klH, inn, ;JfMriRi wit : . !' Vt " u lit" :.,, I v : kk y r. ft $ ' 'fit ," i THE SCR ANTON TiliBUNESATURlJiAY, ittXY 3f, 190 ' ' V -5' '-Uti i" w i .'. $ lJ ? V t PhIiIIOipiI liallr, Wept Pumtiy. Iiy Thr ; Ttlli tine ,'iiulUlilng,Comp6ny, at VMatitjJlmlh i.tvv s. mriiXjuV, Editor. ' O. F. nVMlKt!,' Iltnlnws Manager, ' New Votti Offlcet ISO N.1M1H Rt, H. S. Vllt:KfANt),, Sole Agent for t'urelun Advcrtl.slnj. Entered at (lie lolomcr nt Pcrnnton, Scroml Claw Mill Matter. I'a M ' When Bpnce will permit, Tho (Tribune is nlwnys glnd to print short letters from Its friends bear ing on current topics, but Its rule is that these must be signed, for pub lication,., by- the wrltor'o real name; and the condition precedent to-acceptance Is thnt nil contributions shall be subject to editorial revision. Till FLAT HATH t'Olt ADVIIIlTISlNn, The following table inw tlie irlre per llicli racn incmon, space to l. lucil Altlilll one oar. I'ull l'olllin. 7o ." ,5il .) .21 .in .1ST, .IS f-or rartl. cf IliatiU, reoliillniii of contloleni", nil vltnll.ir coiirri'-mtoit In the niton- nf ml vcitlslnff The Tribune nukes n charge ol li rcnH line. UalM of Clisilfled Adicrllaln fmnUliril on application. jHsrr.AY. ttm llian W inches, CO Inches 300 , " 2,V) " K " 300(1 Bono " ,,, fJOOO " "itiin of lstdln-r on I'aprr. I Ilenilltitr. ,M .; M .44 .M .1.1 .!; .: .20 ,21 .1 .IT.? .i.v jr .1.1 .161 SIXTEEN PAGES. K SGHANTON, MAY .11, 1902. For governor of Femuiylvnnla, on the issue of nn open field "und fair piny. JOHN P. ELKIN, of Indiana, nubjcct to the will of the Republican masses. aovefnnient and the Strike. ACOhTtKSPO.NIiKNT ' of the North AniPilrun Ftali'S forre . fully nn opinion concern Ins; the anthracite strike which un doubtedly Is Kalnlntf ciiiruney In this country. He writes: . . "When two uhllriirn are (iiiarrellni? with each other It Is the parents' duty to set them rlKlil, ('specially when such strife Is detrimental m the rest of the family. This is the situation of tho present strike. It is to he regretted that the government is so dilatory In checking this ikiRxant nilsm-e of the public 'Interests, it is manifestly the duty of the government to prevent the slightest injury to the mines, because it affects the rlshts of every citizen of the United States, since the damage. Will ultimately fall on the people through a higher pi lee of coal. It Is also the duty of the government to -ee that all trains are i un as usual, and independent companies given a fiee and open m.irket. The government has jur isdiction on the grounds of jeopardy of the rights, life and property of its, citizens, and as a matter of public nui sance. Il Is peculiar that the govern ment should recognize this duty of In terference In htlnglng about peace In the affairs of foreign nations sncrlllc- ing the lives of its people, and spend ing years and millions of dollars In the occupancy of foreign territory, and yet allow such inlet nal commotion to exist." We believe that a time Is coming when the strong power of the govern-' incut will step in when gie.it strikes begin and insist, in the inteiest of the public welfare, upon their peaceful ad judication before a competent court. This will put . professional labor agitators and dishonest employers both out of business, because neither could survive the test of public judicial In vestigation. In tho way of such gov ernment peace-keeping, some constitu tional dltllcultlfs now lie; but necessity will remove or get around them. The i'ntorests of civilized society arc too In timately interwoven and interdependent to be Indefinitely stibjct'ted to frequent strain and injury through the Inter mittent barbarities of industrial' civil wars. That time bus not arrived, however; and for the present the Question Is, AVhat is the government's duty as the strike case stands? Obviously there Is but one answer. It is to protect life alia property rights. If either shall be nienaced, the government must come Immediately to the rescue, Men may work and men may strike but whether working or Htrlklng they must obey tho law or accept the consequences