THE SCRAftTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY 81, 1902. 0 ss$gs$ggs$gsssass$gs3ft I Wee's S News THE present week Is one of the Scranton weeks that wo often have. Wo never do things Just as Other towns nrc In the habit of doing. We are not satisfied with one meek little convention, or one modest little concert or pink tea. We must always liave bigger uffalrs, and more of them nl thr aame tltnn than any other city of thla size would attempt. Now this week for Instance, most people would have been contented with one spectacular performance, but wo must have a Knights Templar con clave, a national eisteddfod, and a ftrlkc nf which we elect to bo a storm centre, besides pnuslng for a while near the nation's dead. The Knights Tem plar, with their fair plumes and thjclr Hlcumlng' banners, delighted the eye and quickened the pulses because of tho splendid and mmantlu sentiment for which they stand today. The eisteddfod delights tho ear with Us magnificent choruses and Its lovely songs , and speaks to us of a great element of our national life, a part of our American Ism, which lifts It Into tho realms of poetry, of song and rare mental attain ments. For this nrc we Indebted to tho Welsh race which now makes up such a. valued portion of true American citi zenship. Ours Is mi honored city this week, and never have wo had more honor than In the guests who have been within our gates during the brief period jwhlch closes tonight. Mrs. Clarence Sturges entertained, a fpw friends Informally on Wednesday morning when the guests were: Mrs. Kloti!, Mrs. F. J. Piatt, Mrs. George O. Hrooks, Miss Anderson. Miss Bolln, Miss Alice Matthews, Miss Archbald, Miss Clare ltoynolds, and Miss Klotz. Colonel and Mrs. K. H. Ripple have been entertaining a number of delight ful guests this week, among them be ing Hon. Louis Beltlcr and Mrs. Bclt lcr, of Philadelphia and Mrs. Donald son, of Harrlsburg. ' Hon. H. A. Knapp and family sailed for Europe this week to remain for some time. Judge Knapp Is not as well as his, friends could desire and It is hoped that an ocean voyage will Im prove his health. Mr. E. J. Iynde and family left yes terday for Buffalo where they will re side. Mrs. Gpnrgc du Bnls Dimmlck was In Honesdalo this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Zehndcr gave a dinner' at the Scranton club on Thurs day night, when Dr. and Mrs. Ger berioh, Mr. nnd Mm Horace Robinson, Hon. John A. Welner, Mr. John Rau denbusch. of, and Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Zeliudrr were the guests.. The announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Iaw; of Wet nttston. of tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Anna Law, to Dr. Rob ert Rutledge Davisson of Wlnterset, Iowa. Mr. W. H. Taylor says that he has an original idea for decorating the new armory' that will surpass anything yet attempted. If Mr. Taylor can out-do ;any of his previous efforts in devising jiew schemes of beauty for that great hall ho will .certainly deserve a decora- Goldsmith' s Cj! Bazaar. June a Merry Month At This Store. We have arranged for a great number of Special Sales dur ing the month of June, there fore our "ads" will be very interesting reading to all wise and prudent buyers. H Our Great June Sale of Under Muslins Will be the next announce ment. Getting ready for it as fast as we can. tTodayte trade has been well looked after. v Shelves and counters are display ing useful merchandise at attractive prices. i3gf3Sa33S33gS3S$Sgg$gSgCi3&9S$g lion even moro glittering than those which adorned the manly chests of the Eminent Sir Knights. Miss Lotiella Williams has returned .from Oakland, Cnl., and Is with her father, Mr. II. U. Williams at tho Jer niyn. Miss Williams Is a great favorite In Scranton where her many lovable qualities aro much appreciated and she has found a warm welcome here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Sanderson have Issued .Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Grace Thomas, to Ray Woolworth Fuller, Thursday eve ning, June 12, at 8 o'clock. In tho Sec ond Presbyterian church. The cere mony will bo followed by a reception at the home of the bride elect's parents on Clay avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Spencer gave a euchre and parlor entertainment at their beautiful home on Madison ave nue, Monday night, In honor of their euesls. Mrs. Ansen Webster, Mrs. Rob ert H. Banning, of Baltimore, Md., and. E. B. Spencer, of Philadelphia. Arter the awarding or the prizes It was nn nouneed that Miss Cora Morris Grlflln, who has established her reputation as an nrtlst, was to read for them. Her delightful presence and sweet, modest manner pave her way right to tho hearts of her hearers. Her power Is felt before a word Is uttered. That same unaffected style which has won the ad miration of so many immense audiences Is found when called upon to entertain smaller numbers. Her humor is de lightful and carries with it that refine ment that only an artist can give. Her pathetic numbers are masterly. Having a low, srfrcot voice she is particularly adapted to this line of work. Those who heard Miss Grlflln Indorse the compliment paid her by Victor Herbert. When Mr. Herbert heard Miss Griffin last winter at Carnegie hall, he re marked: "Wonderful! One of the best readers I ever heard. And oh, what a voice'." Miss Susan Black will be married to Mr. Bailey, formerly of the Central Pennsylvania Telephone and Supply company In this city, now of Reading, on June 12. The wedding, which was to have been a large church affair, will be confined to the immediate friends, owing to serious illness In Mr. Bailey's family. A number of Scranton boys have been 111 a,t Hill seminary during the past fortnight. Law Watkins Is recovering from an attack of fever. Curtis Piatt was released from the sick room yes terday, and Taylor Foster is still alarm ingly ill with bilious fever. There was no epidemic: in the seminary, but simply several cases of various kinds of illness which Scranton young men seemed to be unfortunate enough to contract. Rev. Dr. Raymond, of Wesleyan uni versity, and Mrs. Raymond will spend Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. D. Jones, on Olive street.. Messrs. Arthur and Harry Jones, who have been visiting their parents, have re turned to Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. David WHmot Towcll have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Bprtha Lorlne, to Mr. Frank Coding Fuller. Wednesday after noon, June 11, at 4 o'clock, at the Sec ond Presbyterian church. The cere mony will bo followed by a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Powell, on Linden Btrect. The pupils of Dr. and Mrs. Ghnrlps Huntington Gardner's school, on Fifth avenue, will give a mtislcalc on May 23, when among the leading pluno soloists willbe Miss Mabel Fritz, of this city, Mr. A. Hi Storrs and family have gone to their country homo at Glen burn. Tho Scrflliton colony nt Waverly, Glenburn and Dalton Is rapidly grow ing In numbers.A mnng those who, with their families, will spend the summer nt one of these pleasant suburban re treats are Messrs. T. H. Watkins, F. H. Jermyn, C. II, Fuller, Henry Belln, jr., untl Dr. Murray. The Country club Is now In Its loveli est condition. Tho links nre superb and the shrubbery Is much Improved by tho rains. The changes In tho cub house will be greatly appreciated and are be ing watched with Interest. Many visit ors were out yesterday, while tho Sat urday night suppers are In&renslng In popularity every week. Movements of People. Colonel Fred Fox, of Buffalo, was the guest of Colonel O. M. Hallstead this week. J. H. Kramer, of New York, is visiting his mother, of Wyoming avenue, for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. I,erch, of Knaton, nre guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Horton, of Monroe avenue. Mrs. Frederic Thomason, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Is the guest of Mrs. J. D. Daven port on Jefferson avenue. Mrs. William Council is slowly recover ing from tho alarming Illness which still confines her to liar room. fMr. and Mrs. R. J. Foster entertained Mrs. Huth, of Shamokin during tho Knights Templar conclave. Mrs. Adam Schmehl, who has been the giicsl of Mrs. T. F. Penman, left yester day for her home in Reading. Mr. and Mr. K. M. JSehndor, of Madison avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Horace Robinson, of Lebanon, this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert M. Scranton aro spending today and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Archbald, jr., at Pottsvllle. V IEWS OF. A WOMAN A Knight Templar is a beautiful creature. Women all agree to that. A certain halo of distinc tion hovers ever him (when he has on his war paint) which is almost unique. To some degree It' attends the army and the navy since a halo is a special attribute of a uniform, but the Knight Templar's halo is a trifle more bur nished, a little larger in circumference to a woman's eyes, than even the one poised over the head of her favorite saint. It is chiefly a matter of feathers. If the American man. who is said to be so "completely relegated to the back ground by tho women of his family, wishes to regain his lost hceptre of con trol, lie should make an effort to have plumes adopted as an important acces sory to the masculine costume. You can't. snub a man who wearsa long plume, even if it does look as if it had been attached to his headgear by the safe and sure asslstanco of tenpenny nnils and a pot of glue. You simply can't do It. No matter how insignifi cant he may be in his other clothes, that long plume fetches you and un consciously you bow down to his dig nity and importance. He knows it, too, and he takes on airs because of being clothed in a little biief uuthority over feminine self-conlldence. He may be a very ordinary sort of personage minus his feathers, but somehow he manages to live up to the feathers, and every woman sees In him a reincarnated Sir I-auncelot, or another Galahad, or a Sir Percival riding down to many-towered Cnmelot in the sweet May. Generally, however, he Is about what femininity believes him to be a pretty good sort with reasonably high ideals and nmbitlons. The strenuous life of a knight of old wouldn't especially ap peal to him, for he has lived long enough not to be anxious to go through the world looking for trouble. He doesn't yearn to fight every other man he meets, because of some fancied grievance, and he Isn't advertising for lorn maidens to champion, but he will fight for the l Ight, and he Is chivalrous to all women and honorable with all men, and perhaps. In his steady-going, unromanlic way, he redresses' more wrongs than the knights of old, with all their dazzling feats of arms and the prevalence of gore In their Immediate vicinity. Most women labor under tho halluci nation that Knights Templar live, move and have their being for the sole pur pose of giving an annual ball. Yet it is said that this Is really an error. Theie aro a few other things they have to do besides bother with balls. They learn verses and recite them to each other, much as we used to do In Sunday school, and then they, do Initiations and other weird things, The remainder of their time during tho year they devote to devising souvenirs, In order to see a bargain counter rush or a, tea fight on reception nights, Really, you never would have believed what a lot of grasping women there are In Scranton, unless you should have seen them try ing to get things from the Mary com mandery Monday night, Such crowd ing beat even n circus, One very largo nnd very handsome man at the door of St, Luke's parish house had a job that some of tho otheis envied him, and tried to dislodge him from the same In vuln, It was to keep the people iu line, and the crush wus something fearful. Tho way he kept them -In-Una was to give an imitation of "London Bridge Is falling down." Ho would' catch a wo mun 'In the- .front- rank-and hold' her very firmly not particularly tenderly, but firmly in both his arm's and no one could got past that combination, My, but he was a strong man, and the. way he kept that crowd back was remark able. When the women got past nnd finally reached the goal, which was the sou venir table after forming a line like the patrons .of- u . soup-kitchen they received a beautiful .sjlyer ,ai)d crystal box; that Is, If they were not In the dolorous condition of the foolish virgin and hud not neglected to provide them selves wth h ticket of Invitation, Then they ute some -Ice cream, und went out through tho cellar. Then they said, pompously, to their friends struggling on the outside; "We had, the, most beautiful time. Lots of room In there." Over at the Kadosh commundcry there were souvenir pins, and there was also a crush. Tho samo scenes were witnessed at Guernsey hnll, where the DIeu le Yeut conimnnderx, of Wllkes Barre, bestowed sterling silver hat pins, adorned with coal breakers. Beautifully gowned ludles, 'ntid stately knights held a reception at the Jermyn, und served mild punch and little cukes. They had a lonesome evening, If they had distributed something even If It were nothing more than a celluloid hnlrpln from the ten-cent Btore they would have found their rooms thronged and would have had their back breadths walked up nnd down ns long ns the hnlrplns held out. We ccrtulnly aro nflrr, the loaves and fishes wo women. They sny that they never have had such n ball nnd that they probably never will until thoy come to Scranton again. Here Is where the feathers come In once more. That ball wouldn't have been one-half as attractive It It were not for tho plumes. The New York commnndery men who were present spoko rather slightingly of the Key stone fenthers. They said that tho fnd of having the plumes longer nnd longer, grow like Mr. Finney's turnip, until they hung halfway down their spines. It began to be n problem how they could be made any more extensive, nnd flnnlly one bravo knight bobbed his off rather closo to the Inst end of his chapeau, and It was decided to make It a custom to wear them shorter. They seem, to think, these New Yorkers, that their fashion Is far the better, but It Isn't, you know. It Is only the fable of the fox over again. You remember he was cuught In a trap nnd lost most of his tall, and then he persuaded his friends and contemporaries that It was much more stylish for foxes to wear their tails short. So they cut them off. The plumes worn by some of the sir knights were simply superb. Every woman In tho vicinity broke a com mnndment whenever she looked at them. How lovely one would be curl ing round a Gainsborough this sum mer of picturesque hotsl nnd the moths wouldn't cat It up, either. Just think, I overheard two very dis tinguished sir knights talking very earnestly, and you would have natur ally supposed that the subject of their conversation must be nothing less than their lofty ideals and ambition for their great order. This was what they said: "She put some sort of Infernal stuff In the box that makes everybody Bnlff, look at me and tlien edge off, as if they thought I had just escaped from a smallpox retreat." "I wish my wlfo had done that," the other complained, gloomily. "She lef my plume get all chewed up, and when I kicked about It the other morning she got mad and said she wasn't going to sit up nights nnd tend that feather, and that I'd better hire a valet; she was tired of the job. What do you think of that? And yet some folks say marriage isn't a failure." Saucy Bess. VERNON DOWSETT. , - ' w s'l , - .' "J,j'";'";"J"!."J, - lkiiiilkiflffiiii' ' ' ' ! jji"?''"-' , ' '. "-'SillWBF '$ ' "' "' '?nIHHL:?'i'& ' k" PROBABLY' no visitor to Scran ton ever made friends more rapidly upon short acquain tance than Mr. Vernon Dow sett, tlie well known London theatrical manager, who was lecently guest of Pianist T. Reeve Jones. Mr. Dowsett, who is manager of Tivolt theatre, one of the largest vaudeville houses in the world, has had a caieer in the profes sion that has been fraught with suc cesses. To a chance acquaintance even the prosperity that has accompanied his enterprises Is not surprising when one lias opportunity to become familiar with the pleasing personality and gen ial temperament of the man. The fac ulty of winning friends in every walk of life, coupled with shrewd business tact and the ability to judge human na ture, are accomplishments that make the labors of the theatrical manager comparatively easy and enable the sub ject of this sketch to ever carry the buoyancy of youth In social, domestic or business life. While his visit to this country was brief Mr. Dowsett made hosts of friends who viewed his depar ture for London lust week with genuine regret, and will be prepared to give him a warm welcome upon his next trip to America. m Musical Gossip. The Symphony orchestra concprt which takes placo at the Lyceum on June V, to be a most Interesting af fair irom a local standpoint, The per sonnel of the orchestra is local, compris ing tho pick of Scranton's professional and nmateur talent, whilo tho soloist for this concert Is to be one of the most piomlslug of our younger singers, Mlbs Grace Spencer, who will make her pro fessional debut at this concert, MUs Spencer has long been recognized as one possessing unusual talent. Sho has been In defutlgable and conscientious In her woik and In her two arias from grand operu, with th accompaniment of a full orchestra, she should make a mniked impiesslou. Tho orchestra will perfoim the eighth Beethoven sym phony, called familiarly tho "short one," the- overturo to the "Bronze Horse" opera-buffo, a sulto for strings by Victor Herbert and "In tho Garden," by Lund. Mr. Humberger eNpects to inako a great dpul of a composition lie brought out in Curlsrulio while conducting there, and which was received with the greatest enthuhljsni wherever It was performed, It Is an old German folk song, taken as a theme, and variations upon It aro after tho characteristic fashion of nearly all the Immortal composers. Tho song it self Is very popular, as It Is whistled and Ming by nearly everyone, and Will be re cognized at' once when heard. The first vailutlon Is a choral and fugue as Bach might have done It; tho second variation is a sonata ns Beethoven would luivn It. the thlld a string quar tette as Haydn would Ilka It, nnd the hiicceedlng numbers as Verdi, Gounod, Strauss, Brahms, Wagner. Schubert or Meyerbeer would probably have nr langed It. The whole Is brought to a climax with a string match that should arouse even the frigid and quicken tho pulse of the most indlffeient. The work Is by Selgfiied Ochs and tho manner 111 which ho treats tho familiar character istics of tho different composers is con sidered marvelous by all contrapuntal students. Tho concert, taken as a whole, will be the most brilliant, tho most pleasing to overy heaier, and tho most varied In character that has even been attempted by local musicians. Mr. Ilembcreer is working very hard to sur pass his previous achievements. The de- muna lor tiCKuts aircauy assures ino success of tho concert. II !l II Upon the programmo given by the r.ruiluullng cluss or ino firoim oircct Conscivatory of Muilc, at u. concert AHealthyand Sound Body Will Enable Us to Battle Against the Wrongs and Injuries of Our Enemies. Paine's Celery Compound Banishes Dissase, Establishes Health, and Gives Us Physical Strength to Maintain Our Placg In Lih' Conflict. Muny of us find life hnrd and full of pain. While wo cannot well avoid tho sufferings that result from wrongs and Injuries, we can keep ourselves from tho pains and ravages of bodily ailments and diseases, and maintain that full measure of health that will enable us to meet the wrongs that as sail us from day to day. If you are run down, fretful, despond ent, irritable, sleepless, be assured you are becoming physically Impaired and, weakened. If the relaxed and sluggish action or the excretory organs has load ed tho blood and body with poison, pro ducing headache, rheumatism, neural gia, kidney and liver troubles, then dis ease Is encircling you in its chains. Prompt use of Paine's Celery Com pound will save tho weakened parts of the body from yielding to disease. Tho great medlcino saves weale and enfee bled nerves from prostration, and re moves every feeling of exhaustion and despondency. It cures nnd saves those who aro bound by disease and suffering and gives them a now lease of life. Ex-Alderman Fred G. Brenner, of Troy, N. Y a pop'ulur and esteemed citizen who thanks Paine's Celery Com pound for his present rugged good health, writes for the benefit of weak, nervous, and dyspeptic sufferers; ho says: "For several years I suffered from nervous troubles; I could not sleep well; nerves seemed to bo weak; I had dyspepsia, and was all run down. My appetite began to fall mo, and I was discouraged. A friend of mine recom mended me to take Paine's Celery Com pound. I took two bottles and began to feel better, nnd by the time I had taken four bottles I was a well man. I have to thank Paine's Celery Com pound for my rugged good health to day." it's Easy to Dya Willi niAMONTt DYI'.S. T.ike no otlicr. which will take place In Philadelphia during the commencement exercises on Tuesday evening, June ."!, the name of Mls-s Adelo lludnut, of this city, appears. Miss Ihidnut will render a concerto by Ulller, upon the pianoforte, with on oi clustra accompaniment, and tho number villi undoubtedly bo one of the features of the prngiummc. Ml3 lludnut. who luis for some time past been an earnest stu dent at tho Conservatory, Is one of the graduates In the piano department of the Institution, and also Is among the Penn bylvanlans who will receive teacher's certificate!-. Her many frlendi in Scran ton will bo pleastd to learn of her suc cess. II 1 II Mrs. K. A. Cressey. of Boston, arilved last week, bringing her mother, Mrs. J. C. Baker, also of Boston, and spent a few days with her bister, Mrs. A. G. Morse. She returned to her home, but Mrs. Baker will remain hero Indefinitely. Mis. Cressey paid U visit to the Conservatory, to call on Prof. Pennington, her former teacher. II II II Scranton's great organization, Bauer s band, received fresh laurels during their engagement with tho Knights Templar In this city. The band turned out to tho number of forty men. With their new uniforms of dark blue and made a very fine appearance. Tho playing of the band was inspiring and elicited much applause along tho line. Tho band also leceived much .credit for the excellent music ren dered at the Armory the night of tho grand ball which fully demonstrated the ability of Profesjor Bauer and his mu sicians. On Thursday evening tho band played at the national eisteddfod con cert nt the Armory and opened up wtih a standard over tine, Zampa, which was given a fine stylo nnd precision. Yes terday the band headed the Griffin post In their Decoration Day parade. The organ ization is ouo well worth appreciation and should bo the prido of our citizens. Tho band intends giving tho public a se ries of concerts throusrh tho summer months. 'I M II Theodore Pressor, music publisher ,ot Philadelphia, has accepted and will short ly publish two new piano compositions by Georgo Dudley Martin, of this city. Thsy are entitled "The Harlequin" and "Spring Soronade In P." The latter, Mr. Pressor writes, is especially adapted to pupils well on in the second grade and very pleasing to joung pianists. Tho Oliver Dltson company, of Boston, recently pub lished a short song by Mr, Martin, on titled "Lovo and a Rose," which is being favorably received, it makes a good en core number. THE BOY'S APPETITE. Some Explanation of Its Size and a Guess at Its Cause. I'rcm the New York Times. All Kngllsh schoolmaster has Just completed an exhaustive reseuich Into the subject of a boy's capacity for food. In summing up the case, ho Is frank to admit that while he found u super abundance of capacity, there was act ually little or no limit. Perhaps after rich cake, both fruit and plain, the first favor, according to the schoolmaster, Is condensed milk. This Is often eaten without it spoon by simply making -two small holes In the top of the can and placing the lips ugnlnst them. Then, after this, come chocolates, chocolate creuni, chocolate candy, chocolate cuke, "It may be thought I um exaggerat ing," lie says, "when I say that I have seen a hoy of ten, years eat In a Single afternoon enough food to satisfy an adult party of twelve persons, I have myself known a little, frull boy to eat ii portion of n rich cake, a thlld of a one-pound can of condensed milk, four ounces of mixed chocolate, a handful of assorted sweets, two oranges, one ap ple, four gingerbread cakes, a dozen Brazil nuts and two largo pieces of peppermint candy. "Did It make him 111? Did he lie down and groan nnd await tho comlns of tho medical man with tho stomach pump? Not he; just had one or two symptoms of uneasiness, which he quickly dis pelled by a few well-drawn gapes, much after tho manner of a sleeping baby. Then he walked about for a time, und presently accepted an Invita tion to Join In a game of ball." '-WWW'A C 1 Today's v News Boys' Summer Clothing r Wash Suits, Wash Caps and Straw Hats. A Quantity to Select from at the Lowest Prices in the City... fltlltVlflV Will be a busy day. Bring the boy and ij alul ldy see our iine before buying elsewhere. Boys' Washable Sailor Blouse Snlts in an endless variety of pretty colors, dark and light. Trimmed