their flftli
aiinlveig.iry In Ilartman's hah lust evui
ing, which, notwithstanding the inclo
meat weather, was very largely attended
Tho business hcj-sIou w.u cut shott, and
tho social fi-atiucs of tho ovoning wero
started by Sir Knight Commander Harry
Munnlx, vho culled upon Brother John G.
McAskln to preside. A Hist class pro
gramme had boon urinnged by the com
mittee, but somo of tho talent was ab
sent becaiiEO of tho htuim.
However there was piesent a quaitetlo
of sweot alupois and their efforts vicio
loudly applaiTdod. Tho Ml'cs CarilJ
and Amelia Fonno rendered .-.ovcra! se
lections In i plciihlng manner, and both
wcto called upon lor cucoics. Mutthuw
I.andt nlbo contributed to the amusement
of tho gathoilng and a i cully ihst-clnss
musical programme was contributed. Tho
speech of tho evening was niado by ex
Mayor Molr, and Past Cumniumler Sir J.
H. Kvans bpoko mi the good of the order.
At tho conclusion ot thu social and liter
ary tieat, a lunch of bund wlches, ko
cicum, cuke, fruit, etc,, was served, Tho
committee in chaise of tho ariaugomeuts
was; T. II. Stiirtevundt, J, V. Evans, II,
V. Stock, Kdwurd K'ciuiengesser and Will
Iain lIcHutnger.
General Giant ronunumlory. Knights of
Malta, was organised Juno 12, 1S07, and Is
tho most prospeioim Institution In tills
bcctlou, Thoro nro 12 members In good
standing and Including the vnluo of para
phernalia, aro worth nearly 2,noo, llany
Maiinix is the present sir knight com
mander, while tho present secrotary, or
us ho Is styled, tho iccoploi', U Adam
Filchtel, a well known and piomiiieut
icsldent of thu Eleventh ward, who ha.i
hud churgo of tho books slnco tho sucloty
first organized and who hau bocu chosen
uuuiilinoiisly ovory year since.
Schools Close for Vacation.
Tho closing of the school year was op
propi lately observed at tho various
bdiools by tho teachers nnd pupils on thin
sldo yestonluy, Tho anticipated vacation
hnd buoyed up the hearts of tho llttlo
ones mid their huplucss was transmitted
to their eldcis.
At No. 13 the pupils of Professor O'Mul
ley had arranged uno xcellept piograminc,
wnilo bcvoiul of tho other clusses wero
treated to un outing In Nay Aug puik.
At No. 3 tho (.lasses In churgo of Miss
Ponman and Miss Welnschnnk. held an
interesting entertainment, which was
thoroughly enjoyed by tho happy chlldicu,
iouowing letter.
Owing? to the (act that some skeptical people
have from time to time questioned the genuine
Bess of the testimonial letters we are constantly
publishing wc have deposited with the National
city u:nK, ox i.ynn, mass., s,orx, wmen win
be paid to any person who will show that the above testimonial is not
genuine, or was published before obtainlnt the writer's special permis
sion. I.ydla E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass.
after which they gave three cheers for
their popular teachers before being dis
missed for tho summer.
A pleasing good-bye social was held at
No. 10 school In which nil thu teachers and
pupils participated. Before closing re
freshments weio served.
Pleasantly Surprised.
Miss Mary Gallagher, of Cedar avenue,
wus pleasantly surprised Thursduy night,
when u party ot young friends called un
expectedly and enjoyed themselves thor
oughly for seveiul hours. Their was an
abundanco of music, refreshments and
other merry louturts that kept every ono
in n jolly humor.
Those present wore: John Monlson,
James Downs, William Guivin, Josonli
O'Malley, Joseph Murray, James Walsh,
Thomas Coyne, James Crane, Misses
Maiy Murray, Gwynne Evnii", Katheiine
Lydon, Mary Kearney, Lena Murray,
Maggie McDcinougli, Maud Coyne, Te.sslc
McDonougb, Ethel Edwards. Anna C'ona
boy. Mary Hcaly, Catherine Evans, Mary
A Becent Hsrrlnge.
Georgo Stuckett, of South Ninth street,
employed as a bookkeeper for tho Ma
loiuy Oil company, and Miss Ella Dough
etty, of South Irving avenue, it teacher
In No. 30 school, weio united in mairiago
leceiitly at St. John's Catholic church.
South Seiuiiton.
