The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 05, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    ) rMiJ.JwPr,
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Itiss Vtvlnn Mlkle, of Scrnnton, and
Louis Gore, of Brooklyn, Begin
Work In The Tribune's Educa
tional Contest The Contestants in
the Lower Half of tho Table Did
the Most Work Yesterday C. J.
Clark, of Pcckvillo, Bettered His
Position Two Names Omitted
from the Published List More
May Be Soon.
Standing of Contestants
1. Charles, Burns, Vandling.287
2. Wm. T. S. Rodriguez,
Scranton 235
3. A. J. Kellerman, Scranton.215
4. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondale ..... 126
5. Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondnle ......114
6. Albeit Freedman, Belle-
vue 88
7. Fred. X. Qunster, Green
Ridge 66
8. Harry Madden, Scranton. . 55
i D. Wm. Sherwood, Harford . . 55
10. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. 44
11. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 43
12. L. E. Stanton, Scranton.. 41
13. Grant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 37
14. A. J. Havenstrite, Mos
cow 37
15. William Cooper, Prlceburg 34
16. Walter Hallstead, Scran
ton 27
17. Harry Danvers, Provi
dence : 25
18. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 21
10. Louis McCusker, Park
Place 20
20. C. J. Clark, Peckville 18
21. Lee Culver, Springville . . 17
22. John Mackie, Providence. 15
23. John Dempsey, Olyphant. 13
24. Hugh Johnson, Forest
City 11
25. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton 10
26. M i s s Edna Coleman,
Scranton 9
27. Emanuel Bucci, Scranton. 7
28. Chas. O'Boyle, Scranton. . 5
29. Miss Nellie Avery, Forest
City 4
30. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 4
31. Miss Vivian Mikle, Scran
ton 4
32. Edgar Wilson, jr., Scran
ton 2
33. Louis Gere, Brooklyn.... 2
Yesterday was another day in which
the contestants in tho lower half of
the list did the major portion of tho
work. Down to twentieth place thcie
weie no changes In position. C. J.
' " - t
y 'M
If a
J. I
I (or
rvsT I
Hflflltl hnPC "frkf Vln There's a wholesome satisfaction in selling "Hanan" Shoes. When
Idlldll IIIJCo lOlT XTlCll a man 'once buys a pair we are sure of his shoe 'custom. He
won't try to wear any other make. Thi styles are always correct, the fitting accurate. We are showing all the swell
Oxfords made by this factory this season. "Hanan's Shoes are all right."
Clark, of Peckville, takes that position
away rrom Lee Culver, of Sprlnsvlllo
and Mis Vivian Mlklo, of Scranton,
takes thirty-first place from Edgar
Wilson, Jr., of Hcrnnton,
Miss Mlktc and Louis Gere, of Brook
lyn, are two new contestants Whose
names appear for the first time this
morning, Hotlt have enteicd tho corn
lest very recently and have not lost
milch time In beginning.
It will ho noted that the names of
11, O, Dorsey, of Scranton, and Eddie
Morris, of South Scranton, which ap
peared at the bottom of the list yes
terday morning, with one point each,
have disappeared. This means that as
there are mote than thirty-three ac
tive contestants, tlir- names of those
who have not scored enough points to
be In thirty-third place, or better will
he omitted. As soon as they secure
enough points to pass those on tho bot
tom of tho list their names will be pub
lished and those who are thUB crowded
below tho limit line will have their
names omitted from the table until
they earn enough points to displace
some nno else.
There arc now ton contestants who
have not scored ten points. Some of
tmlte have started to work re
cently, but the mujorlty have
seen their names appear dally
almost fiotn tho beginning with
out apparent effort to gain on those
ubovo them. As the newer contestants
get to work It Is safe to predict that
those In the lower ranks of the active
contestants will bo forced to cither
work a little harder or be lost sight of.
Following Is the list of those who
have scored tho largest number of
points during the month of June, with
their complete standing for the month.
Leading Contestants for June.
First Prize S10 in Gold.
Second Prize $5 in Gold.
1. Maxwell Shepheid 21
2. Walter Hallstead 12
3. Of-ear II. Kipp 11
4. Wm. T. S. Rodriguez 7
.". Herbert Thompson 7
C. Leioy Stanton 4
List of Dates Prepared by Superin
tendent H. F. Ferber.
Superintendent Ferber, of the bureau
of files has compiled a list of vacation
dates for the permanent firemen. Two
men from each district will be given
eight days vacation at the same time.
The list follows:
DMilct No. 1 Michael CulUIn, May 27
to June 4; Jos. Scwaic), Juno 24 to July
2.'; Captain Giant Cutler, July 5 to July
13; Joseph S Maloney, July 14 to 2J; Val
entine Blrtlry, July 22 to 30; James Hop
kins August 1 to !; Michael J. Walsh,
August 10 to IS; Hugh Moran, August 19
to 27; James 15. Jones, August 27 to Sep
tember 1; W. J. Pace, September 4 to 12;
Uun Shunts, September 12 to 20; Fied TV.
I.ontr. September 20 to 28; Ilany Ferber,
Jr., September 23 to October G: George K.
JJalley, October G to II; F. V. Wilcox; Oc
tober 14 to 22.
Second District Anthony Flannery,
Juno 2 to 10; John Lynch, Juno 10 to IS;
Kdwnrrt I.rwK June IS to 2G; Captain
Fiank I3ulchins.on, July f, to II; A. n.
Spencer, July 14 tn 22; W. T. Spooclo, July
22 to 30; Tetcr Frontz, July 23 to August
It's the Masterpiece of Women's Shoe Making:
The name "Sorosis" means protection. It was not designed so much as an advertisement for the makers, as for the
protection of ladies who want them, and buy them. They are very different in many ways to other makes of ladies' shoes.
The hand welting of "Sorosis" Shoes means that the inner soles are fastened to the outer sole by a welt that is hand-sewed.
This secures the comfort and the pliability noticed in all shoes made by the "Sorosis" factory. The Colonial Oxford is the
stylish shoe this summer, and like all other "Sorosis models, they were right before they left the factory. Every &7 CA
model is thoroughly and carefully protected. This insures perfection for "Sorosis." Always the same price tPehtJU
The New Colonial Oxford for summer wear
is shown here in all the fashionable leathers,
including patent leather and dull matt kid,$3.50
2! Isaac Tlcc, AUgtlst 2 to lot BoVcrly
Chase, August 10 to 18! Captain M. J.
limine, August 18 to 26; John Blmms, Au
gust 28 to September .1( Captain G. W.
Meyers, September 1 to ,Dt Harry May,
September 7 to l.'ij David Collins, Septem
ber 15 to 23J liotlls Tarry, September 2.1 to
October l! John Shea, October 1 to 0! T.
11. Allen, October 7 to 15! John T, Mor
gan, October 15 to 23.
Third Dlatrlol Captnlti Jarob Frus,
May 27 to Juno 21! 1j. Fnrbn. June 11 to
19! C. II. Thauer, Juno lit to 27! J.' Kelly,
July 17 to 25! It. nice. July 25 to Augiint
2! T. Grant, August 2 to 10; H. lllncs, Au
gust 10 tn 18! Captain Charles 13. Tropp.
August 18 to Ms William Sengravcfl, Au
gust 26 to September 3! James Foster, Au
gust 26 to August ,1; David Schoonovcr,
September 4 to 12; James George, Septem
ber 12 to 20 George Buyilam, September
20 to 28j Charles Itaynor, September 2S to
October 0 H. Wlllard, October 6 to 14! K.
J. Jlfklns, October B to II; Lincoln Til
man, October II to 22; Captuln K. Moycr,
November 1 to 0,
Fourth District Mux Itoscnr. June 2 to
28; Charles Wurtn. July 11 to 10; William
Flckus, July 23 to August t! John nuther,
August 6 tn It; Captain Sterling Slmcroll,
August It to 22! Frank Dambnckcr. Au
gust 21 to 20; Captain 1'dwnnl Kneller,
September 1 to !! Charles Snyder, Sep
tember 0 to 18; William Itlley, September
21 to 20: Captain Fred Bojor, September
30 to October S.
School Board Committee Conferred
with Recorder Connell.
President John Gibbons, of the board
of control; Thomas J. Jennings and W.
J. Hand, comprising a speclul commit
tee appointed to make general arrange
ments for tho observance of flag day
on June 14, met with Recorder Connell
yesterday and discussed the matter
with him.
It was decided to issue a proclama
tion, to be signed Jointly by the re
corder and by members of the com
mittee, calling upon all citizens to ob
serve the day by displaying the StarB
and Stripes at their residences and
places of business. It was also de
cided to arrange for a band concert on
the court house lawn on thnt night, at
which only patriotic airs will be played.
The expense of this will be borne by
pilvate contributions.
Peter J. Kennedy has seemed from
Charles Frohman tho road llchts to
"Captnln Jinks," In which L'thel Barry
moio started the past season.
Kugene Cunlield has been engaged Tor
another season with David W.trllcld In
"The Auctioneer." Cinflcld's wite will
also have a part In the play.
Captain Basil Hood has undcrtuken to
wiite a play containing chatacter.s spe
cially designed for llolbtook Blinn, Frank
Mills und Madge Leasing.
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall have Just pro
duced a new play la London called "Con
slcenre," taken fiom the German of "Fe
lix Phlllppi," in which they appear as
brother and sister.
Irene Perry, who recently returned to
this country Horn England, has been en
gaged for the pioducllon of "The Defend
er' In Boston.
It is expected th.-t George Ltdcrci's
latest musical comedy, "The Wild Rose,"
will oontlmio Its New York run until Sep
tember. Business has increased each
succeeding week.
Klaw & Ei Linger have seemed tho dra
matic tights to Mark Twain's "Huckle
berry Finn," and tho piece will be pie
.sentpd cinly next year, with Arthur Dunn
in the title tolc.
Our Annual Summer Sale of Muslin
Women's Muslin Gowns, empire styles, lace inscr-
lion, fnu: cambric ruffle 29C
Muslin Gowns, yoke of fine embroidery, inscrton and tucks.
Cambric ruffle with narrow hem. Priced unttsuallv .
low for this sale '. 49C
Cambric Gowns, have V yoke, inscrton of cm-
broidery and tucks, hemstitched rufllc, at 09C
Cambric Gown?, extra good value, good length, Empire
tiimmcd with embroidery and insertion, vokc and 0
tucks, priced it ". o9C
Cambric Gown, handsomely trimmed with French
embroidery, hemstitched and tucks. Priced 4
at $1.19
French Chemise Gown Yoke made of fine tucks, hem
stitched of Point dc Paris lace and ribbon trim- - .
mcd. Short f lcecs, tiimmcd with lace p 1 .49
Fine Cambric Gown, cut square neck, fine narrow Q
insertion ruffle with ,"' rows of hemstitching 9oC
- Women's Short Underskirts, cluster tucks, good
Muslin Long Skirts with ruffle of cambric all
lengths, at
Cambric Skirts with deep rufllc of embroidery,
priced at
Extra Fine MuMin Skirts with wide umbrella ruffle
of tucks and embroidery. Good value
Cambric Skirt with lace inscrton and bead edge
Other Prices
Women's Fine Muslin Drawers, cluster tucks, .
deep hem 1 OC
Muslin Drawers, trimmed with hemstitched deep
ruffle, and many have ruffle edged with lace, at 25C
Muslin Drawers, cluster of tucks, edged with fine
embroidery, generous width, for. . . j 2C
Fine Muslin Drawers, ruffle trimmed with lace, .
others have fine cmb: oidery trimmings, at 49C
Drawers made ol long cloth, deep ruffle trimmed Q
with insertion of lace tucks, also edged with lace o9C
Cambric Drawers, hemstitched tucks with fine
French embroidery, at VOC
CmifjmqA tplmd
up to $5.00
We employ experienced fitters. Don't
for your size, just ask to be fitted. It's
only sure way to get comfortable shoes.
Im rin tt a ti 4- We Have In Muslin .Underwear All Extra Sizes.
mporiani A Pew ,ten)9l
bee '... tgx
Women's Fine Muslin Chemise, trimmed with 1 yC
Muslin Drawers, cluster tucks '. 49c
Gown Extia lino muslin, yoke of fine tucks, edged with
lace, at 89c
Chemise Good width, trimmed with embroidery, at 49C
Muslin Skirts Deep rufllc of embroidery, also 6xtra width 98c
' "" " ...l.l .II....I ....111 I .1 .... , m
Women's Fine
made,' medium
Corset Covers
Women's Fine Cambric Corset Cover, trimmed
with narrow embroidery 1 2C
Wc men's Cambric Corset Covers, V and square ,
necks, felled seams .' OC
French Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery,
square neck, a splendid value at this sale's price 1 9C
Lawn and Cambric Corset Covers, French styles, g
trimmed with lace and ribbon Xi)C
Lawn Corset Covers, in three different stvlcs, '
trimmed with fine lace and embroidery insertion, at J9C
Cambric Corset Covers, French style, insertion of .
Point dc Paris and :clge, also hemstitched tucks, at 49C
Nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed with fine cm-
broidery and mscrlion, at o9C
Cambric Corset Covers, trimmed with Jl rows of lace
insertion, also edged with lace and trimmed with
ribbon P 1 x5
French Nainsook Corset Cover, front hemstitched,
tucked with insertion of Point de Paris lace, trim-
mcd with ribbon, at P I 5"
Children's Wear Extra Items
Children's Caps, lace effect, with niching around
edge, priced at OC
Embroidered Caps, ruchtug of fine lace, at 19c
Children's and Infant's short and long white ,-
dresses, yoke of embroidery, made of long cloth, at. . . .Z 1 C
Children's.- fine white muslin Aprons, trimmed with n
embroiderv JLOC
Our department for the little ones is full of good things.
Children's Gown, made of good muslin, many of the Em-
plre style, tuck yoke and embroidery trimmed, ar jLjQ
Net Summer Corsets. Well
length; 39c kind. This sale 23C
,.-jtwfek$H. itoiTt -.; '- k. ,al
, '"'"A VattghtJ!