In a splendid man- ner, 3 to 9 years. Priced at 75C Sailor Salts The kind you can wash and not be afraid colors running. Crash, Duck and Cheviot are the goods used splendid suit. Come In dark and light colors, assortment choice and a garment you may have paid up to $1.25 for. Our price , Washable Kneo Pants, 25c An assortment of styles that will please you. and best bands. Made goood, in fact, just the same if made by yourself, sizes 3 to 10 years. Dark and light colors &C Boj'S Cap The kind if he does kiqk it around in the mud you can put it in the tub, wash it and it looks about as good as new. All colors and styles. Every size. Priced at Xi)C 1 Boys Laundrled and Soft Shirt Waists The new idea for the boys. All colors and styles, with and without collars, 5 to 13 years, Made of Fine Madras Cloth, including white. Priced at OlIC Special Lot Of WalStS and Blonges In mostly dark colors, 4 to 12 years. This waist is made for hard service and the price is certainly an incentive for you to buy Saturday at Jt5C Boys' Sailor UatS Broad and narrow rims, all colors and styles. Every size. The small boy and the large boy can be suited here. Priced at 25c and 5UC Kliee PantS All wool, plain blue, plaids and checks, made from remnants of tailored cloth, a line of the first quality no shoddy mate rial. Best waist band, all seams taped, buttons riveted. Sizes 3tol5years. Priced at 5UC Boys' and Children's Sailor Straw Hats in dark colors. Priced for Saturday at a special price ! CONRAD'S I I MEN'S STRAW HATS S We haven't many Panamas left ; but enough S of Fine Split Straws in the I PANAMA SHAPES 1 J To suit ali comers. The prices too, are J within reach of anyone. We have them for J 50c if you want a knock-about hat and t others for I T5c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 $2.50 and $3 J Also the J Light Weight Manilla Hats J in the same shapes from $1.50 to $3.00. Almost forgot to mention our complete line of French Palms and Porto Ricas. They ; too are worthy of your consideration. CONRAD'S SJJOSKJKnUKKXKSnKMKXKnKMKKKK The FclioolinaHtei'H observations linve led to the very natural ileduutlon that u hoy's condition Is In many ways dif ferent from that of tho trained strong num. 'J'lie latter could not eat the things that a hoy could, because his ilt ne&s Ih mainly muncular, while tha hoy'a Ib, In addition to belntr muscular, orjjanlc, The inau may have u. slug gish liver or faulty kidneys, and still he u strong man, but tho hoy who runs .and romps and turns somersaults and shouts und laughs, and twists und turns, hasn't u single blemish, A Little Girl Who Meant Well, A tory iflatins tu a uwrjble and Illicitly ' lee mod liUiup, uhkli, though laughable, lui .1 touch of utho3, una tulit tu u meeting by I ho lle, II, S. Dlnle.v, at.l.'Ul'luin. Ilk luidshlp, it h atd, lud been sittlni; on the promenade Jt Uournemoutli, jnd, sotting cramped, had wimc dmiculty in rUIg hum hU seat, A little girl, obsenlng thl. promptly olfered osilstame, but the bUliop, while thinking lief (or hir Mndivw, expressed the (jar that the uas not tlrong enough to pull him up. "Oh!" replied t child, "thalU all right. l'c helped father when he as a great ileal wusser than 5011 are." London Telegraph. m Within Call. The nulhotei-s, Mi. Julius M. Tbui.ton, U re Miig at I ho pri'wnt time the final sheets vl a not el, said to bu u lialtlmorc romance, uhlrh Is shortly Iu bo in the hand of tho publUhir. She wis one djy thU ueek dictating to her amjnucuiU a iMuluuitc lou scene, iu which tti t vV tVWHtWS of the in this 98c 19c 305 I Lacka. Ave S i When in Need i Of anything in the line of J .g, optical goods we can supply it. 4, Spectacles and Eye Glasses: T Properly fitted by an expert J 4, optlcnn, & From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of nrescrln- - -- M. tion work and repairing. MercereHU & Connell, J 133 Wyoming Avenue, hero In intense (vehement ialU to the womm of hi hcait: "Hailing! bwcethcart!" Tin ylce of the readei as unconsciously raised in appeal when the door qukUy opened and tin woolly head of a daughter of Africa was thrust within, while Its pressor Inquired in dulcet touet: "Did )ou (all met" lialtlmorc Sun. -:M 1 p i 1 j 1 ? , 41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers