V PVpiJ'J j r " t jv tJ ( 1 -v - r i . , w ' ,--. MV fr ay . 4s, THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1002, w ' m ) NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Scranton Trltumc. "- Fnctoryvillo, June 2. Tho funeral nf the lato Qarrlck M. Maynard took plnco last Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Captain K. J. Itlco post, Grand Army ot tho Republic, having charge' of the services. Interment was at tho Everrrrr-en cemetery. A new timetable went Into effect timidity on the Lackawanna, road. There Is a sllsht chance In the mall train's time, both north and south bound, and the local Sunday trains arc put on again. Tho most Important change for this place, and the one thnt will bo appreciated most by the resi dents of this town, Is tho one making this station a Hag station for No. 7, which leaves Scranton at 11.10 p. in. and arrives here at 11.41. This gives our business men and others a chance to spend the evening In tho city and still arrive homo at a seasonable hour. Now let this train be well patronized, In order to show our appreciation of the accommodation by tho company. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Warren, who have been quite seriously 111, are reported as being somewhat better, as Is also Walter N. Manchester. Miss Nolllo Green, Mrs. C. W. Dean, Mrs. Charles Oakley and Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Holgato composed a delegation that are at Gettysburg, In attendance at the state convention of the Grand Army of the Republic now In session at that place. The Lackawanna company Is build ing a large reservoir, 40x60, by 10 feet deep, on the north side of the road, above the station, which will furnish water for two cranes from which the engines will take water. The water will bo supplied by the Nokomls Water company, of this place. Our neat little station has received a fresh coat of paint this spring, and twq new signs have been placed on each end of the station, making signs on three sides, and it ought not to get lost now. City water will also be placed in the station. The entertainment last Friday night, given by Hie Ladles' circle ot the Grand Army of tho Republic, at the Methodist Episcopal church, was a de cided success and strictly up to the standard. A good-sized audience lis tened to It. Mr. Hkrry Llsk is ill at the home of his parents, on Grove street. Mr. SHas Smith, of Mill City, has leased the Llsk house and will take possession at once. The borough cnuncll has purchased an Iron drinking fountain for horses, and It will be cA-ectcd near the flag--pole, opposite the postofllce. The No komls Water company has very kindly agreed to furnish water for tho same free of cost to the borough. This will fill a long needed convenience, as there has been no watering trough for the use of 'the public in the borough for over a year. Paulowna Rebekah lodge will meet in regular session Tuesday night. They will have Installation of officers and other Interesting business. The borough council will grind out their regular monthly grist of business next Wednesday night. Canton ,Factoryville, No. 37 Patri archs Militant, Independent Order of Odd Follows, will hold their regular drill and business meeting next Friday night. All members are requested to be present. HAMLINTON Special to llic Scronton Tribune. Hamllnton, June 2. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gale, of Scranton, were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Simons, Sunday last. Harold Wright and Miss Rule Wright, of Scranton. have been visiting their brother, C. K. Wright, for several days. Miss May Walker, a student at the Bjoomsburg State Normal school spent Memorial day with hermother, Mrs. J. 'T. Stocker, of the East Side. Mrs. G, W. Simons is visiting hcr son,, William Leonard, of Cnrbondale. Miss Laura Edwards has returned home from Austin, Pa., whore she fin ished a successful term of school. She was accompanied by her friend, Miss May Kelly, who will remain as her guest for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, ot Austin, Pa., have been the guests for several days of the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edwards. There are about fifty mules from tho ' various coal companies in tho Lacka wanna valley being pastured In this "Shut you mymm, opmn your mouth ant aee what luck will bring you." Tlie mother smiles at the childish game, and doesn't realize that it is a game she as a woman has perhaps played for a great many years. Mauy a woman is weak and sick, nervous and discouraged. She suffers from headache, backache and other ills. She wants to be well, but all she does is to bhut her eyes and open her mouth for medi cine and trust to luck for results. She "doctors" 7 month after month, often rear after year, n this same ' blind, hap-hnzard fashion, and re ' ceives no perma nent benefit. Women take Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescrip tion with their eves open to the fact that it cures womanly ills. It cures Irregularity ,i It dries debilitating drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. There is no trusting to tuck by those who use "Favorite Prescription," Mv disease was (lfsnlacemeilt atld ulceration Of the uterus, and I was in a terrible condition with pain and weakness and had given up all nope of ever being well again," writes Mrs. Harry A. Drown, of Orono, Penobscot Co., Me, m Had doctored wltli four different doctors with. in four months, and instead of getting better was growing weaker ajl the time. I decided to try your ' Favorite Prescription,' Golden Med ical Discovery,' and ' Pleasant Pellets,' as I bad heard of the mauy pure resulting jrom their use, I bought fiv4 bottles and felt so much bet ter after taking them that 1 kept on until I am as.well as ever ia my life, and to Dr, Pierre all the praise is due. of his medicines. X cannot .av euout.li in favor of his medicines. Before I began taking your medicines I only weighed one hundred and tweniv Bounds. I now weiph one huudred and sixty pound. I gained forty pounds in tlx mouths. I shall 'doctor uo more with home doctors, as it U only waste of money. I am now in perfect health, thanks to Dr. fierce." i Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the wuddy .complexion $Vift, tii iC J -.LKk. TtLS V ti ta XKWSkf?, :' WV coi- Y .7"Ni miiira vicinity. They nre causing considerable annoyance by jumping the fences and visiting the gardens mid planted fields about the village. They also have a great preference for ploughed ground upon which to roll, and It requires an exceedingly high and strong fence to keep them enclosed. Memorial day was observed by the community nt large. The drund Army men, with their fumllles, assembled nt the Independent Order of Odd Fellows' hall at 2 p. m. and listened to a very Interesting address from Presiding Elder Rev. J. F. Warner, after which, to martial 'music, they marched to the two cemeteries and decorated the many graves of their deceased comrades. It Is quite noticeable tho thinning of tho ranks from year to year, tho past year having added several more graves upon which flngs and flowers were planted and that number less familiar faces to be seen In the ranks. Mrs. F. A. Abbey was summoned to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. C. A. Nnuman, at Scranton. Mrs. Nauman underwent a very serious surgical op eration in the Lackawanna hospital, Monday, May 26, for a deep-seated mal- MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE HMMMHHMBaiMMHHHaaWOTHHHaaVMHHnHll She went to the fruiter's To buy him some fruit. And when she came back He was playing a flute. Find two human musicians. ady, and her condition was considered serious. i HALLSTEAD. Special to (ho Sernnion Tribune. ' Hallstead, Juno 2. It Is stated that the silk mill Mill start soon, under the control of Paterson, N. J., operators, who anticipate, putting an addition on the same, and will employ about 300 hands. Garrett Bogart, of Scranton, was ten dered a serenade by the Hallstead Cor net band, on Decoration day, at the Hallstead Water company's office, on Pine street. Warren W. Preston, of the Blooms burg State Normal school, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.-Y. Preston. The Hallstead Cornet band, after as sisting at the different cemeteries on Memorial day, gave a fine concert on the river lar ' for about two hours in the afternoon. Van Gansbock Munger attended the memorial services at Montrose and as sisted in the singing. Tho commencement exercises of tho Hallstead High school will be held this evening at the Baptist church. Admis sion, 15 cents. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Aldrlcli, of New Milford, spent Sunday with relatives in town. Mrs, Myrtle Nichols, of Blnghamton, is visiting friends and relatives in town. John Humphrey, of Buffalo, bpent Sunday in town. D. W. Jackson nnd John Crook are spending a few days In New York city. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Chemberlln are visiting Mrs. Cliemberlln's grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Brown, nt Kirk wood. Miss Ellen Donovnn nnd Miss Mnud IMcCnbe, who are attending the summer Normal nt Now Milford, spent Satur day and Sunday with Miss Donovan's sister, Mrs. Peter Allen, on Chase nve nua. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Tlngley, of New Milford, visited nt tho home of his par ents on Sunday, Edward Humphrey, who hns been spending tho past week with friends In Ruffulo, returned homo Saturdny even ing, Mrs, Lorenzo Davis, of Nicholson, is visiting nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs, P. It. Carpenter. Miss Carrie Mead, of Blnghamton, spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Frances Mead. Rev. Dalr, ot DaiiBvlllc, N. Y occu pied the pulpit ot the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Conductors James Slmroll and Charles Scnnlon nre home on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tobey spent Monday with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Stewart. Will Allen nnd Stephen Tlngley called on friends In Now Milford recently. Christopher Ayors, of Blnghamton, called on friends on DuBols street, Sun day, C. Burr Scott, of Blnghamton, spent Sunday with friends here. Thomas Clune, of New Milford, spent Sunday In this place. SPRINGV1LLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Springfield, June 2. G. P. Stang and Orange Whitney visited Meshoppen an Sunday. SJIba Lott, hnd the misfortune to smash the end ot one of his big toes last week while at work In the quarry which will Incapuoltato him for a cou ple of weeks. County Treasurer Leander Lott and James M. Jeffers, of Montrose, wero Visitors here last Tuesday, Mrs. Stung of Lemon Is visiting her son, G. P. Stang, lit this village, Frank Robblns, one of the Erle'b pop ular, engineers, has been visiting his Blster, Mr. N. E. Travis, the past week, tie departed for his home at Susquehanna, Pa., on Saturday, 8. O. Culver was engaged over In Au burn last week doing some painting nnd paper liHhglng. The case against the Ilnwko Stone company, brought by L. 13. Bnulor for labor, Imb been decided In favor of the plaintiff to the amount of 165.00. Two games of .base ball have ntreaily been played licr'o by local teams with more to follow, Tho band held their first Ice crcnin fcstlvnl Saturday evening with tho re sult of selling nil the cream purchased. Another will be given Saturday even ing next If the weather Is suitable? A. O. Dunlup Is getting ready to move his newly purchased property. Before doing so there will bo some paper hanging nnd other work In that line. Stenson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Is billed to play here under its own can vass, June 6. Over at the Carlton home Miss Eliza beth Taylor, a sister of Cordelia Carl ton, Is lying very ill. Supervisor James J. Bunnell has lately been putting In two new bridges In the village which nre a credit to his skill. "Jim" con build a bridge when he sets out to do it. DUNDAFF Special to the Scranton Trlbunj. Dundaff, Juno 2. We are thankful that Jack Frost and the snow storm Inst week did but little damage to fruit and vegetation In this section, although water froze to the depth of a quarter of an inch. N Quite a number from tills place at tended the exercises at Finn's hall at Clifford on Decoration day. The people of the Baptist church held their monthly covenant meeting on Saturday last at the church. Mrs. T. W. Reeker is visiting friends in the borough and vicinity. The second district convention of the Sunday sch'ool association that was to have been held at the Methodist Epis copal church, this place, on June 20, has .been changed to June 19. Members of the association nnd all Interested will please take notice. Mr. Sidney Finn and William Stevens of Scranton, Pa., were in town on Sat urday last. Seven large carry-all wagons passed through here Saturday loaded with young ladles and gentlemen, 'students from Keystone Academy lit Factory ville, Pa., en route for Crystal Lake on a picnic tour. On their way back they reported an elegant time. They were a Jolly lot and made the borough ring the little time they were here. We hope they will come again. Mr. Homer Pease, a student for the ministry, at Keystone Academy, and his brother, Clarence, called on , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wells on Saturday last. Esquire E. E. Wells has boon suffer ing for the past week or more with an attack of rheumatism In his left lower limb and Is obliged to use a cane to walk. Any amount of city boarders coming every dny, but they are not the kind we usually have. They are ' ot the striking kind. We expect soon to have three tele phone lines In town, and we hope the trolley car. Our village blacksmith. Mr. S. B. Lnmoreaux, Is getting to be an expert at trout Ashing, Ho was out on Deco ration day and came back with a well niled basket, so he says, and we know he has heard of George Washington and his little axe, ant It must be so. NICHOLSON. Special to the Scrnnton Tribune, Nicholson, June 2. Mr, and Mrs. D, W. Titus left this morning "for Punxa tawney where they will visit their daughter, Mrs, J. W. Osterhout. Fred Williams and wife are visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hollway Stephens, Mi-B. C. B. Williams and her son, Ralph, nlso Frank Baker nnd wife, all of Scranton, wero entertained over Sabbath by Mr, and Mrs. E, L. Bacon, C. M. Marie was a caller at Brooklyn, Pa over Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. H, B. Worden, of Whit ney's Point, N, Y are. visiting Mrs. N. L. Walker. Grlflln Potter has purchased the old Methodist Episcopal church which Is soon to bo vacated by tho society. A new church is In process of construc tion. Mr, D, W. Titus, of Nicholson, Is vis iting friends In the western part of the state. ! , AVOCA, The death of Charles Green occurred on Sunduy evening nt the family resi dence on the West Side, ufter suffering three weeks of paralysis. Deceased was 65 years of ager; Tho family camo hero from SumtiiltvHle, N. Y., about sixteen years ago, After u few years' resi dence they removed to th'la town. He Is survived by a wife and tho follow ing children: Mrs. Annie Mybolt, of SuminltvlUe, N. Y.i Fred, of Wyoming state; Ernest. Adey, William, Clarence, Frank and Viola. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. Services will be at the house ut 2 o'clock. Interment will be In Lupgcllffe cemetery. Tho death of Patrick Tlguu occurred THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" - 4 Lines 10 Cents' More Than Four Lines, 3ents (or Each Extra Llns. Tor Bent. FOR RHNT-SIx room Hat. with hath, fwrwN electili! light, gas ntnge, etc.! rout reasonable. Address F. 11., Tribune ofllco, DARN Foil ni3NT-$lA April 1st, thrco box nnd throe slhclo stall and wash rack, rear or 324 Madison avenue. In nulru nt Oil Mndlxon nvrnuo. Furnished Booms for Bent. A DKSIItAHLM furnished roornT's bay windows, onc-hnlf block fioin court house. Address D. 1I Tribune ofllco. FOR RENT-Ono furnished room, with improvements! also ono on third floor, cheap. 627 Adams avenue. FURNISiIBD ROOMS for rent, modern Improvements; private family; gen tlemen preferred, nt K17 Adams avenue. FOR RENT Furnished room; heat nnd bath. C2." Linden street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas nnd bath, gentlemen pre ferred, nt G39 Adams-avenue. For Sale. PIANO FOR SALE A chance seldom of fered; party must snctillcc this week, rcgurdlcsH of cost, elegant upright piano used less than live months. Call 221 Finuklln avenue. ., FOR SALE A stork of general merchan dise in Wyuluslng borough, Bradford county, Pa. A good chalice for some one with a email capital to locate In an np-to-dnt'o growing town. First class stock. Good location: light, pleasant room. Will either sell or rent store building. Ad dress P. O. Box, hit, Wyuluslng, I'a. FOR SALE For want, of use, my black horse Idyl Duko, mark 2.16. Very tlno road horse. F. II. demons, G93 Mears building. FOR SALE-Hand silk douhlcrs. Now. Bamford Bros., Patcison, N. J. For Salo or Bent. FOR SALE OR RENT-A 10 room single house; all impiovements; large lot. Inquire 1415 Cnpouso avenue. Board and Booms. VERY DESIRABLE suite ofTomrurwith first clnss table board, can be obtained at 333 Jefferson avenue. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS-ror two auults, thrco or four rooms, furnished or unfurnish ed for very light housekeeping, first floor preferred. Address M. B Tribune, ofllee. WANTED Furnished house of four or five rooms for housekeeping. Address A. G. E., Tribune office. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Willi) for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. S. M. Hlbbmd & Co., membera N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange. 14 and 4G Broadway. New York. Established 1SGJ. Long Dlstnncc 'Phone 23S8 Broad. Miscellaneous. SHIRTS Cl'T and made to order. Rooms 44 and 4li Burr building. II. W. Sykos & Co. yesterday morning nl the home of his sister, Mrs. Reap, after a painful ill ness. Several months ago his arm was amputated, on account of a cancerous growth. Since then he hud declined steadily and his death was a great re lief from his sufferings. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will be In St. Mary's cemetery. M. F. Dommermuth and Edward Bennett, of White Huven, spent Sun day with friends here. Tho funeral of the 2-weeks-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gelllskic took place yesterday afternoon. Interment was In St. Mary's cemetery. Dr. Berge performed an operation for the removal of an inner growth on Mrs, James Munley, of Grove street, on Sat urday afternoon. Her condition last night was encouraging. Nearly all tho firemen, engineers and pumprunners obeyed the call of the mine workers' committee asad left off work yesterday. The commencement exercises of the High school will bo held in Sarfefleld opera house this evening. There will bo twelve graduates. Rlchard'Beer, of Vandllng, spent Sun day with friends here. Joseph Corby, who has been hero with the Dayton Construction company for several months, left on Saturday tor Cleveland, O. HOPBOTJOiW. Special o the Scranton Tribune. Hopbottoin. Juno 2. Mr. E. 13, Tower and daughter Clara, of Montrose, were cnllors In town on Saturday last. Miss Ida Smith, of Waveily, visited her sister at this place last week, J. M. Jeffries, of Montrose, was In town Friday. C. M. Miller has opened a store In tho building formerly used by W. E, Brown as a moat market, with a full lino ot cof fees, teas, spices and green truck. Miss Illbbard 'and nloco havo returned to tholr homo In Lestershlio after spend ing a few days wlth'her sister, Mrs. J. II. Tanner. Tho many friends of Mrs. Kato McDonnld Tinner nro pleased to learn of her return to this placo after an nbsoneo of many ycnis. Mrs. Turner will occupy tho house owned by L. P. Hell. All nro anxiously watting for tho nnl val ot "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which is to be played here on Tuesday evening. MOSCOW. 1 Memorial day was observed hero In tho usual manner Friday afternoon. Tho parade of tho various soclatles formed at the Roaring brook bridge, and marched to the cemetery where appropriate services wero held, which was followed by services In the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows hall, Those taking part In the parade were as follows; Veterans of the G. A. R I. O. O, F Sunday school children, and the Madlsonvlllo drum corps. Miss Buela Brown Is visiting her brother, M, B. Brown, nt Bangor, The Ladles' Aid society gave a 5 o'clock tea ut the home of Mrs, T, B. Gardner Tuesday afternoon of last week. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent by nil present. ' Tho Sunduy school will meet Wed nesday evening at 7 o'clock In tho church to rehearse for "Floral" Sun duy, Mr. Edward Wlce entertained the fol lowing yqung ladles of Scranton ut dinner Memorial day: Misses Sarah Decker, Sue Kdwards, Penrl Edwards, Elizabeth Thomas und Edith Morgan. , Mr, und Mrs. Holler and daughter, of Scranton, have been spending several days with friends here, A farewell purty was given Mr, Sher man last Thur3duy evening In tho I. O. O. F. ball. j SITUATIONS WANTED FRBB. Branch WANT Offlcas. Want Advertisements Will Be Becetved nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. 31. Central City AMiKRT SCHtirrZ, corner Mulberry MreH and Webster avenue. OUSTAV MCllKL, 65(1 Adams avenue-. West Side aEOntlB W, JKNK1NS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton KftED t. TERl'PK, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street, Green Bidge CIlAftl-KS 1. JONES, 1M7 Dlettson nentte, 1'. J. JOHNS, 020 Orccn nidec street. O. LORKNZ, corner Washington ave- avenue and M.irlon street. Petersburg W. II. KNKfFEb, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmoro J. a. bone & SON. Wanted. WANTED Gentle horsu for fnnr mnnlhs lur pustule ana Keeping; ngnt party can make satisfactory arrangements by addressing F. II., Tribune office. WANTED A small family to live with me and board me. Rent free. Address John Sriheuor, Brook street. Help Wanted Male. SALESMEN WANTED-Stnto salesmen make $300 monthly, sells to merchants only. No fake. Call and investigate. Owen Hardman, Hotel Schadt. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Protestant woman ns house- Kccpcr m widower's family of three, two boys. State ugo when answering this ad. Lock box K, Dunmoro. CUSTOM SHIRT OPERATORS wanted at uiiuu. iiuums 14 unci iu jiurr umiu ng. II. W. Sykes &. Co. WANTED A housekeeper, must be a good plain cook; leferences required. Apply at 1010 Washington avenue in even ing, or 727 Connell building. Becruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U.S. ARMY-Ablc-bodted unmarried men between ages of 1 and 3.1; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who tan speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer,- No. 123 Wyoming avenue. Scum ton, Pa. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED to take care and clean offices; best of references given. Address D. M., care COlli West Linden street, cuy. SITUATION WANTED-To do ladies' and gents wnsmntr, ny experienced laun dress; terms reasonable. Address Mrs. II. A., euro U01V4 West Linden street, city. SITUATION WANTED-By a Welsh wo- mnn n An iinv Trlnrl r .,. b- X1l..,nn call or address, 21G Walnut street, DUn- niore, a. RELIABLE bookkeeper of seven years 'xpericnce. wouiu into situation. Ad dress H HOS Wyoming avenue. Money to Xoan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO T.OAN- Quick, stiaight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on in. v. Yvnncer. sn-:,i3 connell building. Rheumatism. RHEUMATISM All parties that wish can bo speedily and permanently cured of all varieties of Rheumatism by a vego- tunie compound; cures guaranteed. In. quire or address J. E. Taylor, Scranton. rrr77 m V DAdC DALL. VmMasaiassssmssnsmsMa American .League. At Philadelphia A R.H.E. St. Louis taonoot'oo 4 S 2 Philadelphia 0 10 0 3 0 0 0 15 S 1 Batteries Powell and Sugden; Bust ings and Powers. Umpire Connolly. At Boston R.II.E. Detroit 0 100010002 :i 2 Boston 4 00 0000 Ox 4 5 3 Batteries Miller, Mullen and MeGulro; Dlneen and Urigcr. umpire Johnstone. At Baltimore- R.H.E Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 S i Baltimore 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 Ox-14 1G 1 ' Batteries Strelt and Bernls; McOlnnlty and Robinson. Umpires Cam t hers and O Lougnlln. At Washington- R.H.E, Chicago 0 0 000 0 00 0-0 4 4 Washington 3 0 3 1 0 0 2 1 x-12 12 1 Batteries Griffiths, Garvin and Mc Farlnnd; Orth and Clark. Umpire Sherl dan. National League. At Now York- R.H.E. Philadelphia 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 2- li 12 1 New York 00000 0 100 IU Batteries Iberg and Doolu; Dunn und Yeager. Umpire Cantllllon. Other clubs not scheduled. AMATEUR BASE BALL NOTES. Tho Ecllp&e. turned tho tables on tho Tycoons by defeating them yesterday by tho scare 6l 12 to 9. The honor of the victory belongs to Harold Benson, lie pitched a sure, stcudy gume, having live f strike-outs and giving only two men their bases on balls, it was this clever young player who won the game for the Eclipse by making a sensational double play In the lust inning. Tho scoie; Ecllpso ,,,,. 030S1030 0-12 Tycoons .,,..,,,,.0 05028000-0 Batteries Benson and Slatteryj Fed rick, Hamilton and Houck. The managers of tho following teams nro requested to meet at the Times ofllco Friday, Juno 6, at 7 p. m. uluirp, for tho purpobo of organizing an umateur leuguo; Young Scrautoiis, Lackawanna Jib,, Crystals and Young Pino Brook Stars. 8. Rublnon, manuger Young Scrantons. D., L. AND W, BOABD FOB TODAY.' Following is the make-up ot the Delaware, Lackawanna Si Western board for today; TUESDAY', JUNE. 3. Pushers 11.13 a. m., Moran; 7-30 p. m.t Murphy; 9 p. m W. II. Barth. 'Gaffncy; 10 a. m,, Sccor; 4, SO v. m.. Stan- WM DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mora Thin Pour Lines, o Cants for Each Bitn tin. Real Estate. $1,800 will buy A Fine Single House All Improvements, Klootrle Lights, l.nrga Lot, Ureou ItldRO. M. H. HOLQATB, Commonwealth Bid. Great Bargain FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in upper Green Rldgo; choico neighbor hood; most desirable locality for homo in Lacknwanna county. J. A. Marvine, 173G Sanderson avenue. Lost Strayed Stolen. LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN-A cow, body red; white scar on forehead; without horns; from Miirslrwood. A lib eral reward offered for Its return to Moo sic Mountain Coal Co., Marshwond, Pa. LOST Ladles' gold watch. Wullham manufacture, attached to a silver Hour do lis chatelaine pin. The finder will ho suitably rewarded by communicating wltli or notifying J. M. Robinson, 712 Harrison avenue. LOST A ladles' gold watch; a liberal reward will bo given if returned to Hotel Terrace. CITY ORDINANCE. FILE OF SELECT COUNCIL NO. 11, 1801. AN ORDINANCE. Establishing the Grade on Certain Por tions of Providence Road, South of Court Streot, Paving said Street from the Northerly line of Court Street to tho Northerly lino of Tripp Street with Stono Block Pavo on Sand Base, and for the Construction of Improvements Thereon, Including a Retaining Wall, Etc., Etc. Section 1. Bo It ordained by tho Select and Common Councils of the- City of Scranton and It Is hereby ordained by tho authority of tho same, that the grade of Providenco Road south of the north lino of Court street be and the same Is hereby established in accordance with tho profile prepared for the same by the Department of Public Works, and thnt the said street bo graded to conform to the said profile. Sec. 2. That certain Improvements des ignated and described on the plans and specifications on tile in the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, be made, constructed and performed on the said Providence Road. Sec. 3. Immediately upon tho passage of this ordinance the Director of tho De partment of Public Works shall advertise for scaled proposals for tho performance of said work and shall require bidders to enclose with each proposal, cash or certi fied check for $75. In caso the bidder to whom tho contract shall be awarded omits or refuses to en ter into a contract for tho work within twenty days from the date thereof, tho said $75 accompanying his proposal shall bo forfeited to the use of the City of Scranton. Tho City reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Sec. 4. The contractor shall be paid for the work performed nnd tho material fur nished within fifteen days ufter the com pletion of the same, and Its acceptance by tho Director of the Department of Public Works. Sec. 5. The contractor shall ho allowed forty days in which to complete the work, and if not completed within the specified time, a penalty of five dollars per day shall bo charged the contractor for each and every day thereafter that tho work remains uncompleted. Sec. 6. In case the contractor omits or neglects to pay for labor or material fui nished by any person or persons for tho construction of said Improvements, the City hereby reserves the right to pay such claims and to deduct the samo from any moneys due the contractor for said work from tho City of Scranton. Sec. 7. All of said work slialUbe done under tho direction and subject to the ap proval ot tho Department of Public Works. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall not bo bind ing nor take effect until after tho pro perty owners abutting on tho s.ald im provements shall havo filed with tho De partment of Public Work3 a full icleaso to the City for any damages occuring by reason of the said improvements. Sec, 0. Tho cost of said Improvement to tho extent of seven hundred and fifty dol lars is to bo, paid by the Scranton Rail way Company as per written agreement attached hereto and the balance. If any, is to bo paid out of the appropriation for repaiitug streets in the Second Ward.. AVhereus. the Citv of Scranton contem plates making certain Improvements on Providenco Road, between Court nnd Tiipp streets, In tho Second Ward, con sisting of retaining wall with fence, stono block pave, etc., as shown on plan and profile attached hereto. And, Whereas, tho Scranton Railway Company Is desirous that such Improve ments bo made. Therefore, In consideration of the bene.v fits which will result to the said railway by reuson of tho said improvement, she, the Scranton Railway Company, hereby agrees to pay tho said City of Scranton upon thocompletlon of tho salrt Improve ments asshown bv ths certificate of tho Director of tho Department of Public Works, the sum of seven hundred and fifty ($750) dollars. All of said Improvements to bo made In accordance with tho plans and specifica tions prepared bv tho Engineering Depart ment of Public Works, a copy of tho plan and profile of which nro attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Scranton Railway Company haa caused these pres ents to bo executed the 22nd day of April, A. D Mfll. SCRANTON RAILWAY CO. Frank Sllllman, Jr.. General Manngor. Passed Select Council. Mnv '. 1901. C. K. CHITTENDEN. Presidout. Passed Common Council. Mav 23, 1001. P. K. CAI.P1N. President, Attest: M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schcdulo in Efltct June 2. 1001. Tiains Icaie Strantoni 8,38 a. in., week days, through vestibule (lain from Wllkes-Uarro. Pull man buBet parlor ear anil coiuhes to I'hiladel phla, ia t'ottsvllle; stoia at minclpal Interim Slits stations. Abo connects (or Suubury, iUf rtiburs, Philadelphia, lultimorc, Nashlujtoq and lor PitUbure and die wut. 0.38 a. m., week dajs, for Sunbury, Harrlibure, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washlngtou and Pitts burg and the west. ,,.. l. p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.53 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrisburir, Philadelphia, Uijtlmore, Washington and Pittsburg and the west. S.U8 n. in,, week davtf, through vestibule train from Wllkes-Oarre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to I'hlladelpbla via fotttvule. Etops at principal Intermediate stations ' 4.27 p. in,, week days, for lUileton, Sunburjr, Karrlsturg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, J. U, HUTCHINSON. Oen. Mgr. , J, D. WOOD, Ocn. Pass, Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect November SI, 1001, Trains (or Carbondala leave Scranton it 0.20, 8.00, S.W, 10.13 a. in. 12.00, l.i'J, 3.31, S.it, B.20 fl.JJ, 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p. pi.i 1.31 a, m. Vox llonesdale tl.SO, 10. 10a. in.; t.3i and 5.2 p. m. I'or Wilkesnarrc-8.38. 7.4S, 8.41, 0.SS. J0.U a. m. 12.0J. 1.4.', 2.13, K-23, i.tt, CIO. 7.48, 10.41. 11.30 P- m. , Kor U V, 11. . PolnU-8.38, d.Si . m. 8.18, t.27 and 11.30 p. in. For Pennsylvania It. It. roints-0.33, 0.3S a. m.; l.U, 3. id and 4.27 p. m. For Albany and all points north 0.S0 a, m. and 8.52 p. in. For Csibondalc 8.60, 11.8J a. m.j 8.31, 8.51, 8.(2 and 11.17 p, to. For WilLcsBarrc 0.S3 a. m.; 12.03, 1.53, 8.28, 8.32 and 0.17 p. m. For Albany and points north 3.53 p. si. For Honeidale 8.50 a. m.;and 8.53 p.-nv W. I. fllVOB, O, i a., Scranton, Pa. LKQAL. "" ----i-ir-u-inj-u-ij KOnuBJBuhctftyu rt.VMt hrt we aha t .i.!t..t0 ift? M?het bidder, at publlo S'," ?tnc.1 '". Scranton, Ickawanna S; fr tho benefit of whom it may E?n.fw,' .t.hre WXU'wwn of tho preferred slock of tho Dr. itand Condenaed Milk Co. , AYBLLEB ft TORREY, Solicitors. PROFESSIONAL. aSaN-axaxaswMaam Certified Public Accountant EDWARD C. 8PATTI.D1KO. O. P. A 23 No'"i$r8' c""l building, old telephone, Architects. FREDERICK L. DROWN." ARCH B Real Estato Exehungo Bldg., 1st Wash ington uvo. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. IIARDINQ, S15 .CONNELL BLDO. iTEVBJtfSON & KN1Q UtHm 'cONNBLli building, ' Dentists. DR, C. E. EILENBEROER, PAULI , building, Spruce street),' Bcmnton. DR. C.vC. LAUBACH; 115 WYOMING avav Lawyers. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP, AT torncys and Cotinscllprs-at-Law. 603 to 612 Connell bulldlntf. .' , JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 10, 20 and 21. L. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Board of Trudo Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON &. WILCOX, TRADERS' National Bank building. A. W. BERTHOLR OFFICE MOVED TO No. 211 Wyoming avenue. Patent Attorneys, PATENTS pattgasss . " ' " Secured. Trade Marks nnd Labels registered. The only licensed Patent Att'ys In Scranton. Reploarle & Co., Mcar Bids. Hotels and Bestaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK. lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. & W. Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGqS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor: only improved pump3 used. A. B. Brlggs. proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Wire Screens. ' , JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR 511 LACKA. ave., Scranton, mfrs. of Wire' Screens. Miscellaneous.- ' MEGARGEE BROS.. PRINTERS' Sup plies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, ISO Washington avenue. THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo had in Scranton at tho news stand, of Rclsman Bros., 406 Spruce and SOS Linden: M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna ave.; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Juno 1, 1902. Trains leave Scranton for New York At 1.50, 3.20, ti.05, 7.50 and 10.10 a. m.; 12.40, 3.40, 3.33 p. m. For New York and Phila delphia 7.60, 10.10 a. m and 12.40 and 3.35 p. m. For Gouldsboro At ti.10 p.- m. For Buffalo 1.15, 6.22 and 9.00 n. m.; 1.53, 6.30 and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Elmira and way stations 10.23 a. m., 1.03 p. m For Oswego. Syracuse and Utica 1.13 and 6.22 a. m.; 1.63 p. m. Oswego, Syracuse and Utica train nt U.2J a. m. daily, except Sunduy. For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; 1.03 and (i.no p. m. ' Nicholson accommodation 4.00 nnd 6.15 p. m. Bloomshurg Division For Northumber land, at 0.33 and 10.10 a. m.: 1.53 and 6.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 und 9.03 p. m. Sunday Trains For New York, 1.50, 3.20. 6.03. 10.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 3.35 p. m. For. ' Buffalo 1.15 and 6.22 a. m.; 1.55, 6.50 and 11.10 p. m. For Elmira and way stations 10.25 a. m. Bloomshurg Division Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. in. and 6.10 p. ra. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In effect May 18, 11)02. Trains lc.ivo Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. & IT. It. R., at 0.38 nnd 9.33 a. m., and 2.1S, 4.27 (Biaik Diamond prciia), und 11.30 p. m. Sun-: days, D. & II. It. It., 1.5S, 8.27 p. m. For White Ilnvcn, Ilazlclon and princ(pal point! in the coal regions, via V.) k II. It. It., 6.38, 2.11 and 4.27 p. m. For I'ottsvtllc, V.33 a. in., 2.13 p. m. For Bethlehem, Kaston, Heading, Harrlsburg,'' and pilncipal Intermediate stations, via D. & II.. It. It., n.i8, 0.!!S a. m.i 2.13. 4.27 (Dlack Dia., mond Uxpress), 11:39 p. in. Sundajs, 11. & II It. B., 0.8 a. m.i l.to, 8.27 p. in. For TiinUiannocic, 'lonanda, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva nnd principal intermediate) stations, via D., I. & W. 11. It,, 6.35 a. m. and 3.40 p. in. For Qeneva, Itoiheiter, Dullalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago and all points ucst. vin D. k II. R. R., 7.18, 12.01 a. m.: B.2S (Ulai-k Diamond K. piess), 7.48, 10.11, 11,30 p. In, Sundays, D. St H, it. It., 12.0J, S.27 p. in. Pullman parlor and eepins or Lehijrh Valley Parlor cars on all trains between Wilkes-Barr and New Vorl., Philadelphia, UuITalo and Suspen. bion Ilrldjrc. HOLI.I.S' II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 28 Cortland stieet, New Toil;, Cll.MtLL.S S. Li:C, Gen. Tau. Agt., 26 Cortlantl street, New York. A. W. NONKMACIIER, Dlv. Tass. Agt., Soutla Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply ta city ticket otllcc, to Publlo Square, Wilkes-Barrt, Pa. ' BEADING SYSTEM. Central Bailroad of New Jersey. In Meet May IS, lOOi. Statlnii3 In New York, loot Liberty street and South l'cny, N, It. Tulns li'Ue fauanlon for New York, Phil, dclphlu, KJatou, Ilclldcheiii, Allrntoun, MjucIi Chunk, White llaien, Ashley, Wllkca-llJirfl. and l'ittbton at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. in. and 4 p. in. bun day, 2.10 p. m. iju.ikcr L'lly lliprrw leaes hnanton 7.30 a. m,, through solid ustlhulo twin ulth Pullman Buffet Parlor far for J'liUadglplda wltli pnjy one thansa of cuts for llaltlmorc and Wa.lilriKton, I), v., and all principal points naulli and west. For Aoci, I'ittoton and Wllkcs-liarrc, 1 p. m and 4 p. in. Sunday. 2.10 p. in. For Lone Brunch, Ocean Urote, etc., 7.30 and For Reading, I.ebinon and Harrlsburg; via Al Icntown at 7.30 a. m,, 1 p. ni. and 4 p. ra. Sun day, 2.10 p. m. . For Tamaqua and I'ottsvllic, 7.30 a. m., 1 p. in. and 4 p. in. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. (1. IIKHSI.KR, (Jen. Manager. O. M. BURT, Ucn. I'asj. Agt, . ; New York, Ontario and Western. In Effect Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001. NOIHU BOUND. leave lva, Anlvi Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. Cadosla, No l ..,,....10.30 a. in. U.lOa. in. l.oop. m. No" j ;,,:.. 0.10 p. m. Ar. Carbondale 6.40 p. I"' ' "' bOUTll HOUND, Leao Leave Arrlv Trains. Oadosla, Carbondale. Scranton. Ko b ., t 7.00a,m. 7,40 a. ra. Ko 2 ........ 2- P- " 00 P- "' '.40 p. riC SUNDAYS OhLV, NOH'lll BOUND. v Leave V?. rf'W Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. CadojU. Ko o 8.30 a. m. 0.10 p. m. !MSa. m. So K ,,, T.MP- m- Ar. Carbondale 7.40 p. . Wo. iiimi" solJTll BOUND. r Leave Leave Arrive Trains. Cadoala. Carbondale. Scranton. Nn, e ,,, 7.00 a.m. 7.40 s.m. No. 10 450 p. m. 8 06 p. in. 8.45 p. Trains No. 1 9n cck days, and 0 on Sundays, make main Una connections for New York city, sliddletov.n, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Oawtfo and all points et. For further Information ccniult ticket anntav J. IA ANDEUbON, O. V, A., New Yerfc . E. WELSU, 1'. P. A., gcrutoii, Pa, ( vs. K 1 :'l pl i I r :, i ffiito'A -,t ' J ' T . k&JSJL