Jfvi vj,,v,TCT'iVl JJt 7:M,'kV'.v -" " z?$lf vfJM''?i7?KW f .1 , " ! J- (9 i , THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1902. r3 y n KTSWiWSJW Ik Columbia Shetland Floss OURKRtW1 Now is your chance to se cure your COLUMBIA SHETLAND FLOSS at a bargain for the next io days, Blackand White, $1.10 a box; Colored, $1. 15 a box. Cramer-Wells Co. That'll n question. However, there Is no question but what we can save money for you and at tho same time give you the best in Wall Paper, Pictures, Frames, Mouldings, Shades and Paints. Tor ono week we will give a handsome picture free with every puichaau amount ing to $1.00 or mote. Jacobs & Fasold, 209 "Washington Avenue. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO V "They Draw Well." t Morris' Magnet Cigars X Tlw best value for .". cents. Try one and you will smoke no 0 other. . . , A All the leading brands of .;-. Q cigars at $1.7.". per box. or r, for 2.c. A Tho largest variety of Pipe3 and X Tobaccos in town. I E. C. MORRIS, a The Cigar Man A 325 Washington Avenue. 000000000000000 In and About The City The Festival of Weeks. Services in observance of Shahuoth, the Festival of Weeks, will be held this evening at the Linden Street temple, bc- ginning at 7.43 o'clock, and tomorrow innrniiiQ at 10. At both services sermons will bo preached by Kabul A. S. Aus paclier. Hand Ball and Tennis Court. Tbu Scrunton Bicycle cluh has bad tho hand bal laud tennis court adjoining tlia club house, on Washington avenue, ic graded, and in general put in first class condition for the season. Tho band stand has al.-so been put in shape for the season. Attorney McCourt Toastmaster. At it meeting of the executivn commit tee of the High School Alumni associa tion, held yesteiday in tho offlco of tho president, Attorney C. K. Daniels, a ' toastmaster for tho banquet to bo held on Tuesday, June 17, was selected, in tho person of Attorney John M. McCourt. Pawn Tickets in a Purse. George J. Ash found a -Wallet near tho Carbon street bridge yesterday afternoon, which tho policu believe to huvo been tho property of a crook, -rhcro weio llvo pawn tickets from as many local pawn offices, all for watches, found In tho purse. Different names appenr on each ticket, though they all bear dates within a few daysjof each other, Bible Reading This Afternoon. Mrs, Louise Rounds, a Woman's Chris tian Tempcrunco union national lecturer, will glvo a Bible reading this afternoon In Guernsey bull, at 3 o'clock, for tho Central Woman's Christian Tempcranco union. Mrs. Rounds speaks tonight at the Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church. Kveryone welcome at all her meetings. Mrs. C. D. Simpson win entertain her whllo In Scranton. McAU Auxiliary Meeting, Mrs. William IT. lllchmoud and daugh ter entertained tho McAU Mission auxil iary yesterday In a delightful manner at nichmond Hill. Tho beautiful country plnco was oven moro attractive thuu usual in tho lovely Juno weather. Mrs. .1. A. Prlco gavo an Interesting talk on tho Morristown annual meeting. Sirs. Bolden Hlalr, Mrs. K. I, Bovan and Mrs. II, II. Stock read articles relating to tho McAU work. Refreshments wero served later. 'Mrs. V. K. Tracy and Mrs. Lnlluo presided at tho table, Among those as sisting were: Misses Gertrude Coursen, Margaret Bclln nnd Lois Tracy, Paid Her Passage. Andrew Wlluszkl, of Bellovue, received a letter from his sister In tho old conn- Chronic Diarrhoea. This disease Is generally regarded as Incurable, mainly fop the reason that tho remedies usually employed uro Inef fectual. That it cun bo cured, however, has been fully proven in inuny cases, The following tells or one of them: Mr. T. W. Greathouse, of Prattsuurg, Ga., Bays: "I had been suffering' from chronic diarrhoea for seven years, Last year I began taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and t das entirely cured me. I had spent lots or money for doctors' medi cine In the run of seven years. If it had not been for this remedy I would have been dead now, and I feel thut I can never suy too much In Its favor or rec ommend It too highly." Sold by All Druggists, try some months ngo, Ashing him to ml vanuo her tho monos' to iuy her passage to this country. Bho wanted to marry Leopold HnntlowBkl upon her arrival here, nnd as soon as tho marriage wns consummated she promised to pay over the money. Andrew Bent her $G!i and she paid her way over, mot tho waiting Leo pold nnd wits married. Her brother has sought In vain to scouro tho payment of this money, but Kate refused to pay It over. As n last resort, he secured n warrant from Magistrate Millar, charg ing her with false pretenses. She was held miilcr $!0u ball for her appenrahco In court. A BRILLIANT CONCERT. Fortune favored tho Symphony orches tra Inst night In the delightful coolness of tho atmosphere, although so late In the season. Tho Lyceum was well tilled, and this was a tribute not only to tho favor in which the orchestta Is held, but also tho popularity or Miss Grace Spen cer. The concert was given under tho direc tion of Fred C. Uuml and Miss Kdlth Jones, nnd Its success wus a credit to their enterprise. No such uudlencc has been present at previous concerts of the kind, 1'rof. llcmherger was welcomed with enthusiasm. The beuutlrul woik of the orchestra was certainly a triumph for Professor Hemberger and those who have followed bis direction during these yeurs. Ueothoven's Klghth Symphony was a happy opening of u fascinating pro gramme. The oichestra's work In tho llrst movement left little room for ad verse crltlcNm. There was an exquisite adjustment of the ensemble nnd this sublime composition was really the most thoroughly enjoyable of anything ever attempted by the orchestra. It Is to be hoped that repetitions of this composition will be given often. The two little ,inter mezzos by Lund and Victor Herbert were gems In their rendition, and the Auber overture made a llttlng flnnle. The Ochs number, tho variations on a German Folk Song, was exceedingly well done and probably Interested tho stu dents of good music Immensely, but It Is a travesty on the so-called culture of the public that the only selection outside those given by Miss Spencer which re ceive spontaneous recognition and en thusiastic applause was tbe encore where a Sousn imitation of the same pretty theme was played. If our music lovers were proud of their orchestra Inst night, what shall be said of tho prima donna of tno occasion, Miss Spencer? This talented gill, with her sjately, gracious presence, and her rarely lovely voice, l- one of whom Scrunton may well feel proud. Belonging to one of Its oldest families, sue is about as truly a Scrunton product as could well bo Imagined. She gave a programme at once ambi tious and Interesting, and one In which her extr.ioidlnary dramatic temperament could be appreciated. Of tho two gieat arias, tho 111 sL was rather more pleasing, because of the sentiment Into which Miss Spencer threw herself so completely. Sin has a mezzo olce, in which the rich contralto Is so prominent that nil tho delicious charm of the lower register sweeps without a break Into superb up per tones. The Ambrolse Thomas song was nmong the most attractive selections which Miss Spencer gave. The Grieg number, so well known, was adequately Interpreted. She responded to several encores, among tho songs being: Tosti's "Goorl Ttye," and a Spring song. She was the recipient nf ns many flowers as a sweet girl graduate. COMMENCEMENT AT WESLEYAN Programme That Has Been Ar- ranged for the Occasion. Following is the programme that will be observed during commencement week at Wesleyan university: SUNDAY, JCNI3 22. 10.30 n. m. Baccalaureate Sermon by President B. P. Raymond, D. D., LL. 11. 4.00 p. m. Alumni Prayer Meeting. 7.a0 li. m. University Sermon by Presi dent Francis L. P.itlon, D. U, LL. li. MONDAY. JL'NK 23. ll.Oi) a. m. Public Award of Prizes. 2.00 p. m. Class Day Kxercb-es. Base Ball -Williams vs. Wes leyan. S.OO p. m. Annual Meeting of tho Board of Trustees. Commencement Concert by the College Glee Club. TUESDAY, Jl'NK 21. P.00 a. m. Annual Business Meeting of tho Phi Beta Kuppn society. 10.00 a. m. Annual Business Meeting of tho Alumni association. 11.00 a. m. Joint Meeting of Trustees and Alumni. Afternoon. Reunions of the Classes of isr,2, '57, '72, '77, '82, 'S7, '!2, '03. 4 p. m. Social Receptions by tho College Fraternities. COMMENCEMENT DAY. WEDNES DAY, JUNE 2o. 10.no a. m. Commencement Exercises. 1.30 p. m. Commencement Luncheon. 8.00 p. m. Piesidenl's Reception. OBITUARY. MICHAEL MESSITT, who went from this city a year ago to become assist ant superintendent In the branch office of the International Correspondence Schools at Newport News, died there Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, after a three weeks' illness of typhoid fever. The remains were brought to the home of his sister, Mrs. William Brazell, of Moosic street, this morning. He was 24 years of age and a young man of rare ability, with a promising future. Be fore leaving Scrunton, he wns for a time head bookkeeper for Casey Bros. Surviving him besides his father, Put rick Messltt, are tho following brothers and sisters: Patrick, Garrett and John Messltt, and Mrs. John Munley, Mrs. Bridget Durkln, Mrs. William Brazell and Mrs, Jamea White, all of Scranton. MRS. LAURA CHUMP died yestei. day, at noon, at her home, renr of 010 Webster avenue, after a very brief Ill ness. Her husband and a four-year-old son survive her. Tho funeral will, take place tomorrow afternoon at L'.30 o'clock rrom tho Howard Place Methodist Eplsr coiial church. FUNERALS. Tho funeral of Miss Margate! Russell will tako place this aftornoou at 3 o'clock fiom tho resldenco, jibs Hydo Park ave nue. Sorvlces will bo held at St. Pnt ilck's church and Interment v.ljl bo at Pleasant Valley, Tho funeral of tho late Edward A, Js'lven will tnko placo Wednesday after noon riont thn residence, 7 South Wash ington street. Wllkes-liiirio, Tho religious services will bo In cliaigo of Row V, J I. Luckens, of tho Presbyterian church, and Rev. II. K. llaydeu, of tho Episcopal church. Interment In Ouklawn cemetery. Horso Shoers Strike, 11 l.'itlushe Wire from 'i lie AsmhIjUU I'rreu. Philadelphia, Juno 9. Four hundred horso shoers employed In tills city, went on strike today for a shorter work day. The men oio members of a local branch of tho Horso Shoers union. Dr, Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, -15 Connell building, Hours: llu.'m. to4p. in.; 7 to 8.30 p. in. NO EFFORT TO OPEN MINES OPERATORS SAV TIME IS RIPE FOR THIS. NOT Nothing Will Be Accomplished To wards Securing Concessions or Ar bitration by the Interference of the National Administration Ac cording to the Views of the Local Representatives of the Operators. First Penalizing for Breach of the Peace by Strikers. f Local representatives of the coal com panies deny emphatically that there is any movement afoot to open up a few centrally located collieries with men to be contributed by each of tho com panies. "That Is one thing we have no thought of doing," suld Vice-President K. K. I.oomls, head of the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western coal .depart ment, who ran up from New York yes terday, to look over the situation. "For the present we are content to confine our efforts to keeping the mines from being Hooded nnd getting out some culm fuel for our own use. Tho time for stnrtlng up the collieries Is not ripe." Another prominent coal man said that It would be time enough to tulle of starting up the collieries when some thing wns to be gained by It. At pres ent, he said, the only thing that would come of It would be possible disorder. It may not be long, however, he ndded, before conditions may warrant nn ef fort to resume operations generally by starting a few collieries here and there. Little faith Is had by the local repre sentatives of the coal companies, in anything tangible being nccompllshed towards a settlement of the strike by the Interference of tho administration tit Washington. One of them who was in communication yesterday with two of the coal presidents, said he was more firmly convinced than ever that the operators will not budge an Inch from the stand they have taken, no matter what pressure Is brought to bear on them, and no matter what may be tho consequences of their steadfastness. WHAT CAN PRESIDENT DO? "What can he do any more than any body else?" is the general response that comes to a question to the operators' side, as to what will be tho likely re sults of President Roosevelt's Interfer ence. They view tho president's ac tivity as being inspired by Senator Hanna and the Civic Federation and that in itself would be enough to Induce thp operators to look upon it with any thing but kindly glances. The opera tors fpel that but for Hanna and tho Civic Federation the miners would not have ventured a strike. It Is proposed that Hanna and the Federation shall encourage no more strikes. Speaking along this line yesterday, a superintendent said: "Nothing can come of outside Interference. Arbitra tion in this case is simply another name for concession, as it will of course mean "split the difference." Concessions will have the disastrous effect of increasing the prestige of the mine workers lead ers and their allies, the Civic Federa tion and Mark Hanna. This would mean that the present conditions would gradually grow worse until they be came intolerable. The miners have pre cipitated a tight and the operators Have decreed that it will be a fight to a fin ish. It will not be settled by outside In telligence." As nn instance of the conditions which were threatening to become "in tolerable," the superintendent cited the case of an Old Forge initio where thir ty chambers had been "boycotted" and closed to all members of the union, by order of the local, because men who had been working in them had been disciplined for violation of rules NO CHANGE. Locally there were no unusual devel opments In the situation. The week started in with conditions about tho same as prevailed during the four pre ceding weeks. There was the usual ad ditions to the ranks of the strikers, with about the same number of recruits dispatched by the companies to take their places. George Llghthall. of ClUcago, Inter national president of the Stationary Engineers, came to the city yesterday to join with the mine workers In efforts to call out the engineers still at work. At a meeting In Peckvllle Sunday night Rockmen's union No. 8.6S4 decid ed to refrain from working during the strike. These men are employed In sinking shafts and driving tunnels. There are about L'50 of them In the county. Another squad of twenty Delaware, Lackawanna and Western employes re ceived their commissions as coal and iron police nnd were sworn In yesterday by Recorder Emil Bonn. Teamsters employed by the Scranton Railway company to haul culm from the Luzerne dump at the "Notch" were put to flight yesterday by a crowd of stone throwers. A mass meeting of mine workers, pumprunners, llremen and engineers was held in St. David's hall, West Scranton, yesterday afternoon, at which addt esses were delivered by District Organizer Courtrlght Executive Board Member Henley, National President Llghtall, of Chicago, head of tho Na tional Organization of Stationary Engi neers, and District President Thomas D. Nlcholls, of tho United Mine Work ers of America, OBJECT OF MEETING. The object of tho meeting was to en list the sympathy and co-operation ot tho men who remain at work about the mines, and to have them join In tho general movement for an eight-hour dav. Tho meeting was culled to order by Organizer Courtrlght, who referred to tho strugglo of tho intiio workers In 1900, and how they helped the engi neers, pumprunneis and firemen about the mines to obtain better conditions, lie expressed the hope that all those who are not now Identllied with tho movement for a shorter workday will Join und help make It a victory for nil who are employed In and about the mines, National President Llghthnll stated, thut at Plttston but one man refused to join In tho suspension when culled unon. Ho put the question directly to the men, "Do you want eight hours?" and the response was quite general from the assemblage, although a large ma jority of then" were mine workers. His contention was that the men wno re main at work have no reason to bo pleaded for, as thry should one und all quit, If they expect to guln the shorter work day. In speaking about the humiliation wives and children of men who remain at work are subjected to, Mr, Llghthnll said, they might better have their fathers hung' than have them prove traitors to the cause of labor. He characterized the coal nnd Iron police as a lot of ten-cent lodging house bums from the slums of Chicago, and predicted great victory for united labor under the banner of the American Fed eration of Labor, which will sweep tho country In due time. In closing he sold to the men, "For God's sake, If not for your own sake, conic out with the miners." HEALEY'S REMARKS. District Board Member Henley made an Impassioned speech, In which he stated that 08 per cent, of the firemen are out on strike, but unfortunately there are a few men who remain at work In the Lackawanna valley be tween North Scranton and Plttston. He Intimated that the companies have men at work trying to Influence these men to stny at work and others to go back, but added thut It is only a question of a day or two before the mine workers will control every mnn In tho nnthrnclte region. Down the valley, he said, everything Is practically suspended, and the strike cannot and will not be lost. He Implored the few men who now stand out to quit their jobs and Join the strikers. District President Nlcholls wns the last speaker, and was received with enthusiasm. He stated the object of the meeting was to get all the men now at work to Join the general move ment, but added there Is enough men out already to Insure a victory. They am not fighting, he said, as mine work ers and tracklayers alone, but for nil men who are employed In and about the mines, There has been a misunderstanding, he said, but since President Llghthall has been here, this has been cleared up, nnd will result In a victory for all con cerned. As the fight stands, he said to the en gineers nnd pump runners, you are fighting for yourselves for an eight hour day, and the question Is, "Will you make a stand for It?" TOOK EXCEPTIONS. Mr. Nlcholls took exceptions to edi torial utterances In The Tribune and said ho would like to know If peaceful supplication ever obtained anything for the worklngman. What they want, ho said, Is some of the money made off coal mining, and they arc trying to got some of the profits, and the operators can easdly afford to give the men an eight hour day. As It stands today. there Is nothing left for them to do but to continue the struggle, for success, and he predicted that they will soon have mine bosses and superintendents leaving their jobs and Joining the ranks of tho strikers. Everything points to success, he said, and all the men need Is grit, and sand to keep the wheels from slipping. 'At the close of his address President Nlcholls requested all who were not in cluded In the number of whom the meeting was called for, to leave the hall, nnd all but a few departed. A se crpt conference was then held, at which ways and means were discussed for reaching and influencing tho men who were at work to quit and joint the gen eral movement. Tho first arrests for disorder in con nection with the coal strike to be made In this city since the struggle began four weeks ago wero made yesterday morning when Thomas Mahan and Michael McNnmara, two striking mine workers residing in West Scranton, were taken Into custody by the police. Tho specific charge against the men wns disorderly conduct and malicious mischief. At a hearing before Magis trate Millar yesterday morning Mrs. Thomas Morgan testified that an effigy of her husband was hung in front of her home on Saturday night by Malum and McNamara. Her husband, she ex plained, lias been working since tio strike began nnd has incurred the dis pleasure of many of his neighbors for so doing. ' HOOTED AND JEERED AT. Mrs. Morgan went out and cut the figure down and was greeted with hoots and jeers and calls of "scab," from a large crowd of onlookers as she did so. The effigy was hung up again and when she went out to cut it down a second time she was obliged to beat a hasty retreat because of a fusilade of stones which were thrown at her. The house was pelted with stones after she had entered. She positively Identified both Mahan and McNamara as having been the ringleaders of the crowd which sur rounded her house. They were fined $30 each by Magistrate Millar and paid over that amount without delay. Magistrate Millar also Issued a war rant yesterday for the arrest of John Thomas, of Taylor, who Is accused of having threatened the life of Robert Potter, a man employed at the Taylor ,mine. ARE CONTRACTS NECESSARY? City Solicitor Looking Up an Inter esting Point. City Solicitor Watson is looking up an Interesting question at the request of City Controller Costello. The controller believes that if certuln work Is done for the city, and that tho total cost comes under $250 that a con tract must be entered Into unless the work is of a trivial nature. The "rip per" bill provides that no contract amounting to over $250 shall be let, except to the lowest responsible bidder, after bids huvo been ndvertlsed for. It is contended by some that this section of the bill Implies that If the amount Is lesB than $250 no contract Is required. The controller has taken the prelim inary stand that a contract is required In such enses, and he says ho will hold to this position until assured by the city solicitor thnt It Is not a tenable ouo, YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local data for Juno D, 1902: Highest temperature 70 degrees Lowest tempornturu li degrees Relative humidity: 8 u, in , , 57 por cent, S p. Ill !2 per cent, Precipitation, 21 . bonis ended S p. m., none, " $1.50 SHOES FOR 97c Ladies' Patent Leather $1.50 Shoes at 97c Ladies' Dongola Button and Lace $i.jo Shoes at 97c Men's Satin Calf and Russet $1.50 Shoes at, 97c Boys' and Youths' Shoes at 97c Ladies' Oxfords and Juliets, worth $1,50, at 97c MYER DAVIDOW The Cheapest Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Avenue. FOR KILLING PETER KING MICHAEL DAVIS ARRAIGNED FOR THE MURDER. Day Wbb Consumed in Securing a Jury Questions Put to Jurors by the Attorneys for Davis Indlcato That the Defendant Will Say He Killed Xing in Defending His Own Life Other Cases That Wore Act ed Upon In Court Yesterday Mar riage Licenses. Michael Davis, the Moosic constable who shot and killed Peter King In Pat rick Sullivan's saloon, Mlnooka, on Sunday morning Feb. 16, was put on trial before Judge H. M. Edwards In the main court room yesterday morn ing. Davis entered a plea of not guilty when arraigned and the work of secur ing a Jury was at once begun. At 4.10 In the afternoon the necessary twelve men had been secured and sworn. They arc: C, 'C. Corse, farmer, Benton. Joseph A. Deaclc, miner .Scranton. Ezra F. Gray, letter carrier, Scranton. John Griffiths, postmaster, Jormyn, Henry P. Hitchcock, Insuranco agent, Scranton. Albert G. Ives, teller, Dunmorc. F. G. Kruegcrmnnn, manufacturer, Scran ton. ' Harvey Race, Carpenter, Dunmore. G. C. Rogers, carpenter, Dickson City. W. II. Stoddard, supervisor, Benton. J. T. Steward, merchant, Old Forge. Henry Vandllng, miner, Packvllle. Altogether sixty-five Jurors were called before a jury was secured. Of this number eighteen were challenged for cause, nineteen by the defendant and sixteen by the commonwealth. Davis took a very active part In the selection of the jury and Invariably be fore a juror was accepted or rejected by the defense he talked long and earn estly with his attorneys, Colonel F. J. Fitzsimmons, John J. Murphy and John M. McCourt. Davis Is a widower, a man about .15 years of age and hns a bright face that indicates more than average intelli gence. His victim, Peter King, was a single man. The questions put to the jurors when they were under examina tion to determine their fitness to sit on the case indicates that the defense will be self-defense. District Attorney Lewis and his as sistant, Lewis R. drainer, will try the case for tho commonwealth. After the jury had been secured yesterday after noon Judge Edwards adjourned court until this morning when the case for the commonwealth will be opened to the jury. Other Criminal Cases. A. H. Adams pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing a suit of clothes and other articles from the house of Dr. Gibbons and was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment In the county jail. A verdict of not guilty was taken in the case against Michael Mogalia and Murrillo Nace, who were charged with placing tics on the track of the Scran ton Railway company at Mlnooka. In the case of Peter Manyko charged with embezzlement by Mike Madzin a verdict of not guilty was taken and tho costs placed on the county. Thomas Roche did not appear to prosecute a charge ot perjury against Josephine McNamara. A verdict of not guilty was taken and tho costs placed on the prosecutor. Borough Sues Ex-Official. Borough Attorney James W. McDon ald instituted mandamus proceedings, yesterday, to compel Myron S. Knight, former borough engineer, to deliver to his successor, James F. Horan, a num ber of maps, plans and other papers, which, it Is alleged, belong to the bor ough, and are being illegally retained. In its petition, the borough, through Burgess Victor Burschell, avers that the maps were made for the borough, at the borough's direction during Mr. Knight's term as borough engineer; that the paper and other material were furnished by the borough, and that the maps, etc., were made with tho un derstanding that they were to be the borough's property. They are needed, particularly, now, it Is stated, because ot extensive work about to be entered upon, but Mr. Knight reruses to give them, alleging he is entitled to keep them. A writ of alternative mandamus was issued by Judge Kelly to compel Mr. Knight to show cause why he refuses to give oyer the articles in question. It was made returnable Wednesday, June IS, at 9 o'clock a. m. Canterbury Heirs at Law. Mrs. Mary Canterbury, of Keyser Valley, died in 1S93, leaving a property on Frlnk street to her nine children. Six of tho heirs wnnt that it should be divided. The other three desire that it should continue to be held jointly. The former brought suit, yesterday, in Prothonotnry Copeland's office to en force their wish for a partition. Those asking for petition aro Joseph H. Canterbury, Mrs. Ellen Thomas, William F. Canterbury, Charles Can terbury and John J. Canterbury. Those opposing partition aro Mrs. Kate Walsh, Mrs, Mary Fox und Francis Canterbury. Attorney Charles E. 01 ver represents tho plaintiffs. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. In tho matter of tho road In Carbon dalo township tho report of tho viewers was yesterday confirmed nisi. M. P. Mitchell, John F. Reynolds and S. S. Jones wero yesterday nppolnlod viewers of a road In Carbondnlo town ship. Stephen Chicknum, tho Winlon boy who killed Slame Cubollis last Thursday by striking her behind tho cur with u rivet wes yesterday allowed to outer ball In tho sum of $1,000. Ills father becamo security fur him. Connoisseurs Drink WHITE ROCK MINERAL. WATER. Tho peerless, sparkling Summer Drink for table or veranda, leaving In Its wake a wealth of real, healthful refreshment. Wo Import "White Rock" In the original packages, delivering It to our own family trade,on the smallest possible profit margins Our Family Trade Price List Will give particulars and prices of every foreign or domes tic mineral water. It Is free. Call, write or 'phone for It. seyBro M, fi' n lpife Lackawanna Ave..Scranton-V I 50J5UnSOUKKMtKKKnjfOXKKXKKMI Economy on the Second Floor, The Under Muslin Sale 3 Wc ure ready for another week's selling. Let any womnn examine 5 tho styles, the quulltles. tho generous sizes, the careful making she'll be 'astonished nt tho little there Is to pay. Wo do not expect to continue the sale prices after the present largo lots nro gems. Is there a hint in g this for you? Children's Dresses This stock will prove a surprise to mothers who arc In tho habit of making the children's clothes. Great range of sizes, and tho dresses aro made us well as you'd make them; with less bother to you. 25c to $8.50 each. White Dresses "" Made of Lawns, Dimities, Nnlnsooks and trimmed with line em broidery, lace, tucks, hemstitching the daintiest that skilled fingers can fashion. From tho Infant's slzos to fourteen year olds. Colored Dresses Give tho little ones .a ebancc. They're bubbling over with lifo and fun ii.nt mnsi hrpnk out. Brine: tb em hero and wo will fit them with these drcsces that will stand lough wear to 14 years old. Women's The most stylish you ever saw, trimmed and finished. Women's Dressing Sacks Their popularity shows no signs of waning. They aro hero in such variety that every taste can bo met. 30c and Upwards. Our Waists are the admiration cf customers, who lay greater stress on artistic effect than mero cheapnes-s. flcConnell & Co. i The Satisfactory Store. 400402 Lackawanna Ave. o:kkukkkkkkkumskkkkkkkuk This Elegant ONLY Made of clear white maple, varnished and is large; 'heavy, strong and durable We onlv have a limited number, and you'll have to come early to get one. They sell regularly from $a.5o to $3.00. . Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co., Registered, 406 Lackawanna Avenue. ,.;t. J GENUINE I Best Qualities $5.00 and upwards. Straw Hats of Every Description. 412 Spruce Street 300 Lackawanna Avenue. Ur. Uelroel's Liucu Underwear 1 IW uMAaay . . and cost but a trllle. For G months 35c to $2.08, Wash Suits mado of lino Wush Goods, beautifully $2.50 to $8.00. Porch Chair &1.30 - Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock l PILSNER j Brew ry. y. ft i I MUMS, rranrnn.rjr N. scent III 9(- MUIMIHVIIII Ml Old 'Phone, 333i, New 'Phone, 2935, c: l 0M in Lager .fci 'ill ni m ,il I X jrj L-j, -,miyb.gfr.A.,au... m.--xi:' .kmt-. ah