The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 13, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Bald He Can Name the Man Who
Paid Money to Secure the Passage
)f tho last Gas Franchise Ordl-
nance, and Men the Money Was
Intended For New Consumers'
Company Ordinanco Passed on
Third Reading Meeting of Select
The ordinance granting n franchise to
tho Consumers' Ons company wtiB
passed on third rending Inst night ljy
common council, after Mr. Keller had
vainly endeavored to postpone action
until next week. It will now go to (se
lect council. t v
When the measure wns called ud on
third reading by Mr. Gurrell, Mr. Kel
ler wanted to know what provision
there wns In It that would cnabln the
city to find out whnt the gross receipts
of the company will be. That Is essen
tial to ascertain the nmount of tax they
will huve to pay. The friends of the
ordinance admitted that It Is a bit hazy
sn that point, but supposed tho power
to ascertnln the nmount of the gross
receipts was Implied.
Mr. Keller then referred to the scan
dal in connection with the gas ordl
nnnco passed by the last council, nn
ordinance of which the present one, he
Bald, Is a copy. He called attention to
the fact that no one litis disclosed who
tho members of the Consumers' Gas
company are, and that In view of this
fact and tho rumors concerning the
passage of the former ordinance, no
member could afford to vote for the
present measure until the charges con
cerning the other are cleared up.
To this Chairman Robathan replied
that he did not think It seemly for a
member of council to reflect on the
body by referring to rumors that might
have no foundation In fact.
"Postpone this matter for a week,"
Bald Mr. Keller, "and I'll give you facts
and .figures about the passage of the
ordinance of which this Is a copy. I
will give you the name of the man who
paid the money, the men who received
the money, men who held tho money,
and where the money Is under seal to
night." "Name the place where It Is!" cried
a member.
"In the Traders National bank," an
swered Mr. Keller. N
Thls bold statement fairly amazed the
members, and several of them wore on
their feet In a moment. Mr. Keller ex
plained that ho did not refer to any
members of common council.
Mr. Calnin wanted to know If Mr.
Keller had the Information ho referred
to in his possession three weeks .ago,
and Mr. Keller replied that practically
ho had. Mr. Calpln thought Jt should
have been given to the council before.
Mr. Roche moved that action be post
poned for a week, to enable Mr. Keller
,to make good bis statement, but when
the motion was put It was lost by the
following vote:
Yeas T. J. SnnwdL-n, AV. AW Evans. T.
J. Roche, O. B. Partridge, W. 11. Knoep
fel. Fred Sykcs, T. S. Fuller, Luther
Keller S.
Nays M. J. Clark, T. W. Thomas. J. J.
Evans, David Evans, John J. Henry,
James Castcrllnc, J. J. Huggcrty, Edward
Souring, A. L. Lewis, John MeCSrcevy,
1. F. Calpln, John J. Ruane, Fred Phil
lips, Charles, Daniel Calvin, AVII Uurrell, AVIIIIam Lewis, John J. Mc
Hale, Charles Hiuf, M. J. Barrett, M.
Norton, 13. K. Robuthuii-.'.'.
The ordinanco then came up on pas
sage and Mr, Keller said tho company
might possibly construct the plant, but
incy urn not intend to operate It and
that it was a blackmailing scheme.
Notwithstanding, the ordinance passed
by the following vote:
. Yeas-M. J. Clark, T. AV. Thomas, J. J.
Evans, John J. Ileury, O. 11. Partridge.
James Cubtcrllnc, J. J. Ilaggerty, Eriwaid
Searing, A. L. Lewis, John McGreovv,
V. F. Calpln, John J. Ruane, Fred Phil
lips, Charles Rosar, Daniel Calvin, AVII
IIam Gurrell, AVIIIIam Lewis, John J. M
Ualc, Charles Graf, M. J. Barrett, M.
Norton, K. !:. Robathan .'.'.
Nays D.uld Kvans, T. J. Snowden, AV.
W. Evans, T. J. Roche, AV. 11. Kliocpfcl,
T. S. Fuller, Luther Keller 7.
Fred Sykcs was excused from voting.
City Solicitor Watson sent an opinion
to common council In a reply to a query
from tho commoners who wanted to
know If It were possible to adoot some
method for the payment of contractors
who undertake municipal imnravi..
ments. Mr. AVutson informed tho mem
bers that councils had no power save
that conferred In tho ordinance, and
the only way a change could be effect
ed would be for the city to assume the
cost In tho first Instance, The opinion
Avas filed.
The resolution removing the lunch
Avagon from the Amsden property at
Washington and Lackawanna avenues
was concurred In, Mr. Keller making
the motion.
walks In the Second ward. Mr, Searing
wanted the right for property holders
In the Fourth ward to construct a pri
vate sewer and tho requests were grant
ed, the resolutions being adopted.
Mr, Huanc Introduced a resolution
looking towards the reimbursing of An
nie nnd Catharine McGulrc for dam
ages sustained by the opening of Wyo
ming avenue. At Mr. Huane's request
It was referred to the city solicitor. Mr.
Partridge wants n sewer basin nt
Olive street and Qulncy avenue. Mr.
Phillips wanted tho ordinanco for
sprinkling the streets by the railway
company. Mr. Gnlvln wants n hydrant
at Hemlock street nnd Crown avenue.
Mr. Sykcs wanted a hydrant nt AVnsh
lugton avenue and New York street
moved to the sidewalk and ulso a set
tlement with Muldoon nnd Bowie for
work done on the Ronrlng Brook and
Linden street bridges. Tho resolutions
were ndopted.
Mr. Barrett wants the street car com
pany obliged to fix Its tracks on the
South Side. Council agreed promptly
that It was necessary to pass such a
Mr. Norton Introduced two ordi
nances. One was for the acceptance of
West Park, the property of John T.
Porter nnd G. F. Reynolds, trustees,
This was referred as was another pro
viding for the corrullng of animals,
horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs or
mules, running at large on the unln
closed lands In portions of the Twenty
first wnrd.
The following ordinances passed on
third reading: Flagstone sidewalks and
gutters on both sides of Brick avenue,
on West Market street to AVIIIIam
stieet; for flagstone sidewalks on both
sides of 'Margaret avenue: for the
construction of n retaining wall on
Yard street: providing for tho pur
chase ot $5,000 worth of hose for fire
purposes; providing for laying (lag
stone sidewalks on Division street,
from Hyde Park avenue to Sixteenth
street; for a retaining Avail on Third
avenue, for the opening of Irving
avenue from Mulberry street to Vine
street: for the opening of Vine street
from Buenzll court to Prescott avenue;
for a lateral sewer to drain both sides
of Ridge Row betwe'en the main sewer
and Prescott nvenue, both sides of
Prescott avenue between the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western railroad and
Linden street, and the south side of
Linder street, between Schultz court
and Prescott avenue.
" K.
"Atterbury System"
When tho resolutions directing tho re
c.dpt of options for property at North
Main avenue and Throop street for u
fire house was read It was promptly
tabled. Mr. Keller made tho motion
because the report was directed to se
lect council. Mr. Calpln said select
council was acting us though common
rouncll had no existence and he
thought It time to let them know that
there was such tt body ns common
council and Mr. Robathan promptly
decided thut tho measure should tuke u
Mr. Thomas wanted two basins In tho
First wnrd. Mr. Henry wanted cross-
In select council last night Council
man O'Boyle wanted to know what It
costs to have the prisoners Avork In
the park. He understood that a num
ber of men are employed to guard the
prisoners, and If this money was used
In hiring citizens of the city, more and
better work might bo accomplished.
"Mr. Vaughan explained that the con
victs arc only employed to do the woik
that there Is no appropriation for and
nnd that everyone knows that neither
the convicts nor the overseers cost the
city anything. The overseers are paid
by the county. Still Mr. O'Boyle was
not satisfied and succeeded in getting
the following resolution pasted:
That the director of public works is
directed to to councils a statement
showing tlie niinfiier of prisoners cm
plocd each day at Nay Aug and Council
park since Monday, April 1, 1!K).', tho name
of each prisoner employed and tho num
ber of days he woikcd; the number of
foremen employed each day to supervise
tho work of said prisoners, and tho com
pensation per day of said foreman, and
tho total sum paid said foreman: also
to report whether tho service rendered by
same prisoners is of any expense to tho
Mr. O'Boyle also succeeded in having
tho following resolution adopted:
Whereas, It appears that some persons
or corpoiatlons have been making a road
bed for a railroad crossing some of tho
streets and avenues in the Twelfth ward
of this city and that the Mima appears to
bo done without any legal authority;
therefore, bo It
Resolved, By tho select council of tho
city of Scrantou, that the president of
this body appoint a special commlttco of
three members of this council to ascertain
tho facts and report In writing to this
council at Its next regular meeting.
The streets and bridges committee re
ported favorably a resolution directing
the city recorder and city solicitor to
secure options on tho land to be taken
for the opening of Sanderson avenue
from Enst Market street to tho Lacka
wanna river. This was approved.
In response to a resolution recently
ndopted by councils, directing tho re
corder to got an option on the plot of
land bounded by Jefferson avenue,
Ridge Row unci the approach to tho
Roaring Brook bridge,, tho Intention
being to make It a park, a communi
cation was received from the recorder
containing a proposition from F, E.
Piatt, one of the executors of the es-
The Most Distinguished
Ready-to-Wear Clothes
During our long and successful career we
have kept an Ideal before us the ideal of perfec
tion in clothes making. You probably remember our
introduction of this now famous Atterbury System."
It was the best that could be possibly made at that
time our Ideal had not been reached we wanted
it better. We worked hard from season to season to
make it better. '
The "Atterbury System," as we show it
today, we believe is perfection in clothes making.
It's as good as it can be made this season. If it's
possible to make it better next season, we'll do it.
Such progression of method produces, without doubt,
satisfying results.
"Atterbury System" has-become the most
distinguished because of these progressive, methods;
because of the excellence of style, quality of cloth and
tailoring. It stands today above the custom tailor's
system and deserves the continual praise
it is receiving from men who know the
good points in Fashionable clothes making
There is no record in the tail
ing business of such results having
been achieved as is shown by the "At-
. terbury System" up to date. We want
you to watch its progress, and we II ap
preciate it as a courtesy on your part if
you'll favor us with your presence and
allow us to further explain the merits of
the "Atterbury System" of Ready
toWear Clothes.
Samter Bros.,
Complete Outfitters.
HHrlC'V 8 IlillllnKtil
ft&wft$3iH MMt LSI If
fetSvlt COPT.tCHT MM Qljraft
JK&VjT It V C- KTX XfeSlJ.
late which owns the property. It set
forth that the city can have It for $60,
000 and nn option for six months tit
that price will be given. The offer was
received and filed.
The following now resolutions were
Introduced and adopted: Directing tho
department of public works to remove
the electric light now located at Dela
ware and Hudson railroad and New
street to northeast corner of AA'yomlng
avenue and Now street; directing that
copies of tho laws of the general as
sembly of the commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, passed at the session of 1001,
in all fifty-nine copies, be purchased for
the use of members, and that the ex
pense thereof be charged to account of
genrul printing and stationery, year
1002; directing the dheetor of mibllo
safety to have the hydrants now sup
plied by tho Spring Brook Water com
pany connected with the water mains
of tho Scrantou Qua and Water com
uuny. The ordinances Introduced were: For
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the laying of flagstone sidewalks and
setting curbstones on Ulbsou street,
from Clay avenue to Harrison uvenue;
fixing the number of newspapers in
Avhlch ofllcial advertising shall bo done;
' providing for the repairs of building
occupied by Engine company. No, 2;
providing for repairs of building occu
pied by Engine company, No. 3; pro
viding for the construction and repair
ing of tho crematory building; provid
ing for the laying of flagstone side
walks und setting curbstones on Myrtle
street, from Qulncy uvenue to Harri
son uvenue.
On third reading ordinances were
passed for the purchase and erection ot
street signs, a sum not greater than
$2,000 to be expended for this purpose;
for the finishing of tho fourth floor of
tho city hull and the installing of an
elevutor; directing the recorder und di
rector or puoim safety to enter into a
contract with tho Consolidated Tele
phone company to place a switchboard
In the city hall and establish ten tele
phones for tho pollco department at
points specified In the ordinance; for
tho purchase of land on New street
neur Wyoming avenue for a store liouso
und storage yard for the department
of public works, the same not to cost
more than $4,500; for the payment of
judgments against the city to the
amount of $100,000,
When the ordinanco authorizing the
director of public work to purchuse a
street sweeper at u cost not to exceed
$200 and a street sprinkler at a cost not
to exceed $273 cume up on third reading
Mr. Qulnnan raised the point that tho
ordinance offends against the second
class city 'act which provides thut no
contract can bo uwurded for u sum
greater (liun $250 unless bids are asked
for, After some discussion the mutter
was referred to the Judiciary committee
and the city solicitor with instructions
to report at the next meeting,
The ordinanco for the purchase of ad
ditional land for Nay Aug park was re
ported favorably trom committee us
was also an ordinance accepting tho
stieets of Lincoln Turk us part of the
city plot. Later this passed on first
und second reading. An ordinanco pio
vldlng for a bridge over the Roaring
Brook In the Tenth ward was reported
favorably from committee und passed
on first und second readings.
THAT electric lights are beyond comparison for illumi
nation, safety and health.
THAT electric motors are the cheapest aud cleanest form
'of power.
THAT electric elevators can
be run with economy and
THAT electric fans will ventilate at small expense,
THAT electric signs are effective and profitable in adver
tising your business,
THAT electric cooking aud heating apparatus is clsau and
THAT electric current for ail of the above is furnished by
The Suburban Electric Light Company of
THAT the service is continuous 24 hours a day 7 days
a week,
THAT we have telephone connection,
1 -' - : ;j
Vol I Will PlnH ll a 6rcat benefit to read the adver
1 vit tt in lliu tlsemcntsof the-Bit Store's Ortv
There Is a great deal of satisfaction In buying at these sales. It Is
not to be, wondered at, with the unusually fine values offered and priced
at such little prices makes these Hour Sales the loadstone that hurry
crowds here every Friday.
Sale No. 1
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
In the Basement
Tabic Tumblers -on Sale Rfcgular
size, and cheap enough to buy i
a dozen or so; Gc. kind. Friday 2C
Porcelain Tea Saucers on -Sale
Semi-Porcelain ; usual size, but not the
usual price. Just for this af-
tcrnoon buy them at, each... 2C
Carpet and Matting Tacks on Sale
Regular size package ; all"sizes. Every
day wants arc often times the little
items ; this is one of them. Fri
day buy four packages for. . . . 5C
Table Knives on Snip A o-nnrl TnhU
Knife. Save the wear on your better ones by using this kind. e
They have a cocoa bola, handle, well riveted. Friday ; 5C
Brooms on Sale Made of good corn; manufactured by one of the best
concerns In this country; 3-strIng sewed. For a clean sweep, a -.,
good broom; this kind is worth 35c. Buy them today at ZoC
Lunch Boxes on Sale Made of leatherold materials; regular
size, and the kind you pay 10c. for Everywhere. Today buy them at C
Clothes Baskets on Sale Wash days you need a basket. This kind
is medium size; made of good willow; sold at 49 cents regularly. -
Friday 35C
Grocery Items,
Potatoes on Sale We will say that we guarantee these potatoes to
be as fine ns It Is possible to procure; large and mealy; a bargain at the
regular price; but for one hour Friday, from 2 to 3, buy what you t
want, by the peck, for i lyC
Our Mexican Blend Coffee-So well known that it needs no comment.
If you have not been fortunate to got some lately, this opportunity will
bo splendid; put up In pound packages. Regular prices (and a -
very low price), 25c; Friday buy It for 2lC
Baked Beans on Sale Come plain or in tomato sauce; 3-pound mi
cans. Buy them for ono.hour Friday at, per can 3c
Corn Starch on Sale The well-known Quaker Brand. For one -hour
buy a package at Sq
Salt on Sale You need salt every day. Most every article'of food de
pends on it for seasoning. Buy 4-pound sacks, regular 5c. kind,,.
Sale No. 3
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
Wall Paper on Sale On the Third
Floor. This is a combination for pa
pering a room, size 1:3x12: there will be
5 rolls for side wall, .' rolls for ceiling,
and 1G yards of border. Choose from
10 pretty patterns. Regularly this
combination would cost you
$1.13. Today buy the lot for. . 5C
Men's Night Robes on Sale This is
the time of year you will need the kind
offered for today's sale. Full length,
silk embroidery trimming on cuffs, col
lar and box pleat; well made; good
muslin. Friday buy them near . t
Wyoming avenue entrance, for 4 1 C
Women's Hose on Sale This is a fancy Hose and tho assortment of
colors are large. Regular made. Our price Is always for this o
value, 25e. Friday, a pair "C
lllbbons on Sale Wo never are tired of talking about Ribbons, espe
cially good Ribbons; SVj inches wide; nil silk; In all colors; the pretty
shades that are so much wanted to make bows; priced regularly rn
at 15c. Friday buy them for, a yard
Soap and Witch Hazel Extract on Sale At Perfumery Department.
The soap Is the best known article on the market, "Pears" unscented
transparent soap. The Witch Hazel Kxtract comes put up In half pint
bottles; value 15c. Friday buy soap or Witch Hazel Extract, t
either one, at I vFC
Lawns and Dimities on Sale This Is a combination of very unusual
occurrence, it comprises all of our 10-cont fabrics; the variety gives you
uiiijiiu hcicciiuu; me iigurcs arc smau, mccnum nna large, aim in- ii
elude many striped effects, Sold at this hour Friday afternoon at 3C
Bed Spreads on Sale This kind comes hemmed ready for use: Mar
seilles patterns; size 72x83 Inches. There Is considerable cheerfulness'
attached to a bed when covered with .a whltn Ktirrnri. This kind Is m.)
usually priced at 95c. Friday buy It for OC
Jackets nnd Capes on Sale on the Second Floor Fifty women's Eton,
Taffeta and Moire Silk Jackets and Capes. Many of the Jackets are tuck
ed all over and lined with black and white Satin and Silk. Capes are
mudo from Gro Grain Silk and figured Satin, richly trimmed with Spanish
Lace and Ribbon. It Is not often wo offer such great bargains as this Is
to be on a Friday, especially In the hetghth of the season. C3 ne
Values you have seen marked nt 87 and $8. Buy them Friday at "
Sale No. 3
Begins Promptly at
4 O'clock.
Torchon Lace on Sale 2 to 5 inches
wide edges. Imitations of high grade
goods. There is always a demand for
Torchon Laces." We make large pur
chases and consequently buy for less
than in small quantities. These goods
on sale today are generally sold for
twice the price asked for them.
Friday, a yard oC
Shoes on Sale Women's Dongola
and Vici Kid, Oxford Ties. Extension
or medium and flexible soles; patent"
leather or kid tips ; pretty shaped heels
and toes ; grace, comfort and durability.
Suitable for dress aud street .
wear. Value up to S2. For sixty minutes Friday buy them at "
Pillow Cases on Sale Good clean muslin; bleached; 2-Inch hem; size
15x30 Inches. You will take too much valuable tlmo to make this kind.
On sale this Friday; better Invest In a dozen or so at this sale; jy
prlro each 3
Women's Ecru Ribbed Vests on Sale Made of good clean yarn. Come
In nil sizes. A garment that sells for 5 cents regularly. Buy them i
Friday, three for ,uc
Torch Rockers Constructed of selected smooth mapla stock, with
two coats of varnish. These rockers have high backs with eleven spin
dles. Seats are roll front effect, closely woven In fine quality of c
Round Reed. Found on the Fourth Floor, Friday, ut 9lw
White Lawn on Sale There Is not much that can be snld obout this
fabric only to let you know that It Is 40 Inches wide, "which In Itself Is a
fact worthy of our attention," and finely woven from clear cotton.
Priced always at 15c. by us. Sold today for one hour at,, ,,,, '
Knee Punts for Boys All wool knee pants made of Tailor Remnants:
3 to 15 years. Come In plain blue, brown and grey; ulso pretty plaids and, (
checks, included In this lot are a tew uoruuroys; uest exeeisior waist
band; hip pockets; nil seams taped. This sale will begin promptly aa
on the Second Floor At 4 o'clock; buy them at..,.,,,.,,,,,,.,,..,.,
Dross Ginghams oi Sale The last lot we had of this kind wero sold
out very fiulckly. These are a little better, If anything, In patterns, ev
ery one desirable enough to make from them dresses for every member of
the house. Stripes are prominent designs, smooth llnlsh. Regular width
nnd priced so low for this hour's selling that we doubt If any of :
this lot will be left to tell the tale of a yard for ,,..,..,.. UC
Jonas Long's Sons