The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 02, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Services in the Various Churches Yesterday.
O'Reilly's Condition Not Regarded as
Serious News Notes and Personals,
Tho pulpit of the Plymouth Congre
gational church xfla occupied yesterday
by tho Rev. Twyson Jones, of Ebens
burg, Pa., who preached two excellent
sermons, both morning and evening.
Ito Is u strong ipreacher and a singer
of recognized ability, and sang a solo In
nn effective manner last evening. At 6
o'clock Rev. Jones preached n sermon
in the First Welsh Congregational
church, South Main nvenue.
Rev. Eward Howell, a local preacher,
delivered the sermon at the Sumner
Avenue Presbyterian church, last
evening, his subject, being "The Three
ttev. John P. Moffat, V. D., pastor of
She Washburn Street Presbyterian
church, who has been absent from his
pulpit nttendlng the general assembly
meetings lu New York, occupied his
jilace at both services yesterday.
"Lessons from Memorial Day" was
Rev. de Gruchy's theme at the Jack
son Street. Baptist church last even
ing, and he referred to the deeds of
heroism and patriotism performed by
the soldiers of tho army.
The second sermon In the series on
the life and character of Samson was
pi-cached by Rev. James Bennlnger last
evening ut the Kmbury Methodist Epls
ropnl church. It proved to bo very In
teresting and .Instructive.
The sacraments of the Lord's Supper
were observed at the elot-e of the ser
vice In the First Baptist church last
An Kngllsh sermon was preached by
Rev. William Da vies yesterday morn
ing iit.'thc Bcllovuc Welsh Calvlnlstlc
Methodist church, and In the evening
he preached a sermon in the Welsh lan
guage. Rev. A. L. Rumor, Ph. D., has re
turned home from Easton and occupied
his pulpit yesteerday. Tho usual ser
vices were held during the day.
Vandals in a Cemetery.
About this time each year reports arc
circulated that vandals arc at work In
ho Washburn street cemetery, jiteal-
ng flowers from graves nnd uprooting
trees and plants. This sort of thing
has bedn.. going on for a number of
years, and should be looked into by tho
cemetery assoelatlon.
It Is a disgrace to have such desecra
tions going on, and stringent measures
Minuld be taken to have the practice
stopped. It is to bo hoped that the
proper authorities will look into the
matter, and employ additional ground-
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sal? by
101 S. Main aver.
umnier Girl
Las no limit in age, wealth or style. Every
woman with sense and a desire for comfort is a
"summer girl" as far as wearing appaiel is concerned,
and it has come to be more of a matter of how far
one's means will permit the gratification of individ
ual taste than anything else.
Below, We Hake a Few
Seasonable Suggestions
which may prove of value to ladies who do not care to dip very
!j 'deeply into their pocket books, but at the same time want to be iu
,dj touch with the correct fashions of the hour.
It The Shirt Waist of Course
;jg forms the foundation of summer comfort. There are thousands of
them here in every imaginable pretty and fascinating style. See
the new sheer cambric waists in plain white, tucked and n-
oromerea, also white grounds!
A marvel in value for
Also thehigh-class "Kni ckerbocker" Waists with r p-
nil the latest fashions whims at from $3.00 to p 1 . DJ
Or perhaps the fine "Gibson"
ironts anu eianorateiy trimmed
Then the waists with fancy lace fronts, embroidery, tuckings,
insertions, etc., in various materials offer an assort- at
ment that is simply bewildering. Prices . . . .$2.00 to J)UUU
a Summer Dress Fabrics
L3 i Cl'own Dimities, very fine, with lace stripes in entirely new
fS 'ways,' Washes well and always looks well. Unlimited assort-
ment or colors, designs ana color
J " f-tetf
Tissue Ginghams, very fine,
and wash excellently. In cbeck3, stripes, etc. All r,
, fine colors. The yard, , , aUC
The Newest Parasols
Are dreams of beauty. Of course you can't discribe the novelties,
b,ut:theyre all here, as well as the good serviceable f frl
ykln'ds" 'that fashion does not change materially, . 35c to IUUll
-TheSummer Handkerchief
Xotst of Handkerchiefs needed in summer time, and except for
dress occasion's, there'is nothing half as satisfactory as the fine
pure imea uiuuuiiu son. a special saie or regular KUc handker
cmeis tnB wees wan inuiais or
n8tyles to select from, Choice, ,
a Summer fi loves
lace has first choice this season. They are cool, comfortable
5j and dressy, Mitten and gloves, all lengths, sises and t g a
jm qualities . ,- , , . , 20c, 50c, 75c p 1 UU
' Swede Lisle Gloves in all sizes or the shades that "tc
nra most in demand QKn. linn unci J .lT
. j. ,
Kid Gloves
1 Globe Warehouse I
a :- . JT 1
r , v
men, If necessary, to break up this ne
farious work.
lenahan Was Committed.
John Lonahnn, of Sugar Notch, who
accidentally shot Michael O'Reilly, of
Jackson street, on Friday last, was giv
en a hearing on Saturday before Police
Magistrate Davles. Ball was demanded
In a larger amount than Lenahan was
able to furnish, and In default he was
committed to tho county jail to await
the result of O'Reilly's Injuries.
The victim has become very weak,
owing to the loss of blood, and his
nervous system has been seriously af
fected. His chances of recovery ore
good, however, and he Is expected to
rally soon through the heroic treatment
he is receiving.
Events of This Evening.
Representatives of the various Catho
lic Total Abstinence societies of West
Scranton will hold a meeting In St.
Leo's hall this evening, for the purpose
of making arrangements for the an
nual Father Muthew day parade, which
will be held In West Scranton on Oct
10 next.
Council No. 159, of the Catholic Relief
and Beneficial association will hold a
meeting in Young Men's Institute hall
this evening. M. G. Langan, district
organizer and president of Council No.
129, will be present. All members are
requested to be present, as business of
Importance will be transacted.
Mnllcanicr Eleazer Kvans fell re
cently and wrenched his arm. He Is off
duty, nnd Grlfllth W. Jones is subst
tuting for him.
Conrad W. Lota, of 919 Aswell court,
nnd Miss Emtly L. Kvans, of 310 South
Main avenue, daughter of J. J. Kvans,
will bp united In marriage this week.
It is expected that work will be
started this week on the South Main
avenue pave.
The Mother's Jewels held an Interest
ing meeting In the Simpson Methodist
ICplscopal church Saturday afternoon.
Tho Young Ladles Auxiliary of tho
Women's Foreign Missionary society of
the Simpson Methodist Episcopal
church wore entertained Saturday
evening at the home of Miss May
Jones, on North Hyde Park avenue.
The Sunday school of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church will hold
their annual picnic at Nay Aug park
on Thursday, June 19.
The temporary headquarters of the
United Mine Workers, which have been
established In Jayne's hall, on Jack
son street, are frequented by a largo
number of mine workers every day.
The wedding of George De Wlldo and
Miss Marian Hutchinson, of Philadel
phia, formerly of West Scranton, will
take place at the Wushburn Street
& to.
with small polka dots. rr
P 1 j
Waists in polka
dot C -y rf
will please at.
. yosjw
combinations. The
,(,, See
lieht as a cobweb, vet thev wear
otnerwtse, various
, , , , ,
1214c ei
r -0m gm,
nnd Mittanc
, . , , , , ., .
of all Kinds.
tif iir .1.- .jr ,i,- ,.-,,- tv , ! If .1
Presbyterian church at noon on Thurs
day, Juno 26.
Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Da
Vis, on South Garfield avenue, has been
brightened by the advent of a daugh
ter recently.
A largo number of West Scranton
peopto will attend the Bradlcy-Itosen-cratiee
wedding In tho First Presby
terian church at Plttsion, on Thurs
day evening next.
William Hutton, of Jackson street,
will be united In marriage to Miss
Edith Martin at the miter's homo, In
North Scranton, tomorrow' evening.
The wedding will bo nttended by a
number of West Scranton people.
