''. tt: S- THE SCRANTON TillfcUNE-MONDAY JUNti 0, 1902. The News of Cadbondale at THE GAME CALLED. Crescents nijtl; Susqttohanna Teams Vanquished by Jupiter JPluvlus, at Susquehanna, on Saturday Two Innings Played Other Ball Games. Juniter Ptuvtus' mood on fin tu relay broke up thn .gntnc between the Ores cents nilrt tlie Bttsquennniui icuiii Susniiohannn. The game was abruptly ended In the second Inning, with the score 2-1. The Crescents easily made two runs In the first Inning. In the next the rnln in terfered with tjip Crescents' handling of tlio ball 'I'liul 'IhVillnt! from 'the cnpl tnl nt the ttrlo's .Tcrferson division suc ceeded In getting one run a. sort of present from his majesty,, the storm king. It was -worse than n shame, nfter our "Pots" Journeying" to" Susquehanna and a victory In sight, to bo-prevented from finishing the ruuio. Hotter luel: Is hoped for next time, as Susquehanna, looks like "easy money." O'Garrn. formerly of this city, pitched against Curbondnlc, He showed much of his old-time Cleverness. " The Sus quehanna people have won the ever lasting respect and admiration of the c'rosiinntM fm1 their pnortsmnnllke methods during the ball pa me and their kind hospltullly afterwards. Nothing was too good for the Carbondulo boys, and It Is hoped that another opportun ity to finish the contest for base ball supremacy may present Itself soon. The names of the players and those who accompanied them are as follows: "Walter Loftus, Owen McAndrew, P. Kclleher, .lames Mctlale, James Gul lughy, James' "Murray, Gus Cuff, "Will Hull. John Harte, P. F. Fox, Clarence Mcllalc. Frank Frillies, Wescott, Ger ald McIIale. Cycle Men's Scorching Game. If anyone should Inquire, yon can say that the Curbondnlc Cycle members are some "shucks" as ball .players. For proof, first read the score of the game, on Saturday and then ask the Ontario and Western firemen, clerks and "Rail road Jack," alias "Policeman Jack," the mascot, about It. The "It" happened on Saturday after noon on historic Duffy's field, when the Cycle club made a scorching run and when It was over the score was 12-3. The firemen thought they were switch Ins cars and that's how the ".I" came on the scorer's card. The name was a warm one, and the crowd had much to make rinlse about, oven though "Railroad Jack" was down 'ir. the mouth and refused to eat a yard of sod for Tom Diiffy. Smith and Duggau wore the Cycle men's crack battery, and Drum and Robinson stood for the compliments of the railroad men for not winning. After the game. Rates, bought' the soda water for tho.erawd. He was celebrating over his luffc: bo 'made a three-base hit. Smith, Smith of the mighty arm and lightning speed, pitched a splendid game, and struck out so many men that the other players had no work to do. St. Alqysius Team Walloped. AVlritcresting'same of base ball, de spite the one-sided score, took place on Sandy's field Saturday afternoon, when the Kxcelslors, of Welsh Hill, walloped the St. Aloyslus team by a score of 20 to 3. . The Excelsiors nlnyed fast ball nil through the game, and the St. Aloyslus Old not have a show of coming out abend of the game. John Conai'tpft. of the Kxcelslors, es pecially distinguished himself with the stick, hitting the ball for one three base hit and a homo run. John Harrett and Thomas Polond played the best game for the St. Aloy FlllS. The score lly. Innings was: st. Aloyslus a i i o i ft o n n s Kxceliilnrs 3 14 0 2 13 0 020 The Kxcelslors' team was as follows: John Purccll, o.j Dugermnn. p.: John 'nnurton, s.s.; Joseph Common, lb.; IMward Fox. 2b.; Kdward Conarlon, Kb.; Harney lli-pnimn, l.f.j Walsh, c.f. ; Murphy, r.f.j Conarton, s.c. The St. AJnyslus: Kdward Golden, c.j 'onvey, p.; Unit, s.s.: Joseph Alannlon, lb.: Mnrau,' 2b,: Mohr, 3b,; Tucker, l.f.; li.-irrctt. c.f.; T. Hart, r.f. The, Kust.S.lde Craekerjaeks walloped the Scuih Side base ball team on Sandy's Held, Saturday afternoon, by a (core of 21-.',. Hart, McAndrew and "'erdy were th" battery for the South Side, and Carroll and Mofllt for the "Cranks." Tlie Peach Hill Rushers sent the Kx celslors homo in sorrow. The se-ore was T-r.. The game was played on the brick yard grounds, and furnished plenty of excitement for the crowd. Courtney and Uuggun were the Rushers' battery, and Conarton and Murphy acted In the same capacity for the Kxcelslors, Bartenders to Piny Scranton Men. The bartenders at Caibondale are to play the bartenders of Sernntop in this e'lty on Tuesday afternoon, An after noon ;or; sp'oi't Is anticipated, whether or not the best uinne Unit was ever played Is put. up. The Caibondale