Tho ceremony vwin performed by Row
E. J. Melley hi tho presence of a number
of friends of the rontiiietlug pa rile". Af
tor the nuptial knot was tied, a icceptlon
was held ut tho homo of tho bildo'3 pa
tents. NUBS OF NEWS.
It Is Miss Emma Hcnipe, of tho Scran
ton Flats, and not Miss Rompe, of Alder
street, who will bo mauled next week, us
wits icported In yesterday's Times.
A joint excursion nf tho various Moth
odlst Wplscopal eh ti relics will be run to
I.ako I.odoio, next Tuesday, Juno 17,
Sci vices 111 St. Paul's Methodist Epis
copal church will bo us usual next Sun
day. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
gutirunteed to cino all coughs. "No cuio,
mi pay." For salo by all dealers.
Mh?s Anna Slahlebar will lend tho gospel
mooting of tho Young Women's Clulstlan
association Sunday afternoon at 11,45. All
women and plrls aio rordlully Invited to
attend. Tho Panny club will start a class
In physical cultiilo Saturday afternoon at
2.1V All gills urn Invited to attend, Tho
Loyalty chili will glvo an Ice cream bo
clal on tho 20th.
A stuffed figure, supposed to represent
bumo of thoso now working about tho
colllciles, hits been bunging from a tele
phone pole on Drinker street, near Law
son's bakery dining tho past three days
to the evident amusement ot a largo
Street Commissioner Brown has u. largo
force of men at work on Chestnut street,
near Willow, placing tho now sewer in
position, which Is to replaco tho old cov
ered culvert In uso thero lor many ear.s.
Hobnt Miller, the young mun who gave
himself up to Olllccr Koyes us the ono
who accidentally bhot Mis. Colla Kelly
This signature is on every box of tho gcuutcu'
Laxative BromoOuinine Tablets
remedy that cure u void ia one day.
' M j.. - .- .rji.r j-utxAf-- .it
If you go to
Th Elks'
You wont forget It,
even if you want to.
It will be a combi
nation of Noah's ark
and the Pan-American
Hid way.
Week commencing
June 30.
A story of vital inter
est to all the people is
told in those four words,
to which little can be ad
ded. Except that they
are potatoes of the first
A hundred other
big bnrgains, ot
similar economi
cal quality, at any
Convenient to Theatres and Shopplne
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross to vn
cars anj transfer at 4th ave. direct
to hotel.
Rooms with Bath 1 ("Suits with Bath
511.50 upward. ) $2.60.
W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor. Sixteenth fct. and Ir Ins Place,
American Plan. $3.50 Per Day and Upwards.
European Plan, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards,
Special Rates to Families.
4- "" '
. For Business Men
- in the hrt of tUej wholesale
For Slioppew
it minute?' walk to wonamakers;
S minutes to Siegel Cooper's Bis
Store. Easy of access to the great
Dry Goods Stores.
For .Slglitseoi'3
One block from B'way Cars. bIt.
Inr; easy transportation to aU
points of Interest.
Tor. 11th ST. A UNIVEBSITT Pli
Only one Block from Broadway.
Rooms, $1 Dp. prfcEefTKA.u.?0n.J t
Cubanola cigar
cost - ono'third
moro to man-
ufa c ture
than other
you not havo
this benefit?
iMi'ttni.Yhuin.vitco., iodlauk. av,
VhoIcs.ilo Tobacconists.
Distributors of Cubanola Cigars.
011 Thuibilay lust. ws not hold under
ball, hut Blven his liberty on his own
recojjnlziiiice, Tho yoiuur mun Is n boii
of Mimler Cur Hullder Miller, of tho Erie
V, K. Sterner, n former resident here,
huu been promoted to the position of
MuniiRcr of tho 1'ostnl Telegraph com
pany's business In Ilethlchem.
Mrs. David Chamberlain teturned to
her homo at Philadelphia yesterday.
Services In tho Dudley Htteet DtiptUt
church tomorrow: Hcv, Jumes Fielding
will preach nt 10.W) 11. in. and 7.30 p. n.
Sunduy school at noon. Young People"!
meeting at ti.13.
Druggists J. O. liono & Son sell line.
soaps today at half price.
a Sm
j w
MB cigar; j. WM
t ,
iZLj$mMgj& - ' V
tl2 lu omJT '
: .- .-v AitMiJ&...?.wr.ilb !(.. s. i-v
fflWIMmffffM&ff 1 illiMiiW 1