The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 02, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    's ' fy ,
ji ?.'
Scored 130 Points and Takes the
Lead in the Tribune's Educa
tional' Contest.
Rodriguez Makes a Big' Gain and la
In Second Place Frederick K.
Gunster, a New Contestant,
Brought In Sixty-six Points, Start
ing in Seventh Place Today
Marks the Opening of a New
, Month Two Special Honor Prizes
for the Contestants Who Score the
Largest Numbers of Points During
June Still Room for New Work
ersOne Special Reward with No
One to Claim It Two Yearly Sub
scribers, Counting Twenty-four
Points, Would Start a Beginner In
the Middle of the List.
Standing of Contestants
1. Charles Burns,Vandling. .284
2. Win. T. S. Rodriguez,
Scranton 228
3. A. J. Xellerman, Scranton.215
4. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondale 119
5. Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondale 93
6. Albert Freedman, Belle-
ue 88
7. Fred. K. Gunster, Green
Ridge 66
8. Harry Madden, Scranton. . 55
0. Wm. Sherwood, Harford . . 54
10. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 42
11. Grant M. D.ker, Hall-
stead 37
12. L. E. Stanton, Scranton.. 37
13. William Cooper, Prlceburg 34
14. A. J. Havenstrite, Mos
cow 34
15. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. 33
16. Harry Danvers, Provi
dence . . . .' 25
17. Louis McCusker, Park
Place 20
1 18. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
I Thompson 20
, 10. Lee Culver, Springville . 17
' 20. Walter Hallstead, Scran
ton i 21. C. J. Clark, Peckville ....
22. John Dempsey, Olyphant.
23. John Mackie, Providence .
24. Hugh Johnson, Forest
25. .Miss Edna Coleman,
Scranton 0
26. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton 8
27. Emanuel Bucci, Scranton.
28. Chas. O'Boyle, Scranton. .
29. Miss Nellie Avery, Forest
30. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park.
31. Edgar Wilson, jr., Scran
ton 2
32. R. D. Dorsey, Scranton ... 1
33 0
Charles Burns, of Vandllng-, won the
Bold watch offered by The Tribune as
a "special honor prize" In Its Educa
tional Contest to the contestant who
scored the largest number of points
during the month of May. Mr. Burns
not only won the watch, but won It
with a splendid margin, one that ad
mits of no doubt or question, beating
William T. S. Rodriguez, of Scranton,
by 56 points, and A. J. Kellerman, also
of Scranton, who has been In the lead
nlmost since the day the contest
opened, by. 69 points.
The result of the first month's work
Jn the Educational Contest will come
os a great surprise to those who have
followed the contest closely. On Sat
urday morning Mr. Kellerman was In
ithe lead over all the contestants and
had a comfortable margin of S3 points
over his most formidable antagonist,
Mr. Burns, who In turn led Mr. nodrl
guez by 20 points. On Saturday even
ing, when the day's returns were all in,
Mr. Burns was at tho top of the list
with a margin of 06 points over Mr.
Jtodrlguez, who led Mr. Kellerman y
13 points. The total number of points
scored during the month of May by
thirty-two contestants was 1,608 points.
The Successful Contestant.
Mr. Charles Burns, who resides In
Vandllng, a small town about a mile
nouth of Forest City, has reason to be
proud of the splendid work he has done
ulnce the contest opened. Scarcely a
lay has passed but what he has added
to his bcore, and although ho resides
Jn a town not as large as u ward In
the city of Scranton, he has been near
'the top of the list all tho time and
has mudo the young men of other and
larger towns ask in surprise: "How
does he get so many points away up
there In that little town?" Perhaps
one reason Is that he has worked at
his self-imposed task almost constant
ly when he has hud leisure moments.
He does not have many of them, though,
for ho Is actively engaged In earning a
living, being employed by the a rand
Union Tea company, of Forest City,
Mr, Burns's ambition Is to bo u lawyer,
and when the ICducutlouul Contest was
announced lie saw uu opportunity to
complete the education so necessary to
that profession and lost no time In,
sending In his entry, Since Unit time
he has worked steadily away, and al
most since tho Hist day of the contest
he haB used every effort to be so near
the top that he could reach up ami
take some one of the most desirable
scholarships when the contest was end
ed. If Mr, Burns continues In the wuy
ho has begun he will be one of the
leaders at the close without a doubt.
William T. S. rtodrlguez, who Is, now
In second place, has also been a faithful
worker during the first month of the
contest, It was his brother, Charles,
who won first place In the Kdueutlonul
Contest of 1900, thereby winning a four
years' scholarship In Wyoming Semin
ary, of the value of $1,000. William
llodrlguez won tho first prize In The
tribune's Junior ICducatlonal Contest
last Chrlstiiiastlde and thereby became
be. possessor of a beautiful gold watch.
A. J. Kellerman, who lost first pluco
by reason of the nctlvlty of his two an
tagonists and Is now In third place,
really lins much to bo proud of. He
made a good fight, held first place for
nearly four weeks and probably lost
tho position and the special prize at
the last moment simply through over
con rtdence In the big lend he had at
tained up to Saturday morning.
The gold watch which was offered as
n "Special Honor Prize" for the con
testant who made the largest number
of points now belongs to Charles Burns,
of Vundllng. He may have It at any
time by calling at The Tribune office.
A new contestant made his first re
turn yesterday, and It was a generous
one. His name, Frederick K. Ounster,
of Green Kldge, may be found In sev
enth place this morning. This Is an
exceptionally high place for a contest
ant to begin In tho first day, and Mr.
Gunster,' If he keeps up the pace at
which he has started, will give the old
er contestants some anxiety before long.
Two "Special Honor Rewards" for
Today marks the beginning of a new
month, and In accordance with the an
nounced plans of the contest two "Spe
clul Honor Rewards" will be given this
month to the contestants who score
the largest number of points. This In
cludes all contestants. Kvery one on
the list and all who may hereafter
stnrt will have an equal opportunity
to try for tho June "Special Honor Re
wards." The two prizes which will be
offered during this month will also bo
gold. Tho first prize will be $10 in gold,
and the second prize will be $." In gold.
As before stated, each contestant will
begin this morning on nn equal foot
ing. Of course, the points already
scored for the thirty-three scholarships
will remain unchanged and those who
are now in the lead will rcmatti so as
long as they can retain their positions,
but for the "Special Honor Rewards",
each contestant will start at zero and
work upward.
Beginning tomorrow morning a table
showing the number of points scored
by several of the leading contestants
will bo published, In addition to tho
main table, which will nppear each day
as heretofore. In this second table
will' be shown only the points scored
during June, so that the leaders In this
table will probably be entirely different
from the leaders In the main contest.
This gives every contestant an equal
chance for the "Special Honor Prizes"
which nro to be given each month for
the best work done during that month,
and it Is quite possible that some of the
contestants who are now near the bot
tom of-the list will bo among the lead
ers In the work for June.
Room for Beginners.
There Is still plenty of room for new
workers, whether they reside in the
city of Scranton or not. The splendid
showing made by Charles Burns In the
May results should convince any one
that it 'Is not absolutely necessary to
live In the same city where The Trib
une Is published In order to get sub
scribers for It. There are thlrty-threp
scholarships offered and so far there
have been but thirty-two active con
testants. This leaves one scholarship
unclaimed. Some of those whose
names nppear in the above list have
made very little progress and a con
testant who starts now should have
little difficulty in finding his or her way
up toward the top of the list. There
Is a singular dearth of young lady con-'
testants, notwithstanding the fact that
a largo number of the most attractive
scholarships were secured for their
benefit. A young lady contestant be
ginning now with two yearly subscrib
ers, counting 24 points, would have
first choice of a special scholarship for
young ladles only and worth $276, If
she maintained her lead until the close
of the contest. If she got among the
first three leaders she could have a
choice of a scholarship worth $750.
A contestant beginning todny with
two yearly subscribers, counting 24
points, would be in the middle of the
list, with a splendid chance to win the
June "Special Honor Prize" of $10 In
gold, or, falling that the second prize,
$5 In gold.
Saturday's Work in Detail.