players will be na follow: McUonough, c,; Smith, p.; fVHourke, h.s.; Hlgglus, lb,; Nealon, lb.;, WJU-.McNuUy, .'lb.; (lenity, r.f.; JWIIl Uenjey. I.ri: lluddy, c.f,; Becker, j-'.o,; James Thompson, Oscar Hep fcker,' .Martin Connor and Pete Farrell im the bench In red sweaters. ; T)o High School team Is after the Cycle club and will play this afternoon, Jriie High School players are under the Impression that (hey will glvo the Cycle men tho first real game of tho season, and are prepared to put up a j-enl live contest. The Carbo'ndnlo' Metal Working com Jiany", hankering for a ehrinco to get back at the Cnrbondolo Machine com pany, Issued n challenge hist week for another game, Tho challenge has been nccepted and the contest will take plaeo ho beginning of next week on Duffy's field. A same that' will be worth n Rood-Blued crowd and a full quota of enthusiasm. May leave Us. The Susquehanna people were so favojably Impressed by the playing ability a.nd'd.epjirtment of the Crescents on Saturday that It Is probable their efforts to secure tho, members of our team to Join their organization will be Buccessf ul., The players particularly de elrablo aro Captain Cuff, Second Base man Murray and, Pitcher McAndrew, i . '-t Burfep Has His lUUrty, Domnlck,I3urlte,wJio UUeUer.known as "Topsy" Burke. Is at liberty again, after several weeks' Incarceration in the coun ty jail, on the charge of assaulting a young girl frqni, Jtrmyn. His was the . .i . ..'; ... , sensational case which was nlred In Al-derlnnti-.ldne"onlce sonic weeks ngo. Uurko was committed without brill, but In tho meantime attempts were tilado to effect his release, hill without success until Friday. Thn court fixed his ball nt tl mm tl nee i.n llm i-ltinnl iikuiiiiII elirnirn and $.100 for linnet smutting an olllcer. V'M-f ward lltll'kc, his lit other, was accepted as bondsman. SOCIAL CLUB DISBANDS. Tho Centennial Club Vacates Booms for the Summer Months. The Centennial Social club, which was made up of well known young men and conducted several of the smartest socials In Carbondulo the past season, has disbanded, The quarters which were In the Lead er building were vacated on Saturday. Tho furnishings were stored uwuy un til the fall, when an effort will be made to reorganize tho club. The strike wits prlmnrlly responsible for the dlsbandmcut of this successful organization. Most of the members were affected from different sources when the miners ceased work, and the club became so depleted through mem bers leaving town that tho club censed to be self-supporting. The few who re mained regretfully decided to disband. The club was organized by a few so cial spirits during the days of Carbon dale's semi-centennial festivities last September, and took Its name from that celebration. SODALITY RECEPTION AT ST. ROSE CHURCH Beautifully Improssivo Ceremoniea Mark One of the Most Significant Events in Sodality's History Ser mon by Rev. P. J. Boland of Scran ton. One of the most significant events In the history of the Ulessed Virgin Mary's Sodality of St. Rose church took place last night when 230 candidates were re ceived Into full membership with the beautifully Impressive ceremonies that mark a sodality reception. Just prior to the services the sodality members and the candidates marched In u procession from the church base ment to the places assigned them in the beautiful edifice. The remainder of the pews were occupied by the congrega tion which crowded the unreserved sea tings. Very Rev. T. F. Coffey, V. O., pastor of St. Rose, conducted tlie ceremonies. While the candidates were receiving the blue ribbon, the livery of the con fraternity, the sodality, with Miss Alice Uridgett at tlie organ, sang a number of hymns. The altar of the Blessed Virgin had been converted into a beautiful shrine, and was radiant with flowers, glowing sanctuary lamps and blazing tapers. The sermon was delivered by Rev. P. J. Roland, assistant priest at St. John's church, South Scranton. It was an eloquent discourse, that, prayerfully urged the sodalists' devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, their patron and proteetoress. "The 'reception was highly gratifying to the pastor, Very Rev. T. F. Coffey, and thu assistant priests of St. Hose, for the number received, 230, was as largo as admitted ut any one time since the sodality was organized, and the largest in a number of years. Tlie fruit of the labors of the three priests and the effects of the recent mission were happily manifested. The out-of-town priests who were present in the sanctuary were: Rev. John J. GrKIln, 'ScrnntDn, chancellor of the diocese; Rev. M. K. I.oftus, Green Ridge; Rev. J. W. Holmes, North Scranton; Rev. T. J. Commerford, Arehbnld; Rev. J. J. Dunn, Jermyn; Kev. Richard Walsh, Forest City: Rev. Walter Gorman and Rev. ueorgc Dixon, St. Rose. ALDERMAN MORRISON LOW. Ho Is Hardly Expected to Survive Another Day. Alderman William Morrison, who has been a victim of grip for three weeks, pneumonia developing in tho meantime, is in a'v dying condition. I.nte last night it was announced by Dr. William Morrison that his father's condition was so low It was feared he could not recover; It was oven doubtful If he could survive more than a day, perhaps not through tho night. The change that Indicated that dis solution was approaching, came at noon yt-sterdny. The temperature arose des pite repeated applications of Ice packs by Dr. Morrison, himself, who has worked over his father with the heroic devotion of a son for the past week. The pulsations Increased so that they could not be counted and the respira tion went up to seventy. Rvery heroic remedy known to science has been em ployed by Dr. Morrison; oxygen, In jections of salt solutions and the most powerful heart stimulants, but to no avail; the pneumonia has increased un til there Is no hope of a rally. This will be extremely depressing news for the legion of friends of tho patient, who Is one of tho most promin ent citizens of Curbondnle, who were .filled with tho hope of his recovery. WITH THE SICK. S. N, Hallcy in 111 ut ids homo on Ca iman street T, K. Swingle, tliu Park .street mer chant, Is regaining In strength after u severe illness of several weeks, Vera Fassett Is dangerously ill ut the homo of Mr, and Mrs. J, P. A, Tiiigley, on Washington street. Frederick II, Fan. sett, esq,, her uncle, of Tiuikhumiock, camn hero on Saturday to visit her, Kdward Knapp, of Camian street, who has been dangerously III for several weeks, Is slightly Improved, More Young Men Leave, James Campbell, of Terrace street, em ployed In tlie blaeksmlthlng shop of tho Delaware and Hudson company until the strike, has left for Home, N, y where he lias secured employment, James McAllister, of Mirny's court, has secured employment In Cleveland, O,, whence he left on Friday, Gone to Convention. William Collins, Initniclar of dancing, left last night for New Vork cjty, to at tend' the masters of dancing- reinvention, which opens today, Mr. Collins will bo absent ten duys. To Depart on European Tour,, Mrs. James Solomon, wife of Select Councilman Solomon, of tho Sixth ward, and daughter, Gladys, uiul Miss Nannie Mitchell, of Helmout street, le'avei tomor row. for Now York city, from whenco they will eull on Wednesday for Kuglund. They will spend several weeks in Corn wall, after which they will tour the British Isles. They will return In September. PRESIDENT NICHOLLS .HERE. Addressed the United Mine Work ers in Their Quarters, Saturday Night. District President Nlcholls, of the United Mine Workers, was It) Carbon date on Saturdny evening, In company with District Vlce-Prcsldctit Adam IIIb envage, of Plymouth, President Nlcholls Was at tho Harri son limine early In the evening, and later he addressed n meeting of the United Mine Workers In their bend qiittrters In tho Leader building. He snld that his visit concerned the four Delaware and Hudson engineers who have remained nt work, but he would not say whnt phase of the situation wits dealt with or discussed, The local unions, or members of them, appear to be greatly concerned over tho notion of tho four men who are still at work, and committees have been active tho past week In their endeavors to have the quartette desert their posts. So far they have been unsuccessful, though various Influences have been put to work to effect tills purpose. SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST B0NNETTI Mrs. Joseph Heap, of Park Street, Says He Broke Into Her House for Purpose of Assaulting Her Bon netti in Jail. "Mike" Bonnettl, the Italian fruit dealer, whose market Is In the Anthra cite building, Is In tho city Jail, and will be given a trlul before Alderman At kinson at 0 o'clock this forenoon, on serious charges made by Mrs. Joseph Heap, of Park street, who alleges ho broke Into her house for the purpose of assaulting her. Bonnetti's arrest, which took place early last evening, was somewhat sen sational. He came to the Heap resi dence about 6.30 o'clock, and after ho made his way into the house Mrs. Heap engaged him In conversation until her niece could telephone to Constable Moran, who has had a warrant for Bonnettl's arrest since Inst Tuesday night. On that night, according to Mrs. Heap, or shortly after midnight, Bon netti broke Into her residence, or at least attempted to enter the house. He broke a window,- but was frightened or driven off by Mrs. Heap and her niece. The next day a warrant was sworn out before Alderman Atkinson by Mrs. Heap. Bonnettl was not faken in the meantime. Last night, about 6.30, he re-appeared at the Heap residence and it was while he was in conversation with his accuser that Constable Moran was called to the scene to servo the warrant. Two charges are against Bonnetti attempt assault and burglary. Bonnetti or Bonnett, as he is called, has been conspicuous in police and al dermnnlc circles ever since his locating in the town. Aside from the charge of airs. Heap, his record is not unblem ished. He has a wife and six children, with whom he lived in the Italian set tlement on Belmont street. Mrs. Heap Is a widow, her husband having died recently. Will Meet Tuesday Night. It Is earnestly hoped that the members of the High School Alumni association will bear in mind that there will be ii meeting in the central school building to morrow evening, commencing at 7.30, and arrange their time so as to be present. It Is tho sentiment of a number to have reunion exercises and a banquet this year but to decide on the project a good-sized attendance of the members will be necessary. Will Change Quarters. T. V. Walker & Company, of South Main street, are preparing to change quarters, and will move In a few weeks into the McAndrew building, which ad joins, and which is practically com pleted. Tho upper floors will be occupied by tho Knights of Columbus and will afford splendid quarters when ready for occupation. Drive Through York State. Select Councilman D. W. Humphrey and J. J. nieglcruth, proprietor of "Tho Fair," will leave this morning on a trip to Midillctown, N. Y where one of tho hitter's several stores is located, They will drive the whole distance, to and fro, nnd will go via llawley and nlong the Delaware. ' The Up-to-Date Club. " The l'p-to-I)nto Hook club was enter tained on Friday evening at the homo of Miss Grace IJngley, on Canaan street. An evening of pleasant entertainment and prollluble discussion of works of fiction was passed by the progressive young la dles who make up the club's membership. Scranton Men at Smoker. Among the out-oftown Woodmen at the smoker of Crystal camp were: II. J. Waller. James A. Cannon, Daniel Dewey and John 1,. I,. Ilenton. of Scranton; K. F. Wormer, of Wllkes-liarre: J. B. tlrlf llth, of Jermyn; T, A. Surdtim, of Forest City, and R. Hocking, of Mayfleld. , Home from Wedding Tour. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward J. Healcy have returned from their wedding tour, which embraced a visit at New Vork city, Al bany and the other principal cities of Now York state. They will be nt home after a few weeks In a pleasantly-located homo on Upper Dimduff streot. Carbondallan to Be Ordained. Rev. Kdward Ilurke, son of Mr, and Mrs. K. 1. Burke, or this city, will be ordained to the priesthood In St. Peter's athedral, Scranton, the latter part of this month. Mr. Uurko has just com pleted his theological studleB at St. Mary's seminary, Baltimore. Meetings of Tonight. Common council. Olive I.enf lodge. No. 156, Odd Fellows. Federal union, No, 720-1. Patriotic Order Sons of America. Carliondiilo council, Knights of Columbus, THE PASSING THRONG, George Hunt Is visiting frloiuls In Scott. W. W. liurdtek, of Riverside, Is spend ing a few days In town. Kdltor Jones, of tho Olypbant Record, spent yesterday in Curbondnlc, Andrew Hrceze, nf Locust streot, has returned home, after culling on Plttston friends. Frank P. Duitcklee, of Alanuigordo, Now Mexico, visited (Mrbondulo friends over Sunday, T. J, Skinner, of Teiruco Htrcot, Is In Uellwood, wliern ho lias secured tempor ary employment. Patrick I.ogun, of Scranton, Is visiting nt tho homo of bis niece, Mrs. A. Hughes, on Gordon avenue. Nathan Armstrong, has returned to Schenectady, N. Y., and resumed his po sition ut the Kdlsou electrical works. Mrs. H. Singer, of South Main street, bus arrived homo nfter a few days vlblt with her son, Dr, B. Ii. Blngcr, of Phlla delphla. Michael Scanlon. of fowderly street, (oft for Paterson, N. J., where ho Intends DON'T DELAY. It is "Putting Off "Till Some Other Day that Causes so Many Sudden Deaths, If Its for tho kidneys, Hver, bladder or blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia, chronic constipation, or tho weaknesses peculiar to women, the most efficient mcdlclno known to the medical profession Is Dr, David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and a very simple way to find out if you need It, is to put norno urine In a glass tumbler and let it stand 34 hours ; if It has a sedi ment or n milky, cloudy appearance, if it is ropy or stringy, pale or discolored, you do not need a physician to tell you that your kidneys and bladder aro badly affected, The Rev. Theodore Hunter, pastor of tho Presbyterian Church, Greensburg, Ky,, writes us tho following : "Itgivesmemuch pleasure to state that I havo received great benefit from the use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Some time ago I had asevero attaolc of kidney trouble, 'butafewbottlesof 'Favorite Remedy' r have entirely removed the malady." "Favorite Remedy" speedily cures such dangerous symptoms as pain in the baclc.frequent desire to urinate.especially at night, burning scalding pain in passing water, thostainlngof linen by your urine. It is for sale by all druggists in the NOW SO Oeht Size and the regular $1 .00 size bottles less than a cent a dose. Sample hotIt enough for trial, free by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Pr. DarlA Kennedy's Salt Rbcnm Cream cure! 014 Horei, Skin an Scrofulom DUcisei. COc. to make bis homo for tho summer mouths. Miss Kmma Taylor and brothers, Ar thur nnd Hugh, spent Saturday at the home of their brother, Joseph Frank, In Scranton. Miss Mabel Edwards, a former resident of this city, now of Denver, Col., Is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Mary Edwards at her homo on Park street. Mr. and Mrs. II. ("5. Humphreys, of New York city, are visiting at the home of tlio former's aunt, Mrs. Margaret Davis, on Iirooklyn street. Mrs. James O'Brien and daughter, Helen, of Onconta, N, Y., who have been visiting the former's brother, Lawrence Burke, havo returned home. Lawrence Burke, of Pike street, who has been visiting friends In Scranton and Pittston, has returned home, accompanied by his cousin, Miss l.orclta Burke, of Pittston. JERMYN AMHHAYFIELD. The Jermyn Boys' brigade attended church last evening as usual. The col onel, John Bolton, of Olypbant. having gone to Scotland, they have secured the services of Mr. Gilligan, of Mayfleld. Miss Jennie Greenslode, of Cemetery street, was a Wllkes-Barre visitor j-cster-day. Messrs. Bishop and Spelcher, of Arch bald, were visitors In town yesterday. Thomas Quinn, of North Main street, has gone to Bradford county, where he has secured employment. Miss Maggie Vnn Goreler, of Meshop pen, and Miss Lizzie Robinson, of New York, aro visiting friends at Mayfleld. Tho Brothers of Mayfleld defeated tlio drum corrs of tho South Side, Carbon dale, in n game of base ball Saturday, the score being C to 5. Batteries Carbon dale, Hodglns and Bradley; Mayfleld, Nlcols and Parry. Willlo Phillips and Henry Meyers have accepted positions at Ilcndrlck's factory, Carbondalo. James Sullivan, of Vandllng, was a caller in town Saturdny. Robert Cox, of Carbondalo, was a vis itor In town yesterday. Mrs. Patrick Monahan and Mrs. John Cain, of Second street, aro visiting rela tives at Centralia. OLYPHANT A one-story frame building used as a barber shop and known as tho "Manway" on Dunmoro street, was destroyed by lira at 1.30 yesterday morning. An alarm from box 18 quickly brought tho Excelsiors to the sceno and extinguished tho flames. The building was owned by Hugh Dug gau. On account of tho grounds being in wet condition tho Browns did not go to Honcsdulo on Saturday. Instead thny played tho strong Young Men's Institute team from Jcssup and defeated them by n score of 2 to D. Savage pitched for three Innings and struck out soven men, Phillips was also given a trial in the box and showed up well. The Excelsior company has decided to purchase u new hose wagon nt a cost of $."00. With this addition the company will bo one of tho best equipped In this sec tion. Pearl Ackcrly Is visiting relatives In Justus. Tho officers nf the I.ndy Ellon Penman I.odgo of Rebckah wero Installed on Saturday nlKht py District Deputy Hughes, of Cnrbondale, After tho in stallation a social session was hold. A number of members of tho order from out of town were present. T. F. CUbboiiH has accepted n position as salesman for a Scranton firm. Charles O'Boyle, of Dunmoro street, has gono to Now York. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. debhard, of Jer myn, were the guests of Mr, nnd Mrs. J. W. Patten yesterday. Miss Mary Wood, of Avoca, Is visiting Miss Nellie McAndrew, of Scotch street. Mrs. A. W. Ilenscnter, of Cnrbondale;' ei.cm ji-aiuruuy wiin ner parents in Iilultely. PECKVILLE. Messrs. Prank Richards and Charles Mack left yesterday for Chicago, III,, in search nf employment, Thieves gained entrnnco Into tho store, room of II, J, CummlnES general store on Sunday morning and secured nearlv n ton of flour. The lock was broken. 'No trace of the thieves has been found. Water has been turned on at tho public fountain. A dipper should now be pro. .vldcd for tho fountain. Mr. and Atl-M. W. .T Hrrtml cn, 1VI., field, and Harry lfenrj- npeiit yesterday pear Wayinart, Mr. Harry CJard hns returned nfter spending a few days at Niagara Falls. The und Sunday sciols will run an excursion to -I.ako I.odore, June 20, This Is tho only excursion booked from tills place to nny summer resort so fur tills season, Tho excursion should bo well pa tronized. S. W, Arnold and William Ooyuo reT turned Friday from u llsblng trip ut Slcklei's pond, ARCHBALP. Miss Jennie Harris, of Peckvllle, was a Visitor in town Friday. Miss Bertha Culjuway Is visiting rein, tlves In Scranton. Tho children of tho Presbyterian Sun day school aro practicing for Children's Day. Tho exercises will bo held Suaduy evening, Juno 15. Grot-go S. Dunn, of Jermyn, was a busi ness caller In town Saturday. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh, of Monroe street, was brightened by tlio arrival of a young daughter. K. T. Phllbhi was a caller In Carbondalc, Saturday. ' Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping Center t Announcement During the months of July and August Connolly & Wallace will follow the custom established by them two years ago, and will close their store at noon on Saturdays. WILL YOU share with us the privilege of in augurating in Scranton shorter hours for business? During the hot months of July t k. and August shopping in the morning will help very much. Will you bear this in mind? Besides, the store service is better then. The most willing hands become tired by the end of the week, the clearest heads grow heavy. It is, then, not what salespeople would like to do do, but what they can do. If a Saturday half holiday (which isi'F tually a full day, from 12 noon to 9.30 p. m., our usual business hours on Saturday), of rest and recreation will bring our peopW back on Monday morning to the store fresher and stronger, we shall be fully repaid for the day of business we give up each week. We have closed in this manner now for two years, and so far we have heard no crit icism of the move, plenty of endorsement. Our effort to bring about a shorter work ing week during the hot months for the thous ands of people employed in stores, must soon bear fruit. Other stores are beginning to fall in line and it is only a question of time before it will be general. It means so little to the women who shop. , It means so much, so very much to those who work. The women of Scranton can dp much by helping the earlier closing movement. It now depends on them. The merchants are willing. All you have to do is to stop shop ping at 12 o'clock noon on Saturday. Is this a hardship? Would not a little thoughtful ness in planning your day's work accomplish it? And is it not worth while? Think what it means in the way of sim ple pleasure to the women and men who serve you and supply your needs in the thousand and one calls you make on them. In the simple matter of every-day living,just consider what this small act of thoughtful consideration from you means. At home at noon on Saturday. A whole day in which to freshen themselves, to throw off the cares of the day, to prepare in leisure for any little festivity they may have on hand. You, who have all your time at your own disposal, can hardly realize all that this half holiday means. But try to imagine yourself in their place. Picture yourself as going through their routine for one day. Then you will know. Cannot we instantly bring about a general early closing movement by all stores? What a fine thing it would be if every store were actually deserted of shop pers at the magic hour of 12 noon on Satur days during July and August. Some customers, conversing in the store a few days ago on the Saturday half-holiday subject, remarked that "Con nolly & Wallace lead and the others follow." It matters little who leads in the early closing, the big thing Is that a store can close nowadays at noon on Saturday and lose none of its business. ' We are glad that some other stores have decided to close, because we believe it is the right thing to do that customers are as much benefitted in the better service they receive from the salespeople as the salespeople are benefitted In a physi cal and mental way. Connolly & Wallace f i tit,j $ Jitf ays