of its violation, Messrs, Mitchell, Nichols,' Duffy and their colleagues have threat ened with destruction by Hood millions nr dollars' worth of property lying at the foundation of the business life and prosperity of the anthracite region; at any cost that threat must be wilhdiuwu or thwarted. j'And so we shall have to wait imtll 5Qindtiy f.or the oflieMI liiitlslfan .jjfonnt&irieh'r as tor limv. Hio. South. Af jrtfcim cat has jumped. Monday priiin- .jTO5r,s PW fr- i , ft r Tlie'Neetrrif Ship Subsidy. tTrWttf onndlfiVrtMuVar Wash- a I'lWfemirfii f"n ;'A'MPH'jw'ei' ineath co'iluriei-ee ' lit ent'oiirtfgo'slilp building, and save the millions of ocean 'rtelKjitft puw Pil,ttj,roVp'ijnoiB'wJ not awii, The peoplo see that' our inland jind coastwise marine, which Is fully ,'nrotected, -hilfiVi ( fofcfgi rniupetltlon, js glowing aniuKlnRly; aiid they reason 4rom (effect jhSuli' to.'uusto: and. wu.nt u "lmlmf,nusef bo placed uhfler ui; l"Kg(ng ocean lpai'lue, "Here are sonle figures whch hIiow Joiv our protected Inland 'n"nd coas(. "wlbo murine tljo JiwitH on our livers, jald'uhd Rcnbourdtffiill Aiuejlcltu,' be . causa .foreign bou,t me pot permitted -to i CKUtei'-jiuH developed, In 1S60 the Capital Invested' fn shlii-lnillcllng In this Country was less than $tf,00O,uO0; today 2 l$ys!ffl$ P H'o.'.PBt Win years, l?ur inanuructure of Iron and steel ves els for'HVi'K lake and" coast wise tra iMlUudrupled. In the pusc; decadeYogr' hip builders built for omui-gojnj,' trafr ficonly 206,771 tons of ships" as against VT,428 tons built In Oreut- Ilrltalu j 'liot ono'ton to England's forty, Yet we have 'tho fjnes coaj, ,tjie finest, ores, the' .cheapest rail fiel'ghts, fhc best mu xhlnery and tho most skilful Jabor. The only 'thtfitf Which wo haven't got is a subsidy to make it jio&slblc for the Atnorlcan proprietor of an Amerlcnn nintlo and Amerlcan-reKlstercd ocean going ship to pay the higher wages wfllch American sallois require and de sci've, and at the same time to compote for li'jiflle With' the lower-wage ships of Kngland, Krance and Ucr'ninny. The city which wants factories nntl mills to locate within Its limits and contribute to Its Inereaso of population and business exchanges pays a sub sidy willingly. It may be nn outright bonus or a rcmlsrlon of taxation or a subscription for a percentage of stock or a donation of site and buildings or a combination of some or nil of these features, but It Is a subsidy Just the same. Nobody objects to It: at least, .In -the early stages of a city's Indus trial tippulltllng objectors are few and the policy Is supported with enthusi asm by public spirited citizens. This case Is exactly parallel with that of our ocean shipping. It needs a lift, a push, anlnltlal stimulus, Once It gets under full headway it can take care of Itself. Opening Southern Eyes. "TVVICN the South, It seems, Is be ginning to discover the merit, from the point of view of Its own welfare, In the work which Hooker Washington Is doing in educating the black man to be of use to society. The other day the Atlanta Constitution printed a letter fiom a staff coiiespoiident on observations amid results at Tuskegee which Is no table. It was the coriespondont's first visit to the Hooker Washington school, and while to some extent he Insists upon the conventional southern point of view that the environment at Tu kegee Is exceptional, and that the negro as ordinarily situated In the South Is lit only for the fate meted out to him, he cannot help showing enthusiasm over Tuskegee. Listen; "In this community are some 1 ,"00 male ami females who aiu being equipped for the duties of life. They come fiom all classes and conditions of life. Many arrive at the Institute In abject poverty, without the means to pay the small tuition which Is charged. The most unpromising are soon whipped into condition. Kneli Is given a practical education. Hach is taught a trade. All are Infrulcuti-d with ideas of morality, thought, cleanliness. In dustry and discipline. No false Ideas aie pleached. The dominant note which one hears from morning until night