The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 31, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Where the Big Eisteddfod Was Held.
IT Is meet that Seranton should lie
the scone of n national eisteddfod.
There aie more Welsh people In
Horunton than there are In Aberystwyth
where the national eisteddfod 'of Wales
is sometimes held, and In the. Luekit
tvunnii'imd Wyoming valleys there nre
almost as many as In Bangor, Car
narvonshire, where the eisteddfod Is
to be held this year. Then again
Seranton and her environs ean appre
ciate an eisteddfod. We aie somewhat
literary, to say the least, and it Is not
saying more than the truth to assert
that no city In the country has a great
.r proportion of her population trained
In music.
nut It there ever was any doubt as
to Its being meet that Seranton should
attempt a national eisteddfod, that
doubt was removed yesterday. Tho
Seranton national eisteddfod of 1!)02
was the greatest ever held In America
and will possibly never be surpassed
in this count! y until Seranton essays
to repeat It.
In evt'ry featuie essential to the suo
ress of ail eisteddfod it excelled any
previous event of its kind and In many
features it also excelled the national
elsteddfodau of Wales.
It had contestants from Great Hrlt
nln, and all parts of the United States
and Canada, Its most extremely sep
nrated competitors being 7,000 miles
apart. The number of participants was
vast. There were no less than 2,500
vocalists and 200 literary contestants.
At the concert and the three sessions of
the eisteddfod there was an aggregate
attendance of 20,00(1. One session alone,
that of last night, had an audience of
nearly 8,000. It was the biggest ciowd
that ever assembled under one loof In
Seranton, and bigger than many that
the biggest cities can boast of ever
having lecorded.
In the piomlnence of Its officers, ad
judicators, conductors and presidents, it
was especially noteworthy. They were
Walter Damrosch and J. W. I'.uson
Price, two of the foremost musicians
of the metropolis; Jenkin Powell Jones,
a leading musician of the middle west;
President Judge II. M. Edwards, of
Seranton, the most scholarly and best
known Welshman In America; Prof.
George Howell, of Seranton, a littera
teur, teacher and lecturer, who Is re
gaided as one of the brainiest of AVelsh
Americans, and G. II. Humphrey, of
TTtlea, X. Y., who, besides being a noted
linguist and litterateur, is a lawyer
standing in the ft out rank of his pro
fession in a state wlierp the most bril
liant of America's attorneys obtain.
The weather was perfect and oonttl
nuted not a little to swelling the atten
dance. The best of order and good feeling
and the gieatest enthusiasm prevailed
throughout the sessions.
An innovation was introduced by
having competitions for German hing
ing societies and the presence of the
celebrated Aiions, of Brooklyn, as
guests of the eisteddfod.
Prominent Welshmen from all parts
of the United States Including not less
than a score of bards, wete In atten
dance. Excursions were urn from Utlca,
Uangor, New York, and AVIlkes-Hane,
and large-sized delegations came from
tJiuo, .ewcastle, Pittsburg and other
places, having large AVelsh populations.
Tiie cnorai singing wns superb. It Is,"1''' nn "f,n w mi ry Ntiadau," as tin
a regrettable fact, however, that In 11 ' appropriate tlrst number. Owllytn
number of tho solo and duet competl- ' AW' I''1' 11 lllf singing, accompanied
tlons tho number of entries worthy of'"" t,)l' P'atio by Dan Piotheroe, Mus,
a national eisteddfod was not large. I !'-., '' Milwaukee, formerly leader of
The literary competitions were unu- tlle Cymrodorlous, who was glen a
sually numerous and for the most part 1 hearty ovation as he appealed on the
excellent. Only two ntlzes were with- stage.
held because of unsatlsfactoiy composi
tions. The wlnnets of the $1,000 pilzes
Klxed Chorus.
First pi lye, Sl.iiuu-phllliarinonlo ciiotal
society, or Ptlea, N. V. loenvcith T.
Daniels, leader.
Second prize, .T,i)-Tliu AVIIkes-Ii.irrn
Choral society, of Wllke.s-n.uni; jobn
Lloyd Kvans, leader.
Male Chorus.
First prize, Kw-Dr. Mason fileu club, of
.Wllkes-Rarie; John l.loyil Mvatis, leader
Second piUe, JUD-Tlie Arlons. or t'tlia
N. Y.j Jorwerth T. Daniels, leader,.
German Male Chorus.
Class C Trophy valued nt $.!m) Scrtiutnii
Class R-Trophy valued at fHO-Seiitn-ton
Indies' Chorus,
Flist pilze", .t'l r Seiaiiloii Ladles'
Choral society; .Mrs. ), (, 'VIhhims,
Second pilze, $fii-Ceclllans, of Ptlea;
lor worth T, Daniels, leader,
Mised Quartette.
First pilse, Wi-Tliu Watklns family
(mother, daughter and two sons), of liar
lislnlrg. Soprano and Contralto Suet.
first pilze. $l." Mrs, Finnic Hrimdiigo.
and MKs Via Jones,
Tenor and Bass Suet.
Piize ?ir.-Dlvlded between Kvyn 11.
Itobeits and K. J. Williams, or ShiUns
ton. and (loft Iluinphrejs and Wllllum
Ivans, of New York,
Prize Essay.
Kit st pilze, $W-Dlvlded between It. S.
Jones, Not Hi Srmnton, and William Cor
less. W"t Serantcm.
Second jitlze, IU llev. T. S. Lewis,
Wilinot, X. H.
Contralto Solo.
Prize $10 Jllss Vln. Jones, of West
Pilze $" Jlobrrts, of West
Sci anion.
Juvenile Chorus.
Kits! pilze, ;, Sheriniiu Avenue Miss
Ion Juvenile ohofr, of West Seranton;
lilclmrd Phillips, leailci'.
Second prize, 111 Young Welsh-Anierl-(un
Musicians, of Xoilh Seranton; Charles
Hlchiilds, leader.
Welsh Novel.
Klrst pilze, JiTi-Dr. 1). JI. Richards,
Second prize. $lll Kan U. Kvans, Car
nal on, Wales.
Bass Solo.
Pilze Slo-Kdgar Piohyn, r.itthton.
Descriptive Poem "Niagara." pilze. J.':. Withheld.
Second pilze, $10 John D. I.ewl, Cleve
land, Ohio.
English Poem 'McKinley,"
Kiiht prise, ?:,0-Oeorge S. Phelps, Ivd
ville. Col.
Second pilze, $10 John A. Koote, Aich
bald, Pa. ,
Soprano Solo.
Prize $10 Mis. liiink tlnind.ige, Scian
ton. Tenor Solo.
Piize $10-1 Ivan II. Huberts, Sl.itlagton.
Tlie seats In the sections at the two
extreme ends of the seml-ciicle were
reserved for the lompeting vocalists. At
the morning session the juvenile choirs,
were assembled on the left and the
German chorus on the right.
On the platform were President Judge
Kdwaids and T. P. Williams, of New
castle, tlie conductors,
L. A. Wattes, the piesldent
of the morning sessions, Walter Dam
rosch, Jenkin Powell Jones, and J. W.
Parson Pi ice, the adjudicator in mu
sic and David Prltchaid, secretary of
tlie eisteddfod committee.
For an hour or more preceding the
opening of the morning session, there
was continued handshaking. Welsh
men from Utiea, Xewcastle, Milwaukee,
New Yoik, Wilke.s-Barre, Itangor and
a dozen other places renewed old ac
quaintance, one with the other, and
chatted enthusiastically of former
eisteddfods anil the si?.-, and promised
success of this.
At 10.43 Judge Kd wards, ch.-iltman of
the eisteddfod committee, opened the
munilng session by calling for the slng-
The president of the morning session,
Colonel Watres, when Intiodiiced by
Judge Kdwards, said:
Judge Kdwaids, Ladles and Gentlemen;
You have lonferred a distinctive honor
upon our cll. by biluglng lieu; thi.s im
tlolial eisteddfod, Vour pii'Seiue in our
midst Is both .111 uplllt unil an education.
Your high purpose and splendid endeavor
hum It and have leeilveil keemst eo:n
meadatiou; heuitlest eoi.giatiil.itlons ai
our due, lueaiiko of your well-earned
The. law of music une of the laws nf
CI1011I and dlM'iiid! truth mid erpjr;
ilglit and wrong, make up the Mini total
of human existence,
Tlie'liijrmonliais, the good and tlie hue
uie divinely given, and should be niirtuii-d
and made suong, Alt of possess then!
nth Unites to an estent far givater tjiaa
we ken all of us; have undeveloped pos-il-bllilies
we wot nut of. Altloii;;li nil nf
us may have done the be.t w'e I'oulil,
nolle or us have hrmmht out the li.-l
within uf. All etfort timdln;; luwiud th
development uf iheite latent forces foi
good, mid tlie blinking out of these (Soil.
Blveii powers Is most commwadalile, tind
entlTles tltnse who uiidtrtake It to ilej
slneeie gratitude of tlei coiiiiaually and
tliu state In Which they lle,
Tlie resolve of your executive commit
tee to organize In our city n pernuiuciit
association for the promotion of music,
deserves heartiest support. Such a union
would enable you io watch, foster mid
train evceptlotail voire. It might and
piolinbly would develop from tho rich
materia! at ,our command singers to de
light the world, it would ulvc us a
choral oiganlznllon which would bo not
only, n mutter or local but of state pride,
as well.
Welshmen mid good singers seem almost
synonymous ternui; nor Is this an acci
dent. It Is largely due to tho deep and
thorough religious tinlnliig of the Welsh
Religion and music go hand In hand.
The Welsh people seem to have leal lied
the science of living, to wit: Content
ment, They seem to hnvu gotten the.
righteous Idea that II Is not so much what
a man has us what he leallv Is which
makes hltn happy, '
It has become a proverb thnt rich men
seldom sing; and It Is beyond dispute that
n man or woman with little means who
can assist In rciideilng a gteut or.itoilo
Is far wealtlher and far happier than tho
man of material wealth who cannot sing,
nnd whose soul Is out of tiiiiH with tho
music of the spheres.
Thn Held from which to draw good
singers could not be better. To and down
this valley and In our excellent city at a
thousands and thousands of Intelligent,
enthuslnstlc, coiiselenlloiisA Christian
young men and women who lire not only
n strong factor la the moral foiriM of our
community, but who love mush: for
music's sake.
anther them together; organize your
choral union; give us n yearly musical
festival, nnd thus place under lenewed
obligations o people, who bine always
loved and onloycd and who have always
appreciated the sweet Welsh singers In
our midst.
Mr. Williams, the conductor, declined
to make any speech, but Instead called
for the first competition, the contralto
solo, "Hope On," for a prize of $10,
donated by E. S. McXaul. All except
three of the entries had been elimin
ated by the preliminary contests con
ducted in one of the company rooms by
Mr. Humphrey and Mr. Jones. These
three were Miss Jessie M. ftleason, of
Utlca; Miss May D. Hock, of Utrea, and
Miss Via Jones, of Seranton. Miss
Jones was declared the winner, but she
was only one point In sixty ahead of
Miss Gleason. She is a pupil of John T.
Watklns. Miss I.ella Ryan, of Syra
cuse, was accompanist for Miss Glea
son. Mrs. D. 1$. Thomas accompanied
the othets. There were seven contest
ants In the preliminary.
Prof. George Howell gave the adjudi
cation on the essay contest for a first
prize of $.",0 and second prize of $10,
donated by the Seranton Times. The
subject was: "Is Compulsory Arbitra
tion Feasible in the United States'.'"
The first prize was divided between
Rev. It. S. Jones. D. T., of North Seran
ton, and William Corltss, of Rock
street. Tlie second prize was awarded
to Rev. T. S. l.ewlf, a Congregational
minister, of Wllmot, X. II. There were
ten competitor.
Theie were only two couples to com
pete for the piize of $15. donated by
J. . I'Aitso.Ns Piticr:, xnw vonic.
Judge A. A. Vosbutg, for the best ren-,
dltlon of Handel's "Go, Unfiled Coward, I
Go." These were Kvan II. Huberts nnd j
K. J. Williams, of Slutlngton, and tloff
Huniphleys and Wllllum Kvans, ot
New York city. The prize was divided.
J. W, Parson Pi lee tendered the ad
judication, Judge Kd winds, for the literary ad
judlcatots, announced that the prizes of
$i:, $1." and $10, donated by the Seran
ton Truth, for the best words for a
"Song of l.abur," hail been withheld
and the contest continued until tho lirst
Monday in .September. Labor day.
Thirty-six compositions were submitted,
but not one of them, the adjudleatots
thought, met the requirements, What
was wanted were woids thnt would bo
appropriate for a popular song, None
of the thlrty-slx were wlint could be
termed singable, John T, Wtitltlnr, to
gether with Judge Kdwards and Pror.
Howell, will nd Indicate the continued
Tlieie was a hitmoious denouement to
the adjudication in the "Kuglyn" con
test, Adjudicator Humphiey announced
that there weto llfty-slx good, bad and
Indifferent Knglynlou submitted, unil
out of this number he had selected two
equally meriting the llrst prize, nnd no-
"''p'r -''"'iiilil
eurdlngly the prize of $5 wns divided
between them. When the tioni do plumes
of the twti winners were announced It
was found both belonged to, Roland
Roberts, of Uellevuc. Ho had written
not only the best, but, the best two ot
the fifty-six Kiiglyiilon submitted. An
Knglynlon'ls it Welsh poem of-ppcullnr-ly
constructed lines,, of which tho fol
lowing an Kngllsh prototype:
"t like a mail that can look me-nyo fulf
In tli face, not slyly,
Has a hand, always handy
To grasp, should wo not ngtee,"
The winning Knglynlons read as fol
lows: Crvn bond trawlado, ar el bwnc
Yn din byr u pliwyntlol;
A thellwng gytrwng gwoftlol
Yr Awvn zelr vn el gol,
(Signed) lien Xyddwr Cyngancddlon.
Natnrlol n rheolnldd yw englyn,
A cbotiglau o.NliyruIdd,
Krs ynom, trwom traldd,
Gem yr nwen Clymro.ildd.
(Signed) Cymro Bach.
One of the most entertaining features
of the eisteddfod was the singing of the
3Hk , , r -Mm
Of Xewcastle, Pa., One of the Conductors.
Juvenile choirs. There were five of
them, all told, ranging in number from
10 to GO. Their sweet young voices
showed training of a kind that adults
could be proud to possess. The prizes
of $73 and $5 were donated by Clarke
Rros. The entries wete as follows:
1. Young Welsh Ami loans of North
Seranton; William John Hopkins, leader.
i. The West Sidei.s, of West Seranton;
llUKh Joins, leader.
:;. Sheiman Avenue Juvenile choir,
Wet Seranton; ltleh.ird Phillips, leader.
Garlield Davis, ifcompunlbt.
1. Young" Musicians, of North Seran
ton: I'harles Richards, leader; Mrs. Fred
White, accompanist.
.1. Tavlor Juvenile choir, Taylor: W.
II. Thomas, leader.-
llr, D.inirnselt, in announcing the ad
judication, fairly beamed with the
pleasure lie felt at hearing the little
wai.tiui ia.iuuscii, ni; hiiiic.
ones sing so well. Conductor Williams
had .said that tiios- who teach little
children should have a gicuter reward
In heaven than tlie onlln.iry mortal
Mr, Oainioscli could not agree with
this, The leaching of childien, he said,
was such a pleasure as to be lu own
The llrst prize was awarded to the
She! man avenue (Keyset- Valley)
chorus, and tho second to tlie Young
Musicians of North Si-r.iiUon. Mr,
Damrosch particularly complimented
the winning choir for Its beauty or tone,
excellence of phrasing, the skill of the
conductor in handling his singers, and
the ability of the accompanist.
Special ptlzes contributed by some
friends were given to the three other
The mot nlng session closed with the
competition for German choruses, Class
C, on .Storm's "Klnkelu-," for a bllver
punch bowl and ladle valued at JSQ0,
The competitors were;
I Sct.iniou S leiu't rruiule, of South
Seunlim, lorty voices; Theodore Ifemlier
ger, lender,
2. JiutKcr Mannerehnr. of South Seran
ton. toitv voices; August Schmidt, leader,
Tho adjudication In the German sing
ing society contest was announced by
Ml-, Damiosfh In the afteriioon, The
prize was awarded tn tho Saenger
runde, Theodore IlPinberger, leader.
That tho rivalry was Intense, It' not
bitter, was evidenced by tho enthusias
tic demolish utlon provoked by the an
nouncement. Tlie winners and thpr
friends fairly raised the roof with their
applause, Some stood up and shouted
wildly while others threw their hats
high In the air. It took bo(h conductors
some minutes to restoiv 01 (lor. It
broke out ufresli when Prof, llemborger
appeared on the platform to receive
the beautiful silver punch bmvl, the
trophy of victory,
, Mr, Damrosch stated In giving the
adjudication that both societies were to
be eoiumuided for their singing unil
especially their excellent phrasing. The
(list chorus excelled, ho suld, in that t
kept the pitch, The second sang about
a semi-tone too low.
The attendance at the afternoon ses
sion was nulte up to the expectations
of ' I'Oipmlttee. The i-hulrs on the
liuiln lloor were fairly well lllled and
there were crowds In each gallery. The
crowd In the singers' sections was aug
mented by the urrlvtit ot the celebrated
Arlons, of Rrooklyn,whn ciune ns guests
of the eisteddfod committee, nnd ren
tleted selections, both afternoon and
evening. Their singing was generally
voted a feature of tlie event which'
added to Its success ns much as uny
other one thing.
Congressman William Conttell was to
have 'presided at the afternoon session,
but could not leave Washington be
cause of tho fact that his bill appropri
ating $100,000 for the enlargement of the
federal building was before the houe
and required his personal nttentlon.
The letter announcing his inability to
attend read as follows;
House of Representatives.
Washington, May 21, 1M2.
Hon, 11. M. Kdwards, President, Nn-
tlnnitl Klsteddfod Association, Scran-
ton, Pn. t
My Dear Judge: I desire to acknowl
edge your very kind Invitation to at
tend the eisteddfod and to preside over
the afternoon session on Friday, the llOth
I can assure you and the members of
the (ommlttee that It would afford me
gteat pleasure to be with you to enjoy
the festivities of the occasion, but, T very
much regret, owing to certain legislation
b"lng tinder consideration at this time
which Is of Importance to our county and
particular!) to the city of Seranton, and
which requires my constant attention
until Its llflal passage, I will not be able
to ho present.
I want you to convey to the committee
and to all concerned in tlie success of the
ejsteddfod, my sincere congratulations
upon the enterprise, energy and pluck
manifested in carrying to a successful
termination such nu undertaking, for a
Xntlona! eisteddfod, and on such a grand
s-rnle. I have always looked upon these
gatherings as elevating and a grcnt In
spiration for good in the community, nnd
fot this reason they have always had my
earnest approval.
f bespeak for the committee and all
concerned, a grand nnd glorious succes-s.
Thanking tlie committee for tho honor
conferred, and sincerely regretting I can
not accept, 1 remnlii
Very truly vouis,
William Connell.
In his stead, Rev. T. C. Kdwards, D.
D., of Kingston, was called to occupy
the president's chair. He was given n
hearty reception as he was introduced.
He spoke briefly regarding the pleasure
of the morning session and expressed
the hope that the competitions would
not disturb the peace that should reign
among lovers of harmony. The unsuc
cessful ones, he said, should remember
thai "Heaven is not reached by a single
bound." He hoped the eisteddfod would
prove a great "boon, blessing and bene
diction." Applause of the heartiest kind greeted
the announcement that the Arlons were
present nnd would next be heard. Judge
Edwards happily referred to the inno
vation of Introducing German singing
societies into a Welsh eisteddfod, say
ing It was done for the purpose of In
teresting all peonle of America in els
teddfodlo work, that the eisteddfod
j. powm.t. junks, p.unks villi:, o.
might become Americanized. "If Wales,
little Wales, gallant little Wales," snld
Judge Kdwards, "eoiitrlbutf.s nothing
mure to America than the eisteddfod as
a permanent national Institution, It will
have done Unit for which America will
have cause to be extremely grateful."
Another burst of applause accom
panied the Arlons as they matched on
tho stuge. They were .0110 bundled
strong and led by .Arthur Claassen.
They sang Munzlngcr's "FYuhllngsre
gen" ("Spring Ituln"), and in response
to an enthusiastic encoto sang the
lively, dltllcult part song "Krucken
zole" (A Toll-gato Theme),
Their singing wan certainly a (lellght
ful revelation of tho beauties of two
pretty German soni. in tone, phrns
lngu babince and spirit the i horns was
especially .superior. They sang to nn
audience of. musicians, and the
evidenced the greatest enjoyment ftoin
their singing.
The competition for tho $iri piize,
donated by Judge A. A. Voshurg, tor
tho best icndltlon of the i-opraiio and
contralto duet, "Cheerfulness," by Hum
bert, hud three sets of contestants, -Mrs,
"--H----M-M lMfWlflM' 1 - -n : 1
Hugh T. Owen nnd Miss Cella Qtilnn,
of Utlca: Mis. James Ileckel, of Seran
ton, nnd Miss Elsie Powell, uf Dun
more; Mrs. Frank Hrundage and Miss
Via Jones, of Heranton, Miss Leila
ilynu, of Utlca, neeompnnled the llrst
duo; Mrs. D. H. Thomas, the second,
and Hnydn Kvans, the third.
Jenkin Powell Jones gave the adjudi
cation. The prize went to Mrs. llrund
nge and Miss Jones. The adjudicator
paid them u tine compliment. They had
two beautiful voices, he sold, blending
perfectly and having excellent rythm
! This is my first experience at nn eisteddSM nnd it has been a. de- '
4. lightful one. What I have seen and heard hare, today, is a revela-, 4
4. uon to me in. many respects. J.
,, musical, but I did not know how
4. are. I think the quality of Welsh voices is peculiarly beautiful,
4. fresh and young, and the Welsh musical intelligence 1b of the high
I est order.
4 Such a gathering as an eisteddfod is of inestimable value. Its
4. helpfulness in the way of encouraging musical and literary study can
not, to my mind, be overrated. There should be more of them.
What these choruses accomplish stamp Pennsylvania as the state
4. contatnincr the finest nnd mnsf. wldestirenrt nhnrn.1 develnnmMit: in
it-, the United States. Proper opportunity ought to be given in the lorg-
est cities for these choruses to do even more pretentious work. Think
! of a choius selected from all these singers here today, rendering one '
4. of the great oratorios! How I would like to hear those four male
4. choruses singing together! 4. 4.4.4. 4. 4.
and attack, Their singing, ho said,
combined all the essentials to a finished
performance and was by far the best of
the three.
The prizes of $20 arid $10, donated by
District Attorney AV, II. Lewis, for the
best "Ffug-Chwedl Gyrelg" (Welsh
novel) or 10,000 words, went to Dr. D.
K. Richards, of Slatlugton, llrst, and
Evan R. Kvans, of Carnatvon, Wales.
Mr. Humphreys, In announcing the
result ot the adjudication, said that all
of the ten contestants had submitted
work bearing evidences ot much labor
and thought, but on the whole being
more on the order of essays or histories
than novels. He suggested to the
writers to study the style of.Mrs. Stowe,
Bronte, Dickens, Scott, and others.
The three bass singers selected out
of the seven entries to try for the D. SI.
Reynolds prize of $10 for the best ren
dition of Handel's "Just Are the Ways
of Man," were William Watklns, of
Harrlsburg; Daniel H. Lewis, of Kd
wnrdsvllle, and Edgar Probyn, of Pitts
ton. Adjudicator Price declared the
judges unanimously agreed that Mr.
Probyn was the best. He also paid him
a high compliment and said if his
voice was only a little broader It would
be remarkably good.
The first prize of $23 for the best
Welsh poem descriptive of Niagara was
withheld because none of the ten com
positions submitted were worthy of the
first prize, the adjudicators said. The
second prize of $10 was awarded to
John D. Lewis, of Cleveland, O. Mr.
Lewis was present to receive his prize.
The prizes were donated by John R.
Jones. In awarding the prise, Mr.
Humphiey said:
Sltange that none of the gieat Ameil
can and Kngllsh poets hive given us any
desniptlve poems on this great theme.
Hyron Is the only one who has given us
anything woitliy of such a .subject The
fact is greater than the Imaglnatloa'lK-re,
anil with every ell'ort of the muse the.
.net realizes with tile Psalmist that
"Deep calletli unto deep."
Among tho ten compctltots in this con
test are some Vfi-y able w liters, but wo
fall to tind tlie "fifty descriptive linos"
demanded by tin- (auditions suitable for
a recitation, and I am constrained to
withhold the lli-it otize. but the second
piize is a win ded to tho one nearest per
fect, viz.. John D. Lewis, Cleveland, O.
Especial interest attached to the
mixed ituaitette competition for the
Mrs. Joseph O'Bilen prize of $20, be
cause the competitive piece, "Sunset."
was written by Protheroe. There were
two patties enteted:'
I. The Watklns Quartette Mm. Kliza-
betli Watklns, Miss Kdllh, .Messrs. Gwl
lym and Arthur Watklns, Ilarii.sbuig.
2. The lii-iuidage Qua! tetle Mis. Frank
Urudnago and Miss .Via .Jones, Seranton;
Ooi-gc Cave, Wilkes-li.irre; William it.
Jones, Taylor.
In awarding tlie prize J. W. Parson
Price expressed 1 egret that the beauti
ful competition had not been given a
better undition. He said the second
party hud given evidence of ability to
win, but hadn't won, because of faulty
reading. The prize was awarded to tho
llrst party consisting of Mrs. Wat
klns, of HarrMuirs, her daughter nnd
two sons, Mrs, Watklns was applaud
ed most heartily n she tecelyed the
prh'.e fioiu the composer, Dan Proth
eroe. The Seranton Liedeikranz, led by
Theodore llemberger, was the only so
ciety to enter for tlie Class H, German
n.iilo chorus trophy, a beautiful sterl
ing silver punch bowl, valued at $300.
The pilze was awaided to the Kleder
krunz with many warm compliments
from the adjudicators. Tho selection
tluy sang was Carl Flgue's "Der Pilot."
At this jutK'ttue the audience was
treated to a pleasunt surprise), the len
dliion by Gwilym Miles, of Walter
D.imrosch's setting of Kipling's
"They're Hanging Danny Deever In the
Morning," with Mr. Damrosuh playing
the accompaniment,' A second number
was demanded nnd they gave the Irish
ballad "Off for Philadelphia In the
The afternoon session closed with tho
male chorus competition, 'th6 second of
tho chief events of tho eisteddfod, Qn
of the competitive plrren was "The
llrltons," of which Dan Protheroe, Mu'b.
Bile., wrote the music and Richard i.
HeamlKh, the words. The other pleea
was "Ar Hyd y Nos" (All Thro ,the
"NlBht), as urrunged by T. J, Davlos,
always Knew the Welsh wisre-f
thoroughly musical they really
Mus. Bae., another former Scrantonlanl
now a resident of Pittsburg. Flva
choruses, none of less thun fifty voices,
were entered as follos:
1. Tho Britons male chorus, of Bangor.
(Failed to respond).
2. Tho Arlon Male chorus, ot Utlca, N.
Y.. Professor Iorwerth T. Daniel, leader;
Robert Owens, accompanist; William
Anwyl, soloist.
.1. Tho Oxford Gleo club, ot West
Seranton, David Jenkins, leader; Miss
Norma Williams, accompnnist; Duld
Stephens, soloist.
1. Tho Dr. Mason Glee ehib. of Wllkes,
Barie; John Lloyd Kvans. leader; I.a;
vero Styles, accompanist; Thomas Will
iams. Plttslon, soloist.
I). The Q went Glee club, of Edwards
dale. Oliver Rhydoich. leader; Thomas-S.
Davis, accompanist; Richard Williams,
"Eos Cynin," soloist.
The first prize was awarded to the.
Dr. Mason Glee club, and tho second
to the Aiions, of Utlca. The Dr.
Mason's won the male chorus competi
tion at the Allentown eisteddfod.
Adjudicator J. Powell Jones gavo
the adjudication on the male party
competition, and said it was a magnifi
cent contest between societies that rep
resent the best in our elsteddfodlc life.
The winners, the Dr. Mason Glee club,
Wilkes-Barre, lie said, were a magnifi
cent body of voices, well balanced and
blending beautifully throughout. Their
conception and expression was of a
high order of excellence and the gen
eral effect produced was especially
pleasing on account of its many super
ior qualities.
The winners of the second prize, ho
said, had a crisp and definite attack
In all entrances and readings, and
their conception nnd expression was In
keeping with the spirit of the chorus,
and was of a lofty character, the gen
eral effect being most satisfactory "in
almost every particular.
It was alone worth the price of ad
mission to see the crowd at tho even
ing session. It numbered, according to,
the best estimate, 7,.'00 to 8,000. The
only seats vacant on the ground floor
were those of the season reserved tiers,!
which had been saved for out-of-town
people. As the eisteddfod was about
to open tho committee had the people
in the rearmost chairs fill up the va-'
cant reserved seats. This made the
audience a compact body and tended
to help the aceoustlcs, though tliey
needed only very little help to make
them perfect.
Ex-Sheriff Charles Robinson was In
troduced by Judge Edwards, as presi
dent of the evening session with the
averment that he was the leading German-American
of Seranton, with a
heart as big as the armory and a kind
ness and charity that are proverbial.
"A thousand mouths In tho commun
ity," said Judge Kdwurds, "are ready
to cry out Uod bless Charles Robin
son, I am ready to say 'Amen' to
every benediction that they can call
down upon him."
Mr. Robinson was accorded a recep
tion which proved tho truth of Judge
Edwards' remarks. When the applause
subsided, Mr, Robinson said:
Ladles and Gentlemen: I nppreclato tho
honor accorded 1110 In selecting mu to pre
side over a session ot this sioat musical
fcstlvul, 1 am In tlie fullest svmpathy
with any movement that hns for Its ob
ject harmony lu tho practical affairs of
life, or lu tlie blending or human voices.
Music Is tho sweetest and most soft
ening agency on earth. It robs war of it
horrors and she "pence Its most celes
tial enjoyment. It awakens joy' In our
youth, delights us along life's pathway
and tilings us solace wnen ago imparls
to us that our Journey Is shortening.
This is u great event lu the history of
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