V r r THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JUNE 6; 1902. 10 THE MARKETS Wnll Street Review. New York. Juno fi.-Thero was morn business In slocko today tlwn of a or the week. The Increased icV " n result nf additional .prointtro lo ; The disposition lo noil tWV$irtSS to nny ono port on ot ;tHa list 'nnu wnn qulc evenly distributed amortg he ug Mllv prominent slocks. The scIIIiir was noVVgeiil "but wus.pcrslstc-.it Imi. gained in volume towards the latter art of w tiny. Probably the most clTectlvn single factor in the Weakness of the mnikot vas a "rite "l feeling of Hiwlcty over the de volnpmcntu In the labor world. The , Ign tension to which feeling liftn been raised in the anthracite' region, hs shown b boycott measures and public ilcinonstra. lions by friends of the strike, caused uneasiness, which was Intensified tiy tho example, of tho violence In the Chicago teamsters' slilke. Ill tho ranks of to operators nnd tho financial poweis In tho i-oal Industry, there was somo feeling manifested over tho step taken by too Now York Hoard of Trade nnd Trans portation In sending a petition to the president to Intervene and take mcasuics lo erfeet a settlement of the nuestlpiis In dispute.. The report from Washington that tho suggestion was under consid eration by tho chief executive did not tend to rcassuro tho holders of stocks or the coal carriers and thy were Inclined to lighten their holdings. Reports that milkers In tho valley Iron foundries were prepared to rcume work, first called at tention In Wall street to thlti threatened trouble In the Iron trade nnd had rather n depressing Inlluence than otherwise. The lake freight handlers strike and the delay In transportation of Iron ores has nlso received new eoiiMilcintton. Tho re ports of continued heavy orders for all grades of Iron piodnets fol delivery far Into the futiiro did not nvall to relieve the heaviness or the United States bteel stocks and other Iron and steel stocks. The selling of the (Hangers -seemed to bo due. to some extent to reports of too abundant rains In the southwest, and also to the falling back In the llguics of rn eelpN of corn. The Into reaction In the grain markets after early strength did not change the weak tone of the Gran gers. Chicago and Northwestern was marked un two points on tho announce ment of the long-hern Idcd extra dividend on the stock, but half of the gain was lo-,t. The combined effect of various items of depression was a dribble or real izing nil dav which carried pi Ices down words until the elce wh'Bh was eosv jit the loweit. Total sales today, P.St.SOO shares. Active liquidation of the Central of Georgia Income bonds had a ci--eo-Ing effect on the bond market. Total sales, pat value, J'.'.BTii.OoO. United States bonds were unchanged on the last call. Tho following quotations ore furnished Tne Tribune bv Knight Frecse To., 314 313 Mcurs building. W. D. Runyon. man- Onen.lIleh.T.nw.Cloo Amal. Conner' G8"h tk 673i (,7 Am. C. & F iil'.i 31'h J'JJi ?f Amcilcnn tee Wi ISIS Wi Mh Am. Ice. IV :.!"; frt S J;' At... T.rtnntnntivn 32 3, 3J'i .!-v .m T.HCO., IT 9P', !'Ti !'' a. s, & n. Co .. 4S?i 49' J n is'; Ainnrlnin Sinrni- ....lis 12& 1.7". 12.' Anaconda Copper ..IMi'S llfili 111 1U1 Atchison SO SO'i 7S;i TD'f, Atchison. Pr 91 ! !'S i'S'i Halt. & Ohio 10".'l loVJ lOj'i lOi'ii Brook. R. T liilt C7i ftY Cnnadlnn Pacific- ...lriUi 13ii Ui ri'a Ches. & Ohio JiiH 4'! IG 10 Chicago fc Alton .... :" :i7'i. SiHi R'i Chic. & G. yV -S1; S-H V7f. LW C. M. & St. P lfiS'J IfiD'i 107i 1G7:s V..H.J.&P 172"b 17J'r 17U- 17J Col. Funel .: Iron.... !"1 f" !7'1 7U Col. Southern i3i "V)J ::('', 30',; T)el. & Had 17 17! 172 172 KriB nip; ;:r.i; nu'; ::m, Kile. 1st Pr iVi Ii7-'i 7'i G7S8 Jlocklng Vnllov MI'S Srt'f, Ri'i s:!',s Illinois Central l.M l.'.lH !.".il lKi Kan. City & South.. :', :!i'.S Si". :'4S Louis. & Nash 1S7 1S7 Viot, 13(1 Tanhattnn V.l r.J iso-h IHJ'i Jlet. St. nv llf'i lliin 14S--J HS'i Icxlcan Central .... 21PA 3'l2 LM'i iVS JTo. K. & Tpk 1'ilV, .!:'.:. anj JiiVi Mo., K. Sr Tex..Pr... r.iisj M'i, :,7fiU .Vii SIo. Pucllle MTi nn;s 99.U OO'ii N. Y. Central 1.'."'0 Mi ir.1'1 l.".4:lt Norfolk West .... :.7'i .,7U .W, TAVa Ont. & West .Hil'L- "i'.i Si'S '.S Penna. It. R 14W, 1W-! IIS", :n People's Oas 101', 10ft 1W; 101 Pressed Steel Car.. 47"; 4i 17 47'S Reading (KH "'-i'i 'i,si in Reading. 1st Pr .... SS J.: SjU. Si'Ji rteading, 2d Pr i;7?i M h7V, UT'j rtcpulillo Steel 17',', 17". 17',i 17'S St. 1.. & Snn F B1) ffVU (,1 (i9'i Southern Pac-lllc .. . 'il M Kt',S ;"" Southern R. R .IB7! :!7 ::; :ii",'5 Southern R. R.. Pr.. fll'i HPi 91'i flt, Tenn., Coal & Iron.. GVUz HV.k ! ( Texas .t P.icillc 40'. 40'i 40' t 40U Tnlon Pacillc lol'i 104i 10J" 10".rK Union Pacllis. Pr ... SS'', .vS'i S7-ai R7i V. S. Leather l.i l:l'i, 12 131; T. S. t.cntlii-r, Pr ... st"; sri si',4 si'. T. S. Steel .1!l, :-.9"i TO'A Sl'i T. S. Steel, Pi- S9 ST-', ssil snn Walms-h iii -t" 2rtli L'li'i T'aimsh, i'r r.'t; 4','-; i.'.i; nt Western Union ftii'i noi. MH in'.l w. & l. 1; j :; ii& :m Wisconsin Central .. "79 27"; itfi, 2li7i Total sales, uM.'J'hi shaie.s. Money. I! per cent, CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. WIIHAT. O-.nn. IlK-h. Low C!on. .Inly 71", 7i Tf 7m Santember 70', 7u'i i,'J)i 70'i CORN. .Tiilv i: r.jn iiT uji; Sentember ."'' ,",9'1 .-jS','. zyi OATS. .inly :v". Sii'4 ri,'. pbis Sentember '-'"; 2iH 2SU 2S1, PORK. .Inly !7.:! ir.::o 17.17 17.20 Sentomber 17.10 17 10 K.2." 17.27 LARD. Tlllv 1(1.22 10.22 UI20 10.20 So"l"inber 10.2.', 10.27 10.22 10.22 'MRS. .Tnlv 10.10 10 V! lO.ili 10.07 Scptomb"!- 10.02 lO.oi 0.07 Jti.oo NUW YORK COTTON MAKKKT. Oeen, HP'h Low. Close. Jt.Iy S.7H S.70 SOS S.70 August Vis S.ls s.li s.C 1 September s.on s m T.fl'i T.m llttabcr 7.S." 7.SI 7.S1 T.St Errnnton Bonvd of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based en Par of 100. STOCKS. Rld.Askcd Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... CO ... Coimly Saw Hank & Trust Co UOO VUm Nat, Hank (Carbunditlo). ... S00 'J'hlid National Dank EuO DImo Dep. & Ills. Bank ;:00 Kconoirty L II. & P Co 4(i First National Rank 1.100 Lack, Trust & Safe Uep, Cu... lai Clark K. Hnovcr Co., Pr 125 Sctantnn Savings Hank d00 1'railers' National Rank 2.'"i Scrnnton Holt & Nut Co 12.' Peoplu'u Hauls ,,, lXi HONDS. Scrnnton Packing Co S3 Scrnnton Passenger R.iltwny, first mortgage, duo 1920 115 People's fitipet Rallwuy, flrst mortgage, duo 1918 115 ,,, People's Street Railway. Gen- oral mortgage, duo 1921 115 mmMM Mail Orders for this Chair will be filled promptly. D -WiPCl- 1 Jjx XHHPI , 1 ..... ' JkST" FINANCIAL 100,000 shares sold at Ten Cents. Price ad vances June 6. l-'nr 2 days longer wo nrc authorized to sell the stock of T1IU UNITED STATUS aUNlNCl AND BMRtiTINO CO. at 10 rentH n share (par value It). After Friday, Juno B. tho price goes to IS cents, ut which price iod.009 shares will bo sold. Afler that tl'ic directors will decldo whether to ad nnco to, '25 cents of ',10 cents. Tho Company owns tho well-known Senor Don Francisco Velasco, nnd through this report came to tho 1 mining experts of El Paso, Texas, attention of George J; Wanless and who were instrumental In the formn Thomas 1), Johnson, well-known I tlon of tho UNITED STATES MINIM AND SMELTING CO. Capital $5,000,000. Full Paid and Non-Assessable. DIRECTORS. ELI EDMONDSON, Jr. (Edmond son & Perrlns Co.), Pittsburg. JOSEPH GRAY XITCHEIX, New York. HENRY VOORCE BRANDENBURG-, (Banker), New York. LOUIS J. MERKEL (The Merkel Mfg. Co.), New York. GEO. J. WANLESS (Ore Pur chaser El Paso and Kansas City Smelting and Refining Co.), El Pnso, Texas. THOMAS B. JOHNSON (U. S. Govt. Assayer), El Paso, Texas. Hermosillo, Mex., May 27. Can ship ore as soon as pumps are in place. Bought adjoining property. Diaz wont sell. THOMAS B. JOHNSON. Hermosillo, Mex., May 28. Plnd mine as Johnson represents. Papers, pictures, samples by express today. Going across country to examine other property. W. H. JACOBS. It Is the purpose of the II. S. M. and S. Co. to develop the SAN JOSE DE GRAC1A as rupldly as possible, lo secure other good properties In Son 01 a and to do a genera! mining and smelling business In that wonderfully rich district. Hf you want to learn nbout Sonora turn to Mexico In your encyclopedia.) 10 CENTS On Easy riviontl Those who want It must speak for It riultkly. You can pay for It nt the lute of 20 per cent, or your subscrip tion now and 20 per cent, per month until paid for. Send for prospectus, which quotes Senor Velasco's report copiously, pub lishes letters from Mr. ' Johnson, hhowing all the facts nbout the prop erty and offers the fullest proof of the great wealth of the San Jose de Gru cla and the high character of the gen tlemen connected with the United States Alining and Smelting Company. This Is not n ense of waiting for venrs and years for slow development of an ordinary mine. It will take only a short time to pump out and clean out the San Jose do Oracta. Smelting facilities arc right at hand. The ore 1 Remember, unless you have mailed request to reserve stock on or before Friday, June 6, your chance to get it at 10 cents is ab solutely and conclusively lost. The American Securities Co., Fiscal Asrcnts. Scrnnton Trac. Co., fi per cent, llo ... Economy L., II. & P. Co 9J N. Jciscy & Pocouo Ice Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 10a Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale. 27 Lacka. Avo.) Flour-$1.40. , Butter Fiesh creumciy, 21c; fresh dairy, 23c. CIk-cho 13ai:i',4e. Eggs Nearby, ISc; western, li',c. Marrow Beans Per bushel, $.'.aria2. 10. Green Pens Per bushel, $2.25. Onions-Bermudas. J2.00 per crate. Potatoes Per bushel. bOe. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia. June 3. Wheat-Uc. low er; contract grade. June. S-J',&aS3c. born Cteadv, No. 2 mixed, .lime, liTiV&aGijc. Oats liQIe't but steady: No. 2 white clipped. Wiy-iiMc. Butter Firm, good demand; fresh nearby. HVijc; loss off do. western, lvc; do. do. do. southwestern, 17!4e.; do. do. do. southern. Hie. Cheese Hauler: Now York full iwnran, prlmo small, 1l'4c ; do. do. fair to good, lo'allo. Reilned Sug ars Firs, good demand. Cotton Uc low er: middling uplands. !iUc. Tallow Quiet but steady: city prlmo In tleijees. iaie.; c-oimtrv do. do. barrels, C'tuWJc. ; do. dark, CaO'ic: cakes, 7c. Live Poultry Firm, good demand; fowls, lll&nli'io.; old roos tetH. WiilOVie.; spring chicks. :5u30c.; ex ceptional lots higher: ducks, 12c. Dressed Poultry Steady, fair demand: towls, cholco western. 13c; do. do. southern nnd southwestern. 12Mc.: do. fair to good. IIV4 al'Jc; old roosters, S',safle.: brolleis nearby. 30a35e.; do. western, 2.",a30e. Frozen Poul try Fowls. 12al2!c.: broilers, nearby. 22 h2Sc.; do. western, ltU19c.: turkeys, lfln20c; ducks. l.lalOc. Receipts Flour. 2,000 bar rels and 1,750,000 pounds In sacks; wheat, riii.OOO bushels; corn, 3,000 bushels; oats, 13.000 hushels. Shipments Wheat. 13S.0O0 bushels: corn, 6,000 bushels; oats, 9,000 bushels: New York Grain and Produce Market New York, June 5. Flour Fairly steady but quiet and unchanged. Wheat Spot market easy: No, 2 red, Wc. elevator: No. 2 red, 7SWa7tu;ie. t. o. b. alloaf, No, 1 northern Dulutli, 81c. f. o. li. nllont;" op tions, forenoon wheat prices were higher, but tho afternoon brought a sharp do cllne, Last nrlces wero partly ic. not lower; July closed 7Sc; Soptomber, 75c; 9ffrumtMHmm0mihtmt$ Special Friday Swinging iiammoek Chir Tliey lend a new meaning to the word "com fort," Shifting with the movement of the body into any desired position, every part of the muscul ar being receives its proper share of rest1. 1 lie trame of the ot wrouunt iron construction throughout, covered with an excellent grade of heavy striped duck, may oe xaKen apart and carried in small pack- ate . Even the price for rTlday is easy JcoKm Credit You? Certainly! I 221-223-225-227 'Wyoming: Avenue. I FINANCIAL San Joso do flrnela Mine, In the Stnto of Sonorn. Jlexlco. This N nn ox tremelv rich old Spnnlsli mino aban doned by Its original locators In WW, when the Inflow of water made It Im possible lo work It with their primi tive appliances. In 1843 ll was ninrto tho subject of u glowing though con servatlvu report by thu famous Span Ib1i mining expert, Tho mlno has tho record of being very rich, tho ore body being of Inrgo area and great dcnplh, and In many place running Into utmost virgin metal. Modern steam pumps and smcltlni? machinery will bring It Into produc tion within a month after they arc In operation. When wo agreed to act as fiscal agents for tho U. S. Mining and Smelling Co., we Immediately dis patched our own expert, Mr. W. II. Jacobs (a mining engineer well known In tho mineral districts of this coun try), to Sonera to report on the prop city. On May 2S we received the fol lowing telegram: Tho directors are well-known busi ness men and mining experts, and micgss is certain. At present but u lew thousand dol- lars are needed to put the SAN JOSE DE GRACIA on 11 dividend earning basis, and only a few shares yet re main to be sold ut PER SHARE - ily Payments. will be immediately nvallable nnd profits will commence to accumulate. A subscription for at least 100 shares sent at once will secure for you the option of taking 500 shares, or more, of tho 10-cent stock. If on receipt of complete prospectus you desire to do so. The prospectus will be sent free on request. IF VOlT WISH TO HE SPRE OF GETTING THE STOCK AT 10. SEND A SMALL REMIT TANCE (EVEN AS LITTLE AS $1 OR K) AS A GUARANTEE OF GOOD FAITH. Then, when you havo examined the prospectus, if you aro not perfectly satisfied, you can have your money back instantly. Tf yoii are satlsllcd you can decide just bow much stock you want, and we will at range cay terms of payment to suit your convenience, 6 Wall Street. New York December. 77ttc. Corn Spot steady: No 2, bSi&c. elevator and 70'4e. f. o. b. alI0.1t; option niaiket opened tlrm and experi enced a good advance. Later, however, with tho wheat decline caused reactions from which tliore was n dual slight up turn, the close being steady at sialic, net advance. July closed fi7sjc; September, lillic.; December. r,0'c. O.U Spot steady; No. 2, 4."ic; No. :i. IIVjC.; No. 2 white, ule.; No. 3 white. G0lc.; track mixed western. 45a47c.: track white, 4Sa31c: option market shared tho early corn strength but was finally weakened by unloading and closed easy. Butter Slightly easier; creamery, 20a22'e.; factory, 17al!)c.; renovated, 17'.;a 20c; Imitation creamery, 17Ha20ic; state dairy, 18lSa21o. Cheese Irreular; new state full cream, small colored, choice. nUulOc: white. 1014c: large coloicd. Orie.: largo white. 10c. Eggs Rarely steady; state and Pennsylvania, H'.&alfcc: west ern storage packed, 16i,&al7!&c; southern, 3ViallVc Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, June .1 Cattle Receipts, 10,000, Including Boo Texnns; choice, steady; oth ers. 10airc. lower; good 'to prime steers, $7.2.Ta7.70; poor to medium. J.laS.OO; mock ers nnd feeders. f2.rrfia.",.-jri; cows, Sl.MaU: runners. $l..V)n!fca): bulls, $2.r0ari.M: calves, J2nG.r,0; Texas fed steers, $1.00aC.4O; grass Texans, $4.1. Hogs Receipts loday. 3S, Oflo; tomorrow, 89,000; left over, 8.0O0; opened steady to strong, closed weak; mixed and butchers. ?ii!."a7.10: good to choice heavy. J7.3."a7.l7',: roughs heavy, t" H7.30; light, tl!K0a7.20: bulk of sales, J7a7.no. Sheep Receipts. 13,000; shocp 6 toady; lambs mostly 10c. lower; good to choice wethers. $.".25aG: western sheep, $;.2."m: natlvo lambs, clipped, J3.2Ja7; western lambs, fj.Jju". East Liberty Live Stock. East Liberty. Juno .'.Cattle Steady; choice. J7.1!ia7.ri0; prime, Jii.75a7; nod, V."'m fi.70. Hogs Steady; prlmo heavy hogs, J7.40.17.M; best mediums, J7.20; heavy York ers. J7.10.-i7, 15; light do.. $7a7.Wi: pigs, jo.70a fi.ko; roughs, JTa6.K0. Sheep Lower; best wethers, Jl.iaS; culls and common. $2n 2.W): choice, lambs, J0.10aO.C5; veal calves, J0.50a7. Oil Market." OH City, Juno fi. Credit balances, 120; certificates, no bid; shipments, 70,142 bar rels; nvorage, fC,fl03 barrels: runs, 99,135 barrels; averuge, CS.U72 barrels. Sale of aw nnina Hammock Cha r s de of heavy striped duck, $3.95 Tbl I Headquar ters for SumnieHj Furniture. Bond for "Old Hickory" Catalogue. It I free. 0m$fmmt0im liwBuuliifc, I O FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in tbe state of Washington. . A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock 1b now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze Jledal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ ,60 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES NlltiG CO 1202 Orozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. mtimmM! Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Fa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Lawyers The Tribune will guaranteo to print your paper book quicker than any oth er printing house In tho city. f itieiauiUGSiT munp Jfioejzr women HIT-A PALPABLE HIT! The women are delighted with the Dorothy Dodd" .Shoe. Such a shoe for three dollars Is a revelation. It fits the foot in every spot it doesn't wrinkle nor does It pinch. It's just right, and besides it has all the lines of beauty that you would expect in a shoe designed for women by a woman of artistic taste and special skill. The Boots are $3.00 Oxfords $2.50 (A Few Specials 50 Cents Extra.) Let us show you the new shoe that is caus ing the sensation in the shoe trade. The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Go Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Ares- BBaaraEnssa SP EGIAL SALE ONE DAY Lace Curtain Stretcher, i wiB Gil This Lace Curtain Stretcher can be adjusted for any size curtain, from the smallest door size to the largest lace curtain. It is 4 yards plete with pins. Has the steel plate joints, with thumb screw fastenings. A useful article for any home. Don't fail to get one. ir3 322 Lackawanna Avenue. Scranton's New Furniture and Carpet House. I "ineowrc inuiauvca iuumuin.j. A "For Rent" sign on your house will only be seen by the casual passerby, A "Fcr Rent" ad. In The Tribune will be seen by ALL who may be contemplating p. change of residence. Four lines one time, 10c, Four lines three times, 2Sc READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey, In Kffcct May IS, law. Stations lit Now York, foot Liberty street ami South Ferry, N..R. , Trains loavo Scrnnton lor row nxK, Philadelphia, Kaston, Iietlilohcm, Allen town. Maucli Chunk, Whim Haven, Ash ley, Wllltes-Uarro and Plttston at 7.S0 a, m.. 7 p. m. and i v. m. Sunday, 2.10 i. in. Quaker City Kxprcss leaves Scranton 7.30 a. m., through boIUI vchtlhula train with Pullman Uuflut Parlor Car for Phil adclphla Ytth only one cliungo ot cars M WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. ONLY. 65c EHslBBKXf piripil'JlrJiffiF 3 im long and 2 yards wide, com RAILROAD TIME TABLES. for lialtlmoro and Washington, 1), C and all principal puluta south and west. For Avoca, Pit tat on anil WllUfs-Uarro, 1 p. in. and t p. m, Sunday, :M0 p. in. For l.oiiK Hrancli, Ocean Grove, etc., 7.;w and 1 p. in. For Hradlntr, I.ohanon and llaniahiii'K via Allentown at 7.S0 a, m., 1 p. in. and I p. m, Sunday, :M0 p. in. For Tamaiiua and PottHvllle, 7.110 a. m., 1 p. in. and I p. in. For rates and tickets apply to asont at atutlou. W. d. UFSSl.KU, (icn, Manager, C. M. 1IIM1T, neu. Ilths. ABt. New York, Ontario and Western. In l'Jftccl Tui's-day. Sept. 17. 1W1. NOHTII HOI'NU. I.o.ivi) I.eavu Anlvo 'I'lalns. SiTiinton. Carliondaln, Cadosla, No. I ,,.,,, io.:iu a. m. ll.lua. m. l.in) p. 111, No.7 ...... CIO p. in.Ar.C'aihondalo U.I0 p,m SOt'TIl HOl'ND. l.oavo l.eavo Anlvo Trains. Cadosla. Caibondalo. Scranton. Nn. 'J ,,,,,, '.'.13 p. in, 4.00 p.m. 4.4H p. m. No. li 7.00 11. m. 7.10a.m. SUNDAYS ONI.V, NOHTII HOUNH. I.cavo l.cavo Anlvo Trains. Scranton. Cnrhondalo. Cadoala. No. 9 K.3011. in. !Uup. ni. 10.1:1 a.m. No. 0 ...... "M it m.Ar.Carhnndalo 7.W p.m. SOl'TIl UOl'ND. l.eavo I.ouvo Anlvo Trains, Cudq.ila. Caibondalo. Bcrantnn. No. 6 7.00a.m. 7.a.m, No. 10 4.3.) pill. O.Wp. in, U.l.'ip.m. Trains Nos. 1 on week days, and l) 011 Sundays, make main Una connections for New York city. Mlddletowu. Walton, Nor wich, Oneida. Oswego nnd all points west. For further Information consult ticket agents. J.C. ANDKPSON. O. P A.. Now Yoik. a. 13. WI2I.S1I, V, P. A., Scianton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect aune 1, 1902. Trains leave Scranton for New York At l.no. 3.20, 0.03. 7.50 and 10,10 a. m.: 12.40, 3.40, 3.35 p. m. For New York and Phila delphia 7.50, 10.10 a. ni and 12.40 and 3.35 p. m. For Oouldsboro At 6.10 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15, fi.22 and 9.00 a. m.; 1.53, C.50 and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton. Elmira and way stations 10.23 a. ni., 1.03 p. m For Oswego. Syracuse and Utlca-1.15 and 6.22 a. ni.; 1.5", p. m. Oswego, Syracusa and Utlca train at .22 a. m. dally, except Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; 1.03 and S.30 p. in. Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and .13 p. m. Blooinsburg Division For Northumber and, at 0.35 and 10.10 a. m.; 1.D5 and 6.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 ind 9.03 p. ni. Sunday Trains For'New York, 1.30, 3.20, ,.03. 10.10 a. ni.; 3.40 and 3.33 p. m. For Buffalo 1.13 and 0.22 a. m.: 1.33, 6.30 and 1,10 p. m. For Khnlra and way stations 10.23 a. m. For Blnghamton and way sta tions, 9.00 a. in. Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. in. and 6.10 p. m. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Effect May 23, 1002. Trains leave Scianton: 6.38 a. m., week dnv.-i, through vestlbulo tialn trom Wilkes-Bnrrc. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potls ,Mlle; stops at principal intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Hnr tisliurg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wahh lugton and for Pittsburg and the West. 9.38 a. in., week duys, for Sunbury. Har rlsburg. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittshurg and tho West. 1.42 p. m., week davs, (Sundays. 1.38 p. in.), flr Sunbury. Uanisburg, Phlladel nhla. Baltimore, Waahiiigton and Pitts burg and tho West. 3.28 p. m vcek days, tlirougu vestltmlo train from Wllkes-Barro Pullinnn buffet parlor cur and coaches lo Philadelphia via Pottsvillo. Stops at priialpal Intormedlato stations. . , 1.27 p. 111., wfok davs. for Huzloton. Sun bury, Uanisburg, Philadelphia and Pltts- "' B' J. Tl. TlirrcuiNSON. Ocn. Mgr. ,1, B. WOOD, Gen. I'ass. Agt. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Kffcct, May 18, 1M2. Trains leavo Scrantoiu For Phlladelpbia and New York via n. & H. . B.. at 6 38 and 9.38 a. m and 2.18. 4.27 (Black Diamond F.xpressl, and 11.3J P. m. Sundays, V, & U. It. It.. 1.58. S.27 P'"ir AVhlln Haven, Ilnzleton and princi pal polntH In tho co.il regions, via D.&u. R. H.. 6.38, 2.18 and 1.27 p. m. For Potts vlllo, 638 a. m. 2.18 p. in. For Bethlehem. Knston. Heading, Har ihburg and pilnclpal Intermerllato Btn tlons. via 1). k II. B. H.. 0.38. 9.38 a. m.i 2.18. 4.27 (Black Diamond Kxpiess), 11.39 p. lu. Hiindayu. D. .t U. U. K.. MS a. 111.; lS. 8.27 p. in, , ,,, . l-'nr TunkliannoeK-, Townnda. I'.lmlra, Itluicn, Oenova and pilnclpal intermedlnto stations via D., h. & W, 11. R.i o.3o a. in. a"'l-'orIOill'iieva, rtochester. Buffalo, Nlag nra Falls. Chicago and all points west via D. & II. II. R., 7.18, 12.10 p. m. 3.28 (Black: Oonimiil UwU). 7.4S, 10.11,' 11.39 p. 111. Sundays. D. it 11. It. U.. 121. 827 p. m. Pullinnn parlor and sleeping or I.ehlgti Valley Parlor cars on nil trains bctweon WllkeH-llario nnd Now Aork. Philadel phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. BOM.IN II. WIl.lH'H, Cleu. Supt, 26 Cort land street. New ork. CHAHI.FB S. l.FF, lleii. I'ass, Agt., 20 CnrtlaiMl street, New A oik, A. W. NONllMACUKft. Dlv. Tass. Agt,, South Bethlehem. IM. Jfnr tlekcln and Pullinnn leservatlons apply to city ticket ofllce, 09 I'ubllo Square, Wllkes-Barro, Pa. Delaware and Hudson. Ill llffect November 21, 1901. , Trains for Caibondaln leavo Scianton nt 620 K( S..VJ. 10.11 a, 111.; 12.00, 1.21), 2.34, 3.52. 5.29. 625. 7.57, IMS. 11.20 p..in.; 1.31 a. m. Fur llonesidale-6.20, 10.13 11. in,; 2.31 and ft q rt in For' Wllkcs.Baire-6.38. 7.48. 8.11. 9.SR, 10.13 a. 111.! 12.03. 1.12. 2.18, 3.28, 4 27, 6-0, 7.18. 1011, U-JiO P- m For I.. V H. It. Points-CIS, 9.S8 a. m,; 2.18. 4.27 ami 11.10 p. in- For Pennsylvania It. It. Points 6.3S, 9.38 a. in.; 1.42, 3.2S and 1.27 p. in. l-'ur Albany and all points north 0.20 a, ,11 mul 3.52 it. m. Sl'NDAY TRAINS. Kor Carbondalo-S.rji, 11.33 a. rn.; 2.31, 3.52. 1.52 and 11.17 p. 111. For Wllkes-Ilarre 9.3S a. in.; 12.03, 1.58, 3 2-S. 6.32 and 9.17 p. in. For Albany and points north 3.52 p. in. Tor llonesdnle S.50 u. m.; 3.52 p m. W. L. 1'ltYOR, I). V. A., Bcrunton. To. , Ijxsi I WJ. (Ut, v ,1