The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 05, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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i ' j ai iiu wjti 'iu kh giku'. 4- t ' . "ki n-iir STTHijr" BmbTTimi f . i i'.iUh1 ii .aim .srwi w nmi Jfr -o .uin
liLlliJI. ',. , ggggiBgg
John Swift, of Meridian Street, Was Killed
- at Pittsburg George Lamb Com
c mitted to Jail.
"John Swift, aped 22 years, who. prior
to' the strike, was employed ut rtmnliiR
rip electric motor at Mt. Pleasant
mines, was killed on the railroad at
M.cKersport, Pa., on Tuesday.
Word to that effect was received by
fie deceased's mother yesterday. She
resides at 201 Meridian street. Younj?
BVflft Inff linrn PlRt: it week urlor to
tjTR day on which he met his death. lie,
hnd secured employment tnerc in uio
Dlltner milts, and was returning home
from work when the sad accident oc
curred. The mcBsaco was sent to deceased's
mother by John Haines, who accom
panied youns Swift to McKccsport.
The remains will be brought to this
ulty for Interment, and are expected to
arrive to-day, and Will be looked after
by Funeral Director Ilccnn.
Deceased Is survived by his widowed
mother and two sisters. Mrs. Sarah
Swift, Misses Sarah and Mary Swift.
The funeral announcement will be made
Two Complaints.
The local police have mnnv com
plaints about disorderly conduct of
bqys In different localities, and another
was made about the boys In IHdwnrds
fourt, below Washburn street. Several
Of their names are known and unless
tliey desist arrests will follow.
A younB man entered the station
house last evening and complained that
njbootblack on Price street had struck
him in the face. His appearance crr
talnly indicated that fact, as his coun
tenance, collar and tie were all smear
ed with blackening'. After washing up
the victim started out to get a warrant
but the only description he had was
that his assailant wore a straw hat.
Recent Social Events.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox, of 1904 Price
street, entertained friends recently at
their home in honor of the latter's re
turn from England. The guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Cox. William Cox. Miss L. J.
Cox, Mrs. M. V. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs.
Graham, Miss Allen, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
niley, air. and Mrs. Nicholls, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Pcrrow,
Mi', and Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. John
Bock, Miss E. Brown, Miss C. Hlrd and
Miss nuth Shaw.
A party of friends were entertained
on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Edgar
B, Franti!, Elizabeth street. Tripp
Park. They were: Mrs. H. F. Bond
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
1 Attend the Great Sale I
Of Fine Muslin Underwear
Wc don't claim any particular credit for Riving 5!
you honest goods: we've always clone it. Honest J
goods mean, in Muslin Underwear, sizes correctly at:
proportioned, garments wide enough for the lengths", $:
and long enough for the widths. Materials the equals g
of those you would buy over the counter; muslins that g,"
arc honest quality; workmanship that is good enough 5!
to compare with the best turned on your sewing 51
5 Glance at These Items
They are chocked full of value and indeed there's
nothing like them anywhere hereabouts.
Umbrella Shaped Drawers,
cambric flounce, hemstitched:
good value ut 23c a pair.
Umbrella Drawers, Inw.n
flounce, four hemstitched tubks;
easily worth 45c a pair.
Cambric Drawers. daintily
, tucked and trimmed with Ilait-
JB burg lace: usually sold for 55o' a
4 pair,
?3 Fine Muslin uud Cambric Urn-
nrena j-irawern, irinimen mm
lace and Hamburg; 75 cents Is
what they're worth.
Fine Muslin, Cambilc and
Nainsook Drawers, finely finished
with laco and Hamburg, the
,yery newest and best shapes; the
usual prlco is $1.!!5 a pair,
Others up to $2.C0 a pair and at
proportionate reductions.
Corset Covers
Plain Muslin Corset Covers,
with high necks; cheap at l-!.c
oaiiK rniun, ou
A A better grade, nicely trimmed
" and usually sold at isu earn.
4 SALE PRICE 12 l-2c
French Corset Covery, trlm
m 'we'd with laco and Hamburg ruf
fles; would oo good VHlue at Sc,
Another line lot that should be
sold nt 45u each.
A number of different styles of
extra lino Corset Covers, trim
med wlth.Val. lace and lusertlugs
Best assortment of linn Corset
Rovers In the city, Square and
round necks, full fronts, with
fine laco trimming. Covers
worth 75u and SSe In this lot,
Others at Mduied prices, 89c,
il.V), $1.39 am. up to $3.50 each,
1 Globe Warehotis?.
and Mrs. Gilbert Carter, Mrs. Joseph
Klrkondall, Mrs. II. S. Klshback, Miss
Evelyn and Mr. Iloscoe Klshback, all
of Nescopcck, and Mrs. Blanche Heller,
of Mcllvllle. Pa. From the city were
Mis. . A. Masters and Mr. Walter
Masters, of Green Hldgei Mrs. George
Oherdorfer and Mrs. Owen Charles, uf
Tripp Park.
Before Alderman Hello w.
John Yahguntlnc, a laborer, who has
been working In the Mt. Pleasant
mines since the strike, was arraigned
before Alderman Kellow yesterday,
charged with the larceny of a vest con
taining three dollars, which belonged
to his boarding boss, John Mortta, of
607 West Linden street.
The prosecutor alleged that the de
fendant broke a window in the house
and gained access through It Into the
house. The case was finally settled by
Yahgustlnc returning the money and
paying the costs.
Mrs. Annie Davis, of Schnell court,
was arraigned before Alderman Kellow
on the charge of keeping a disorderly
house, and with harboring the husband
of Mrs. Mary Maloncy, of Henncssy
court. The defendant was held In ?300
ball for her appearance at court.
Juvenile Choir Will Sing.
Those who did not have the privilege
of attending- the National Eisteddfod
last week and hear the Sherman Aven
ue Mission Juvenile Chlor slng'the com
petitive selection which won the prize
of $75, will have an opportunity of
listening to those talented children
sing next Sunday evening at the Jack
son street Baptist Church..
The chorus they sing Is the "Night
Bells." The public Is cordially invited
to attend the services, which commence
at 7 o'clock sharp.
Lamb Committed to Jail.
George Lamb, of 2004 Luzerne street,
who was arrested by Constable Timothy
Jones Tuesday evening for assaulting
his aged mother and threatening to set
fire to the house, was arraigned In po
lice court yesterday morning.
The prisoner's aged mother appeared
against him, nnd reiterated the charges
made the previous night. The magis
trate demanded bail in the sum of $300
for Lamb's appearance at court. Ho
could not obtain bail, and was commit
ted to the county jail to await trial.
Boy Bitten by a Horse.
Thomas, the young son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Markey, of North Bromley
avenue, met with a peculiar accident
Tuesday afternoon. He is employed in
the Globe Warehouse, and was engaged
in taking some goods in the alley in
the rear of the store, when a horse bit
his arm.
Two of the animal's teeth sank Into
the flesh, lacerating it in a severe man-
Ladies' Gowns H
Charming collection of these
and of various kinds and qual
ities, but bargnlns every one.
Muslin, Cambric und Nainsook
trimmed with Hamburg and in
sertlngs, hemstitched tucks.-ruf-llf.s
and some with elbow sleeves
SPECIALS AT 42c, 50c, 67c
Worth $l.L-i and $1.3.1.
Worth J1.C0 and $1.75,
other gowns up to $j,oo, and all
of them at reduced prices.
Short Skirts $
Fine materials, finely made
and trimmed blind embroider
ies, luce, Hamburg, Insertions,
Val, lace, etc.
Worth $1.25, Sale Price S .08
Worth $1,50, Sale. Price 1.10
Worth $1.65 Sale Price 1,30
Worth $1.75 to $:..:.,
Long Skirts
A great lot of the finest you've
ever seen and at special prices.
Worth 85c, Sale Price 60c
Worth $1.25, Sale Price 08c
And prices range up to $9.00,
An extra-special lot of Skirts
with Val. lace and tucks, threu
rows of Jnsertlngs, and the salo
price Is
$2,08 EACH
Blind embroideries on our
,Sklrts ura Imported and very ex
clusive, Notice the Skirts at
$1.50 to $7.00,
And remember the prices ure
all reduced for this our Great
Keml-Annual Sale, and you know
what to expect here,
ner. The boy was thrown violently
against the side of the building. A
physician was called, and cauterized the
Tlio members of the Washburn street
Presbyterian church Bible school arc
urged to attend tlio rehearsal this
evening for Children's Day exercises.
Those having orders of service will
please bring them out.
The Railroad Auxiliary of the Simp
son Methodist Episcopal church will bo
entertained this evening at the hbmo
of Mrs. C. S. DcPuy on North Lincoln
The Phllllps-Urown wedding will oc
cur this evening nt the First Baptist
The Colonial club will hold its clos
ing dance In Washington hall tomorrow
evening. Lawrence orchestra will fur
nish the music,
The members of St, David's Kplscopal
church pnrlsh will join with St. Luke's
people In their excursion to Lake Ariel
on June 1!).
Ht. Brendcn's Council, Young Men's
Institute, has appointed the following
committee to arrange the details for
their excursion to Blnghamton on July
4: Patrick Duffy, Edward Hurst, T. J.
Fleming, Thomas Hurst, James Mc
Andrew, M, Ryan, M. J. Fltzglbbons
and Timothy McCoy.
Thomas Connors, of South Scranton,
and Miss Hannah Gibbons, of this side,
were united In marriage yesterday at
St. Patrick's Catholic church by Rev.
P. E. Lavelle.
John Gannon, of North Fllmorc ave
nue, has been taken to the Hillside
Home. He Is suffering from a tempor
ary abbcratlon of the mind.
The drawing for a set of dining room
chairs for the benefit of Uniformed
rank, No. 1, of the A. and I. O. K., has
been postponed until August 16.
Mrs. Gideon Moser's Sunday Fchool
class In the Simpson Methodist Episco
pal church will conduct a lawn social
next Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. F. Belles, 219 North Hyde Park
avenue. Music will also be a feature.
The members of Branch No. 79, of the
L. C. B. A. met in St. Leo's hall last
evening and transacted regular busi
ness. F. C. Fentou and family have taken
possession of their new home in West
Mrs. Marian Evans has moved Into
her new home on North Sumner avenue.
Recruiting Ofllcer Garber and wife, of
Penn avenue, have moved to North
Rebecca avenue.
A number of the Electric City Wheel
men attended the MeCracken-Englcrt
wedding At Dunmoro last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Niece, of New
York, are visiting West Scranton
friends and relatives.
Mrs. A. L. Barnes, of Stark court, is
visiting relatives at C'armostota, N. Y.
Frank Ilallett. of North Garfield ave
nue, who was Injured in a Lackawan
na Railroad wreck some time ago, has
returned home from the Moses Taylor
Mrs. E. M. Strong, of South Main
avenue, is spending a few days at Get
tysburg. Theodore Harney, of West Scranton,
and Miss Agnes McAndrcw. of Moscow,
will be united In marriage at Moscow
on June 18.
A. F. Duffy, of Blnghamton, is visit
ing relatives and friends in AVest
Resse D. Morgan, of North Fllmoro
avenue, has recovered from an illness.
Joseph Smith and sons, Joseph and
John, of Evans court, have gone to
Virginia to work.
Lot Ludwlg, of North Bromley ave
nue, Is visiting friends in Buffalo.
William Davis, of Acker avenue, has
returned home from a visit In Wll
llamsport. Albert Castcrline, of North Hyde
Park avenue. Is In New York.
Mrs. Glbbs and grand-daughter, Ma
bel, of North Lincoln avenue, are
spending a few days at Lake Henry.
Arthur Phillips, of Prlco street, is at
tending the Epworth League convention
In Tunkhannock.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Evans, Miss
Ellen Evans and Miss Sadie Filklns, of
Utica, N. Y., are the guests of Mrs. T.
J. Williams, of North Garllcld avenue.
Mrs. Thomas Sloat, of Eynon street,
Is confined to her home by illness.
James Judge and sons, Frank nnd
James, of North Sumner avenue, for
merly employed at the Mt. Pleasant,
have secured positions in Buffalo.
W. H. Hagen, of North Sumner ave
nue, has returned home .from a busi
ness trip to New York.
Prof. Bovard's Statement of What
He Said to the School Board.
Inspection of the Schools,
Tho following has been received from
rrof. K. D. Bovard:
To show that tlio reporter did not slvo
tlio farts as I save tlurni to the rchool
hoard at Monday night's im-otliiK, I quote
tlio followliiK from my written report as
Riven at that dim;: '"file schools are in
much hetUT condition now than when I
toul; cluti'Rc of tliem. fa Hpitti of all thu
chanson hi touchers diniii tlio hint four
ycaiH thu proKTtw of tho wiioola waa
never allow cd to ;sn back. Thu hitsli char
acter of tliuw! school slum Id ho main
tained and I believe It will bo maintained.
Hat If corruption enters the schools they
will do down."
'As an cxamplu of this I khvo Han Fran
cisco, California, whom a. fuw years apo
it was aliened every tcauhqr was assessed
for political purpose aud all nuw appli
cants bud to pay for tluir positions, I
used this Illustration to show the hluh
standing of schools whurn teachers got
and hold their positions on merit aud not
by any other menu.
Kvqry tencber should ho given a positive
answer when they asli a director about
re-election, A positive yes or no, And
that promise shold not he hroUcn. Neither
politics nor religion should huvu any.
thing to do with tho election of teachers.
Klcct them on their merits.
If those facts had been given by tho re
porter no ono could bo misled by what 1
said. K, V. liovard.
Tho Wonian'a (.iuintlan Temperance
union of Dunmoro will meet at tho
(ionic of Mrs, Amos Washer, of Shoe
maker, Thursday evening ut S o'clock.
The funeral of James Wilson, jr.,
who mot his dentil In tho mine explo.
one lUu .mailer alter Using Allen's Foot-Hise,
powder to be thaken into the ehocs. ft mAei
tight or new klioct feci ny; trim in.t.uit te
lle! to corns and bunions. It's the grctct comfort
ditcutery of the uzc , Cuics 4111I pictentg kuollrn
led. blUteu, wllout aud aoro kpoU. Allen's
Foot-KJ.c U a certain cure for tuciting, hot, ach
ing feet. At all druggLU and ehot storca. -5c.
Don't accept any tulistltutc. Trial package litKK
by null. Address Allen S. Olimtead, Lcboy, N.V.
And Other Itching; Burning,
Scaly Eruptions with
Loss of Hair;.
Speedy Cure Treatment $1.00 ,
Bath the affected part with Hot Water and Cutlcura Soap, to cleanse
the eurface of crusts and .scales, and soften the thickened cuticle.
Dry. without hard rubbing, and apply Cutlcura Ointment freely, to
allay Itching, Irritation, and Inflammation, and soothe and heal, and
lastly, take Cutlcura Resolvent Pills,- to cool and cleanse the blood.
A single set Is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring,
Itching, burning, scaly, pimply humours, eczemas, rashes, Irritations,
and chaflngs, with loss of hair, when all else falls,
Tlio agonizing Itching and burning of tho sklu, as lu eczema; tho fright
ful scaling, as in psoriasis; tho loss of hair and crusting of tho scalp, as in
scallcd head; tho facial disfigurement, as In pimples nnd ringworm; tho
awful suffering of Infants and tho anxiety of worn-out parents, as In milk
crust, tetter, nnd salt rheum, nil demand a remedy of almost superhuman
virtues to successfully cope with them. Such nro tho Cuticuka. remedies,
tho purest, sweetest, most speedy and economicid curatives for tho skin,
scalp, nud blood ever compounded. Mothers nro their warmest friends.
Millionsof Women Use Cuticura Soap
Assisted by Cuticura Ointsient for preserving, purifying, nnd beautifying
tho skin, for cleansing tho scalp of crusts, scales, aud dandruff, and tho
stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough,
and soro hands, for baby rashes and chaflngs, In tho form of baths for
annoying Irritations nnd Inflammations of women, or too frco or offenslvo
perspiration, In tho form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many
sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as
for all tho purposes of tho toilet, bath, and nursery.
nilTlflllDl DCCnilfCUT DIIIC ChocolateCoatod)arnana,tutelMa,odor
UUIIUUPH nCOULlClll rlLLO ieH,economlcalsubstltiiteforther.elebrated
liquid ComunA Resolvf-xt, aiwelt as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures.
Put up in Bcrow-cappeel pocket vials, containing Wl doses, price a1!. CtrricimA Vlixs are
alterative, antiseptic, tonlo, and digestive, and tho purest, swectost, most successful aud
economical of blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonlo.dl!;estivcs.
Ctmcmu Rnilotis tre Mid throdjhoul the world. Sour, SJc. OmTUEiJT. AOo., Pitt. SJo. Britlih Dtpoti
97-28. CharttrtiouH fa.. London. French Depot, A Hue da it Pilx. Ptril. Fonia Drtuo JD Chiii. Cor,
8oleFnDi.,BMtm,U.t.A. " AU iboul the Bkln, Bcilp, nd HUr," ttt. N
slon at Ferula, B. C, two weeks ago,
will take place from tho home of Henry
Stenzhorn, corner Apple and Throop
streets, this ntternoon at 2 o'clock.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres
byterian church will meet this after
noon at 2.30 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
J. O. Rone, on Blakely street.
The school board made Its annual In
spection of the borough schools yes
terday. They were accompanied by
the new superintendent, Charles Ho
ban. and Chief J. T. O'Neill. Prof.
Iloban made a short address to the
scholars of the High school, which
created a very favorable Improssslon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. CJeorge Turgeon, of
West Drinker street, left yesterday for
Chicago, where they will spend the
next few weeks.
Eugene Cannon has gone to Now
York city, where he intends to per
manently reside.
Fred Hess, of Alder Street, - Serious
ly Injured in the Sauquoit Mill.
Notes of Many Kinds.
Fred Hess, of ;:!S Alder street, a
young man, who Is employed at the
Sauquoit silk mill, as an elevator oper-
utor, met with a serious accident yes
terday that will lay him up for some
It Is understood that he Is subject to
epileptic fits and the presumption is
that he was taken ill at the elevator
shaft. At any rate he was picked up in
an unconscious condition, after falling
a distance of twenty feet, and the only
way to account, for the accident is that
he had taken a lit.
When picked up bo was a mass of
bruises, and although no bones were
broken, his face and neck were severe
ly cut. Ills injuries were attended to
by Dr.
J. J. Walsh, who will make a
examination today.
In some of the papers yesterday It
was reported that Frank Jlorley, of
Pear street, who drives a team for
Ncedham, tho undertaker, fell off the
wagon seat owing to the roughness of
Plttston avenue, and was injured. Mr.
Needhain gave out the statement last
evening that the accident to his driv
er occurred only in the Imagination of
a youth who frequents his stables and
undertakes, at times, to answer In
quiries that come over the 'phone.
Invitations are out for the annual
clam bake of the Scranton, ' Athletic
club to be held at Baldner's park, on
Sunday, June 1'2. A special meeting of
the dub will take place this evening.
The funeral of Patrick Coleman will
take place this morning at O.IJO a. m.
The remains will be on view at tho
family residence on Hickory street, and
services will bo held In St. Peter's
A progressive euchre will take placo
In St. John's hall this evening for the
beiielU of Father O'llellly's new church
on Orchard street.
The St. Aloyslus T. A. B. society will
meet tonight In Pharmacy hall lu regu
lar session,
Councilman Charles Graf has arrived
home from an extended trip through
New York and Ohio, He also attend
ed tho Kvungellrnl convention at Al
bany. Dr. Schley's I.ung Healln Balsam is
guaranteed to euro all coughs, "No
cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers.
The Hound X club will hold a picnic
and clam bake at Hoblnson's park,
near Mountain Lake, next Sunday.
Mrs, King, of Oenet street, was ar
raigned before Police Magistrate Storr
yesterday morning for selling liquor
without n license. She was lined $50
and $7..r0 costs, which was paid,
A baby boy has arrived at tho homo
of Jacob Schneider at 5'H Irving ave
nue. Miss Sophie Orleser and John A.
Miller, both of Willow street, will bo
joined in marriage soon.
Mrs, Henry Hclgler, of Cedar avenue,
was very low last evening and at mid
night 'her death was only a question of
a fow hours.
Hviin Morgnn, of Breaker street,
sailed yesterday for Knglniid where lie
will spend two mouths.
Mr, and Mrs. M. la. Fine, of Sander
son avenue entertained the Kueher
dub of which their son, Andrew Fine,
s 11 member, Tuesday evening.
The work of lowering the organ of the
Asbury Methodist Episcopal church Is
now In progress and It is expected the
changes will be made and Improve
ments completed by next Sabbath.
A son has been born to Mr, and Mrs.
Thomas J. ftossl, of S12 Columbia aven
ue. Mr. Munklcl of Von Storch avenue
was arrested Tuesday afternoon by T.
S. Hufflliiir, constublo of the Thir
teenth ward uud taken before Alder-
A. W. MoKec and sons, who have
spent tho past week In Chicago, stopped
off here on their way to tltelr home in
Pottsville, yesterday,
man Bailey charged with assault and
battery the charges being preferred by
his daughters Miss Dalscy Markiel. He
was placed under $200 for appearance at
Ira Frear, of Delaware street, has
secured a position with R. S. Pratt.
Henry Smith has returned from a
fishing trlu near Nicholsom
They Took Two Games from the
South Siders Revised Stand
ing of Teams.
By winning two games last night
the Independent bowling team of the
Scranton Bowling league jumps to the
head of the column. It has been de
cided to drop all games played with
the teams which fell out of the league
and In tho revised standings printed at
the end of this article this has been
done. The South Side tcunrputVup two
good games and lost only because of
exasperating misses. The score:
J. Zclsman I'M ISO
Westphal l.'.s pi!
Kvans Id Ku
Murphy J!' 'h
". Zclsman IK i:a
Sit Sir,
Wt'dcman p:o fut
I.itt f-J) 1U7
Brrsscr 13i! hi-'.
Jones l':; 171
O'Connull 19!) Hi;
l."l IS!
17ti- 197
IIS 170
lli- 1ST.
11'7- fJL'
7111 LUoS
U:u 457
iia- isl
inn- t.-ll
171- m
7tM 'M
High score O'Connell, 3W.
High average O'Connell, 103 1-5.
Tho best games of the night were
rolled botweon tho Arlington and
Franklins. The latter team won two
out of the three games but only had
thirteen more pins to Its credit. Kvnry
man on each team rolled a steady, sure
game. Tho score:
J. Klefer ITS :il
Moore 1st i:i7
C. Kicfer 107 flit!
P. W. Boll HI jjs
Melstcr 117 H"
e-'l S17
Bircher (,! us
Anderegg l.Vi isi
Davis lit: 170
l.cltncr lii.'i 1SS
Blehl 11:1 i;s
17S 11)9
17i uOTi
l.-JJ- 412
lot! 4S
797-:' 133
ISI- 193
137- 470
17::- ra
' 79.-.
High score J. Klefer, 211.
High average J. Klefer, 177.
The Beckers won three ganns from
Cambrians without half trying, Davis
gave a temarknble. exhibition of erratic
bowling, jumping from 98 to ioa in
successive gumes. The score:
1::9 Z'.u
1- ISI
19.'.- ISO
liil- r,n.s
107 IS!
Rowlands U'l V32
Hotluunicl 191 121
l.o win ' 12.-, lot;
Beynoii 177 170
Coons 159 1 17
7.-.0 739
J.aro r.l 159
Kcater 1MI lit)
Richards 150 110
Gllllsplo 102 l.'d
Davis 110 OS
m- 111
113- 11a
I'.':'- iws
ua- lis
:o-:- ito
7J.1 I'OSS
High score Davis, 202.
High average Uoynon, ItO 1-3.
Tho standing of the teams Is now
Aldingtons ,,
Franklins ...
South Side ..
Cambrians ,,
A Slight Fixe.