Is the dignity of work. The aver age student, coming from the most poverty-stricken surroundings, soon catches the spirit of Tuskegee, and in the brief ip.ice of a few months a wonderful transfoi matlon takes place. Order comes out of chaos. The luibits of a lifetime are reveised. "The lesult of all this Is an Ideal neg ro community. The expression 'an Ideal negro community' will give but a vague Idea tu the average southerner. I have visited niilny college towns and studied the work of many colleges. I have nev er seen one which approximates Tus kegee In many respects. During the two days spent at Tuskegee I never saw tobacco used In any form, I never heard the suggestion of profanity, I did not detect the semblance of Immoral ity, and the bolsterousness and disor der which one Instinctively associates With the negro was absolutely lacking. Perfect order, neatness, self-respeet and absolute politeness prevailed every where. The absurd affectation of the average educated negro was not no ticeable. These negroes hud been edu cated In tho broadest and best seijse. All sides of them had beeii developed and the best had been brought out. Theie was no suggestion of a super ficial veneer which temporarily hides all the original crudities. The visit was, as I said In the beginning, a revelation. The same revelation Is in store for any southern man who wllh take the trouble to visit Tuskegee." While the correspondent of the At lanta paper emphasizes the fact of the the environment at Tuskegee ho Is man enough to admit that what can be done In one place can be done In another: "It will be urged that Tuskegee Is an exceptional case and that one can Torm no idea of the net result of negro In dustrial education fiom this isolated example. This is not true. In the state of Alabama .the results of the Tuskegee spirit are becoming manifest ed everywhere. Similar schools, on a small scale, founded by Tuskegee graduates, are 'springing up in many sections. All of these schools are an nually turning out men and women who are making better carpenters, bet ter blacksmiths, better cooks, nurses, brlckmasons, farmers and better men and women, The South owes Hooker Washington a lasting debt of gratitude. If 'the rani; and file of his race will fol low his Ideas, the race question will eventually become a thing of the past." It Is cortalnly encouraging to read II southern newspapers- literature like (his. We trust Unit 'there will be nioie of it. net woods, Imllgo, cinchona, chocolate, etc.? i The following figures prove the round ness' of tlils urRtimeht. Wc bought from ism. , moo. Ituwnll .....i.Jl2,;ll.l.WS J2U.707.PU.1 WOO. 1WI. l'ortn Itleo .,..,....$ 3,UTU,CI0 t ii.SSI.SM Of sales to their mother coitnlilen the following colonies show! Hrltlsh, 4.1 per cent.: Dutch, -IS per cent.; French, 60 per eelit.; Porto Itlco, fii per ccnt.j Hawaii, Oil. I per cent., of their total ex ports. Hut thnt Is not nil, Wc need more outlets for our rapidly Increasing out put of products, raw and nuuutfacturcd. At hotne.-lt In not possible for us to ent and drink, or wear out, all we produce and make. Our I'orto lllcan llgtires ot exports thereto prove this' value of new' outlets: 1SHS bra 1W0 loot .$l,iM,njM . iMJiucn . 4,a;i),sP2 . i:,S01,!M7 i example, .Taking Hawaii iiNo as nn we note that since our reciprocal agree ment of.1S7ti, Hawaii has Increased her sugar producing by twentyfold, and similarly Increased her purchasing power. The llgures also prove this: In 1S7.1 we said Hawaii $ i:ii2,1lil III ISM we snlillawnll lll.utei.I.ls which Is u twentyfold Increase In the fifteen years, while In the next ten years, JMio-MOd, and particularly since Hawaii became related to us at her own request, the Increase has been much greater still. All this colonial pi ogress, both ways, affords good ground for hope as to the ultimate value to us of our Philippine possessions, a value which they. will rapidly attain when our Democratic vote-seeking opponents cease their 'tinniest of abuse ami misrepresentation of mid against the American army and all Jtepubllean .'idmlni.stiatlons. The business being done In the Orient is far greater than generally Imagined. It amounts to $1,1'00.000,(IOO, or 510O,O0li,CO0 a month lor the countries for which Hong King, Singapore, and Manila are the tiade centres. And that vast trade Is in goods mainly produced In the tem perate zones. Among the countries pro ducing those goods, except in the mat ter of our want of an ocean marine, wo occupy first place, not only as to the diversity and quantity of our natural resources, but also as to our vigorous; and up-to-date processes of manufacture. Is It not time for our political oppon ents, with their associated "Little Americans" and "Anti-Imperialists," to treat this whole matter as a business proposition, to give their own country men credit for what they are doing and trying to do, and to look Hie whole question squarely in the face? Not in the light of political party expediency, but from the viewpoint of what is best for ourselves and the new peoples under our charge, not only In the preheat, but for the future. The supporters of Senntor Quay In his present campaign await with much in terest and anxiety the outcome of to morrow's primaries in Tioga. It is gen erally admitted that If a verdict should be recorded In favor of JCIkin It would be all up with the torpid Pennypacker movement and that nothing could pie vent an IClkln stampede. On the other hand, a defeat for Klkln In Tioga, while disconcerting, would not be serious, for Tioga lias of late years been an insur gent stronghold. All accounts agree that the fights which the Quay people have made In oilier counties are as nothing eomp.ued with the light which they are putting up in Tioga. With them It is now or never. Edison Is gaining additional fame by the claim to have solved the 100-mlle-witliout-change electric automobile problem. If Hdlson could also solve the problem) of dealing with reckless automobile engineers who dally men ace life and limb by foolhardy speed, lie would also receive the thanks of the community. Cuba was cursed by yellow journal ism at the start. It Is too bad that the new government could not have been In existence at least a day without en countering the discomforts of a. Pulit-zer-Hearst-Wanamaker exhibition of newspaper enterprise. The criticisms regarding the opera tions In the Philippines appear to em anate from people who ate Impressed with the Idea that the medicine of wur fare should be taken by the United States troops only. The secret of Mark Hnnna's popular Ity l that the people admire a lighter. Mark has never been a trimmer or a lllm Hammer. When ho had an opinion to express he expressed It. When he hud n head to hit he hit It. When he could dfl a friend a good turn he did It. When he -pledged his word he kept It. These are qualities which will win and hold when a lot of showier qualities llutten out. I We Need Tropical Colonies. (Hy Walter J, linllurd, of Schenectady, . iii T IS HAIUl to leallze, but It Is a fact, that the Importation Into the Uplted States, of tropical and sub-tropical products has uver iified moie than 1300,000,000 a yeur dur ing the last ten years, nnd Is now fully 1,000,000 each day, Sundays and hull, days Included, This proves tho wisdom of our acquiring tropica) possessions, so that American capital can bo used for these piodutilons, and remain with ourselves, Instead of being utterly ost to us nationally, by being paid out to foreigners. Some of the necessary tropi cal possessions wo already have, and we are In a fair way of getting the Danish West Indies, while theie are others, only waiting the opportunity to enter our family. Why should w!e pay outsiders ;CO,000,000 a year for coffee, 2St00O.O0O for India rubber, and :'2,00(P. 000 for fibres? Or millions more for fruits, nuts, tobuceo, leu. Rulces. cubl- The situation at MartlnlqirF may make the Danish real estate holders rcgiet that they did not close up tho bargain with Uncle Sam ut once. to the Mnln convention, ho stendlly de clined '.n name tho candidate of his choke, but contented himself With fjtatlng Unit tho candidate would be announced In iltic time. Later, his llutlciumts In Philadelphia, and some other counties, have Interested them selves In bringing out lion, Sninttol W. Pennypacker, a Judge of the Philadel phia common pleas, as a candidate. Ab Judge Pennypacker Is a distant relu llvij of Senator quay and his ardent admit er, It has been understood that the M'liulor favors the nomination of the Judge. Still, Senator Quay has not illrertly committed himself on this point, nnd is apparently testing public sentiment en t he subject, with a pos sibility that ho may finally decide agulnst .fudge Pennypncker, and hand oti't another candidate at tho conven tion. The result of Sena lor Quay's course In this matter has not been such ns he apparently anticipated. The candidacy of .Judge Pennypacker, so far from arousing Interest In the party, has been attended with the opposite effect. There Is a widespread feeling, umong political parties generally, that when a party has the power to bestow honors or re wards it should bestow them on men who have aided in giving It that power, rather than on those who have stood aloof from its contests. The great mass of the Republican party share in this feeling. Hence the proposition to select Judge Pennypacker, who Is practically unknown In politics, except as the bene ficiary of the party, In now holding a judgeship In Philadelphia for a second term, and to set aside those who have taken an active part In the contests through which Isepubllenii principles have been carried Into effect, and the Republican policy In the administra tion of state and national affairs has been established and maintained. Is re ceived, In large measure, nol only with coldness but with positive resentment. In 'this, no question is raised respect ing Judge Pennypacker's character and qualifications. There are others, equally fit, to whom the party owes recognition, and from those, It Is felt, the selection of a candidate should be made. There 'is another aspect in which the attitude of Senator Quay Is especially offensive to die mass of the party. Willie be has a light to oppoose the nomination of Mr. Klkln If he thinks It prejudicial to the best interests of the party, that nomination can be prevent ed only by the selection of some other inaii. ii senator Quay lias in view a ' man whose nomination he thinks would best advance Republican interests, the party has a right to know who he is, that it may deliberately form its Judg ment In the premises, it is not to be denied that a-reeling is rapidly growing, throughout the party, that it is not bo. ing fairly treated in the matter that here is not even the. form of, consulting its, wishes in the premises. In effect, the attitude of Senator Quay, as It ap pears to the mass of the people, may be thus 'expressed: "Klkln Is no longer my candidate. Who may ultimately he my candidate's no affair of yours; you have only to accept hlin when he Is presented. I have several candidates up my sleeve, and I will hand out tho one that suits me best, in time for you to nominate him. Meantime elect your delegates without instructions, and they will get Instructions from me, 'when I have decided on the nominee." It is vtry apparent that the people" are little Inclined' to 'tolerate such a method of conducting a canvass ami making a nomination, However will ing they might be to indorse an accept able candidate, fairly presented for their consldeiation, they are not dis posed to line up lu support of a dark horse to be trotted out of Senator Quay s sleeve on the eve of the eonven-' Hon. The defeat of Mr. Klkln being the avowed purpose of Senator Quay. It Is not surprising that, with such methods of conducting the campaign against him, there has been a decided reaction of popular feeling In his favor. He Is undeniably stronger now than when Quay first declared against hlin. He ha, indeed, become stronger than he would have been as Senator Quay's candidate. If the contest is to be that of Qwiy's sleeve against Klkln, the suc cess of the sleeve will be a machine nomination of tho rankest type, and nn lllusttatlnn of boss rule in its most of fensive form. $9,574 in Special Rewards Scranton Tribune's Or en test of All EDUCATIONAL CONTESTS Closes October 25, 1902. The Scranton Tribune's third great Educational Ccmtest Is now open. There are offered as Special Rewards, to those who secure the largest number of points, THIRTY.THREE SCHOLARSHIPS In sov of the Leading Educational Institutions In the Country. 