,4V Wf irfl '! 'Id THIS SCHANTON TRIBUNE- TUBSbA'K, JUNE 3, 1902. 1 RAID ON FIVE SPEAKEASIES IOUTH BIDE POLICEMEN KEPT BUSY LAST MIGHT. ffoieph Kramer, Mrs. Gibbons, Hob ert Schumer, Patrick Langan and Matthew Pafl Arrested for Sell ing Liquor Without a License All Given Hearings Before Magistrate Storrs, and Pined $50 and Costs Each Schumer Caught Driving Up With a Wagon Pull of Bottled Beer. For some weeks past two special de tectives acting under Instructions from Superintendent of Police Day have been quietly engaged In securing evidence against the keepers of spenkcnslcs In various parts of the city. Last night the first trap was sprung when five of them were arrested, given a hearing and fined nil In the space of an hour. The places raided are all located In South Scranton and the raids were made under the personal supervision of Superintendent Day, who had Captain Williams, Lieutenant Zang and a big squad of patrolmen with him. Two men wore sent to each place, and the pris oners were nil brought to the Alder street station house where Magistrate Storrs wus In waiting to give them hearings. Mrs. Gibbons, of 2124 .Plttston ave nue, who runs a bar-room behind nn innocent looking candy shop, was ur rcsted as well as Patrick Langan, of 737 Fig street; Joseph Kramer, of 027 Prospect nvenue; Matthew Pfaff, of 1101 Meadow avenue and, Robert Schu mer of 1001 Blucher avenue. The two policemen who went to ar rest Schumer couldn't find him In the house and as they were standing In the dark outside he drove up In a wagon. "Want to get a drink, boys?" he called out. "Just wait a minute If you do. I've just been down buying some bottled beer and other'stuff. I've got it here on the wagon with inc." Schumer was so startled when he learned who the officers were that he lot go the reins nnd the horse nearly ran away. Magistrate Storrs conduct ed hearings in all the cases in the sta tion house. The two special detectives testified to having purchased intoxi cants in all the places at various times. The magistrate fined each of the pris oners $30 and $7.00 costs. All paid be fore midnight. Pfaff protested that he had a bottler's license but It was point ed out that this gives him no authority to sell at retail. The police announced last night that more raids will follow at once. MANY CONTRACTS AWARDED. Recorder Connell and Director of Public Works Roche yesterday award ed the contract for the paving of Court street, Diamond avenue and Providence road with vitrified brick, to M. H. Dale. There were only two bids, the other being from the Scranton Vitrified Brick company, which Is also con trolled by Mr. Dale. Mr. Dale's suc cessful bid was as follows: Pave be tween street car tracks, $2.45 per square yard; pave between tracks and curb, SO cents per foot: circular curb, 31.40 per foot and concrete curb, 76 cents per foot. A number of sewer contracts were also awarded to the lowest bidders as follows: Section A, Seventeenth district main sewer, Donohoe and O'Boyle, $1.74 per lineal foot complete. Section F, Seventeenth main district sewer in Twelfth and Nineteenth wards, J. E. Gibbons & Co., of Wllkes-Barre, $3.60 per ltneul foot, with stone covered catch basins and nil else included. Sewer for a portion of Wyoming ave nue above Ash street, Donohue and O'Boyle, $2.07 complete. Sewer on Webster avenue, J, E. Gib bons & Co., of Wllkes-Barre,. $2.79 per lineal foot, all complete. m METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY. THE MARKETS Wall Strut JUriiw. Now York,. Juno 2. None of the news developments since tho stock exchange closed on Thursday afternoon availed to induce any activity In the Hading. Nelth' er tho declaration of pcaco 111 Hollth Af rica or tho acute singe reached. In the anthraclto strlko awakened any Interest In tho stock market cither on tho buying or selling side. Thoro was some early demand lor grain carrying railroads, ow ing to large advanco In tho not earnings reported for April over thoso of Inst year. Tho very light movement of grain, es pecially of corn, owing to last year's crop failure, and tho promising oullooK for a full crop this year gave added force to this Hhowlng. Union Pacific, Burling ton, Canadian Pacillc, among the grain carriers, nnd Reading, Lehigh Valley and Norfolk and Western, among tho eastern Hues, show Increases In April net earn ings of from $100,000 to near $300,000. Tho reports from tho anthracite region re ceived In Wall street wero reassuring as to mo success or tno companies in Keep ing their pumping machinery active, and inns preventing damage to tno mines ny flooding, In spite of tho response to the strlko orders on tho part of tho engineers of the pump engines. It would be a vio lent assumption to read any significance In today's Btock operations as a reflection of general flnanclnl sentiment. Thoro were few open air accounts left open. To tal sales today, 270,000 shares. Bonds were dull nnd Irregular. Total sales, par value, $3.1O,".O0O. United States 2'b and old 4's declined H, and the now 4's, 4 per cent, on tho last call. The following quotations aro furnished Tho Tribune by Halght A Frecso Co., 314 315 Mcars building. W. D. Kunyon, man ager. Open. High. Low. CIobo Amal. Copper 0S 9H 0S CflVfc Am. Cur & Foundry 31 31 3U4 31W American Ico lk 3 ISIa. 19 Ameilcun Ice, Pr. ... r-3ccq .',3 cmfwyp Am. Locomotivo .... 33 33 33 33U Am. Locomotive, Pr. 01 94 D'1 OJfi Am. Smelt. & R'g Co 48 49 Wa 4Si American Sugar ....129 129 Anaconda Copper . ..UUV4 116 Atchison 80 81 Atchison, Pr 9S-i S9 Bait. Ohio ........ lOCVi 10li& Biook, Rap. Transla 67'A !7!6 Canadian Pacific ...130V4 1401& Chcs. & Ohio Kt Ifift Chic. & Alton 37ft 37i Chic. & Gt. West..., 23k 29 Chic, Mil. & St. P.,.170 170 Chic. R. I. & Pac.173 1731 Col. Fuel & Iron ...100 100V, joi. & souui ;u Del. & Hudson 17J94 Erie R. R 37V4 Krle, 1st. Pr 07 Erie. 2d. Pr C2 Hocking Vulley .... 80',4 Illinois Central 153 Kits. City & South.. 33 Louis. & Nash 138 Manhattan 132 Met. Street Ry 148H Mo., Kan. & Texas.. 2,V)4 Mo., Kan. & Tox.,Pr. Dt Mlsso. Pacillc 1D3'4 N. Y. Central 157 Norfolk & We.Mt. .. fi7',4 Out. & Western 33 Penna. R. R U9'2 Pressed Steel Car ... 4914 Reading Ry 6H4 Reading, 1st. Pr. .... R31i Reading, 2d. Pr (WK Republic Steel 17 Republic Steel, Pr. . 74 St. Lo. & San Fran. 08 Southern Pacillc .... l,4-1i Southern R. R ISiVJi South. R. R.. Pr.... 95 04 11 104-i SS 131 84 :ii 173 27H b7- J.7 lKJVi 33 13S 43 ISO 116 80 9S 100 j 138 4 37 29 1G9 173 100 31 173 2fi 07 r-2 S6VJ 128 118 80 98 10G 117 138 4Ss 37 29 109 ii 173 100 31 173 26 07 52 80 132 131 14S'i US fonn. Coal & Tron. Texas & Pacific .. Union Pacific Union Pacific, Pr. IT. S. Leather U. S. Leather. Pr. U. S. Steel 40i U. S. Steel. Pr 90 Wabash 26 Wabash. Pr 41 "West. Union Tel 90 Wisconsin Central.. 2S n-,3'. H! 1003A ir7 r7 33 149 49 ran 83 Wi 17 74'i 69 or. 37 93 C. 41 ior. 88 13U S4 40 9054 27'i 41 90" 2S 152 153 33 33 13s 138 132 148 rallied and closed firm at UaWc. decline! July closed 67 He; Sept., B4c.t Dec, 49c. Oats-Spot steady; No. 2, 45c. No. 3, 45c. i No. 2 white, C0C.S No. 3 whito, 49c; track mixed western, 46a48e.j track white, 49atc. Options easy at Mrst. but recovered with corn. Butler Firm; creamery, 20a22c. factory, I7al9c; Imitation creamery, lRa20c.; stalo dairy, 18a21c. Choeso Sternly to firms state full cream, small colored, choice, 10c! white, I0c.i largo colored. 9r.i white, 10c. Eggs Firm; state and Pennre, 17 nl8c.i western storage packed, 17al8c,; southern, ltulSc, Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Juno 2. Bulls In corn were very spunky today. Under very discour aging circumstunces they bought heavily and turned a weak market strong. Wheat was helped Bomo by tho llrmncss of coarse grades and recovered from early losses, At tho closo July wheat gained a shade, July corn gained lalc, and July oats wero c. up. Provisions closed 5 to 7aI0c. higher. Cash quotations were us follows: Flour Easy; No. 3 spring wheat, 71a 72c; Nn. 2 red, 78a78c; No. 2 corn, yellow, 61a62c: No. 2 oats, 39a41c; No. 2 white. 42iin4Si- Nn. 3 tvhllp. 42u43c! No. 2 rye. 59o.j good feeding barley, ; fair to choice malting, (Hlnffflc.i No. t flaxseed. $1.58; No. 1 northwestern. H.7G; prime timothy seed, $0.80nR..l5; mess pork, per barrel. $17.20al7.2T.: lard, per 100 lbs., $10.22al0.2.-.; short ribs, sides, $9.75a9.S3; shoulders, Sa8c; short clear sides, $10.25 alO.35. Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo, Juno 2. Cattle Receipts, 4,300; dry fed cnttlc, steady: common grassy stock, 15a2ric. lower; prlmo steers, quotably, $7.30a7.40; choice, 1,200 to 1,300 pound steers, $7n7.2.'; fair to good, $6.40 aB.CO; choice 1,000 to 1,150 pound steers, 6.10a6.35; fair lo good, $5.00an; choice heifers, $5.50a6.2.: fair to good, $5.G0a6; choice heifers, $5.Gi)all.Z5: fair to good, $5 a5.40; common to fair, $4.50a4.f)0! best fat cows, J5.25a5.70; fair to good, $3.7oa5; can ners nnd common, $2.75a3; stockers and feeders, strong; choice, S00 to 1,000 pound feeders, $l.90an.25: fair to good, $4.60a4.85: stockers, $4.GOa4.73; good stock steers, calves, $4.25a4.8Ti; stock heifers, $3.23a4. Veals Receipts, 430: strong tops, $7a 7.25; fair to good, $GaC75; common to light, ?4.03a5.75. Hogs Receipts, 17.000; strong to shade higher; heavy, $7.45a7.C0; mixed. $7.25a 7.40; pigs, $(i.80.Ui.S3; roughs, $C.73aS.S5; stags, $4.75a5.50. Sheep and Iambs Receipts, 11.200; sheep slow and dull; lnmbs, strong, 10c. higher; top lambs. $7.10a7.35; fair to good, $G.50a 7; culls to common, $4a5.50: yearlings, $5.S0a5.75; sheep, top mixed, $305.23; fall to good, $4.DOa4.7o; culls to common, $2.50 a4.00. We Soli C0 r, 99 99 13G 156 57 57 EJi 149 49 02 83 6X 17 74 fil'4 3 94 G4 41 101 87 13 84 1. 40 89 26 II 90 27 32 149 49 2 83 08 17 74 (,;i 04 30 93 Cl 41 104 87 13 84 40 89 44 90 ft lotal sales 270,400. Money 31 ner cent. CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. WHEAT. Onon. Illch. Low. Clotin. July September CORN. July September .71 o .01 .58 Station, Scranton, Pa.; month, May, 1902. Temperature. Char- Precipi- acter Date. 1 ... 3 4 6 C 7 8 ' 9 10 31 12 13 34 05 16 37 IS 39 CO 21 DO 5 24 "J3 2il Max. ,...53 ...CD ...5G ...64 ...73 ..73 ..71 ..i;o ..47 ..GO ..et ..GO ..61 ..Gl ..71 ..73 ..SO ..73 ..70 U8 .,,. 29 .... 20 .... 31 .... Mean. ..81 ..89 ..83 ..77 ..74 ..GO .,50 ..01 ..St ..81 ,G9 Minv 47 39 4S 48 54 47 CI 51 3S 32 37 39 47 37 41 3S 47 50 60 03 4S 50 60 US 09 GO 4". 38 3S 49 48 '4S Mean, tation. 50 51 52 5G 61 Gl Gl Gl 49 10 48 51 54 49 51 50 Gl Oo 60 62 62 GG 7S 7G G8 67 52 41 51 65 64 58 .00 T. .01 .00 .01 .00 .30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .02 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .21 .14 .00 .00 .37 !i .31 .09 .12 T. T. .00 .00 of day. P. cloudy P. cloudy Cloudy P. cloudy P. cloudy P. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear P. cloudy Clear P. cloudy P. cloudy Clear Clear P. cloudy P, cloudy P, cloudy Cloudy P. cloudy Clear P. cloudy P. cloudy P. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear OATS. July 34 September 27 roHK. July 17.15 September 17.13 LARD. July 10.20 September 10.20 RIBS. July 9.72 September 9.70 72 ,70 62 09 3.-. -' 17.00 17.30 10.23 10.27 9.S2 9.S0 71 lU 01 08 34 271 i 10.17 10.20 9.70 9.70 717 70 62 58 34 27 17.17 17.30 10.25 10.27 S.si Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, June. 2. Cattle Receipts, 7,300, Including 500 Toxans. Shipping nnd ex ports, 3a5c. higher; others, steady to strong; good to prlmo steers, $7n7.55; poor to medium, $4.7.'aG.73; stockers and leeuers, w.oua.ij cows, $i.aua.i.i.i; lienors, $2a6; canners, $1.50a2.50; bulls, $2.50a5.'!0; calves, $2nG.50; Texas fed steers, S5.23a 0.40. Hogs Receipts, today, 40,000; tomorrow, 23,01X1; left over, 1,000: opened S to 10 cents lower; closed strong; mixed and butchers, $G.9."a7.35: good to choice heavy, S7.25a7.tfl; rough heavy, $H.95a7.23; light, $G.70a7.15; bulk of sales, $G.75a7.50. Sheep Receipts, 12,000; sheep, steady; lambs, good, 10 to 15 cents higher; good to choice wetheis, $3.50a0.2."; western sheep, $,"i.2.'a6.25: native lambs, $3a7; west ern lambs, $5.25a7. Past Liberty Live Stock. East Liberty. Juno 2. Cattle Lower,' Choice, $7.15a7.50; prime, $G.75a7; gooV $G.25aG.70. Hogs Lower: prime heavies, $7.33a7.40; best mediums. $7.13a7.20; heavy yorkers, $7.0."a7.10; light yorkers, $G.90a7; pigs, $6.70a6.SQ; roughs, $3a5.80. Sheep Steady; prime wethers. $5.10a5.2.i; culls and common. $2a2.50: choice lamb3, f6.40aG.65; veal calves, 6.50a7. Oil Market. Oil City, Juno 2.-Crodlt balances. $1.20; certificates, no bid. Shipments, May 31, 133,331; average, 104.562; Juno I, 61,074. Run", May 31, 123,814; average, 81,002; Juno 1. 5,649. FINANCIAL Mean atmospheric pressure, 30.02; high est pressure, 30,41, date 31st; Iqwest pres sure, 29.70, date 27th. Mean temperature, 68 degrees; highest tomperaturo, 89 do erces, date 23d; lowest temperature, 32 degrees, date 10th. Greatest daily rango of temperature, fl degrees, date 1st. Mean temperature for this month In 1901, OS degrees; 1903. OS degrees; mean temper ature for this month fqr.two years, 08 do groos; avorago deficiency of dally mean temperature during month, 0.1 degrees; accumulated excess of dully mean tom peraturo since Jan. 1, 130 degrees; average daily excess since Jun, 1, 1 degree, Pro vailing direction of wind, southwest, 29 per cent; total movement' of wind, 0,901 miles; maximum volocity of wind (to bo taken fipm any 6-mlnuto record), direc tion and date, SO miles, from northwest, on Dm. Total precipitation. J.61 Inches; number of days with ,01 Inch or more of precipitation. 10; total precipitation In incut's ior una inoiun in JW1, 0.53; 1902, 1.61; averago precipitation for this month for 2 years, 3.C0 Inches; total dollclency In precipitation dining month, 1.99 inches; accumulated deficiency In precipitation elnco Jan. 1, 0.93 Inches, Numbor of Clear days, 9; partly cloudy days, 15; cloudy days, 7. Pates of frost, light, 16th, 29th; killing, 0th. Mean relative humid ity, 60 per cent! uveraee cloudiness, 5.4, Frcderlo If, Clarko, Local Forecast Official. Out, Brnitei and Burnt Quickly , Healed, Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is an anti septic liniment, and wln applied to cuts, bruises and burns, causes 'them to fecal without maturation and much more quickly than by the usual treat ment. For tale by All Druggists. NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Open. High. Low. CIoo. July 8.98 9.01 S.82 8.83 August 8.G9 S.09 8.52 8.53 September 8.18 8.18 8.03 8.o:i October 7.9S 7.98 7.S8 7.68 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Asked Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... GO County Sav. Bank & Trust Co 300 First Nat. Bank (Carbondnle). ... 000 Third National Bank 550 Dime Dep. & Dis. Bank 300 Economy L H. & P. Co 40 First National Bank 1300 Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co... 193 Clark & Snover Co., Pr 123 Scranton Savings Bank MX) Traders' National Bank 223 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 125 People's Bank 1J3 BONDS. Scranton Packing Co 33 Scranton Passenger Railway, tlrst mortgage, duo 1320 115 People's Street Railway, llrst mortgage, duo 1918 113 Peoplo's Street Railway, Geo- eral mortcaco. due 1921 lis Scranton Trac. Co., 6 per cent. 115 Economy L., H. & P. Co 97 N. Jersey & Pocono Ico Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II, 43. Dule, 27 Lacka. Avo.) Flour-$4.40. Butter Fresh creamery, 23c; flesh dairy, 2lc. Cheeso 13al3c. Eggs Nearby, 18c; western, 17c Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.33a2.40. Green Peas Per bushel, $2.25, Onions Bermudas. $2.00 per crate. Potatoes Per bushel, SOc, THIRD NATIONAL BANK Or SCRANTON. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia. June 2. Wheat Firm; contruct grade, May, 83n8lc, Corn Firm, c. higher; No. 2 mixed, May. 66 n67c. Oats Quiet, but steady; No. 2 white clipped, 01c, Flour Quiet but steady-; winter super, $2.85a3.l0: do. ex tras. $J.l0a3.30;. Penna. rollor clear. $3.40 a3.65; do. do. straight, $J.70a3.90; western winter clear, $3.50a3.75; do. do. straight, $J.75a4: do. do. patent, $4a4.25; sprlnu clear, J3.30u3.50; do. straight, $3.63a3.95; do. patent, $4n4.20; do. fuvoilto .inunds, $1.23 n4.35; city mills, extra, $3.10a3.30; do, clear, $3.40a3.75; do, straight, $3,75a4; do. patent. $4u4.35. Rye Hour, steady, but dull; $3.25a3.30 per barrel, as to quality. Butter Firm, good demand; extra wost ern creamery, 22c; do, nearby prints, 23c. EgKs Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, I7c; loss off, do. western, 18c, ; do, do. do., southwestern, 17c; do. do, do., southern, 16c. Cheeso Easier; New York full creams, prime small, llc; do. do. fair to good, 10allc. Refined sugars Unchanged. Cotton l-10o. lower;- middling uplands, 9 l-1Gc. Tallow Quiet, but Bteady; city prime in tierces, Ca7c; country do., burrels, 6uGc; do, dark. Ga6c: cakes, 7a7e. Live poul trySteady, fair demand; fowls, 14al4o.; old roosters, 10c; spring chickens. 25n 30c; ducks, lOallc. Dressed poultry I'uwia, unmet wcBiurn, oc,, uo, souir, nnd southwestern, 12c; do, fair to good, Ual2c; old roosters, 8a9c; broil ers, nearby, 30a33o,: western do., 25a30c ; frozen poultry, fowls, I2al2e,; roasting chickens, HalDc; broilers, nearby, 2.'a 28c; western do., 16al9c,: turkeys. 19a, 20c; ducks. 13al6c Recelpts-rFJour. 1,000 barrels, and 1.967, 000 pounds In Backs; wheut, 62,000 bushels: corn, 6.000: oats, 14,000. l Shipments-, Wheat, 29,000 bushels; corn, 6,000; oats, New York Grain and Product Market Now Tork, June 2, Flour Fairly active nnd steadily held. Wheat Spot steady; No. 2 red, 78c. elevator, and 80c t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 81c. f. o. b. afloat. Options early In the day, dull and weak, but J he market finally rullled and closed firm at aUc. net do. cline. July closed 78c; Sept., 76Uc: 69c. elevator, and 70o. f. o. b. afloat Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. Spencer Trask & Co, BANKERS 2iT & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. No. 2, nHnt Ojmona started put weak and lower, later THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It Is the best known mining property in tho state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ .60 a share, The price will soon be advanced, Get In now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES MINING GO 1802 Orozler Bldg,, Philadelphia, Pa, imwM&Misgl r 7 V f the A? '" the laf I vT I the price hi? I i VflHUUU nminiBSBwa WKmaWflBlM mt ?efcu Jfioejzr Women a nrr-A palpable hit! The women are delighted with the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe. Such a shoe for three dollars is a revelation. It fits the foot In every spot it doesn't wrinkle nor does it pinch. It's just right, and besides it has all the lines of beauty that you would expect in a shoe designed for women by a woman of artistic taste and special skill. The Boots are $300 Oxfords $2.50 (A Few Specials 50 Cents Extra.) Let us show you the new shoe that is caus ing the sensation in the shoe trade. n The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Go Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Am. WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS, 3m UOODY,HoLELLAN&CO. BANKERS, No 57 Broadwayt New York City. MEMBERS NEW YORK MOCK EXCHANGE. STOCKS.BONDS and INVESTMENTS OBDEgft EXXOUXBO FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN MAKE MOKE HONEY. I your Income sulllclont? If not, nnd you aro anxious to Increune It, willo me, vUtlng wbat amount, you cni Invest, II only Jiu, uml I will write you u letter of iMlvlce Fr-e l l''or yeurnl baveitona nothlui; ecopUluriy Invest. iudiiU. I know I guii luuituboyourlucuiueby pointing out t'fe la veslmuut, UltUenu nn kuown. ANDRBW L. RUSH. Inveitment Broker, Buk Kferncc iprlugl.cltl, Mali Lawyers Tho Tribune will guarantee to print your paper book quicker than any oth er printing house In the city. . Allis-Clialmers Co Euccesaora to Machine Buslneia of Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engine, Boiler, Mining Machinery, Pumpa. i fV I