The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 09, 1902, Image 1

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Hlorts to Break the fllle
olicmj Delegation Have -Failed.
Congressman Connell Believes That
Mr. Elkin Will Win the Nomina
tion Upon Tirst Ballot Opinions of
General Fleitz and Party Leaders
Representing Ninety Per Cent, of
the Republican Counties The El
kin Sentiment Without Parallel.
Supporters of the Pennypacker
Movement Exhaust All Efforts to
Secure Help from Allegheny.
Editorial Correspondence of The Tribune.
Hanisburg, Juno S. Congressman
Connell arrived In the city this evening.
When asked what he thought of the
situation, he said: "I have gone over
the situation carefully with Attorney
General Elkin and his friends, and am
satisfied that ho will win the nomina
tion on Wednesday. The people have
taken up his tight and they will be
here in large numbers to demand that
he s-hould be the candidate. The claims
of the opposition arc without founda
tion and are Intended as a campaign
bluff. The combined strength of the
Pennypneker and Watios forces at this
time docs not exceed 150 votes. Mr.
Elkin has' made a clean, manly, vigor
ous light before the people and his
nomination, in my opinion, will
strengthen the ticket this fall."
-Deputy Attorney General Fleitz: "1
have never had any doubt of the re
sult from the beginning. The victory
In Tioga county, where the issues were,
well defined and the people"""voled on
the question of Elkin or Pennypacker,
convinced me that I was right. The
wonderful showing made by Mr. Elkin
In yesterday's primaries simply cinched
the victory. The sentiment of the state
is so emphatic for Elkin that there
never has 'been any question about his
Expressions similar in kind have
been made by party leaders represent
ing ninety per cent, of the Kepubllcan
counties of the state. The sentiment
for Elkin hero Is without parallel In the
history of Pennsylvania contests. Noth
ing like It is remembered by the oldest
Allegheny county's solid support of
Elkln's candidacy constitutes what In
everybody's opinion will be the decisive
factor. The supporters of the Penny
packer movement exhausted every re
source In their efforts to break Into
the Allegheny delegation and failed,
Their failure ends the light. Friends of
Elkin will organize the convention, and
Elkin will be nominated. There will be
but one ballot. .
l.lvy S. Itlchurd.
Even the Watres Supporters
Hopeful Allegheny Holds
ance of Power.
By Inclusive Who from Tlie Associated I'm
Harrlsburg, Pa June 8. "The nom
ination of Judge Pennypacker Is as
certain as it Is thnt there will be n roll
call Wednesday," said Insurance Com
missioner Durham tonight In speaking
of the contest for the Republican nom
ination for governor.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Grlest, who Is assisting in the manage
ment of the campaign of Attorney Gen
eral Elkin, said:
".Mr. Elkin will be nominated on the
first ballot, Jf there was ever any doubt
as to tho outcome of this contest, the
result of yeserday's primary elections
should remove that doubt."
Judge Pennypacker and General El
kin are the leaders In the battle for
governor and these statements are sam
ples of the claims of each side. Friends
of ex-Lloutenunt Governor Wutres,
who is also a candidate, claim he holds
tho balance of power and that his
chances ure us good'as either of his op
ponents. Much depends on the thirty-six dele
gates from Allegheny county and un
til they Indicate their choice It is con
ceded that the result will be In doubt,
Pennypacker Is sure of the eighty-six
delegates from his home county of
Philadelphia, while Elkin is backed by
a majority of the delegates outside of
Philadelphia and Allegheny counties,
Watres hus behind him the delegates
from Lackawanna and several smaller
Judge Pennypacker's campaign Is be
ing directed by .Commissioner Durham
and Senators Quay and Penrose, who
liuvo leused u private resldenco for
headquarters during the convention,
Elkin is managing his own campaign
with the assistance of State Chairman
Iteeder, Secretary Grlest and other
members of the state administration.
Colonel Wutres will be here tomorrow
to take personal direction of his forces.
The stato committee will meet on
Tuesday to make up tho roll of dele
gates and select tho temporary ofllccrs
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of the convention. Senator Penrose Is
the choice of tho Pennypacker adher
ents for temporary chairman. Con
gressman Sibley, of Venango, will be
named by them for permanent chair
man. Neither Elkin nor Watres have
Indicated his choice for those positions.
The convention will be held In the
Grand Opera house on Wednesday and
the Indications are that the attendance
will be unusually large. Many of the
delegates have already reached here
and by tomorrow the city will be
crowded with politicians. Clubs will
come here from all over the state in the
Interest of the candidates and rival
demonstrations held by the ad
herents of each after the caucuses on
Tuesday night.
The Pennypacker managers have
rented several large halls for headquar
ters for their clubs The Elklnltes will
quarter several large clubs in the cor
ridors and committee rooms of the eap
ltol. Senators Quay and Penrose are
delegates and will look after Penny
packer's" Interests on tho floor of tho
convention. General Elkin will be sub
stituted for one of the delegates lrom
his home county of Indiana and will
lead his forces in person.
Judge Pennypacker's canvass Is en
tirely In the hands of his friends, he
will not come here for the convention.
Should Pennypacker be nominated ex
Senator William M. Brown, of taw
rente county, will probably be the
nominee for lieutenant governor. If El
kin wins, Rev. Dr. Theodore L. Flood,
of Meadvllle, may be chosen for lieu
tenant governor. Major Isaac B.
Brown, of Corry, apparently has no op
position for secretary of internal af
Commandant Conroy's Men Sang
"God Save the King" When
They Heard of Peace.
By I'xclurive Wire from The Associated Press.
Cape Town, Juno 8. The surrender of
more than 1,500 Boers has already been
reported covering various points. Com
mandant Fouche brought Into Cradock,
Cape Colony, his commando, consisting
of thirty-six Free Staters and 219 rebels.
Fouche Is ill.
Commandant Conroy's men, on hear
ing that peace had been concluded,
threw their hats In the air, cheered for
King Edward and sang "God Save the
General Christian Dc Wet Is person
ally superintending the surrender of
the Boers In the Vredefort, Orange Riv
er Colony district.
General Schalkburger, former acting
president of the Transvaal, who is the
guest of the governor of Natal, Colonel
Sir Henry Edward McCallum, at Pleter
maritzburg, in an address to the burgh
ers In the concentration camp, asked
them to make the best of the situation
and to forget and forgive the past. He
pointed out the hopelessness of continu
ing the struggle; urged the Boers to
accept and act In accordance with the
terms of surrender, which he intended
to uphold, and desired them to work for
the-goou of South Africa.
The British troopship Bavarian sailed
from this port today with 1,100 troops
who had been ordered home to take part
In the coronation ceremonies.
London, June 8. Lord Kitchener, in
a dispatch from Pretoria, dated yester
day, announced that the progress made
In the surrender of the Boers is entire
ly satisfactory. Four hundred and for
ty burghers have laid down their arms
at MIddleburg, Transvaal. They also
brought In a pom pom complete with
ammunition, and indicated the hiding
places of a howitzer and Maxim gun.
Two hundred and eighty-nine Boers
have surrendered their arms at Stand
erton, Transvaal.
Amsterdam, June S. It Is reported
here that Mr. Kruger has declined the
facilities offered by Great Britain for
his return to South Africa, but hus ac
cepted Queen Wllhelmlna's proffer of a
Dutch vessel to convey him.
Elkin Wins in Somerset.
H.v Kxcluslvo Wire front The Associated I'rca.
Somerset, P.t.. Juno 8. At the Somerset
county Republican primaries yesterday,
the u lie In men elected K. V. Jiubcock,
Aaron V. Dicklo und B. D. Morgan dele
gates to the stato convention,
Much Needed Institution to Be
Generositu of Mrs.
Scranton's loug-cheiished desire for a
manual training school is about to be
It is to be made Immediately pos
sible by a gift of 150,000 from Mrs. Ab
blu R. Smith, of Jefferson avenue, wldr
ov of the late William T, Smith. The
announcement Is to bo made In a. com
munication to be read at tonight's
meeting of the school board,
What, If any. conditions uttach to the
gift has not as yet been disclosed to
any other than the members of the spe
cial committee on manual training
school, appointed at the beginning of
the present liscul year by President
Gibbons The detulls will bo given to
the board, probably tonight.
Tho desirability of a manual training
school us an adjunct to Scruuton's ed
ucutlonul equipment was put forward
In editorials and news articles printed
frpm time to time In The Tribune, 'ie
school board took the matter up se
riously this year by having a special
t&tmtt- IhStijjft,,f jta&
The Sum of $142,000 Left by Charles
Hill in Lob Angeles.
ny,t:clnlc Wire from The Asfoelated Pro.
Los Angeles, Cal June 8. A fortune
of $112,000 In each awaits the heirs of
nn olihinan who passed under the name
of Charles Hilt and who died ut tho
Good Samaritan hospital,
About thrco weeks ago the man, who
was between seventy-live und eighty
years old, applied, at the hospital for
accommodations He was taken In and
paid for all the services rendered. When
It was found that ho could .not recover
ho was asked to tell' the names of his
relatives In order that they might bo
notified. Ho replied that he had not a
relative on enrth. He died and was
burled. In his clothing was found
$2,000 In currency. Further Investiga
tion by the public administrator dis
closed a key to a private box at the
Union Bank of Savings. Tho box has
just been opened, and In It were found
several large packages of currency, ag
gregating $140,000.
The old man had lived here seven
years In a modest sort of way at lodg
ing houses and restaurants, but had
no Intimates.
Stands Ready to Be of Ser
vice in Making Peace
' for Miners.
By Exclusive Wire fi'om The Associated PrcM.
Washington, June S. The president
talked with Hon. Carroll D. Wright, tho
United States commissioner of labor,
for some time regarding the situation
In the anthracite coal region. Mr.
Wright came to Washington at the re
quest of the president to get his views
on the question and to discuss what
could be done under the law giving tho
commissioner of labor the right to in
vestigate affairs of this kind and to
collect information relating to them,
which may bo reported to tbe president
or to congress. The president stands
ready at any time to be of nny service
possible to aid In effecting a settlement
of the differences existing between the
operators and the miners, if this be pos
sible. No statement was obtainable at
the white house tonight as to the result
of the conference between the president
and Mr. Wright. Later in tho day the
latter left Washington for New York,
where he has several days' business de
manding his attention.
Under the act creating- the -department
of labor the commissioner Is em
powered to investigate the causes of
labor disputes that tend to interfere
with the welfare of the people of tho
different states and report the same to
congress or the president. Persons
familiar with the law, however, ques
tion Its utility, saying ample Informa
tion is already public property through
statements which have been printed in
tiie newspapers; and that no one has
authority 'under the law to take any
action on the Information which may
be obtained. Tho law of 1898 specific
ally requires that the chairman of the
Interstate commerce commission and
the commissioner of labor shall use
their best efforts to settle disputed
labor matters amicably upon the re
quest of either party to a controversy,
thus making It a prerequisite to any
action through the government chan
nels that the initiative must be taken
by any one of the Interested parties.
Just what business Mr. Wright has
which will consume his time in New
Yor' for several days Is not known
hei , but the impression prevails that
he may undertake to look somewhat
Into the matter of the differences ex
isting between the operators and the
miners as a possible basis for any
further consideration of the matter by
the chief executive.
Quarrel Was Fatal.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Ties.
Philadelphia, Juno S, Dining a quarrel
today Julius Miller shot and killed Gus
tavus Kelm, after the latter had stabbed
him repeatedly with a poeketknlfe. Mil
ler's condition Is said to ho critical. Relm
boarded with Miller and tho pair were on
terms of friendship until today. They
had been drinking together, and becom
ing quarrelsome, engaged in the fatal en
counter. Excursion Train Wrecked.
Dy exclusive Wire from The Aioclatcd I'resi.
Alpena, Mich., Juno 8. A Detroit and
Mackinaw excursion train jumped the
track this morning at Black River. Ona
man, August Groslnskl. of Alpena, was
killed, forty-six wero Injured, several of
them, It Is feared, fatally.
Made Possible Through the
Abbie R. Smith.
committee make a tour of the principal
cities of tho east to Investigate the
workings of their manual trulnlng
The committee came back enthusiasti
cally In favor of establishing such a
school here, but this enthusiasm had
to be held In check by reason of the
fact that there was no money available
to carry out the Idea.
Since tho death of her husband, Mrs,
Smith has devoted much of her time
and money to work among children.
The children's ward at tho Lackawanna
hospital Is one result of her thoughtful
ness and generosity, The great good
that could be accomplished through a
well-equipped training school came to
her uttentlon and after some consulta
tion with members of the school board,
the proffer of means with which to es
tablish one was forthcoming.
The school will bo centrally located,
probably on the old Home for the
Friendless plot on Adams avenue, re
cently acquired by tho school board.
-Jtji&uigkw jgfctfU .t
Believe That Mine Pumps
Not Be Able to Gon
trol a Flood.
The Coal Companies Have Any
Amount of Volunteers but Few
Are Capable' of Running Engines
or Pumps President Mitchell Be
lieves That All Union Men Still at
Work Will Be Out During the
Week Dry Weather Favors the
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prc.
Wilkes-Barre, Juno 8. Strike head
quarters of the anthracite coal miners
were very dull today, and presented a
deserted appearance. There were no
mine workers about the place excepting
President Mitchell and his secretary, all
others who are detailed here from va
rious parts of the coal field having gone
to their homes to spend Sunday. Al
though President Mitchell Is leading a
great struggle for a shorter workday,
he Is not limiting himself to any pre
scribed hours of labor. He works late
every night and he was busy all of to
day In his office. Most of his time was
given up today to receiving reports by
messenger or by wire from his men in
the field. He said he had nothing of
any Importance to make public, his In
formation, he added, being of a satisfac
tory nature.
Among the reports sent in were sev
eral to the effect that additional engi
neers had stopped work last night, and
that several fire bosses, who had tak
en the places of strikers had also quit.
At a meeting of engineers at Pittston,
last night, thirty engineers who had not
obeyed the strike order decided not to
go to work tomorrow. The few union
men who are still at work, Mr. Mitchell
says, will be out during this week. Most
of the general superintendents of the
big coal companies were seen today,
but as a rule, they had nothing to say
on anything bearing on the strike. One
superintendent admitted that a good
many companies are scratching pretty
hard for good, competent men to run
their engines and pumps. Any number
of volunteers have come forward, but
the men desired are not so plentiful.
Coal Companies Favored,
The coal companies have been favored
by a long spell of dry weather. Now
and then there has been some rain but
not enough to do any damage in the
way of Hooding the mines. The strikers
are wishing for a heavy fall of rain.
They are of the belief that most of the
lower levels of the mines are filling be
cause the companies are short handed
and that the pumps cannot keep up
with the water that is draining into the
workings. A heavy rain, they say, will
send a correspondingly heavy volume of
water into the mines which would over
whelm many pumps.
President Mitchell was in telephonic
communication with National Secretary-Treasurer
W. P.. Wilson, of the
United Mine Workers at Indianapolis
today, over the situation in the West
Virginia soft coal Held where a strike
was inaugurated yesterday. Mr. Mit
chell said there was nothing to be given
to the public at this time because he
had not yet received full particulars of
the situation in that region. Mr. Wil
son, he said, did not know any more
than he himself. The national presi
dent also talked over the long distance
telephone with other persons In the
soft coal regions in different parts of
the west. These conversations, he said,
related to general business of the or
ganization and had no bearing on eith
er the West Virginia or Pennsylvania
strike. Tomorrow begins the first week
of the suspension of anthracite coal
mining, and a settlement of the dispute
seems to be no nearer than It was when
tho strike began May 12.
Workingmcn Are Persecuted.
The house-to-house canvass of miners'
committees. In an endeavor to bring
out those who have refused to strike
and also those who have taken the
places of strikers, Is still being vigor
ously prosecuted. Many of the men who
are still working complain that their
houses are stoned almost nightly, These
assaults are made usually between 9 p,
m. nnd midnight, mid they end Just as
sUddenly as they begin. The method Is
to gather a small body of men and boys
and at a signal send u storm of stones
against the dwellings, breaking window
panes und frightening tho inmates,
Tho police department of this city to
day ordered the removal of all effigies
that have been strung up since tho
strike began, A largo number had been
removed, but tho police managed to find
eighteen of them In the city today.
Twenty of them were seen In the region
above Wllkes-Uarre as far as Pittston.
A new method has been found for hold
ing up to ridicule those men who re
fused to stop work. At Forty fort and
at Miner's Mills mounds were built In
Imitation of a grave, and on them were
placed placards containing this Inscrip
tion: "Deuth to scabs! Hero lies the
renialns of ," tho card giving
tho name of the man held up to ridi
Serious Trouble, However, Is Ex
pected in West Virginia.
Dy Kxrhuhe Wire Irom 'lhe Atsoeiated l'rs.
Keystone, W, Va., June 8. There
have been no disturbances throughout
tho coal fields of the Norfolk and West
ern district today. The strikers will
have additions to their ranks tomor
row, A few collieries In the Tug Hlvcr
and Simmons brunch fields tliut oper
tf H&&4 h
ated yesterday will ho completely tied
lip tomorrow. The operators Ignore the
appeal of the United Mine Workers for
n joint meeting at Hrninwell, June 11.
Several operators hero arc now arrang
ing for Hungarian minors, and It Is said
that 1.000 will be here by the middle of
next week. The operators olso claim
that they will enforce their order that
all strikers shall vacate company
houses. The strikers suy they will not
inovn out, nnd serious trouble Is ex
pected, probably tomorrow. Kx-Dcpuly
Marshal Sam Smith has been deputized
to gather men to come Into this field to
protect the property of the coal com
panies, nnd also to enforce the order for
the strikers vacating company houses.
Smith will bo here tomorrow with fifty
Italn kept tho miners from congre
gating today. Most of the Italian and
Hungarian miners In the Klkhorn nnd
Tug Itlver fields announced today that
they will tomorrow morning Join tho
strikers. Several train crews will be
laid off by the Norfolk and Western
Strikers Warned to Move.
Norfolk, W. Vn June 8. The coal
operators here have given notice thnt
all strikers must vacate company
houses tomorrow. Several non-union
men were at work yesterday. Tho
strikers met yesterday morning and It
Is believed violence will bo resorted to
If the non-union men shall attempt to
enter the mines tomorrow.
Deputation at Davy.
Davy, W. Va., June 8. There has
been no serious trouble here yet, but
the operators announced today that
they will operate their mines with non
union labor tomorrow. The strikers
say that no non-union men shall enter
the mines. The operators are putting
guards, armed with Winchesters about
their property and serious results are
expected tomorrow.
Shots Fired at Duryea A High
School Orator Displeases Au
dience. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Pittston, June 8. The strikers have
succeeded In inducing a number of
those who have continued at work to
Join their ranks within the past few
days. Since last Thursday fully twen
ty have been so influenced. A big meet
ing of engineers was held In St. Aloy
sius hall here last night. It was ad
dressed by George Lighthall, a national
officer of the engineers' association; Or
ganizer Collins, of Carbondale: Na
tional Committeeman Fallon, and M. J.
Mullahy, of the firemen. Among those
present were twelve engineers who have
continued at work, and eleven of these
were induced to quit and Join the strik
ers' ranks. Another meeting will be
held here Monday when those engineers
who were on the night shift last week
will be asked to attend.
At Duryea yesterday morning two
Italians who have been working at the
Connell mine of the Lehigh Valley Coal
company, were assailed by their friends
and a fight ensued. Revolvers were
flourished and several shots were fired.
The two Italians, It is said, were
wounded, although It was Impossible to
learn how bad.
An unusual occurrence took place at
the commencement exercises of the
West Pittston High school In Music hall
Friday evening. William Ahlers, of
Philadelphia, one of the graduates, In
his oration on "The Conflict Between
Labor and Capital," made some re
marks in regard to strikes and labor or
ganizations that displeased some In the
audience and they interrupted him with
hisses. Afterward as the young man
was leaving the hall a crowd stood
about the doorway and jeered him.
The ' Delaware, Susquehanna and
Schuylkill Employes Adopt
fly Inclusive Wire from The Arsoelated Prcsj.
Hazleton, June 8. At their meeting
at Freelaud this afternoon, tho em
ployes of the Delaware, Susquehanna
and Schuylkill railroad unanimously
refused to handle any trains carrying
special oltleers, deputies or non
unionists. The following resolution, addressed
to Luther ('. Smith, superintendent of
the road, was adopted:
Kesolved, That owing to tlio stilko of
the anthracite miners, we, the employes,
of the Delaware, Susquehanna and
Schuylkill will refuse to handla any
trains carrying deputies, coal and Iron
police, or non-unlonlsts during tho con
tlnuaiK'o of the present trouble.
It Is understood the company will not
nsk tho men to continue doing this
work, hut will depend on the Lehigh
Valley railroad In tho future to tako
these speclul trains from one colliery to
the other, Some of the Lehigh Valley
trainmen declined during tho past two
days to handle these trains, and crews
were lecrulted with soma dltllculty,
The Lehigh Valley trainmen held a
secret meeting hero this uftrnoon und
decided that they will not handle any
coal mined at the collieries or any soft
coal sent over the Hnzleton division to
displace unthraclto during tho con
tinuation of the miners' strike, They
will continue manning trulus carrying
oflicers und deputies, nnd men recruited
In the big cities, If" tlifey are not Im
ported In such largo numbers as to
enable the. companies to resume tho
mining of coal with non-union forces.
Ttumors are current tonight that an
effort will be made tomorrow morning
to start up a wushery at the Cranberry
colliery of A. Pardee & Co. und the No.
10 Lehigh Valley mine with non-union
hands. Everything was quiet In this
section today. Inducements aro being
offered to striking anthracite miners to
work In the mines In British Columbia.
Captain of the Schooner Eclipse Re
ports That a Column of Flame
Shoots from Mokuaweouei.
By Kxchulve Wire from The Associated Press.
Honolulu, May 31, via San Francisco,
June 8. Reports have been received
from the Island of Hawaii indicating
that the volcanoes are showing more
thnn usual activity. The captain of the
schooner Eclipse reports that he saw a
column of flame from tho crater of
Mokuaweouei, which Is near the sum
mit of Maltna Loa, 13,000 feet above the
sea, and hus long been quiescent. It Is
high above Kllauea, the active volcano.
A steamer arriving yesterday con
firms the report of activity. The Kauai,
which left Hawaii two days ago, re
ports a large column of smoke above
the crater of Kllauea. The crater is
always steaming and smoking more or
less, but Is at present reported to be
sending up much more than the usual
amount of smoke.
Brother of a Fugitive Murderer
Shoots Down a Man Who Rolled
a Ball Against His Foot.
Bunker Hill was, yesterday afternoon,
the scene of another Sunday shooting
affray. Fortunately, however, the man
who was shot received the bullet In
his forehead at an angle that caused
the bullet to plough along the skull
without doing any serious damage.
The man who was shot is Pasquale
Mele, and the man who did the shoot
ing bears the name of Tony Punone.
The latter Is necknamed Tony "Peruna"
by his English-speaking neighbors.
With a score of other adult members
of the Italian colony of that portion of
Bunker Hill culled New Town, the pair
were engaged on the roadway In a
game somewhat similar to bowls, in
which wooden balls are used.
Panone was. hit in the foot by a ball
bowled by Mele and without a word
save a blasphemous imprecation, dart
ed into his boarding house, returned
with a revolver and rushing up to Mele
fired at him point blank when only a
few feet separated them.
Mele fell with blood spurlng from his
forehead. Panone backed away flour
ishing his revolver and took to the
woods in the direction of Lake Scran
ton. When Dr. Murphy examined the
wounded man he found that the ball
had struck the centre of the forehead,
glanced along the frontal bone and
emerged at the right temple without
fracturing the skull. No symptoms of
concussion were apparent.
Panone very likely thought he killed
his man and probably kept to the woods
all night. On a Sunday night in Sep
tember, 1900, his brother, Frank Panone,
took the same route otter killing a man
with a stllleto, on Chestnut street, near
the. old Koch park, where they were re
turning from a Sunday picnic on Spen
cer's hill. He was never captured.
Mele Is a married man. His wife and
two children are in Italy. The man
who shot him Is unmarried.
It was two 'hours after the shooting
before word of It wns given the police.
Chief Heuley went to the scene, but did
not attempt the evidently useless task
of trying to follow the fugltlye. A war
rant for his arrest was sworn out before
'Squire Cooney.
Baccalaureate Sermon Preached by
President Patton.
By Inclusive Wire flora The Associated fires.
Princeton, N. J Juno S. The feature
of today's commencement programme
was the Baccalaureate sermon preach
ed by President Patton, Tho proces
sion of trustees, faculty and members of
the senior class formed In front of
Nassau hall, and led by President
Patten and ex-President Grover Cleve
land, marched to Alexander hall. Mrs,
Cleveland and Mrs. Patton wore in tho
Among other things Dr. Patton said:
Sooner or later a man must bo fron;
sooner or luter lie takes churgu of his
own conscience, and a university Is ouu
of tho best training places for tills. I say
this because an Impression abounds that
a university Is a place of tunltilo temp
tation, and mothers often debata tlio
question wliotheY they should suorllii'o in
tellect for moruls. They think It Is dll'll
cult for a man to acquire an education,
except at great risk and men speak about
the temptations of college HIV, ns If thorn
were no temptations la business, as If
tho bunker and broker lived In a holler
atmosphere; as If the upostles of Wall
street were In closer touch with tho ten
commandments than other men. I know
of no pluce where a man may bo trusted
to work out llio best In him so well us In
a Christian university, If you hnvo been
faithful to tho early training you huvu
received It has been helped by coming
Speaking of tho falling off of candi
dates for the ministry among college
graduates, President Patton said;
'Some people complain that so few
men aro now entering tho ministry, and
give eyery reason for this but tho true
one, The reason Is simply this; Wo ure
living In an ago of Intellectual transi
tion and burning unrest, and therefore
I have respect for tho man who doubts,
who overcomes his doubts and gathers
The annual meeting of the Philadel
phia society, the undergraduates' re
ligious organization, was held in Mav
auand chapel tonight,
Greater Part of the Time In Senato
Will Be Given to the Inter-
Oceanic Canal Bill.
The House Programme for Thia
Week Contemplates Consideration
of the Pacific Cable Bill and the
Senate Irrigation Bills Cable Bill
Provides for an American-Built
and an American-Laid Cable to
Connect' Our Insular Possessions
with the Pacific Coast.
Jiy Kxelnslvc Wire from The Asuoclatcd Pro.
Washington, June 8. The greater
part of the time of the senate the
present week will be given to the ln-ter-bceanle
canal bill. An effort prob
ably will be made by the supporters of
the Nicaragua route to secure an agree
ment to vote on the bill next Saturday,
but the probabilities are all against
success. Senator Harris, of Kansas,
will open the debate tomorrow In sup
port of the Nicaragua route, and ho
will, be followed by various other sena
tors for and against the measure.
Senator Fairbanks has given formal
notice of a speech on Wednesday. He
will support the Spooner bill.
Tomorrow, in the morning hour,
Senator Simmons, of North Carolina,
will speak on the bill creating a na
tional park in the Souchern Appala
chian mountains, and, In accordance
with the agreement reached yesterday,
the morning hour of other days will
be devoted to consideration of Senator
Nelson's bill for the abolition of tho
London dock charges until a vote shall
be taken upon It. Saturday, after 4
o'clock, the senate will listen to eulo
gies of the character of the late Repre
sentative Stokes, of South Carolina. On
Friday, the nomination of General' Cro
ssler to be chief of the ordnance bureau,
will be considered in executive session.
It Is probable that Senator Halo will
call up the naval appropriation bill
during the week, but he has given no
notice of such Intention.
House Programme.
The house programme for this week
contemplates consideration of the Pa
cific cable and the senate irrigation
bill. Special rules have been prepared
for consideration of bom measures. The
cable bill will be given two and the
Irrigation bill three days.
The cable bill provides for an American-built
and an American-laid cable
to connect our insular possessions in
the Pacific coast. It carries a direct
appropriation out of the treasury for
this purpose. The prospects for its
passage are not considered bright. Mr.
Corliss, the author of the bill, pro
fesses confidence that it wll pass. The.
opposition to tha measure believe the
cable to the Philippines should be laid
by private enterprise. Some of the
house leaders, Including Mr. Cannon,
chairman of the appropriation commit
tee, will oppose the Irrigation bill, but
the friends of the measure are very
hopeful of Its passage. Tomorrow Is
District of Columbia day. All the ap
propriation bills except the general de
clency, which will not be ready until
next week, have passed the house.
Philadelphia, Juno S. The Ledger in US
coal article tomorrow will say:
The anthraclto coal trade Is unchanged
In any feature. There is no mining of
coal, a very small movement, a great
scarcity, and constantly Increasing re
tail priced, though the wholesale rates of
tho companies nro substantially un
changed, excepting that there is ten cents
less discount for Juno from the circular
figures. But tho companies aro imabla
to supply the dealers and consequently
the anthraclto coal famine is becoming
acute. Of course the summer always
brings a much slackened demand, but for
steam uses bituminous has largely re
placed tlio anthracite. Tho trudo, there
fore, litis no I'hungo to report."
Steamship Arrivals.
Dy K.uluslve Wlie from Tho Associated Vxr
New York, Juno B. Arrived Ktrurla,
Liverpool and Queenstown; Itotterdnni,
Rotterdam and Boulogne Sur Mer, Gib
raltarPassed! Phoenlclu, Genoa for
New York. Liverpool Arrived; I'mbrla,
Now York via Queenstown. Movlllo Ar
ilved: Columbia, New York for Glasgow,
llumburg Arrived: Pennsylvania, New
York via Plymouth and Cherbourg, llro.
men-Sailed: Frioderlch re arosse. New
York via Cherbourg, Queenstown Sailed;
Campania (from Liverpool), New York.
Lizard Juno 9, Passed: La Gascogne,
Hovro for Now York. Southampton, Juno
!, Sailed: Ulucher, from Hamburg via
Boulogne, New York.
Jockey Booker Dies, '
Dy Inclusive Wire from Tbe Associated Vttst,
Now York, Juno 8. Jockey Arthur!
Booker, who was thrown Memorial Dqy
at tli Gravesend race track, died today.
Ho was 19 years old. At tho time of tho
accjdent Hooker was astride of tho 2-yeur-old
colt' Bed Kulght, when tho youngster
stumbled and tho boy was thrown with
great force. While prostrate, another
colt fell over him and his skull was frac
tured. Ho never regained consciousness.
T .4" T t
Washington, Juno 8. Forecast
for Monday and Tuesday; Kustcin
Pennsylvania Clour unci cool Mon
day; Tuesday fair with rising tem
perature; light to fresh north
winds becoming variable.
" .t & t ft t &. .t. ..