1703 List of Scholarships. 2 Fcliolarslilpi In HjTacuic University, at $432 each , ? Sfll 1 Srliol.irfliln in llucknMI Unhcnlly IKO 1 Ki'holanlilp in Th University of Itochr.itcr.. 321 1 Pcliolnrshln In W.ulilnnton Kcliool tor !1o!i.. 1T00 1 Scholarship In Wllllaitwport Dlcklnion Semi nary THO 1 Pcholarjhlp In IMcklmon Collegiate Prepara tory School 7.V) 1 Scholarship in Newton Oilleeljlc hutltute.. TJO 1 Scholarship in KeyUonc Academy 604 1 Scholarship in Urnwn Collfirp Preparatory School COO 1 Scholarship In the School of the Lackawanna 400 1 Scholarship In WllkM-flarre Institute 278 1 Scholarship In Cotult Cottage (Summer Sthool) '. !30 - 6CJ6 4 Scholarship In Scranton Conservatory of Music, nt SI 21 cirh 00 4 Scholarships In llanlcnbtrfih School of Music. and Art 469 3 Scholarships In Scrnnlon BulncM College, at flOO cub .' .'too fi Scholarships In Intern illonil (.'orrcpondonce School", average value $57 each .. 2S 2 Schol.rn.hlps In Lackawanna nuincs CoIIcrc, at $?r. eail 171) 2 Scholaishlp In Alfred Wookr's Vocal Studio Yli S3 1S40 $0574 Rules of the Contest. . The special rewards will be given to the person tMuf Ine; the larccit nuinhcr of point I'olnti will he credited to contestants securlna; new iub crlbcrs to Tho Scranton Tribune u follows! Points. One month's subscription ,.$ ,60 1 , Three month', subscription...... t.Sfi 3 Six montha subscription 2. SO fl One yeir's subscription..., 6.00 12 The contetint with the highest number of points will lie unen a cljolcm from the list of special rewards; the con testant nllh the second highest number of points will b Riven ti choice of tho remaining rewards, ind so on-throuih the list. The contestant -who secures the highest number of points during any calendar month of the contest will receive a special honor reward, this reward being entirely independ ent of the ultimate disposuMon of the scholarships. Kach contestant falling to secure a special reward will be (then 10 per cent, of all money lie or she turns In. All subscriptions must be 'paid in advance. Only new .subscritiers will be counted. ltcnfwa.li by persons whose names are already on our sub scription list will not be credited. The Tribune illl investi gate each subscription ami if found incgular in any way reserves the right tin reject It. No transfers can be made after credit his once been given, All subscription" and the cash to pay for them must be handed lu at The TrUinnc o3lce within the week in which they are rerured, so that papers can bo sent to th sub scribers at mice. Subscription must be written on blank', which can b secured, at The Tribune office, or will be sent by mall, EVERY CONTESTANT TO BE 'PAID Each contestant falling to secure one of the scholarships will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest. SPECIAL HONOR PRIZES. A new feature is added this year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those securing the largest num ber of points each month. The Contestant scoring the largest number of points before 5 p. m. Saturday, May 31, wu. receive A HANDSOHE OOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years. Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October will be announced later. . Those wishing to enter the Contest should send in their names ,at once, plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to All questions concerning the 2 COIVTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa. SUMMER RESORTS SUMMER RESORTS ATLAVTI3 CITY HOTEL -'T r , rTtlFKlN tfftr r EDUCATION AU. On Virginia Avenue, the Widest and Most Fashionable in Atlantic City. "Within a few yards nr tho Famous Steel Pier aiul Board walk and in front of tho mo.st ilcsii-iililo bathlnpr grrnuntlH. All convenience; elevator to street level: hot iiiul colli hatha. Accommodations for UOU. Tuulo excellent. Terms moderate. Write for booklet. N. It. UOTHWKM.,. HOTEL RALEIGH Capacity Enlarged to 400 Sea End of ST. CHARLES PLACE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Do You Want a Good Education? i Not a short course, nor an csy course, nor a cheap course, hut tho best education to be had. No other education Is worth spending time and money on. II you do write for a catalogue of Lafayette College Easton, Pa. wlitch offers thorough preparation in the Engineering and Chemical Professions u well, as the Tegular College courses. ALWAYS BUSY. Sfaf? Campaign as UieWed in Wayne n Kiom tho Ilom'Mlulu Citizen. THE nemlliiK I'liiupiilKit for the itcpnlillciiii iiumlnntlonH for state otllcer.-', mi entirely now aspect of that rout u io of the political comlltlnus In Pennsylvania known us "boss rulo" Is presunteil. ilcrt'tofoic, when the leaili.M' of the tloinimmt party has made choice of his camllilate for Kovcrnor, lie has announced his preference, nnd culled on the purty to unite with him In support of tho cunillilutc, r-'roin tho nomination of I lattrunf t. in J87-. through tho Intlueuce of .Simon Cam eron, to tho nomination of Stone, In li'OS, through the Inllueuco of Senator fjuny, thl'i practice has been oh seiveil. In some Instances us In J87S, 1890 unci 1S98 the ileslreil nomination was secured only after u contest, while in others (heio was substantial unan luilty, Hut lu every case the prefer ence of the parly leader was miulo known ut a comparatively early staBO of the canvass, and the party hud Ihe opportunity of dccldltiB whether to tupport or oppose hlin. This yeur, tho sltuutlon Is niutcrluHy different. .Senator Quay who, not wltlistaudliiK much opposition, still maintains his primacy in tho party has not taken tho party Into his confi dence on tho question of the cundldute for governor, For u lony tlmo It was g.ipposeil that he had made choice of Attorney fjencral Klkln. On April 11, however, ho announced his opposition to Mr, Ulkln. lint while dcclarlm; his purpose ol defeating the attorney Reu oial, and to that end becomiiih' a can didate in his own county for delegate i IT During June and September our rates are more reasonable although the service is better, and the comforts are greater. t 200 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS with every appointment and convenience to ho found" In a first-class seaside resort. The supei lor service and cidslnn for which this house hus become famous will bo maintained throiiRlioiit the entire year. UiiSoiigu checked from the house to till parts. Couch will meet all trains. JOHN B. SCOTT. HOTEL RITTENHOUSE. New Jersey nvonue and the Beach, At lantic City, N. J. Finest hlBh-class fam ily hotel on tho Atlantic Coast. Cnlslno the best. AVilto for booklet. II. S. 8THVIJNS. Fprlng anil Rummer Oifcnts anil loots that con lent tho mind ami lomfnit the feet, Men's "Always" Busy Oxfords, $3.00 Ladles' "Melua" Oxfords, $3.50. Lewis & Reilly, 114-116 Wyoming Avenue. The Matchless Splendors of the Canadian Rockies HANFF the I.AKK.S In the CLOUDS, VOUO VAM.NY, tho flRK.VT C1LA ClKn u region described by Whym- per, tuo conquerer of tho Jlutteihorn, as fifty or sixty Bwltzerlands tolled Into one reached only by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Dally transcontinental train service throughout the year from Toronto and Montreal. JMI'JJHIAk MMIT13D, i;rosshiB tho continent in 07 hours, -leaves Toronto nd Mou'tieal (coin, menehiff June 15th next, every (Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Sleeping nnd dlnliiff ears attached to all thtough trains. . First-class hotels In the mountains. Swiss guides at the principal points. For rates, etc, apply to nearest agent of the C. P, l or to W. V. Skinner, 353 Ihoadway, New York. ROBERT KERR, Passennev Traffic Hfouna'or. Montreal, The Westminister Kentucky iuc., near UimiIi, Atlantic f'lly. Open fill llil tnil Clin DaiIam tM. .-. 1 .it . .... .. j..), uu, .m.iui. i.icjiur .inn 3u inuiiern imniou'inents. special ispiing Itates. CIIAS. BUHRE, Prop. HOTEL RICHMOND. Kcntuiky Au-nue. 1'iist Hotel hum lleudi, At lantlc t'il), .N. J.i () Oifim h-w i own.; m. pjilty 100; wille foi epalal ule. ,1. II, JenU. im, Prop. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a spur of the Alleghany Mountains f.plihrli Viillej; idilroail; nr.ir Ton-jmlj. liithliu,', IWMus, sports, etc. Kuellent Uhle. Itea-mulile rilcn. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL I', O., Aiica, 1'a. Sciul fur booklet. C. K. 1IAIIIIIS. Spill W9 MILLING CO. vW X HP. R0CHE5TEH.NY. ' i'-iJ 9 NEW YORK HOTELS. ITdTne hotel mi a viik r'i:i:N uutii a.n u uuthhts. NEW YORK. EUROPEAN PLAN. NEW. Fl liPKOOF Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross tov.'H cars ami transfer at ft It nve. direct to hotel, Homiii ultli llalli f Hulls wllh Hath $!.60upu-iiul. J I S'J.&O. ' V. li. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Slitcenth St. anil Ir Ins Place, NEW YORK. Announcement ft During the summer of 1903, iris struction in all the subjects require? for admission to the best college and scientific schools will be given at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer School of Secondary Instruction; Cotuit, Massachusetts, under tife direction of Principal Charles E; Fish. The courses of instruction are (or the benefit of five classes of students: , . S . 1. Candidates who have received conditions at the entrance examine. tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or othej: causes, have deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college. 5. Students in college who have ndmission conditions which must be removed before the beginning of tha next Scholastic Year. For particulars address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawauna, Scranton, Pa. American Plan, W.JO 1'cr Pa and Upwards. Kuropean Plan, tl.OJ Per lUy and Upwarili. Special Itates to I'ainlllei. T. THOMPSON, Prop. -:' S. J, Fuiirman & Bro Manufjdureri of Store and Window Awnings Our celebrated Strap Roller for Awnings a Specialty 328 LiclawaDiia Ave., Scranton, Pa. For Business Men In tho heart ct lh wholcsaU district. For Shopper. t. minuted walls to Wannmakerst S minutes to Sireot Cooper's Iilg Store. Easy of access to the LTt Dry Qooils Store. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars. civ. Ins easy transportation to all points of Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT : NEW YORK. ror. nth st. a UNivrntsrry rr; Only one niock from Hroailway. . Booms, $1 Dp. ,?, bl: -. TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING-QUICK RETURNS Dr. & Mrs. John MacDuffie's SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 25lh je.ir. 'I'nenty'flic .iarj under the maniito limit of JllhS IIOWAItlc. College preparatory and jiaUemlc (oursra. Resident pupils limited to 110, lit) gill noii'rc-lilfiil, lleautlfiil utomidi. Tennis courts, Instruction in accordance with lilghest requirement o( hen colleges, For par. tlcuUrs and citiUmno aildrr&j Jolin lUcDuftle, I'll. IL, t-prlnfifield, Maw. SATt! NORMAL, SCHOOL Katt btioudaburg, I'a, . Tlic cxaniliutlnu) lor mliiilsiion to Hie MiHdM Vejr and K.'iilor Year ilasaea tie irld June l). High Khoul piaduatM wilt lc peunltted to tjV liuili ixjiiiliutloiH J ml enter the tenlor claii- ulu'ii' thrli uoil. h.i. lovered the Junior and mid. lean course 01 me, normal, iiiu year win he the lat oppoiluuiiy mien u uo eo, at tn die jean course of the, normal. lime scan' iihiii-o U In full Tone and all will come under tlie talo ifiriiUtlons of eliminations. lor full uartlcuiua auires Jt once. , p. hiiii.i:, a. 11., rrincipai. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE S0HOOM SCRANTON, PA. T. J. Foster, ruiident. Elmer 11. Uwall, Tit, it. J, Foster, Stanley I'. Alius, Vice President. Becratiry. Lawyers Tlio Tribune will guarantee to prlnl youi'-pniier liook ijulckcr than any otti cr I'l'lntlng house lu tho city, I fhdsnu;ik M bMf&te . .-. il-ai. A. A. l ' .&i,l ii :.,tzm.a.trgi 1 :jl.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers