10 THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1902. ; r n Woman's Wot k in preparing appetizing and wholesome food is lightened by this famous baking powder Absolutely pure It adds healthful qualities to the food ROYAL Baking Powder The "Royal Baker nnd Pastry Cook" most practical ana billable of cook books free to every patron. Send full address by postal card. ROYAL DAKINQ POWDER CO., HOUSEKEEPING SIMPLIFIED CO-OPERATIVE EXPERIMENT SUCCESSFUL IN IOWA. Household Worries Abolished and Expenses Cut One-fourth The Ex periment Twenty Weeks Old Other People Following Their Ex ample. From n Sioux City Letter In the Sun. Twenty-one residents of the suburb oC Mornlngside have lived for twenty weeks In Independence and defiance ot thi servant girl, and have discovered that by co-operative housekeeping the head of the. family will save one-fourth of the cost of satisfying the appetites of the family. The Parksldc Co-operative House keeping association, organized in De cember have cost each of the members an average of $2.35 a week, and has saved St cents a week for each. The association has found that its plun will mean an annual economy to a family of four members of $178.48. This union kitchen was the first of its kind In the United Strifes, the members say, but so successful has it been that another association has been organized here In the Relnhaidt flats, and two more will be formed In Morningside, to begin operations next September. Following the example of the Sioux city people, fifteen families of Marlon, Intl.. have formed a co-operative asso ciation, and recently began taking thiIr meals In a specially constructed build ing. HOW IT WORKS. The co-operative housekeeping plan solves the servant ghl problem, which has become the terror of housekeeping, relieves the housewife of all the worry and labor of superintending the pre paration of thiee meuls a day, and paves the head of the family u fourth of the cost. All the membais of this association live within a block of the home of Oharleb Senlft, and there they meet to" take their meals at two large tables. Three looms aic rented from Sirs. Sen lft for $10 a month, including light und fuel for all the rooms except the kitch en. The housekeeper and cook gets $7 a week and her board, and two assist ants get $1 a .week and their board. The five women of the club form a com mittee that makes out the bill of faie t'ULh week, and a man Is chosen as buy er to ,ser,ve for two eeksah assistant to his wife, or, If hlngle, some other man's wife. ' The congenlnllty of the members Is seemed by requiring a unanimous vote before a new member Is admitted. The association buys Its food from re tailers, but the purchuses are In large (luautltles and the association practic ally gets wholesale rates, amounting to a saving of 15 per cent. The fuel cosls no moie practically than In one fam ily, meaning a weekly economy of $1.G0. ONLY ONE COOK. There Is but one' cook' for tho asso ciation, and, while she gets' $7 a week, it may ho assumed that tho five fami lies would spend at least .$3 a w'eek each for a servant, together paying $15. Add ing the $1 recelved'by each pf tho assis tants to the salary of the cook, tho families Bave $6 a week by pooling. The association gives the cook and the assistants hoard and this Is two persons fewer than would be boarded If tho name families were eating on tho old plan, so that $4.60 weekly 13 saved In this way, , The 15 per cent, cut In the prices or food amounts to m cents weekly for each member, or $5.01 a week for all twenty-one. Tho Ite'ms of economy for tho twenty one .people, weekly, then, ure as fol lows; Amount savcl. I'Micl .,,. ,.. ,. , i , ,,,,, ,,$ 1 50 Servant wages .,,.,,..,,,,,., i 00 Horvant board ,,. ,,,. ,, ,, 4 00 Jood ,..., , 5 01 Total .,. ... , $17 H This means a saving pf 81 cents a week for each member, or $3.24 a week for a family of four, amounting In a year to 178.49 of actual economy, ''The social feature is a strong point Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Past ies Fine Paddings There are cheap baking powders, made from alum, but they are ex ceedingly harmful to health. Their astringent and cauterizing qualities add a dangerous element to food. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. In favor of the association," said Mrs. W. W. Blown, who originated the plan. "One learns to look forward to the 6 o'clock dinner with anticipation. "The plan. has worked wonders by bringing Into the fresh air three times a day women who have formerly housed themselves carefully from cold, wind and storm. Families in which mincing at table and delicate appetites have been the rule have developed start ling appreciation for their meals, and the table is surrounded dally by good eaters. "Company at meal time has lost Its terror. When a visitor drops in before dinner there are no longer furtive glances through Ice box and store clos ets, and brain racking problems of feeding a crowd with a dinner prepared for a few. Instead, there Is plenty of time for visiting, and hostess and guest are undisturbed by culinary plans and preparations. The success of the enterprise has giv en rise to the suggestion that a suita ble building be erected with one or more well equipped dining rooms, each of which will seat about thirty persons. Interest in the plan has been aroused In other cities and state. and the offi cers receive many letters asking for in formation and details." SAMPLE MENUS. Following are samples of the bill of fare for a week day and for Sunday: Thursday Breakfast: Cereal, griddle cakes, syrup, bread and butter and cotfi.e. Luncheon: Cold pork, potatoes, baking powder biscuits and butter, plum butttr, tea nnd coffee. Dinner: Liver, mashed potatoes, pickles, tea, cakes, bread and butter, strawberry preserves and tea. Sunday Breukfast: Ham, fried pota toes, syrup, crackers, bread and butter and coffee. Dinner: Stewed clilclcivi, m.'ihhed potatoes, celery, white and brown bieud. butter, apple pie, oranges, nuts and coffee. Supper: Bread and buttur, cake, canned peaches, suet pudding and chocolate. LINCOLN AS A WATCHMAN. Took the Place of James Etter in Washington. James Etter, one of the watchmen of the Cox building, which is used in connection with tho treasury depart ment, Is perhaps the dean of the gov ernment survive. He will be S3 years of age In a short time and has served on the watch forces of the treasury und war department for two score years. After his service In the civil war he was appointed to a position In the Wynder building, which Was then a branch of the war department, and remained there from 1863 until 1900, wlien he was removed by Auditor Mor ris just before the latter's tragic death. It Is said by those who havo known Mr. Etter that he "Is the best natured old gentleman that was ever allowed to live," and several stories are told of him which are fair proofs of this opin ion. It Is said that when Mr. Morris told the old man that he was to be removed to the Cox building because ho was too old to serve In a busier ofllce, Mr.' Etter replied: "Why, sir, I'm not old I'm good us I ever was, I'm only 80." Another Incident In tho government life of this veteran watchman was an uffalr which happened in 1863, and which Included In its pei formers President Lincoln, "It was a Sunday," said Mr, Etter, In relating It. "I was sitting there at my door In the usual placo and a- gentleman drove' up and asked for the surgeon general, General Barnes, and who should It 'be but the president himself. Well, tho general was not In then, und Mr. Lincoln drove away, but In a short time ho was back again asking for the generul. I told him that the general was not In yet; that he was over at the war depiut ment.and Mr. Lincoln said to mo; " 'Will you do me a favor, sir, as I would do one for you? You go over to the department and tell tho general that I wish to see him, and I will keep watch here until you como back.' He took my place In tho chair and I hurried oyer to tell the general. When I came back there was the president playing watchman In my place. I turn your place over to you, sir,' says he, 'and as safe as you left It.' and then he went out to meet tho general." The Spanish-American rar, insignificant as II seemed to be, projected the United Statu on the world (4 lflit-cli power, and opened tho j (or the display of J. Plerpoat Morgan' com manding genius, Mr, Morgan, ot courw, ai a great wan before the war, Just as flcncral Grant va before, the outbreak of the Civil war, but tU was bit opportunity, Sfill the Work Shop of the Universe Special Coricspomlcnec of Tho Tribune. Washington, May 30". A (1001) rlrril ot encouragement to the manufacturing Interests of tha country Is found In tho de tailed statement of commerce for tho month of Apt II and the ten mnnthti ending with April, Just If-micd by the ticnsury bureau of statistics. It shows that mntiiifHcUiicrs' mnlfilaln formed one-half of tho Importations during the month of April, and In tho ton months formed over lit per conlj of the total; whllo tho exports ot manufacture's In the month of Apill formed St 51 per cent, of tho total pxpoits, against 5!U!i per cent. In April, 1DQ1, and for tho ton months end Ihg with Apill, 190-', they formed '.'S.fM per cent, of tho total exports, as compared with 27.W per cent. In tho corresponding months of tho preceding fiscal year. Tho total value nf manufacturers' materials Imported In tho ten months ending with April this year Is $3J8,(Vi7,M1, its against J-S'0,S01,407 In tho corresponding months of Inqt year, an increase nf $67,855,1,54 or 21 per cent. Exports of manufactures, It will ho observed, aro ncaily overtaking thoso of last year, tho gain In tho month of April alonu being four nnd a half million dollars over April, 1901, whllo lor tho ton months the total value of manufnctm'03 exported falls but $3,4StS,SH below that for tho corresponding months of last year. Manufactures formed considerably mora than one-third of tho exports In tho month of April, having formed 30.51 per cent, of tho total, against 119.05 per cent. In April. 1901; while for tho ten months tho percentage which manufactures form of tho total exports Is higher thun in any picccedtng year except 1900. Tn imports of manufacturers' materials the "growth Is found In almost every Im portant class of articles. Chemicals, which are largely used In manufacturing, show a growth from 4114 million dollars In the ten months of last year to over 43 million dollars In tho ten months of tho present fiscal year; raw cotton, from 39 million pounds to 87 million pounds; cop per ore, from 8 million dollars In value to over 12 millions; fibers, for uso In m.tn tifactuilng, from IS million dollars to 23 millions; bides und skins, from S7 millions to 19 million dollars; rnw silk, from 23 million to :t(; million dollars; tin, from 59 million pounds to lit million pounds; loaf tobacco, from 12 million pounds to 11 mil lion pounds; wool 7rom less than 10 mill ion dollars to over 15 million dollars, and wood from 12 million dollars to 15 million dollars. On tho export sldo tho largest Increase In manufactures Is hi cotton goods, which In the present flsral year will exceed by 25 per cent, tho figures of any preceding year. For tho ten months ending with April the total exports of cotton manu factures were $20,430,379. and for the single mouth of April were $3,032.71S, indicating that for tho full fiscal year tho total will exceed $30,000,000. Tho highest figure in exports ot cotton manufactures over reached In any preceding year was $21, 003.0S7 in 1900. A comparison of the figures of tho present tlscal year with those of the earlier part of the past decade shows that tho exports of cotton manufactures have doubled since 1S95. Prior to that year their total value of cotton manufac tures exported was 21 millions; In 1S&0, 23 millions; In 1900. 24 millions, and In 1902 will, as above indicated, exceed 30 mill Ions. This increase is chiefly In cotton cloths, and a largo pioportlon of tho growth Is in exports to China. Our ex ports of cotton cloths to China have more than doubled since 1900, tho totnl for ten months having ndvaneed from 104 millon yards in 1903 to 372 million yaids In 1952. Tho total exports of manufactures, as aheady indicated, havo nearly overtaken tho figures of last year, and for tho full fiscal year seem likely to bo quite as laigo as those of last year. The exports of do mestic manufactures for the ten months total $333,820,809, against $339,307,023. a de crease of 4'4 millions; while tho fact that April alone mado a gain of 4V& millions over April of last year Indicates that the tlscal year 1902 will probably equal tho cord of 1091. An analysis of tho exports .' manufactures, and that there nro marked increases in other lines. Iron and steel manufactures alone, chiefly by reason of the unusual home demand, fell 10 million dollars helow tho exports of last year; while the fact that the total exports of manufactures aro but &V mil lions less than those of last year Indi cates that in other lines of manufacture there has been a mniked gain. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange. Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid.Asked Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... 00 County Saw Bank & Trust Co 300 First Nat. Bank (Carbondalo). ... 500 Third National Bank G50 Dime Dep. &. Dls. Bank 300 Economy L,, H. & P. Co 40 First. National Bank' 1300 Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co... l'i Clark & Snover Co.. Pr 12.1 Scranton Savings Bank Ii00 Traders' National Bank 22", Scranton Bolt Ac Nut Co 12." People's Bank 1J3 J BONDS. Scranton Packing Co 35 Scranton Passenger Railway. first mortgage, duo 1920 113 People's Stieet Railway, first mortgage, duo 1918 Ill People's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 115 Scranton True. Co., fi per cent. 113 Economy L., H. & P. Co 97 N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103 Soranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by H. G. Dale, 27 Lucka. Ave,) Flour-$1.40. Butter Fresh creamery, 23c; fiesh dairy, 2tc. Cheese-13ul3',ic Eggs Nearby, lSc; western, 17'c. Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.33a2.40. Green Peas Per bushel, $2.23. Onions Bermudas. $2.00 per crate. Potatoes Per bushel, goc. FINANCIAL Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2X & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange, We offer, to yield About 0 per cent,, $250,000 (Total Issue, $i,ooo,ooo) BUTTE ELECTRIC & POWER CO, Butte, Mont., 5 per cent. 1st Mortgage Sink ing Fund Gold Bonds, Denomination $1000. V Maturing I to 30 years. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. wmmmmmk FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of 'Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and general-development of the property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Pan-Amorican Exposition at Buffalo last seaBon. Stock now Belling at ? ,50 a share, The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES NII1G CO 1202 Crazier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. B00DY,McLELLAN & CO. BANKERS, No 87 Broedway, New York City, MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. STOCKS.BONDS and INVESTMENTS ORDEBS EXECUTED , FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN MAKE MORE HONEY. It your Income aiiftldentT Ifuot, and you are nustouato Increase it, write rue, atatlng what amount you cat Invest, If only $io, and 1 will write .vou u inter of advice Fre. for yearalbavadono nothing exeoptatudy Invest, moat. Junow 1 cun luoreiuoyotirlncomeby pointing out Set luvesUinmu, ulttierto nu known. ANDREW L. RUSH, lavatmat Broker. Panic KtUrauttt tpriogflcld, Mmi 7e7auttlesir7Htin A HIT A PALPABLE HIT! The women are delighted with the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe. Such a shoe for three dollars is a revelation. It fits the foot in every spot it doesn't wrinkle nor does it pinch. It's just right, and besides it has all the lines of beauty that you would expect in a shoe designed for women by a woman of artistic taste and special skill. The Boots are $300 Oxfords $2.50 (A Few Specials 50 Cents- Extra.) Let us show you the new shoe that is caus ing the sensation in the shoe trade. The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Go Cor. Lackawanna ana Wyoming Aves- fill Hi Lager Beer., Manufacturers of Old Stock i PILSNER 1 JSiiSL Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 333 1. New 'Phone, 2935, Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Gunster&Forsytii 253327 Pcnn Aveiiue, J A "For Rent" sign on your house will only bo seen by the casyal passerby. A "For Rent" ad. In The Tribune will be seen by ALL who may be contemplating a chapge of residence. Four lines one time, 10c. Four lines three tims, 25c v.rauutejiT raunp Jfioejzr women WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. If You Wish To Sell A Lodging House A Restaurant . . A Grocery Store. A Provision Store A Bakery . . . . A Cigar Store. . A Pool Room. . . Or Any Business PUT AN AD. IN THE Tribune's Business Chance Columns AND SEE HOW QUICKLY YOU WILL FIND A CUSTOMER 4 Lines 10 Cents Pretty Low Price, You'll Admit. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to machine Business ot Dickson Manufactures Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mlnlnc Machinery, Pumps. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In i:ilcct Nov. 3, lixil. Trains leave Scranton lor New orK At 1.40. 8.15, U.W, 7.00 and 10.0 a. m.: 12.43. 3.40, SM p. rri. Kor Sew Yorl; and Philadelphia 7.00, 10,05 a. m., and 12.45 and 3.E3 p. m. For Tob). hnnnj At 0.1U p. In. l-'or Iluflalo 1,15. (1.22 and 9.00 a. in.; 1.S5, 0.50 mil u.35 p. ni. for UIiie itamton and way stations 10.20 a. ni. and 1.10 p. m. Foi Osc;;o, Syracuse and Utlca 1.15 and U.2J a. in.; 1.53 p. ni. Ojwi'ro, bjracuia and Utlca train at 0.22 a, m. dally, except Sunday, For Jlonlro.o 8,00 a. in.; l.lu and 0.50 p. m. Nicholson. accommodation 1.00 and 0.15 p. m. Ulootmth'uric UUlalon For Northumberland, at CM and 10.05 a. in.; 1,55 and 0.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.10 and 0.U0 p. m tiundav Trains For New Yoik, 1.40, 3.15. 0.0J ami 0.tf a. in.; 3,40, 3.33 p. m. For HulTalo 1.15 and a.21 a. ni.; l.U, o So and 11. 5 . m. Fur llinglianiton and nay stations 10.20 a. m. Hlcomalmrg Division Leava ticrantoo, 10.05 a. in, and 0,10 p. m. Delaware nnd Hudson. In UfTcit Koumber 24, 1001, Trains lor Cartonclala U'jic Scianton at 0.20, 8 00, S.S3, 10.13 a. m.i 12.00, 1.20, 2.31, 3.02, 6 2V, 0.20, 7.07, D.15, 11,20 p. jo. j 1.31 a. in. For llonesdalc 0.20, 10. Ua. m.i 2.31 ami 5.29 p. in. ' For WIIVes.Darrc-0.3S, 7.48, E 41, 0 38. 10.41 a. m.; 12.03, 1.4.', .18, 3.23, 4.21, C10, 7,ti. 10.41, ll.SU p. in. For U V. It. 11. l'oinU-6.39, 0.83 a. in.: 2.18, 4.27 and ll.SU p. in. For Pennsylvania II. It. I'olnts-.33, 0.38 a. in. ; 1.4-, 3.28 and 4.27 p. ni. For Albany. and all point! north 0.20 a. m. and 3.5.! p. in, SUNDAY THAINS. For CurtondHlc 6.60, 11. W a. nu: 2.34, 3.62, 5.63 and 11.17 p. Pi. For VtlW4llarre-V.3S a. m.; 12.03, 1.(3, 9.29, 0.32 and 9.17 p. m. For Albany and points north 3.63 p. m. For IIonedalc 8 50 a. in. and 3.63 p. m. W. 1. PHYOU, U. f. A.. gcruiW Pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Xehlgh Valley Eailroad. In effect May 18.. 1003. Trains leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New York rla D. 4k FI. R.-R;, at 0.SK and' 9.3S 'a. m., and S.13, 4.S7 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.30 p. m. Sun days, D. & II... K. H-, 1.53, 8.27 p. m. For White Haven, Hazleton and principal point in the coal regions,- via U. & U. It. It., 0.33, 2.18 and 4.27 p. ni. 'For- Pottsvlllc, '8.38 a. tn., 2.U P m. .. For Bctlilehem, Haston, Readme;, Harrisbura;, , and principal intermediate stations, via D.' & II. K. It., B.38, 0.3S a. m.j 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Express), 11:30 p. in. Sundays, O. & H. R. It,, 0.33 a, ni.; 1.5S, 8.27 p. m. For Tunkhannock, Towanda, KImira, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, vis D., L. & W. It. it., fl.33n." m. and 3.40 p. ni. For Clencva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Fall, Chicago and all points 'west, via D. k II. R. R., 7.4S, 12.03 a. ill.; 3.23 (Black Diamond Kx prcus), 7.4S, 10.41, 11.S9 p. ni. Sundays, D. 5: II. it. It.. 12.03, S.27 p. m. Pullman parioi and sleeping; or Lchiyh Valley Parlor care on all trains between YVjlkes-Barr and New lorh, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen. lion Bridge. ltOLLIN' II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortlanl street, New York. CHAIlLi:9 S. LEE. Oen. Pais. Agt., 28 Cortland street, New York, A. W. NONI'.MACIIER, Dlv. Paas. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply t city ticket office, 69 Public Square, Wilkes-Dane, Ha. HEADING SYSTEM. Central Bnilroad of New Jersey. In '"fiect May 18, 10O2. Stations In New Yoik, loot Liberty street am Soutli Ferry, X. It. Trains leinc Scranton for New Yoik, Phlla. Uelphiu, Huston, Bethlehem, Allentown, Muuch Chunk, White Haven, Ahlcy, ft ilkes-Burii! anil Plttston at 7.30 u. ni., 1 p. m. und 4 p. in. Sun day, 2.10 p. in. tju.ikcr t'ity Kpie leaies Scranton 7.30 a. hi,, through holid vcattbutc tialn with Pullman Buffet Parlor Cur Tor Phlladilphli viltli only one clunita ol cars for Baltimore .ind Washington, D. (.',, ami all principal points south und west. For A'oiu, Plttston und Will.Barrc, 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. humUy. 2.10 p. in. For Iaiiib Branch, Ocean Urou-, etc., 7.30 and For iti'adliifJ, lxb.inon.anil llarrisburg via At l.ntonn ut 7.H0 a. m., 1 p. in. and 4 p. in. Sun day, 2.10 p. m. For Tumaqiu and Pottsvlllc, 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. For ratcy and tickets apply to ugent at station. W. (I. DIIrt&I.IIK, (leu. Manager. O. M. HURT, Hen. P.iv. Agt. Pennsylvania Ballrond. Schedule in EOect June 2. 100L Trains Kae Scianton: 0.3i u. in., week days, through vestibule train Irom Wllkea.Barrc. Pull, man buffet parlor car and cuadiva to Philadel nhla, via Pott.vlllc; stupa at principal Intenna. dlato stations. Alo connects lor Suubury, liar rlsburg, Philadelphia, llsliimore, Washington and (or Pittsburg and the wt, 0.38 a m., week days, lar Sunbury, Ilurrisburg, Phlladelnhli, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and tho ct. 1.4J P. I"., ''tk dava (Sundays, 1.68 p. m.), lor Sunbury, llarrldiurg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and tho west. 3.28 p. in., week dais, through vestibule trail from Wilkes-llaire. Pullman buffet parlor cat slid coaches tn Philadelphia via PottsWlle. Stops at principal Intermediate stations 4.27 p, m.. week dayj, for llailelon, Sunbury, llairisburg, Philadelphia and Plttsbuiir. J, II. IlinOHINSON. Oen. llgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. New York, Ontario and Western. In Utfcct Tuesday, Sept. 17, PJ01, ' SOUTH BOUND, Lcato Leave Arrive, Trains. hi anion. t'aibomlale, GadoalaT Jel 0-3"- "' . "-I0"- '", 1.00 p. nt No 7 ........ 0-lUp- ' Ar. Carbondalo B. 40 p. m. "" ' "sOUril BOUND. v n Lcuvo Leave Arrive Trains. Cadwla. Caibondale. Scranton. &. :::::::: & P. m. 7!8V". &' " bUNDAtb ONLY, NOIIIll BOUND, Leave Leave Arrive Iralns. Scranton. Carbondaie. Cadosla. .So. 0 ........ 8.b0a. m. O.lOp. m. 10.45 a. m No. 6 .,...! 7.00p. m. Ar. Carbondaie 7.40 p. m. tic ..! SOUTH BOUND. " " Lcaio Leave Arrive Trains. Cadosla. Caibondale. Scranton No, C ,.. 7.00a.m. 7.40, m. No. 10 1.30 p. in. 6.00 p. m. 11.45 p!m. Train Nos. 1 on week da), and 9 on Sundays, make main line connections lor New York city! Uiddletown, Waltnn, Norwich, Oneida, (Xwrg and all points wot. For further information ccnsult ticket srenta. J. C. ANDKIISON. 0. P. A., New York. J. WIXSU. V, t. A., Sainton. Pa. - H i i k- ( 'W u-
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