I L.I n a i ' 'hi THE SCRANTON TRIBWE-TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1902. '.a WPOWtyF?'? ) !xXrC''.l?'l'rttl'1, .,?;,'" X The News of Carbondale. a HON. WM. MORRISON PASSES AWAY 3 Ex-Mayor o'f dnrbondnle and One of V! the Town's Foremost Citizens Suc- ;' climbs After Three Weeks' Illness. I His Interesting1 Career. 4 Hon. WIHIuin Monlson, ex-mayor of . Cnibondnle, attlcnniin of the Thlul ! ward, one of the most prominent figures In the business life of this community and foremost citizen, passed away last ' evening at a few minutes artcr sK o'clock. Death was duo to pneumonia, super induced by an attack of Blip which piostiated Mr. MwiUon about three w celts nntf, A ,vefjt af?o pneumonia develoi)ectii.rM. 'Moirlson's corpulanee - was a faetgjyuKiAl.a.'sf. his teeovery and the disease iiiogtcid' iiiilcliy. Career of Hon. William Morrison. lion. AVUUamUIVlUKOii wits otto of the ie iiionYinetfrTtfei'-'iTt- Cn rbnudulo w'ho. Missed away In lele-nt je.ils wlm was ciinspUuotrs liguro la the publlo eju al most until the ce uC Ills death. Though onlv la his sixtieth year, he Ihid iinwsitrlufc' .Ids, Iiicitaslng enemy. lii(lutryJ'im.actlvtly?.inknyeai s moi e, and was lougei lelcntllled with the Lilys ilcclopm at than; tnaiiY l "Bed lloiic'cr who long idtiM lMliUd tioni busv liiusulls ..to the unlet of lecllnllig yeais Km Blnco Mio left the Clrammiir school and wiestled with life. ptoblLin, Willi nil Monlson inhibited Uiat:Ueless eneigv tli.it vigor and lobustiiHS -that letnulileel with him .until Ills initiation a few d.ivs aso. Ills tiaoi(llliaiy phsliue Indicated thee iMiiiitcilHtli", clniacleilslks tint made lilm fine vl, "the Htiniiget Humes In the life ol C.ulioiidale for the last ipiaitei of a cental v or mine. Mi. Monlson descended fiom one ol the ploneei lainllles ol C.n boiuhile. and It was n Miuite. oXuilde to the dec'easid to reel that lwwJs'?i.atie of the town with which his fntliei was -o i loolv Iden tlllcd la whose e.ulv development be was an Important f.utoi. li utholomew Moi lison, his fatlui. c.i me to CjiIjoihIjIo finm lleliuul Jnt secntv e.uf aBO, twentv "ye (u'h biU'oio c'.ubonil.ile became a clt.v. lie had the stuidv lminhood and bttnng (Iiiii.k teil-tUs that weie tuins mltted to his son and det loped uimIt his llgoioiis, wlth.il tendei, p.iinit.il cue The seuloi MniiKon's .ictivltv In the de velopment of the town .cn'ii led him Into politics and foi ve.n.s he was a justice of the pe.uc. whoso sound common -eii'-e ap plication ol the liw and Justice made his opinions sought and allied otn by Uw fls,wll weie cimi1 111 the law 1.1 ko his fatbpi, Aldeimnn Moil Noil In i lined iMtm.ilh to politics and when In IN74, whinv.cjn)y in bis tlilil.-iliJt vein, he w.kKclC(4ed jto "the highest ofllee in the tltVfTif -was-chosen as maoi on the Kepublic.tn ticket Decaiwe he was Htiiiug and tinsweivlng In his opinions he left tho ofllee of mil, or with some enemies even iimolig thoe who had been his liiends but to whom lie rclused to .Ield on questions r on which he took what he thought was the light rstand. nml even though hLs ,icoltitloti lnjiiied hlnifccll and otheis of his f i lends This was one of ills .iliou,; ist cluiacteiistles, his ilrmuess and out spoken mind foi what he believed light. On the death of the lalu Miclutl Lof tus. .Ml Monlson was appointed bv IJov cinm Hastings! to the ofllee of aldeiman of the 'Phil tl waul At the lollowing elec tion he was victorious oec e-t'hief of Police Willi nn Gnidou, the Demoetatlc nominee. Maot- of Caibondale and al deiman of the Thlid wnid weie the pilu ilpal offices lie held. TIoweei, ho was a towel of stiongtb In politics of the Tlilid waul, which he showed b his being ap pointed aldeiman as a succe-sor to a Demoeint over tho wishes of a well oi anized Inllucnco in the Demociatic paity. William Monlson was boin In Cn lion dale, M.ncli ISI'i 111 pioslmlty to his pies injifjitjej and was theicfoie In this sl tlclh .e.u. lie obtained a common school education, tint is, he spent a it w eais, Icnvhiiy.Trart tails Ut,e to take up diling n ti-.un ii followed Hie bl.icksnuthlng ti.ido foi fomtecii cais and at the t net of this. pei Iod he became so Intel esleel In polities that ho made his vv.iv to the of llee. of mnoi. SnbsorpiPntlv lie wcit Into, the ices' bustnchs, whicli he conducted illidetVJUie, name of the distal Lake lee, eomWlii ..which was conllnued under that name aftei bo dlsiiosed of It up to the piescnt. It was iluilng lliN time ho was cug.med in tho lie business that Mi. Monlson put to tho list the lem.ukable Htiength and enduiaiiee ol his etinoidlu.u plijs.il inake-up He winked day and night with rcgulailtv ol siiiiesslnu and ctuseil his fl lends to uinni'l that he i mild ictalll the Kin and fieslmcs that he did Hul tills untiling Indinti) was so stionglv chai ni Iciintli of him and liu was of Mich Mi our1 pm pose that when lie set out on a niNhloii he accepted all the eonse-(ineni-es to himself without tho l"ast thought In this case., hi saw op poitunlties of accomplishing eettain jcsulls tint would gio him the stall he wanted Imam liill, and bo stioxn to tho end ugiiirtlPhS of the ehnnees that otheis might think ho was-taklng In tho wnv of lchsenlng his physical foues. A flu disposing of file 1co builiess In ISTii, aftei ilghleeu c.ais nenlce, Mr, Monlson bet nine n fiiinltuie dealer and undeilnker. l'lvo jcnis uro ho sold out his fuinltuto business, which was lo cated on Not th Main stuet, but contin ued the huslneos of directing funeials, tlalmltiB ns big a patronage ns any one In tho same following In Cnihondnle. Dining these )ems Mr. Monlson's bun Iness slilewilnesM led him to putchilfo leal estate which piovcd a piolltnblo In-eeqtltii-nl. The most lllllioltlint of Ills 110- f qtilrcmenls weie tiaets In Hlmiwm, the Hist sale or Willi n lie mauo in tuu hiiu mill companies whoso factoiles aio lo en led theii'on at the picccnt time. Un ccntlv ho sold another site to the Tell Urewlng conipanv. which Is being Im plored by the election of a model a blew ety. Wlillo holding these lands he tniide sevci.il nttemp's to locate Itidiislljes theieon, which would be of iiliiletlal help to Cathoiidale. Mr. Monlson iilo holds (onsldeiable piopeitv thioiigout Ihn city and Is among the tnndeiatcly wealthy. Mr. Monlson was a member of St. Hose congiegatloiralid was a faithful son of the chinch In which he was lenied. The onlv finteinnl oiganbatlons to which he belonged aio the Catholic' Knights of Ameilca and the Knights 'of Columbus. He was a ihnlter member of cich and was qulto netho In the couuells. of the foi mer. Mi. Monlson, thniish esceeillnglv flunk and outspoken In his lgoious nplnWilis, had u win m iintute, lie was tender to those about him nml to his fi lends, and he hud n tlglit-he.iited, mlithful spit It. and when awikencd It ljluinlncd those shout him. His filendblp was a stioug bond for those who won It. Ills pilde, bis chief pihlo. was In the f.imllv liuie. and he lavished on his famllv all the nhec tlon of a loving and Indulgent husband and father. Ills somewhnt unespected death follow ing u bilef illness of a few weeks has ftuellv tmn the bruits of the dear ones who loved lilm. those In whom he was wiapt and to whom he gave even ad vantage to pipp.ne well foi life's lutlle The sadness that his depaituie hotter causes Is not conllnid to bis own home, it will be keenlv felt bv minv a one whom his chiiltv aided. As a woithv c Illen his losw will be deoloied. and tlnotighoiit the eltv deep-sealed lcgiets will follow the news ol Ills death Mr. Monlson Is Miivlved bv Ills wife, who wis Ml'is .Tare Qiilnu. to whom he was mauled la Im,s, one son, Di. William Moitison, who bus an et"tisve pi.ic' tlee In I'lillailelphln and two daughteis, Miss Xoia, who lived with Di. Monlson, mid Miss Jane, who ri actuated on I'll d.iy fiom Wet Chestei Noimnl school. ,- fatjvHclaq5 arnct".ing tittenf,ton to the -'iiil4IHfat iilflucjtiia; qi, grip, )mu come to ItUrjlJn tlte Urfljer.tlties there has been j;4?Ptked JncrjtjiM.in. diseases affecting wtbV-6ffjans of respiration; which increase is attributed to the prevalence of influ enza. Persons who are recovering frotn grip or inflijeinawcfin a weak condition and peculiarly liable to pulmonary dis ease, Dr, Pierce's Qolden Medical Discovery cures coughs, b,rqjjcbitis, lung "trouble" ltd other diseases of the organs of res piration. It is the best touic medicine for those whose strength and vitality baveb,e en exhausted by au attack of grip. It purifies the blood, cleansing ft of me poisonous accumulations wli eti breed u ac-and unplv 6f oure blood. rich with the red corpuscles of health. J !A ttwdrct for Vour 'Golden Medical Dlscov .t. ry.' " writes Mr. V, A. Bender, of Kecue. Cothoctcin Co,, Ohio. "We have tieen using it ' a family medicine for more than four year , 4 a couitTi remedy anil blood-purftter there u , Bothinr better, u4 after baniair Ibi grip Dr. " Pierce'r Golden Medical Dlwevcry ii jutt the v riybt medldue for a complete Urating up." v 4 Xrxepiriio uUtltuU'fo'r ''Golden Med ical Discovery," There ii nothing "just &A''JW$bVMiff ,h.e ,t?Fach, lpRJupjf.- -i4 The sluggish liver li made aclive by the uk olVt, Fierce' Pleasant rellet. iv SENSATIONAL SEQUEL TO BONNETTI CASE Mrs. Heap Has Accuser Arrested on Charge of Keeping House of Ill Fame and of Enticing Annie Scud der Who It Is Claimed Bonnetti Attempted to Assault Scudder Girl Admits That the Charges Against Bonnetti Were for 'the Puipose of Blackmailing Him. Tlieie was t sensational seciuel last night to the case of Mike Eonnottl, who was nnested Sunday night for an at tempted assault on Annie Scudder In the homo of Mrs. James Heap on H.u rl'on avenue, Highland Paik. I.at night Mi. Heap was attested befoie Alderman Jones on the ch.uge of keeping a bawdv house and of enticing fiom home foi Immoial put poses An nie gcudcfei, nonnetti's accuser. Just befoie the heailngr the sensational se quel developed when the Scudder felil, pte.ssed by her Mstei, who had Mis. Heap ni rested, confessed that the ch.uges against Bonnetti weie all false and were lnought for the expiess put pose of blackmailing him. It was a tory of a boldly conceived mid dellbeiately can led out scheme of blackmail that the Scudder gill told In the nldei man's office. It was planned by Mis. Heap, she .said, to cntlap Bon netti and after compioinising him to make a .stand for a good sized s.um of money, $200 unci upw.nds. The vlIioiiw, however, only paitlallj succeeded, for the Scudder gill weakened when con fionted by his sister, whose home Mie left only two weeks ago to come to Mis. Heap's, and confessed In detail her connection with the case. Her stoiy goes to exculpate Bonnetti of most of the ehui Res on which he was held by Aldeiman Atkinson vestoidn.v. The Scudder gill's tdoiy was that Iionnettl had visited the house of Mis. Heap on one ot two oicas-ions pi lor to Sunday night, when he was entiapped and attested. Mrs. Heap, the gill f-aid, had her go Into Bonnettl's stoie, last week, and Induce lilm to call at their house. It uppeaia that Mis. Heap, who accom panied her to the s-tote, knew ItonueUI. Bonnetti came once or twice befoie Sunday night, Hnih time he had i I it ptoper lekttlons with her, the gill ad mitted. Mis. Heap knew of tills, nhe Mild: In fact ptoposed It. Iionnettl was ng.iln invited to call, on Sunday. He eaitie and after he went up .stalis'wlth the glil.Mrs. Heap locked I he door and sent vvonl to Constable Moran. Bonnetti was thieatened with auest and ptosecutlon if lie failed to pay over money to fiee himself, Theio weie piotcsts on his pail, and in the iiieuntlme Countable Mm an came on the see no and took tho ncetised man awnv. Iionnettl, the Kill said, did not break In the house, Tuesday night, nor did he make a fntclbln entty Sunday night. He came Tuesday night, on her and Mis, Heap's Invitation, the door was opened for him; he remained for some time, and ho w..is not dtlven off, ns she and Mis. Heap testified to at tho healing In Aldeiman Atkinson's olllto vesteiduy inclining. Neither did Bon nettl assault her, tho Scudder girl ac knowledged, Ho did not stilke her In tho bieast, as she and Mis, Heap testi fied to at tho healing In tho alderman's ofllee. Theio was no assault and bat tel y, no bieaklng In the house; In fine, none of the chni ges to which they swoie to at yestei day's healing weie title, the glil confessed. They weiu conceived by tho lleup woman, iiud the gill lent heiself to ruining out the plans to entrap Bonnetti and bleed lilm. Another staitllng featuio of the Scudder gill's confession vus her ex planation of her motive for euteilug Into tho scheme. Money, the piomlbe of It fiom Mrs. Heap, was what led her to toinptomlse hen-elf and lead Iionnettl on. If they succeeded In bleeding their victim for $200, sho was to lecelve J'-U; but If they could seeuio only $l!iO, then she was to get tX, tho balance In either event was to bo Mis. Heap's shaie, Bonnetti, however, didn't or couldn't pioduce. All of whafthe girl told, was lelaled lit Alderman Jones ofllee last night be foie Mis. Heap's heating was called. The gill's sister, who came over fiom Promptou,- tielr home, yestei duy, and caused tho nirest of Mis, Heap on tho charge of enticing her sister (the Scud der girl) from home for Immoial pin poses, was deeply giieved wheij she leurned tho cheumstuuees of tho case. BEAUTIFULSKIN Soft White Hands Luxuriant Hair Produced by CUTICURA SOAP MILLIONS of Women use CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stoDoincr of fallinc hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive jerspiration, m the iorm ot washes tor ulcerative weaknesses, and or many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin cure, with the purest ot cleansing ingredients, and the most refreshing of flower odours. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purify ing, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and nands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and BEST baby soap in the world. Comploto External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour, $1.00. JtT --- Consisting of Cuticura fcOAr, 2M to eleaoeo the ukln of cruets all Wlf! 1 Vsk "'"' senlCH and eoftcn the thickened cuticle; CUTicmt v Oint'M'nt, alll.BijMll em m' to tuilnntly nllny itching- mid Iriltutloii, nml eootlio nml licnl; 2TW"W ami (JimuuitA ItKsot.vtST I'it.Lv, 23c., to rool and cleanso the vl. So cc I blood. A Sisoi.t. Sr.T In often miruelont to cure the niokt tortnrlnir, I I1B OBI, al dl6llirurlng humours, with loss of Inli, when nil die mils. Solrl througlioiit the world. British Depot: 27 28, ClinrtcrlioittiO fan.. London. Kreiich Depot: t Hue do a l'ulv, Paris. Porrrn initio and Ciikm. Cour., Solo Props , Boston, U. S, A. CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS (Chorolato Coated) aroa new, tnstelens, odor. lens, rconomir.ii suosiiciiio lor me ceicomccci nquiu ccitii it. iii.i I Lllotliei blood purinero and auaiour curog. pneo .oe. aor.v rT. ns wnll im top Put up In pocket Mais, containing CO doses, She wept hltteily, which hud a pood deal to do with the accused aistei telt Injr us finely all sdie had to do with tile salacious ease. When Mis Heap's attorney, Hon. John V. UejuoltW, learned of the Scud der jrltl's confession to hei sister, he ndied Ills client to waive a heailngr and enter ball, which she did. Later In the evening, Bonnetti after being leleased on ball, went befoie Al deitn.in Jones and had a wan.int sworn out for the airest of Mis. Heap, on ih.it ges ol blackmail and atilioi nation of perjmv. The w. u rant will be seived bv Constable Is'eaiv, who at rested Mis Heap e.ulier in the evening- on the othet chin ges. On hei way to the alderman's ofhYe, last night. Mis Heap expiessed a w II lliigneis to the constable to settle the chat ges against Bonnetti for $200. This Is the sum which the Scudder glil and Mis Heap weie ttjing to extoi t fiom Bonnetti. Bonnetti has letalned Attorney F. AV. Moiioghun to defend lilm. At the healing In Aldeiman Atkin son's oflito yesterday morning, Mts. Heap and the Scudder girl both swoic that Bonnetti broke into the house n week ago, but was dilven off by Mis. Heap, tit the point of a lcvoUei; that when he lettuned Sunday evening, he knocked the gill down in Mis. Henp'a nbsenco, for the puipose of committing an assuult on her. On their testimony, Bonnetti was held in 51,500 ball on five ch.uges, namely, burglmy, assault and battel y, attempted cilmlnnl assault, malicious mischief and suiety. These weie the identical ch.uges which the Scudder glil declined last night to her sl.ster weie all false and founded on blackmail and etoi Hon of Bonnetti. The Scudder gill has been here about tw o weeks, coming fi omPi ompton, her home, to lhe with Mis. Heap. HIGH SCHOOL CYCLE CLUB. No Game Because of Disagreement. Picked Nine Plays. The ba-e ball game scheduled for es terday aftei noon between the High school and C'jclc club nines failed to matoilall.o on account of the inability of Manager Moon of the w heelmcn to accede to Malinger Kllpatilek's teims. Novel theless, the school boys weie not to he done out of u game by an eleventh hour lefusal, and played a picked nine instead. Their opponents Included pluyeis fiom the "Pots" pluinbeix, machinists and &t. Aloslus. But this foimldahlo ag Kiegallon did not citicer the students, who stalled in at the beginning to fin ish their ndveisaiies with ungloved hands. On account of tho lateness of the'hour only seven Innings weie played, nt which stage the scoie showed a decided advantage for the students, tho lesult being 2. to II. A huge assemblage witnessed the contest, among whom weie many up holdets of the led and blue, who used their vocal oigans to good advantage in behalf of their lepte.sentative.s. Ilajnoi olllclated in the bo for the students and did well, sti iking out eight men (lining the game, The school manager lias received many communications fiom outsldo schools, but piofeis to engugo the homo teams in older that school boys may substantially piovo their supeiloilty. Line up: High School Burke, c.; Tlayiior, p.; Davis, ss.: Conuughton, lb.; Kllpat llek, 2b; Duffy, lib.; Scott, If.; Bolund, cf.; Benton, if,; Campbell, id c. Cycle Club Monahan, c; Harte, p.; Qulnu, ss.; T. Conaugliton, lb.; Lynott, !!l..; Cuff, ah,: Fox, If.; McHale, cf.; Wanen, if,; Collins, id e. Umpli e McDonough. n.H,I3. Caibondale H, C....0 5 S 5-2J 10 G I'leked '.....2 0 4 4 1 3-14 11 8 TENNIS REVIVAL. The Caibondale Club Reorganizes for the Season. Tho Cuiboridale Tenuis club, one of the city's most lepiesentatlve otganl zatlons Is undergoing a, levlval of spit it Just now tliat auguis well for tho fil iate of that scientlllu pastime In tills viclnlly, An enthusiastic! meeting was held last evening, the chief business tiuusactei being the admission (f ten new membiUH to the club's loster. Tito clul) lius nn active membeishlp cif sixty at piesent fiom which a baseball nine and foot ball eleven nie to bo se lected. Tho annual touinuiueiit will without doubt piove us Interesting ns In foi mer jeuis. OARBONDALE VS. AROHBALD, The Local Favorite Base Balllsts Shall Encounter the Sunsets. At last the Aichbald Sunsets have consented to cioss bats with the local pets and by gieat pet suasion and In ducements have agreed to meet the Citscpnts on Duffy's field. The game will be the star attt action of the base ball season as the aich-enomy have le ci tilted all the star playeis of the val ley to -vanquish their lieietofoto con queiors, the descents. The game will commence at 3 p. m. on Thtirsdaj aftei noon and a big atten dance Is deshed. Ladles fiee. Admis sion to grand stand collected at east enhance. MUNICIPAL WATER PROJECT. Common Council Committee to De cide as to Canying Case to Su preme Court. The judicial y committee of common council, at the instance of Mr. Whit field, was last night instructed to In tiulie into the status of the municipal witter injunction, that is, if It can be cat lied to the Supteme couit, the lepoit to be made at the next meeting of coun cil. The oidinance pi milling- for the le peal of the bond Issue for the watet project was called up and killed by a ote It) which Clark, Stone and Thomp son weie the only dissenting ones. The only other Impoitant measutcs befoie council weie the passage of the vendeis' license on thlid reading and the passage on two leadings of an ordi nance by Mr. Hohbs for a number -of surface sevveis. The license ordinance was amended to let out all merchants who pay a meicantilc tux. MAY GO TO SOUTH AFRICA. Dr. James Clime Consideiing a Flat tering Offer fiom Other Side of Globe. James Clune will have giaduated as a dentist In a few dajs at the University ot Pennsylvania Dentnl college In Phil adelphia. The chances .no that ho will immediately stmt for South Afiicu. He has under eonsldotation a veiy natter ing offer which If ho accepts will guai anteo his expenses and a salaiy of $l7r per month. Theio aio openings now in South Attica foi men ot education, cn tetpilse and endtuanee. As Mi. Clune is qualified to answer those l equip ments and as he Is oung and ambitious it Is moie than likely that his parents will soon be leeeiving letteis fiom Pietoiia. Master Mechanic Resigns. Master Mechanic Itobeil Itennie, of the Delawaie and Hudson shops In this city, has leslgnod his position, the les Ignatlon to take effect June 14. Ho will be succeeded by W. C. lOnnls who was foreman under him. THE PASSING THRONG. Miss Nellie Itvan, ot Scr.iutou, Is t lie gties't ol Miss K. V. Kennedy, of South Main itioct. .1. I'. Hale, of Pitlstoii, Is a guest lit tho homo ol .Mr. and Mis. Thomua Dal, on Highlit avenue. JERA1YN ANDMAYFIELD. The commencement merclses of the Mii.vllcld sihool will ho held In Assembly hall tomouow evening. Tho gindimtes ale: Man McCiuriv, Maiy Donnelly, Nora Kdmunds, Bildgot Davltt, Mnmo Kllher, Wlnlticd Meelmn, John Unit and ctiuiles Miller. The tollovvlng Is tho pio- gramme: Mutch, "Illao Awav," orche--I tin; salutatory, "Wo Must Shape Our Own Destiny," Charles .Miller; oration, I "Manual Training," Wlnlticd Median; j oveiture, "Popular Tcmis Medley," oi chestra, class history, Noia IMniunds; ncul solo, Patrick Mcehini; otatlon, "A Woman's influence," Muiy McCi.ury; wiiltie", "Helmet of Navanc," orchestia; oration, "In Bombast,' Muiy Kllker; oration, "Clinracter." BrldKOt Davltt: I Uoinhone solo, 'Beyond tho fiutes of Pnindlse," Jumos Harris, Jr.; class prophecy, John Hart; vocal solo, Piank McAndievv; valedlctoty, "We'll Find a Way or Mako One," Mniv Donnellj ; nvettilte, "Concoit .Night," oiehestrn; pieseutntion of diplomas, by Piesident Kllker; nddiess to claps, Prof, D. II. Kilso; nidi oh, "Cuban Independence," oiehertii, A cno of miiiill-iiox exists at the home ot Mi, and Mis, David Thomas, on Bacon ! stieet, tno lctlm nelng Arelile I.evvls, or AsUlund, Pa,, who eaino heio hist Thins day to visit tho Thomas family, Mrs. Thomas being u cousin to him. On Sat urday, ho complained of being unwell, and walked to Dr, S. D. Davis", to see tho doctor, Tho littler' being out, I.evvls uitid ho would call again. Dr, Davis did not sea him until Sunday, when lio dluguosed it as a mild case, of genuine smul.pn, Di, I, S. Qiuves, tho heullli ofllcei, also saw him and agreed with Dr. Davis as to tho natuio of tho ills, euse. To lemovn any doubts, Dr, llouser was summoned up from Scrnntuu yesterday aftei noon, and, after seeing Lewis, declaied the disease to ho small dox. Tho news quickly spread through, out the boioiigh and was much dlueusfed dining the afternoon. Prof, and Mrs. Ilauett will cntettnln tho members of Class '0.' nt their home on Tliuisday evening. &&& TbU fTtftaitare U oa eVery box ot 1Kb imm Laxative Bromo'Oulaiieibut. ' rymf Uii miiiiil i.l lut i him m wtUk f Mil tn Connolly & Wallace 5cranton's Shopping Center Announcement During the months of July and August Connolly & Wallace will follow the custom established by them two years ago, and will close their store at noon on Saturdays. w i ILL YOU share with us the privilege of in augurating in Scranton shorter hours for business? During the hot months of July and August shopping in the morning will, help very much. Will you bear this in mind? ' Besides, the store service is better then. The . most willing hands become tired by the end of the week, the clearest heads grow heavy. It is, then, not what salespeople would like ' to do do, but what they can do. If a Saturday half holiday (which is vir tually a full day, from 12 noon to 9.30 p. m., our usual business hours on Saturday), of" rest and recreation will bring our people back on Monday morning to 'the store fresher and stronger, we shall be fully repaid for the day of business we give up each week. , We have closed in this manner nowVor two years, and so far we have heard no crit icism of the move, plenty cf endorsement. Our effort to bring about a shorter work- ; ing week during the hot months for the thous ands of people employed in stores, must soon bear fruit. Other stores are beginning to fall in line and it is only a question of time before it will be general. It means so li,ttle to the women who shop. It means so much, so very much to those who work-.-. The women of Scranton can do much by helping the earlier closing movement. It now depends on them. The merchants are willing. All you have to do is to stop shop ping at 12 o'clock noon on Saturday. Is this a hardship? Would not a little thoughtful ness in planning your day's work accomplish it? And is it not worth while? Think what it means in the way of sim ple pleasure to the women and men who serve you and supply your needs in the thousand and one calls you make on them. In the simple matter of every-day living,just consider what this small act of thoughtful consideration from you means. At home at noon on Saturday A whole day in which to freshen themselves, to throw off the cares .of the day, to prepare in leisure for any little festivity they may have on hand. You, who have all your time at your own disposal, can hardly realize all that this half holiday means. But try to imagine yourself in their place, Picture yourself as going through their' routine for one day. Then you will know. Cannot we instantly bring about a general early closing movement by all stores? What a fine thing it would be if every store were actually deserted of shop pers at the magic hour of 12 noon on Satur days during July and August. Some customers, conversing in the store a few days ago on the Saturday half-holiday subject, remarked that "Con nolly & Wallace lead and the others follow," It matters little who leads in the early closing, the big thing is that a store can close nowadays at noon on Saturday and lose none of its business. We are glad that some other stores have decided to close, because we believe it is the right thing to do that customers are as much benefitted in the better service they receive from the salespeople as the salespeople are benefitted in a physi cal and mental way. Connolly & Wallace 1 l t f V 'tl' - c - - t if?- f 1 .-f . V - J -