4j9Bi7M3GI '-7,v;'T..-:. . t W lfrpi?c?pi y ' '-js--' kmt ftr. ' " F -v -r;.tfWTv ' ,t 7, J,jff; iv ... THE SCit ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, JUiNE 5, 1902. 'C, J J UWWPJU-UW4fcW NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. (pcclil lo llic Scranton Tribune. Honosdnle, Juno 4. John Unttmnn, Aiio hns spent thn past few months it Uanvlllp, Pa., hns returned to his homo here, much Improved In health. The commencement exorcises of the Honosdnle graded schools will ho held on Juno 17. Mrs. P. I). Peterson hns suffered a re lapse nnd Is In n critical condition. A severe thunder shower visited Honosdnle ut noon Tuesday, accom panied by wind nnd ball. Mr. Henry Fritend has removed the porch In front of his store by direction of the town council. Children's day exercises will ho ob served by the Honcsdalc Sunday schools next Sunday. A reorganization of t,hc Honcsdale bands ls-about to bo consummated. A meeting of the musicians and a rehear sal will take place on Thursday even ing. Miss Harriet Haahn and 13. M. C1III. of Honcsdalc, were married at the Presbyterian innnae by riev. William It. Swift Tuesday at noon. They left Im mediately for n wedding tour- They will commence housekeeping In Hones dale. During the thunder shower nl noon today" lightning ontcredi the bakery or Mr. L. D. Bunnell. It followed the electric wire along the celling and down the gas pipe In the lunch room, setting (Ire to netting which covered the gas fixtures. .Mr. Bunnell was near and extinguished' the llames before serious damage was done. "The Honosdnle base ball team will hold a' social dance In the opera house on Friday evening. Hon. G. S. Purdy returned today from La Cross, Wisconsin, where ho was summoned by telegraph. His brother, Stacy D. Purdy, lost both of his legs In a railroad collision on the Burling ton road at Alma, Wis., dying soon af ter the accident. The remains will reach Hawley via the Krle road Thurs day night. Interment ill bo made at Purdy town, Wayne county, the birth place of the deceased. Mr. Purdy was fifty-eight years of age. Ho was a civil engineer and roadmastor on the Eur llhgton road. On Sunday afternoon last, in Jersey City, Miss Katharine E. Mnhany, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Russell P. Van Kouron, formerly of Honcsdalc, were married by the Rev. Henry C. Swontzel, of Brooklyn, X. Y. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhnnnock, Juno 4. Asa S. Keelcr has removed his land offlce to rooms adjoining those he lately occupied In the Gray building. The Wyoming district convention of the Epworth league is holding a two days' session at the Methodist Episco pal church this week. A meeting of the creditors of M. S. vKlntner & Sons, the Mehoopany niill 'ing linn .which recently made an as signment for the benefit of creditors will be held at Mehoopany to-day, 'whcn It Is believed an effort will bo ',inado to effect a composition on the ba sis of fifty cents on the dollar ot their indebtedness. ' Attorney Howard M. Stroetcr, of Scranton, was doing business here on Mondtir. John Flummerfelt has sold his farm on Prospect Hill, and intends remov ing to Arizona in the Autumn, where his two sons are located as stock rais ers. M.rs. Stephen Roberson was shopping In Wilkes-Barro on Tuesday. Coray N. Goodwin, of "Windham, and Matthew W. Cortright, of Meshoppcn, were among the business men in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Gilbert Palen, of Philadelphia, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus P. "Northrop, of Susquehanna street. Mrs. Patrick Boyco and son Thomas visited WIlkes-Barre friends on Tues day. Henry June, of Mehoopany was a 'caller In town on Tuesday. ' Next Sunday will bo observed Chil dren's Day, and appropriate exercises 'will be held in the different churches here, ' Miss Gertrude Luekenbill returned to 'Mauch Chunk on Tuesday, whore sho '1b engaged In the millinery business. Mrs. Wilbur E. Lott, who has been 111 for several weeks is able to bo out 'turn In. Professor E. B. Rice, assistant princi pal of the High School, returned on Tuesday from a visit to his parents In Perry county. AVOCA. At the regular meeting of the school Lbourd, held on Monday evening, Thom as Herbert was elected president; Wil llam Doran, secretary, and James "Ward,- treasurer. The other members of tho .board nro M. J. Heap, Daniel Ward, John King, Edward Gibbons, fionn uiucoru ami v. i u'lirion. me lunerai ot unaries ureen took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence, on the West Side. iScrvlces were conducted by Revs. D. Ij, McDonald and James 1 Moon. In terment was made In Lnngcliffo ceme tery. Tho funeral of Patrick Tlguo took Ila,ce yesterday afternoon. Services veto road In St. Mary's church by Rev. SI. V. Crane. Interment was made In 'Bt. Mary's cemetery. Tho infant son of Mr. .and Mrs. James Crowe died on'Tuesdny morning. In terment was made in Langcllffc ceme tery, Smith' Bros,, who have- had largo contracts with tho Rapid Transit line, In concrete work, between Scranton hud rittHtou, have about completed their work and will leave In u few flays for their homo in Easton. Tho annual commencement exorcises of the, High school on Tuesday evening brought out an audience that over 'taxed the seating capacity of Snrslleld opera house. When tho curtain rose an entrancing bight met the eye. Tho pupils, In spotless gowns, save tho class colors, were seated upon ele vated tlerd, with the graduates In the foreground, Thero was an abundance of halm's, intermingled with the na tional colors. The motto, "Advunce Tho' (he Way bo Rugged," was cai rled on a banner above the stage, The folIoVlng programme waB given In a most creditable manner: "List to the Pound of the Horn," school; "Advance', Tho' the Way be Rugged," Miss Jessie M. Clark; "The (Irundeurs of tho Bil lowy Deep," Kathryn Rutledgo; "Anne Laurie," school; "Perseverance," T. J. Flnnnery; piano duet, Nellie Tlgue and Laura Uoylnn; "Tho Massacre of 55o ronstcr," Mary R. Reap! "TIs God's Way," Leo P. Gibbons; "The Hong ot the Vikings," school; "The Ancient Greeks," H. A, Johnson; "Tho Convict's Soliloquy," Miss Mary Walsh; "Dream llig or Waking," solos nnd duet, by ennlo Klcth nnd Anna O'Mnlley; pres entation of diplomas, Prof. U. L. Ho-ban. TAYLOR The following officers wore elected nt tho reorganization of the school board at its meeting on Monday evening: President, John W. Reese; sccretnry, James Price; treasurer, Evan G. Wat kins. The Children's Day exercises at the Methodist Episcopal church have been postponed for one week, Sunday, June 15. Charles Andrew, of Lincoln Heights, moved his family to this borough yes terday. Sunday next will mark the observ ance of the eleventh anniversary Sun day nt the Calvary Baptist church. A PICTURE Jack, the and sister. Can fine programme, is being arranged for the occasion. Rev. Dr. Harris, the pas tor, will preach appropriate sermons. Archbald mine local, No. 164?. United Mine Workers of America, will meet this evening in regular session. The schools of Old Forgo borough wilt i'lnsf tomorrow for the summer vacation. Commencement exercises will be held by the classes of 1UU2 Fri day afternoon, when an excellent pro gramme will be given. Our borough ofllclnls are having their portion of the flooring on the bridge spanning the Lackawanna river re paired. The structure has been in a dangerous condition for some time. Let tho commissioners of the Lackawanna township see that their portion of the structure is fixed. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company ofllclnls are making ex tensive improvements on the branch route to the Pyno colliery. The grade in the road is being cut down about three -feet for several hundred yards. Mrs. John Coombs and Messrs. Wil liam Thomas and John Parker, of Nortli Taylor, left on Tuesday evening for Cleveland, O. Tho former will re side there permanently. l.ricK-nwiiniin Valley council. No. SI, Jr. O. V. A. M., will. meet this even ing in regular session. MIs May Thomas, of WIlkes-Barre, In tho guet of her cousin, Miss Jennie Grimths. of High street. Miss Alberta Johns, of Bangor. Pa., is helm? entertained b.v her cousins. Miss Norma and Hector Johns, of Railroad street. John Thomas, of Old Forge, has re turned home from his trip to Liberty, N. Y. Attorney J. E. Watklus was a caller In Peckvllle on legal business on Mon day. m - ARCHBALD. Mr. 13. S. Jones, of Olyphant, was a, caller In town yesterday. Mrs. Cheney and Mrs. E. C. Spauld Ing were visitors In town yesterday. Hon. P. A. Phllbln railed on Jermyn friends veslerdnv. Mrs, C. A. Samson and daughter Louise aro visiting relatives In town. II. C, Miller Is at Yatesvlllo where he has charcc of the Delaware and Hudson station for n few days. The closing exercises of Daisy Mem orial Kir ' -vmlcn took place yester day mornli... "" Mrs. Hackley, tho founder of tho school was present and made a few remarks which were grently enjoyed, Rev. T, J. Comerford gave u very Interesting talk, in which ho thanked Mrs. Hnckley most heart ily for tho great Interest sho takes In the kindergarten. The children all took their parts as only such little ones can, nnd they certainly show that tho in structors liavo had great patience in training them. After tho exercises tho children wore treated to enke nnd ice cream. A number ot people from o, of town wcro present. Among thepi wcro Mrs. Wlnt, of Scranton. OLYPHANT A pretty wedding took place in St. Patrick's church yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Tho contracting parlies were Miss Katie Qulnn and Michael Heffernn of Dunmore street. Tim no,.. .- - . .... .. . .... ..., emony was performed by Rev, J, J, uuonueii. mho unuo was uttlrod in bluo challlo with white trlmmlm-u mwi carried wldto roses. She was attend ed by Miss Casslo QUI. of Dunmore, wno wore n gown or oia-rose ciiullle trimmed with white Insertion. l'T T Murphy was groomsmun. Miss Nettle McDonnell played the wedding march, q'ho wedding party were driven to tho J& 4! liimiaia f v.jmmUnJIMwU-MUj homo of tho bride's brother,, P. O. Qulnn on Dunmore street where a te ceptlon wnB held, Mr. and Mrs. Ileftcr on will reside nt this place. Tho pupils of Misses Hannah Heneny nnd Jennie Patten's rooms In tho pub lic school will give their closing en tertainment In tho Bchool this ufter noon nt 2 o'clock. An Interesting pro gramme hns been arranged. Tho par ents nnd friends nre Invited to come. The Browns oh Saturday will Jour ney to Honcsdalc nnd cross bats with tho crack tenm of that place. Savage will probably twirl for the Browns. Tho mnrrlngo of Miss Lena Matthews, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mat thews, to John Butler Trlpplo, of Phil adelphia, Is announced to take place ut the bride's homo In Blukely nt noon. DURYEA. The Epworth Lcnguo held their regu lar monthly business meeting Tuesday evening. The following officers were elected for next term of six mouths: President, Thomas Martin: first vice president, Mrs. Anna Kellar; second vice president, Mrs. Gaylor Jacobs; third vice president, Dunne R. Dills; fourth vice president, Olen Jacobs: sec retary Minnie Barnes; assistant secre tary, Howard Kresge; treasurer, Myr tle Reed. The following delegates were selected to attend the convention at Tunkhnn nock: Elsie Hughes, Minnie Barnes nnd Beatrice Perry. Miss Steel, of Carbondale. who has been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carey of Grove street, for the past few weeks has returned home. PUZZLE. mule-tender, has a brother you find them? ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS National Delegation Association, Minneapolis, Minn., July 7th-llth. For the nbnvn occasion the Lacka wanna Railroad will sell special ex cursion tickets to Minneapolis, good going July 4th, 5th. and 6th, at $30.t0 for round trip, and to be available for return passage leaving Minneapolis not earlier than July Sth, or later than July I4th, except by depositing tickets with Joint Agent at Minneapolis not later than July 14th, and upon payment of a fee of 50 cents at tho time of deposit, an extension of the limit of leaving Minneapolis to and Including Sept. 1. Delegates will please bear In mind the fact that by leaving Scranton on the Lackawanna Railroad, only one change of cars, Chicago, is necessary. A popular time Is leaving Scranton at 6:30 p. m., arriving Minneapolis 7:43 the second morning. Low Bate of Fare to Denver, Colo rado. On account or the Sundny School In ternational association triennial con vention to be held at Denver, Col,, Juno 26 to July 2, special round-trip first class tickets may be purchased of the Lackawanna railroad ticket oflice at one-way fare for tho round trip. $I5.2:. Tickets will be sold and good going June 21, 22 and 23. On the return trip, the payment of 2! cents to tho joint agent, snme will be validated for return passage to August 31, 1002. The N. Y., O. & W. Summer Time Table 'Will become effective on its main lino nnd Scranton division, Sundny, Juno Ifl. Trains will be run same as last season, with the exception of an early morning connection which will be mndo for pas sengers Carbondale and South with tho "Qunkcr City" express of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. This train makes close connections for all promi nent Pennsylvania state points, arriv ing In Philadelphia at 12 noon: Balti more, 2.30; Washington, 3.30, and At lantic City, 3,20 p. m. First ClaBs Tickets to San Francisco and Return at Less Than One Way Fare. On account of tho Imperial Council, Nobles of tho Mystic Sehrlne, San Francisco, California, Juno 10th 14th, 1002, tho Lackawanna railroad will is suo flrst-clusa excursion tickets from Scranton at tho low rale of $66,25 for tho round trip, on sale good going May 26th to Juno 7th Incluslvo and for re turn to reach original starting point not later than 60 days from original duto of purchaso of ticket. Seo Depot Ticket Agent in regard to stop oft priv ileges variable routes, side trips, Pull man reservations, etc. Low Bate of Fare to Portland, Ore,, and Return. On account of the National Convention Travellers Protective Association of America, Portland, Ore., June 3rd to 7th; the Supreme Lodge A. O. U. W., Portland, Ore,, Juno loth to 20th, 1902, tho Lackawunna rallroa( I will Issue First Class round trip tick ts for $70.30 on sale good going Muy 26th to Juno 7th Incl. and for return passage to reach original starting point not later thuu 60 days from original date of sale. See Depot Ticket Agent for particulars as to stop-over privileges routes und train schedule. I im am. tww af'4 I SYaiivp Rrnnn.Ait!nlM Thlu BASEBALL. 