'$ I ... " tf THE SCRANTQNThlBUNE-TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1902. cis . -( (5c Cflmfoit rifiune Published Dally. Except Bimay. byTho Trlbuno Publishing Company, at Fifty COtUH ft AlOtllll. MVY B. ntCtfAUD, Editor. O. F. IJYX1113H, Uunliicna Mnnnner. Now York omce! ICO N''sni St. 8. S. VHRKijANU. Bole Agent for Foreign At ortisltiB Kntered nt the Postomce utBcrntiloii, l'n.. us Second CIubh Mull Mutter. Whon space will permit The Trlbuno Is nlwrtys glrtd to print short letters from Its friends rtetu Ing on current topics, but Its rule is that these must be signed, for pub lication, by the writer's real nrune; nnd the condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that nil contributions shall be subject to editorial revision. Till-! FLAT RATE VOlt ADVERTISING. Tlio follnwlng table shown llio prior per Itifli piii'Ii liiHci-tlou, space to bo used wltn hi one enr: ""T Ut.lltlirl '"" HUllngl Him on ot Head-I I'uper. Ingi I "".BO " ." .10 .41 .:m .::i .2., .275 .20 .111 .17." ,1W .1" .ir, .itr, Villi 'ol- display. tloil. Less than no Inches w) Inches .... ino i!.-n " r.no " Jiioo " r.ooo r... ttWll " .IS .'.it. .r.u .I .in .ISTi .1S : Vor cards of thnnlts. resolutions of con dolence, mill fIiiiIIiii' contributions In the nature of advertising Tlio Tilbuno makes a rlmi'go of 5 rants n lllH'. Rules jif. Classified Advel Using fur nished on abdication.' t j SCR ANTON, Jl'NK 10, 1002. For governor of Pennsylvania, on the Issue of an open field and fair play, JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana, subject to the will of the Republican masses. A Sane View of Wealth. T'AVKRY period of unscltlement in business', especially when - In the form of strikes or agi tation for Increased wages, calls forth ' complaint at tins modern cnnccntr.ifion of wealth. The recent formation of. corporations with capital izations' running high into the hun-A drecis of millions, and In one instance exceeding :i billion dollars, has IntenM lled this complaint. Signs of n grow ing unden urrent of socialism are ap pearing and many obseivers aru filled with alarm. A good rule at such times Is, when In doubt, consulL an expert. Professor V. n. Sumner, of Yale university, is an economic export of world-wide renown. Ilcre'.'fie some Ideas by him upon this subject, originally contributed to the Independent: """very age is befooled by the notions which are in fashion In it. Our age Is befooled by 'democracy.' "We hear argu ments about the industrial organization which arc deductions from democratic ilngnias, or which appeal to prejudice by using analogies drawn from democ lacy to affect sentiment about Indus trial relations. Industry may be repub lican; it never can bo democratic, so long' as men differ in productive power and in industrial virtue, in our time joint stock companies, which are In form lepublicnn, are drifting over into oligarchies or monarchies, because one or u tew get greater elliciency of con trol and gi eater vigor of administra tion. They direct the enterprise In a way which pioduces more, or more economically. This i.s the purpose for which the organization exists, and suc cess in It outweighs everything else. AVo see the competent men refuse to join in the enterprise, ,uniess they can control it, and we s-ee the stockholders willingly put their pioperty In the hands of those who are, as they think, competent to manage it successfully. The strongest and most effective organ izations for industrial purposes which are formed nowadays are those of a levgreut capitalists, who have great peisonal confidence in each other, and who can bring together adequate means for whatever they desire to do." Again: "No man can acquire a mill ion without helping a million men to increase their little fortunes all the way down through all the social grades, in home points of view it Is an error that we llxouv attention so much upon the very rich and overlook the prosperous mass, but the compensating advantage Is that the great successes stimulate emulation the most powerfully. AVliut matters It, then, that some millionaires nre idle, or hilly, or vulgar, that their ideas ate sometimes futile, and their plans grotesque, when they turn aside from money-making? How do they differ in this from any other class? The millionaires ate a product of natural selection, acting on the whole body of men, '-to pick- out those who can meet the requirement of certain work to bo done. In this respect they aro just like the groat statesmen, or sclentlllu men, ' or military men. It Is because they are thus. selected that wealth aggregates under (heir hands both their own and j that Intrusted to them. Lot one or them J make a mistake and seo how quickly 5 thqtconc'ontratlon gives way to dlspers 2 Ion. Thoy may fairly bb regarded as the naturally 'Selected agents of society for certain work. They get high wages 5 nnd live In luxury, but the bargain la a good ono Tor society." jj Professor Sumner, It should lie added, J Is not peiturbed by the friction which J characterizes our Industrial progress. "On the contrary, ho appears to think Unit while incidentally and locally ; haonful It- will In the long run work f out a better general condition of i,ocl- c(yj In which labor us well as capital ; shall hnyo Its, due sharo of prosperity and luibjlu, privileges. There can bo no doubt of this without Involving lunda meifliii 'distrust or Amerlcun Instllu- tloJiSfl liul the friction at the place of Its generation Ik sometimes very uu "HSyIng, as Scrantonlans can testify, f-lCsC'etna Unposslplq for General Miles Xn purchase u railroad ticket these days "Jrlttyout starting a rumor that he Is "Rbout o be mado the victim of ud .'ministration displeasure, i Rebecca J. Taylor, a war department 'cierk, wjip has. Influential lelutlvcs In 'Mlnne6t.r,'' h'a's boejiHllKinsse.d by Scc .retary Root for alleged -conduct preju dicial to Rio servcc."J'JMlBi''Jl'uylor, It 'Seenis, believing that she:liurt ample protection In tho civil service laws, has been necking literary fame as a critic ot President Roosevelt) and has fur nished the Washington papers with Blaring samples of feminine fault-finding. Tills active woman, like ninny others In the employ of the government, npppars to have Inhaled under the Idea that site was a goodly part of the ser vice. She will doubtless have lime henceforth to rellect upon the uncer tainties of ntllclitl life that Is ruled by Injudicious ambition. tf the Nicaragua water route Is on the volcanic range, proof of the fact ought to settle further consideration of that proposed waterway ftom the gulf to the P.iclilc. It would be very awk ward for passing vessels to havo the water of the canal suddenly drop out before Iheni when endeavoring to lower the sailing records some tine morning. Do Not Be Afraid. AMACiAZINK called Health says that fear causes more diseases . than do nilciohcs, more deaths than famine, more failure than panics, It costs more than war, Is al ways a failure and Is never necessary. Fear weakens the heart's action. In duces congestion, Invites Indigestion, produces poison through decomposing foods, and Is thus the mother of nuto polsonlng, which either directly causes or greatly aids In the production ot quite 90 per cent, of all our diseases. Observation of the unskilled In medt cnl science will undoubtedly prove Unit this is true. As a rule the good natured, feuiiPiis people usually enjoy the best of health while the nervous and fault-finding, who are ever ready to become agitated over the most rid iculous prophecies of the weather seer and the calamity howler, are seldom physically comfortable. In tills ago of yellow Journalism with Its accompany ing Illustrations that outdo the prod ucts of the museum chamber of hpr rors; In this spuson of unrest, when waning elements threaten to destroy the industries of the country and hide the rays of the sun of prosperity behind blackened clouds of despair. It must be admitted that It Is dlfllcult for the aver age person to preserve a tranquil equil ibrium. Put worrying over the evils which we may possibly in future en counter will do no good. It Is better to enjoy the sunshine of the rare June days while they ate heie than to have their beauty obscured by thoughts of the September equinoctial storm. The dawn of Industrial peace and returning piospeiity may come sooner than any Imagine. Do not worrv! . The United States is making rapid gains in the share which she furnishes of the Importations of Japan. The "Annual Returns of the Foreign Trade of the Empire of Japan," for the year l!i01 has Just been received by the Treasury Bureau of Statistics at Wash ington. It shows that the ITnited States, which, In 1881, furnished less than ti per cent, of the Imports of Ja pan: supplied 17 per cent, of those im ports In 1901; and that the United Kingdom, our chief rival in that tiade, ,whleh supplied over :r2 per cent, ot those imports in 1SS1, furnished but 0 per cent, of Japan's importations In 1!)01. The t'ntted States now stands second in the list of non-Asiatic countries in the imports of Japan, and falls but a little below India, the only Asiatic country which ranks with the United States In the imports of Japan. The government authoiitlos In Hawaii will do well to keep an eye upon the volcanoes on the islands that show signs of activity. With the awful warning of St. Piene before us cart should be taken that the catastrophe Is not repeated in other localities. The assurance of scientists is comforting at long range, but volcano's like the weather are prone to break awny from the prophets at unexpected Intervals. For each deatli by bullet among the British troops In South Africa the com plete statistics show that there were two deaths fiom disease. Unsanitary camps are more dangerous than gun powder and the doctoring arm of far more Importance than the lighting arm, in spite of the fact that the glory of war goes mostly to tlio lighters. "ICllJah" Dowle has demonstrated that a prophet can be up-to-date by having his photograph taken in "the conventional black" of the June wed ding groom. This Is assuredly an age of progress even In the line of Chicago patriarchs. As though trouble enough did not exist It Is announced that union mu sicians purpose to boycott Reginald Do Koven's compositions. This suggests that possibly Reginuld lias been writ ing music containing nine or ten bars to tlio measure. Tlio recent experience of circular edi tors up In Susqueliunua cuunty will doubtless have the effect of making fu ture campaign literature from that sec tion as mild as the Ideal Sunday school library volume. The press Interviewer these days who cannot make his victim say something that should not bo said is of little con sequence in the office of one of the up-to-date yellows. Tlio seventeen year locust ptnphct Is undoubtedly with us, hut it Is tu he hoped that the visit of the Insect will be delayed until the htiikcs huve been settled. Tlio Ynqul Indians of Mexico propose to take up the labor of preventing uni versal peace wlieru It was left off by lloers, lioxcrs and Filipinos, The good feeling existing between British and Boera In South Africa Is causing surprise that they did not make up before. Bifurcated Democracy shows signs of getting together after the manner of two cats suspended upon a clothes line. There Is now nothing to be dreaded In South Africa kuvq the franchise llend. A ti1 twnA' Ihn vnlf!inn nf Wiitnll limrn that Mont Pelce feeling j THE TRUTH ABOUT CUBA. A. R. Lewis, In tlio World's Work. The truth nboiit L'ubn? Is It necessary to sny tnore than wai told me by the resident ngent of one of tlio Inigpxt New York life Insurance com panies? JIo rnld! "The situation In Culm today Is tin pre crdented, Novrr before In the hlilory of II V Iniiuancc has It boon equalled, It Is actually true that the need hero Is so Hi cut, that wo have limned money on si) 'per cent, of the policies wo hold hi tlio Island." White I was hi Culm for the World's Woik it number of toitilntH visited Hav ana, making In Iho majority of ciise tho I omul flip of ten days from New York which gives fiom Wednesday until Satur day nshme. I mot nnverul of tlio vlittnri at the InglotoiTii. Said ono to rat, with a sweep of his arm towiml the Priulo: "No ono need tell me the Cubans nre not prosperous. Look at tho crowds oilti thorn on the pionipiuiilp. Do yon and people belli' diessed on Uroiulwny? And the carriages. Seems to tu,(j own tho beg-, gars rule Here. I was down along omspo stt'ppt today. It would do credit to Paris. And all the shops worn lllled to. Pooplo buying as If they had money to burn. Yet we are asked to i educe tho'tmift on uignr, nnd all that. TImnpht 1 don't s-.o It." Two hours later one of the most promi nent hankers In Havana, a member of tho family which hns furnished tho present llieunibptit of tho highest position In tho Cuban (iihlnet, told me that his firm could closu the doors of forty-eight of tho ptin-' clial cotnmelclal houses cm mortgnces If they choe to do so. "Our city looks piospproux," he snld, "but wo are n careless people, llght henrted and cheerful, with hardly a thought for tho morrow. There Is llttlo nppaicnt to show the terrible llnancliit cotiilltlnn which undoubtedly faces Cuba, but Just ns sure as the sun will set to night, wo are bound to lip confronted with a crisis that wilt shako the founda tions of our Island to Its very center." T.S1TE A CONTRACT. By Yvalter J. Ballard. On the Sth of Mny, 1WB. tho amount of gold .In the United States treasury was $."i49.tai,30. the largest sum In gold coin the national money vaults ever contained. This gratifying condition exists after live years of McKiiiloylsm, of Dlngloylsm. ot Protectionism, or whatever you please to cull It. It contrasts strongly with tho conditions which existed six or seven or eight years ago under n tnriff reform or Free Trade administration. Then wo were selling bonds to make good our treasury stock of gold, which laid fallen to about $"0,003,000, or, say, ?.',0,ooo,000 below tho present high water mark. No soonpr did we exchange bonds for gold coin than tho gold would bo drawn out again In redemption ot legal tender notes. So It went, that disheartening "endless chain" of taking In nnd paying out gold. McKln ley broke tho "endless chain," and It bus stayed broken over since. EDWARD A. NIVEN. Good bye! Med of the gentle heart, Farewell, dreamer of dreams; May the visions cif old, In the Seraph's lenlm, 1'ind wings for your airy themes. The noise of life no longer reigns, Mystery's veil Is limpr apart. Where'er thy soul, theie peace abide; Uood bye! Ned of the Kentle heart. C. How Dougherty la AVIIkes-Barro Leader. Ladies' Suits E Exceptionally Low T Priced About 50 Sample Suits, the finest gar- Aments we have shown this season, are placed on sale this morning at' exceptionally low "" prices. yi Broadcloths ' Venetians T Cheviots Etamine 1 Made with fitted " " linings, drop silk or Nunllned sklrts.In blues, blacks, browns and grays with flaring flounce trimmed and . untrimmed skirts. E $13.50 15.50 S 22.50 Crane's 324 Lackx Ave. TAKE ELEVATOR, EKa Cubnnota clears aro tt fwB mndo from old, J (. H QlB mild IIavnrwj r Wk HI lonf, which 1. k 1 B fi other 5 cent cigar IMl'BIti.YIiUKi.YKL'O., lODIi.YOIv. AV THE ONLY Wholesale Tobacconists. Distributors of Culianola Clears. T SUMMER RESORTS ATLHNTIO CITY ft rfffiBrfrffBorp'i u tr mhiii it 'iii 'i" 7ii"iiM)iMi iiTi"1 'Midjiiwiii i intin i I, ii i HOTEL ATLANTIO Knlnrged and heautlfully Improved. Now pilvato tiled baths, with hot nnd cold sea nnd fresh wnter. Liberally appointed In every feature. Kxtenslvo luwn between the Hotel and Hoardwiilk. Write for now booklet. KOIl CONVKNmNCK of prospective visitors to Atlantic City, we will lnivo a personal representative tit tho HOTEL JKHMYN, Thursday nnd l'rlday, .Itnio 12th and inth, fiom 11 a. m. to L' p. in.. 3 p. m. to (i p. m 7.30 p. m. to !i p. m. each day, with plun.i and full Information regarding tho llOTHU DHNNIS and Atlantic City. HOTEL SOTHERN On Virginia avonue. the widest and most fnshlonablo In Atlantic City. Within a few yards of the Famous Steel Plor and Honrdwutk and In front of, tho most do slrablo bathing grounds. All conveni ences, olovutor to street level, hot and rold baths. Table excellent. Accommo dations for three hundred. Terms moder ate. Write for booklet. N. n. nOTHWKMi. Hotel Rittenhouse New Jersey Avenue and the Beach Atlantic City, N. J. Select, hlsh class family hotel; oulslno tho licit; wrltu for booklet. H. S. bTEVE S, I'mp. John ,1. Shanfclter, Mummer formerly of the Hotel I.orraln, I'lillitilotplila and ttu l'ark Hotel, WllllttmspoH. The Westminister Kentucky ave., near DmcIi, Atlantic City. Open all the jcur, Nun Parlor, Elevator and all modern improvements. Special Sprint; Dates. CMAS. BUI1RE, Prop. HOTEL RICHMOND. Kentucky Avenue. First Hotel from Beach, At lantic City, N. J. i 60 Ocean view rooms; ca pacity 400; write tor tpedal lates. J. 13. Jenk ins, Prop, ALWAYS BTJSY. Kffii Spring and Fummcr Oxford and Boots that con tent tho mind and comfort the feet. Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords. $3.00 Ladies' "Melba" Oxfords, $2.50. Lewis & Reilly, 114-116 Wyoming Avenue. Piazza and Lawn Swings Summer Furniture The Largest and most artistic line ever shown in the city. Hill & Conn ell 121 Washington Avenue. S, J, Fuhrman & Bro Manufacturer ot Store and Window Awnings Our celebrated Strap Roller for 'Awnings a Specialty 328 Lackiwaaua Ave., Scranton, Pa. vrv 4 Ii Jv Ifflf mmmmmM BUMMEK RESORTS DENNIS, CITY. N. J. WALTER J. BUZ BY. PENNSYLVANIA. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKINO On a spur of the Alleghany Mountain. T.rhlgh Valley railroad; near Tnu-nnda. Bathing, fKiIng, i-portu, rtc. Kuellint table. Iteanonnhlc rates. LAKE WESAUKINO HOTEL P. O., Apex, Pa. Send for booklet. C. K. HARMS. Do You Know? Not our fault if you don't know that the BEST FLOUR is the celebrated Snow White We Wholesale it. Dickson ill & Grain Go,, Scranton and Olyphant. I When in Need I Of anything in the lino of .j, optical goods we can supply it. ,, I Spectacles land Eye Glasses t-. Properly fitted by an expert 4. optician, , 4 4 From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of prescrip- tion work and repairing. T - Mercereau & Conned, 132 Wyoming Avenue, THE EXPERIENCES OF PA A Series ot delightful Sketches Just Is sued by th Lackawanna Railroad. These sketches are contained In a handsomely illustrate'! t-ook called " Mountain and Lake P.ajorts," which describes some of tlio most attractive summer places In the East. Send 6 Cents In postage stamps to T. W. LEE, neneral Pacsengor Agent, New York City, and a copy will 1)9 mailed )&ti. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent I Gas Lamp. GimsteriForcylJi 253-327 I'cnii -vonue. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS w J Complete Educations for the Work of 1 Thirty-Three Scholarships (Value $9,574) to be given In The Scranton Tribune's Great EDUCATIONAL CONTEST. List of Scholarships. f 2 Scholarships In Byraciiso Unlvcr- I slty, nt J 1.12 each 8G4 it... .j. 1 1 Scliolnrslilp In Uiickucll tJiilvur- univcrsities nity : ddo '. 1 Scliolnrslilp In Tho University of I Rochester 32! L SI 708 f 1 Scholarship In Washington School for Boys 1700 1 Scholarship In 'Wllllnmsport Dick inson Seminary 750 1 Scholarship In Dleklnson Collegiate, Preparatory School 750 1 Scholarship In Newton Collcgtato Pivnnrnf nr Institute 720 l-rcparaiory J 1 Scholarship In Kcystono Academy. Cuo Cnhnnla I Scliolnrslilp In Brown Collcgo Prop SCnOOIS nrutory School 600 1 Scholarship In the School of tlio Lackawanna 400 1 Scliolnrslilp In 'Wlllios-P.urra Insti tute 270 1 Scholarship In Cotult Cottaco (Summer School) 230 - 6026 ( 4 Scholarships In Scrnnton Conser vatory ot Music, nt $123 ench BOO 4 Scholarships In tho Hardcnbergh School of Music nnd Art 4G0 nT.'.,.:-, 3 Scholarships In Scranton ftuslness UUSIC College, nt $100 each 800 d. .., J 5 Scholarships in International Cor oUSITieSS " respondenoo Schools, average . - . . viiltio $."7 each 2S5 And Art 2 Scholarships In Inckawnnna Busi ness Collcuo, at $S.i ench 170 2 Scholarships in Alfred "VVooler'a Vocal Studio 123 L I84Q 99574 Rules of The special rownrds will bo given to the person seeming tho largest num ber of points. Points will bo credited to contest ants securing new subscribers to Tho Hcranton Triuunc ns roiiows: Pts. 1 3 G 12 One month's subset lptlon....$ .50 Three months' subscription. 1.23 Six months' subscription.... 2.50 One year's subscription 500 The contestant wtlh the highest num ber of points will bo given a choice from the list of special rewards; tho con testant with tho second highest num ber of points will bu given a choice, of tho remaining rewards, and so on through the list. The contestant who secures the high est number of points dining ny cal endar months of the contest will re ceive n special honor reward, this re ward being entirely Independent of the NOTICE that according to the ANT WILL BE PAID, whether they Special Honor Prizes for June. Two Special Honor Prizes are to be presented to the contestants7 securing the largest number of points during the month of June. Only points scored during June will be counted. First Prize Ten Dollars in Gold. Second Prize Five Dollars In Gold. Special Honor Prizes for July, August, September and October will oe announced later, Those wishing to enter the Contest should send In their names at once. All questions concerning the plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to CONTEST EDITOR, A LDINE UOTEL ii; tTH AV..UE rWEEN 'JOTII AND QOTIISTS. NEW YORK. EUROPEAN PLAN. NEW. FlrEPRO0F Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd sc. cross town cars and transfer at 4th ave. direct to hotel. Rooms with Hath ") fSults with Bath 51.50 11 pwavd. f I $2.50. V. H. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Slxtfcnth St. and Ir ne I'lace, NEW YOKK. American Plan, $3.50 Per Day and Upwards. Kuropcan Plan, 1,00 Per Day and Upward Epcclal Itatcu to Families T. THOMPSON, Prop. I For Business Men f In tho htart ot tho wholcsali r dlatrlct T I For Shopper? X mlnutec' walk to Wannmakerss T s mlnutca to Stceel Coopcr'B Dig T T fitore. Easy of access to tho ureal " Dry Good Stores. X For Sightseers J f One block from E'way Cam. civ. ; Inrr easy transportation to U 4 points of intertst. HOTEL ALBERT X AJUVV lUltli. Cor, Uth BT. & UNIVERSITY Vli f Only ono HlocU from Broadway, 1 KGOIII), 5I Up. Prices -Rwonibb ; KKaiAUKAINT 1 ks A a Few Months the Contest. ultimate disposition of tho scholar- Kuct contestant failing to secure a special re wnrd will be given 10 per ceP,t; ofn" .money he or shs turns In.. All subscriptions must be paid in ad--vnnce.f , ""'"" Only new subscribers -will be counted.. Renewals by persons whose names aro already on our subscription list' will not lie credited. The Tribune will Investigate ouch subscription and If found Irregular In any way reserves tho right to reject it. No transfers can be mado after credit has onco been given. All subscriptions and the cash to" pay for them must be handed In at ' Tho Tribune ofneo within tho week In which they are secured, so that pa pers can bo sent to the subscribers 'at once. Subscriptions must bo written on blanks, which can be secured at Tho Tribune office, or will bo sent by mall.. above rules, EVERY CONTEST-f secure a Special Reward or not.- Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thort course, nor an easy course, nor a cheap course, but the beat education to be bad. No other education ia worth spending time and money on. If you do, write for catalogue ot Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which offers thorough preparation In th. Engineering and Chemical Professions as well as the regular College courses. ' ' State Normal School East Stroudsburg, Pa. TI1I1 I'Ol'tirjAR Fitntn Institution Is lo-cntt-il In tlio most B15AUTIKUI. PICTUn KSQUU anil JIKArniFUI. part of thu Stato. It Is In tho CtRUAT HUM.MKH rtlOSORT RKOION of thn 111,1113 ridgk mul TOCONO MOUNTAINS unci within two miles of tho famous DK1.AWARH WATUR Q,V RESORT. Tuition Absolutely Free, Tho total expenses for Hoarding;, Fur nished 1001ns nnd nil other expenses only $;ir,0 I'HR WKKK. In ndilltlnn to tho res ulnr departments In tho Normal piopor, we lnivo a flno COLLKOB PRKPARA. TORY IJKPARTMUNT. Wo can snvo you 0110 full year In your CoIIpkq Prep, iiiatlnn. Dopai-tmonta of MUSIC. EI.O. CUTION. ART-DRAU'INO. PAINTINO IN CHINA mid WATER COLORS.tnuglu hy Specialists, A New Recitation Building is now In eniirso of erection, which will ,..'r r ippiim nnnvf! Ri.?m it iort- I-'or cataloguo" unit particulars address GEO. P, BIBLE, A, M. Principal. Dr. & Mrs. John MacDuffie's firmOOT. FOR OTTIT.R SSth year. Tttcnty-tlie cars under the manage, inrnt of MISS HOWAHl). Collrce. preparatory ana aeauenuc coui. nrautm pupuj nniiiea iq U0. CO glrli noii-ieMcnt, lleautilul grounds, Tennl courts, Inatriittlou In accordance ultli lilgheat requirements of best college, for par. tlcular and catalogue aildrev, John MaiDulilc, l' 1),, Sprlngrleld, Man. ECRANI0N C0RBE9P0NDENCE 30H03U) SCRANTON, PA. T. 3. Foster, rretldent. Elmer II. Uwtll, Tttt. B. J, Foster, Ettnlty P. Allen, j? Vice President. Bcftirr. clvo ii lino i.iiuor.um.v nun iiiurieen oiner reel tit tlon rooms. A KINI-l GYMNA. 81UM! Our own El.KCTRIU MGUT PIjANT! A Superior Kneulty! Uackwnnt Pupils COACHED FREE. Nearly FIVF, HUNDRED PUPILS ENROLLED thtu t f lift .A'"-, 1 Isxrr, f V.HJAi tji-fsift , ftS V Js?ATg iv-. ---