Somo clotbos in a clofut 011 tho second
floor of tho residence of Patrolman Thom
as Potter at UI8 Mulberry street, caught
Pro In an unknown manner yesterday af
ternoon about a o'clock. An alarm was
turned in from box 13, at tho corner of
Penn uvcnuo nnd Mulberry street. When
tho llroincu arrived tho Panics wcro burst
ing Into tho room from which tho closot
opened. They were, quickly extinguished,
however, by tho uso of tho chemical. Tho
damugo dono will amount to about $7,v
A rat or inoiiso gnawing at a match is
believed to have caused tho lire.
Caucasian Volcano Erupts.
Baku. Russia, Juno 4, Tho tiiisygran, a
mud volcano, situated near tho villago of
Kobl, Caucasia, has erupted. Tho out
burst was accompanied by caiuion-Uku ro-
Stop Worrying About Your Debts
Let Us Be Your Banker
$10.00 to $500
Advances also made on
The property remains undisturbed in your possession.
We do not remove it.
You may have the use
, property.
Loans made for any period from I to 12 months.
Loans may be paid in weekly or in monthly installments
as best suits the borrower's convenience.
There are times when A DOLLAR is WORTH TEN,
when you could make ten with one".
Cpme to us, we will advance you the money to pay them.
You can return it to us as suits your convenience.
If you borrow from friends you will be under lasting
obligations to them If you borrow from this Company you
will be entirely independent.
It costs you nothing to make application.
Full Information regarding our new method of making this class of louu
will be given freely.
Wc, give you the privilege of paying or discounting the loan at any time.
You pay for the use of the money only for tho time you keep it.
Wc make a $10.00 loan just as promptly and as cheerfully as we make a
large loan.
Wo give In plain figures the exact cost of the loan.
Our terms are the fairest and easiest and our rates the lowest.
Our ofllccs are centrally located and ure commodious. Private offices fol
If you cannot call In person, please write or telephone us', and we will send
a representative to you who will give you full Information regarding ou
Loans made anywhere within 23 miles of Scranton. Same low rate. Same
promptness. Same privacy.
Scranton Loan Guaranty Company
No. 207 Wyoming Ave., Scranton. Pa.
New 'Phone, No. 2826.
Hours 8 a. m. till 6 p. m. Saturdays, till 9 p. m.
Of vast importance to every
woman and girl in this city.
s t n o N G. SHnVICKA W.E
UMimOlDlOUIKS ami Inser
tions for children's clothes the
kind that will stand the wear
and tear of vacation play,
8, 12, 15c Yd.
Soft, dainty laces narrow
edRes aud headings for llahy's
own Individual use, prices vary
ing with tho Duality.
Crass I.inen Embroidery and
Insertion with linlshcd edge,
35c Yd.
Without llnlslied edge
23c Yd.
Popular line sheer Nainsook
Trimmings, new designs, dainty
25c, 3Sc, d5c Yd.
Nainsook Sets
surpassing in beauty and qual
ity, anything we have ever
One of the handsomest designs
Is an cxqiilslto forget-me-not
pattern, inworked with tiny
lovers anois.
l-lneh pattern.
:-ln solid cm-
li-lnch pattern,
in solid cm-
n-lu patterns,
l-ln solid cm-
Insertions to match. Tho ap
pearance of this set Is that
of hand work.
No wonder we are enthusi
astic over such workmanship
and superior quality linked
with surpassing loveliness
you will be too when you see
them, more than this you will
purchase and purchase large
ly Because
We liarc declared a dis
count or
20 for This
Week Only
Scott & Go.
126 Wyoming Avenue,
porta. The country around tho volcano
.for somo distance was envolojied in
llames. but with the exception of the- de
struction of ilocUs of sheep, no fatalities
have been reported. A fow shepherds
were injured.
This signature is on every bos of the genuine
Laxative BroraoOuinine wiou
remedy that cures colU tu oue aj',
Storage Warehouse Receipts.
of both the money and
20 Pounds of
Sugar, 97c
There is little to fear
from the manipulations
of the Sugar Truat in
view of such an offering
as the above.
There's a saving
on everything -bought
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Penn Arenqe.
Owners of Real Estatei
A gentleman recently sent wortj
to our Philadelphia office that
his slug roof was leaking slight.
This roof was put op by us In
Mover leaked before. We re
paired it, and now in eood con
Warren-Ehret G
331 Washington Ave.
i r t