The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 02, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunklmnnoclc, June 1. Mrs. George
J. Bcrllnghoff, of Scranton, Is the guest
of hor uncle, Captain Eugene S, Ilun
driek, on Tioga street.
Mrs. George S. Kutz, who has been
visiting friends tit Scranton, the past
week, has returned home.
The Tunkhannock dun club held a
shooting tournament on the fair ground
across the, river, orr Friday afternoon.
The trophy, a silver cup,' was won by
John 13. Fnssctt nnd Spencer D. need,
of the Tunkhannock club. A lurgo
number of marksmen were In attend
ance from Plttston, Towandu, Wyalus
lng and other places.
Mr. and Mrs. doorgo Phllllpson, of
Carbondale, who have been visiting
relatives at this place, returned homo
on Saturday.
Miss Lillian Heckmnn, of Sayre, for
merly u resident of this place, Is visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, M.
Phillips, on Warren street.
Mrs. Charles Terry, of Sayre, Is visit
ing friends at this place.
Nelson It. Juyne, of Allentown, spent
Memorial Day at this place.
Samuel Pope has secured a position
in a canning factory In Jefferson coun
ty and expect to remove his family
there soon.
A large party of people from Plttston
Ispent Memorial Day at Lake Carey.
A company has beecn formed to build
telephone lino from this place to
hVIlkes-Burre by the way of Crntrc-
Inoreland and will apply Ifor a charter;
on July 1. It is to be Known as the
Eontrcinoreland TelephoneVcompany.
Mrs. Henry Harding, of Scranton, Is
spending a few days with her son at
this place.
Attorney Rush J. Thompson, of Dush-
ore, was transacting legal business at
this place on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs.. Custard, of Strouds
burg, have returned home, after spend
ing a few duys with their son, Rev. J.
Custard, at the Methodist Episcopal
Messrs. John Malburg and Barney
Reese, of Scranton, called on Mr. and
Mrs. Burt Holllster on Friday last.
Mrs. C. H. Biker visited friends here
last week.
Mrs. R. Deane and son, Arthur, of
Scranton, called on Mrs. H. O. Fritz
one day last week.
Elmer Twining has returned from
Florida, and Is now employed by Dr.
Cameron in his butcher shop.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hufford, of
Stroudsburg, visited old friends here
.Dr. Lindabury, of Scranton, Is at
tending Mrs. Burt Holllster, who has
been 111 the past couple of weeks.
CJurk's Summit was visited by quite
iji frosts last week.
The cantata given last Tuesday night
at. the Evangelical church, under the
auspices of the Women's Christian
Temperance union, was a success.
Mr. Dota, the able musician, has or
ganized a singing class at the Wini
mcr's church. It is hoped they will
sing full as well and a little better
than any of the adjoining hamlets.
They Invite all good singers from
abroad to come and sing with a hearty
welcome, no matter what denomination
they belong to.
Mr. F. Ruusehniyer was bitten by a
By a special arrangement with the'' publishers of the Cosmopolitan Magazine and the
Woman's Home Companion, The Tribune Is able to offer these two high-class magazines to any
person who Is a subscriber to The Tribune for one year each for the small sum of $1.25,
Cosmopolitan Magazine (one year) $1.00
Woman's Home Companion (dneyear) 1.00
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rattlesnake a short time ago at Mount
Cobb, but we are glad to note ho Is
recovering, under the care of Dr. Fike,
who resides ut Cory's Corners.
Mrs, James Miller and daughter,
Laura, of Carbondale, spent Friday In
Miss Stella Wlltz, of St.Ccclllu's con
vent, Scranton, lu spendlng-a few days
with her parents.'1 '
Miss Gertrude Billings, of Blnghnm-
Find another goat,
bear in this picture.
Solutions for Last
Monday, May 20. The goat is In tho
smaller trees and tho parrot beneath Cru
soe's belt.
Tuesday, May 27. The Qtipen in trees
in front of castle; tho King In trees at
the side.
Wednesday, May 28. Tho dog is over
the young lady's shoulder; one man hack
of her hat and the other between tho
truiu.s of tho trees.
ton, spent Decoration day with her
cousin, Miss Lena Waterman.
Mrs. J. N. Bailey is seriously ill at
her homo on Main street.
Mrs. Arnlleld, of Parsons, visited her
daughter, Mrs. Alfred Smith, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry, of Green
wood, were callers in Scranton, Satur
day evening.
Messrs. Samuel Basset and William
Clark spent Decoration day at Har
vey's lake.
Samuel Sedell, of Blnghamton, was a
caller In town on Thursday.
Special to the Scranion Tribune.
Hamllnton, N. Y., May 31. The com
mencement programme, as announced
in this week's bulletin, is; Sunday
morning, June 13, baccalaureate sermon
Offer to
by President Merrill! Sunday evening,
iermon before Theological seminary by
Rov, T, Trotter, D. D., president of
Acadia university; Monday, June 16, 3
p. in,, Klngsford prlsse declamation con
test! Monday evening, graduating ex
ercises of Colgate academy) Tuesday,
10 a, m., meeting of the board of trus
tees; 11 a. m class of '84 prise debate;
3 p, m Theological seminary com
mencement, with nddress to graduates
by Prof. Arthur Jones, D. TD.j 6 p. in.,
meeting of Phi Beta Kappa society;
7.30 p. ni clghty-llfth annual meeting
of Baptist Educational society of the
state of New York, with address by
Hev. Emery J. Hunt, D. D., president
of Denlson university; Wednesday,
June 18, senior class day; class reunion!
president's reception, 4 to 6 In the even
ing! an address before Alumni associ
ation by Prof. C. II. Wager, Ph.D., of
Oberlln college; Thursday, June 10, 10
a, m,, university commencement, fol
lowed by nlumnl dinner.
The Klngsford prize declamation
speukers, appointed on excellence of
another dog and a
Week's Puzzles:
Thursday, May 29. One over shoulder
of kneeling Indian and the other at his
Friday, May SO. One In upper left-hand
corner; the other over shoulder of old
Saturday, May 31. One over his heart;
the other under the skirt of his coat.
elocution, during the year, are: Fresh
men, Raymond B. Fosdick, Julius A.
Mlgel, Samuel SIsson, Willard L. Pratt;
sophomores, C. N. Billings, Harry M.
Eaton, Edward P. Murray, John W.
Kern; juniors, George Beal, Everett
Bowen, Willium Dimoncr, George L.
The class of '83 held a banquet at
Osborne's on Monday evening last.
From Storms and Signs.
The month of -June opens up with
dark storm clouds hovering over the
social and financial world, with the
planets in a right position to cause
much sorrow; as all the planets except
ing Mars and Neptune will be with
Earth on the east side of the sun, and
as Earth is passing through sign Sagit-
4 Lines 10 Cents
Mere Thin Pour Lines, a Cent tor Uich Extra Uni
For Bent.
barn port nnNT-jlsTXHnsTthwi
box and throe ttlnglo stall and wash
rack, roar of 021 Madison avenue. In
nulro at EH Madison nventto.
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FOR RENT-Ouo furnished room, with
Improvements; also one on third iloor,
cheap, l27 Adams 'avenue.
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern
Improvements; private family! Bon
tlemen preferred, at G37 Adams avenue.
roil RENT Furnished room; heat and
bath. 625 Linden street.
heat, pis and bath. Kcntlemen pre
ferred, at 679 Adams avenue.
For Sale.
FOR SAT.K A stork of msncrnl tnercluin
dlsu in WyalushiB borough, liradford
county, Pa. A good chanco for Romo olio
with a small capital to locate In nn up-to-date
Browlns town. Fiist class stock.
Good location! light, pleasant room. Will
cither sell or rent store bitlldinn. Ad
dress P. O. Box, 164, WyaluslnR, pi.
FOR SALTS For want of use, my black
horse Idyl Duke, mark 2.10. Very duo
road horse. F. II. demons, G03
FOR SALE Hand silk doubters. Now.
Ramford Bros., Paterson, N. .T.
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE suito of rooms with
first class tablo board, can be obtained
at S33 Jofforson avenue.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED ROOMS-For two adults, throo
or four rooms, furnished or unfurnish
ed for very light housekeeping, first Moor
preferred. Address M. B., Ttibuno office.
WANTED Furnished houso of four or
five rooms for housekeeping. Address
A. G. E., Tribuno office.
tarlus, "House of Enemies," opposed by
Gemini, "House of Sickness," she will
undoubtedly receive great affliction, for
Sagittarius Is a sign that brings us no
earthly good except when compelled to
do so by the Moon and certain planets.
By looking at the planetary diagram In
Storms and Signs you will notice that
Mars the old red warrior is in sign
Taurus, which makes men headstrong,
willful, determined and fearless. Kx
citement will run high. Following the
great conjunction and oppositions of
the planets, this month earthquakes will
be liable to occur. If not, then watch
out for cyclones and tornadoes that will
come In all their fury.
A storm period, the last of May, in
cludes the first few days of June. Tho
moon being new and passing its perigee
on the Oth and 6th, the probabilities are
that It will remain generally warm,
with threatening conditions. One of the
most notable storm periods of the
month will occur between tho 11th and
18th, 20th and 25th. (See Storms and
Signs calendar.) Extreme heat waves
will pass over the country, followed by
frost in many sections. There will be
a great deal of sickness this month,
also destructive conflagrations. The
stock markets will be very treacherous,
business in general will be spasmodic;
In fact, the month will bring many sud
den and unlooked for events In many
A male child born this month, Jun'e,
will bo small of stature and very fond
of women and children. He will read
much, be u great observer and look well
into the deeds of men. He will be Im
petuous, will marry early and bo frivol
ous. In dimensions and in shape of na
ture he will bo a gracious person. Free
from gross passion, or of mirth or
anger; constant in spirit swerving with
the blood; garnished and decked in
modest compliment; not working with
tho eye without tho car, and but within
purged judgment, trusting neither. He
will sit among men like a descended
god; he will be possessed with u kind
of lionor that will set him off, more
than a mortal seeming. He will be as
full of valor us of kindness nnd princely
in both. Many children will bless his
matrimonial state. He will live short
and well.
A female child born this month, June,
will bo nighty and a high liver, but will
sober down ut forty. She will marry
very young and be tho mother of sev
eral children, who will bo full of life
and ambition, She will dwell so te
curely on the excellency of her honor
that the folly of any depraved soul will
not dare present itself; she will be too
bright to bo looked against. She will
be to herself a friend nnd a friend to
all her friends. She will be a "friend in
need" and a friend Indeed.
Saturday, tho 7th, will be the best day
of tho month to plant corn; and the
next best days will bo the jlOth, 17th,
27th and 30th. Corn for "fodder" should
be planted on tho 2d, 14th, 21st und 28th.
The best days to fish during tho cur
rent month will bo the 2d, 7th, Oth, 14th,
18th, 23d, 26th and 27th. Fishes' blood
Is poison to those born In the same sign
In which the fish uro caught.
For our "Sign Planting" In full, send
10 cents for a copy of Prof, c. Coles'
Storms and Signs, It will pay you.
U. C. Coles, Editor,
Kingston, Pa U. S. A.
May 19, 1902,
Many a plumber's bill can bo saved
by keeping a small rubber hand ex
haust pump hanging by the sink. If
balling wnter nnd washing soda are
used lavishly to prevent tho accumula
tion of grease in the pipea, pipes will
not become clogged, But, If greaso
does not collect, and hits of other mat
ter, washed through tho strainer, lodgo
in It, the exhaust pump Is a present
help In time of trouble, and often la all
that the professional plumber uses to
remedy tho difficulty, It costs but a
few cents in the kitchen department of
popular priced shops,
At the flist suspicion of Ivy poison
ing wash the skin lu water In which
common baking soda (saleratus) has
been dissolved. Make the polutlon
strong, and "spat" (t on, allowing tho
deposit of tho white powder to remain
on the fekln. Apply frequently for
twenty-four hours.
Let sleepless people court the sun.
The very worst soporific Is laudanum,
and the very best la sunshine. There
fore poor sleepers bhould pass us many
hours In the sunshine as possible,
Take also a cup of hot milk before eat
ing. ' '
Fulling hair can often bo checked by
washing with very strong suit water.
Bathe tho scalp1 with this every day un
til a cure Is effected.
Branch WANT Offlms,
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Beeelved at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. H.
Central City
AI,nt:rtT SCIimrZ. corner Mulberry
Mrcd ami Wclnler mctiue.
GUSTAV I'ICIIIX, 030 AiUm cuue.
West Side
or.OltOi: v. Jr.XKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
WED L. TEM'PK, TOT Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
OKO. V. DAVIS, corner North Main
avenue ami Maikct street.
Green Bidge
ClIAIlt.r.S P. JONKS, 1537 DlcUion
F. .1. .10IISS, 020 CSieon Pldgc street.
C. I.OI1KNZ, corner Washington ave-
acnup nnd 5I.irlon street.
W. II. KNUPFEI,, 1017 Irvlns avenue.
' Wanted.
WANTED-A RmallrmMy"7rvewith
, Jnon.lul hoard mo. Rent free. Addtcss
John Schouer, Brook street.
Help Wanted Male.
make $300 monthly, sells to merchants
only. No fake. Call and investigate.
Owen Hardman, Hotel Schadt.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A housekeeper, must be a
good plain cook; references required.
Apply at 1G10 Washington avenue in even
ing, or 727 Conncll building.
Situations Wanted.
RELIABLE bookkeeper of seven years
experience, would like situation. Ad
dress II., 503 Wyoming avenue.
Beal Estate.
FOR SALE Lot. corner Mulberry and
Wheeler avenue, S0x90; finest location
on tho hill. For terms address ri. Kline.
Plalnfield, N. J.
l'OR SALE Elegant sites for homes in
upper Green Ridge; cholco neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for homo
in Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlne,
173G Sanderson avenue.
Honey to Loan.
Qulck, stiaight loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to C per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell building.
Business Opportunity.
out aoiay. wruo ror our Hpeclal mar
ket letter. Free on application. S. M.
Ilibbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, 44 and 4G
Broadway, New York. Established 1S64.
Long Distance 'Phone 2.1SS Broad.
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST Ladies' gold natch. Wallham
manufacture, attached to a silver Hour
do lis chatelaine pin. The tinder will bo
suitably rewarded bv communicating with
or notifying J. M. Robinson, 712 Harrison
LOST $40, between Merchants' and Me
chanics' bank and Petersburg, Satur
day night. Reward. H. M. Blglin, 1415
Pine street.
LOST Around Court House square, one
mailing package containing glasses,
and addressed to Olvphant. Reward if
promptly returned to Dr. Dean, OIC Spruce
LOST A ladles' q-old watch; a Ill-oral
reward will bo given if returned to
Hotel Terrace.
National League.
At Cincinnati- iftl.E.
Cincinnati 1 2000122 s 13 IS
St Louis 200001000-3 S C
H.'ittcrles Thlelinan nml Polfz; Winker
and O'Neill. Umpire Brown. Attendance
At Chicago Chlcngo-Plttsburg; rain.
Eastern League.
At Providence Providence, 3; Worces
ter, 2,
At Newai k Jci i.oy City, (!; Newark, 0.
At Charlotte, N. Y-Shorlff stopped
game In first Inning af
ter ono ball had boon pitched, saying ho
had received complaint against Sunday
ball playing.
Tho managers of tho following baso
ball clubs aro lcquestcd to meet on the
Moso.h Taylor Hospital grounds with the
vlow of forming an amateur loaguo; Tho
Sliders, tho Tycoons, tho Eclipse, nnd tho
Spauldings. Tho meeting la of great Im
portance and on tho falluro of any of tho
above managers to appear othur olul s
will bo supplied lu place of thoso which
they represent. Tho meeting will luko
pluuo Tuesday evening at 7.30 sharp.
E. H. Sothern and Ids wife, Virginia
Iliirned, will sail for Europe Juno 9,
Mark Murphy, well known In vaudeville,
will brunch out and be ono of noxt sea
son's stars.
Uugeno O'liourko will probably play tho
part of Honuesbey when Charles Froh
man produces "Mr, Dooloy,"
Contracts have been signed under which
"Hearts Aflame" will be put on In Now
York September 1 for a long run,
"There and Hack'' is tho title scleoted
for a new play In which Cliailcs Haw
trey is boon to umuso his Loudon admir
ers. If present negotiations go through
'King Dodo" will be presented in London
next fall. A separate company will be
Nellie Lynch has been re-engaged to
play tho principal boubrotto In tho Kiik
jl3h musical comedy, "Sun Toy," man
aged by Edwin Pilio.
It is reported that William Gillette will
appear noxt season In tho play "Doctor
Nicola." It Is a sort of "Sherlock Holmes"
Ellon Terry, Mrs. Kendall and Beer
bohm Tree aro to appear in a sumptu
ous revival of "Tho Merry Wives of
Windsor" In London, Juno 10.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
MonThti Paur Llnei, 6 Cent lor BachBttn Uii,
tended application to tho Auditor Gen
eral und tho Governor of Pennsylvania.
August r,, 1902. for a charter for a bank-'
mg company to bo called "Tho South side
Bank," of Scranton, l'n., to bo located
In tho southerly part of tho city of Scran
ton, Pennsylvania. Tho specific object for
which It In to bo chartered Is to cxerctso
bunking privileges under tho provisions of
tho Act entitled "An Act for tho Incor
poration nnd regulation of banks of dis
count and depotlt." npproved May 13, 1871!.
Tho capital stock to bo fifty thousand dol
lars. WELLES & TORREY, Solicitors.
NOTICE is hereby given that wo shall
sell to tho highest bidder at public
sale. Juno Oth, 1902. at 10 n. m., at tho
Sheriff's ofllce in Scranton, Lackawanna
County, for tho benefit of whom it may
concern, three (3) shares of tho preferred
stock of the Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co.
WELLES & TORREY, Solicitors:
Providing for the Paving of South Main
Avenue from the south curb lino of Ox
ford street to tho nortli curb Hue of
Hampton street, with tho best quality
of vi trilled brick on a concrete base,
also providing for the setting of curb
stones on said avenue between tho
points named; providing manner of as
sessing und collecting costs of said Im
provement, nnd appropriating funds to
pay for tho same.
Section 1. Bo It ordained by the Select
and Common Council of tho City of
Scranton, and It Is hereby ordained by
the authority of tho same, that South
Main avenue from tho south curb lino
of Oxford street to the north curb lino of
Hampton street bo paved with the best
quality of vitrified brick on a concrete
base, and that curbstones be set on said
avenue between tho points nbovo men
tioned so far as tho same shall bo nec
essary, all of said work to be done under
a flvo year guarantee and tho cost of
said improvement to be assessed against
the abutting' property according to the
foot front rulo Said assessment to bo
payable In five annual installments. The
spaco occupied by the tracks and sid
ing of tho Scranton Railway company
shall be paved with the same material
as the avenue through which it passes
and the cost thereof assessed against the
said company, and deducted from the
assessments equally on both sides of said
avenue. All of said work to be done un
der the direction of the Department of
Public Works, and in accoi dance with
the plans and specifications therefor on
file in the said Department.
Sec. 2. Where now curbing is required
or old curbing respt the same shall bo
done by the city under the contract here
inafter provided for the cost thereof col
lected according to the assessment with
the first Installment of tho assessment
hereinafter provided,
Sec. 3. Upon the passage of this ordi
nance and the completion of tho assess
ment for said improvements as hereinafter
provided, tho Director of Public' Works
shall advertise for sealed proposals to do
the said paving and curbing as provided
In section one and two of this ordinance.
Proposals shall cover the entire work
and shall state separately tho price of r
setting curbstones, the price for paving
per square yard which is to Include the
cost of grading as shown on tho profile
of said improvement in tho office of tho
Department of Public Works.
Blddors shall enclose with each pro
posal the sum of One Hundred Dollars,
cash or certified check, as a guarantee to
execute a contract for the work within
twenty days if awarded the same. In capo
tho bidder to whom the contract shall
have been awarded falls to execute a con
tract within twenty days, from ?haAdat'
of award, the Ono Hundred Dollars cash
or certified chock, accompanying his pro
posal shall be forfeited to tho city of
Scranton. The city reserves the right to
reject any. and all bids. Upon the execu
tion of the contract the contractor shall
deliver to tho citv his bond in the sum of
Ono Thousand Dollars, with sureties 'to
bo approved by tho City Recorder, pav
oblo to tho City of Scranton, and condi
tioned for the faithful performance of the
work and for the keeping of said pave
ment in repnlr against defect in material
or construction and ordinary wear and
tear by use for flvo years from Its com
pletion without cost to the city.
Sec. 4. At the expiration of ten days
from tho passage of this ordinance, tho
Director of Public Works shall proceed
to make tho assessments for satd paving
against abutting properties according to
tho foot frot rulo nnd shall give notice
to all property owners of tho tlmo ana
place of making such assessment as pro
vided by law. '
Sec. 5. Immediately after tho comple
tion of tho said work the Director of Pub
lic Works shall fllo In tho office of the
City Treasurer, a final and correct sched
uln of assessments.
Sec. 6. Said assessments shall be pay
able In fls-o equal Installments. The first
installment shall become duo and pay
able thirty days after the commencement
of tho work and the balance In four equal
Installments thereafter. Sold Installments
shall bear interest at tho rata of six per
centum per annum, commencing thirty
days after tho commencement of tho
work until paid but parties may at any
tlmo pay tho whole amount of tho assess
ment. Sec. 7. TJio commencement and com
pletion of tho work specified In this ordl
nanco shall bo tho date when tho work
under proper contract Is actually com
menced nnd completed ;and It shall be the
duty of tho Director of Public "Works to
certify to tho City Treasurer tho date of
tho commencement of tho work and the
date of its completion, which certificate
shall remain on fllo for tho inspection of
tho public.
Sec. 8. Immediately upon tho execution
of the contract for the said work, tho Di
rector of Public Works shall certify the
schedule of assessments to tho City Treas
urer, who shal notify tho owners or re
puted owners by mail of tho amount of
their assessments and tho terms of pay
ments and such notlco as shall include
this section of tills ordinance. If cither
of said installments shall remain unpaid
for two months after tho name shall be
como duo, tho wholo amount of tho as
sessment remaining unpaid shall there
upon become duo nnd payable, and said
unpaid assessment shall Immediately be
certified to City Solicitor for collection ac
cording to law,
Sec, 9. For the purpose of paying the
contractor, tho Recorder shall Issuo Street
Improvement Bonds to bo denominated
City Street Improvement Bunds. South
Main Avenue, No, , under the seal of
tho city,
Said bonds shall bo registered nnd shall
bo Issued In the sums of ono hundred dol
lars, or fraction thereof They shall be
payable at any tlmo within flvo years
from the funds collected on said assess
ments, tho city guaranteeing to use dili
gence In tho collection thereof. Thoy shall
bear Interest nt tho rate of six per centum
per annum until paid paynblo annually
nt tho office of tho City Treasurer,, As
ofton aB there aro sufficient funds lu the
hand? of tho City Treasurer, from said
assessments, ho shall rail In tho bonds for
payment by flvo day's written notlco bv
mall to registered owners after which
time tho bonds so called In shall erase to
bear. Interest.
Sec, 10. On the completion of tho work,
the contractor shall bo paid such sums
as shall liava been paid on said assess
ments in casli, and tho balance in said
Street Improvement Bonds, provided for
In the Third Section hereof.
See. 11. Tho Recorder shall nominate
nnd with tho advice nnd consent of the
Select Council appoint a competent, prac
tical man to Inspect (.aid work nt a com
pensation of two dollars and fifty cents
per day, 'for every day necobsary em
ployed upon tho work. Ti Department
of Public Works shall keep tho inspector's
Sec. 12. For tho p'urposn of defraying
tho cost of said paving, curbing and In
spection and- Incidentals pertaining to
said work there Is hereby appropriated
tho sum of Twenty Thousand dollars or
so much tliorcof as may necessary,
ApprovnrJulv 29. 11X11. .
W. L. CONNELL. Cltv Recnidr-r,
Attebt; M. T, LAVELLB. City Clerk,
RHKUMAT1SM-AU panics mat wisn
can V speedily und permanently cured
of all varieties or jtneumuusm uy . ve,iu
tablo compound; cures guaranteed, iu
ciuhu or address J, E. Tuyior, Scranton.
Cwiif Saving link l.Trmt Co.
of Scranton, No. COO SprUee street, W
Lackawanna county. Pennsylvania, at tho
closo of business May 22, 190?l l '
Cash on baud ......,..,.. 37,930 11
Checks mid other cash Items.,. 21,675 29
Duo from banks and bankers.. 273.U41 13
Loans and discounter 838,93139
Investment securities owned,
Stocks, bonds, otc.....tC16,2fi9 90f
Mortgages ,., ,. 130,07$ M
, ' ' - H-i 5 766.34S10
Real estate, furniture and fix
tures ; , ;,,,. 91,246 OH
Overdrafts ;.'...'.j. .!.".; 1B2 07
Total $2,020,931 11
Capital stock paid ln....r.,...... 100.000 00
Surplus fund , ,123,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses '
nnd taxes paid,, m. ........ 44,316" 7(
Deposits subject to
check .'...,$ 521,725 61
Deposits, special il,231,190 31 '
Domand certificates
of deposits 6,632 22
Certified checks 378 Ml
1,759,927 00
Cashiers' checks outstanding..,. 448 !ft
Dividends unpaid 239 00
Total ,.i,i ,.. K.... $2,029,931 14
State of Pennsylvania, County od Lacka
wanna, ss.: ., r .... , ,,
I, A. if. Christy, cashier of tho above
named company, do solemnly awcar that
the above statement Is true to; the best
of my knowledge and belief., ,
(Signed) A." IT. CHRISTY, 'CaBhlsr.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo thlr
26th day of May, 1902. , l
(Signed) O. B. PARTRIDGE,
" Notary' Public
My commission expires' April 13, 1903.
Correct Attest: . . ij
(Signed) O. S, JOHNSON.
NOTICE Proposals will he received by
tho County Commissioners "of Lacka
wanna county for the erection of "tho fol
lowing described stone 'arches, steel truss,
nnd steel girder, coucreto floored, bridges,
to wit: Ono steel truss bridge, (85-foot
span) over Tunkhannock creek between
borough of LaPlUme and' township of
Benton. ,, ,
One steel truss (73-fpot, span) bridge
over Spring Brook In bbrough of Mooslc.
Two steel girder concrete 'floored bridges
in Wavcrly borough.
One concreto and metal, arch bridge
over stream near postoffico in tho borough
of Dalton.
One stono arch bridge over Fall ; Brook
In Fell township. .
Ono stono arch , bridge In Greenfield
township over outlet of Newton 'hike on
the road leading from Carbondale 'to Clif
ford corners.
One stono arch bridge over Summit lake
creek in South Ablngton township.
Also one stone arch over Britton creek
In South Ablngton township.
Also for building abutments over creek
In Spring Brook township.
All bids to be in tho hands of tho Coun
ty Commtsisoners at their office in the
Court House not later than twelve o'clock
noon, of tho 14th day of June, A. D. 1902.
Plans and specifications can be seen at
tlie office of tho said commissioners on
nnd after Juno 2. Contracts to be award
ed as soon after the 14th Inst, as possible.
.... . County Commissioners
Attest: W. G. DANIELS,-Clerk.":
Scranton, Pa., May 30, 1902, ,
Governor.1' 'Superintendent.
Auditor General.
State Treasurer.
PROPOSALS for furnishing Stationery,
Fuel and other supplies.
In compllanco with tho Constitution and
tho laws of the Commonwealth -of Penn
sylvania, we hereby Invite 'sealed propos
als, at prices below maximum rates llxe.l
In schedules, to furnish stationery, fuel
and other supplies for tho several de
partments of tho state government, r.nd
for making repairs In the several depart
ments, and for the distribution of tho
public documents, for tho year ending tho
first Tuesday of Juno, A. D. 1903. , f
Separate proposals vWill bo received 'nml
separate contracts awarded as announced
in said schedules. Bach proposal must
be accompanied byaVbond, with' at),'least
two sureties or one surety 'Gompahy,1 ap
proved by. a judgo of tho cqurt' of' com
,mon picas of the county in .which tho
person or persons making 'such Iprposal
mav reside, conditioned for the""falthful
performance of tho contract, and ed
dressed and delivered to tho, Board of
Commissioners' of Public rGrbunds and
Buildings beforo twelve o'clock M of
Tuesday, tho 3rd day of-June. ryjP.t.1902,
at which time the proposals will b&
opened and published In the , Reception
Room of tho Executive Department at
Harrlsburg, and contracts awarded B3
soon thereafter as practicable.
Blank bonds and schedules containing
nil necessary information can be obtained
at this department. T. L. EYRE,
For tho Board of Commissioners or
Publio Grounds and Buildings.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank building. Old telephone,
No. 1861.
Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 12ti Wash
ington ave. 3 t J 4 t
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
building. '
Dentists, ' , '
building, Spruce street, Scranton.
torneya and Counsallors-atiLaw. .603 to
612 Connell building. 's . 1
Counsellors - at - Law. 4 Commonwealth
Building, Rooms 19, 20 and 21, ,
Board of Trado Building, Scranton, Pa,
National Bank bulldjng. ., .;.
No, 211 WypmlnB.ave.nue. . g f
i -' j --J- r , r. ; :' ,'i -
Patent Attorneys.
Trado Marks and Labels reglbtercd. Th
only licensed Patent Att'y? in Scranton.
Replogle & Co.,iVlcur Bldg.
Hotels and Bestaurants. !
11)1 aveiuio. Rates reasonable, , .-
"" ' P. SIKGl.Eli, I'roprlPtorj-r
Pasbengor depot. Conducted on the Euv
i-opeun plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor.
a. b. imiGcTscLEANS pitTvv VAlJLTa
and cebs pools; no odor; only impro.'ed
pumps used, A. H. Urlggs. proprietor..
Leave orders 1100 North Main aveiiJo,
or Elcko'a drug btore, corner Adams and
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
aye., Bcranton, mfra, of Wire Scroans,
pllcs, envelopes, paixsu' bai.?,twli(.
Warehouse, l"0 Wabhlngton uvenuc. "
VWr" JjftJV,' "V
l'r r -