THE SCItAlSTON TRIBUNE-SATtrKDAV, MAY 31, 1902. 9 Beranton. In reflects credit on tho penco loving, Boiil-limplt Iiir- poiw nnd daughters of Cnmhrla who lmvo so Indelibly left the Imprests of their Intents on tills splen did, Intellectual community. I deslru to I hunk tho management for so plgmtlly honoring mo nnd will close my remarks with the enduring hope thnt this ooiiricw nf melody may not only enlist 11 keener tnsto for tbo Olvlnesl of nils, but Unit It tuny bo the meiins of bringing lis closer together nnd timlin ns woithy momhers of tho'-brothorhond nfiimn. , The ArlonB entertained nguln, this time with Ifnssbueniler's "Das dcutsdio lilcd," the song which wus siinp In the contest nt the Nntlonul Siicngcrfest for the Kaiser Wllhelni trophy. It Is u rund song nnd wns grandly rendered tho Northampton choir, nnd the tcnorn nnd bassos Imd n tendency of scooping things. The West Sernnton pnrly used too tunny plnnos, the adjudicator said, In substituting two Uprights for one grand. They were too fust In their tempo nnd flattened their tones slightly. Tho AVIlkes-Harre party had good soprntios, but their ultos and buss were not bo good. Tho general rendition, however, wns better than the first two parties named, ami they were awarded the spc ontl prize. ' The first prize was given by tho ad judicators to the tltlca pnrly for their general beauty of tone and excellent rendition all the wny through. The announcement of the winners wjis followed by great cheering. THE POEMS THAT WON THE TRIBUNE'S PRIZES CIIAKI.HS nODINSOK, President of the Night Session. by n grand aggregation of singers. The big nudlcnce went Into raptures over It. For an encore they sang one of Leader Clunssen's compositions, a dainty lullaby, mote than half of- which Is hummed. This provoked applause quite as hearty as that accorded the rendition of the first number. Two songs by II. Evan AVIlllams, "Sound An Alarm," and for an encore number an old Welsh song, such as Lcould only come from the Inspiration of such n largo nnd sympathetic audience, IVIlIlams sung as if competing for orld's honors. Thnt the audience Irani great music can well be believed. no was accompanied by Dan Proth- rcroe. Judge Edwards announced the find ing of the adjudicators In the contest for the Scranton Tribune prizes of 550 and $10 for the best and second best Knglish poem on "In Memoilam Mc Klniey." "Englvle," George S. Phelps, of Leadvllle, Col., was awarded llrst prize, and "Amber," John A. Foote, of Aniibald, the second prize. Mr. Foote is now a student at Georgetown uni versity. He has won many prizes in literary competitions. The winning poems and Judge Ed wards' adjudication will be found in another column: Only two parties appeared to try for the $300 and $100 prizes offered for the ladles' choruses. These were: 1. Cccllian Ladles' chorus, of Utlca, N. Y OS voices: Professor Iorwcrtli T. Dan iels, leader; Robert Owens, accompanist. 2, Scranton Ladles' Choral society, SO voices; Mrs. D. B. Thomas, leader; Mis Norma Williams, accompanist; John T. Watklns, assistant. Tho Scranton chorus won first prize. The adjudicators had no hesitancy in declaring the Utlcans well worthy of the second prize. Mrs. Thomas stood on a chair to lead her choir and swung her baton with a. grace worthy of Sou pa. When she was led to the platform by her vanquished opponent, the audi ence broke forth into a mighty burst of applause. Adjudicator Price said the Uticans had very good voices, but sang too fast to permit of the production of ex pression. Tho Scranton ladles main tained better time. "The Spanish Gyp sy," by Lassen, and "Nos Calen" (New Year's Eve), by J. W. Parson Price, were the competitive pieces. In the soprano solo contest was heard the best solo singing of the eis teddfod,, competitions. The contestants were: 1. Mrs". Robert Owens, t'tica, N. Y.: nc rompanlst, .Miss Leila Rine, XTtica, N. Y. 2. Mrs. Edith Meckel, Scranton; accom panist, Sirs. D. II. Thomas. ". Mrs. Frank lirundage. Scranton; ac companist, Professor Haydn Evans. Adjudicator Price declared the sing ers to be the possessore of three very good soprano voices. The first was a' trifle thjn and somewhat lacking In color, and the second was faulty in th'at the tempo wns bad. Of the third, Mrs, Rrundagej It &eemed, Parson Price could not say too much. He declared that he and Mr. Damrosch could not help but discuss her as a "Mlchaella" in Carmen. Her beautiful, expressive voice, he said, belonged In grand opera. She was by far the best, he declared, Mrs, Hughes, It will be remembered, won the soprano solo prize at tho Pan American eisteddfod. The prize of $10 was donated bv Dr. John O'Malioy, "The Better Land," by Cowen, was tho competitive piece. Evan II. Roberts, of Slatlngton, won the $10 prize given by Dr. J. J. Roberts, for the best tenor rendition of the Gounod "Lend Mo Your Aid." The other competitors were Thomas 11, Williams, of Bangor, and Owen E, Wllllnins, of Bangor. Mr. Damrosch declared them to bo three ambitious nnd talented young singers. The Arlons once more entertained with "Itobln Adair," In German, and a dainty little song in low' voice. Then canio the closing, and chief event of the musical end of the eisteddfod, tho contest for mixed chorus for prizes of $1,000 nnd $250. The competitive piece wiib Mendelssohn's "Tho Night Is Departing." It was 10.10 when UiIh com petition began nnd neurly midnight when It was completed. The entries Wfie as follows; No. 1, Kuithampton Choial society; J, u iiuerr John, of Uangor, leader; lw Diet's; suss com. iiendor, accompanist. No. -. Scranton Choial society; Lewis i'uvih, or West Scranton, leader; 170 iwi; Wj. jj, h, Tlionms mid T, Iteavo limes, accompanists. . No. a, Wllkes-Hnrre Choral society; .1 ilm Lloyd Evans, Wllkea-Ilavrc, leader; h olcen; Lovero Stylos, accompanist. JM, I. Philharmonic uoclcty. of Utlca, .. ; Iorwcrtli T, Daniel, leader; m dices; Roljeif Owens, accompanist. They sang In tho above order, tho mder being (Ixed by lot. While waiting for the adludlcatlon, Hie audience arose and sang "Huddera mid," Tlio song wns familiar (o fully half of the audience and as a rouse iiuencp not less than iOOO voices Joined In Its Hinging. The adjudication on the mixed chorus competition was given by Walter Dam. roach, lie paid all the four eiolrs snAg with enthusiasm, spirit and In good time. Nearly all of them sung too fust, however, and some of the passages were blurred,, m, A1J seemed to be engaged In a nun rush to get through, and the result was rather niurrcd, There was a rather reedy quality of tone la the voices of J George S. Phelps, of Lcadvllle, Col,, won the first prize or $r0, anil John A, Foote, of Archbatd, tho second prize of $10, offered by the Hcrnuton Tribune for the llrsl and second bijst English poems, of not more than one hundred and fifty lines, on the subject, "in Memorliun McKlnlnv." Appended Is the adjudication, made by Judge Edwards mul Prof. Howell, and the prize-winning poems: Twenty dmpctllnrtt liavo entered tho eontCMt foi the prizes offriVd by The Hamilton Tribune for the best "In Mr morlam" In honor of the late President MclClnley. Tho competition Is a formid able one. not only In the number of con testants, but us well In the literary and peollc excellence of the productions sub mitted. As might be expected, some of tho competitions arc the work of novices, who are to be commended for the ef forts they liavn made, but who could not pr.sslbly entertain any hope of gnlnlng the victor's laurels. Vqr the benefit of the contestants, wo make a few com ments on the work of each: 1. II. K. PII01IOT. Only rorty Hues; full of woe and with tender touches hero and there. :.'. LACKAWANNA. Contains n con densed epltomo of tbo great events of MoKlnley's life. The rhyme Is easy: but tho sentiment only ordinary. ::. D. K. GRIFFITHS. A very common-place piodiictlon and Is defective In grammar and orthography. I. JESS JONES. Mediocre as a lller ary effort, although some of the Ideas are appropriate. C. ADMIRER OF Till: MAN. "Hu mans" for "men" or "mankind" Is un pardonable. The oftott does not arise above mediocrity. . e. Tl'NER. A very short and Incom plete poem, although It has an occasional hint of poetry. 7. AMICUS. Gives n good review nf McKlnley's life, but the rhythm and ca dence halt here and there. Some of the expressions are commonplace. S. SOLOMON. Similar In character to No. 7 Amicus; same criticism. P. CYMRO. Ideas very good, although they might bavo been clothed In more poetic language. 10. MYFANWA". Rhythm easy and sentiment appropriate; only occasionally reaching to the high standard of poetic strength. 11. MELANCTIION. A poem of excel lent quality. Why did the author halt at the slxtyfourth line when he was per mitted to continue bis good work? 12. RYRON. Rhythm natural and graceful; sentiment tender and poetic; stands well In the competition. 1.1. LA.MENTIJM. Too biographical In form; this leads Inevitably to prosaic, expressions; shows creative power In several of the verses, especially the last three or four. II. CARITOS. Sixty graceful acd poetic lines, showing the touch of an experienced hand. 33. GWENDOLYN. The movement of the rhythm Is not always even: but tho Ideas nro poetic and often expressed with vigor and Intensity. Wo have made the foregoing brief Where kings and pi luces reign; and manhood own'd The noblo life and purity of thought That marked his upward way, whoro high ho stood On Fame's Etemnl Mount, Our Nation's Chief. And those who tov'd him here, strong henrls and true, Have named him best, In all that serves to mako The grandeur if n life well spent, that gives To human hearts tho hope of better years. And so wo come to speak his praises here; To picture as we mny, th' true nobility Of one. who rests today wrapt In tho love Of trusting hearts, Unit knew his Innate worth. the red trnrs of her fallen comments without reference to the rcl.i tivo standing of each poem. As will eas ily be observed, some of the productions are much superior to the others. At least half a dozen of tho fifteen men tioned occupy a fair place in the compe tition. There aro Ave now lemainlng, and we have come to the conclusion that the real contest lies between the five. Either one, standing alone, would be worthy of the chief prize; but It Is our duty to discriminate and compare, and, If possible, to select thu best out of the five. 3G. RTGKL, A sweet, tender poem, breathing throughout the spirit of a true "In Memorlam." While we are satisfied with only ninety lines from this author, wo would lie more pleased with the addi tional number aliowtd by the limit set for the contest. 1". BRITON. A poem of considerable merit. Tho outward mechanical adoi'iv ment of the composition Is a work of art u have read tho poem several times with much satisfaction. IS. F. P. WINTERMFTE. An excel lent poem. The only criticism we venture to mako Is that the introductory Invoca tion to the Muso is somewhat elaborate and ambitious for so short a poem. 3!). AMRER. Another good poem: al most faultless In constiuctlon, nnd re plete with poetic Ideas. 30. ENGIVIE. On tho whole, we con seder this the best poem hi the competi tion. It bears the Impress of high liter ary culture and Is Instinct in almost hits' lines with the spirit and fire of true poetry. We think tb'o author de votes too many lines to tho Spanish American war. Nevertheless, this Is only a slight fault, considering the qual ity i if the work. After considerable discussion and com parison and after muny readings of the pooms, we have finally concluded lo award tho first prize to Englvlo and the second pr)zo to Amber. II. M. Edwards. I concur In the adjudication and awaid. George Howell. The Prize Winner. Following Is the prize-winning' poem which was written by George S. Phelps, of Leadvllle, Pa under the pen name, "Kngivie." It Is given herewith: "IN Mr:.MORIi;.M"-MoKINLEY. As sinks the sun to rest, nt clnso of day, Amid the roseate splendors of the west; Where lies th' mystic beauty of th' gol den sea. Whoso vailed hues mo ever HI at rest, So memoiy comes, with colors more di vine, To pulul tho Rloiy of a deathless name High In th' "Hall uf Fame"; and on tho page Of history to place another name, Crown'd with the lustio of immortal deeds. Honor and Glory, Fame! for him who sleeps Within Unit "narrow house," the vie. tor's crown. Aye, wreaths of Immurtelles, u nation's tears. Wo hear again tho Head of maitlul feet, Tho Mutlled drum's deep tones of grief and woe The soft, sad music o'er tho voiceless dead. Wo seo our starry flag, entwined with wreaths And bud and bloom. Hint shed their per- fum'd life About th' cnlllii'd form; cordons of sol. dler, Horse and foot, throngs on Huongs, u living mass ' That press Uidr way, for yet another look 1'ppn tho placid face of him whobo foim Was lying there, waiting its fluul test, Tho Bvat nnd good, tho rich and poor W(s there, ' To do him rcvcience. who eist-wlillo )lv'd, Th' Btut,esmim of his age; a. crowned moiuiicli In patriot hearts and homes, where free dom lives And sIiciIh'IIh benediction o'er u land Wlicro God himself hath wrought, In thought and work, Th' llborty 'it man, the matchless splen- dor. w Of u land, to be the "Star of Empire" Lending on to mom resplendent glory. "Gnat man and good,'' tho ver,lin 0( x world lie was of lowly birth: no herald's voice Proclaimed kind tidings of the natal hour, That gave to earth, this child of common clay: Me rose unaided and iilone; by work And 'toll, he nuirk'd th' way to high achievement: And ns the cry for help went up, when war's Grim visage swept the angry sky, hn went A slilpllng to the field where rng'd th' battle's storm, And In the ranks that fought at Free dom's call. He did his parr, and to his country gavn Young ninnhoodVs years; and then with well earnect rank, lie bravely sought to reach those ginndcr heights Whcru Honor w.-tlts to crown her daring sons. In council hall, In State and Nalion both, His voice rang out In freedom's cause, until Ills name became the synonym of pnw'r, And glorv mark'd him for her own, and plac'd T'pon his brow her wreath of fame, and put Within ills hands th' helm to guide and idiot O'er th ocean's way, the grand old "Ship of Stale." Full well the work was done. The Na lion heal il The call of stricken ones, their hopes destroyed, Their luiids despoiled and desolate, beneath Tbo iron heel of dark, despotic power; Tho cry of famished lips that roso to heav'n. From c'rii"h'd and bleeding hearts and iiiln'd homes. That told the tale of Cuba's crlmson'd tod. Wet v,lth lu avc And when tho curtaln'd shadows of the night Had spread thick daikness' o'er Havana's bay, And th' fair stars had closed their gllt'rlng eyes. A blow was struck, that shook the mighty deep Where lay tho "Maine," wrecked by tho treachery Of dastard hands: beneath that star- gem'd flag, Which but a few short hours before was l.ail'd By stalwart tars, "proud ensign of the brave!" Weie crushed and mangled forms; while th' rod wine Of pntrolt blood flowr'd thro' th' great ship's side. Freedom wept, as th' "Recording Angel" took His pen of fire, and wrote those deathless names 1'pon the Martyr Roll of Liberty. Tears for our dead! but Justice drew her sword. And at the call of him who watca'd serene. In th' high tower of Freedom's hallow'd fane, The nation rose and threw Us gl.uit arms On land and sea, round its despotic foe; And Spanish power and hate, dend in th' grave It fnshlon'd for tho form of Liberty, Gave birth to freedom's day star in the cast. And flx'd tli" bow of promise In th' dis tant west. Peace spread her wings; th' glory of Manila Bay, Tin splendor of th' charge up "San Juan Hill," Tho "Captain's fight," where steel-clad monsters met 'Mid smoke and (lame, and battle shot and shell, That left upon a rock-bound const the wreck Of mighty battle-ships, marking tho ' rinse Of Spain's illustrious deeds and regal fame; Where patriot valor crush'd her tyrant pnw'r. Leaving an herltapo of peeiless deeds, To crown th' dauntless courage of th' North nnd South. I'aptlsed anew In the red flame of war: From lake frlug'd north, to sunny south land, rang Glad shouts of victory: from tho far cast To "Golden Onto" nnd distant Orient, Tho voice of Liberty proclaimed tho death Of tyrant rule, tho birth of Freedom's tons. Again the nation spoke; and he, whose hand Had stecr'd tho "Ship of State" thro1 tioubl'd ways, Once mere wni call'd to take tho helm, and guide To Destiny's wide Imperial port, I' air Freedoms ship, upon the peaceful nves, Wheio commerce market tho wny to high hiiccess, illo took the helm, and grandly sped that mu: Willi sullr full' sot, o'er the white .jvave of Hope: Short day, his voice was heard In lov'd command; And ai ho stood, in manhood's strength and pow'r, . Where thouhunds waited for his earnest words, Ho told of work well done, of promls'd ycais; Then, with prophetic voice, declar'd the way To grand achievements nnd. a nntlon'i lioal. Those hulls whero Science, Art and Genius sat, Rung with glud shouts. nnd loud huzzas, nor told How soon tli' night or grief would shroud th' matchless day. i throngs, tho high and low, tbt great, and good, rn.'fs'd on to giusp that noble hand and mail; What thoughts would fall from lips of eloquence. , Sinllli'i? i stood, Willi gracious mien, chisp'd hands. And gc.vo to all, kind words of hope and . low; E'en took the Judas hund, (hut struck him down, J Apl fell, Columbia's martyred ton. Fat owe II, Bravo hcnrtl for you a nation's tears aro bllfd, Oh, n.uii of matchlcsti inouldl Oh, spirit grand! Enuqbled by tho breath of God-like thought, Thrilling a soul, (lira with the melody Of good to man. Heir to eternal fame! Wrapt lu th drajiry of a pcoplo's love. HSBBSBKSV,H'u2A9lSBSBSBBlK3ctB 'jlTi I Vi'BHiHiBlHBBilLIIIIIIIIIHTuvrVrT'CMtH 1Hi:!n "a?aT'.!'TP WWfkif.i-' v its 3 cent rent I z I ti n MTU There's Something Doing at Samter Bros. n fiassea mm These $10 Suits Are Doing: It. KF They, are selling, and selling fast. Why shouldn't thev ? Every one is equal in make, finish and cloth to any $15 suit you ever bought. We've prepared for today's extra busi ness. We are sure to be busy, because every suit we sold at this $10.00 sale during the week is a walking advertisement one man tells the other. See them in our Penn Avenue Show Window. The Newest Cloth Patterns The Best Workmanship At the Special Price of oys9 Suits $10 Long Trousers Suits, the swellest cloth patterns of the season. $10.00 qualities reduced to $7.25. Boys' Two-piece Cloth Suits, $4.00 qualities, reduced to $2.75. See them in Lackawanna Avenue window, "ww"m u . il MMWraminnrfnnMHHBanMMaaMnMHBaMHB v s The "Hanah" Shoe for Men. When you buy Shoes it's a question of leather quality as well as style. Most of the shoes sold have a great deal of style but no vitality in the leather. The manufacturers of the "Hanan" Shoe employ many experts on the tanning of leather. They know the serviceable parts of every skin, and it's only these parts that are put into the "Hanan" Shoe. No other shoe has ever received such praise for style and perfection of last. Among the most popular this season is the 'Colonial" and "Blucher" Oxford. Samples of these can be seen in our corner window. 2, 12.5, S3 Men's Shoes All we ask is that you examine the qual ities of our Men's Shoes at these prices. fif The Little Gent." It's a Boy's Shoe in all sizes, combining measures, quality and style. g Perfection in Women's Shoes. The perfection of this Ladies' Shoe is admitted by most of the best manu facturers. If you have a friend who is wearing "Sorosis" ask her about the comfort and style of this shoe. We have no doubt that the information will convince you that ''Sorosis is the best women's shoe made. All the new lasts are shown in our exclusive Shoe Department for Ladies. All styles (See the new "Blucher" Oxford) $3.50 5A M TER BROTHERS Complete Outfitters. EiuwliiM with garlands of Immortal I'lrth. "We how our heads to Him who rules on hluh, And weejilniT say, "God's will, not ours, bo done." Took Second Prize. Tho poDin that won second prize was written by John A. Foote of Archhald who signed his poem "Amber." It fol lows: IN JIEMOIUAM-WM. McKINT,KY. The muffled drums throb out their talo of srlef, Tho sullen, boomhiK Runs disturb tho blare Of willing bugles, while from every helchl Tho vJilcwed Hags In rippling motion (I aro Their rtilnru In the wealth of summer llEht Tho nation mourns her chief! Vet th"je aru but tho hiisklngs of our dole; limit to the cry that swells Columbia's breast LIUo Nrntuno moaning era ho sinks to i est hcn n'tr his brow tho briny ripples roll. The Lord has willed It, nnd he lies at rest, The bloom of his great purpose now Is o'er, Ho tilled the field of llfo, with tlrelefs hnnds And with his faith adorned Its rugged door, Xor elo'jen his cars to Duty's hard du ni. mils Which way tho service pres't Whether a .bonded nation from afar Cried lor tho aword, and, by tho sword, release, Or riitlilcfcx greed, Insulting gentle peace, Its cuiiiiliig purposo masked with scowl ing war, And now, O nalnted twain, who through thu n'l.iit Of hurt Id treachery have passed before And stand In glory's pure, eternal nave Tho Hist, who op'e'd tho white, unsullied doov Of h)tiied, freedom to the shackled slave, Huprenif lu virtue's ilsht, , And ho, who boro hlnibelf above the throuu UmMul. yet with gen'rous heart to aid I.u comes u third wlioo fame bhatl never fade , Whlltf tiiiu enduie, or poctB have power lf sorgl Hut not like ye, did ho lay down his life; Thu nation smiled wth happiness and Ui'ltCC, Tho lUhla wero fdeaming, rich with gulden grain, No fearful feud was rent by War's rc- leat.ii. No titter wrong was mooted on tho plain, No spleen of party sUrlfe; For Ilka a husbandman at harvest's plime Who, thnnking Gort for all tho season's yield Hecks nothing of the viper In his Held, He fell, n mark to blind, insensate crime. We strive for Justice, yet our heart's dci-palr: The blinded Fury, born In deadliest hate, In ignoinnce mid tyranny's misrule, Still seeks Us lawless appetite to sate, Still stalks abroad, half demon and half ghoul From out Its foreign lair; Wo know not whero to seek It, though It keeps Its cover In our cities and our towns, And raises up Its hydra-heud, and frowns To learn our constant vigilance never sleeps. Turn not thy favor from us, Mighty God, U'en tliqiiKh we seem to ralso our plain tive' cry Against Thy will, for ever do our minds Cling weakly to the earth, Thy purposo high Alilasin with awful majesty that blinds Sesnis but a chastening rod; And bo, as aged men, recalling youth, Feel n greut loss, the which they cannot speak, Our hearts aro heavy, Iut our tongues are weak To tell the htory of our grievous ruth. Wo Enw our chief on architect of fate, Ilulldlng tho nation's greatness by the art Of nut-cent speech and trenchant thought, that swayed The minds of other men to bear a part And well protect the corner-stone he laid In wtso nnd bold debate; And thobe who blindly closed our eyes, Carping against tho good we would not sec. When Time, the wizard, set our vision free, ' liaised up our voices, and declared him w '.ic. Hut wiser still and Justly firm, though mild And tender lu his Justice, did he gain, As ruler of the nation, greater trust And truer praise than any monarch's lelgn When munhood stood for bestial battlo lust And honor shrank dollied : For far und wide, glad Labor's solemn song Welled up from whirring wheel and wattled greep, In overy mart prosperity was seen, On every highway 1'rogress surged along. And, great of heart, he Joyed to see the queht Of blctitv for Ids ucoulo not lu vain; I'o knew tho pearly diadem of peaco Ket on tho brow of Virtue could not wane Tho honor of tho nation, nor, would cease Our manhood, though wo rest; For ho had borno tho shock of lurid war When brother fought with brother, hate with hate. He know full well the lesson taught by Fate When Carnage drove abroad his gory car. But gieat of heart, though knowing this and more. He counted not the cost when Duty spoke; The dark Virgin of the Curlbees Crying uloud for freedom's boon awoke And sped a message o'er the coralcd seas Unto our friendly shore A trumpet blast, to wake a quivering chord Responsive In each freedom-loving heart, And In that hour ho played tho sage's part, Calm In his trust, though ruthless battle roared. Yet not alono for prowess with the svord, Nor ptegnant counsel given to tho stute Will future generations call mm wise And sober-mantled History deem him great; Ileneuth all human aots u motive lies And pi also or blnnio Is poured With such Impartial hand, tliut each one wins Ills meubui'o lu proportion as his heart Was freo from selfish prldo or narrow art And Ifilgo with ample dole for human sins And so, wo loved him that ho was a man And manhood painted round his every act Tho halo which it borrows from afar O wifely hcurt! by grief so sorely racked, Breuk pot, that ho hus crossed the st oi my bar Which life must span! For you, who knew tho sweet, sustaining breath Of sympathy, which from his nature Willed, In the durk hour of sorrow are upheld By the crescendoed glory of his death. He bulldcd well and wisely, for his deeds lu life were but as stepping stones that led, Curved with a wealth of beauteous de vice, ,, To tho great radiance of his dying bel;" For, like thut greater man, who paid the prlco Of death for human needs, Ho breathed forgiveness on the coward son ' Of Frenzy, who, with treuch'rous, smil ing, face, Felled htm to tho earth, and, strong In heavenly grace, Yielding his life, exclaimed: "Thy will b done!" Tho muffled drums throb out their tale ot grief The sullen, booming guns disturb tha blaro Ot walling bugles, while from every height Tho widowed flags In rippling motion flare Their colors In thq wealth of summer light The nation mourns her chief Yet placed In endless glory, will hts dusk Speak In Us smallest grain, with olarlon tongue To teach the truths that endlessly aro sung In realms beyond the talpt ot mortal dust. NOTES OP EISTEDDFOD. When tho German societies had finished singing nt tho morning session, It wua quite apparent to tho Welsh people pres ent that "there are others." This com petition was one of the stiongest features of tho eisteddfod, Dan Frothcrie, Sins, Una, of Milwau kee, Wis., tho old leader of tho far famed "Cymrodorlons" of 1S3J, lecolved a hearty welcome when he wim Introduced as tho accompanist of Gwllym Miles, In singing "Hen Wlad fy Nhudaii." Duu'a popularity among Scranton pooplo 13 un limited. "The llttlo fellow with tljo big volco" Is tho way some ono roforred to Gwllym Miles, tho Inimitable soloist. Ho Is a typical (Welshman und a popular fuvoiilo III tho eisteddfod as well us on tho con cert stage. Tho peoplo who henid Kvan Wlllanv sing "Lend Mo Your Aid" on Thursday night, nro not through talking about lc yot. Ills rendition of this olovatlug'eong Is certainly an. Inspiration to nil who hear It. . ' ' ' " Judga Edwards mid that nt tho Don ver eisteddfod ho was known as tho ".Mas ter of Ccromohles,"- which reminded him of being ut a bull. He clciuly defined tho ditties of the "president" and "con ductor," und Bpoke nf their positions In relation to the elsteddofod. Mrs. Wu(er Damrosch, who Is u daugh ter of tho lato gained G. Ihalne, became a. pronounced favorite lu thu eisteddfod and made irjwiy friends by icr affability. She wa",iii'troduced. lo pwuy by.Mta. R, T. lilaiOiK;, '.VV, Tho Misses' Oleason and. Rock, of Utlca, .who uls'o epmpejed pu tho contralto coin, sang exceedingly .weM- Roth possess su perb voices. v " ' . - Miss Via Joncu, of AVest Scranton. win ner of tho contralto solo, "liopu On," is a pupil of Professor John T. Watklns. Shu Continued on Pugo 10.) n i "41 i 41 :A ,0, i J A,i fefe?aftffeaatefr &-& .?- i .:a wxp'"' 4,t rfAr t, ,.-rf i