1 National League, At Philadelphia tbtt.E. Pittsburg .,, 200011012-710 .1 Philadelphia .0 o 0 rt o 1 o o o 4 s 2 IJattcrles-Tnnnchlll nnd Smith! Mitgee, Duggleby and Jucklltsch. Umpires rowers and Brown. At New York ten Innings It.H.E. Chicago ,.. i oooil o o 1 0 0- 3 8 2 New York 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 14 0 a Batteries Williams nnd Kllng; Evans nnd Yeugcr. Umpire Cantllllon. At Brooklyn It.H.E. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 8 7 Brooklyn 10.100010x-r.li! o Batteries Ewlng and Bergen; Kltson and Fundi. Umpire Emslle. At Boston- R.ll.E. St. Louis 01100000 1 3 7 7 Boston 3 30 0 0 0 t Ox 7 10 2 Bnttrrles-Dunhnm and O'Neill; Willis nnd Kittrldgc. Umpire O'Day. American League, At Philadelphia R.H.E. Chicago 10 0000002-3 !) 0 Philadelphia ,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 4 Batteries Patterson nnd Sullivan; Wilt so and Powers. Umpire Connolly. At Washington- R.II.E. Detroit 000 00 30'3 0 11 2 Washington 4 ::o 0 0 2 0 I x 13 1 1 llattcrles Miller, Uronln and Buclow; Carrlck and Clark, I'inplrc Sheridan. Al r,illl,T.n. T tf l.T St. Louis 0 02000310611 3 Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0 110 02 G !i Batteries Harper, Powell nnd Sugilen; llowell and Robinson. Umpire O'Lough lln and Caruthers. At Cleveland- It.H.E. Ti,.of . . ." ii a 1 n n n n n s n 5 Cleveland 0 0 0 2 0 I 1 0 X-4 li 5 Batteries Prentiss and AVnmer; Moore and Wood. Umpire Johnstone. College Games. At South Bethlehem Manhattan Col lege, 5; Lehigh. 1. At Princeton Princeton, 10: Bnokncll, 1. At Providence Harvard, .I; Brown, .".. At Hanover, N. II. Dartmouth, 2; Am herst, 1. At New Haven University of Illinois, 10; Vale, 4. AMATEUR BASE BALL NOTES. The Tycoons defeated the Sliders, Jr., on tho Hill grounds yesterday afternoon b' the score of S to 3. Hamilton, of tho Tycoons, pitched a very good game. Af ter the game there was an election in which Mr. l'edriok was chosen manager and Mr. Ilotick, captain. Financial Statoment. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. TiPtisury Department, H.irrlsbiiig. Pa.. .May -"., HM-. Statement of nnimint In the State Treas ury at the close of business on ?.lay -?, I!iu2. exclusive ot" moneys appropriated to the Sinking Fund. Farmers' and Mechanics' Na tional Bank, Pnllndclphln $2.S33.3i2 6i Allegheny National BanK, Pitts burg 725,310 32 Commonwealth Trust Company, Harrlsburg 412,3'.':i 11 Freehold Bank. Pittsburg '2U,JW Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia 5"A2."M SJ Athens National Bank. Athens. 2y,W) U3 American Trust Company, Pittsburg 130.0UUOO Anchor savings Bank, Pitts hiiiK :t1,nw 00 Allegheny Trust Company, Al legheny uJ.OOOOO Berks County Trust Company. Reading ,.... .".0,00)00 Columbia National Bank, Pitts burg 2.-,iMW 01 Chester National Bank, Cluster lu,uO) UJ Citizens' National Bunk, Wash ington 2.-..0'Xl 00 City Savings Fund and Trust Company. Lancaster 2.),a0') 00 Corn Exchange National Hank. Philadelphia 75,(W0 OJ Dollar Pavlius Fund and Trust Company. Allegheny r,),CR)0 CO Citizens' National Bank, Ii trobe 2,"V.0iHl 00 Columbia Trust Company, Co lumbia 2T..OtiOOa Enterprise National liunk, Alle gheny , :;i)7,0l!9 00 Exchange National Bank, Pilta hurg InO.OW 00 Colonial Trust Company, Pitts burg 9.-A0.U W Farmers' National Bank. West Chester 20,00'J 00 Farmers' Deposit National Bank, Pittsburg 20 MM) 00 Fulton National Bank, Lancas ter 2:..00)iV) Franklin Trust Company, Franklin 30.000 0J First National Bank, Harrls burg 2.71.510 01 First National Bank, Bansur... 2."..0'J't 10 First National Bank, Lebanon,. I.VOM'OO First National Bank. Somerset 2'i.ouO i:o rirut National Rank. Union town HO.nflorn First National Manic. Oakrlale,. lO.fltM ID First National Bank. Dnnorn... 8."i,00U 1)1 First National Hank, Wllllams port fiO.ixn 0 1 First National Bank. Beavet.... .-,0.0.10 liu Federal National Bank. Pitts burg M.MW(V) German National Bank. Alle gheny 11,313 OU German National Bank, Pitts burg 50,000 0J Harrlsburg National Bank, Harrlsburg 1211,003 00 Harrlsburg Trust Company, Harrlsburg 450,000 00 Hnuesdalo National Bank, Honcsdalc 2.VWI 00 Keystone Bank. Pittsburg 50,000 00 Lancaster Trust Company, Lan caster T.nODOO Mercantile Trust Company, Pittsburg 7o.noo no Mechanics' Bank. .Harrlsbnrs,,. 20,000 00 Nntlonal Bank of Gcrmantown, Philadelphia 30,000 0) National Bank of Coatcsvllle, Coatesvlllo 10,0)0 00 Nazareth National Bank'. Naza reth 15,000 00 Oil City Trust Company. Oil Clt.v 25,000 00 People's Trust Company, Brad dock "5,001 00 Prudential Trust Company, Pittsburg 25,000 00 Rldgo Avenuo Bank, Philadel phia 20,000 00 Second National Bank, Pitts- if burg 100,000 00 Second National Bank, Alle gheny 210,000 00 Sixth National Bank. Philadel phia 30.00000 Southwnrk National Bank, Philadelphia 100,000 00 Tlllo Guaranteo nnd Trust Com pany, Washington 50.000 00 Union Trust Company, ritts burg S5.000 01 Union National Bank, Mnhauoy City 20,000 00 Union Deposit nnd Trust Com pany, waynesburg , 50,000 00 Washington Trust Company, Washington 25,000 00 Westmoreland Savings and Trust Company, Grcenshurg.. M,ooo 00 Wnrron Trust 25,000 oo Advances to members and em ployes of tho Legislature.,,,,. 301 30 Cash in drawer ,.,..,,. 3,377 OS Tolnl amount In General Fund : J9.KB.5.14 S5 Stato of Pennsylvania, City of Harrls burg, ss.s Personally appeared before mo K. B, Hardonbergh, Auditor General. Frank O. Harris, State Treasurer, who being duly sworn nccordlng to law. saltb that tl)o foregoing statement Is true and correct to tho best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before me this 3lst dhy of May. 19o2. r FRANK n. HARRIS. 'Stato Treasurer. K. B. HAnDHNPRIUlH. Auditor Genornl. Published in mirsunncn of thn provisions of Section S. Act of May 9. 1S7I, entitled "An net supplementary to the several acts relating to tho Stnto Treasurer and tho Commissioners of tho Sluklnir Fund." K. B. HARDENBEROir. v Auditor General, llarrisburg. Ta., Juno 2, 1002. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Pour Lints, 3 Cent for Each Extra Lin;. Bcal Estate for Sale. $3,500 Will buy 9 room cottage on Web ster Avenue. Eight-room Single house, In the 800 block, Prescott ave. Hotlse modern, lot 40x90 ft, Pi-ice $3,500 N. H. Holgate, Real Estate Mortgages and Other Secur ities Bought nnd Sold. Loans Negotiated. Double House on Apple St., Dunmore, Lot 50x150 feet. Price $2,000 Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa. Desirable Lot on Mulberry Street, $1,400 New 8-Room Single House on Lincoln Heights, house modern, lot 40x140. Cash will buy this property 51400 under estimated value. For Bent. IIOPSES FOU TtKNT In nil portions of tne eity, rnrmt) lor sale or exchange for city property, lotx for snle In all parts of tho city, any kind of real estate riciil.s made through J. C Kurllioh, 517 Lackawanna avenue. FOB RUNT A six-room Ink"1 cottase nt Lake Sheridan, near Faeloryvlllo. neatly furnished, with n IIkIiIiir- boat and pier, for the season or by the mouth, rom mencins now. cverythiiiB In tho cottage up-to-date and elenn nnd In tlrst-elass condition, only pood patrons need apply as I will not rent to anybody elhe. Sic J. C. Zurfltoh. 017 Lackawanna avenue. IF You liavp any property to rent and can't rent them call and see J. O. iiir flleh, .'.17 Lackawanna avenue. FOR R1CNT Mouse In Ualtou; nicely lo cated; short distance from nt.itlon: hot nnd cold water and buth. Address V. B. Slade, Dalton, Pa. FOR RHNT-SIx room lint, with bath. electric light, gas range, e.lc; rent reuf.onabln Address F. II.. Tribune oflice. DARX FOR RKNT-StL'. April 1st. three box and throe finglo htnlls and wash rack, rear of SL'I Madison avenue. In quire at 134 Madison avenuo. Furnished Booms for Bent. A DESIRABLE furnished room, 2 bay windows, one-half block from court house. Address D. II., Tribune office. FOR RKNT-Onc furnished room, with Improvements: also ouo on third floor, cheap. C7 Adams avenue. FFRNISIIKD ROOMS for rent, niodjrn Improvements: pilvate family, gen tlemen preferred, at ."i.'!7 Adams avenuo. FOR RENT Furnished room; heat nnd bath. (i2" Linden street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RKNT. With boat, par, and bath, gentlemen pre ferred, nt .!9 Adams avenue. ?or Sale. FOR SALE The Palace Restaurant. Tho best located and best paying restau rant In Ulngliainlou. Will bo sold at a bargain. Address Pulnco Restaurant, Ulnghn niton. N. Y. FOR SALE Fine bay mare, sound and gentle, weight l,'J."i0 pounds, for aula cheap. Intpilro In store. 111 IVnu avenue. PIANO FOR BALK A chance seldom of fered: parly must uacrillce this week, regardlesa of cost, elegant upright piano used less than live months. Call 2:11 Franklin avenue. FOR SALE-Hnnd silk doublet's. Hamford IJros., Puteipon. N. .1. Now, Board and Booms. FURNISHED P.OOAIS for rent; also tran sient or permanent boarders wanted, low lates, 517 Lackawanna avenue. Call und ceo J, C. Kurllieh. HOARDERS Double pnilors, two largo front looms: other nlco rooms; all modern conveniences; lablo board. "u."i Jefferson avenue. VERY DESIIIARLE suite of rooms with first class tnbln board, can bo obtained at Wi Jefferson avenuo. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS-For two amilts, three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnish ed for very light housekeeping, first lloor picforrod. Address M. 11., Tribune of dee. WANTED Furnished house ot four or llvo rooms for housekeeping. Address A. G, E Tribune oflice. Business Opportunity. STOCKAND WHEAT " TRADERS wlth out dolny. Write for our speclul mar ket letter. Freo on application, S. M. Illbbard &. Co., members N. Y. CntMoll dated and Stock Exchange, II ami 4U llrnadwny. New York. Established 1J6I. Long Distance 'Phono 21SS Uroad, Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN- Qutck. stialght loans or liullulng and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per rent, Cull on N. V. Walker, Sll-aiS Council building. Branch WANT Officas, Want Advertisements Will Ba Beceived nt Any of the Follow ing; Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City .MJIKIIT SCIIUI.T,. cottier Mulbetry tivct and U'clwttr avenue. CUSTAV I'ICIIllb, 650 AdJins avenue. West Side QKOItOH W. JIINKINS, 101 South Main avenue, South Scranton I'nr.D b. TKIUTE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OKO. W. DAVIS, corner North JUln avenue and Market ttrect. Green Bldge CIIARI.ES l. J0SF.S, 1557 Plcison avenue. F. J. JOHNS, WO (Jrcen Ttldge street, O. I.ORK.NZ, corner Wj.liiujton ave- a unuo and Marlon itreet. Petersburg V. II. KNUPl'Eb, 1(U7 Irvln; avenue. Dunmore J. U. ItON'ti k EON. SITUATION 3 WANTED FRHfJ. Bcnl Estate for Sale. Desirable Corner Lot on Wyoming Avenue $1,300 Queen Anne House, on Mulberry St. Modern In every respect, 1 1 rooms valued at $5,000. $3,0.00 Will buy It. Modern 9-Room House on Mul berry street, Price $5,000 Worth $6,000 Wanted. AVANTED Gentle horse for four months, for pasture nnd keeping; right party can make satisfactory arrangements by addressing F. H., Tribune oflice. Help Wanted Male. SALESAnSNWANrEt muko $300 monthly, sells to merchants only. No fake. Call and investigate. Owen Ilardmnn, Hotel Sclmdt. Help Wanted Female. experiencedT Apply M. Solomon,. l;ll Franklin ave nue, third floor. WANTED-A capable Protestant girl; three months, for general housework In the country and the balance of the year assisting in light sewing nnd euro of children In hotel suite In the city. A de lightful position nnd good wages for the right person. 33o not apply unless you huvo tho best of references. Address G. M. WANTED A good cook to go to Lake Henry for the summer. Apply at the Lackawanna Laundry, 308 Penn avenue. A. B. Warman. CUSTOM SHIRT OPERATORS wanted nt once. Rooms 44 and 4G Uurr building. H. W. Sykes & Co. Becrutts Wanted. WANTED FOR U.S. ARMY Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of it and :'."; citizens of United States, of good character nnd temperate bnblts, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, No. i:!3 Wyoming avenue. Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-By n young girl to go out of town as waitress or kitch en girl. Apply or address Winifred Flan aghan, 402 Theodore street. -I- SITUATION WANTED-By a young girl at any kind of work to go out of town. Address. Mnry O'llnrn, 401 Thoodoru st. SITUATION WANTED by u girl 17 years old to do general light housework; would like to work In tho city. Address "'!!) Putnam street. Providence, Pa. SITUATION WANTED to tako care and clean ofllces; beat of references given. Address D. M., care UGlVi West Linden street, city. SITUATION WANTED To do ladies' and gents' washing, by experienced laun dress; terms reasonable. Address Mrs. 11. A., care 001V4 West Linden street, city. RELIABLE bookkeeper of seven years experience, would like situation. Ad dress It., r0S Wyoming avenuo. Beal Estate. THIS IS tho time to buy a lot or n nron orty, as they aro cheap and I liavo them to sell at any old price. Call and seo me If you have tho cash and If you have none Its all the same. 1 can sell you. Call and seo J. C. Zurfllch, 317 Lackawanna avenue. FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In upper Qreen Rldgo; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marviae, 1736 Sanderson avenue. For Sale or Bent. FOR SALE OR RENT A 10 room single house: all Improvements; lurgo lot. Inquire 1413 Capousu avenue. lost Strayed Stolen. LOST A gentleman's pnekctbook, con taining sum of money and two gold plus. Knights of Malta and Knights of Pythias. Finder pleaso return to ."ill Con noil building and receivo liberal reward. LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN-A cow, bod5 rod: whlto scur on forehead; without horns: from Marshwood, A lib eral reward offered for Uh return to Moo sic Mountain Coal Co., Marshwood. Pa. LOST A ladles' gold watch: a liberal reward will bo given If returned to Hotel Torraco. Bheumatism. ItHEUMATIBM-Alt parties that wish can bo speedily and permanently cured of all varieties of Rheumatism by a vego tubla compound; cures guaranteed, in qulro or address J. E. Taylor, Scranton. Miscellaneous. SHIRTS CUT and mstdo to order. Rooms II und Id Uurr building, II. W. Sykes & Co. FILE OF SELECT COUNCIL, NO. IS. 1001, As amended In Common Council, August 15. 1001. As amended in Common Council, August ::'. 1001. AN ORDINANCE Providing for tho Paving of Ollvo Street from Adams Avenue to Mndb;on Avenue with Sheet Asphalt Pavement on n Cou- crelo Rase, ulso Providing for tho Sot ting of Curbstones on Bald Street Be tween tho Points Named; Providing Manner of Assessing and Collecting Costs of Said Improvement, and Appro priating Funds to Pay for tho Same. Section I. Be It ordained by tho Select and Common Councils of tho City of Scranton, und It Is hereby ordained by tho authority of the same, That Ollvo street from Adams avenue to Mudlsou avenuo be paved with the best quality sheet as phalt on a concrete base, and that curb stones bo set on said 'street botween tho points ubovo mentioned so far as thn sftmo shall bo necessary, the cost of snld improvement to bo ussessed ugulust the abutting property according to the foot front rule. Said assessment to bo pay able In llvo annual Installments. Alt of snld work to bo done under tho direction of the Department of Public Works, and In accordance with the plans and specifi cations therefor on tile In tho said depart ment. Bidders shall state prlco at which they will contract to keep the pavement DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents MorBTtui Pour Lines, o CtntitptCachBttra Lin. Ip, repair for n period of five yearn, tho pr co or repairs not to be Included In price charged for laying pavements. See. J. Whore now curbing Is rcipilreo" ) or old curbing reset the sumo shall bi dono by tho city under the contract here inafter provided for nnd the cost thereof collected according to tho assessment with the llrst Installment ot the assessment hereinafter provided. Hee. ft. ITttnr, ll.n .,....,..... .. .i.i ii nnce and tho completion of tho assessment for said Improvements ns hereinafter pro vided, tho Director of Public Works sball uuvuruHu ior scaicu proposals to do the said paving nnd curbing ns provided In sections ono nnd two ot this ordinance. nnd Hhnll ptato nopnrutoly the prlco for sotting or repotting curbstone, tho prlc for paving per square vard which Is to iiiuiuuu mi com oi grueling na nown on tno profile of snld Improvement In tho nT- flPft nt Mm ilnnnilMnn f T1..1..1I.. ?.!. nnd tho price for keeping said pavement in iL'iJtiu j.ur nvu yea re tltfllnco ulw.1l ,.,!.. ...111. I. 'nuio niiuii cntjii.iu wiiii racii pro- powil tho mini of one hundred dollars canh nr rntHtlnrt nhnntr mm m mm.n - .. ctito a contract for the work within twen- ?"" 'i awaructi tne same, in case the bidder to whom the contract shall hnvo been awarded falls to execute a contract .... in,, wuitt wiLiiiu iwuniy iinys irom inn datp of award, the ono hundred dollars i-imii ui'UTiuica ciiecit. accompanying ms proposnl shall bo forfeited to tho City of Scranton. The city reserves the right to relect fltiv n,wl .ill l.l.l.. irHHH .1.. ......... .-...... ...... ...... ..., 1,111..,. ,,.'UII IIIU fAfUll- 1 ,' of tho contract the contractor shall uuiivur 10 mo uny, ms Dona in the sum of one thousand dollars, with sureties to ho approved by tho City Recorder, pny- ...... .w ...,; v..,., in auitiiiiuii, Him cnnoi- tloncd for tho faithful' performance of the See. 4. At the expiration of ten days from the pnssago of this ordinance, thn big of the Department of Public' Works, shall proceed to make tho assessments for ..nu imtuiK iiKiiiust nuuiiing propertied nccordlng to the foot fronrrulo nnd shall Cll'e nnMnft In nil nwnAi.,.rrnniH... . .1.- time nnd place of making such assess- iK-iitn tin iiuviuuu oy law. Sec. 5. immediately after the compip- shall tllo In tho offlce of tho Cltv Treasur er, a llnnl and correct schedule of said assessments. Sec. G. Said assessments shall bo pay able In nvo equal Installments, the first Installment sbnll become duo and pavabln thirty days after the commencement of tile U'ni'lf tl,,l thn linlntmn I.. ........ .1 annual Installments thereafter, said In- nmiiiiiunis Hiinu oenr interest nt tho rate of six per centum per annum, commenc- II1ET tlllrtv rlna nflnn !. ...... K. ---r. .rf ..w u.iti m uii,iiiuiii;niliuill. of the work until paid, but parties may at uii.v ame pay mo wnoio amount or tho assessment. .,sec' I' .Tl10 commencement and comple- .. w. ... ,.u.,b i,ti.iiiL-ii in una urcilli- nnce shall bo tho date when the work: wilier proper contract is actually com menced nnd completed; and it shall bo tha duty of the Chief Engineer lo certify to the City Treasurer and tho City Solicitor the date of tho commencement of the, work and the dato of Its completlon.whlch certificate shall remain on file for the in spection of the nubile. See R Tmmerlln nl, unnn It... HnM...lKM of the contract for the said work, the uiiiei engineer snail certiry tho schedule of assessments to the City Treasurer, who shall notify the owners or reputed owners by mall of the amount of tlietr assess ments and tho terms ot payments and niicii nniieo snail ine.iuue tms section of this ordinance." If either of said install ments shall remain unpaid for two months after tho same shall become flue, the whole amount of the assessment re maining unpaid shall thereupon become due nnd payable, and said unpaid assess ment shall Immediately bo certified to tha City Solicitor for collection according to law. Sec. 10. On tho completion of tho work tho contractor shall bo paid such sums ns Minll have been paid on said assessments In cash, and the balance shall continue to be a lien against said abutting property provided tho contractor shall have exe cuted the bond provided for In tho third section hereof. Sec. 11. Tho Recorder shall nomlnsto nnd with tho ndvlco and -consent of tha Select Council appoint a competent prac tical manito Inspect snld workiat'a com pensation of two dollars nnd flftv cents per day, for every day necessarily em ployed upon tho work. The Department of Public Works shall keep the Inspec tor's time. ', Sec. 12. For the purpose of) defraying tho cost of said "paving, curbing and In spection nnd Incidentals pertaining to said work there Is hereby appropriated the sum of twelvo thousand dollars or so much thereof ns may ho necessary. Approved Sept. 14, 1901. xv. 1j. connblt;, City Recorder. Attest; M. T. LAVELIiE. City Clerk. PROFE3SIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDINO, O. P. A., 23 Traders' Bank building. Old telephone, No. 1S01. r- TP Architeets. FREDERICK U BROWN. ARCH B., Real Estato Exchange Bldg., Uli Wash' lngton ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING. S13 CONNELI. BI.DO. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, TM CONNEL.Ii building. Dentists. DR. a. E. EH.ENHERGBR, PAULI building, Spruco street, Scrnnton. DR. C. C. I,AUBACII. 115 WYOMING avo, Lawyers. WIIiIARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT torneys and CounsoIlors-at-Law. 603 to B12 Connell building. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 19, :"0 and SI, 1 1. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Board of Trado Building, Scranton, 'Pa. PATTERSON &. WH.qOX; TRADERS' National Bank building, ' r A. XV. HERTHOl.F. OFFICE MOVED.TO No. I'll Wyoming avenuo. Patent Attorney, f A. r A nrnVlTC United Stales Trade Mnrks nnd Labels registered. Tha only licensed Patent Att'ya In 8crantonp Kcplojrle & Co.. Mcara Bldg, Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, J Si AND 127 FRANK Mil avenuo. Rales reasonublo, .. " P. ZlEGLER, Proprietor? BCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. &HV. Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Ru ropcan plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor H3? Scavenger, - . A. B. BRiaOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools: no odor: only Improved pumps used. A. B. Brlggs. proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicko's drug store, corner Adams nnd Mulberry. Both telephones. ' Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR Ml LACKA, nvo., Scranton. nifrs. of Wlro Scions. Miscellaneous. MECJAROEE HflOS.. PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes: paper bugs, twine. Warehouse, Ity Washington avenuo.- THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN be had In Scranton at the news .stand of Roisman' Bros., m Sprite and 03 i.lnrien: M. Norton. 222 Lackawanna I ave.; I. S. Schuuer, 211 Spruce street. .-M- .4 t ...SZ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers