i. &s ' M , ; l.v&W S c'AX ll'iv , THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1902. 7j XXC TUB M0M1UI HABWA tTOKI. The Cooper Hose Mender Mends garden hose on Bhort notice. No me chanical skill required to use It. Made of brass slips Inside of hose leaves no rough edges. Price 10 Cents. Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washlntta Are The Hard?nbergh School of MUsic and flrf Offers the exceptional advan tages of piano and organ study with Mr. Summer Salter, an artist teacher of recognized standing In the, musical world. Only a limited number of hours being available, pupils may register now for fall. 604 Lin den street. Mothers BABY'S OUTFITS here awaiting YOTX. The most Comfortable and easily dressed BABY is the one clothed in the little gar ments that you buy at the BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. , Cut This Out Good for 10 Green Trad ing Stamps for every pur chase over $1.00 at NETTLETONS Values in Shoes and Oxfords. Good .for 30 days, from May 28. 134 Washington Avenue. PETER N. HAAN 1 Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming and General Draying. New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street. New 'Phone 2057. Cost Is Small to Launder Your e s Lace Curtains. . . Dot.'t you want to try our way this once? We guarantee aihstlu lace effects nd careful hand work. Lace laundeiing it a specialty. LACKAWANNA ' The AUNDRY. 208-310 Fenn Arenue. V ELLMAN AGAIN ARRESTED. Is Out of the Penitentiary Only a Month. The celebrated Jake Ellman, former hpeclal officer and who a month ago was releuscd from the penitentiary, was arrested yesterday on a warrant Is sued by Alderman Noone charging hint with impersonating an officer. Juke was released front the penitentiary only a month ago after having served a long sentence for subornation of per jury. The prosecutor In the present case Is Joseph Bogucker, a Polandcr, who li.ts been in the country only two "months und who speaks no English. He was arrested shortly after the mine ctrlke at tho Instance of his boarding boas who charged hint with attempting to defraud hiiiLout of a board bill amounting to J3.50 by leaving town. Ho was arraigned before Alderman Ruddy and committed to the county jail In de fault of ball. It Is alleged that Ellman went out to the Jail a few days ago, and secured an Interview with nocucker pretending to be .an officer, It Is claimed that he got the prisoner to glvo him bis due bill for wages due him at the Mt. Pleasant colliery amounting to some $10 In re turn tor securing his release, Bogucker being unused to this country's ways took kindly to Jake's suggestions. He Is still in the county jail. Ellman was arrested yesterday after noon but was allowed to go until this morning when ho will bo given a hear ing before Alderman Noone. " Have a Photograph Made Tonight. Bchrlever makes pictures every Sat urday evening from 7,30 to 10 o'clock, Vith his new artificial light apparatus. . Lr' Bargains Today (n plants and bulbs, owing to removal on Monday to ?3 Washington avenue. Clark, florist. . i Americana Seek Xafayetta'a Tomb. By Kxclutitc Wire from The Auocitted Pitts. ParU, May 5r-A number of Afiei leans made the usual pilgrimage to PJcpua cemetery this , afternoon and placed wieathi on the tomb of Lafayette, Wreaths were ulso placed on tho statues mi Washington and Lafayette. DEATH OP MRS. SARAH L. PECK WAS THE WIDOW OF REV. OEOBOE L. PECK. He Was for Many Years One of the Host Prominent Clergymen in the Wyoming Conference Came Into This Region When It Was Almost a Wilderness Mrs. Peck Was the Mother of William H. Peck and Luther W. Peck, of This City A Sketch of Her Life. Mrs. Snrnh Louisa Peck died yester day at her home In Green nidge, aged S3 years. Mrs. Peck was the widow of Itev. George M. Peck, and wos born at Pompey, Onondaga county, N. Y., April 24, 1819. Thnt community, settled by enter prising New Englanders, has the double honor of being one of the oldest settle ments of the attractive lake regions of Central Now York older by several years than Syracuse and. of being the natal place of several people prominent In state and national life. Hon. Horn tlo Seymore, the distinguished governor of his state and candidate for the na tional presidency, and Mr. Wells, the founder of the well-known Wells, Fargo Express company, being among them. Mrs. Peck's -randparents, Jesse and Louisa Soprr 'Jutlpr, were pioneer set tlers of Potrr ;. Married In Connecti cut, their mi .-.c "late, in 1786, they emi grated to whit was then "The West," the beautiful lake region of Central New Yoik. taking with them their three children, among whom was Mrs. Peck's fath r. then three years old. Their next child, a son named Orange, was the fl-ft Fon born of white par ents In that community. He afterward came to pioniinence as a lawyer and died In Michigan. Mis. Pei k's parents, Merit and Sa bln.i HicMow Hutler, were married In 18l:i. TlTlr six children, now all de ceased but two, were the following: Joslah Rlgclow, Sarah Louisa, Mrs. Peck: I ''In. now Mrs. Baird, of Pom pey: Amelia, Ebenezer, for many years principal of schools 'in Syracuse and later at Whitehall. N. Y.; and Wells M., who served in the Civil War under General Custer, and for a long time postmaster of his native town, where he still resides. Her grand-parents were 92 at death. Her parents were nearlng their nineties, and most of their children reached an advanced age. The schools of her childhood home were supplemented for her education by a course in Cazenovia Seminary, an institution still noted for its wide cul ture and deep religious influence. It wun tlion under the able management of Rev. George Peck, D. D., and his son George M. Feck was among me students. From the pleasant associa tions of school life the president's son and Mies Sarah Butler drifted Into matrimonial attachments, and were married In July, 1839. Their wedding tour was a carriage drive to Forty Fort, Luzerne county, where they settled on a farm owned by Dr. Peck. But farming was not to be their life Tvnrit a rnvivnl of creat nower. con ducted by Rev. William Roddy, swept over the community, anu cnangcu mnnv nlnns. .Tnnnthan K. Peck was converted, and set his face toward the ministry. George M. Peck, the young husband, was aroused to missionary aggressiveness; -who, though a Chris tian from his youth, could not make the necessary sacrifice before. Mrs. Sarah Peck was led into the trans formed life and given such an expe rience as made her a consecrated and capable co-worker with her husband through the trials andt triumphs of a long life in the ministry. In tho unrlncr nf 1845 thev lotltcd the itinerant ranks, Brother Peck's first appointment being Salem, Wayne coun ty, whore twenty-five years earlier his parents had carried him an Infant child. Mrs. Peck's practical mind, en gaging manners, and educntlon, unu anoi tn timsp pnrlv duvs. made her life on the new field one of great value. Like a true wife, she not only rejoiceu iv. bur Viimhnnd'fl victories, but gave mind and heart to supporting him In battle. The pressure or revival worn foil ,mnn Vir.r snlrlt in common with his: the' shadow of death, in the loss of members and helpers: the lapses of Christians into worldllness; the bicker ings among contentious members; ute financial, the educational and other problems of the household; all these ,..o-o nindiv Hhared bv this noble wife and mother along with her husband on the series of charges to wnicn nis con ference appointed hint. Following is the list: Salem, two pastorates; Canaan; Beach Pond; Plensant Mount; Pittston, two pastor ates; Wyoming, Providence, two pas torates; Owego; Carbondale; presiding elder of Lackawanna district; Una dllla; Berkshire; Cherry Ridge; Clif ford, Park Place and Green Ridge. In the early years of their Itinerating five little boys joined the home circle as sons. The honored places'whlch some of their number afterward filled In tho church and business world Is a priceless trlbuto to the judgment and piety of both parents. There names were Merit B. Peck, BUTTER Wo handle but one kind of Butter and that the Ginulns Elgin Creamery, 25c Direct from ELGIN, ILLINOIS. It Is by far the most Delicious, Sweet est Butter mado, .Others advertise it, but none keep it. Like Coffee? Well. If you do, try A. & P, BLEND. Every rip of this Cotfat Is a sip of uloatmio. it Is delicious, strengthening and Invigorating; dtlves dull care away." In fact, there Is not a doubt ubout It be ing the BEST 25c. MOCHA AND JAVA IN TOWN. Try It and be convinced. If you are not satisfied we'll cheerfully re fund your money. Tbc Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., 411 Lackawanna avenue. 311 North Main avenue. 'Phone, 73-3. Prompt Delivery. New 'Phono 123. EIGHT WEEKS Of uninterrupted PIANO STUDY in the CON SERVATORY SUMMER SCHOOL, with two lessons tftich week that will be somethinp; worth having. And you will be surprised how inexpensive the - courses are. Courses for beginners and advanced, children and adults. Lessons will be given in the .forenoon. For terms, call or write, or telephone to the Conservatory of Music, J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director, m LINDEN STREliT, (Carter Building). George Peck, II.; Luther W., Joslah E. and William H. Peck; tho latter and Luther, both well known business men of this city, being tho only survivors. Impaired health necessitated Brother Peck's retirement from the Itinerant ranks In 1SS4. But he repudiated the suggestions of old age embodied In the term "superannuated," and insisted on hplnir rnrnlncrllprl with "HUnemUtner- ary" preachers of his conference. The same youthful spirit animating her hus band was equally characteristic oi jurs. Peck. Their beautiful home life in this com munity, where sons had come to honor; wjipm inniii nlinrnli tifws would natur ally float about them; where church papers would inform them of the con quests of God's battalions at largo; where a breathing spell before life's sunset enabled them to read choice classics, which both enjoyed, but tne pressure of earlier years prevented their fully enjoying; and above all, the reading of God's word and the rcstful ness of His presence, made the closing norind nf tliolr mnrrlpd life one of pe culiar charm. In this quiet retreat their golden wedding came ana went. Seven years more they were spared together, and the eighth year was near ly gone, when the call came to Brother Peck to change homes. Leaning more heavily now on her sons, and looking more longingly to heavenly fields which her husband had so often described when he would comfort the sorrowing, she lingered on till the recent Illness summoned her to a place by his side. Who that has seen that venerated couple In their parsonage dwellings, or visiting together in homes of their parish, or here In this quiet retreat, always so at ease with each other, can doubt that they are now reunited in glory! Providence Methodist Episcopal church, where two delightful pastorates were spent, was honored with their membership, when retirement became necessary. Shadowed by blindness in the closing months of life, he was led by his son Luther to the pulpit of that church, In August, 1893, and preached his semi-centennial sermon. Dele gations from the membership of thnt church have often visited Mrs. Peck In her home, and she hits lovingly and generously supported the church in all its interests. m DROWNED IN GRAVEL POND. A Polander whose name could not be learned was drowned in Gravel pond Thursday night. He was out In a boat with several companions. A leak was sprung and before the boat could be rowed to shore it sank. The others could swim but this man could not and sank beneath the surface of the water. His body has not yet been re covered. Swarthmore College Offers four courses of study leading to degrees In Arts, Science, Letters and Engineering. As a co-educatlonal in stitution It undertakes to provide col lege life In a home setting, with an at mosphere in which manly and woman ly character may develop naturally and completely. It Is a typical "small college." The student comes In closest personal relation with the teachers and enjoys the benefit of personal acquaint ance and oversight of the heads of the institution. It is ten miles from Philadelphia, In one of the most Interesting sections of Pennsylvania. The site Is one of great natural beauty. Two hundred acres of wood, field and shaded lawn, the pic turesque gorge of Crum Creek, the dis tant view of the Delaware, lend a charming variety to the scene. There Is ample opportunity for all kinds of outdoor enjoyments. Its equipment Includes modern la boratories, libraries, work shops, hand some new gymnasium, etc. Catalogue on application. William W. Blrdsall, president, 'Swarthmore, Pa. A Photographic Convenience: Pic tures at Night. 'Tis unnecessary to lose time, dur ing the day to sit for photographs. Schrlever makes artistic portraits, Sat uiday evenings, from 7.30 to 10 o'clock. Excellent results guaranteed. II f Finest Presh Peas, 4 quarts, arjc, Finest Wax and Oreen Beans, ioc per quart, Full line freh veget ables, Haryland Strawberries Order early b est goods for least money, E G. COURSEN ill THESE MEN WILL GO OUT. Engineers, Firemen and Pumprun- ners of N. Y., O. & W. Company Endorse the Strike Order. The only important development In the local mine strike situation here abouts yesterday was tlie decision of a majority of the engineers, firemen and pumprunneis employed by the New York, Ontario and Western Coal com pany to obey the strike order next Mon dav. ' , One hundred and four of the men met in St. David's hall, in West Scranton, and were addressed at length by Presi dent T. D. Nlcholls, of District No. 1, Who pleaded with them to obey tho strike order and assist the mine work ers to win their fight for better condi tions. He said that some of the fire men seemed to think that the mine workers' organization should have stood by them last fall, when they struck for eight hours. At that time, he said, the mine work ers had a tacit agreement with the op erators which was to continue In force until April 1, and under these condi tions it was deemed inadvisable to call them out jn sympathy. The mine work ers, he said, will now support the fire men, the engineers and the pumprun ners to the bitter end, if they go out on Monday. A secret ballot was taken on the ques tloon of going out on strike and a count showed that G8 were for a strike and -16 against. A motion was then made to have tho meeting unanimously indorse the strike, and it was carried by a viva voce vote. The men at the meet ing represented the following collieries: Briggs, Richmond, Pine Brook, Pan coast, Blue Ridge, Johnson No. 1, Ray mond and Ontario. The engineers, pumpruunors and fire men of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company will meet again this morning in St. David's hall, to heur the report' of the committee appointed to wait on President Nlcholls with a re quest that the strike order be with drawn. It is probable that a direct vote on the question of sttike or no strike will be taken. President Nlcholls leaves this m.orn ing for Wilkes-Barre, where he will confer with President Mitchell, who will be at headquarters today. With reference to the story that has appeared in the papers with reference to the St. Clair Coal company, of St. Clair, Pa,, having gi anted the demands of the. engineers, firemen and pumprun ners, W. H. Taylor, the president of the company, who resides in this city, said yesterday: "The story published In several news papers throughout Pennsylvania, to the effect that the St. Clair Coal company had acceded to tho demands of the en gineers, firemen and pumprunners, is untrue. The St. Clair Coal company Is in the same position with reference to its employes as all other big coal com panies in the anthracite region." Tho colliery of A. D. and F. M. Spen cer, at Dunmore, shut down yesterday for an Indefinite period. The mine pumps were boarded up and fires drawn from ull the boilers, thus doing away with the necessity of having engineers, firemen or pumprunners. The mules were taken to Salem, where they wilt spend the summer months among the clover. The closing of the colliery was prob ably due to tho demand of the union that the men engaged In sinking a new shaft on the property should stop work. Your Last Opportunity to Buy Summer Furnishings and Straw Hats at a discount of 20. For today, Saturday, is our LAST DAY IN THE OLD STORE. Mondav we move into our new quarters, corner ot Washington Avenue and Spruce Street, $1.00 Shirts 80c $2.00 Straw Hats, $1.60 $1.50 Shirts $1.20 $2.50 Straw Hats, $2.00 $2.00 Shirts $1.60 $3.00 Straw Hats, $2.20 50c Neckwear, 40c. Present this get Ten Green with a fifty cent iwowwwvl Hand & Payne, 203 WtsbiugtoD Ateuue. Oil tbe Square, PLAYERS ARE ALL RELEASED NO MORE PROFESSIONAL BALL FOR SCRANTON. After Yesterday's Games Manager Lawson Decided That an Independ ent Club in Scranton Would Not Be a Paying Institution Will Or ganize a Strong Amateur Team and Play Two Games a Week. Scranton and Lancaster Broke Even Yesterday. , Scranton will today see her last game of professional base ball for some time. The light attendance at the two games played yesterday decided Manager Lawson that an Independent profes sional team would not make money for him In Scranton, and after the game was over ho released all of the players and paid them In full. The Scranton players and the Lan caster team will piny at the park this afternoon at the usual hour. It will be a benefit performance for the men and there ought to be a generous attend ance. While tho members of the Scran ton team have been with us they have proved themselves gentlemenly and re liable and their going ought to be made pleasant. Nenrly all of them have al ready secured positions with other clubs. Second Baseman Logan Is wanted by Boston, the Athletics 'of Philadel phia and the Newarks. He haB not de cided which team he Will cast his lot with. Outfielder Blakely and Pitcher Wlltse go to Albany, N. Y., Outfielder Nichols to Atlanta, Ga., Third Baseman Sullivan to Hartford, Conn., Pitcher McGarry vto Norwich, Conn., CatcheV Ralney to Syracuse, Shortstop Stroll to Ogdensburg, N. Y., and Outfielder Gor ton to Gloversvllle, N. Y. They will all remain here until after today's game. Manager Lawson has decided to get together a strong amateur team and play two games a week with the best teams that can be obtained hereabouts. Among those who will constitute the team are Gllleran and Logan, catchers; Penis, outfielder; Frantz, shortstop, all of this city; Zimmerman, of Mooslc, and Keller, of Forest City, pitchers; Laffey, of Mlnoooka, third base; Phil bin, of Mlnooka, outfielder; Smaltz, of Pittston, first base; Morris, of Taylor, second base. Scranton played two games with Lan caster.at the park yesterday. The locals won the morning and lost the after noon contest, which degenerated almost Into a farce. In the morning Scranton saw sure de feat facing it until the ninth inning, when by a gallant rally four runs were scored and the game won. The score: SCRANTON. R. II. O. A. E. Gorton, cf 0 14 0 0 Blakey, If 1411 Logan, l!b 2 3 3 3 2 Gllleran, rf 0 2 0 0 0 Sullivan, lb 'o 19 0 0 Schmaltz, 3U- 0 0 .1 2 1 Stroh, ss 2 2 0 12 Ralney, c 2 2 2 3 0 McGarry. P. 1 10 0 0 Totals S 11 27 10 li LANCASTER. K. IT. O. A. E. King, rf 112 10 Shlnners, If 112 0 0 Jeffries, 3b 0 113 0 Drauby, lb 110 0 0 Ferris, cf 2 2 3 0 0 Loclier, ps 0 2 110 Fordney, c 1 0 B 0 0 Bratton, 2b 0 0 3 10 Kecnan, p 0 0 0 2 0 Totals 0 8 27 S 0 Scranton 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 4-S Lancaster 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ti Summary: Bases on balls Off McGar ry, 5; off Kecnan, 1. Struck out By Mc Garry, 1; by Kecnan, 2. Threo-baso hits Glleran, Bratton, Shtnners. Two-base hits Gorton, Blakey, Logan, Locher. Double plays Schmaltz (unassisted). Hit by pitcher By McGarry, 1. Wild pitches Kecnan. 2. Umpire Southord. Time of game 1.50. AFTERNOON GAME. The afternoon game was one of the most loosely played games seen at the park this' season. Lancaster made runs when they wanted to and put the ball just where they pleased. Wiltse was knocked out of the box, and Zimmerman, one of Lawson's new pitchers, was substituted for him. He did somewhat better, but even he was unable to stem the tide of victory. The feature of the game was the great run ning catch of Blakey. Lancaster played good ball. The score: SCRANTON. R. H. O, A. E. Gorton, cf 12 110 Blakey, If 2 2 4 0 0 Nickels, If 0 10 0 0 Logan, 2b 0 1111 Sullivan, lb 0 0 8 0 0 Coupon at our store and Trading Stamps Frea purchase or more. Schmaltr, Sb ..,..,...... 110 4 3 Stroh, m ..(..I 0 0 2 8 1 Ttalney, a ................ o 1 3 o 1 Zimmerman, p .......... 0 0 o 1 o Wilts. P ........t 110 2 0 Totals 5 9 22 12 LANCA8TEH. ' n. ir. o. a. k. King, rf 2 3 2 0 0 Slilnncrs, If ,.. 4 2 2 0 1 Jcffrlcn, 3b , 2 4 0 2 0 Drauby, lb 1 2 12 0 0 Ferrivcf 4 4 0 0 2 Locher, rr 4 4 0. 3 1 Kordncy, c 3 2 7 0 0 llratton, 2b 114 4 0 Ualzer, p ,, 1 2 u 4 0 Totnls 22 23 27 13 4 Two Lancaster men declared out. Scranton 1 0040000 0 S Lancaster s 0 3 1 0 C 1 3 x 22 Summary: Bases on balls-Off Wlltse. 2; off Dalzcr, 3. Struck out-By Wlltse, 1; by ZJmmcrmnn.l: by Balzer, 3. Three base hits Gorton. Blakey, Locher, 2, Two base hlts-Nlckcls, Shtnners, Jeffrlest 3 Ferris. 2: Fordney. Stolen bases-Nickels. Passed tails Ralney, 2. Umpire-Southard. Time of game 1.40. AMATEUR BASS BALL NOTES. Tlio Tycoons easily defeated the Dead Line, Jr., yesterday afternoon on the Hill grounds by a score of 39 to 7. Tho fea tures of the same were tho hatting of the Tycoons, having forty-two hits oft three pitchers, und the infield work 6t Barrett, the shortstou. The Alumni team, of this city, defeated the strong Carbondale Crescents ycslciday nt Lako Lodoro by tho scoro ot 2-1. Har llngton held his opponents safe at all stages, they scoring by tho Alumni's only error. COTTAGE BURNED. Frank T. Okell's pretty cottage at Lake Wlnola was destroyed yesterday afternoon by a .Are which originated in an unknown manner. A bucket brigade was formed by a' number of those at the lake and the surrounding cottages were saved from destruction. TOUCHED EOR $175. Charles Gelbert, of Pittston avenue, had a pocketbook containing $175 taken from his pocket yesterday morn ing while ho was ridirtg to the Armory on a crowded street car. The matter has been reported to the police. Weddings v We have our own plant for Engraving and Printiug Invitations and Announcements. We do the work artisti cally, properly and as well as New York or Philadelphia. Our reputation for high-class work is an established fact, and is only equalled by our desire and ability to serve you quickly and correctly. Samples sent promptly. We Use Kurd's Papers Only. VIE HAVE THE ONLY Engraving Plant in the City. R. E. Prendergast Engraving, Plate Printing, Die Stamping, 207 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. WHAT IS PROPER In- Wedding Stationery need give you no concern. Come to us. Tell us how many wed ding invitations you require, how many announcements, how many cards, etc. We wilHask you queatlons enough In regard to names and dates to enable us to get out all the stationery in the most correct form. There will be no mistakes, and the engraving will be done In a style that will leave nothing to be desired. If the work does not suit, we will do It over. If It does not suit then, you v need not take It. We fill your order promptly, and we charge you a price that you can afford to pay. The en graving is not cheap work. It is good work, at a reasonable price. i Stationers, A GAS will remove all anxiety as to the Coal Supply for your kitchen, and wtfll also save your wife much of the drudgery of housekeeping. Cnnkinn with Gas fs as cheaP as coal hooting wnn vno s ceanert andmuch more convenient We are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking Ranges for $9.75 and up. This price Includes putting them In your kitchen ready for use. All connections free on first floor. How About Hot Water? A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers that question. We have them. Price connected, $io. Fuel gas, gross $1.00; net 90 and 80 cents per thousand. Ranges and Hot Water Heaters on exhibition at our sales rook No, 126 Washington Avenue. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK. Scranton Gas Lubricating Q MaIony Oil & Manufacturing Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. old phonb mas. New 'phon aami J We solicit your trade in J :: Wheelbarrows, : Coal and : I Dirt Picks, I I Shovels, Sledges and Drag Scrapers. : a. : BittenbenderSC : 126-128 Franklin Ave. J You Can Save SO per cent, on the dollar when you purchase direct from the manufacturer. Our U of Umbrellas and Parasols is large and complete, and embraces all the latest pat terns. We guarantee all out goods'. Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing1 Co. 313 Spruce Street A WatreB Meeting. A mass meeting will bo held on Tues day night In the Lyceum theater to boom tho candidacy of Colonel L. A. Watres for the Republican nomination for gov ernor. Bauer's band will play. Scranton, Pa. RANGE J & Water Co. and Burning ,Si i 41 i ti 'J "A i 'W 7 i 3 H ni , 1 n . i -I fti M ,.i ' -'.' ' if t r $JL. ,fr&ta' t -aUU. . t"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers