wtskt" ;'"'w wv? vr v TPaS5E- , V " ' ' ps h . ' UWT kK' 1U.4 i'Vr , r ' ' ,s ' 1 " V , i 4 Hi U !) THE SOltAKTON TRIBUNE-. FRIDAY, JUNE 0, 1902. Jl i, '. w. l iU ' I ,,v I A VI i I NORTHEASTERN . PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. fpcll to Ih Scnnton Trlliuiu. Monti ore, June 6. Out of respect to the memory oC their lamented pre ceptor, the Into Prof, llurtbn U. Jnmes, the class oC '02 ot the Montrose High school, guvc up the tegulur commonco jnent exercises nnd Instend there wete simple nnd unostentatious exercises at the school house this afternoon. Over nnd about the pliitfoini were modest decotntlons fushtonod In the class tolors, tumuolH, white and gold, nnd the class occupied scatH nt one side of the pliitfoini and the speakers, on the other. The cxeitlses weic conducted by the acting pilnclpnl,of the school, Miss I'luiu Wlnuns, and the proBiamme opened with a prayer by ltev. A. W. Uoopot, pastor of the Methodist Epls topul church, followed by shoit and eloquent nddi esses by Rev. 13. K. Thomas, pastor of the Baptist chinch; Ttev. 1'. A. Wairlncr, lector of St. Paul's Episcopal church; ltev. A. T. Biodcilck, pastor of St. Mary's Catho lic chuich, and Rev. A. Ii. Denton, D. 1)., pastor cmeillus of the Picsbytetlan church. The class Included the follow Ihk: Misses Ndlle 13. Jnggcis, Anna L. Nash, Oiueo K. Smith. Giaeo S. De Witt, AVinltrcd 1. Hong, Luln M. CSieen, Mndellnc D. Loomis, Llna E Day, Dora Belle Smith. Kathryn A. O'Muia, Mnttle S. Billings, Giace Ethel Hoi ton, and Mqssi s. Russell T. Duvlos, Kchvaid T. Blrchaid, Bliss V. Lott, C. Raymond .Stiouse, and Miss Edna May Illy. At the conclusion of the addresses, the clahs united In singing the class pong and then Mr. William II. War ner bilelly addiessed the class and welcomed them to the Alumni asso ciation, with whom they met at the c!oe of the exercises. The giaduates weie piesentcd with theli diplomas by Thomas J. Davles, on behalf of the bo.ud of education of Montrose. FOREST CITY. Special to ttic Scianton TrlDune. Foiest City, June . The annual meeting of the Woman's Foieign Mls slon.uy society of the Honesdnlc dis tiict took place In the Methodist chuich today. Theie was n latge attendance The following piogiamme was can led out. Moining Session, 10 o'clock De o tlons, Mrs C. W. Todd; greetings, Rev. It. L. Claik, Miss Myitle' Mtiitln; le spone, Mis. J. D. Bush; minutes of last meeting, Mrs. J. Johns; tieasuiei's le poit. Mis ( H, Newlng, loll call and icports of uuxlliaiies and b.mdb; duet, Mis. G. H. Stephens and Mis. Wairen Claik; icmarks, Miss Pieice Butlei. Afternoon Session, 1.10 o'clock Dov o- tlons, Mr B. D Long. "The Study" (Via Chiistl). Mis. B. I- Claik, "Watchman. Tell Us of the Night," Mib. H. P. WOodVwiul: "What It's Signs of PiomNe Are," Mis M. D. Fuller, "Watchman, Tell Us of the Night, Tor -the Moining Seems to Dawn," Mis. Hu- beit F. CKiiK, leading, Mis. C. M. 'Selgel; mHsIonuiy olio, Mls Fannie J. Flint kes; a lettci fioni Miss Mhanda ' Ciouchei. of China, Miss Alice Butei. Evening Sesion, 7.30 DInlogue,"Hov the Woman'. Toieign Misbionaiy So ciety Won the Young Ladles," foui oung ladles; address, "Itlneiatlng In India," Miss Fannie J. Spaikes; bene diction The ofiliPi.s aie piesldent, Mis M. Q. Mcnhei; Ice-president, Mrs. Pieice Butlei; seciotaiy. Mis. J. Johns, ticas ui ei, Mis. C. H. Newlng; dlstiict see letaiy. Mis. A. F. Chaffee. .The Foiest Citj business men will pfav ball tomouou aftemoon. Theie is intense ilvalry between the teams and an interesting time cm bo expect ed. NEW MILFORD. fpciml to Hit Sinnlon Tribune. New 'Milfoid, June ."Mr. and Mis. Chailcs Lines, of Client Bend, called on f i lends In town this week. Mis. F. D. E.ithetly ictuined to her home In Detiolt Wednesday moining, after a shoit visit with lelativcs here. Pi of. Ctompton. of .Spilngvllle, was 'Mn town Mondayii) business The Ilallsteud Fho company was called to this plate eaily Thuisday moining to assist In extinguishing a fire which oilgltmtcd In a pile of wood liear Bell's saw mill, and thieatenod ' the mill. About 100 coids of wood weie destrojed. Mis. Geoigo Steams, of Haifoul, spent Wednesday with friends In town. . The enteitaiumeiit to be given by A. Lincoln Koik at the Opcia limine will bo on Thuisday evening, June 1.', Instead of Tuesday e ruins, as stated .In lust Tuosdnj's papei, MIsh May Benedict Is spending the sumniQl' with fi lends In Hnifoid. ..t'hllilien'H Day services will be con ducted ut the Piesbyteilnn chuuh 'Sunduy CNcnlug. DUNPAFF , Fpcclal lo llio taanton Tribune Dundaff, June 5, Our school boiud elected ofllceta and ireched the now luembeiH lust Monday night. Kov, Qeoige Wlnteis iccolvcd tho oath of office, filling the vacancy made by Mi. A. II. Ayies, wIioho tetm exphed. Olll (018 elected for tho coming year weie; K. K. Wells. niesldentiDr. G. A. Flke, scietaiy; H, n, Lamoreaux, tieasurer. Tho Chlldien's Day exeicisrs will tnko place nt tho Baptist chuich on Sunday evening, June 15. A very , pleasing piogiammo Is being ai ranged and a good time anticipated, Wnrto M, Finn und wlfo weie in town on Wednesday, m ' HOPBOTTOffl, Fpfl to llio Scianton 'lilbunr. Hnpbottnm, June 5, Miss Jessie Oolo. wuy, of lliooklyu, Is u guest of Mrs. M. Mo Vicar this week. Mr, and Mis. V. M, Tiffany spent Tupsday In Blnglmmton, Mis. J. t Merill wuh In niliRliumton this wpek. Fireman Hughes, of Junction, N, J,, Out, Biuiaes and Burn Quickly Healed, Chamberlain's Pain Balm is uu anti septic liniment, and when applied to tuts, InulHea und bums, muses tlium to heal without inutuiatloii and much itioio quickly thun by the uouul treat ment. Foi sale by AlipiuggUtD, I v visited his mother, Mis. M. M. Bell, of this place, Wednesday. Several of the ladles fioni this place attended the Ladles' Aid at Mis. Wil liam Bailey's of Uionklyn, on Thurs day, ltev. Ii. Ii. Lewis was In town Wed nesday, . WELSH HILL. . Special to Hie Seranton Trlbunt. Welh Hill. Juno C Mr. and Mis. Homy Butlei visited In Unlondnlc re cently. Miss Llzde Jones, of Scianton, Is vis iting P. D. Jones. Mrs. Edith Owens Craudall, of Union dale, foimeily of this place, was bulled on Sunday Inst. Services, at Union dale, Intel ment In Lyon sticet como tei . Miss Bcitha Owens, of Scianton, is the guest of her sister, Mis. v. II. But ler. Miss Maine Bell, or Cuibondule, was a caller at John. Watklns' homo le ecntly. Will Moses and slstei, Ll.le and Annie, attended the Blgelow and Dan- PICTURE There's liatunilly fm in than Is shown a goat and a pigeon i,.u nnntl.ils In Hen Ilk last evening. Miss Annie lendcied the wedding lim bic. "The Slums of New Yoik Clt" was Mm snbiect of an excellent lectin e de moted by oui pastor, lte. Hauls, Sun day evening, to a l.uge and attentive audiente. Special muMc was lendcied, M!s Ruth Thomas, of Jeimvn, is vlb itlng hei aunt, Mis J. W. Davis Miss Iiene Moigans visited In Scian ton Thutsduy. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Timkhannock. June 5 -Mi and Mis R. P. Noithiopu nie ontPitnlnhW His (jI' ,.. . ,,.!.. r ul.Hii.lnlnliln. at thPlr home on Susquehanna avenue this ween. ,.... .-, . t i... lUnriioff hn has iIIN t.cuifcit-' "-. ....tt""". - -; been tho guest of hei initio, colon I Lu Bcnu S llimdilck. on Tiogi stieet i pun li ed home on Tuesdav Mis Geoigo IJlswoith left last S ituul.iy foi Philnfleld. New Jcibcj, vvhcie shp has cntoied Di. Coolo's s.mltiiilum foi tieat nient Mi. Dllswoith has been a sufteier fiom lheumatlsni foi many veins Mis John Com flight, tr Plulnsvllle ,1s Visiting hei hlstei, Miss L'lAibcth Goble on Second sticet l'liink Api, wlio is eniplojed in tho hospital at Plttston, Is spondiiig a few davs with his patents ut this iilato. MlbS Gel ti udo LuekiMiblll who has been v idling hei pin cuts. Ml. nnd Mis. Louis Luckeiililll, on setond hticot, ictuined to Maucli Chunk on'Tiicsdaj. wheie olio Is engaged In tiio nilllinoij hulness Mis. i:icauoi .1. Little visited at Russell 11111 on Tin hda. Michael Ciiiunilngs, of Scianton, dep uty piothnnotiiiy, vlslttd Ills iilcnd, John Liiiinu, at the W.iueii Stipot hoiel on Thuisday. Geoigti Ullswoith vlsttpil his wlfu at Plalutlcld, Now Jtis-o.v, on Wednesday. Geoigo Simpson, 'who has bun on a vli.lt to n lends at C'ai bontliile, lotmncd home on Thuisda. An oflleei finin Towtuula jwssed tluougli heio on Thuisday with two voung moil no nan aiicsit-ii ,u .iioiiuusi-, ch.uged with having hillgluiued a Moio In tho tinmer plan. Attoiiujs O. Sinllh Klniier and Aki S. Keelti went to llulilsbuig on UVduej-Uay nnd wuiti admitted to piactleo at tho bar of tho Supiomo tome Mutt i:ssei. of Sajlu, Is v lulling Ills niothci. Mis Caiollno HsbPi, at tills place. Mouls L, Jeuiilngs Is tunllned to hln lioini' on Slot uni stipet with Inllammntoiy ihciunatlHiu Small, little daliglitei of Mi, and Mis. ll.uiy U. Hillings, Is'.vHItlug lolatlies at Kingston tills week Theio will bo an ice tioini festival held on tho l.ivwi of tho Cutlinllo oliiuch this Fllday eienlng, Juno ii Kveiliody In vited, llv'uit Hoitlen, ot the I'nlvt'iblty of I'emislinuU hospital, Is visiting his pa lents, Mi. and .Mis p R ISoulcn, on Put nam btlVt Mis. llllz.i Stink has Usued linltatlons fm tiio niiinlugu of Iipi dnuglitn. Agues V in Wltllnm lllttiln-n ... ,nl;,. ilIha .ill .. . .. ,,,,, 1, IV ... t,,,.u 'l. on Wednesday eipuliu,, Juno IS, at 8 o'clock. The Raptlst pcoplii liold u "Bock so clal" on Vilday tnt'iilug, June J7, foi tliu bunuflt of tho tat pet fund, Tho Lindsay Iliotheib, of FactoivWlIc, who puiclinscd tho livrr Inldgu at this place, comment ed on 'llnusday lo lemovo tho mot and uppci putt ol the sliuctuie. Tiio Moor and lowoi llmbpis will not he distill bed until after tho conlrait for building tho now bildgn Is lot, Tho monthly mooting of the Timkhnu nock chapter of tha Daughter 0f tho Auinilcun Itmoliltlou will ho held on Hat in day nftoinonu, Jmio 7, ut the homo of Mis, Bindley W. Ltiwls. James L Voso and tlnugliteis, Kate and Mjltlo, in o In nttPiidautP nt the (linnil Anny Piicampnipnt nt Oettvshiug this vseck, TODAY'S D., I;, AND W. BOARD, milowliitf Is the make-up of thu Delaware, I.tiekuisantia & Westpin bouid for today: FRIOAV, Jl'KR PusliPis-7 u in llouser; 1H3 n. m , lloiiin; 7.10 p m , Mutpliv; 9 p. in , W, II. Uartliolonicvv, Helpers 1.50 a. ni , Mellovein; 7 a. m, (Jaffney; 10 u. m., Hecyrj i 30 p. ni., Stun ton gmmmmmammtmmmatmKmmmmmtamxmmaKgmmmmmmmmammmm MMmMBBBn SELF-DEFENSE ISNIE PLEA tCotictmlcu fiom Piigo fl 1 face soi niched. Coggtove had lost his hnt. After the men got on the car they started for the cential city. He wns on the i car plnttoim when the thiee men got on the ear nnd did not hear Cos giovo say he had "winged" any per son. Dr. M. J. Williams nld that he was surgeon on duty In the West Side hos pital last December. On December 0 he wns called theie about 2 o'clock In the afternoon to rc-c a young man' mimed McAullffe, who had been shot. He round the leg badly swollen ftom a wound about midway between knee and ankle. JIc Inserted n piobo for an Inch and then withdrew It. deciding that It would bo advisable to hae the leg ex amined under an X-ray, and as they hnd none he had the case mocd to the Lackawanna hospital. While ho was examining McAullffe ho told him It would be necessary to place him under the Influence of an opiate. McAullffe feaicd to lime him do this, as he said ho had been drinking hoally for three months. McAullffe was Intoxicated when he wine to the hospital. About the time they weie tluougli with McAullffe, John Dunleavy came In to have the wound In his hand re-diessed. He showed plainly signs of Intoxication. In his judgment the man PUZZLE. moie life on this heie. Find n calf, who shot McAullffe must have been within thiee feet of him. WHAT M'AULIFFE SAID. Mis Jesse M. Smith, one of thenuises at the West Side hospital, .noticed that McAullffe staggered as he eamo In the hospital In the etherizing loom Mc Aulifte niid he was somewhat afraid to go under ether. "Remember," ho said to Di. Williams, "I have been di Inking foi about thiee months and nin thor oughlv satuinted with liquor" Dunleavy was consideinhly lntoI cated when he came. When ho wns asked about his wound, he said he got it cleaning a revolve!. On henilng this, McAullffe, who was close by, said. "It's all up Theie's no use bluffing. They know all about it." Miss Suiah Smith, the supeiintendent of the hospital, cor loboiated the evidence of Mib Smith Di. W. K. Dolun examined the leg aftei Its amputation, along with Di. Thompson and Di. Sturge. They also dissected It He described wheie the bull enteied, wheie It was found and the coutse It puisued between the two points. They found the fibula shatteied Into fragments and took out fifteen or sixteen small pieces of bone. Judging from the angle which the bullet took he would say that if both men weie on the level giojind they tould not have been mote than" two feet apait when the shot wns Hied. The flattening on tho side of the bullet indicates that It htiuck the bone ut an angle of at least foity-ilve degiees nnd that theie was no dedei tion of it. Dr. Chillies H Thompson, of the Scianton Pi hate hospital, and Dr. Udgur Stui ge coriobouited the testi mony of Di. Dolun. Dr. Daniel Jenkins gave It as Ills opinion fiom the nutuie of the wound that the men could not have been moio than thiee or four feet np.it t. Poitlons of the testimony of Doml nlek Mot uu and his wife, taken at the time of the habeas coipus homing to hoeuio tho l dense of Cosgrove on bull, weie then lead for tho purpose of tou tiadlcting the testimony given by them concerning the sume matteis nt this tilal. TO CONTRADICT pnOSHKR. Stephen Dyer, special agent for the Scianton Rallwny company, testified that he knows Thomas Piosser, who testified for the commonwealth, Ho saw him last Satin day and Piosher told him tho stoiy of the rioting, which dif feied mnteilally from what Ptosser told on the stand yesteiduy moining. Pa tiolmiiii Tliomus Evans, who was pies ent ut tho conveisatlon between Dyer and Piosser, coirobouited what Der bald about the Intenlew with Piosser, V.. D. Reed, a civil engineer for the Scianton Railway company, Identllled u dliigium ho made showing nt what angle u bullet would pass tluougli a leg when fired at n given distance fiom tho persons Injmed. Depositions were then offered in evi dence which weie taken In Philadel phia. They Included tho statements of John 13. Vihees, public prosecutor, of WUnbcth, N, J and other residents of New Jeisey, all of high standing, who testified to tho Imv-ubldlng i-huiuctcr und upilghtiiess of Cosgiove. At this point couit adjourned until D o'clock this moining. Other Criminal Cases. Patilck rinnegan und Michael Judge, who wem put on tilut Wednesday ihuiged with the theft of Iron and brass fioni the Delmvate, Lackuwuiinu mid Western company, were yesteiduy ie t u I lied guilty, Matthew C.iff was found not guilty of selling lliiuor without it license und the Jm y befoio whom Thomas (illhoy was tiled on u blmllar ofteuso was dis charged, being unable to ngiee. When touit ndjoumed Jmues Keai ney was on trial befoio Judge Now comb, charged with embezzling funds of the Singer Manufacturing company. The case against V, II. Unton cluig- cd with embeaallng moneys of the Im pel lot Stnlti, Paint and Filler company, Is still on bcfoio Judge Kelly In court loom No. a. The evidence closed be fore ndjouinment yesterday and tho case will be eoncltldcd'thts moining, At the conclusion of the commonwealth's case Mr. Scrngg icqiicflted that tho case bo withdrawn from the Jury on the ground that all fhe Items of moneys al leged lo lmvp been embodied weie rn toicd by tho defendnnt In the com pany's books, openly nnd under a claim of right. In other woids, that the defendnnt had nppaiently made no secret of the fact that he had taken money nt va ilous times but did so' under tho Im piesslon that as manager hp had the light to. The court l of used tho request and the defense was then piesented. Defendant's good teputatlon wns shown by u mimbet of prominent business men after which ho took tho stand In his own b'ehnlf. Ho went over tho vn ilous Items charged against him und testified that all the moneys so charged were either expended by him for legiti mate expenses of the business or ap plied upon his salary. Suit Again the City. Mibs Sarah Mason Is the plaintiff in an action begun for her ostordny by Attoinoa John P. Qulnnan and T. P. Hobnn to recover damages ftom tho city of Scianton, On the night of July 3, 1000, she was In this city and wns on Wyoming ave nue waiting for u car to take her to her home In Notth Seranton. A Piovldencp car came along nnd while going towaul It she fell Into a ditch which had been dug to permit the Lackawunna Tele phone company to lay Its conduits. As a lesult of this fall she fractured her thigh and sustained many other Injutles of a seilous nature. She Is pei tnancntly cilppled. Amicable Action in Ejectment. Tho Lacoe & Shlffcr Coal company began an amicable action In ejectment jesterdny against tho Covey Cieck Coal company to lecover possession of a cei tain piece of coal land In Lncka wunna township. This was leased to the defendant com pany Feb. 27, 1901, but It has never done anything In the way of carrying out the ptovlsions of the lease and theiefoie undei the lease the land 10 eits to the owner. In Orphans' Couit. Judge A. A. Vosburg, in the Orphans' court, yesterday handed down opinions und reports as auditing judge, in the estuto of Mark F. Halt, deceased, and Jeicmlah Simons, deceased. In the Hart estate, it is found that the admlnistrntot hns paid out all of the funds which belong to the estate of tho decedant, but that theie is a bal ance of ovei $1,700 of atiust fund which came into the hands of the decedant as guardian of Maud Dow den. It Is directed that notice be given to the present guaidian of Maud Dow den, nnd her next of kin, nnd that they file an agreement as to the conectness pf the account, within ten dus, nnd that thereupon the said balance will be dis tributed to the piesent giinidlau. In the estate of Jeremiah Simons, de ceased, tho claim of Moigan H. Thomas for merchandise is allovyed In full, and the claim of Thomas Fletcher for bom d and bonowed money la also allowed to the amount of $237 with intoiest. This claim was contested by the helis, who held that nothing was due, but it Is found by tho couit that, under the fair weight and pieponderance of the testi mony, this claim was valid and should be paid out of the fund for distribution. After the payment of these claims, the balance of the fund Is awarded to the biotheis and slsteis of the decedant, who was a widower and left no child! en to survive him. In the ebtute of Matilda Swingle, de ceased, an opinion nnd deciee was handed down, ovenullnpr the exceptions to tho lpport of the audltoi. The couit holds that under the terms of the will theie was an equitable conveislon of tie leal estate into pci.sdnul piopeity, and that theie has been no lo-con-veision of it by agreement of nil the hell s It is fuither held that the real estate thus convened must be sold, In oulei that the executois may file an account, as thej aie lequiicd to do by oider of couit. Yestei day's Mairiage Licenses. Wnsll BcailPi Seranton Annie llnkos Scianton John riiiheity Seranton Huh Caspv Scianton C'lmilps Piay Scianton Annie- Aiken Seranton SUIatowski Standfl Scianton HlouNl ins Mucixwka Scianton J. Randolph Marshall Scianton riitucps R. Jones Mitfllntowii. Pa. John bcMicuwic Mlnookn Aline Dobvnstu Mlnooku Doumoiiicu Rctella Arthhalil Mm la Ciimitieil Aichbiild David It. Olbbs Scianton i:iiabeth A. Moigan Sciunton WAVERLY. A huge number of people witnessed a game of base ball on Decoiatlon day between the Daltoti and Wuveily clubs on the gioundb of Mr. Watklns, neai his summer tesldcnco on Depot street. It was a well contested und veiy In teiestlng gunic, lesiiltlug In a hcore of b to a In favor of Wuveily club, Joseph A. Mott and family aie stop lug with Uvtou Crowles at the Shei inun cottage, J, A. Linen and family mo occupy ing his summer icsldenco heie which la ope ot tho tlnest In this vicinity. Mi. Watklns Is making extensive Im piovcments on his property on Depot stieot which he expects to occupy soon. Fiank Jctniyn hns also gie.itly 1m pioved his piopeity on the snino street und will take possession of It In a few (111 j s. Leslie Tjlei of this pluee, who lb un employe of tho County Savings nnd Tiust company bank, of & ronton, has gone to tho AdlioiulaclfB for tho benefit of his health, He expects to leinuln some time, MO0SIC, The Ladles' Mlsslomuy boilety of the Piesbytetlun chuich weie entertained yesteiduy afternoon nt tho home of Mr, and Mis, John McCi Indie of Scianton, Tho following Is' tho piogiumme of the commencement exeiclses of the Moosle High school to bo given Satur day cvonliig In the Dyumond itudltoi lum; Oveituie, otchestia; choius, by sixteen gllls;iectutlou, Coin Loveilng; essay, Anna Ruins; piano duet, Nellla McDonnell nnd Read lee Jones; class pinphecy, J. Peicy Raw son; vocal duet, Nellie and Phntles Monle; lecltntlon, VHIiel Luucnstei ; imiiulollii solo, by itlta McDonnell; essay, Nellie McDon nell; piano duel, by Uthel Tiegellas and Vlnu Diuke; ehoius, by sixteen joung Indies; nddiesaes, by Prof, a, P, lilble, piliiclpnl of Hast StioudsbUrg state normal school; pieseiuatlon of diplomas, by T, D. Maschal; selection, orpchestra. nntcrtalnment begins ut 8 p. m. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cants More Thin Four Line, .1 Cents tor Bach Dttra Lint. For Bent. I10t'Si:B FOILUBNT 111 all poitlotiB of the cltv. farms for sale or oxeliatiB" for cltv piopptty, lots foi sale. In all pill ts of tiio rltv, any kind of leal estiilo deals made tluougli J. U. ZuillMi, fl" Lncknwatma iivoihio. roil KIJNT-A . oom lake cottage' at Lnko Sheridan, near KnitoiyWIIo. uentlv furnished, with a llshlng boat and plot, for the Benson or by the month, com mencliiK now, everything In Hip cottage ti-to-tluto and clean and In llist-rlnss condition, only good put ions need apply us I will not lent to anybody else. See J, C. X.ui Mich, r17 Larkawanna nvciuic. ' .- ' IF You lime anv propnity to rent nnd can't lent them call and boo ,1. C. Zui llleh, BIT Lackawanna menuc. - Port RUNT-! louse In Dnlton; nlrely lo cated; shoit distance fiom station; hnt and cold wntei nnd Until. Addiess W. II. Blade, Dnlton, Pa. BARN FOR RBNT-SI2. April 1st. tinea bo and tlnce single stalls and wash tnrk, tent of J24 Madison metuie. In nulio at 634 Madison avenue Furnished Booms for Bent. FOR RBNTVryTc7hable'Tin'nishpd' loom for one or two gentlemen. All coincidences. 110 Linden stieet. 1-OR RBNT-Ono furnished loom, with impiovcmonts; also one on tlilid floor, cheap 1.27 Adams avenue. FURN1SHBD ROOMS for rent, nio'lorn linpioiemonts; pilvato family; gen tlemen pieferrcd, nt M7 Adams avenue. FOR RBNT Furnished room; heat and bath. (.2" Linden street. rURNISHBD ROOMS FOR RDNT, w Ith heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pre ferred, at fi39 Adams avenue For Sale. FOR SALC The Palace Restauinnt. The best located una best paving icsiau rnnt in Blnglmmton. Will be sold at a bill Bain. Address Palaco Restaurant, Blnghiimton, N. Y. FOR SALD Fine bav maie, sound and gentle, weight 1.2'0 pounds, for sale cheap. Jnqiilie in stoic. 111 Penn avenue. PIANO FOR SALK A chance seldom of fered; paity must silciillce this week, ipgnidless ot cost, elegant upright piano used less than llvo months Call 324 Franklin avenue TOR SALC Hand silk douhlers. Now. Unmfoid Bios, Pateison, N J. For Sale or Bent. FOR SALE OR RDNT A 10 loom single house; nil impiovcments; laigc lot. lnqulto 1413 Capouso avenue Board and Booms. rURNISIIDD ROOMS for rent, ulso tran hient or peimunent boardcis wanted, low lates, r,17 Lackawanna avenue Call and see J C. Ziuflleh UOARDKRS Double pal lots, two large It out looms; other nice looms; all model n conveniences; table board 105 Jeffcison avenue VF.RY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms with fli st class table boaid, can be obtained nt 333 Jeffcison avenue. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS-ror two adults, tlllPO or four looms, furnished or unfurnish ed for veiy light housekeeping, flist lloor picfencd Addiess M. B, Tlibuno ofllce WANTED Furnislicd house of four or live looms for housekeeping Addiess AGE, Tribune office. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS National Delegation Association, Minneapolis, Minn., July 7th-llth. For the above oicnsion the Lacka wanna Itnlhoad will sell special ex cursion tickets to Minneapolis, good going July 4th, 5th, and, 6th, at $30 50 for lound tilp, and to be available for l etui n passage leaving Minneapolis not em Her than July 8th, or later than July Hth, except by depositing tickets with Joint Agent at Minneapolis not later than July Hth, and upon pamont of a fee of SO cents at the time of deposit, an extension of the limit of leaving Minneapolis to und including Sept. 1. Delegates1 will ple.ibo bear In mind the fact that by leaving Scianton on the Lackuwnnnii Rallioad, on!y one change of cms, Chicago, is "necessai y. A popular time is leaving Scianton at 0:50 p. in , in living Minneapolis 7:45 the second moining. Low Bate of Fme to Denver, Colo rado. On account of the Sunduy School In ternational ussoclutlon tiicnnlnl con vention to be held nt Denvei, Col., June 2(1 to July 2, special i omul-trip flist class tickets may bo pin chased of the Lackawanna inllrond ticket office at one-way fnie for the lound tilp, $45 23. Tickets will bo sold und good going June 21, 22 nnd 2J. On the letuin tilp, tho payment of 23 tents to tho joint ngent, same will bo validated for return passage to August 31, 1902. , The N. Y., 0, & W. Summer Time- Table Will become effective on Its main lino ami Sciunton division, Sunduy, Juno 10. Trains will bo iuii sumo us last seuson, with the exception of an eaily morning connection which will he made for pas sengers Cuibondulo and South with tho "Quuker City" expiess of tho Central Railroad of New Joisey, This tialn makes close connections tor all moml neut Pennsylvania state points, arilv lngin Philadelphia at 12 noon; Bultl inoie, 2 30; Washington, 3 30, and At lantic City. 3 20 p. in. Flist Class Tickets to San Francisco nnd Return at Less Than One Way Faie, On account of the linpetlal Council, Nobles of the Mystic Sclulne, San Fiancisco, California, June 10th Hth, 1902, tho Lackawunna tullioad will Is sue tlist-class cxcuislou tickets fiom Sciunton ut the low rate of $68 25 for the lound trip, on sale good going May 26th to June 7th Inclusive and for re turn to reach oilglnul stuitlng point not later thun 60 duy.i from oilglnul date of puichnse of ticket, See Depot Ticket Agent In legal d to stop off ptlv lleges vailable joutes, hide tilps, Pull man jeseivatlons, etc. Low Bate of Faie to Poitland, Ore,, and Return. On account of the National Convention Travellers Piotectlve Association of America, Pnitland, On., June 3id to 7th; the Supieme Lodge A. O. U, W.. Portland. Ore., Juno 10th to 20th, 1902, the Lackawanna lulltoddv, will Issue SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Branch WANT Cfflcas. Want Advertisements WlTl Be Beceived nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AMII'llT srillir.TZ. corner Mulberry lrcct and Wctiitrr avenue. GUSTAV PICIUX, 050 Ailami ene. West Side OEOriCtt: V. JIISKINS, Wl South Miln nicnuc .. South Seranton I'HED h. TCrtl'Pi:, 729 Cedar avenue. North Seranton OKO. W. DAVIO, rerner North Mitln aienuc and Market street. Green Ridge CIIAnr.KS P. JON'KS, LIST Dickson avenue. I". J. IOIIVS, ko Green Hlilgc Mrcct. C. LOm;X7, torncr Waslilngton aie- avenue and Marion street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEb, 1017 In In j avenue. Dunmore J. a. BOXE k so.v. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Three joung men not over thlray (10) veais of age foi general woik about stole; prefer cpeilenced help. Good ptospects for light men Wiite us letter with leferonces and cull thiee days later. C. S. Woolwoi t'i,' 319 Lackawanna avenue. ' Help Wanted Female. EXPERIENCED shirt opeiutois wanted. Apply M. Solomon, 1J1 Fi unkllii ave nue, third floor. WANTED A capable Piotestant gill: three months, for geneial houcvoik In the country and tho balance of the year assisting In light sowing and cine of ciiuaien in notel suite in the cltv. a de lightful position nnd good wages foi (he light peison. Do not applv unlesH jou have the best of refeienros Aclrirosi G. M. WANTED A good cook to go to Lake Henrv foi tho summoi Apply at the Lackawnnna Luuhdiy, 308 Penn avenue A. B Wurman. CUSTOM SHIRT OPERATORS wanted at once Rooms 44 and lli Buir building. H. W. Sykcs & Co Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED A competent legisteied diuggist desires position, or will supplv. Address J E Stuait, 2(9 E Northampton stieet, Wllkes-Barre, Pa SITUATION WANTED-Bj a voung gill to go out of town as vvuitiess or kitch en gill. Applv or addiess Winifred Flan aghan, 402 Theodoio street SITUATION WANTED-By a voung gilt at any kind of work to go out of town Address, Maty O'Hura, 401 Theodoie st. SITUATION WANTED by a girl 17 J ems old to do general light housewoik; would like to woik in the cltv Addtcss 239 Putnum stieet, Providence, Pa. Business Opportunity. STOClTJrTTHli:ATRAOT out delay. Wiite for oui special mar ket letter. Tree on application. S M. Hlbbard & Co, membcis N. Y Consoli dated and Stock Exchange. 44 ni.il 46 Bioudway, New York Established 1861. Long Distance "Phone 21SS Bioad. Honey to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Qulck. "tinlght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent Call on N. V Walker, 314-313 Connell building Found. FOUND Two white noises In lot owned bv Adam Giudls, 33", Garfield avenue Owner can havo them by paying for ad and damages. Miscellaneous. SHIRTS CUT and made to oidci. Rooms 44 and lb Bun building. II. W. Sjkes & Co First Class lound trip tickets for $70.30 on sale good going May 26th to June 7th Incl. and for leturn passage to leach oilginal stinting point not later than 60 days from oilglnul date ot sale. Seo Depot Ticket Agent for particulars as to stop-over privileges toutes and train schedule, f BASE BALL, "j American League, M llillu.1nlnlllil 11 II 1' Chicago 0 03 0 100 3 2-111) 0 Philadelphia 1 0 0 1 1 0 00 0- 'I 'i 2 Batterles-Ui llllth and Sullivan: Hust lugs and Poweis, Umpire Connolly. At Washington- It.lI.E. Detiolt 002001000 J 7 2 Washington 0 000 104 Ox 3 4 Battetles Mullen and McOulic; Patten and Claik. Umplie Shcililnn. At Bultlmoie R.H.E. St. Louis 2 2 0 2 0 0 I 0 0- 7 14 .1 Baltimore 10 10 0 1111-611 1 Batteries Itcldy nnd Doiioliue; Hughes and Robinson. L'mplics O'Lotiglilln nnd Cniuthcis, At Cleveland- R.H.E. Boston 0010000023 b 1 Cleveluud 0 ll 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-2 9 2 Battel les Young and Cilgei; Joss und Wood, Umpire Johnstone. National League. At Philadelphia- R.H.E. Plttsbuig 0 200 I Ml 5-9 12 1 Philadelphia ,,,,,,,0 00 00004 0-4 .1 4 Batlot les t'hcsbtn anil O'Counoi ; Fia Ecr and Dooln. I'mpltes Powers and Binwu. At Now York- R.H.E. Chicago ., 0 1 01 0000 1-J 12 2 New York 022000 0 Ox 4 7 3 Batteiles Menefee und Cluiuce; Spaiks and Yeagci. I'mplio Cantllllon. At Brooklvn- 11 11 L Cliiclmmtl ,,,,,,,,,,0 00 0 00 00 0-0 4 3 BtooklJIl IO000 102X-4 1 0 Batturles-Cuiiln and Peltz; Donovan and Pun ell. Umpire Emslle. At Boston- R.H.E. St. Louis ,...000111000-3 S 0 Boston ,, ooooooooo-o 7 a Battel les'-M. O'Neill und J. O Nclll; Eason und Klttildgo. Umplre-O'Duy. Eastern League. Woicestci, 1.'; JciBoy City, 4. Toionto. H: Montical. 4 Boffdlo, 4; Rochcstor, 3 Ptovldenco. 8; Newark, 3 DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mid Thi t Four Llntt, o Ctnti tor Bach Bttra Una, SEALED flfOPOBALm. NOTICE Tho County Commissioners will lecclvo bids for the erection ot a steel glider concrete floored bridge In Nowton lonnshlp over outlet to Kcrchess Pond. Also for thn llllllrilnir nf it lirMsn nf lh sumo description In the same township "' ivern a creeK on tno west Mountain lond, Uidtlcrn till nil lutdtrna uih.Iui It, ,,i,n!ll,t ft cortltled chock ot tho amount ui iu per cent, or DIU. All bids to bo ptesented by 12 o'clock m. of the Hth day of June, A. D. 1A02. JOHN J. DtlRKIN, J. COURIER MORRIS, JOHN PENMAN. ... , ... County Commissioners. Attest:-W. O. DANIELS, Cleik. NOTICE-Pi-oposftls will ha teccived by tho County Commissioners of Lacka wanna county for tho election of tho fol lowing dcscilbcd stono aiches, stocl tiuss, nnd steel gltdci, concrete flooiod bridges, to wit: Ono steer truss bridge (R3-foot span) over Tunkhulinock crcoK between borough of Lal'lume nnd township of Denton, Ono steel tums (iO-foot spun) bildse over Sptlng Brook In boiottgh of Moosle. Two steel glider toncicto floored bildges In Wavcilv boiough. Ono conciotc and metal, aich brldgn over stieam near postofflco in tho borough of Dnlton. One stone inch btldge over Fall Brook In Fell township One stono aicli bildgn In Uiccnlleld township over outlet of Newton lake on tho toad leading fiom Caibondale to Cllf foid corners Ono stono arch bridge over Summit lake cieek In South Ablngton township Also ono stono nich over Britton creek In South Ablngton township. Also for building abutments over creek In Sptlng Brook township All bids to be In tho hands of the Couu tv Coinmtslsoncis at their office In the Couit House not Inter than twelve o'clock noon, of tho Hth day of June, A. D. 19W. Plans nnd spclilcntlons can bo seen nt the ofllce of the sntd commissioners on nnd after June 2 Contracts to be awatd cd as soon after the Hth Inst, as possible JOHN J. DURKIN, JOHN PENMAN. J. COURIER MORRIS, County Commlsslonois, Attest- W Q. DANIELS. Clerk. Scianton, Pa , May .10, 1902. LEQAL. NOTICE Is hereby given that the peti tion of Snlnt Stanislaus Congiogatlou of the Polish Roman Catholic church ot Scianton, Pa a corporation chaitoicd under the I-' of tho State of Pennsvl vnnln, asking a dccieo of dissolution of the said col, tlon, as approved un der the Act of . .-embly approved the 9th tiny of April, 18."6, and Its supple ments, will bo pioscntod to the Couit ot Common Pleas of Lackawanna county on Fridav, the 20th day ot June. 1902, at 9 o'clock a. m. II. L TAYLOR., Solicitor.. Beal Estate. '1HIS IS tho time to buy a lot or a prop el tv, as they am cheap and I havo them to sell nt anv old pi Ice Call and see mo if vou have the cash and If ou hava none Its all the same I can sell you. Call and see J. C. Zurfllch, 317 Lackawanna avenue. .,.- , FOR SALE Elegant sites tor homos In upper Gieen Ridge; cliolco nclghboi hood; most desirable locality tor home In Lackawanna county. J. A Marvine, 1716 Sandeison avenue." Lost Strayed Stolen. LOST White bull toirler: liberal reward. Robeit C Adams, 441 Clay avenue, Scianton, Pd. J , ,i , i I i , ' i i w . . LOST A sum of money In D & H. Co envelope. Liberal lewaid If returned to Tilbune office , LOST A gentleman's pockatbook. con taining sum of money 4artdtwo gold pins. Knights of Malta and Knights of P.vthlas Flndei please icturn to 511 Con nell building and lecelve liberal reward LOST A ladles' ,'gofd Watch:a liberal lewaid v.'ill be given if leturncd to Hotel Tcirace. Rheumatism. RHEUMATISM-AU parties thaPwish can bo speedily and permanently uiud of all varieties of Rheumatism by a v ego table compound; emes guaranteed. In qulie or addiess J. E. Tavlor, Scianton. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Fublic Accountant. EDWARD" C. SPAULDINGCrp.TT":! Tiadois' Bank building Old telephone, No. 1864. Architects. FREDERICK L BROWN. ARCH B, Real Estate Evcliango Bldg , l.b Wash ington ave Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L HARDING, St". CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON &. KNIGHT, 72ti CONNELL building. Dentists. DR. ('. E EILENBERGER. PAULI building, Spiuco stieot, Scianton. DR. C. C. LAUBACIl, 115 WYOMING aye. Lawyers. WtLLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. AT toinoys nnd Coimsellois-at-Law, 603 to bl2 Connell building. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Coumellois nt - Law. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 19, 20 and 21. t, A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-IW, Bonul of Tiado Building, Sciiinton.jP.i. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADfJU8' National Bank building. A W. UERTHOLr, OFFICE MOVED,TO No 211 Womlng avenue. Patent Attorney'a, "f PATENTS -jagS" Tiudo Maiks and Labels icglstercdTh only lliensed Patent Att'ys In Scianton. Rcploglc & Co., Mora Bldg. Hotels and Bestaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK. Un avenue, Rates rcasohuhlo, P. HIEOLER, Pioprletor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D, L W, Passeneer depot. Conducted on tlijjKu lopean plain Victor Koch. Pioprletftr. Scavenger, AB BRIGo'fi CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and uess pools I no odor: only ImpuVed pumps used. A. B. Ihlggs, propijemi, Leavo oideis 1100 Nollh Main avenue, or Elcke's drug stnie, coiner Aduma ana Mulboiis. Both telephones Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR 511 LACK K. ave. Seranton, mfrs. of Wlie Streenu T .MlgBelapeoua. MEdAROE 313 BROS ,f PRINTERI ivelopeB, S paper, bags, se, 1.0 Vtuahlugloli nvt RS' HUP- piles, env'i I wine. Vurolioiis unuo. THE WILKE8.I!ABIU'3 RECORD CAN bo hud hi bciunton'nt the news stand of Rclsmuu Bios , 406 Spruce and U Linden; M. Not ton. 322 Lackawamu ave ; I. 8 Schutzcr, 211 Spruce alien. J .-W Apa a, r S -Al V Vi'v -