The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 10, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Young Man Claims to Have Been Assaulted
i and Robbed Work Begun on South
Main Avenue Pave News Notes.
A young nmn named Motz, residing on
North Fllinore uvemto, rtulins to linve
aeon ussutlltod rind ribbed recently
while on his way homo from work.
He Is employed In a central city
printing olllee, and wns nt a point near
his homo whan the alleged assault and
robbery occurred. According to the
story In circulation, young Metz was
struck In the face by nn unknown as
sailant and relieved of his wntch.
The case has not been reported to the
Work on the Pave Begins.
Some time ago It was exclusively an
nounced In this department that work
on the South Main avenue pave would
bo commenced the flrst week In June,
nnd yesterday a largo force of men were
nt work plowing up the dirt between
Oxford and Luzerne street, together
with a number of teams and wagons.
The contractor Is M. H. Dale, and the
pavement will be of brick with a con
crete base. This will bo welcome news
to hundreds of people who have occa
sion to use this thoroughfare dally.
The work will be pushed as rapidly as
Trouble Over a Horse.
Messrs. Pease and Brink, the huck
sters, were arraigned before Alderman
Kellow yesterday charged by Joseph
Allen, another huckster, with false pre
tenses in regard to the sale of a horse.
Allen Is near sighted, and bargained
with Pease and Brink for the sale of a
horse. The former claims the defen
dants delivered the wrong horse to him
at night1 time, hence the suit. They
were each held in ball for their appear
ance at court.
i Daughters of America.
A new council of the Daughters of
America, an auxiliary to the Junior Qr
tlcr of United American Mechanics, is
being formed in West Scranton.
A preliminary meeting of the charter
applicants was held in Washington
hall last evening for the purpose of
making arrangements for the institu
tion of the council, which will occur
Men's League Meeting.
The Men's Leagues of the Plymouth
Congregational and First Welsh Bap
tist churches will holrt a union meet
ing in the Plymouth church next Mon
"day evening, when a discussion will
be held on the question "Are the Terms
of Peace Recently Concluded Between
The Bert Family Cough Itcmcdy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
1 Ms of News
f for Busy Readers
As the holiday season approaches, the demand for things
especially designed for the summer cottage, the fashionable
resort hotel, etc., increasos. We have made a special study
of that branch of the business this season, and have no hesi
tation in saying that we can fill most of your wants well,
and so economically, that you're sure to appreciate our efforts
on your behalf.
Traveling suits, inexpensive, but really handsome waists,
walking skirts, smart jackets, light wraps, swell hosiery,
fashionable gloves, lovely parasols or sensible sun shades,
new handkerchiefs, a thousand and one things in notions,
perfumery and high-class toilet requisites, leather goods,
belts, fancy needlework for the idle home, etc., etc., all at
figures that are not matched (quality considered) in Scranton.
Or, if you're fixing up" a summer home, try us for drap
eries, window shades, portiers, blankets, bed linens, table
linens, and, the many inexpensive pretty things to be found
in an art needlework department, that go to make the sum
mer home bright and beautiful, even on the dullest day. A
little money spenMn that line at the Globe Warehouse goes
a long way.
Pretty Wash Goods
Bargains at 19o
82-inch Chambrays, In rich,
lacey stripe effects. An extra flue
quality, in nil the leading colors
and tints. Much under value, at
Imported embroidered Batlst03
a lovely, line sheer material of
exquisite quality and strictly fast
colors pinks, blues, greys, linen
phades; ox-blood, black, etc, etc,
A marvelous
:A. Remarkable
Talue at 12 "i-2o
-i The most complete lino of Dim
ities, In plain and raised cord ef
fects In every desirable coloring;
large or small designs; suitable for
ladles and children's wear, Extra
i Value, at
White Weaves
! for Summer Weaa
Such as "Paris" Muslins, Persian lawns, Leno D'Ameri-
s que, Leno Brocades, Mercerized Madras, in new stripes, etc,;
J Piques, Dimity Linens, Plain and Dotted Swisses, India
Linens, etc., etc., have rare value prices this week. The as-
j Bortraent is still complete, but it cannot long remain so.
! Globe Warehotis?.
- "
the British and the Boers Just to Both
John M. Edwards nnd David J. Da
vis will speak for the Welsh Baptist
League and Charles E. Daniels and
John n. Thomas for the Plymouth
League. The members and friends of
both societies are Invited to attend,
and ladles are also Invited. A social
session will follow the debate.
The West Side board of trade will meet
in regular session this evening at S
The Oxford Fund excursion, announced
for today, to Mountain Park, has been
cancelled, on account of the strike.
Branch G41, Ladles' Catholic Benevolent
association, will attend the funeral of
their late member, Mrs. Patilek Flynn,
this morning.
Miss Norma Nloholls' Bible class wilt
conduct a weight social In the Jackson
Street Baptist church this evening. The
tllhc-books will al30 bo returned tills
Select Councilman Thomus Cosgrovo
nnd son, Eugene, returned home yester
day from Elmlrn, whero they attended
the funeral of a relative on Sunday.
The Chi Upsllon society of the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church hold a
meeting last evening, at which several
matters pertaining to the society wrre
discussed nnd acted upon. The Ladles'
Missionary societies of the church will
hold their picnic at Nay Aug park on
Friday. Juno 20.
The funeral services over the remains
of the late Mrs .Patrick Fly nil will be
held nt St. Patrick's Catholic church nt
ft o'clock tills morning. Interment will
be made in tho Cuthcdral cemetery.
The remains of an infant child of Mr.
nnd Mrs. John Carluccl. of Bllckcus
oourt, were Interred in the Cathedral
cemetery yesterday afternoon.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Caroline
Ouennell will take place this afternoon
from the house, 12?. Sontli Everett ave
nue. Interment will bo mndo in the
Washburn street cemetery.
Enoeli Evans, of Jackson street, accom
panied by Ivor Lewis, of Enslcy, AIn.,
will leavo tonight for New York, nnd will
sail tomorrow for a trip to Wales.
The lawn social held last evening by
Mrs. Moser's elaMS of the Simpson Metho
dist Episcopal Sunday s-ehool at the home
of Mrs. Belles, on North Hyiln Park ave
nue, was attended by a large number of
people, and the event proved to be a
serial and financial success.
Miss Catherine O'Hurn, of North Main
avenue, has gone to New York, where
she will enter the Sacred Heart Order of
Sisters. She is well-known here, and whs
employed for a number nf years In the
International Correspondence schools.
William Anderson, of North Fllmore
avenue, had his foot injured recently
while at work in the American Locomo
tive works.
James Gallagher, Edward Duffy and
David Riley, of Emmet street, arc looking
for positions In Buffalo.
Tho members of Local No. 1503, T'nited
Mine Workers of America, held a speclnl
meeting in Flanagan's hall, on Luzerne
Grand Offering
in Summer Silks
21-lnch Pure Silk Foulards, all
present season's designs, in u qunl
lty that is fully guaranteed for
service. A real 69c. silk, for
24-inch Satin-flnlshed Foulard
nnd Printed Liberty Satins. Ex
clusive designs, In the choicest
colorings. Regular 85c. quality, at
21-inch Rich Salln Foulards, our
own exclusive designs, nnd in till
the newest shadings. Our famous
$1.00 quullty, at
Si .
Wo are now showing an 'excep
tionally jlne line of Black and
White Check Taffeta and Loulslno
Silks, In many fetyles, As you are
probably aware, the demand for
these far exceeds the supply this
t At . rf
vjV 'f
- ---
street, ycsiertlny afternoon, and nomi
nated ohlcers for tho ensuing term.
The wedding of Johon Rlchnrds, of
rilmore avenue, nnd Mls9 Delia Brun
dnge, of Keyser aVenUe, wilt take placo
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gallagher, of Hamp
ton street, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas
Noone, of Meridian street, hnVo now ar
rivals nt their homes.
Evan Joseph, of Norlh Bromley avenue,
has gone to Buffalo to nccept a position.
Earn Allen, Edwoid Beavers, Oordnn
Evans, Howard Eynon, Clyde Itnrdon
burg, Stephen McDonough and Edward
Walker, of West Scranton, will bo among
tho ushers nt the Training school exer
cises. Miss Nellie Hollnnd, of Railroad ave
nue, has returned from n visit at Suj?nr
Notch, accompanied byher cousin, Miss
Annie Holland.
Miss Avis Tlbbots. of South Ninth
street, who was injured recently by being
struck with n ball, Is recovering.
Miss May Dnvls, of Price street, is tho
guest of friends In Wllkes-Barro.
Mrs. Rounds, of tho Illinois Woman's
Christian Tenlpeiance union, will speak
nn "Good Government" nt the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church this evening.
William Hepplewhlte, of Clevelnnd,
Ohio, is the guest of his son, John, of
North Sumner avenue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Campbell, of North
Garfield avenue, are entertaining Mrs.
Mlgaud mid Miss Mary McFarlnntl, of
Mr. and Mis, William Dehur, of
Glrardsvllle. have returned homo from a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Shoe
maker, of North Sumner avenue.
Mrs. W. J. Moser, of Price street, Is
visiting friends at Delaware Water Gap,
.Mrs. D. F. Smith. Mrs. H. H. Smith
and Miss Jennie Smith, of Clark's Sum
mit, havo returned home from a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith, of South
Ninth street.
Miss Phoebe Shifter, of South Hyde
Park avenue, Is entertaining Mrs. C. I.
L'lbbard, of Atlanta, Gn.
Mrs. John Thomas, of West Virginia;
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jenkins, of Ed
wnrdsdule, are vIMttng Mr. nnd Mrs.
Ohedlah Jenkins, of South Mnln avenue,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith, of South
Ninth street.
John W. RlttcnhouFp. of North Main
avenue, left for Philadelphia yesterday.
Miss Margaret Mawn, Who Was Lost
in the Mountain, Found byHer
Uncle, Prank Mawn.
Mlrs Maigarct Mawn, the IS-ycar-old
daughter of John Mawn, residing at -12
Irving avenue, who was reported lost to
tho police Satiuday, was found lato on
Saturday night by friends near Ore Mine
spring, in tho lclnlty of Lake Sciun
ton. ,
The young lady has been 111 for some
time and wandered off early in the after
noon. As darkness came on she did not
appear, her family became anxious and
notified the police. Parties were organ
ized by friends and a systematic search
was made through tho woods in which
fully twenty-five poisons participated.
Tho young woman was found by her
uncle. Frank Mawn. about 11 o'clock,
little the worse for her adventure.
An Unhappy Bride.
Mrs, Amelia Wenicr, a bride of less
than two months, appeared before Alder
man Lenles yesterday and tmtolded a
pitiful tale. She said that after being
married she went to live with her hus
band's pjients to whom he turns over
his pay, nnd that they made life miserable
for her In various ways. She also said
that her husband came home recently
nnd beat her so that she was forced to
leave him and return to her parents.
The alderman's suggestion that they
adjust their differences was rejected and
tho husband, Fred Werner, was held for
court In ?i,no i,,iji on cIl-ii-tch of assault
and battery and non-support.
Woes of a Peacemaker.
Fred Iiackus was arrested yesterday on
three charges, assault and battery, forci
ble entry nnd detainer and nssault with
Intent to kill. It appears that he and
his wife weio quarreling at tho home in
Schnell court Sunday, when the com
plainant, Anna Kohler, advised them to
For this she says she was set upon,
kicked and severely beaten, and if neigh
bors had not interfered she believes ho
would havo been killed. Backus waived
n hearing and furnished ball in the sum of
$SO0 before Alderman Kellow for his ap
peaianco at court.
Couldn't Fool Constable.
For some time Constable Mcrker had
been on tho lookout for Gotfrled Golla,
who was chaiged with committing an as
sault and battery on Henry Schwerter,
on April 17, lust. A fw duys ago tho
constable noticed a neighbor of Goll.i's
moving some goods. Ho followed and
learned tho goods wcro shipped to Got
frled Smith at Jlazleton. Pa.
Being satisfied that Smith and Golla
were one and the name ho infoimed Al
derman Lcntes nnd a special warrant
was sent to Hazleton's chief of police and
Golla trapped.
Golla agreed to appear in this elty, If
rolensed and his word was taken. Al
derman Lenles held him for court and his
father became his bond3man in tho sum
of JS00,
A well attended meeting of Camp 4.10,
Patriotic Order Sons of America, was
held in Hartman's hall last evening.
George and Walter Napo will leave for
Ilarrisburg today.
A 12-pound baby boy has arrived at the
homo of John C, Blatter, Jr., of 340 Maplo
Comet lodg?, Knights of Pythias, will
meet in regular session tills ovenlug.
The remains of tho late Michael Mes
sltt, who died nt Nowport News, Vu
on Sunday, wero received at tho homo
of his sister, Mrs, William Brazil, 853
Mooslc street, at an early hour this morn
ing, Mrs. Gibson, of lOT. Plttston avenue,
reported to tho police lato last nlijht that
bur four-vcnr.old boy was missing, lie
wandered off dining the day. Ho was
ntthed In a sailor suit, with kneo pants,
and a red cap. Police headquarters was
notified and n search is being mado for
tho llttlo fellow. -
Tho nutlns uf St. John's pailsh which
takes place on Saturday. Juno 21 nnd
which will bo under tho personal direction
of tho pastor, Itov. 13. J. Melloy, prom
ises to bo a most enjoyablo ovent. Kx
tenslvo prepiuatlnns aio being made by
tho committee. Popular sports and games
havo been arranged for and there will bo
n base ball g'lmo between tho Wilkes.
Bnrro and Srruntnn teams. Special train
accommodations will be nrinngcd for tho
pleasure seekers, who can get tlcUots nt
tho Steel Woiks depot, Tho profits will
bo devoted to the furnishing tho now
The membeis of tho Green Rldijo Bap
tist chinch will give a reception this
evening, in the chinch parlors, from S
to 10, In honor of their new pastor, Rev,
Henry S. Potter, and vlfo. A cordial In.
vluitlon is extended to all members of
church and congregation,
The ludles of tho Church of tho Good
one size smaller after using Allen's Foot-rase, a
powder to Lie Uialu'n into the tlioes. jt mikes
tight or pew tlioiy feci caj'i elves instant re
lief to com and bunions. It' the gre.itet comfort
dUcoiery o( the aue , Cute ami prutcnU sollvn
feet, blister, calbu and sore Mioti. Allen's
Koot-Uase U a certain euro (or sweating, hot, aeli.
leg feet. At all druztdtU and choe ttoru, U5o.
Don't accept any substitute. Trial package I'ltKU
by mail. Addict Allen S. Olirutcau, LeLoy, .V.y.
- riMfi .1 r rwnmmMKwmwmmf i arif i wminn ,TJwwiiifiwriiriMMatiii n r irtiflmui mi, niiiiirir-a
Arrangements Made to Lend Money
on Furniture at Astonish
ingly Low Rates.
Anybody Can Get from $10 to $300 on Household Furniture
Two Hours After Application Is Made Not Hven the
Borrower's Own Family Need Know of the Loan.
Company Will Let You Arrange Pay
ments to Suit Yourself,
There is no longer any need for the
people of this city to be without ready
cash in their pockets.
There Is no longer any need for you
to humiliate yourself by asking your
friends to lend you money as an act
of charity.
Those who have too much self
respect to let their friends know that
they are hard up can now pay all
their bills und keep up a good appear
ance and look prosperous before their
neighbors und acquaintances.
This is a great advantage to most
people, and the beauty of this new
plan which makes all this possible Is
that it costs so little.
At 207 Wyoming avenue the Scran
ton Loan Guarantee company now
has offices where anybody can get from
J10 to $300 on household furniture.
The loan may bo had for one month
or for a whole year, and those who
apply will be told at first exactly what
It would cost for any amount for any
length of time. Naturally a great
many would expect that they would
be charged compound interest under
these circumstances. But tho manager
of this new company is particularly
anxious that the public should know
that no compound interest Is charged
Shepherd will hold a cake and ice cream
social on the church ground Thursday
evening, from 7 to 10 o'clock. Should tho
weather not bo pleasant, Iho festival will
be held in the guild rooms.
Kle-yd Fuller, of North Park, Is able to
be out against after a week's illness.
Miss Stella Olsncr, of Penn avenue, nnd
Kdson M. Lewis, of Nicholson, were
married al the Presbyterian manse, Sat
urday by Rev. J. J. Lansing. Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis- left soon after tho ceremony
for Philadelphia. On their return, they
will reside at Nicholson.
C. K. Pond, prescription cleik at P.
.Tones' drug store, has returned from a
two weeks' vacation rpent at South
Orange, N. J.
Sanderson avenue, between New York
and Larrh street Is in a wretched rendi
tion, filled with deep ruts and uneom
fortoble jolts. A little work done there
with the road machine would improve the
going very much.
Byron Loughland, of Peekville, spent
yesterday with Green Ridge friends.
Ezra Gray, (he evening mall collector,
Is scnlng on tho Jury this week.
David Williams, of Summit avenue,
continues to work as a fireman at the
Leggett's Creek colliery, and as a con
sequence he and his family aie subjected
to many nnnoyances. They have been
made targets of many and varied oppro
brious epithets, their house has been pelt
ed with stones and efligles of the husband
have been hung from neighboring po'oi
nnd trees. Among thoso who, it Is al
leged, participated in these annoying ac
tion, was George lionner, the 18-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. George I.onner, who
live next door, in tho same block, to tho
Willlamses. Last night Mis. Williams
nnd the elder und junior Uonner had n
quarrel und Mrs. Williams caused the
arrest of tho younger Bonner on the
charge of dlsordeily conduct. The oU
denco at the hearing beforo Alderman
Meyers was not such as wnranted his be
ing held for court, according to tho views
of the magistrate, and tho case, In con
sequence, was dismissed.
The following pcrnon3 of this section
will attend the Republican convention at
Hnirlsburg: C. V. Terwllllier, W. W.
Simpson, Charles Davis, Otto Myers,
George W. Davis, William Morgans,
Samuel Jeffreys and Councilman James
Miss Kate Sullivan, a student of Blooms
burg State Normal school, has returned
home to spend the summer vacation with
her parents on Wnyno avenue.
P, J. McCormack, a well known young
man of this section, left Sunn day for
Boston, whero ho is going to permanently
The-Marnjuette council, Young Men's In
stitute, held a well attended meeting lust
Tho Keystone Literary and Dramatic
club will conduct a class danco at the
Auditorium Thursday evening.
Joseph Kvnns, of Brick avenue, has re
turned from a shoit business trip ut Ro
chester, N. V,
Luther Kdwards, of Wnyno avenue, loft
yesterday for Jefferson county, whero
he will work In a soft coal mine.
Tho young peoplo of tho North Main
Avonuo Baptist church will attend n
strawberry festival at Chinchilla at S
o'clock this evening, leaving tho chinch
In a largo hack at 7 o'clock.
Daniel McCov, of Hancock, N, Y.. has
been appointed a desp.itcjier on tho Wyo
mlng division of tho Erie railroad, to till
tho vacancy caiibed by the promotion of
Despatcher Charles Ford to tho position
made vacant by tho advancement of J,
II. Taylor.
Tho Independent Hose company base
bull team defeated the team of tho A. D,
Spencer Hose company, on tho Starlight
ground, by n score of to G,
K. V. Bishop and Dan Powell leave to
dayfor Harrls.burg, whero they will at
tend the Republican staio convention.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Taylor spent yes
terday with Plttston frlondH.
Kdwln Chamberlain ro(uriied to bit
homo ut Norrlstown yesterday.
Itobeit Mnish spent yesterday with
f i lends In Jerniyu.
Master Meehunlo Wilson is spending u
few days nt Susquehanna.
William Jeffrey leaves this morning for
tho fclato convention at Ilarrisburg.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Nicholson, Juno 0. W. II. Miller Is
beautifying his house with a coat of
Friends of I", II. Bell are glad to learn
of his recovery from recent Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. D, W. Titus huvo re
turned from their vUlt in the western
part of the state.
Mrs. F. A. Colvln goes to Sayre next
Wednesday to visit her parents.
Miss Susan Black bus resigned her
at all. He says, further, that there
are no charges to be paid In advance,
and hopes that no one who needs a
small temporary loan will hesitate to
take advantage of tho company's offer
because of any fear that the rates
might be too high. They have been
made so low that even the poorest
can easily afford to get a loan.
Tho furniture Is left with the bor
rower, and there Is absolutely no pub
licity, for the company realizes that
that is Just wiiat the public are most
anxious to avoid.
As for tho payments, each borrower
is permitted to say just when it would
be most convenient to pay. Most of
those who have taken out loans so far
have preferred to pay In small month
ly Instalments. Some pay by the week,
but In no case Is the borrower com
pelled to pay all nt once.
It will be noticed at once how much
better it Is to get a loan this way than
by pawning things. "With this plan
you have the use of the goods while
you also have the money.
The company intends to make loans
anywhere within twenty-five miles qf
Scranton. All applications should be
inude to the Scranton Loan Guarantee
Co., 207 Wyoming uvonue, near Spruce
position with the Second Presbyterian
church of Scranton. She returns home to
prepare for her wedding, which will oc
cur the 17th inst.. at her home.
Motes Shields, jr., wife and daughter,
returned Friday from Atlantic City.
Harry Spencer has moved from town to
his father'. farm.
M. Mack is a caller at Scranton
Council met last night with just a quo
rum present. Thp absentees noted ttero:
Pettigrew, O'Holloran, Mosloy, Nenlon
nnd Ingolshy. Bills were passed for tho
various departments as follows: Stieets,
ViU.Ml; general account. $1I0.S.": police,
$lfi(l; electiiu light plnnt. $.137. H. The elec
tric light committee reported that the
proposed Improvements at tho plant had
been set aside for the present. They
stated that a house to house tour had
been mado throughout tho borough, In
vestigating the condition of the system,
and that u detailed report would ho sub
mitted at a later meeting. The collector,
in his report of collections for light for
April, showed that tho receipts for that
month were $1C0 in excess of expendi
A meeting of the Olyplmnt conclave of
Heptasophs will be held on Friday even
ing, when threo new members will bo
initiated. All members are urged to at
tend, as business of importance will be
Mrs. Frank Orchard and children re
turned to their home in C'nrbondale ves
teiday, after a week's visit with rela
tives In town.
PoMmastcr S. J. Matthews. Will W.
Jones nnd T. L. Williams will leave this
morning with the L. A. Wutres delega
tion, for Hurrisburg.
Henry MeKlnley and Samuel Itoe left
yesterday to accept position in New
Miss Lena Kelly hns returned to
Brookljn. after an extended visit here.
Miss Mnmlo Mulderlg, of Dunmoro
street, Is seriously ill.
Miss Mny Ferguson spent yesterday
with Arehlmld relatives.
Mrs. William Lock, who has been tho
guest of Wllkes-Uurro friends for the
past week, hns returned home.
Edwnrd Edwards, of Edwardsville, Is
visiting relatives on Susquehanna street.
Tho monthly all day meeting of the
Christian Alllnnco will bo held on
Thursday of this week at the usual
place. Prayer meeting at 10 30 a, m. ;
Bible study at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. All wel
come. DALTON.
Dr. Niles and daughter, of Washing
ton, D. C are boarding at tho homo of
Mr. und Mrs. S. B, Finn.
Mh.s Fannie Dershlmer spent Sunday
at tho Stroudsburg Normal tchool.
Mrs. Harry Dean Is entertulning her
aunt from New York state.
The ladles of the Methodist church will
sero a supper in tho church basement
on Wednesduy eenlng.
H. C. Shafer is having a barn built on
his property.
E. L. Fuller, II. C. Shnfer and T. J,
Foster, of Scranton, hnve moved their
families to their summer homes here.
Mrs. Louise Itoumls, nf Illinois, national
temperunco lectin er, will bo at tho Dal
tnn Methodist Episcopal church Friday,
Juno 13, In tho interests of tho Woman's
Chilhtlun Temporanco union. Two pub
11a meetings will bo held, ono at .'! o'clock
In tho afternoon and one In tho evening
at S I'eloek. Both Hirelings are free,
Everj'ono Interested In temper.inco work
should nut fall to hear tnls tulented wo
man. On Saturday afternoon, at their coun
try home, Attorney and Mis. W. 8. llult.
Innder and their daughter, llolene, en
tertained a number of Scranton irlends.
A moat enjoyablo timo was hud. Tho?o
present wero: Mr. nnd Mis, C. S. Von
Storch, Mr, E. S. Jackson and family,
Mr, and Mrs, Marvin I. Carter, Mr,
Oeorgo Benedict, Mls Mary Albright,
Mis, William Bivck, Mrs, Ulms. IJenwnud,
Mrs. Oeorgo Wilder, Mrs. L. V, Vlckoo,
Mis. Halne, Miss Margaret Bentley, Mrs.
Florence Gillespie. Miss Lottie Fish, Miss
Julia IJenwood, Miss Selby, Mrs. F, P.
Pulmer, Miss Nellie Pickett,
Mr, John Huberts left Monday fur
Philadelphia, where he bus secured u po
bltion, Miss pketu Church Is home from school
to bpend her vucatlou,
Mooslc High bdiool closed on Friday
evening until September.
Mrs. Ewell und daughter, Mls-s
Frances, bpent Sunday ut the home of
Mr. und Mrs. W. B. Manners.
Mr. 6ud Mrs. 11)11. Mr, and Mrs. Bar
rett, of Gibson, aro the guests of Uev,
und Mrs. J. N. Bailey.
Mrs. William Beeler, of Oarbondulc,
spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs.
Frunk Wllllar.
Mrs, Harry Took and children left yes-
Powerful Bargains and Forcible Prices Hake
June the Month of Opportunities ;
at the Big Store.
Ls 1 Good P" News
Our Annual Summer
Sale of Muslin Underwear
The keynote of the sale has the
right ring, for at the start it developed in
to a magnitude beyond our expectations.
Night Gowns
Women's Muslin Gowns, cmplro
style,. Ince insertion and tucks; '?Or!
fine cambric rufllo '
Muslin Gowns, yoke of line embroid
ery, Insertion and tucks, c.inibilo ruf
fle with narrow hem, priced A Or
Cambric Gowns, v yokes, Insertion
of embroidery and tucks, hem- (),-.
stitched ruffle, at vsi,
Camlnle Gowns, extra good value,
good length, empire, trimmed with cm
bioldery and Insertion, yoke and iOr"
tucks, prlicd at ul'
CVimbile Gown, handsomely tilni
nied with French embroidery, hem
stitched and tucks. Priced i I 1(1
at .pi.iy
French Chemise Gown Yoke made
of lino tucks, hemstitched of Point do
Purls lace and ribbon ti burned.
Short sleeves, trimmed with C I An
lace, at 3I.y
Fine C'Hinhilc flown, cut square
neck, tine narrow Insertion ruffle with
throe lows of hemstitch- QXe
big voc
Muslin Long Sklits, with ruf- Or
lie of cambric, all lengths at.... 'i.
Cambric Skirls with deep rut- JiQr
flu of embroidery, pi iced at uyc
Women' Fine Muslin Drawers, cluster tucks, f Cr
deep hem
Muslin Drawers, trimmed with hemstitched deep
ruffle, and many have ruffle edged with 25 C
lace at
Meet Mp af Hip 1
Elks5 Carnivah 1
A story of vital inter
est to all the people is
told in those four words,
to which little cau be ad
ded. Except that they I
are potatoes of the first
A hundred other
big bargains, of
similar economi
cal quality, at any
terd.iy for Stroudhburg, whero they will
tpond two weeks with tho former's p.isr
Mr. Fred Butts, of Plains, was a culler
in town Sunday,
illPH Illuncho Tregcllas t.pcnt Sunday
In Wot Pittston.
- ' .
Ilnttlo Williams ylll remain tho llogers
Brothers' leading lady for next seuson,
Kugeno Cowles, it is nnoiuiced, Is to do.
vote his cntlro next hcat-ou to tho concert
Clydo Fitch U scheduled to turn out
four plays almost slmullaneoujly, one lor
Nat Cluoiiwln nnd tho other lluco for An
nie Itus&ell, Mary .Uumieiln;; and F,du.i
"On tho Quiet" will go on the road next
season. Tlionms I(oss, who bus been
piomlnent in Robert lldeson's "Soldiers nf
Fortune," will play Willie Colltcr'H old
pa it.
lleports from Chicago, where Julia Mar
Iowa closed her season, say that tho pop
ulur actress cleared over SlOO.wO with
"When Knighthood Was in Flower" dur
ing the past season.
Queenlo Vassqr and Joseph C.'nrthorne.
the comedian, weto inurrlcd in Now York
Inst Sunday. Miss Vussur was nmn led
twico befoie, her last husband being tho
luto Harry Kornell.
Madeline Lucetto Ryley's now farce,
i i i ' -
I a Busbel i
ifi rir vnffn iirircirtitiriTi' 1T1 i
Extra Fine Muslin Skirts with wldo
umbrella ruffle of tucks and fif e
embroidery. Good valuo at..
Cembrlc Skirt with Inco insor- nan
tlon and bend edge, at you
Other Prices Up to $5.00.
Corset Covers
Women's fine Cambric Corset Cover
trimmed with narrow cmbrold- I )r
cry '
Lawn and Cambric Corset Covers,
French styles, trimmed with OEp
with lace and ribbon &HI
Lawn Corset Covers,, in threo dif
ferent styles, trimmed with fine
lace and embroidery Insertion, iQr
at OVC
On in brie Corbet Covers, French
style, insertion of Point do Paris and
edge, also hemstitched tucks, ACtr
at tve
Nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed
with lino embroidery and inscr- ftOs
tlon, at oyc
Cambric Corset Covers, trimmed
Willi three rows of Lice Insertion, also
eded with laco and trimmed CI Oe
with ribbon iJH.XO
French Nainsook Corset (.'over, front
hemstitched, tucked with insertion of
Point de Paiis. lace, trimmed CI in ,i
with ribbons, at iPl.OV '
Trimming Prices
Of vast importance to every
woman and girl In this city.
tions for children's clothes the
kind that will stand tho wear
and tear ot vacation play,
S, 12, 15c Yd.
Soft, dainty laces narrow
edges nnd headings for Baby's
own individual use, prices vary
ing with tho quality.
Grass Linen Kmbroidery and
Insertion with linlshcd edge,
35c Yd.
Without finished edgo
23c Yd.
Topular lino sheer Nainsook
Trimmings, now designs, dainty
25c, 38c, 45c Yd.
Beautiful Nainsook Sets
surpassing in beauty and quality
anything we have ever seen.
Ono of tho handsomest designs
is an exquisite forget-me-not
pattern, Inworked with tiny
lover's knots.
4-inch pattern, S-in solid em-
R-Inch pattern, 3-in solid em
broidery 85c.
0-ln patterns,
4-ln solid cm-
Insertions to match. The ap
pearance of this set Is that
of hand work.
No wonder wo are enthusiastic
over such workmanship and sp
perlor ciuallty linked with sur
passing loveliness you will be
too when you see them, more
than this you will purchase and
purclinso largely. niSCAUSE WE
Scott & Co.,
126 Wyoming Avenue,
"Tho dross Widow," was recently pro
duced In London and bcored a substan
tial success,
Tyiomi Power, Mho has signed with
Mm. Flskn ldr next frcufcon, will play with
Elr Henry Irving In London, appealing
In tho foitlicomlng revival of "The Mer
chant of Venice."
Florence Roberts Is to bo featured In
Frnnkllu Fyle's play, "Prusu Wayne," in
Ban Francisco this summer She will
also play the Utlo rolo in "2azu" when
it Is put on.
The Now Yoil; Shipbuilding company's
plant now employs over i.scw men und
represents an investment of probably $'i,
000,000. lioforo the next census is taken it
will havo doubled its foico und Its ca
pacity for turning out work, if congress
will do boinethlug to aid in building up
tho American marine servlco
- - -