!,;, -,f- -"lyjtiyl'J'Wtp fir? '" ' a i4 - ';aTf''T4V v -v-v - - - " - r ' I r,T' "v-"Tjn,.JiV I'.cr'Frr'JT yfryvii v"-1 . w- ay v-ri, jt. t- - ? ri --.,'. ; SW x , . 'ft 'V.S 5 ' ' f . f , '. ,""'-." , ..V vl S THE ONLY SCR ANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCltANTOiV, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1902. TWO CENTS. SPfflvv SamtoitjMS (Tribiac THE ELKIN COLUMN STILL UNWAVtpG All Elforts to Gapture Detonates Instructed for Him Have Thus Far Failed. POWER OP ALLEGHENY GENERALLY ADMITTED The Solid Delegation from the West ern Part of the State Is Expected to Stmt the Elkin Column on the Roll Colonel Watres and His Supporters Also Claim to Have the Balanco of Power Within Their Grasp The Intense Interest in the Political Combat Has Not Been Equalled Within the Memory of the Oldest Politician. Editorial Correspondence of The Tribune. Hnrrlsburg, .Tune 9. It la the flght of a life time.' The memorable contest of 'OS was not ii marker in comparison. In attendance, intense Interest, and fierceness of political combat such a struggle Is not recalled by the oldest politician. Yet there Is not In evidence as yet the bitterness which might be expected in such a situation. But if the efforts which Senator Quay's fed eral machine is putting forth to take from Elkin delegates elected and In structed for him, shall succeed in any measure, a flame will be kindled which will scorch this commonwealth from end to end. Such practices are un heard of in fair politics. They spell desperation and defeat at the polls for the candidate who succeeds in conven tion by their use. AH day and far into the night the play of seemingly unlimited pressure, financial and otherwise, upon delegates instructed for Elkln has been in pro gress, but it is consoling to say that thus far the Klkin line hus.not wq,vered. On the contrary, the day's round up adds more than ten votes to the Elkin column, fairly won among the unln structed delegates. Allegheny county's solid 36 will start the Elkln column on roll call, and long before the last coun ty, "York, shall have been reached the nomination of the Indiana plow boy will have been effected. This can be accepted as a prediction founded on substantial Information. The Klkin caucus will be held to morrow night in the hall of the house of representatives. At this caucus the Elkln slate for temporary organization will be prepared. The vote on tem porary chairman Wednesday will tell the whole story. When that shall have been cast, it will all bo over but the shouting:. Colonel Watres arrived this forenoon and was joined this evening by County Treasurer Scranton and Major Everett Warren. Arrangements have been com pleted for the reception of the main Watres delegation tomorrow. The Watres supporters say they hold the balance of power. If they do the math ematicians at the Elkln headquarters are badly deceived, and they are ex perts. Llvy S. Richard. THE CHANCES ABOUT EVEN. All Await the Decision of the Alle gheny Delegation. By I'xclush e Wire from Tlio Associated Press. Harrisburg, June 9. With the chances apparently about even between Judge Samuel W. Pennypaeker, of Philadel phia and Attorney General John P. El ltln. of Indiana, and the managers of ex-Lieutenant Governor Louis A. Wat res, of Scranton, claiming he holds the balance of power, the result of the con test for the Republican nomination for governor is still very uncertain. Senator Quay, who Is directing the Pennypaeker forces, with the assist ance of Senator Penrose and Insurance Commissioner Durham mild tonight that ho was confident the judge would be nominated and he saw no reason to change his statement that he will have 225 of the 338 delegates in Wednesday's state convention. General Klkin said that the result was more positive than yesterday and that his frlendti were stundlng up at every point and would control the con vention. Everything Is coming our way," he added. "I heard from several counties today which were supposed to be doubtful, and they are all favorable." Ex-Stute Senator Wllllum M. Brawn, of Lawrence county, Is regarded as the most likely nominee for lieutenant gov ernor. There is apparently no opposi tion to the candidacy of Major Isaac I). Brown, of Erie, fqr secretary of Inter nal affairs, llrown and Mayor Fred E. Lewis, of Allentowu, are the only wowed candidates for lieutenant gov ernor, although Rev, Dr. Theodore L. Flood, of Meadvllle, may be brought out by the Elklnites, for the purpose of securing the four delegates from Crawford county. Allegheny May Decide. Hoth Elkln and Pennypaeker nro playing for the 36 delegates from Alle gheny county, who will reach hero par ly tomorrow In ii special car, it being runceded by both sides that their votes na,v decide the content. Governor In the committee on credentials, which Stone, who Is taking an active part In B composed of one delegate from each the Elkln campaign, received a tele- senatorial district, gram today from Pittsburg that 32 of, Following the usual custom the llter the delegates would vote for Elkln nnd Bry bureaus of the Pennypaeker and the proFpects are ho would get the Elkln headquarters are actively en voles of the other four. ' gaged In furnishing Interviews with The Pennypaeker mnnngers claim prominent leadera and workers extol they can win without a single dele- ing the virtues of the favorites and pre gatc from Allegheny and that Elkln dieting their nomination. There Is a will not get more than twenty-tlve marked absence of abuse In these state voles out of this delegation. The Al- nienls nnd apparently there Is good legheny delegates will hold a caucus feeling between the managers of the after they reach here, and managers rival candidates. of the rival candidates are working j A caucus of the delegates of Mercer hard to secure an endorsement for their j and Lawrence counties was held tonight favorite. at which Ex-Senator Brown was en- Phlladelphla's eighty-six delegates ' dorsod for lieutenant governor. The nre pledged to Pennypaeker. Watres Lawrence delegates arc Instructed for has ti solid delegation from Lacka-, Pennypaeker and those from Mercer wanna county. It Is conceded that El- for Elkin. The Pennypaeker managers kin has a majority of the delegates ' claimed tonight that the Mercer dele outside of Philadelphia. There is a gates would vote for their candidate, contest between tho Elkln and Watres Claims were also made by the Penny ailhorents in tho First Luzerne dls- packer people that the Northumber trlct. There Is also a contest Jn the Twenty-ninth ward of Philadelphia, although the Elklnites concede that the sitting delegates will not be disturbed. There may also be a contest from one or two of the Schuylkill districts. Should tho Pennypaeker forces se cure control of the convention, Sena- , Tl ,..,....- ...111 . ,........... ..l.nl n,i jTcmuae ..i uu lc...ijUi.,., w.u..- cuuited that he had gone over to Penny man and Congressman Sibley, , of pncker A search was made for tho Franklin, will be permanent chair- mllfsing deiegate lind ntutlly one of the man. Watres Is 'acting with Penny-. Luzerne delegates went to Senator pacKer a menas ana nis delegates win participate in men" caucus, in oe nuiu tomorrow night. The Elklnites have not yet uncovered their candidates for officers of the convention. Both Quay nnd Elkln are delegates and will direct their forces on the floor of tho con vention. Betting Against Elkin. The betting seems to be against El kln. An offer was made today by cx Sheriff Buser, of this city, to wager from $5,000 to $100,000 that Elkin would not be nominated. There were no takers. Buser posted $5,000 as a forfeit and said the balance of the money would be ready tomorrow noon. Buser was asked by an Elkln manager if he would wager that Pennypaeker would be nominated, and he replied in tho negative. An Elkin manager offered to pledge the three delgates from Jeffer son county against three from Phila delphia that Elkin would have more votes on the first ballot than Penny packer, the winner to get all the dele gates. The offer was not accepted. T. A. AVelble, a clerk in tho state depart ment, wagered $2,000 with J. Clayton Erb, of Philadelphia, a Pennypaeker adherent, that the judge would not bo nominated. Hampton L. Carson, of Philadelphia, will present Pennypacker's name before the convention. Robert H. Murphy, of Johnstown: Representatives Frank B. McClaln, of Lancaster, and W. S. Van Dyke, of Greensburg, will name Elkln. A. J. Colborn, of Scranton, will nomin ate Colonel Watres. Both the Pennypacker'and Elkin ad herents will have demonstrations to morrow night after their caucuses. Fifteen clubs will come from Philadel phia to take part In the Pennypaeker demonstration. Several hundred miners from the anthracite regions will par ade with the Elkln shouters. Elkln clubs will also be here from Lancaster, Altoona, Shamokin, Indiana, Punxsu tawney and other localities in which the delegates have been Instructed for the attorney general. The Indications are that tho crowd will be so great that hundreds of visit ors will be unable to find quatters. Every available hall and public build ing in the city has been engaged for the yjsltlng clubs. Hundreds of cots have been placed in the corridors of tlu capital for the accommodation o: the Elkin clubs. To avoid the crowds about tho hotels Senators Quay and Penrose have their headquarters in a private residence. Photographs Plentiful. The Pennypaeker and Elkln manag ers flooded the city with photographs and banners of tho rival candidates af ter midnight Sunday. This morning the Pennypaeker campaign committee found several of their banners in caD ltol park had been silt with a knife to that tho wind would blow them away, and that streamers which had been tied to trees hud been cut during the night. Elkln's manugers declared they had nothing to do with the vandalism and assisted in replacing the Penny packer banners. Headquarters of the state committee was opened today at the Loehlel hotel by Chairman Frank Reeder, of Huston, A meeting of the committee' will be held tomorrow to make up the roll of dele, gates and distribute the tickets of ad- COLONEL T. F. WINT IS AGAIN PROMOTED The Former Scrantonian Is Recom mended for Appointment as Brigadier General. D.v Kxrluih Wire (rom The Artotlated l'rc. Washington, Juno !). The president today sent the following nominations tu the senate; To bo major generals, Brig-adler-General John M, Bates; Brigadier-General George V. Davis. To be brigadier generals; Colonel Theodore F, Wlut, Sixth cuvalry, Colonel Frank p, Buldwin, Twenty-seventh Infantry; Colonel Jesse M. Lee, Thirtieth Infan try; Colonel William II. Hurler, assist ant adjutuut general. Colonel Theodore Wlnt Is a native of this city and Is at present engaged In actlvo service In the Philippine Islands. Ho has an honorable military career and has performed efficient service both In China and In the Philippines. mission to the convention hall. Each delegate will he given a reserved seat and a certain number of admission tickets. Should Pennypuckcr bo nominated Sena tor Quay wilt bo elected chairman of the slate committee und direct the state campaign this fall. Chairman Rcodcr Is an Klklnito and wilt retain the chnlrninnslilp If his favorite win. The Etklnltrs cl.iltn to have a majority land delegates who are Instructed for Elkln would support the Phlladelphlan. A Delegate Missing. There was much excitement among the Elkin managers tonight over the discovery that one of the Instructed del egates from Luzerne county was miss- Inr. und tinfnnrllft tdtr n rntinrf 'nc nil "0 ....V. .ltllllbUIU.l.V L,JW.k Quay.s headquarters and good natured ly demanded the return of the delegate. Tho senator said he knew nothing about the delegate and later tho absentee turned up at Elkln's headquarters with a story that he had been out to spend tho evening with friends. Elkin's Strength. Tho Elkln committee on organization and reception issued the following statement late tonight: The committeo has received information from delegates on tho ground and by telegram from those on the way hoie, j which shows that John P. Elkin lias posi tively pledged to him more than two hundred votes. Mr. Elkin wll bo nomi nated on tho Hist ballot. (Signed) Frank B. McClain, Chairman. John S. Fisher, Secretary. Howard Lyon, one of the delegates from Lycoming county, who was elect ed without instructions, is out in a statement tonight pledging his vote to Elkln. George T. Fish, one of the Bucks' county delegates, has also declared for Elkln. His four colleagues recently signed a Pennypaeker pledge. The Elkln managers claim to have received a joint telegram tonight from Recorder John R. Murphy and Samuel C. Grier, delegates from Allegheny City, pledging the votes of the six dele gates from that city. The Pennypaeker and Watres dele gates will hold a Joint caucus tomorrow night in the board of trade auditorium. The Elkin delegates will caucus at the same time In the hall of the house of representatives. FIVE PERISH IN FIRE AT SARATOGA The Arcade and the Citizens' Na tional Bank Block and Other Property Destroyed. By Escluslve Wire from The Associated Press. Saratoga, N. Y June 9. Fire early today destroyed tho Arcade and the Citizens' National bank block and the Shackelford building, and caused the loss of five lives. The dead are: MRS. ELIZABETH M, MAUEE, suffo cated and body rescued by firemen. MRS. SARAH OWENS, burned to death, body recovered. DAVID HOWLAND, burned to death, body recovered, MRS. DAVID ROWLAND, burned to death, body recovered, , MISS FARRINGTON. burned to death, body still in tho ruins. Chief Engineer Ellas Chadwlck was severely injured rescuing people from the building and tonight his condition is critical. The property loss is estimated at $300,000, with Insurance of $225,000, The Arcade property was to have been sold at partition sale on June 12. It Is owned by the Shoemaker estate of Cincinnati, and Benjamin J, Goldsmith, of this place. Tho exact origin of the fire has not yet been discovered, David Howland was 75 years old. Ho wns a civil war veteran, member of Post Luther M. Wheeler, No, 92, G, A. R., and Janitor of grand army hull in the Arcado building. WRIGHT SEEKS TO END STRIKE The Labor Commissioner Has Plans for Brincilno About Amic able Settlement. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT ANXIOUS FOR PEACE Commissioner Wright Will Investi gate the Situation and Report to the White House Mr. Mitchell Will Meet Mr. Wright in New York Senator Hanna Said to Have Been Interested in the Move ment in the Interest of Peace. By Exclusive Wire fran The Associated Fresn. New York, June 9. A great deal of Interest wns manifested in Wall street today over the arrival of Carroll D. Wright, United States commissioner of labor, who is hero under Instructions from the president to see what can be done with propriety by the government to bring to an end tho coal strike, Mr. Wright was seen at the Hotel Manhat tan today and made this statement of the objects of his visit: Tho object of my coming here Is pretty well known, owing to information given out at Washington, but to tell just what I'm going to do, or who I am going to sec, might seriously interefcre with the official investigation, nnd I am not going to do that. I shall remain hete in Now York though, and will discuss routine matters concerning tho Inquiry with members of my department. I am sim ply carrying out tho provisions ofr tho organic laws under which tho labor bureau is operated, which, In a nutshell, nre described in the law as follows: "Section 7 The commtisloner of labor Is also specially charged to investigate the causes of and facts lending to all controversies and disputes between tho employer nnd the employes as they may occur, and which may tend to Interfere with the welfaro of tho peoplo of tho different states. "Section 8 He Is also authorized to mako hpeclnl reports on particular sub jects whenever required to do so by the president or either houses of congress, or when he shall think the, subject lit his charge requires it." By these clauses, you see, I have a right to take up an investigation In tho coal strike. The provision of tho laws of 189S, quoted in some of the papers, refers to common carriers, and Is not applicable to this matter. Of course, I cannot Inter fere or act as arbitrator or pacificator. Arbitration Is within the province of the Civic Federation. Although possessing no power under existing conditions, as a patriotic citizen, President Roosevelt is interested in set tling this trouble. He ennnot interfere, but can advise and suggest, and the offi cial investigation may rrvenl things in the situation which have not as yet been touched upon In the general report and upon which he mny bo able to act. He wants alt the Information obtain able, and all tho energies of my depart ment are being directed to that end. Maybe wo may bo able to discover some thing below the surface. I shall hold a conference this afternoon with my men and don't anticipate that I shall have any trouble in getting tho Information asked for. Attitude of Operators. Mr. Wright had not visited the an thracite coal presidents up to a late hour today. All the presidents who were seen said of the strike situation that there was absolutely nothing new In it. One of them replied to a ques tion: "All I have to say Is contained In the five words 'Situation remains about tho same,' " Concerning the proposed investigation by Mr. Wright, all the presidents prac tically agreed In the opinion that he could do little good. If we, they said In substance, with all our knowledge of the business and the conditions, and with a sincere desire to do the best we can with the property committed to our charge, which necessarily Implies the continuance of satisfactory rela tions with our employes, can And no way of settling this question to the best advantage of all other than the plan wo are pursuing, then surely no person who is not familiar with the business can do so. The statement can be repented again on the best authority that tho operators are as firmly determined as ever to ad here to the position they have taken In regard to the strike nnd will not yield to the demands of the men. They know of no reason wlty they should and say the reasons why they could not and should not have been so fre quently stated or late that It Is not nec essary to repeat them now. With reference to the story repeated uguln today that the Delaware nnd Hudson company and tho Lackawanna company aie responsible for the refus al of the anthracite operators to make any concessions to the miners, and that but for these two companies the other operators would grant some slight con cessions, and so end the strike, the statement was made today by two of the operators that that statement or charge wub not only false but extreme ly absurd, "It Is a mutter, of fact," saldMheto operators, "If tho Jersey Central, the Reading, the Erie nnd the Lehigh Val ley roads, commonly known now as Morgan companies, wished to make any concessions to their miners they could do so. Who or what Is to prevent them doing so? What could any one else do? Rut the owners of these roads, Mr. Mor gan and his associates and the other stockholders, know their business pre sumably, and they aro apparently of tho sumo opinion as tho managers of the Lackawanna and tho Delaware and Hudson. And It should not bb forgotten thut the Vunderbllts are believed to be lurgo stockholders In the Lackawanna ns'well as In tho Delaware and Hud son, nnd some of tho other anthracite coal toads, so that If tho charge were true you would havo oiio part hf the Vandcibllt Interests allied against tho other part, which Is too absurd to con templutu. You 'am therefore depend upon what these operators have quoted that all tho anthracite coal opera tors arc a unit on this question. And that opinion Is borne out by the fact that Mr. Morgan remains In Europe, appar ently not disturbed by the situation. In fact, thereto good reason to bellovo that not only Is he not taking any part In the affair himself, but that so far as possible In- has put a stop to any well meant, but unwise, Interference of any one over whom ho has any Influence or control." Mitchell Departs for Mew York. Wllkes-Harre, June 0. President Mitchell left here at 11.03 over the Le high Valley railroad for Now York, where he will meet Carroll D. Wright, tho United States commissioner of labor at' the.Manhattnn hotel. He expects to return to this city tomorrow morning. Mr. Mitchell went to New York at the request of Mr. Wright with whom he wiut In communication this morning. When this Information became known rumors of peace were revived nnd for a while they flew thick and fast. Mr. Wright, It Is believed .will directly rep resent President Roosevelt. According to Washington dispatches Mr. Wright nnd Senator Hanna have held a confer ence with the president during the last two days on the strike situation in the anthracite field. Whether Mr. Wright carries a plan for peace Is not known at thin time. Mr. Mitchell said before leaving that he did not know what Mr. Wright wanted to see him for. It 13 not believed that the president or the commissioner of labor will Interfere because he has no au thority to do anything more than to Investigate the causes of strikes. It may be that the president wants to ob tain a thorough knowledge of the dis pute and that he wants It officially and for that reason he has sent his personal representative to New York to meet the labor representative. Sheriff Albert Jacobs this afternoon issued his formal proclamation calling upon all persons in Luzerne county to keep the peace. This was dona as a re sult of disturbances In several parts of the county during the last week. Mitchell Has Little to Say. New. York, Juno 9. President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers' union, arrived here late this afternoon, he having been pent for by Carroll D. Wright, United States commissioner of labor, who Is here investigating the anthracite coal miners' strike. Mr. Mitchell first called on Secretary Ralph M. Easley. of the National Civic Fed eration, and the two tonight went to the Manhattan hotel, where Mr. Wright Is stopping. President Mitchell went to the commissioner's room, where he remained in conference with Mr. Wright for two hours. When he left Mr. Mitchell said: "I have but little -to-saj-fnrtlieT'tllah" I have talked with Commissioner Wright and have explained to him the situation from the miners' standpoint and have told him of the causes which led up to the strike." "Was there any suggestion of a set tlement made during the Interview?" President Mitchell was asked. "No. I understood that Commission er Wright was simply seeking informa tion for an official report under the law." "Did Commissioner Wright explain to you President Roosevelt's views con cerning the trouble?" "He did not." President Mitchell said he would leave for Wtlkes-Barre late tonight or In the morning. President Mitchell, before he left the hotel was asked about the soft coal strike, but would only say that under the laws of the union when five districts petition for a convention one must be held. As to West Virginia he said: "Although our reports were Incom plete when I left Wllkes-Bnrro this morning, they showed about 18,000 miners wore out. All the mines will be closed there In a little while. I will not go there unless the situation demands It." "The operators say that they can hold out indefinitely," was suggested. "We can hold out some time our selves." Commissioner Wright says of the visit of President Mitchell: "President Mitchell has given me all the Information I wanted and It will be presented to President Roosevelt, I can say that I am now in possession of the fncts on the miners' side of the Issue nnd tomorrow I will seo the oper ators." PRESIDENT PATTON RESIGNS. Great Surprise at Princeton's 155th Annual Commencement. By Kchule Wire (rom The Associated Pre. Princeton, N, J June 9. The chief event In connection with Princeton's 155th annual commencement, as It was tho great surprise, came today In the annual meeting of the hoard of trustees when President Francis L. Patton re signed the presidency nnd Prof. Wood row Wilson, McConnlck professor of jurisprudence and polities, was elected to succeed him, When seen by tho Associated Press reporter afterwards President Patton made the following statement: "I have resigned my ofllce as presi dent of tho university because I desire to carry on my literary plans on a larg er scale than I could by remaining In the presidency, This is all there Is to say, I trust that the students will be as loyul to my successor, Prof. Wilson, us they have been to me, "I shall retain my professorship In the university In the chulr of ethics and the philosophy of religion. I have been president of the university for fourteen years. As soon us the seniors left the Cannon exercises they inarched to Dr. Ration's homo nnd for several minutes cheered liliu. Dr. Patton responding, thanked them for culling nnd urged them to be as loyal to President Wilson ns they had been to him. Then the class march ed to President-elect Wilson's home, and Prof, Wilson briefly uddressed them, saying that ho was n Princeton, man, that Ills' interests hud always been In tho university since his student days und that they would always remain thee. Jfe, stated that It' was .too early to say anything more. Prof.' Wilson "graduated front Prince ton in 1S79 and; since 1S9Q has been at tho head of the department of Juris prudence and politics. lie. to the tint J SANITARIUM PATIENTS BURNED TO DEATH layman to become president of the uni versity, all tho others having been or dained ministers. ANNIVERSARY AT WEST POINT Centennial Exercises nt Military Ac ademy Began Yesterday Will Continue Until Thursday. By tbrliitlvr Wire from Tlie Auoclated Prew. West Point, N. Y., Juno 9. The cen tennial anniversary exercises of the es tabllshment""of tho United States Mili tary academy began today and will continue until Thursday, when the present first rlass of cadets, fifty-four members will be graduated. The com mittee of officers to receive the visiting graduates Is kept busy. The first and second classes of cadets demonstrated to tho board of visitors the manner of pontoon and spar bridge building. , Xiioutenant General Nelson A. Miles arrived at 1 o'clock, and was honored with a salute. A luncheon was served in the assembly room of the Memorial hall for the graduates and former ca dets of tho military academy. The graduates met In the assembly hall, and at 3 o'clock marched to Thayer hall, preceded by the superintendent and the president of the association of gradu ates. The other graduates In the order of classes followed. The class of 1862 and all preceding classes were provided with seats on the stage. Other classes were provided with seats on the stage seated together in the body of the halt. The meeting was called to order by General John S. Mct'allmont, a gradu ate of the class of 1S42. Then followed a prayer by Rev. George Deschor, of New York city. After a selection, the "Stars and Stripes" by the Academy band, General John M. Schofleld, of tho class of 3S43, president of the associa tion of graduutes, delivered an address. At the conclusion of General Scho field's address, the band played "Tent ing on the Old Camp Ground," after which General Thomas J. Wood, class of '43, a veteran of the Mexican war, delivered an address. In which he al luded to Incidents of that memorable period. General Wood was greeted with continuous applause, after he had finished, and the band' strtfek up "Benny Havens." Then followed ad dresses by General T. H. Ruger, class of '."ii (Union) and General E. Porter Alexander, class of '57 (Confederate). The next speaker was Major E. J. 51c Clernand, class of '72, a veteran of the Spanish-American war. At the close of his address, "The Star Spangled Banner" was played and the benediction was pronounced by tho Rev. George Deschor, class of '43. Af ter the completion of the exercises, the regular annual, meeting of the Associa tion of Graduates was held in Thayer hall. PRISONERS ESCAPE. Two Desperadoes at Salem, Kill the Guards and Take to the Woods. A Posse on the Trail. P.v Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated Press. Salem. Oregon, June 9. Two desper ate prisoners, Harry Tracey, sentenced to twenty years, and David Merrill, a 13-year man serving sentences for as sault and robbery, escaped from the penitentiary after killing three guards, Frank Ferrell, shop guard; S. I. Jones and Ren, Tiffany, fencemen. The prisoners hud Just marched Into the foundry for work nt 7 a, in., when Tracy appearing suddenly with a rifle, shot Guard Ferrell, killing him almost Instantly. Ingram, a life prisoner, at tempted to take the rltlo from Tracey when Merrill shot Ingram through the lesr. Other prisoners forced at tho point of a pistol permitted the two men to climb a ladder to the wall. Getting outside they shot Gunrd Jones at a dis tance of 150 yard?. Guard Tiffany, nf ter being wounded, lenpel off the fence and followed the men, shooting at them until they killed him. The prisoners then escaped Into the woods. A posse of forty men Is out after the prisoners nnd has them located la the woods, A battle Is expected, The posse is headed by Sheriff Durbln, Sheriff-elect Colbath and (.everul oflicers from the prison, The prisoners are armed with two rifles and two revolvers, Tho arms, It Is believed, were thrown over tho stockade Sunday night by friends among excursionists who cunio from Portland, An Elkin Convention, Uy reclusive Wirt (rum Tlic .Wocluted l're. Kbeiisburg. Juiin 9. Tho Republican i utility convention met here todiiy to nominate a county tlukot and elected dele gates to tho hlato convention. Tho straight Klkin people organlzuil the con vention by tho election r John W, Kep. hart, of Kbonaburs, as chairman, aver S. W. DavlH. by a voto of Ui to !S. Tho following woru elected delegates tp tho htulo cnn-entlnn: J. ('. Stlneni.iii, South Fork; I, H, Sloan, Jesso K. U.ilo and J. Swim Taylor, or Johnstown; William Da vis of Kbeusbiii'iT, all Hlklu men, County May Pay Damages. By Exilmlve Wire from Tlie Associated Pros. Shanioklu, Juno 9, Sheriff Samuel Deltiicl;, of Northumberland county, was notllli'd today by tho Philadelphia and Mending Conl a.ud Iron company that, if, owing to his ri'tupiil to swear In deputies to protect proimrty. tho latter Is dam aged through tho btrikc, tho county will bo held llulilo fur costs, Deltrick replied ho would offer protection when It was legally neccssury. Postmaster Appointed. By Kxcluahc Wire from The AsiocUted Preo. Washington, Juua 9. The following fourth cIuhs postmaster wus appointed tod.iy; I'luk, Wayne county, A. R, Ulos-benger. Nine Men and One Woman from Inluries Received In a Fire. DI9 DELIRIOUS PATIENTS STRAPPED TO BEDS And So Rapid Was the Spread of the Flames That the Unfortunates Could Not Be Saved Thirty Per sons Are Injured Greater Por tion of the Patients Were Those Seeking Cure from -the Drink Habit Terrible Scenes at the Fire. By Kxdmlvo Wire fromTlic Ajfoclatcd PreM. Chicago, June 9. Twelve men and one woman were killed and'about thir ty persons were injured 3n a fire which this afternoon destroyed the sanitar ium conducted by the St. Luke's so ciety, at the corner of Wabash ave nue and Twenty-first street. The so ciety occupied the building, which was long known as the Hotel Woodruff, and for a brief period as the Hotel Lancast. By far the greater portion of the patients received in tho institution were those seeking cure from the drink habit and those who were-addicted to the use of drugs. When the fire broke out, there was on tho fifth floor a number of patients suffering from de lirium tremens, and some who were de ranged by drugs. Several of those were strapped to their beds and It was found Impossible to save them, so rapidly did the tire spread through the building. The list, as known at pres ent, although it is possible that the list of dead will be increased, is as fol lows: The Dead. CAROL A. CARLSON. JOSEPH HARRINGTON. SAMUEL DALSSELL. DR. J. T. STANTON. GEORGE A. RfBHlCIC. Hillsdale. Mich. WILLIAM KENT, an alderman of Chi- caco. JOHN H. KNAPMAN. MRS. M. BAUMANN. B. IT. BOYD, 78 years of age, and member of tho medical staff of tho Institution. S. J. NEWELL. The Injured. Of a large number of Injured, the following are the more seriously hurt: Michael Luby. J. B. Bishop. St. Louis. G. S. Colt, Lavcrgne, III. A. W. Wattles, badly burned on the head nnd back and Internal Injuries; wilt die. Mrs. Wilson, burned about tho body and Inhaled flames: will probably die. Mary McMannls, badly burned about tho body. J. F. Swift, jumped from third floor Into street; Injured Internally; will prob ably die. Tho fire originated in the basement of the building and spread rapidly to the upper stories through the elevator shaft. Several of the patients jumped from the windows to the pavement. The file department was on the scene within a few minutes and as the windows were filled with peoplo shrieking for help, the firemen devoted their first efforts to saving lives and allowed the fire to burn. While this was tho means of saving a largo number of people, who were carried down the lad ders by the firemen, it gave the nro such headway that there was almost no chance for those on the upper floors of the building to make their escape, and such of them as were not suffo cated were killed or badly injured by leaping from the windows, After the fire wan over,, the police arrested William Lunahan, the engi neer; Lee Seymour, the fireman of the building, and another man. The po lice have the Idea that the Are may have originated from the mismanage ment of the gasolene plant, and took the men Into custody. Steamship Arrivals. By F.xelnme Wire from The Auoeliled Pr. Now York. Juno 9. Arrived: Lnhn, Ge noa and Naples; Ethiopia. Glasgow; DoutEchlaiid, Humburg and Shields. Cleared: Princess Victoria Louise, Hum burg via Plymouth nnd Cherbouig. Sagres Passed: Hohenzollern, New York for Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa. Lizard Passed: Now York for Rotterdam. Havru Arrived: La Gacojne, New York, Cherbourg Arrived: Kronprlm Wllhelni, Now York via Plymouth for Bremen. Sailed: Frelderlch d Grosse (from Bre men), Now York. Gibraltar Sailed: Trave from Genoa and Naples, New York. President Leaves for West Point. By i:icluslu Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Juno 9. The president wllf leave hero tomorrow night at midnight over tho Pennsylvania railroad in a spe, clal train for West Point where he wljl' attend tho contenlal exercises. The fo- K lowing will constitute tho party; Tho president, Miss draw, Secretary Root, Postmaster Genorul Payne, Secretary Moody, Secretary Cortolyou, General Young, General Leonard Wood, Cotynel. T. A. Bingham, Dr, Urle, stenographer, in id two messengers. -f WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, June 9. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday ; L'ast orn Pennsylvania Fair, w armor Tuesday, probably showers and cooler at night or Wednesday hi north, and on Wednesday in south -t- portion; fresh winds mostly south. 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