Saturday's results can hardly fall to
be a surprise to most of the contestants
and their friends. Ten contestants In
all reported points. The total of these
leturns was 319 points, by far tho lar
gest day's results of this year's Edu
cational Contest. The first return of
tlnl day was made by Herbert Thomp
son, of Carbondale, who sent 11 points
by mall, and Miss Beatrice Harpur, of
Thompson, who sent 3, also by mull.
Homer Kresge, of Hyde Park, was the
first who visited the office In person.
He had but 1 point to report. Shortly
afterward Charles W. Dorsey, of Scran
ton, personally deposited the same
number on the "Contest Editor's" desk.
About 3.30 in the afternoon Charles
Bums, of Vandllng, came to tho office
with 66 points. After having them re
corded ho explained that he expected
to have u few more by C o'clock and
left the office. His score was then 21S
points, and Mr. Kellerman needed 17
points to keep his position as leader.
Shortly ufter Mr, Burns departed, Le
roy Stanton came with two points, and
a few minutes afterward Frederick K,
Uunster, of Green Ridge, made his first
return since he entered the contest.
He brought in the plump total of 66
points, which gave htm nt the begin
ning of his career as a contestant sev
enth place. A. J. Kellerman was next
In line to make his report. He had but
eight points to turn In, und It wus then
seeeu that he had lost his chance for
the watoh. Mr, Kellerman, of course,
was not aware of that fuct, nor will he
be until ho sees this article, He sulci
with u smile; "My friends went back
on me today. They said that I was so
fur ahead flint 1 didn't need any more
The Closing Hour.
Shortly ufter that Mr, Hums made
his second return. 'It was 64 points,
making a total or 130 points for the day
and placing him 69 points ahead of Mr,
Kellenuun for the leadership and tho
prize for tho largest number of points
for May, Ho ulso was unconscious of
that fact and departed for his home
up In Vandllng without the faintest
Idea thut he had won the fight.
William T, S. Rodriguez, of Scran,
ton, got to the office ubout 11 vo min
utes beforo closing time with 94 points,
This wus enough to place him In sec
ond place, but not enough by 56 points
to head the list of contestants, A. J,
Havenstrite, of Moscoyv, was the last
contestant to make a report. He had
three points, which ties him with Wil
liam Cooper, of Prlceburg, for thir
teenth place. l
No other returns were received by
mall or personally after that, and thut
Is how It Is that Charles Burns, of
Vandllng, won the handsome prize of
fered for the best work In the contest
during Mny, won It aw ay from Scran
ton and Carbondale lads and those who
hod much larger territories to work. In
than he did In the little town of Vund
llng, a town probably more affected by
the coal strike at the present time than
nlmost any other In the anthracite re
gions. This bears out tho truth of
whnt The Tribune has constantly sulci,
that locality makes no difference to
the contestant who Is thoroughly In
Two more entries were received yes
terday as follows:
Miss Hazel Lltts, Clark's Summit.
Miss Evelyn Phlnney, 1533 Monsey
Prevented Her Seizing Amoy and
Was Offered Djland by China.
Sydney Adamson, writing In Leslie's
Weekly, gives nn interesting chnpter In
Oriental history, now made public for
tho first time. i
"The world," he says, "may know
that Amoy Is In China. Bomewhere on
the const: It may even nssoclate It with
tea, just as in the old days Manila
meant rope, .and, to the mmateu,
cigars: but who ever heard of KUlang
su? Vet Kulangsu is almost a part of
Amoy is in very truth an island
nbrenst of the old Chinese town. This
Is the story of how Japan attempted to
seize Amoy, how her game was blocked
by the United 8tates consul at that
port, and shows how the Island of Ku
langsu was offered to the United States
privately as a special concession from
tho Chinese government for saving
Amoy from the Japanese. In lino with
the fully declared policy of this coun
try to stand up for China's Integrity
the offer was refused, but on Its sug
gestion Kulangsu was offered to all na
tions and has now become nn Interna
tional trading settlement.
"When President McKlnley appointed
A. Burllngnme Johnson, a distant rela
tive of the groat Anson Burllngnme, of
Chinese diplomatic fame, consul nt
Amoy, he happily placed there a man
full of energy, already acquainted with
Chinese affairs by study and, as events
proved, possessed of that statesmanlike
quality of pprcelving conditions before
they become too far developed, which
might bo injurious to his country's
trade, and rarer gifts having suf
ficient courage to precipitate action,
force an issue, and diplomatically con
clude difficult negotiations without re
quiring more than general Instructions
from Washington.
"Consul Johnson, as soon as ho began
to study the Importance, relatively, of
Amoy to the Philippines, brought to
light and clearly defined some facts
which are of the utmost importance to
the United States In the conduct of her
Eastern policy. Should any power an
tagonistic to the United States succeed
In gaining complete control of Amoy,
the only Chinese port owned and man
aged by the Chinese government be
tween which and the Philippines regu
lar lines of steamships ply, it might
thus at any moment be closed, com
pelling most of the trade' to take a new
route through the British settlement of
Hong Kong. This alone would be suf
ficient reason for a vigorous objection
to any attempt to seize Amoy.
"In addition to the passenger traffic
betwpen these ports a considerable
trade has also sprung up which, if fos
tered, will doubtless become of In
creased value to the Islands. Amoy as
an open Chinese port Is also a valuable
coaling station. These considerations,
without further Instances, clearly show
that the United States has a vital In
terest in the fate of Amoy. V
"The Japanese had been gradually
lenrning the value of Amoy, and nearly
three years ago opened negotiations
with the Tsung-11-Yamen for a settle
ment there. The original surveys made
at that time Included about three
fourths of the islnnd of Kulangsu. It
also included a strip of n foreshore an
the 'Amoy side running almost a mile
along the inner harbor and extending
some two miles back toward the centre
of the Island. Upon a remonstrance
from the United States the plan was
altered, the whole of Kulangsu wus
omitted, and the settlement on the
other side was reduced to about one
tenth of the origiuul survey.
"The settlement was granted to the
Japanese on this reduced basis, but It.
wus an open secret thut the government
at Tokio was far from satisfied with Its
areu. When the outbreak occurred In
1900 In north China the Jnpnnese gov
ernment Immediately dispatched two
men-of-wur to Amoy and kept from
two to four there until the settlement
question was permanently adjusted. It
was pluln from the beginning to thoso
In Amoy thut the Japanese meant to
seize this opportunity of occupying
Amoy permanently on their own condi
"Consul Johnson hud a difficult prob
lenj to handle when he found thut on a
slight pretext the Jupanese had rushed
troops ashore, planted guns on tho
heights, and were In practical posses
sion of the plnce. Add to this circum
stance the mutterings of threatened
outbreak, a populace terrified by tho
Jupanese soldiers nud fleeing to the
hills, a Chinese army on the point of
mutiny nnd Its officers appealing In
vain to the viceroy for funds to pay tho
men who threuten to desert unless their
arrears of pay be forthcoming, nnd wo
have u picture of the conditions which
the American consul found confronting
him. His action was vigorous and dip
lomatic. A protest couched In the
strongest terms demuiuliug the with
drawal of the tioops was handed to tho
Japanese consul for Immediate trans
mission to his government. In fact, It
was stipulated that an answer be forth
coming within twenty-four hours. Sim
ultaneously the British consul was In
duced to land murines as u foil to tho
Japanese claim and prevent the undis
puted occupation of Amoy by one
"Tho Japanese had embarked another
contingent of troops from Formosa, to
strengthen their occupation nt Amoy,
but they never left tho Islnnd, As soon
as the United States piote'St tenoned
Toklo they were ordered to disembark.
It wus unfortunute that tho American
gunboat which the consul hud sent for
should have been delayed. Sho did not
arrive until after the British ship Isis,
which meanwhile hud landed murines
at the consul's request,
"A diplomatic trap wus laid for Japun
and she very readily fell Into it.' When
Consul Johnson requested the with
drawal of the British marines the
British consul pietended to hesitate,
und called upon (he Japanese consul
Our Annual
Summer Sale of
Muslin Underwear
Will Begin Wednesday Horning
June the 4th.
All past efforts in selling Muslin Under
wear will be excelled.
Good Value
will be the key-note of
This Sale
Circled around this GREAT FACT
you will find high quality materials used
the embroideries CAREFUL sewing.
Every garment made in well ventilated,
hygienic factories.
) These are but a few points about the
goods on sale.
The Merits That Will Win
will be the lowest prices ever known
for equal grades.
Follow the papers closely, beginning
Wednesday morning. This great sale
will pass the previous mile stone of suc
cess in Muslin Underwear selling ever
seen in Scranton.
Advertisers of Facts Only.
Jonas Lods's Sods
f Dependable Shoes
f At Little Prices
? Fine new shapely Shoes, correct in style, season
al able weight, well made and in satisfying variety.
bhoes tor the street
Sea our !
g popular'price $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Shoes. g
v x
, 330 Lackawanna Avenue. g
it 'A ' ' ' ' " ' ' H S ' "4 ' ' ' ' " " H 41 ' "A ' '4 '4 '4 '4 '4 It X
Shoes for hard work
Shoes for all occasions
The "most for the money" is here,
alar price $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 !
Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, s
for nn opinion. He stated that Japan
would withdraw from the Amoy aide If
the Bi'IUhIi would. The British consul
leplied; 'We will withdraw our mur
ines If you will withdraw nil your
troops from both sides.' The Japanese
would not agree to this. After nn
hour's dlscuslon the British consul
stated that not a single British marine
would be withdrawn sot long us one
armed man was left ashore. Consul
Johnson thereupon notified both, with
the consent of Captain Bowman, of
the Castlno, that unless some agree
ment was ninilo within twenty-four
hours the United States would serious
ly consider the question of 'landing
mailiu's on the American concession.
"The game was up, but It took
Japan forty-eight hours to ofllclally
admit the fact. The final consent to
the withdrawal was given on the 7th
of September,
"As ft concession to Japan, nnd to
sootho her wounded feelings, the Brit
ish agreed to pull down their flag first,
a Hag which had been put up for no
other purpose than the bringing down
of both. But It was a matter of great
ceremony. With regal uniforms, bands
of muslo and exchanges of courtesy, the
ceremony was gone through and the
tioops je-emburked. Thus the Incident
terminated, but it had un after effect,
The president of the foreign board was
sent down to Amoy to personally thank
Consul Johnson, not met fly us the tep
resentntive of tho United States, but
Individually for his seivlce.
"Later It was clearly suggested that
the Chinese were willing to hand over
Kulangsu to the United States as a
special concession. The offer was de
clined in that form, but after discus
sion the suggestion of making tho isl
and over to all the nations was for
mally taken up by the Chinese, and
Kulangsu Is now a foreign settlement
with broader advantages In municipal
matters than pertain to Tlen-Tsln, or
even Shanghai. One of tho greatest and
to the world most benetlclal results of
this diplomatic defeat of Japan can bo
seen In the Anglo-Japaneso,, alliance.
Had Jupan been successful In seizing
und retaining Amoy It Is safe to con
clude thut she could not have allied
herself with Great Britain to maintain
China's Integrity. She would simply
have been a rival with Oermnny, Rus
sia and France for Its partition."
The assistant of the
United States army, Colonel V. II,
Carter, asks In the Mny number or the
North American Hevlew "Will America
Profit by Its Recent Military Lessons?"
The lessons to which Colonel Carter
refers were those which we were taught
by the experience of the country when
It became necessary to organize the
army for tho Spanish war. Colonel
Carter gives a most Interesting uccouut
of tho vast amount of work accom
plished by the adjutant-general's office,
and ho points out circumstances, for
which the present regime Is responsible,
which seriously hampered It, and great
ly Increased the cost of organization
and of the campaign. The crying need
of the army, he says, Is a generut staff
corps or body of officers whose business
It Is to do the preliminary planning
for the nrmy, and to make of Its va
rious elements a more harmonious
working machine. Thus a chief of staff
should be substituted for the "com
manding general of the army;" Indeed
therels no place under the Constitution
for a "commander-in-chief" and n
"commanding general," and the exis
tence of tho latter In our system simply
leads to unbusinesslike methods and
constant friction, What Colonel Car
ter says legar'ng peiiblons Is well
worthy of consideration:
"The regulur nrmy has been singu
larly free from any accusation of pen-slon-srabblng;
and, If for no other
reason, It deserves credit for this on
the score of economy. The annuul re
port of the commissioner of pensions
shows that Invalid "elisions have been
allowed, since July i, 1S61, to Juno 30,
1900, under the general law, to 536,233
volunteers, and under the act of Juno
27, 1890, to 451,031, tt totul of 1,007,786.
ffidWLi kI
Where the Public
Is Always Pleased
Is the place for you to buy. We never
fall to please prospective customers because
they find better merchandise here at lower
prices than elsewhere and receive courteous
treatment at all times. Onde a customer of
this store, always a customer,, because our
goods are always found 'to bo. just, a little
better than we represent thorn and because
prompt and efficient service Is always ren
dered by our employes.
CflrnfitS " rou are Interestet in Carpet buying, you undoubt
' iClS edly prefer to choose from as large an assortment asN
possible. To see many new and beautiful patterns and to be able to se
lect just what harmonizes with your own Idea of carpet beauty Is per
fect satisfaction In carpet buying. To buy In any other way Is to be dis
satisfied with your choice before It Is fairly stretched upon the floor.
Come here and see the largest selection In the city.
The opportunity for fur
nishing the city home or
summer cottage with fresh,
new Slatting of superior
quality at reasonable prices
is found here as at no other
store. We have bought
heavier than at any previous
season and can promise per
fect satisfaction in both
prices and style.
Rugs by
the Hundreds
Lovers of Bugs are Infatu
ated with our magnificent'
collection. Whether you wish
to look at the reasonable
priced 'rug or the expensive
imported patterns the assort
ment 'is equally great and
presents the newest and
prettiest weaves.
The Reliable Home Furnishing House.
129 Wyoming Avenue.
f We haven't many Panamas left; but enough
j of Fine Split Straws in the
To suit all comers. The prices too, are
t within reach of anyone. We have them for
J 5Qc if you want a knock-about hat and
t others for
75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 $2.50 and $$
Also the g
I Light Weight Manilla Hats g
5 in the same shapes from $1.50 to $3.00. JJ
Almost forgot to mention our complete J?
; line of French Palms and Porto Ricas. They JJ
I too are worthy of your consideration, f K
305 ft
ihjihk an ; ,..-, wi
-f - - m v p
Your Gain; Our Loss
A backward season leaves us
over-stocked with Ladies' Suits and
Waists. They must be sold, even
though all profit be sacrificed. No
room for details. Come and see tor
Ladies' Suit Man' tailored, reg
ular price i2, Unloading Sale price,
Silk Waists Regular $$ and $6
value, Unloading Sale price
Credit Given with These Great Bargains,
Hen's Straw Hats 50 cents, to $2
317 Lacka. Ave.
Second Floor.
Open Evenings.
Purlner tho period from July 1, ISC1, to
Jun, I, 1901, punslons have beon al
lowed to :i0, L'Gi regulars, liieluillw?, bo
It lemenibeied, ,tlie wounded nnd In
valided men of more tlmn thirty years
of nlmost constant Indian wars.. To
muku the compailson Intelligible, the
totul number of volunteers who enlist
ed during the Civil war, reduced to n
basis ot three years' service, Is S.321,516.
Thq totul, number of men on the rolls
or the 'regular nrmy dining the whole
period from 1801 to 1900 Is 577,000, In
cluding re-enlistments, for which n lib
eral deduction should be made, to avoid
counting the same soldier mora (ban
once, The number of volunteers who
saw service In battle during the war
with Spain Is comparatively small, yet
27,047 t'lulmit for pensions were filed up
to June, 1900. These figures contain
much food for thought, as well as nn
argument In behalf of u well. organized
and cuied-for body of regulars, to the
end that the country may not bo sub
jected to the great expense of calling
out small numbers of volunteeis fur
short-service peilods."
f' M
' ft
a-M.r. " & v t i r j J.A1W