The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 05, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    ,V - - "-i. v r ,a ' ,. -- . r Tif- ',' ,VH
A.. ; li , tr
1T7, P. 0. S. OF A.
ft Was Organized Fifteen Yean
Ago Interesting Programme That
Was Rendered Last Night in the
Auditorium History of the Or
ganization Given by John IT.
Hopewell Narrow Escape of 8-Year-Old
John Roberta from Being
Burned to Death Personals.
Tho member. of Camp No. 177, Pa
triotic Order Sons of America, cele
brated tho fifteenth anniversary of
their organization in the lodge room
of the Auditorium last night. Tho af
fair surpassed any of Us -nature yet
held by this lodge.
The following programme was car
ried out, In tho presence of a large
Overture, "Salutation" Orchestra
Opening Address V. V. Ilartzell
Mediation Miss Hazel Hopewell
Selection Male Quartette
Selection. "Among the noses". .Orchestra
Hecitittlon Ilnzel Hopewell
History of the Camp J. V. Hopewoll
Singing, "Amerlra" .Audience
Selection, "Celestial Overture".. Orchestra
The following history of the camp
was given by John U. Hopewell:
Washington ramp, No. 177, Pali lotto
Order Sons of Ameiica. was instituted In
Ostei-hout's hall on tho evening of May
SO, 1SS7, with twenty-one chartered mem
bers." The officers of the camp being J,
i;. Hopewell, president; S. 1'. Sllkmnn,
vice president; D. M. Putney, secretary;
T. SI. Maynurd, treasurer. The Institu
tion took place In Osterhout hall and was
Attended by prominent members of the or
der from the state, and Past District
President George W. Hand was Installing
ofllcer. The following persons were pro
posed and their names enrolled: B, K.
Hedell, K. C. Dutiler. D. K. Miller, T. C.
Tcrwilllgcr, C. T. Miller, J. U. Hopewell,
D. M. Putney, Edward J... Benjamin, S.
F. Sllkmnn, Ed M. I'ennypaeker. S. N.
Nylmrt, H. B. Jbiggs, C. E. Putney, M.
O. Smith, George K. Athcrtnn, I.. A.
Rifcnbcrry, H. M. Athcrton, Oeorga A.
JJIgclow. T. M. Maynard, C. M. Maynard,
J. M. Sherman. J. II. Scbarar, W. A.
Geddcs. C. V. Ward, Edward F. Wells.
Washington camp. No. 177. was not a
new camp at that date. In IStJO the camp
vns in full power In this section and
many of the older residents belonged to It.
The call for troops In 1SGI caused the flrn
on the altar to go out and It was not re
kindled until May .".0, 1SS7, and it has
burned slowly but brightly ever since.
During these fifteen years, we hove
received into our ranks mnny of tho most
prominent young men of this city and
today the rostcrXof the enmp Is a most
excellent one. Avo have Initiated in all
these years over two hundred persons,
but tonight wo have but seventy-four
members. Wo have received in round
figures tho sum of $i!,545 In dues, and havn
paid out the sum of ?6,000. The money of
the camp is in a good, .s.ifc condition, and
the funds carefully guarded and invested.
Wo have been fortunate as to number of
deaths In our camp. In all of those years,
out of all tho members named, but four
deaths liavo occurred and out of this
number only three were bcneilclal. Four
v of our departed ones now fill graves of
honor nnd each year, on Memorial Day,
a beautiful silk flag is placed upon tho
resting place of our departed brethren.
I could say very much regarding tho
history of this camp, but history, to out
siders, is not interesting. I want to fray,
however, to all who are Interested in tho
fostering of American institutions, that
wo will welcome you to our ranks at any
time. We advocate only that which Is
honest, true nnd good. Wo do not nsk
you to do anything that will Interfere
wtlh your religion, your politics, or your
honor, as a man. but exact only that
which will make man one of God's most
noble creatures.
To tho young men especially do wo of
fer Inducements. Wo want your com
pany, your presence and your aid In tho
fostering of American institutions. Wo
advoeato a frco school system, oppose a
union of church nnd state, as a ruling
power, but insist that a man should ac
knowledge God as tho Supremo Ilulcr ot
tho universe. I givo herewith a recapitu
lation of tho condition of the finances:
Total cash ici-clvcd for dues, etc $fi.5l."
Paid for rent ,:,00
Salary 300
General expenses j ow
ItCllcf oVi
Funeral expenses and donations M0
Invested, haul: and cosh KM
Paraphcniallu jgj
Total 10,545
Child's Narrow Escape.
John Roberts, the 6-year-old eon of
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Itoberts, of
Wayne avenue, met with a peculiar
accident Tuesday afternoon. Ills par
ents were visiting relatives in Ply
mouth, and the child wns staying with
Jiis grandmother, Mrs. John Prltchard.
In some manner or other the child
secured a match, and going out Into
the garden to start a flro, Ignited his
clothes. Ills screams brought his
grandmother nnd several neighbors to
the scone, nnd the flames were extin
guished. The boy received painful
burns about tho back and chest, but
will recover,
Mrs. lSvan L. Morgan, of Breaker
atreot, Is spending a few days In New
Voile city.'
Ksau Price sailed from New York
city yesterday for a month's visit with
his parents In ales.
James J. Grler, of tho firm of Mc
Gulre & Grler, of West Market street,
Is In New York on a business trip,
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union will meet Thursday afternoon at
3 o'clock. In tho Young Women's Chris
tian association rooms.
Contractor H. Blchards, of West
Market street, leaves today with his
gang of carpenters to erect a large
building above Dalton.
Prof. Mao Murray will give his ster
eoptlcon lecture tomorrow evening In
the social rooms of the Providence
Presbyterian church. Tho tickets ure
25 and 15 cents,
Lieut, Ezra S. Griffin camp, No. 8,
Sons of Veterans, will attend Divine
service at the First Primitive Metho
dlst chinch, Green. Ridge, next Sunday
evening. Tho North Scranton Gleo
club has promised to be present and
render several of their beautiful selec
tions. Tlmo of service, 7 o'clock.
The Independent orchestra held Its
last dance of the season at the Audi
torium last evening.
Mrs. Miriam Djvis, of Homestead, la
visiting at tho 'time of her cousin,
'.Thomas T. Jones, of Wayne avenue.
Work Is rapidly progressing on the
Cuti, StuiiM and Burn Quickly
Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an antl
peptl liniment, and jihen applied to
cuti, bruises and burns, causes them to
jieal without maturation and much
more quickly than by the usual treat
jnrut, Bar sale by All Druggists.
If You
To Sell
A Lodging House
A Restaurant . .
A Grocery Store.
A Provision Store
A Bakery ....
A Cigar store. .
A Pool Room. . .
Or Any Business
4 Lines 10 Cents
Pretty Low Price, You'll Admit.
locker nnd bath rooms at the Institute.
They are expected to be finished by the
latter part of next week.
Premiums Offered by the Lackawan
na to Flag Men Who Have Clean
Records Board for Today.
Tho recent order Issued by (lencral
Superintendent Clarke of the lacka
wantm, which went into effect May 1,
providing for a semi-annual premium
on a basis of $5 per month to be paid
flagmen in the train service, including
those on helper, pusher nnd hill en
gines in consideration of clear records
in their special capacity of protecting
trains In accordance with the rules of
tho company. Is meeting with general
approval with employees engaged in
tho train bervlco.
Few operating officials possess a
clearer and more intelligent perception
of conditions governing the successful
operation of a railroad than T. K.
Clarke, and few officials in any capaci
ty have ever been confronted with
more unsatisfactory conditions than
those which Mr. Clarke was compelled
to contend with when he assumed con
trol of tho operating department of the
Lackawanna not less than two years
That ho has succeeded In bringing
the service out of a chaaotlc state to
that of the highest possible efficiency
speaks In the most- eloquent terms of
his sterling worth. Tho Railroad Em
ployee. V., L. and W. Board for Today.
Following Is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western
board for today:
Summits 'West 8 a. m KIrby with J.
Hennlgan's crew.
Pushers V a. m., Houser: 11.13 n. m.,
Moran; 7.30 p. m., Murphy; 9 p. m W. If.
Helpers 1.80 a. m McGovern; 7 a. m.,
Gaffney; 10 a. m., Secor; 4.30 p. m., Stan
ton. ,
This and That.
G. M. Llewellyn has been appointed
freight ngent of the Lackawanna rail
road at Kingston, vice Ii G. Christian,
J. J. Keating has been appointed
freight and ticket agent of the Lack
awanna at West Pittston.
By l.Vluslic Wire from The Associated Press.
Hnrrlsburg. June ). Tho Supremo court
today adjourned without llxlng a tlmo
for reassembling. Following- were among
the decisions handed clown:
Michael Mooney vs. Pennsylvania rail
road, C. P., Luzerne; affirmed. Common
wealth vs. Guthrie, e al., C. P., I.uzernc;
nfllrmed. Spring Brook Water company
vs. Pittston, C. P., I.uzerne; afllrmcd.
Doud vs. Delaware Railroad company, C.
P., Luzerne; affirmed. Lewis estato vs.
Illllards, appeal O. C Luzerne; afllrmcd.
Lewis estate vs. Phillips, appeal O, C,
Luzerno; affirmed. Joseph Stevenson vs.
tho Ebervalo Coal company, C, P., Lu
zerne; reserved.
Thomas Harcur Pardoned.
By K.(lule Wire from 'flic Araoclatcd Press
Ilariisburg, Juno 4. Thomas Ilnrcur,
who is serving three yenrs In tho Potts
vlllo jail for rioting nt Oneida dining tho
great anthracite strlko In 1900, was par
doned today by Governor Stono. Harcur's
associates wero pardoned luht October and
tho United Mine Workers leaders liavo
since been working for his release. Tho
authorities of Schuylkill county protest
ed anlnst his pardon.
Philadelphia Record Sale Confirmed.
By Unclushc Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, June 1. Judgo McPhcrson,
In tho United States dlstilct court today
handed down a decico conllrmlng tho salo
of 9,050 shares and $,'.00,000 bonds of tho
Philadelphia Itecoid, which was recently
sold by order of tho couit at public auc
tion to William S. Stengor and others of
this city for ?2,S7t,O0O.
m i
Murder and Suicide at Buffalo,
By Inclusive Wire fiom 'f lie Associated Press.
Buffalo, Juno !. Because Mrs. Sophia
McGrouoy repulsed his udvances, August
Wolf, without a word of warning, shot
her through the head toduy and then shot
himself. Both are dead, Mrs. Medio
iiey's husband Is said to be living In Los
Angeles, California.
Buffalo Live Stock Market,
East Buffalo, Juno 4. Cattle Receipts,
1.1U0; steady, Veals Receipts. 6u0: tops,
U&0aG.7J; fair to good, J5.75aU.25; common,
to light, 3a5.00. Hogb Receipts, 3.400!
Blow demand, light, closing weaker;
heavy, 7.4ra7.5."i mixed. I7.20a7.40j pigs,
Jij.7Jutl.S0; roughs, JtUoati.'JO; stags, J5a6,
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,400; sheep,
steady but slow; good lambs, firm; com
mon, dull; ono loud fancy lambs, 17.50;
top lambs, )0.75a7: fair to good, J6a6.50;
culls to common, Jla5.50; yearlings. iJ.&Ja
5.73; sheen, top, mixed, I4.85a5.0o; fair to
; sheep, t
id, 4a4.73;
culls and common, fl.73u3.
East Liberty live Stock.
East Liberty, June 3 Cattle Steady;
choice, 7.15a7.W; prime, J6.75a7; good, 16.23
a6.70. Hogs Steady: prime heavy hoj;s,
S7.40a7.50; best mediums, 17.20; heavy York
era. I7.10a7.15; light do., 7a7.05; pigs, JU.70
aU.SO; roughs. tSa6.80. Sheep Steady: best
wethers, foaS.lS; culls and common, J2a2.60;
choice lambs, fj.40atf.65; veal calves, fi.50a7.
Wall Street Review.
Now York, Juno 4. Tho stock market
today was still confined to Ha narrow pro
fessional rut and lacked even the few spo
clal fentutes which varied the monotony
yesterday. There was some slight Irreg
ularity during tho day but tho general
tono was rather heavy. Tho losses wero
Bmall nnd wero caused by very light sell
ing, which was probably duo merely to
tho efforts of tho professionals to afford
a baBls for trading. The ostensible, ex
planation of tho heaviness was the report
received from tho nnthraclto regions this
morning that some of the coal mines wero
suffering from the shutting down of tho
pumps duo to tho Inability of tho opcia
tors to get sufficient substitute labor for
tho striking engineers and pumpmen. Tho
rioting In Chicago over tho teamsters
strlko hnd tho effect of somewhat sharp
ening apprehension over tho subject ol
labor troubles generally, although much
gratification Is expressed on all sides at
tho absence of violence in tho mining re
dans. Tlin Imnresslon is clecncnllig. how-
over, that n long struggle is probably In
prospect. Tho effects ot tho coal short
age aro In the meantime growing moro
acute nnd tho possibility of tho soft coal
miners becoming ultlmntoly involved In
tho dlsputo Is always kept lu mind. This
possibility may have nccounted In part
for tho rather marked heaviness of tho
United States Steel stocks. Tho resigna
tion ot two directors yesterday was nlso a
factor In tho ease. Tho decision to main
tain tlie present prlco of steel rolls for
190.1 and reports of large orders already
received running Into tho next year did
not prevent tho selling of United States
Steel especially of tho preferred. A sharp
reaction In Canadian Pacific after Its ro
cent sustained advance had some sym
pathetic effect on tho market. Conti
nental Tobacco preferred also lost nil of
Its advance, which has accompanied the
activity lu the Consolidated Tobacco
bonds. The market closed roml-stngnant
nnd heavv. Total sales today, 18fi.5O0
shares. Bonds wero rather moro nctlvo
limn stocks and the prlco movement was
(regular. Total sales, pnr value, $2,720.
000. United States S'n declined ' and the
2's registered ', per cent, on tho last call.
The following quotations aro furnished
The Tribune bv Halght Kr Frecse Co., K14
815 Meai'8 building. W. D. Runyon, man
ager. Amal. Copnor lift n; r,S;4
Am. n. & v :iii r.i at sp
Am. Ice. Pr CO M f.l 60
Am. Locomotive .... : :'.& OTA ?2T4
Am. S. fk R. Co ISIS 4n 4SMs 4T!4
American Sugar 1277i 12S 127-" UN
Anaconda Copper ...111'.' mm lUS'fe UfiVfc
Atchison MH. Snr-!, 795 KO'fc
Atchison. I'r !W,A ns fWi wr
Halt. & Ohio IfH! lofi IffiV, 10V;4
Brook. R. T Wi'J KV.t. 07 fiS
Canadian Pacific ....1:11 13S", ISli', Wfiv,
('lies. & Ohio Wi 4r,,yt W,f 4(SSfc
Chicago .t Alton .... ?.7fc K7-1i Mli 37y
Chic. & O. W 2!l 21 2Vi 23
('., M. & St. P 1f lia'i 1'i'IWi 1K"'4
(. R. 1. P 172V; 1721& J72'4 172'i
Col. Fuel & Iron .... !!Hi Wli m'a MV
Pol. & Southern :il ill .".1 SI
Del. & Hud 174 174 171 17
Erie .".7 H7 SiJIJ iV
Erie. 2d Pr r.l'i nil', r.Mi f.P.i
llncklng Vellev RUV. Mc Ki S".
Illinois Central liU'i ir.2y4 l.MH 1SHJ
Ijouiv. a iNasn hi i:ii i:ii i;u
Manhattan 13J I:i2!l Ki s 1i2i
Met. St. Rv r.O 1.7)7, uriTf, iji
Mexican cCntrnt .... 2 2ir, 2iVi 2fi
Mo. Kan. Tev 2rt 'Ji,;i ! fi".",
Mo., Kan. & Tex., Pr MUi 7,711 T.'ii, Hl'I
Mo. PaelOe Ol"; W 100
N. Y. Central 1", l.V.W 1.V.T4 l.'J?
Norfolk ft Western.. r.7H W, 7.7' 1 r.75
Out. A Vest :!J' 32"S :!2'. r,:A
Penna. R. R ItOS llliA lilt', HOT,
Reading (tl in r,' r.2'i
Rcadln, 1-t Pr S! S3 Rl fa
Readln. 2d Pr 5 f.S r,7c; r,'
Republic Steel 17'4 17'i 17U 17',
Republic Steel. Tr .. 71 7t 7t 7t
St. I,. & S-ui V i,!H', iflU 00 fil
Southern Pacific .... fin; i;i, r.vt, fiii;
Southern It. R r.i."ft 37'i ?i;'.
Southern R. R.. Pr.. !U fUH W, "lU
lean, loai a iron... ii 's inn r.i ni
Texan r.iclflc 10 4P1 -10' 4m
Union Paeltlc -ni'A ini"-4 iniS vcy.
TTnlon T'acilic. Tr ... RiJ RSi', yr MV4
I". S. Leather i:t", 131 't n is
T. S. I.eatiior, Pr ... SIU S4 S4'4 St"!
u. s. steel :::); 40 sii ro"-c
t". S. Steel, Pr CTf, CTVa M't, MK
Wabash 2"4 27 2i!'t 2H1
Wabash, Tr 1U m'v J'.siJ 4!
Western Union Wi oon 00 rou
W. & L. U 22U 22V, 2M', "314
Wisconsin Central .. 27',S 2731 27U 27U
Total sales, 1S7.inu shuiC3.
Money, 3 per cent.
WII13AT. Onen. High. Low. Clo.
July 7bV, 71 71 7l'fc
September t0',i 70'i fi'J!A 70!i
July i;i fin; run r.ia;
September UlVn 5S?i 57TS 6S
July 3 Pi r..V.. 31'-; 3V;i
September 27'5j 2S 27v 2S
July 17.20 37.S5 17.20 17.3.-,
Sentember 17.27 17.12 17.27 17.12
July 10.20 10.2.", 1020 in.21
September 10.23 10.27 10.23 10.27
July ft no 10.17 ft.ftO 10 1.-,
September 9.K2 10.07 S.S0 10.03
Open. Illtrl) Low. Cloe.
July S.CS ft.72 fl.M 0.72
August 8.10 S.17 N.l'l R.43
September 7.07 S.0S 7.0ii 7.07
October 7.S1 7.S1 7.7S i.bO
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Uld.Asked
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... w)
County Sav. Bank & Trust Co SCO
First Nat. Bank (Ciirbondalo). ... r.0i)
Third National Bank K0
Dlmo Dep. & Dis. Bank 300
Economy I. II. & P. Co 4G
First National Bank 1J00
Laclc. Trust & Safe Dep. Co... 19",
Clark & Snover Co.. Pr 123
Scranton Savings Bank iX)
Tradors' National Bank 227
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123
People's Bank ,.,,, l3
Scranton Packing Co 33
Scranton Passenger Railway,
llrst mortgage, duo 1020 113 ...
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage, duo 1018 113 ...
Peoplo's Street Railway, Gen
oral mortgage, duo 1921 113 ...
Scranton Trac. Co., il per cent. 113
Economy 1, II. tc P. Co 97
N, Jeisey & Pocono Ice Co 97
Consolidated Water Supply Co .,. 103
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II, a, Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.)
Butter Fresh creamery, 23c.j fresh
dairy, 21c,
Cheese 13al3',c.
Eggs Nearby, lSe.j western, 1714c.
Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.35a2.40.
Green Peas Per bushol, $2.23.
Onions Bermudas, 52.00 per crate,
Potatoes Per bushel, fOc.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce
Philadelphia, Juno 4. Wheat Firm;
contract grade, June, Wa83',c, Corn Dull
but steady; No. 2 mixed, June,. CiaOiic,
Oats Steady; No, 2 wlilto clipped, Ble,
Bu,ttor Firm. He hlghor; extra western
creumcry, 23c,; do. nearby prints, 21c.
Eggs Steady; fresh nearby, 17',ic; loss
off do. western, He; do. do. do, south
western, 17V&e.; do. do, do. southern, liic.
Cheeso Steady; New York full creams,
prlmo small, lllsc: do, do. do. fair to
good, 10V,alH4c. Refined Sugars Firm,
good demand. Cotton 1-lCc, higlior; mid
dling uplands, Oc, Tallow Steady, but
quiet; city prlmo In tierces, tyiutu.i coun
try do. do,, barrela, Cabc.; do. dull;, Ca
0',4c; cakes, 7a7!ic. Live Poultry Finn;
fowls, higher: fowls, !4V:UlSc,; old roos
ters, 10c; smbm chickens, 23a30c; excep
tional lots, higher; ducks, UulSc. Dressed
Poultry Steady, fair demand; fowls,
cholco western. 13c,; do. southern and
southwestern, 2c: do. fair to good, 11 Vi
ul2c: old roosters, Sla9c; brollcis. neur
by, 30a33c.; do. western, 25a30c, Frozen
Poultry Fowls, 12al2&o,; broilers, near
by. 22a28c; do. western. lGal9c; roasting
chicks, 15al5c: turkeys, 9a20c; ducks.
13aliic. Receipts Flour, 2,000 barrels and
3,918,000 pounds in sacks; wheat, 44,000
bushels; corn, 4,000 bushels; outs, 5,000
bushols. Shipments Wohat, 112,000 bush
els; corn, 3,000 bushels; oats, 8,000 bushels.
New York Grain and Produce Market
Now York, Juno 4. Flour Steady and
a trifle moro active. Ryo Flour Finn;
fair to good. $3,20a3.45; cholco to fancy,
3.53a3.70. Wheat-Snot ilrm: No. 2 red.
80e. clovator; No. 2 red. 78V$a79tfe. f. o.
b. afloat; No. 1 northern Dulutli, ttlUc t.
o. b. niloat; options thiougliout tho day
wero firm and a shailo higher. The mar
ket closed firm ut Mc net higher; July
closed 78'4c; September, 73Tec; December,
JjjLfcjgr Jftoejfo women fyl l,
IHiwl he women are delighted with the mi
TmMy Such a shoe for three dollars is a W
Kjf revelation. It fits the foot in every spot i-,
mHly -"it doesn't wrinkle nor does it pinch. 11
jWral It's just right, and bssides it has ail the v
W&SS lines of beauty that you would expsct in
iiSR a shoe designed for women by a woman
raE of artistic taste and special skill.
fcB Sanderson Shoe Go . Zm
iffiMH Cor. Lackawanna anfl Wyoming Aves. ySaw!&fe
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $600,000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to 8. 30.
77',,c. Corn Spot firm; No. 2, COiic eleva
tor and GOJaC f. o. 1), allout; corn opened
Ilrm on smaller receipts, sold olf, but tal
lied again with wheat and closed firm ut
Ua'Kc, not advance; July closed 07c; Bep-
L(l.l,(((;i, 4 1 ttu.VUU, i Willi" llilll, 40il.Ii;,
-ittvnv -., , i-H"mi livn p.tiiu I..,, v;.l-uiii.
Riiiuii coiari'ii, cnoitv, unaiuc; wane, lU'AO.
laigo colored, 9?ic; largo white, 10c. Kgg.s
l.1 111,11. .(...v.. n.,.A .....1 nn..n.,l,,nln
.-,..., ,,,.,, nii.i.j .1111, 1 villi.., i.HIU,
17;; weHtorn btorago packed, 17al7',Sc;
auiii.iur.i, Ju;aii;5i'
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, Juno 4. nulla mvltched with
surprising rapidity In tho corn pit today
and net all traderti to gucshlng what thu
next lilt of maulpuiutlon by tho New York
crowd would be, Dears clumged front
under tho action of tho bull leaders and
nuthough a natural reaction might liavo
l)eon expected after four days of almost
constant declines, yot tho action was ro
markablv erratic. July corn closed f&itte.
higher; July wheat, '&u. up and July outs
l?He. 1'rovlHlons closed unchanged to 27Vic.
hlglicr. Klour Kasy; No. 2 spring wheat,
; No, 3. 7l:J4c; No. 2 rod. 704c; No. 2
corn. ; No. 2 yellow, 62lSc,; No, 2 oats,
41n41c.; No. 2 white. I',4a44!4c; No. 3
white, 4'114u44!4c.; No. 2 rye. ss.i39c; good
feeding barley. ; fair to cholco malting,
ClaUSc; No. 1 flax bead. I.5S; No. 1 north
western, J1.7U; prlmo timothy seed, SO.SOa
0.35; mess pork tier barrel. 17.3ju17.40; lurd.
per 100 pounds, $l.?JVul0.2.; short libs, J10
aio.20; shoulders, S4uS',ic; short clear
sides, (10.50al0.C0.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Juno 4. Cattle Receipts, 11,000,
Including 1,000 Toxuns; active. lOalSc, high,
cr; good to prlmo steers, ?7.2m7.75; poor
to medium, $3a7: stockers uud fecdei'3,
2.50xr.23; cows. $1.00.lU; heifers, J.'.OUali.UO;
cunneis, Jl.C0a2.Mi; hulls, J2.7Ja0.5o; calves,
,J2.60n(i.M; Texas red steers, Jl.OOaO.lO.
Hogs Receipts today, 3J,000; tomorrow,
32,000; left over. 4,0o0; opened steudy to 5c,
lower; closed firm; mixed and butchers,
M.9.)u7.37l&; good to cholco heuvy, $7.S0a
7,45; rough heavy. $7it7.25; light, )0.S0a7.1!i;
bulk of sales, 7u7.3.'i. Sliec Receipts.
17,000 ;sheep steady; lambs lower tor bulk;
good to cholco wothers, )5.50a0.25; western
sheep. l3.S5aO.2S; native lumbs clipped,
C.2oa5.70; western lambs, fo.2Ju7.10.
Oil Market. ,
Oil City, Juno 4. Credit balances, 120;
certificates, no bid; shipments, P3.lU.har
re Is; uvcrugo, SO.SiSi barrels: runs, it.'X"
baircls; average, Wl.Ml barrels;
An investment opportunity of ex
traordinary merit. It is the best
known mining property in the state
of Washington.'
A Developed Working Hine
Not a Prospective Proposition.
A limited amount of stock is now
being offered to raise money for im
provement in equipment and gener
al development of the property.
Awarded Bronze Hedal
At the Pan-American Exposition at
Buffalo last season.
Stock now selling at $ .50 a share.
The price will soon he advanced. Get
in now on the ground floor.
"Write for full particulars,
1202 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
encer irasK ql lo.
27 & 29 Pine Street, New York
Members New York Stock Exchange.
No 57 Urouilway, New York City,
Is your Income milllclent? If not, anil you
aiu anxious to Inccvanalt, wiito me, Ntulliiif
what uiuouiit you nvi in vest, lionly $io, unit
1 will write, von it Wterof nilvb'O Ffv ror
ytawlliavedonouotlilns except btudyln veil
menu, lluiow 1 can inoreasoyoiirincoineby
polmlng out safe l,i vestments, hitherto un
known. ANDRBW L. BUSH, Investment Broker,
Ban t: Kcfcrcnces rprinitfield, Mail
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Buslnesi ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and 'WllUes-Barre, Pa,
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mlntni
Machinery , Pumpa.
Tho Tribune will guarantee to print
your paper book quicker than any oth
tr prlntlni; house In tho city.
Six Eagles lines
lis is
Manufacturers of
. r
i' I I HaUJBa fc Ifl
$ J fr C1 lfr '5 4" L 't1 t 'i' 5 ! $ 4
Brew ry,
, 435 to 4Bii
N. icventu St,.
Old ,lJhone,33i.
New 'Phone, 29J5.
Done quickly and reasonably
at The Tribune office.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule In Kffcct May M, 190J.
Trains leavo Sciantou; U.3S a. ni wcok
diiyn, through ve.stlhulo tialu irom
Willtcs-H.irn, Pullman buffet parlor car
and couches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllloi Btoiu ut piliiclpiil Intermediate (na
tions. Also connectti for Hiinhury, liar
liabuiK, Philadelphia, Unltimoio, Wash
liiBton and for Pltlsburff nnd tho Went,
fi.38 ii, in., week davf, for Hiinhury. Har
ilsburi;. Philadelphia, naltimore, Wash
iiiKton und Pltthui'K and tho West,
I.V.! p. in., week duvt), (Sunduyti. 1". p.
m.), for Bimhury. llairl.shurs, Phlladel
phla, Ilnlllmofe, Wushiimton and PittH
burs and the West.
D.'.'S p. m,, fiU ilayn, thrnuqrn vestibule
train from Wllke.s-Harro Pullman buffet
puvlor cur und icaclies to PhiUdnlphla via
Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal liiteriuodluto
4,-.'7 p. m wpek clnvB. for Ilazleton. Sun
bury, lliirrlslniry, Philadelphia and Pitts-
J. H. IIITCUINSOX. Oen. llsr,
J. U. WOOD, Oen. Pass. Aet.
Dolaware and Hudson.
in i:iteu Xoiunter 21, 1(01.
Trsln fur CuibonJile Icjio Scuuton at 6.C0,
i(, S.03, 10.13 a. in.; UM, l.-M, .34, 3.92,
J.C'J, 0.3S, 7.67, 0.13, 11,20 p. m.i 1,31 a. m.
Vat Uonewlale 0.SO, lU.Ua. ui.j 3.31 and 6.2)
p. in.
I'or Vilke-Barrc-U.a3, X1S, S.. 0.83. 10.13
J, m.l l.'.OJ, 1,4.', 2.1!, 3.J3, 4.27, .10, 7,43,
.0.11, 1UU . in.
for U V. It. It. Folnti-a.SS, 0.53 a. in.; 2.18,
1,37 and 11.30 p. m.
For Pennsylvania It. II. Points 8.88, 0,33 a.
.).; 1.43. 3.3 j und 4.27 p. ID.
I'or Albany uud ill pointi north 8.20 a. m,
nil 3.63 li. ui.
Tor Cailiondalc 3.30, 11.33 a. m.; 3.31, 3.ii,
,bi anil 11.17 p. m.
for ttlllwllJirc 0.33 a. m.i 12.03, 1.63, 3.23,
J.33 and 0.17 p. hi.
for Alluiiy ami oolnti north 3.63 p. m.
pcr ' i " r w - -
W, L. I'BVOk, D. P. A., Scranton. Pa.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 1002.
Trains leave Scranton for Now York
At 1.50, 3.20, U.03. 7.E0 and 10.10 a. m.: 12.40,
3.40, 3.33 p. m. For Now York and Phila
delphia 7.50, 10.10 a. m.. nnd 12.40 and 3.35
p. m. For Gouidshoro At U.10 p. m. For
huftalo 1.15, 6.2J and 3.00 a. m.j 1.53, GOJ
and 11.10 p. m. For Binghnmton. Elmiia
and way stations 10.25 a. m., 1.03 p. m
For Oswego, nnd Utlca 1.15 and
6.22 n. m.; 1.5", p. m. Oswego, Syracuse
nnd Utlca train nt 6.2- n. m. dally, except
Sunday. For Montrose 0.00 a. m.i 1.05
nnd 6.50 p. m.Nlcholson accommodation
4 00 and 6.13 p. in.
Bloomsburg Divihion For Northumber
land, at 6.35 and 10.10 a. m.: 1.55 and 6.10
p'. m. For Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3.40
uud 0.03 p. m.
Sunday Trains For New York, 1.50, 3.20,
6.05, 10.10 u. m.i 3.10 and 3.35 p. m. For
Buffalo 1.15 nnd 6.22 a. m.; 1.55, 6.50 and
11.10 p. m. For Klmira and way stations
10.25 a. m. For Binghnmton and way sta
tions, 0.00 a. m. Bloomsburgf Division
Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and 6.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In cftcct May 18, 1002.
Trains lc.tie Scranton.
For rhiladelplila and New York via D. & IT.
It. it., it 0.3b and 9.3S a. m and 2.18, 4.37
(Ulack Diamond KJ.irct6), and 11. SO p. ra. bun
days, P. : 11- K- K-. 1'6S, S.27 p. ra.
I'or White Haven, llazlcton and principal polnta
In the coal regions, via 1. & U. K. It., 0.33, 2.18
and 4,27 p. in. For I'ottsville, 0.33 a. m., 2.13
For Ccthlchcm, Easton, Iteadlns, HarrUburc,
and principal iutcrmcdlatc stations, via D. & II.
It. It., 0.33, 0.33 a. m.; 2.1S, 4.27 (Black Dia
mond txpresi). ll:i P- ' Sundays, D. & H.
II. It., 0.38 a. m.i 1.5b, S.27 p. in.
For TunUiaiinock, Towanda, Klmira, Ithaca,
Genera and piincipal Intermediate stations, via
V., h. & W. H. It., 0.35 a. ill. and 3.40 p. in.
For Geneva, Rochester, Uuttalo, Niagara Falls,
Cliliago and nil points west, via D. & II. It. It.,
7.13, 12.0.1 n. in.: 3.2 (Ulack Diamond i:x
picss), 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. & II.
II. It., 12.0J, 6.27 p. m.
Pullman parlor and olecpinpf or Lehigh Valley
Psrlnr Lnrs on all trains lAtweevi Wilkes-Barra
and New YorL, l'liiladelphla, Buffalo and Suspen
ded Ilridge. -- -ItOLI.IX
II. WILDUB, Cen. SupcT7 28 Cortlani
btrcel, eiv orE. J
CllAllI.ES S. Li:i:, Cen. Pass. ASt., 26 Cortlandl
fctrrct. New York. I
A. V. NO.NUlIACHUrt, Dlv. Pass. Ast., Bouthl
Betliletiem, ra.
For tlckct3 and Pullman reservations annlr to
city ticket oiOce, CO Public Square, Wilkea-BarrtJ
Central Xtailroad of New Jersey,
In llflret Slay IS, 1902.
Stations In Ncv Yoik, foot Liberty street and
South I'Mry, X. It. M ,. ,
Tialns kue fctunlnn for lw York, Ihila
ilelplila, Castou, Iktlilclieni, Allentoun, Maucli
Chiink, White llatiii, Ashley, Wllkcs-Uarra and
1'ltttlou nt 7.30 a. in,, 1 p. ui. and 1 p. in. Sun
day, 2.10 p. in.
uuikrr I'it)' Kxprcss leaies hcranton 7.S0 a. in.,
througli solid n'dtiliulo naiu nitli Pullman Mullet
Pailor Car tor Philadelphia uitli only one chanu
ot eais for llaltimoic and Washington, D, C, and
all principal point wutli anil weat.
For olu, Tltuloii ami Wilkra-ilarre, I p. in,
and 4 P. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. in.
For Long Oican llroe, etc, 7.30 ami
For"iteadiiis. I.ilianon and liarrlsburg via Al
lentottii at 7.30 a. in., 1 p. in. and 4,p. m. Sun.
daFor2Tanuii'i"i nd Pottsiillc, 7.30 a. m., 1 p.
'"l'ur lates'und' tickets apply to agent at station.
I or iau w fl BEf.!j,.;ni Ut,ni Manjgeri
o. m. uunr, Uii. l'J. ML
New York, Ontario and Western,
In lincct Tuedsy, Sept. 17, 1001,
Leava Leave Arrlv
Trains, Snanton. CarliomUle. Cadosla.
Irani". in'trtn. m. 11.10 j. m I fin -. .
Ko. 1 "".7 -:,.' . V...i7:'7'.,. 1"ZV '"
0.10 p. iii. Ar. Carbondale 0.40 p. m!
Ko. 7
Caibondale. Scranton.
Ko. 0 .,"
i.wfii. n. 7.40 a.m.
Leavo Leave Arriv.
Scranton. Caibondale. Cadoala.
5? 6 .V.V.V.VTVwp'm" Ar. CartondalaT. ?! Si
o.-ju . .... v.Aui,. iu. au.fla a. m.
leavo Leave Arrlra
Tralni. Cadoala. Caibondale. Scranton.
No C ..,,.... J,0a,m' 7.40 a. m.
,. 10 4.30 p. in. 6.00 p. m. D.4J p. m.
Tiaiiu Noi. 1 on week days, and 0 on Sundat.
mako main lino connections for New York city,
Uiddletoun, Waltou, Norwich, Oneida, Oswego,
and all points west.
For further intormatlon ccnsult ticket annta
3. C. AKDUBSON, O. P. A., New York.
1. L WIXSII, T. I. A., Scranton, Pa.