J- '.",:. rtl" M f .:" t " ..! f ",1 ri'vi ' wl THE SOKANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1902. f . t-fc.1 9 11 j FOR BABY'S SHIN SCALP AND HAIR Something for Mothers to Think About EVERY CHILD born into the world with an inherited or early developed tendency to distressing, disfiguring humours of the skin, scalp, and blood, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only because of its suf fcring but because of the dreadful fear that the disfigura tion is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and prosperity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflicted children to acquaint themselves with the best, the purest, and most effective treatment available, viz., THE CUTICURA TREATMENT. Wnrm biltlis with Cotioura. SoAr, to clonnso tho skin of crusts nnd scales nmt soften tho thickened cuticle, gentlo anointings with CtmocnA Oint ment, to Instantly allay Itching, Irritation, and Inflammation1, and sootho and heal, to bo followed In tho sovercr cases by mild doses of Cuticuka Resol vent Pills (see below), to cool and cleanso tho blood, arc all that can bo desired for tho alleviation of tho suffering of skin-tortured infants and children and tho comfort of worn-out, worried mothers. A single set cost . Ing 81.00 is often sufficient to euro when tho best physicians fall. Millions of Women Anslstcd by COTlctm. Ointment, for preserving, purifying, nnd beautifying tho fkln, for demising fho ccnlp of crusts, scales, and dandruff. aud the stopping of falling hair, for eoflenlng, whitening, nnd soothing rod, rough, and soro hands, for buby rashes, Itchlngs, nnd rhalliiga, In tho Tormot baths for annoying Irritations nnd Inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, In the form of washes for ulcerative wcalcnotiscs, and formany sannttvo, nnllseptlc purposes which readily Buggest themselves to women, especially mothers, and for all tho purposes of the toilet; bath, and nursery, Cdtiuuua nnsoi.VKNT Pili.i (Oliocolato Coated) nro prepared to meet tho wants of women and children, and aro puro, sweet, tasteless, and odorless. They nro beyond ques tion the most successful skin and blood purifiers and humour cures yet compounded, and especially appeal to all having tho caro of children. Cniiniiu Kcmbbiis aro Kild thrmi-hnul th worMi SoAr. 2.W., Qinthixt. Me.. Iii.i.s, V,r. Britl.h IJtpott ?'.'. Charterhouic si London. French Drnoti 3 Km d to rlx, Parte, l'omtt Duuo xsd CUEU.Cour, Eel. l'rot., Umiou, U. 8. A. " All .tout the Skin, Scalp, ul UHr," free. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Epecial to tho Scranton Tribune. Honcsdale, Juno 6. Children's day will be observed by the Presbyterian Sunday school next Sunday morning, and by the. Methodist and Baptist schools Sunday evening. The Olyphant Browns will play ball wlt.h the Honcsdale boys this Saturday afternoon on the Honcsdale grounds. At least seventy-five per cent of tho excursions that were booked for Lake I.odore before the miners' strike have been cancelled. Saturday will be a field day at the Golf club grounds from 3 to C p. m. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. If. D. Meaner, Misses Edith Torrey and Grace Whitney. W. L. Hurnard has moved his stock ot-nierchandise from Park street to liis new store room on Main street. " Mrs. O. B. Hadsall and little son, of - Flushing, L. I., are visiting ut the -residence df"her father, Graham Watts. ,.. .One car of coal came to the retail " pockets today. Scores of cartmen stood for hours holding their position until the car whs drilled out. They were only allowed a hair ton each. The excitement run high, racing horses for a second load. Thomas Woodley, tho small-pox pa tient at Atco, is able to be about the house. No new cases have been re ported. William II. Ham is screening a fine quality of pea and buckwheat coal from a culm dump on his land along the old tow path, just below the old glass works. The deposit of culm has lain for llfty years, and Is an accumu lation from coal shipped by canal, when only the larger sizes were mar ketable. Work has commenced on the race track, located on tins Hubbard farm, near Wayniart. convenient to the rall- . road, and nicely located for speeding horses. Mr. and Mr?. II. Scott Salmon and daughter,. Miss Grace, will attend com mencement exercises at Lafayette, col lege next week. Company K was nut for a skirmish drill nil tho lawn at tho foot of Park street, TUutsday evening. UNIONDALE. Bptclal to tho Scranlon Tribune. Unlondnle, Juno C The funeral ser vices of Mrs. Louis Crandall took place last Sunday morning at the Presby terian church, now H. J. Crone olllel nted, assisted by ltev. J. V. Newell and Uev. V. V. Jenkins. Interment was made on Lyon street. The bereaved relatives aro very grateful to all for sympathy and kindness extended to them In their sorrowful ordeal. Tho Children's day exercises will he observed . next Sunday night in the Presbyterian church. Ur, Hay Lyons and family have re turned to their homo in Muncey. Mrs. Edward 'Morgan and Misses Frank Lewis nnd Daisy Branson were attendants ut the national eisteddfod in Scranton. They returned with glowing reports of the same. Mrs. Harry Morgan, of Brandt, wns a visitor In town tills week. Miss Sui nh Gerrond, of Carbondnle, visited her friend, Miss B. I. Carpenter, Tuesday. Tho reunion of Zenus Rounds' family took place In Carpenter's grove, Wed nesday, It wus estimated thut there were about one Hundred and llfty on tho grounds during tho day, In tho afternoon there was a literary exercise, All left for homo well pleased with the day's proceedings. Tim condition of Mrs. J. F, Bass la reported slightly bettor, THOMPSON. Sprclil to tie Scranton Tribune, Thompson, Juno 6, The annual meet ing of tlte Northeastern Telephone company will be held in Keystone hall on Jefferson street on Thursday, June 13. This will bring llfty or more share holders to Thompson. The ladies of the Aid of tho Methodist Episcopal church will serve dinner for tlieso men and all who want, at 23 cents in tho Grand Cuts, Bruises and Sums Quickly Healed, Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an anti septic liniment, am) when applied to cuts, bruises und burns, causes them to hea without maturation and much more quickly than by the usual treat ment. Foe sale by All Druggists. UseCuticura Army hall on Jackson street, and a good dinner they will get. Rev. and Mrs. P. It. Tower left on Wednesday for a trip to New York and a visit Willi relatives at East Orange, N. J. Prof. Compton, who came home from Sprlngville where he wns visiting, to attend the meeting of the school board on Monday evening, returned to Sprlng ville Tuesday of this week. Our coal dealer, Harry Bloxham, was in Scranton on business on Tuesday of this week. Robbie Carr, who was so seriously pinched between tho cars a few weeks ago, is able to sit up some now. C. C. Wllmarth, of the Ready Pay store, was in Scranton on business on Wednesday. His son Price went with him. G. F. Spencer, of the Spencer Heat ing company, did business in Scranton Wednesday and Thursday of this week. B. F. Rogers, of the township, after a few weeks' stay at Bear Swamp, suc ceeded In winning a fair one. Miss Myr tle Newcomb, and the twain were made one at Bingham'ton on Wednesday by Rev. J. B. Sumner. Miss Mabel Monroe left Wednesday for a visit for a month with her broth er nt Utlea, N. Y. Mrs. J. W. Browning, of Scranton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gates. HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hallstcad, Juno 0. The offer made by Paterson parties has been accepted by owners of the silk mill, papers have been passed and check received to bind the bargain. Mr. Philip Welbler, on a visit to Paterson, under auspices of the board of trade, closed the bargain. Prospects are that tho mill will be in operation in a short time. Extensive additions and alterations nre to bo made, and from 250 to 300 hands will be employed. Inventory was taken on Wednesday. An alarm of lire was sounded Thurs day morning at 5 o'clock. It proved to be -a pile of slabs at the sand bank crossing, near New Mllford. Tho Hall stead steamer was hurried to the scene to protect tho mill and several cars of lumber. They succeeded In extinguish ing the fire and returned at noon. Miss Susie Fuller lias accepted a posi tion In Hlrschmnnn Bros.' company store In Great Bend. Tho remains of Dwlglit M. DeSilvn, who died at Binghumton, were brought hero for burial on Wednesday. Delivery Teamster J. W. Snedaker has purchased and is running a now up-to-date delivery wagon. Miss Carrie Mead has accepted a position in the office of Hon, S. B. Chase, Warren F. Simrell wns a Bingham ton caller recently. Misses Grace Harding and Gertrude Bead 'are spending the day In Blng hamton. Peter Allen lias been appointed as PICTURE TttSrl1" i ii ii iiiimiriiimmmmmimm n n i in m Governor Tyron pacifies tho regula tors. Find two more of his companions. wntchtnnnnt McICinney's crossing In place of Mr. Austin, who has been re tired on ncuslou, Perry Bnrnhnrt, of Rush, was calling on friends here Thursdny. Jlev. Wi li. Llnnab'erry wns In nt telidnneo nt tho RhiRhniiUon district ministerial meeting on Tuesday, which was held In the Methodist church nt Union. ,. E. M., Seottcn lias finished putting up telephone wires between HIiiBhutnton nnd Washington, Miss Cora Brown, who lias been Fpchdlng the pnst few months at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Terhoss, has returned to her home In Elmlrn. HAWLEY. b'prclnl to the Scranton Tribune. Hawley, Pn Juno 0. TJic town coun cil mot In tho town hull last Monday evening. Bills to the amount of $08.59 were accepted .nnd ordered paid. The special olllccr wns continued at same salary. Counellmen Atkinson, Mnndc vllle and Woodward wore appointed a special committee to make plans for a guard wall on the Paupack between Plerson's mill and Pike county bridge nnd report nt special mcotlhg Monday night. The Improvement association were given permission by the council to place cans on each street corner for papers and the can to bo emptied as often as necessary by street commis sioner. Joseph Westbrook, of Honcsdnle, will run E. J. nicliardson's restaurant on Sixteenth street. Miss Elizabeth Male has boon spend ing n few days with friends nt llones dale. John Kirby, of Klmbles, has been spending a few days with friends in town. Our former townsman, George De wltt, of Dunmoro, spent Decoration day with friends in town. Jennie Watrous, daughter of Rev. J. II. Wutrous, was very sick last Sunday with n nervous affection, but Is now around again as usual. ' W. C. Knapp and family will attend the commencement exercises of tho Mutamoras high school at the Metho dist Episcopal church of that town Monday evening next. Their daughter, Miss Sarah E., Is one of the class. The commencement of the Hawley high school will take place at the opera house June 11. Tho following programme has been arranged: Over ture, Hawley orchestra; Invocation, Rev. J. P. Crane; baritone solo, Thom as Tuttle; class history, Joseph M. Mur phy; overture. Miss Mary A. Wegge and Eleanor D. Gill; class poem, Jen nie A. Edwards; vocal duet. Misses Net tle and Ellen Edwards; presentation of diplomas; selection by orchestra; ad dress. Prof. George Howell, of Scran ton; baritone solo, Rev. C. F. W. Lud wig; selection, l.y orchestra. FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Factoryvllle, Juno C Next Monday evening Paulowna Lodge, Daughters of Rcbekah, will hold a special meeting. The grandmaster's deputy, Mrs. Frances E. Transue of Laceyvllle, will be present and install the following of llcers for the coming term: Noble grand, Mrs. Samuel C. Reynolds; vice grand, Mrs. W. C. Smith; secretnry, R. II. Holgate; financial secretary, Mrs. E. R. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Armstrong are receiving congratulations on the arri val of a son. Rev. and Mrs. P. G. Ruckham nnd daughters Lulu and Elge, left Friday for Dundaff where Rev. Ruekman Is pastor of the Methodist church. Their many friends wish them success In their new home. CHINCHILLA. I Rev. Albert H. Smith, of Scranton will preach In Holgnte Hall, Chin chilla, at 3.30 on Sunday afternoon as usual. Theme, "Christ Taking tho Sinners' Place." A special musical pro gramme by Prof. J. S. MacMurry and Mrs. A. H. Smith. r nirt n H n D BABE DALL. J V i National League. At Philadelphia- R.1T.13. St. Louis 00003 00 02-r. 13 3 Philadelphia 24000020 8 10 2 Batteries Verlics and O'Neill; Voor hecs and Jucklltsch. Umpires Powers and Brown. At Brooklyn R.H.E. Chicago 100 4000 10 li 7 2 (Brooklyn 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0- :s 11 l Batteries St. Vrnin and Kllng; ungues and Aliearn. Umpire Emslle. At Boston Cincinnati .. Boston ...0 1 110010 0-4 11 2 ...0 0 2 00 000 13.0 S Batteries Tlilelman anil Peltz; Ma larkey and Klttrldgo. Umplrc-O'Day. At Now York 11 Innings, tlo; darkness R.H.K. Pittsburg 0 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 0 04 K I New York 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0- I 11 1 Batteries Doheny and Smith; Matlhuw son, Evans and Yengor. Umpire Cantll Hon. American League, Al Cleveland- R.ll.E. Boston 120 0 00000-310 Cleveland 0 o 0 3 1 4 0 -li 20 1 Butteries Whiter. Prentiss and War- PUZZLE. SHE FOILED DEP.FH. DOCTORS SAID SHE WAS DOOM ED TO QUICK CONSUMPTION Mrs. Wnko Had Given Up All Hope Tttl Sho Took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Thoy Cured Her. To lie nt tho point of dent It for months, to be told by tho physicians Unit there Is no hope of recovery nnd then to be restored to health and strength by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People, was the experience of Mrs. W. II. AVnke, of No. 81 Broad at., Ruhway, N, J. To look nt her now one would think It hardly possible that site had ever had n serious Illness. Speak ing of it she says: "About three years ngo I wns In a condition generally known as run-down. I was miserable Indeed; lircless and languid. I had no strength at all, all desire for food had left mo, I wus ter ribly nervous and could not sleep. What was worse I did not Improve, and my weight went down from 135 pounds to 9G. I was under the care of a physi cian for thirteen months but still I grew worse. He said my blood had al most turned to water. I was so weak that I was obliged to lie down all tho time, if I tried to stnnd or even to sit up I would fulnt nwny. "Finally tho doctor told me that un less I began to get better Within two weeks I was doomed to quick consump tion. Then I gave up nil hope. "But about this time a friend, who knew something of Dr. Williams' Pink rills for Palo People, advised mo to try them. I did so and, after taking the third box, I began to feel better. I con tinued using them faithfully until I was cured. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are a wonderful remedy for persons afflicted as I was and I shall always recommend them." The disease from which Mrs. Wake suffered was anaemia. It is character ized by a palld complexion, pale lips, dull eyes, tongue and gums bloodless; shortened breath on slight exertion such, as going upstairs; palpitation of the heart, feeling of Impending death, weakness, loss of appetite and ambi tion; irregularity and pain in the nat ural functions of women. The one remedy that has proved it self a specific for anaemia Is Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They are sold at 00 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, nnd may bo had of all drug gists or direct by mall from Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. nor; Wright and Wood. Umpires Jolin stono and O'Loughliii. Other clubs not scheduled. Eastern League. At Toronto Toronto, 4; Monl.cnl, 7. At Worcester Worcester, 5; Jersey City, 3. At iProvidonce Providence, 2; New ark, 7. At Buffalo-Buffalo, 0; Rochester, 1. ' Other Opt ati. At Altoona R.II.E. Altoona ) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 10 3 Phlladol'a (A. I,.) ..0 2 0 0 3 0 2 2 4-13 IT, 0 Batteries Hardy and Lang; Mitcholl and Schreckengost. Umpire Edwin M. Amies. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS National Delegation Association, Minneapolis, Minn., July 7th-lltbv For the above orcaslon the Lacka wanna Railroad will sell special ex cursion tickets to Minneapolis, good going July 4th, Gth, and 6th, at $30.50 for round trip, and to be available for return passage leaving Minneapolis not earlier than July 8th, or later than July 14th, except by depositing tickets with Joint Agent at Minneapolis not later than July 14th, and upon payment of a fee of CO cents at the time of deposit, an extension of the limit of leaving Minneapolis to and Including Sept. 1. Delegates will please bear in mind the fact that by leaving Scranton on the Lackawanna Railroad, only one change of cars, Chicago, Is necessary. A populur time is leaving Scranton at 6:50 p. m arriving Minneapolis 7:43 tho second morning. Low Rate of Fare to Denver, Colo rado. On account of the Sunday School In ternational association 'triennial con vention to be held at Denver, Col., June 20 to July 2, special round-trip ilrst class tickets may bo purchuscd of the Lackawanna railroad ticket office at one-way fare for the round trip, $45,25. Tickets will be sold and good going June 21, 22 und 23. On the return trip, the payment of 23 cents to tlie joint ugent, same will bo validated for return passage to August 31, 1002. The N. Y., 0. & W. Summer Time- Tnblo Will become effectlvo on Its main lino nnd Scranton division, Sunday, Juno 15. Trains will bo run same as last season, with tho exception of an enrly morning connection which will be made for pas sengers Carbondnle and South with tho "Quaker City" express of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, This train makes closo connections for all promi nent Pennsylvania stato points, arriv ing in Philadelphia nt 12 noon; Balti more, 2.30; Washington, 3.30, and At lantic City, 3,20 p. m, First Class Tickets to Ban Francisco and Return at Less Than One Way Fare, On account of the Iinporla"! Council, Nobtes of the Mystte Scliriue, San Frunclsco, California, Juno lOtli 14th, 1902, tho Lackawanna railroad will is suo first-class excursion tickets from Scrunton at the low rate of $06.25 for tho round trip, on sulo good going May 26th to June 7th Inclusive and for re turn to reach original' starting point not later than 60 days from original date of purchase of ticket. See Depot Ticket Agent In regard to ttfop off priv ileges variable routes, side trips, Pull mun reservations, etc. Low Rate of Fare to Portland, Ore., and Return, On account of the National Convention Travellers Protective Association of America, Portland, Ore., Juno 3rd to 7th; the Supreme Lodge A. O. U. W., Portland, Ore., June 10th to 20th, 1002, the Lackawanna railroad wilt Issue First Class round trip tickets for $70.30 on sale good going May 26th to Juno 7th Incl. and lor return passago to reach original starting point nut later than 60 days from original date of sale. See Depot Ticket Agent for particulars as THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Vote Thn Four Linen, aCentsfar EehEtrUne. For Bent. COTTAGR on Musiiuchnnna liver at Black Walnut, for rent by week or month; furnlnhed, cots, stove, dishes, three boats, spring water, host dslilng. Address T. J. Itclnhnrt, Black Walnut, Pa. HOUSES FOB RENT In all portions of the city, farms for buIo or exchange for city property, lots for snlo In all parts of the city, any kind of real estate deals miulo through J. C. Zurillou, 517 llnckawanna avenue. KOR RUNT A six-room Inko cottiiRo at Luke Sheridan, near Fnetoryvlltc. neatly furnished, with u llshlng boat and pier, for the sensou or by tho month, com mencing now, everything In tho oottugo up-to-dato and clean nnd In llrst-elass condition, only good patrons need apply as I will not rent to anybody oI.mo. Beo J. C. Zurllloh, 517 Lackawanna uvoiiuc. '.' i . IP Yon have nnv property to rent and canit rent thoni rail nnd boo J. C. J5ur fllch, 517 Lackawanna' avenue. FOR BUNT-TTniisn In Tlnlton! nicely lo cntrd; short distance from station: hot nnu com water and bath. Address w. is Slado, Dalton, Pu. BARN KOR RENT-J12, April 1st. three box and three single stalls nnd wash rack, rear of 324 Madison avenuo. In quire at 631 Madison avenue. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FOB RBNT-Ono fitrni?licd'rooin, with Improvements; also ono on third floor, cheap. U27 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern Improvements; pilvato family; gen tlemen proforred, at 537 Adams avenue. FOR RI3NT FurnlHlicd room; heat and bath. 62T, Linden street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlemon pre ferred, at 539 Adams avenue. For Sale. MILLS FOR SALE-The Unlondale Flour and Feed Mill, also Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, owned by tho Into S. 8. Hubbard. Tho feed mill Is a largo throe story building, with good bin capacity, thoroughly equipped with now, up-to-date machinery, capable) of doing all kinds of custom grinding. For particulars, Inquire of or address C. W. Sumner, guardian, Unlondnle, Pa., on or before Juno 20, 1902. FOR SALE Two-seated surrey for sale in first-class condition. inquire 530 uicKawamm avenue. PIANO FOR SALE-A chance seldom of fered; party must sacilllcn this week, regardless of cost, elegant upright piano used less than llvo months. Cull 324 Franklin avenue. FOR SALE-IIand silk doublers. Now. Bamford Bros., Paterson, N. J. For Bale or Rent. FOR SALE OR RENT-A 10 room single notise: an improvements; largo lot. Inquire 1413 Capouso 'avenue. Wanted To Rent. WANTED Two communicating furnished rooms for gentleman in tho vicinity of the Moses Tuylor hospital. Address, stat ing price, PostAfflco Box 100, city. WANTED ROOMS For two adults, threo or four rooms, furnished or unfurnish ed for very light housekeeping, first floor preferred. Address M. B., Tribune office. WANTED Furnished house of four or five rooms for housekeeping. Address A. G. E Tribune office. Wanted. MARRIED couple will take good care of house, for party going away for tho summer for tho use of three or four rooms. Best references. Address G. M. B., Tribune otnee. Board and Rooms. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent; also tran sient or permanent boarders wanted, low rates, 517 Lackawanna avenuo. Call and sco J. C. Kurflioh. BOARDEBS Double parlors, two largo front rooms: other nlco rooms; all modern conveniences; table board. 203 Jefferson avenue. VEnY DESHIABLE sulto of rooms with ilrst class table board, can bo obtained at 333 Jefferson avenue. Lost Strayed Stolen. LOST A sum of money in D. & H. Co. envelope. Liberal reward if returned to Tribune office. LOST-A ladles' gold watch; a liberal reward will bo given if returned to Hotel Terraco. Rheumatism. RHEUMATISM-All parties that wish can bo speedily and permanently cured of all varieties of Rheumatism by a vege table compound; cures guaranteed. In quire or address J. E, Taylor, Scranton. LEGAL. TRUSTEE'S SALE -Tho underslncd. Trustee under a Deed of Trust mado byWIIIiam Mayer and Frcderlca Mayer, his wife, dated October 21, 1878, nnd re. corded In tho oftleo for tho recording of deeds In and for Lackawanna county, In deed book No, 1, pago 120, etc., will offer at publlo sale, venduo or outcry, on Frl duy, Juno 27th, at 10 o'clock a. in., at tho Sheriff's oftleo In the Court Hoimo. m the City of Scranton, all the following do scribed lot or plcco of land, situate In tho City of Scranton, County of Lacka wanna and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to wit; Being lot No. two (2) hi square or block No. forty-eight (48) upon street called and known ns Jolferson avenue and Linden streot, upon the plot of the City of Scran ton, Intended to bo recorded, said lot bo llig forty (40) feet In front on Jefferson avenue and ono hundred und llfty (130) In depth, tho measurement of depth to com mence ten feet Insldn of tho sldowulk on abovo avenuo and street; with tho right to IneloHO, use and occupy ton feet In front of suld lot on said avenue und street for collarwuy, porch, portico, bay-window and shrubbery, but not the right to erect any building ihercou. Excepting and reserving tho coal and minerals ns tho samo nro excopted and reserved In the deed from Tho Susque hanna and Wyoming Valley Railroad and Coal Company for said lot, dated October 28th, 3 Si is. and recorded in Luznruo county, in deed book 128, pugo 272. Said lot Is im proved with a two-story brick dwelling house on Jefferson avoiuio and a doublo two-story fiamo dwelling houso on Lin den street. Terms of Sale Twenty-flvo per cent, at tho tlmo of sulo, and tho balance to bo nald within ono year, deferred payment to bo secured by bond upd mortgage on tho premises. (WAULKS D, NEUFFER. WELLES a TORREY. Trustee Attorneys for Trustee. Juno 7, 1902. NOTICE to bondholders of Ruslibrook Water Company, Tho Ruslibrook Wa ter Company hereby gives notice to tho holdoiH thereof that the bonds of said company dated October 1st, 1892, will bo redeemed nnd paid ut the banking houso of the Lackawanna Trust nud Safe De posit Company, Hcrnnton, Pa., on Octo ber 1st, 1902, In pursuance of clause con tallied In said bonds that ta.mu or any part thereof may bo redeemed and paid at any lime on and after October 1st, 1902, iiiiou giving ninety days notice of tho Intention of the company to redeem tho sumc. RUSHBROOK WATER CO.. By OEO. U. JERMYN. Treasurer. to stop-over privileges routes and train schedule. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Real Estate for Sale. $3,500 Will buy 9 room cottage on Web ster Avenue. Eight-room Single house, In tho 800 block.Prescott ave. House modern, lot 40x90 ft,, Price $3,500 M. H. Holgate, Real Estate Mortgage's and Other Secur ities Bought and Sold Loans Negotiated. Double House on. Apple St., Dunmore, Lot 50x1 5p feet. Price $2,000 Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa. Desirable Lot on Mulberry Street, $1,400 New 8-Room Single House on Lincoln Heights, house modern, lot 40x140. Cash will buy this property 51400 under estimated value. FOR SALE $4000 New modern double FOR SALE $3500 'cw modern slhjrlc FOR SALE BY HACKETT $3700 1Scw modern homes.Ccntral. Monthly $3700 FOR SALE BY HACKETT Country homes at Elmhurst. Chinchilla. Summit. Wavcrly, Glen burn. Dalton. and Factoryvllle. FOR SALE Several properties renting FOR SALE BY HACKETT $IOOO below cost: Large lot on Quincy Avenue. FOR SALE BY HACKETT Several lines of business, established and paying. PROPERTY Bought. Sold. Rented. Appraised. r vvi-i-.i.i insured and Cared For by W. T. HACKETT, Broker, 126-8 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa. FOR SALE Lot, eorncr Mulberry nnd Wheeler avenue, 80x90; finest location on tho ,M!1. For terms address 3. KUnc, Plalnlleld, N. J. THIS IS tho time to buy a lot or a prop erty, as they aro cheap and I have them to sell at any old price. Call and seo mo If you have tho cash and if you have none Its all the same. I can sell you. Call and see J. C. Zurllleh, 317 Lackawanna avenue. FOR SALE Klcfjant sites for homes in upper Green RUIko; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for homo in Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvine, 173G Sanderson avenue. Help Wanted Mala. ELECTRIC fANS-T wo or threo llrst-clnss In.sido wlremcn enii secure permanent work at good wages by applying imme diately. Only competent workmen want ed. Shepherd & Rust. 42 West Market street, "Wllkcs-Bnrro, Pa. MEN. NOT under 25 years, to call on old nnd now customers. No delivering. Position permanent to tho right party. Pay weekly. Glen Brothers, Rochester, N. Y. TRAVELING SALESMAN for Pennsyl vania to sell retail trade. Attractive, snlcahlo line; established house. Box '.", Detroit, Mich. WANTED Three young men not ovor thlray (SO) years of ago for general worls about store; profer experienced help. Good prospects for right men. Write us letter with references and call threo duys later. C. S, Woolworth, 319 Lackawanna avenue. Help Wanted Female. EXPERIENCED shirt operators wanted. Apply M. Solomon, 131 Franklin nvo nuc, third lloor. WANTED-A capable Protestant girl; threo months, for gcnnial housework in tho country and tho balanco of the yenr. assisting In light sewing and caro of children In hotel suito In tho city. A de lightful position and good wages for thn right person, Do not apply unless you havo tho best of references. Address G. M. CUSTOM SliinT OPERATORS wanted at once. Rooms 44 and 4u Uurr building. II. W. Sykes & Co. Eecrults Wanted, WANTTFcTruTsTTitTrt unnuirrled men between ages of L'l and 3.1 i citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who inn speak, rend and wrlto English. For In formation apply lo llecrulllug Officer, No, KM Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted, SITUATION WANTED - A competent registered druggist desires, position, or will supply. Address J. E. Stuart, i'l E. Northampton street, WIIUcs-Harre, Pa, SITUATION WANTED-Ryu young girl to go out of town as wultress or klteh? en girl. Apply or address Winifred Flan aghau, 401' Theodore streot. SITUATION WANT1JD-Hy a young girl nt any kind of work to go out of town. Address, Mury O'llara, 401 Theodora st. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND AV1IEAT TRADERS with out delay. Write for our speclul mar ket letter. Freo on upplleatlou. S. M. Illbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, 44 und 40 Hrpadway, Now York. Established 1601. Long PUtauco 'Phono 23SS Jiioau Honey to loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Quick, stiulght loans or Rulldlng and Loan, At from 4 to 0 per rout, ('all on N, V. Walker, 3H-313 Council building. Miscellaneous. SHIRTS CUT and mado to order. Rooms 41 und l'i Uurr building. Ii. W. SyUca & Co. DIRECTORY; 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mora Thti Four Llnei, ffCent lor Eich Bxtri U nt. Real Estate for Sale. Desirable Corner Lot on Wyoming Avenue 1,300 Queen Anne House, on Mulberry St. Modern In every respect, 1 1 rooms valued at $5,000. $3,600 Will buy It. Modern 9-Room House on Mul berry street, Price $4,000 Worth $6,000 BY HACKETT house at Green Ridge $4000 BY HACKETT liousc at Green Rldne. $3500 BY HACKETT for IO per cent, of their value. Found. FOUND Two whito horses In lot owned by Adam Grudls, 353 GarHeld avenue. Owner can have them by paying for ad. and damages. LEGAL. NOTICE IS hereby given that I purchased the property and franchises of The Lackawanna Silk Company at sheriff's sale thereof, on May 10, !H)2, and a deed therefor was delivered June 3, 1002. I will meet tho parties for .whose benefit I pur chased tho same at tho office of Welles & Torrey, In the Council Building, in tho City of Scranton, County of Lackawannn, Pennsylvania, on Juno 21th. al 10 0'cloclc a. m. to organizo a corporation to tnkn ovor tho property and franchises of Tho Lackawanna Silk Company. JAMES A. LINEN. PROFESStONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAL'LDLXG. C. P. A.. 22 Traders' Bnnk building. Old telephone, No. 1SGI. Architects. fIiederiFk" l7 brovn7a rch "a, Real Estate Exchange Bldg,, 126 Wash ington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S13 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHtTtM CONNELD building. Dentists. DR. C, E. E1LENBI3RGER. PAL' LI building. Spruce street, Scranton, DR.C. C. LAI'BACH, 11GWYOMING aval Lawyers. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT tornoys nnd Counsollors-at-Law. 603 to G12 Conned building. JES8UP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth Building, Rooms JO, 20 and 21, L. A. WATRE8. ATTORNEYrAT-LAW, Board of Trade Building. Scranton, Pa. A. V. BERTIIOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO No. 211 Wyoming avenue. Patent Attorney!. PTfENfglilp" Trade Marks and Labels registered. Tin only licensed Patent Att'ys In Scranton. Rcplonrlc & Co,. Wears Bldir. Hotels and Restaurants. TllT'J ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANK. In avenuo, Rates reasonable. P. ziEaLBR, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W. PaHfonger depot. Conducted on the Uu ropoan plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor, Scavenger. a. b. nniaas cleans privy vaults und cuss pools; no odor; only improved pumps used. A. B. Urlggs. proprietor, I.envo orders 1100 North Main Aveiwe, or Elcke's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry, Both telephones. "' Wire Screens. JOSHP1I Kl'ETTEU REAR oil LACK.V. ave., Scrunton, mfia. of Wire Bcreona. Ml sc ellnneous. ' MEaARGEE BROS.. PRINTERS' sup plies, euvolopes. paper bugs, twine. NVurchouse, l!0 Washington uvemio. THE W1LKES-BAUUE RECORD CAN ho had In Scranton nt the now stand of Relsmuu Bros., 40J Spruoo and Vt Linden; M. Norton. 3."-' Lncknwamu ave.; 1. S. Schutscr, 211 Spruce btvoiU A I ..SI til 'M n