Tho raffle for a watch, for tho benefit
of Anthony Schllhltus, which was post
poned some time ago, wll take place on
Wednesday, June 25.
The Ancient Order of foresters of tho
World are making preparations for an
excursion to Mountain Park on Satur
day, June 28.
The concert for tho benefit of Cara
dou James, of Luzerne street, will bo
held In the Tabernacle Congregational
church, South Hyde Park avenue, on
Monday evening, June !).
The Oxford Mine local and Acciden
tal' Fund will conduct their annual ex
cursion to Mountain Park on Juno 10.
St. Brcndcn's council, Young Men's
Institute, are making arrangements for
nn excursion to Blnghamton on July 4.
A number of the church people nro
making preparations for the observ
ance of Children's Day next Sunday,
when elaborate programmes will be
Samuel McCrnckcn, of South Hyde
Park avenue, will be united In mar
riage to Miss Phoebe Englert, of Dun
more, next Wednesday evening.
Arrangements are being made for the
banquet of the "eRds" and the "Blues"
at Washington hull In the near future.
The Sunday school class In the Jack
son Street Baptist church taught by
Miss Norma Nlcholls will conduct a
weight social In tho social rooms of the
church on Tuesday evening, June 10.
The wedding of Arthur C. Brown, of
Green Ttldge, nnd MIsss Eva Phillips, of
North Bebecca avenue, will take place
at the First Baptist church on Thurs
day evening, June G.
Arrangements are being made by a
number of the teachers and pupils of
the public schools for the observance of
Flag Day on Saturday, June H.
Nathan Evans, of North Hyde Park
avenue, has accepted a position with
Broker A. J. Duffy, of Franklin avenue.
The funeral ,of Fred, the 13-year-old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Mattern,
of 622 Hnmpton street, occurred an Sat
urday afternoon from the house. In
terment was made in tho Washburn
street cemetery.
The name of Cemetery street, leading
to the Cathedral cemetery, has been
changed to AVes't Gibson street.
The Necdarcst Camping club will
meet tomorrow evening at the home of
Austin Ringler, of Division street.
The members of Ethan Allen lodge
have decided to run their annual excur
sion to Mountain Park on Saturday,
June 28.
Miss Jennie Eynon, of South Bromley
avenue, is spending a few days with
her friend,. Miss Wilhelmena Griffin, at
Bloomsbnrg State Normal school.
Dr. William Lloyd Davis, D. D. S., of
Philadelphia, Is the guest of Dr. and
Mrs. B. G. Beddoc, of South Main ave
nue. Miss Essie Griffiths, of Alden, Pa.,
who is the guest of Miss Edna D.
Evans, of South Main avenue, will re
turn home today.
Miss Nellie McCabe, of North Hyde
Park avenue, hns returned home from
n two weeks' visit with friends In El
mlrn, N. Y.
Mrs. Buckingham and children, of
Plymouth, have returned home from a
visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. William Shoe
maker, of North Sumner avenue.
Misses Sadie Werner, Elizabeth Male
and George Kunkle, of Penn Argyl,
have returned home from a visit with
Mrs. C. S. Depuy, of North Lincoln ave
nue. Mrs. Fred Glggs, of North Lincoln
nvenue, has returned home from a visit
with relatives at Mt. Pocono.
Edward Lavelle, of AVilkes-Barre, Is
spending a few days at the homo of
Joseph P. Phillips, on Swetland street.
Mrs. Thomas D, Edwards, of Acker
avenue, Is reported to be dangerously
111 at her home.
Mrs. 55. Klrtz and daughter, of Tunk
hnnnock, have returned home from a
week's visit with Air. and Mrs. C. L.
Kresky, of North Sumner avenue.
Thomas Hopkins, of Eynon street, Is
quite 111 nt his home,
Mrs. Mary Gardner, of North Main
avenue, is home from a visit with rela
tives and friends at Forty Fort.
Miss Anna Bortree, of Price street, Is
the guest of friends in Moscow.
Frank McHale, of Jackson street, hns
returned home from a visit to Blng
hamton. John Wllklns. of Luzerne street, is
able to be around again, nfter a pro
tracted Illness.
Miss Margaret Thomas nnd Miss Tur
ner, of Now York, are the guests of
Mrs. D. B. Thomas, of South Main ave
nue. Harry Walde, of North Main avenup,
and Arthur Reese, of Lafayette street,
are spending a few days In New York.
Irving Kern, of the Republican, hns
resumed his duties after a ten days'
vacation, spent In New York and Brook
lyn. William Jenkins, of North Hyde Park
nvenue, Is the guest of friends In Potts
vllle. Mlsa Mary Powell, of Price street, has
removed to Buffalo, where she will
make her home,
John H, Reynolds, of Wltkes-Barre,
spent Sunday with friends nnd relatives
In town.
Mr. and Mrs. William Griffiths, of
Philadelphia, who have been visiting
their parents here, will return home to
day. Miss Margaret Grlfllths, of Kingston,
spent Sunday with friends on Academy
Fred Wink, of Rending, was the guest
of West Scranton friends yesterday,
Misses Pearl Kresee, of South Hyde
Park avenue, nnd Miss Maud Thomas,
of Throop, are visiting friends In Blng
hamton, N, Y,
Mrs. h. II. Glubs, of South Main ave
nue. Is the guest of trlends in New
Mrs. M. L. Blair, of New York city,
has been visiting West Scrunton friends
John Jones, of North Garfield avenue,
is sojourning in New York city,
Miss Ruth Adams, of the Women's
AlU-n's Foot Due, a powder, Jt cute painful,
muitlni;, iienoiu feet urn) ingrowing nail, anj
Instantly take? the stint out o( oiiu and tunlom
It's the greatest tointort cJl.iQH'ry ol the site.
Allen's Foot-case inal.m tight or ucw shocv ted
easy. It U a certain cure for tweatiue talloui
and hot, tired, aihin; fecf. Try it toJjy. gold
by all UrujftrUU and shoe (tores. Don't accept
any tubitltute. Uy mail tor SSv. In clamps. Trial
luckjKo l'ltt'K. AUJicw, Allcu S. Olmsted. Lo
Itov. .V. V,
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powdor
Used by peoplo of refinement
for over a quarter of a century
college, Baltimore, Is the guest or Rev.
and Mrs. H, C. McDermott, of North
Hyde Park avenue.
Harry Monnlnger, .of North Hyde
Park uvenue, Is spending a few days
with Blnghumton friends.
Mrs. W. W. Patterson, of Philadel
phia, Is spending a few days with her
mother, Mrs. D. T. Richards, of Scran
ton street.
Members of Saengerrunde to Cele
brate Their Big Victory Other
News and Personal Notes.
The massive silver bowl and ladle,
awarded the Scranton Saengerrunde on
Friday, was received Saturday, and was
placed on exhibition In the window of
Anton Flsch's shoo parlors, where it
was viewed by hundreds yesterday.
The bowl Is mounted on a base of
black ebony, nnd stands about twenty
Inches high. It Is handsomely en
graved and In a few days will be sent
to New York city to have the names of
the winners Inscribed thereon. Plans
are already under way by the winners
to celebrate after the prize returns, In
becoming stylo and a special Invitation
will be given the Maennerchor, who
will be the guests of the evening. Oth
er public spirited and prominent citi
zens will be Invited, ns soon us tho
date is decided on, and a jolty social
time Is promised.
Funeral of Arthur Purcell.
The funeral of Arthur Purcell, of
Now York, formerly of Scranton, took
place yesterday forenoon from St.
John's church, this city. Purcell was a
telegraph operator In New York city
and was excused to go to camp with
the Ninth regiment, National Guard
of New York, of which he was a pri
vate. About 12.30 p. m., May 28, ho
went out on the roof of the house in
which he lived, on West Sixteenth
street, New York and began to play
with a pet dog. Some way, ho tripped,
lost his balance, and fell down into a
flagged sidewalk below, being instantly
His remains were taken in charge by
his brother, P. O. Purcell. of the Mack-cy-Bennett
Cable and P(tal Telograyth
company, of NewY'ork, who had the
body shipped here, ho himself accom
panying it. The body was taken to
their mother's house. The funeral was
very largely attended by the numerous
relatives and friends of the young man,
who extend their heartfelt sympathy to
his bereaved mothe.
Afternoon Party.
A very enjoyable party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arm
brust, jr., 240 Elm street, on Friday af
ternoon, in honor of their daughter,
Edna's, birthday. Music, recitations,
games and a general good time was
enjoyed by all. Refreshments were
served at 4 o'clock. Miss Edna was
the recipient of many valuable pres
ents. Among those who attended wore the
following: Misses Mamie Costello, Ger
trude Glaab, Carrie Kelper, Marguerite
Kellar, Hannah Gerrlty, Amelia Arm
brust, Edna Armbrust, Anna Kelb,
Anna Fuller, Mollie Shank, Helen Fitz
slmmons, Minnie Heuster, Victoria
Frulchtel, Ruth ReisIg.Margaret Glaab,
Laura Chubb, Kate Trester, Emily
Jones, Florence Chubb, Madeline Arm
brust, Edith Kemmerer, Elsie Arm
brust, Dora Costello and Ruth Scheuer.
Services over the remains of tho late
Phllliper Rader were held at 8 o'clock
Saturday morning at St. Mary's Ger
man Catholic church, where a requiem
mass was celebrated by Rev. Father
Straub. Funeral services were after
wards held at 11 a. m. in the house,
when Rev. Father Christ officiated. At
noon the remains were taken from the
family residence, 346 Birch street, to
the Jersey Central depot, and accom
panied by the family, started for Mauch
Chunk, where Interment was made
yesterday afternoon.
The remains of John, the Interesting
young son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schran
er, whose death occurred early Satur
day morning, were Interred yesterday
afternoon in St. Mary's German Cath
olic cemetery, and the obsequies were
largely attended. The remains were
removed to St, Mary's church, from the
family residence, 630 Cherry street, and
services were conducted by Father
The young people or St. Paul's Pros
pect avenue church held an outing and
picnic at Baldner's park, near Moun
tain lake, yesterday, which was large
ly attended.
John O'Nell, of Pittston avenue, was
caught between cars at tho Scranton
Traction company's barn yesterday
nnd badly squeezed. His Injuries were
dressed by Dr. J. J. Walsh,
Messrs. Needbum and McDonough
have returned from a trip to Buffalo.
Camp 430, Patriotic Order Sons of
America, meet tonight in Hartmnn's
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam is
guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No
cure, no pay," For sale by all dealers,
Joseph -Keholl, of Buffu'lo, formerly
of this side, called on friends yester
Sirs, C, D, Thorpe has returned to her
homo in Forest City, after a visit with
trlends In Green Ridge.
Charles Tobey nnd Van Allen Thoma
son spent Saturday llshlug near Goulds
boi'o. Miss Leila Woodruff, of Electilo ave
nue, Is attending the commencement
exercises at llryn Mnwr college.
The members or No. 27 school Alumni
usboclatlon will hold a business meet
ing at No. 27 school tomorrow afternoon
at 4 o'clock,'
air, and Mrs.. Fred Neice, of Brook
lyn, N. Y are visiting ut tfie home of
Mr, Nejce's mother, on Dickson ave
nue. William Seward, of Butte City, Mont.,
a former re&ldent of Green Ridge, Is
visiting relatives here, after nn absence
of twenty-two years. Before leaving for
the west, Mr. Seward was engaged In
the bakery business In Providence.
2Ir. and Mrs. Horace Smith, of Mon
sey avenue, were visitors at Lake
Wlnola over Sunday,
The Sacrument of the Lord's, Supper
was administered by the Dastbr. Rev, I.
J. Lansing, nt the morning Borvlco at
tho Green Ridge Presbyterian church
yesterday. Two persons wero received
Into the church on profession of faith
nnd two by letter from other churches.
Prof, George Phillips, who was recently
elected an elder of tho church, was In
stalled Into that onice, before tho cele
bration of thd sacrament,
Miss Annie Harlos, of Monsey ave
nue, spent Sunday with friends nt Cur
bondalc, Thomns Bromnge, of Marlon street,
swore out a warrant before Alderman
Bailey, Saturday, against his wife, Mrs.
Mary Bromage, Thomas Bromnge, Jr.,
John Richards nnd Adella Barrett,
charging them with assault and bat
tery, on May 30. Tho defendants were
nil sworn, but were afterwards dis
charged for want of evidence.
Miss Jnmle Duggau, who for tho 'past
three years has been a missionary to
Porto Rico, Is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. George T. Prltchurd, of Penn ave
nue. Miss Duggnn, whoso home Is In
North Carolina, Is In the states to rest
and recuperute, and will return to her
missionary work as soon as her health
Is restored.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker, of
WIlkes-Burre, have returned home, after
a visit tit the home of Mrs. Tucker's
mother, Mrs. Cnvell, of Green Ridge
The King's Daughters of the Green
Ridge Presbyterian church will meet
tonight at the home of Mrs. J. Elliot
Ross, 1810 Capousc avenue.
Little Boy's Burns Prove Fatal.
Events of Coming Week Other
News Notes.
Hopkins Alexander, the 8-yenr-old
son' of Mr. and Mrs. Reese Alexander,
of Rock street, died yesterday from
injuries received on Saturday. Young
Alexander, In company with bis little
sister, was playing about the house of
their grandmother on Saturday after
noon. The child, In some way, secured sev
eral matches. Going out Into the gar
den, he lit one of them and in doing
so his clothes caught fire. .The child's
screams attracted tho attention of a
man passing by, who hurried to the
scene and extinguished the flames
which enveloped him.
Physicians were called and upon ex
amining the child it was found that
he suffered from internal burns. He
lingered In great agony until yester
day morning.
Coming1 Events.
The members of Washington camp,
No. 177, Patriotic Order Sons of Ameri
ca, have issued invitations for their
fifteenth anniversary, which will bo
held in tho Auditorium on Wednesday
evening. Tho exercises will be held In
the lodge rooms.
Hyde Park encampment, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet In
the Auditorium on Tuesday evening.
Tho third degree conferred at
Rescue lodge, No. 371, Knights of Py
thias, on Tuesdny evening. A degree
team from Olyphant will be present to
assist In the ceremonies.
Patrick Mullen, a resident of Cayuga
street, had John Holmes, of Bloom ave
nue, arrested on Saturday afternoon
lor assault and battery. According to
Mullen's story, Holmes attacked him
on the street and gave him a severe
thrashing. Mullen received several
cuts and bruises about the head
and shoulders. Alderman Myers held
Holmes In $600 bail.
The annual Children's Day exercises
or the Providence Presbyterian church
will be observed next Sunday arrange
ments and decorations will be left in
the hands of the various Sunday school
John Allison, or Pittston, is visiting at
the home or Mr. and Mrs. Charles Per
ry, or Parker street.
David Hughes, or Wayne avenue, lert
Saturday for Jersey City, where he has
secured employment.
Mrs. Robert Edwards and Mrs. Anna
Edwards, or Plymouth, are visiting the
home or Mrs. William Davis, or War
ren street.
Mrs. Richard Jones, of Now York
city, is visiting at the borne of James
Jones, of Summit avenue.
Miss Iva Sherwood, of Jermyn, is
spending a few days with relatives on
Robert avenue.
Sir. and airs. Thomas, of Purchase,
N. Y are entertaining their son, Ben
jamin, at their home on Reese street.
airs. Harry Kline, of Fnctoryvllle, is
visiting friends In town.
Thomas II. Jones and Charles John
son, of Ferdinand street, have left this
city for Buffalo, where they have se
cured employment,
Ray Smith, of Oak street, Is able to
bo about after a month's Illness.
MIsss Bessie Honwood, of North
aialn avenue, sailed Saturday for Eng
land, where she will visit a number of
her friends,
air. and airs. W. H. Squlers, of Blng
hamton, N. Y spent aiemorlal Day
with airs. n. A. Reynolds, on North
aialn avenue.
J, S. Drown, of this section, Is spend
ing a few dnys nt Harrlsburg,
airs. W. L. allies, or Kingston, Is
being entertained n't tho homo of air.
and airs. D. F. Davis, of Green street.
Tho bowling contest at tho North
Scranton alleys ended Saturday night.
Burt Lure won the first prize, a silk
umbrella, for tho highest score, 244. Al
fred Longmore won a fountain pen for
the second highest score, 213. William
Davis had tho highest average lu the
five games, 201 1-B, u,ud received a ball
and bag.
Letters remaining unclaimed during
the period ending May 31, 1002. ..Per
sons culling for these letters pleate
nay "Advertised"; aiaurlse Albro, Box
1G (0); air. John Fox, 1431 Drinker
stteet: ailss Gruce Haues, cure George
James; air. William J, Lynch, 24 Elm
street, Scrunton, Pa.; Lizzie aiangan,
437 West Drinker street (speclul deliv
ery); ailss Verna Race, No, 1711; Vlto
Cresenzltt Slbo (F), Jnus Yeanlk (F).
Ezra H, Hippie, postmaster.
James Hopkins returned to his home
In New York city yesterduy, after a
stay of several days In town.
William Huber, of Qulncy avenue, Is
spending several weeks In Europe.
The council will meet In regular ses
rlon In the borough building this even
ing. John B. Galpln has returned home
from a visit with aialne friends.
airs. A. D. Blaeklnton and ailss Cor
nelia Galpln returned on Saturday
from New York city,
Mrs. Dr. G. J. Chamberlain Is Indis
posed at her home on Blakely street.
The botany class of the High school
were escorted to the Archbald tmt-hola
THERE are always some persons who do not believe what Is said In an ,
advertisement, no matter how careful the advertiser may be to say
absolutely nothing that would not stand the strictest-Investigation. This
Is because the reader does not take the trouble to find out jtfst why a company
tike this, for Instance, should make offers to the public which are such an
advantage to them when compared with the offers made by Its competitors.
This Is a new company started hero In Scranton. We thought
that by doing away with several of the more expensive and fc
disagreeable features of the old-fashioned concerns, we
should be able to lend money on household furniture at
such moderate rates that even tho very poorest peoplo could '
easily afford to get a small loan to help them over some
financial difficulty.
THIS company asks for your patronage on the distinct understanding that
our new methods give you a positive advantage. Every word here la
. absolutely true. You will notice that we do not print tricky sentences
words which say one thing and really mean something else.
Here are the reasons why yo
In debt and need a loan If y
thing else and need ready ca
keep up a good appearunce
No other security Is demanded hero
'except the furniture. That means
that you will not have to get some
one to endorse papers for you.
Our rates are the lowest In Lacka
wanna county.
We do not charge compound Interest
ut all.
We charge no Interest on the paid-up
And the furniture la left with you.
$10 to $500 Loaned Within 25 ililes of Our Offices.
NEW PHONE IMo. 2826. R. O. BOX 94,
Scranton Loan Guaranty Company
No.' 207 Wyoming Avenue.
We are ambitious and de
termined to keep all the
The Best Flour,
The Best Oats,
The Best Feed,
The Best Hay,
In Scranton.
Dickson Mill & Grain Co.
Scranton and Olyphant.
Old Phone, Green Ridge, 31-2.
New Phone, 1133.
on Saturday by Prof. R. N. Davis,
where an enjoyable and profitable day
was spent.
The Children's Day exercises at the
Methodist Episcopal church will be held
next Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wilson, of
Mlnersvllle, arc guests of friends In
Misses Prlscilla WInterstein and
Mary Powell and Master Joe WInter
stein left on Saturday ror a month's
visit In Buffalo.
MRS. JOHN HAHN, alady of most
estimable qualities, was taken sud
denly ill at the family residence, 302
Neptune court, on Saturday evening,
and in a short time passed away. The
deceased, who was the mother of eight
living children, had been In frail health
for several weeks. She was seized with
a severe hemorrhage of tho lungs, and
everything was done to prolong life,
but it was useless and life ebbed away
in a short time. The funeral will take
place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
young wife of Burton K. Flster, who
has charge of the accounting depart
ment or Tho Tribune, died Saturday
morning ut the home, 02S Green
Ridge street. The death of Mrs, Flster,
came as a sad shock to her husband,
who brought her to this city a brldo
about a year ago. She was a womanly
young woman and was held In high re
gard by her many friends. Funeral
services will bo conducted at the house
this afternoon at 4 o'clock by Rev. Dr.
Isaac J. Lansing, pastor of tho Green
Ridge Presbyterian church. The re
mains will be taken tomorrw morning
for interment to Orangeville, this state,
tho former home of the deceased.
The funeral of Mr.. Sarah L. Peck,
widow of Rev, Oeorgc M. Peck, will bo
liulil from her lute residence, corner of
Delaware street and I'enu uvenue, Clreon
llldge, Momlny nftrnoon at '1 o'clock. In
terment In the Dunmorc cemetery.
Pickpockets Got in Some Good Work
on Friday,
Several professional pickpockets who
are probably now far atvny from this
city, got lu some good work here last
Friday, Charles S. Gelbert, of Pitts
ton avenue, was robbed by one of them
on a street cur en route to the uriuory,
Ills pdeketbook containing $175 and n
number of checks was taken, and he
didn't discover his loss until he wus oft
the car.
A commercial traveller from Blng
hamton, named Wells, had a pocket-
book containing $200 taken from him
at the Lackuwanna station just ns lie
was about to take the excursion train
for home, and a fellow traveller was
robbed of $15. It Is understood that a
member of the Brooklyn Arlons was
touched for u purse coutulnlng neurly
The pocketbooks of Mr, Gelbert and
Mr. Wells were found In the lavatories
of the Hotel Schudt und of the Conway
liouse respectively, with the checks and
other papers Intact. The police say
that m-nfoRHlnnals have a habit of leav-
ou should come here If you art
ou want new clothes or any
sh to get them In order to
before your friend?.
There can be no publicity with' this
plan of ours.
Even your own family need not know.
Our expenses are less per loan. There
fore, our terms can be mor,e liberal,
and arc so.
You pay In small, easy Instalments,
whenever you can spare the money
We do not keep you waiting for the
20 Pounds of
2 Pounds of
Choice Lamb
Foi 25c.
There is little to fear
from the manipulations
of the Meat and Sugar
trusts in view of such
offerings as the above.
There's a saying
on everything
bought at
The Joyce Stores
Lyceum Theatre
Monday Evening, Juno !), 1902, at 8.15.
Artists Recital by
In connection with tho Fifteenth Sym
phony Concert of the
Prices Lower floor, 73c. and $1.00; bal
cony, EOc. and 73c.
Dlagrum opens Friday, Juno 6, 1902, at
9 a. m.
A Series ol delightful Sketches Jutt If
sued by the Lackawanna Railroad, Than
sketches are contained In a handsomely
Illustrated book called " Mountain and
take Resorts," which describes some ol
the most attractive summer places in the
East. j
Send B Cents In postage stamps la T, W,
LEE, General Passenger Agent, New Verk
City, and a copy Kill be mailed you, ,
Innu papers, which ure of no value to
them, und pocketbooks, In Just such
Tire at HolUdaysburg,
ly IliclusiMJiWiie from The AsiodJtcU i'u'is.
Ilollldaysburs. Juno I. A lire of Incen
diary orlsln last nlb'ht destroyed tho
Phoenix Fire Ihmluu liouse, W. 11. Qood
fcllow & Sons' warehouse, wtccked tho
Hollldaysburtr opera houso and damaged
tho l.uw I.eet business block. Tho stock
of merchandise lu Frank Olessucr's de
partment store, W. 11. CJoodfollow &
Sons' hardware store und John II. l,aw'
clothing store wcio damaged by fire and
water. The total los approximate $u
aa 1
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