m THE SCRANtfON TRIBUNE-SATU11DAY, MAY 31, 1902. 13 THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER A Brief Hlstoru ot Its Organization and Description of Its Build Inns and Courses. POUR-YEAR SCHOLARSHIP AS A SPECIAL REWARD Whnt The Tribune Offers in Its Great Educational Contest One of the Successful Contestants Will Have Tuition and Incidental Expenses Tii$ in the University of Roches ter for Four Years The Univer sity's Fine Campus and Many Beautiful Buildings Extensive library Facilities How the Con test Now Stands Today Will Close the First Month The Contestant Who Has the Largest Number of Points to His or Her Ciedlt by Five O'clock This Evening Will Receive a Gold Watch This Is En tirely Additional to the Main Con test Which Closes Oct. 25 Now Is n Good Time to Begin. IN TrfE TRIBUNE'S great Educa tional Contest thcie uie many very attractive scholarships offered, and , one of the most Important of these is kin the University ot flochester. A eon- tract has been signed with the univer- slty to furnish some young man, to bo designated by The Tribune, with tuition md incidental expenses for four years, andthis scholarship Is to be presented to some one of the contestants in this great contest, which still has five months to run. The student designated by The Ti 1 bune will have the privilege f selecting any regular four-year course in the uni versity, and The Tribune will pay his tuition and Incidental charges for four years, amounting In all to $324. He will only he required to pass the regular ex aminations, just the same as any other student, and, like other students, must maintain an average standing of not less than SO per cent. .The'' description which is published herewith will no doubt be read with a great deal of interest by the contest ants In The Tribune's contest, as it gives some idea of the magnitude of what is offered for the work of spare hours during the next few months. UMYERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Its Organization and "History. The University of Rochester opened Its doors for students in the autumn of ISoO, and gave instruction in that year to seventy-one young men by means of a faculty of eight professors and in structors. Its first class of ten men was' graduated In July, 1851. The idea of establishing a college in Rochester College originated as early as 1847, when many friends of Christian education among the Bjaptlsts of the state of New Yoik expressed a conviction that such an in Htltutlon should bo established by that Pn this centre ot a large and giow apulation. The project was em ally endorsed In tho same year Izens of Rochester, and financial ;mce was pledged to it by leading Irrespective of creed. It was not mtll January m, ISM, however, that fjilans were sufllclently perfect to secuto from the Regents of the State of New York a provisional charier. On compli ance 'with certain conditions named In this provisional charter, the Regents, on Feb, 14, lSfil, gi anted the permanent t'(iarter under which tho college s at present organized. This charier Is in all respects similar to the old charter or Columbia" College In the city of New York, and Invests the corporation "with all the privileges and powets conceded to nny, college in this state, pursuant to the provisions of the sixth section of the btutute entitled 'An Act relative to the University,' passed April fi, 1S13," Tlje name adopted by tho founders and incorporated In the chn'iter Is The I'nlveislty of Rochester; trom Its foun dation, however, bo'tn trustees and faculty have had it) mind the work, which Is proper to an American college, iAs such a college Rochester alms to give to its students a liberal culture, kath.crnp.an a special training; It has M ?rKaimeii a graduate faculty, nor les.lt offer .courses for tho degree of :tor or philosophy, Tho master's de. e Is granted only In recognition of !Oiflc." work done under tho direction the 'faculty, tested by a thesis and examination, A New Departure, ?"or tho first ilfty years of Its llfo the University of Rochester was u college Tor young men. In i00 the trustees admitted women to tho classes 'on the same terms and conditions as men," subscriptions to the amount of $50,000 haying been obtained by a committee of nache.ster women to secure 'this end, rtn mq opportunities ana privileges of instruction in class rolm, lecture, and Itfooratery- ure open (o the women ' - equally with the men. It is the pur pose of the college to maintain for young men all the advantages which were olTcred them prior to 1900, while cxtendlhg Its ministries to a new cIufb of students, Tor whom It will nlni to se cure the fullest opportunity for self-development In connection with the edu cational privileges they share In com mon with the men, The Buildings and Grounds. The University occupies a campus of twenty-four acres, situated In one ot the most dcsliublc parts nt the oily, on the line of an electric railway connect ing with other lines radiating In every dliecllon. The grounds constitute a beautiful private park, affording ample accommodations for every kind of Held sport. Audcison Hull, the oldest of the build ings, was completed In 1801. In It are the chapel, lcctuto room, the physical and biological laboratories, and profes sors' offices. Sibley Hall, erected In 1S72 by Hlr.un Sibley, contains the library, the muse ums and the geological lecture room anil laboratory. The Reynolds Memorial Laboratory was built in lSSl! for the department of chemistry by Mortimer P. Reynolds as a memorial to his brother. William A. Reynolds, u trustee of the university. The Alumni Gymnasium, a new build ing provided by the llboiallly of the alumni, was opened for use In 1000. It Is fully equipped with apparatus and baths, Including a aw limning pool, fur nishing every facility for physical training. Library Facilities. The library Is located In the building piuvhh'd for It by the Hon. Iliiam Sib- Sibley Hbll-Tlic ley, of Rochester. It contains, accord ing to the last annual report, 37,-0.: vol umes, in addition to several thousand pamphlets belonging to the Rochester Academy of Science, Provision Is made for the Increase of the library by a fund established by tho late General John F. Ruthbone, of Albany, for many years a vice-president of the trustees. Avenue. The Income from the Rathbone fund Is annually supplemented by an appro priation fiom the general fund. Roth In the selection of hooks and In ihe classification of the library, su preme regai (I Is given to tho wants of the seveial departments of Instruction In the college, In addition to this spe cial literature, the library Is supplied with a good collection of works ut gen eral reference, and with tiles of a large number of the best periodicals1, bolh general and special, In Clorumu, Fieuch jnd Italian, as well as In English, The Campus. The multi llbruiy Is shelved In stocks separated from tho main hall by a rail ing, and access lo thefeo books la grant ed on application to tho attendant at the chaiglng desk. Tho reference, books ute arranged on shelves Immedi ately accessible to all readers. Tho cei(. tral portions of lite main hall are filled with reading tables mid constitute a tpadoua und well-lighted leading room. tn the centre of this reading room the current iicrlodleats are filed. The li brarian gives Instruction to nil new students In the use of books and the consultation of this library. T The reading room, with the privilege ot consulting any books possessed by the library, Is opened to the general public In accordance with the wish ot Mr. Sibley, the donor of the building. 3PiPpaiHHHfflrrfcPSli 111 1 tfejdl The withdrawal of books, for home use, however, is necessarily restricted to members of the college. Tho library hours arc from f.;!0 a. in. to .:;o p. in. dally thioughout the year, excepting Sundays and legal holidays. The library of the Rochester Theo- logical Seminary contains about Sl.OOO Library. volumes, which by courtesy are placed at Hits service of the students of the college. Although selected chiefly with icference to tho requirements of theo logical students, thlsl library contains a very large numberof works, especial ly in the departments of philosophy and history, which render It a valuable uux lll.it to the Instruction given in the coileee. The Reynolds Library was estab lished through the generosity of M. F. Reynolds, .is a free reference and cir culating library for the citizens of Ro chester, it contains more than 13,000 volumes and is especially valuable on account of the possession of a large number of standard works of reference. It has complete sets of nearly all tho best American and English periodicals. Its resources aie constantly made use of by the students of the college for tho Investigation of subjects connected with their courses of study. The Central Library, which Is under the continl of the Board of Education of the city, contains about 40,000 vol umes. Among the woiks of this II bury, which aie especially vnluuble as aids to collegiate study, are those con tained in the departments of ancient and modern history, blogiaphy, general science and Ihigllsh literature. The Law Library of tho Court of Ap peals contains about -Ti.OOO volumes. This library Is next to the largest pub lit law llbiary In the stale of New York. While It Is Intended to meet the special needs of the legal profession, It contains many works which are useful in general students In history and political science. There are thus accessible to the stu dents of the college In the libraries In the city of Rochester nearly 180,000 vol umes, The Laboratories. The Reynolds chemical Laboratory The Department of Chemistry occupies the Reynolds Meinoilal iiborutory, which was .specially planned tu combine the best possible facilities for chemical work. All the rooms are spacious and well lighted, in the basement uie the assaying laboratory, shopUiul storage loom. The first htory contains the qualitative- laboratory with accommo dations for forty students, the quanti tative laboratory with room for twenty students, Jtio reference library, balance room.teloro room, wardrobe, und profes sor's olllce pud private laboratory. The second stoiy contains tho chemical lec ture room, tho uppurutus room, tho r chemical cabinet, the optical room, photographic laboratory arid wardrobe. The Illologlcal Laboratories The De partment ot Hlology, occupies bovcii rooms on tho third floor, of Anderson, Hall. Those, rooms are well lighted and' Ventilated and are provided with gas and water. They comprise a largo lec ture room and general laboratory, a bacteriological laboratory, a botanical Anderson Hall. laboratory, and a work room wheic re - ugenis, anatomical material, etc., may ue ptepired. rj his suite of laboratories furnishes accommodations for sixty stu dents working at one time The Oeneral Laboratory will seat thiily students and Is provided with the apparatus needed for the various lines of work. Including microscopes, Abbe camera luclda, Thonin and Minot micro tomes, parafllne baths, Injecting appa ratus, incubating oven, glassware, etc.; also a very complete set of the reagents and stains used in histology and embry ology. For the work in physiology incre nas uecn provided a series of elastic models (Auzoux), including a manikin, heart, eve. car. hrnln. limr-u - ---. -(,',, etc.; also a human skeleton and a num ber of ostcololeal picpar.itions, such ns u skull entire, a skull disarticulated (Beaucbene), a vertebral column, thor- ax, upper and lower limbs. A collection of skeletons. Illustrating all of tho classes of vertebiates and nearly all of the orders of mammals, serves for work in comparative osteology. A complete , set of Zlegler's wax models of the de velopment of Amphioxus and of tho ehii k illustrate the work In embryology. Numerous standaid and specially made charts and a department libraty facil-I itate the work of instruction. j The Lacteriological Laboratory ad loins that of General Biology on the 'bird lloor of Anderson Hall. It oeiu plcs two rooms and furnishes accom modations for six students working to gether. It Is provided with gas and water, and with the apparatus and re- I agents necessary for the practical study I of bacteria, including steam and hoi air sterilizers, autoclave, Incubating ovens, chemical glassware, a very com plete set of stains, parafllne and water baths, microtomes and microscopes, completely equipped for bacteriological work, among them a large Zeiss stand with upochroniatlc objectives and com pensating oeulurs, etc. Facilities for making Inoculation experiments will be provided. A departmental library Is shelved in one of tho rooms. Tho Botanical Laboratory was opened in tho autumn of 1000. Its windows open to the south eas-.t and west, thus! number, was colle. led by Professor inhiulng good light at all hours of the.-w,, n.oni tht l0CaUties where specific day. I here is ample room for eighteen !rocks wtro ,.sl lU.r(.,..bd. In fllidltlon students at a time, besides preparation j l0 Ul0 ;i,iecimeuS-e::hibItcd In the cater, tables lockeis and apparatus cases. A. lhpro .,rc , tlIP ,i..awcis special eollcc- uc.uMlH,unii) is, sue.veu in me . i'iuuiniui.. j wvy tun cuueeuoii oi laboratory mateiial is piovldcd for work In general Morphology and stu dents in advanced Morphology are pro vided with microtomes, parafllne oven and all necessary reagents. The laboia tory has a full equipment of appaitus for w ork In plant phyMology. The Physical Laborutoiy The De partment of Physics occupies seven looms upon two floors and In the hare mem of Anderson Hall. They are fur nished with gas, water, vacuum and pressuie pipes, and power by means of electi Ic motors. Tho t-econd floor con tains the general laboratory, a room devoted to optics and photography, In cluding dark rooms and tho Instructor's oflice. On thejirst floor, convenient to tho appartus cases, hi the lecture room, fuinlfhod with gas, water and electilo current at the lecture table, pressure and vacuum pipes, and a stono pier. olferlng opportunity for mounting the ' more sensitive Instruments of precision. I loading to the degieo of Bachelor of Conveniently placed are arc light pro-j Science, These undergraduate courses .lection lanterns, of value In the. work, aim to furnish n liberal education, by of Illustration anil demonstration, in means of work which shall tit the stu the basement is the shop, furnished dents for further purt.uK of special with power and equipped with ma- study should they choose to enter any chlnery and tools essential In the con struetlon and tepalr of apparatus. The Dynamo Iaboiatory, also In the basement, Is supplied with stono piers for mounting galvanometers, and Is equipped with the essential appartus for the experimental woik of eleutiicul inti- chlnery, A complete system of wiring Mats, It is widely acknowledged that a before 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon, the leading to a central switchboard ron-I general cullurn offers 1ia best basis of table giving the "Standing of Contes ders the cunent fiom dynamos und I ! storage battel les available In every room, Adjacent Is a room designed for Investigation. It la the policy of the college to offer to the student every facility for advancement In tho science of physics, and In confoimlty with this policy such standard Instruments us aro required by students Interested In spe cial lines of Investigation ure added to the department as needed, A telescope, mounted equatoiially on a stone pier, is located in a building erected for that purpose. This Instru ment, which was made by Clark, has a six-inch object glass, and is provided with right ascension und declination circles, It Is designed only as an ad junct to Instruction, though sufllclently powerful for purposes of Investigation, The Department of neology occupies tho second floor of Sibley Hall. The main hall Is devoted to tho geological museum. Tho laboratory )s temporarily located in the geological lecture room In the tower, adjacent and convenient to the museum and cabinets. Facilities ato provided for the studies of minerals and locks In their physical properties. A large collection of lantern views, photographs and proofs Illustrates phy sical and structural geology. Material Is at baud fur special work In pale ontology und in phenonieuul and eco nomic geology. Museums and Cabinets. The Ward Geological Collections The i geological museum consists chiefly of the original collections In mineralogy, petrography, paleontology and phe nomenal geology made by Prof, Henry A, Ward, They wero accumulated by him through, many years ot labor and extensive- Havel In execution ot a plan to create a complete museum of geology for use In teaching. Tho material thus successfully gathered was purchased In ' 18C2 for the college, chiefly through tho generosity of tho citizens of Rochester At that time It wan tho largest and choicest geological collection In Ameri ca, Including about 40,000 specimens, handsomely mounted and labelled. Tho Ward collections have been supple mented by gifts fiom various classes . ( J- VV"Sj.-e 'sms.wzg. I,, & w .-,:' ! ;. vjr-sMH'', S.J" .1r&-!l&-&I&jrmj$. vvjgiitm& KW vv. vXiv-. lV. vt . -. - ' r 'i'- r"Y' - 'r-x - ""rTT7T "i 7TTff,n1iT?1-YrrM'rYffr'T'i"","-r"','-f -"-'--"rt, f'r -, mi lti!iMu'SSXm Reynolds Ci'.cmtcai Laboratory. and Individuals and by Mibseiuc-nt pur- ( before R o'clock this afternoon will re chases, and the college has today one celve a gold watch as a "special honor of the bebt geological museums In thplpiizc Thlr will have no effect upon country. The systematic coIIer,tlo:i In mineral ogy contains a great majority of the mineral species now recornlKcd. These are repi created by about .",,000 choice hpeclmens. The specimens are largely from European localities. Crystallog raphy and economic and phenomenal geology are illustrated by pecial col lections. 'Clin .'nll.m! Inn nf Trttlsn sthmir !! nilfl l?i i!onfl ,.,,, t,a0uR the gcolo,-y of chir acterlbtic leijions; amnmr these are K0 specimens lroui Vesuvius, ISO from Tus cany. WO lrom Mt Ilianc, 1-0 fiom the Pails riasln, SO from Savony. 200 from central France, and reveal hundit-d collcclcd by ihe Suite ecological Sur vey, lepresenting tin New York strata. The Zoological Collection, on the third lloor of Sibley Hall, was established dm lug IS!)1), the nucleus being tho mate ilal already possessed by the college, and the vertebrates gathered b Pi of. Henry A. Ward dining a South Ameri can journey In ISM. Courses of Study for Bachelor's De grees. Three courses of study, each extend- lug through four years, aie open to .stu- dents of thta college: The tiiaFRlc.il Com se, leading to tho degree a! Bach elor of Arts: the Phllusuphlcul Couue, leading to the dcgiee of Bachelor of Philosophy; and Ihe Selentlllc Course of the learned professions, The coiuves seek to 'kIvo that breadth of culture which Is sscured by thr combination of ' prescribed work with a large fiecdom of election of studies. The (,ollpge alms to furnish a liberal education rather than tu train special- The Plunge. broad knowledge und discipline on Which to build a thorough spectal train ing. The curriculum is so arranged, however, that students who wish to do &o may gain the bachelor's degroea by the election of many studies which con tribute directly to their later profes sional work. A Teacher's Training Department, ap proved by the Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction of the slate of New York, has beei established in tho college for tho benefit of those who desire to lit themselves for teach ing in the public schools. Students who, upon graduation, have completed the courses prescribed for this depart' ment, are entitled to receive the Col lege Graduate Professional Certificate without examination. - Expenses. The university has no dormitories. Several ot the chapter houses of the ,Oreek-lettcr fraternities, however, aro located close to the campus. These fur nish accommodation for many of their members. Students also find comfort able homes with families residing with in a few minutes' walk of the univer sity, In the most attractive quarter of the city. The Janitor will furnish all necessary Information respecting rooms and 'boarding. A limited number of students are giv en the opportunity of paying their tui tion by means of services in the library or In the laboratories or In other de partments of the college. A large num ber ot students find profitable employ ment In the city In teaching private pu pils, nndIn various other occupations, thus enabling them to provide, In con siderable part, for tho expenses of their education. Students who have practical acquaintance with any of the useful arts are generally able to procure re munerative employment In the city. The Tribune's Offer. The Tribune offers one scholarship In tho University of Rochester good for the period of four years, to the young man who by virtue of his position at the close ot the contest Is entitled to the choice of It. This scholarship cov ers the expenses of tuition for the full four years and Incidental expenses, which Includes the gymnasium fee. CLOSING DAY OP THE PIRST MONTH Oscar H. Kipp, of Elmhurst, a. New Contestant, Starts Well Up in the List. Today closes the first month of The Tribune's Educational Contest, and the contestant who scores the most points his chances in the main contest, which lias nearly five months yet to run, and will not prevent his trying for the oth er "special honor piizes"whlch are to be offered each month. Ah was stated yesterday morning, y?!&3sH3Hfy5u ffilWMWMI , - ' - z V"-4 . is" v j- 'yt ' ' i " -tin ' -x.'-f '' vfljy' IM i JJiWili ' - I'lliiJHlMlBiBMIl Gymnasium. contestants who reside outside of Scranton will icoelve ctedlt for all points mulled In letters bearing post marks of 5 p. m. or earlier. These con testants should bear In mind two things, however. First, that letters are not postmarked as soon as they nre placed In theiofllce, and It will be nec essary for them to ascertain from their postmaster Just when they must be posted In order to Insuie their being marked within that hour, Second, they must be sure that the letter will start for Scranton Sutuiduy evening, as The Tribune will bo unable to wait longer than 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon for these letters to arrive, If not received Interior Gymnuslum. t.ints" will be mode up, and whoever is at the head of the list will receive the gold watch. Although yesterday was a holiday It did pot prevent contestants from bring ing 'In points. The most notable event of the day was a return of thirty-three points by Oscar H. Kipp, of Elmhurst, who starts this morning in thirteenth place, but four points behind tenth. This Is a mont excellent start, and shows how a few subscribers places a new contestant well up in the table. A contestant In tenth place, if able to maintain that position until the close, would be In line for a sellout! ship val ued ut 600 or more, Standing of Contestants IVIn. 1. A. J. Kellerman. Scranton.207 t 2. Charles Burns, Vandling. .104 3. Win. T. S. Rodriguez, Scranton 13ft 4. Herbert Thompson, Car- bondalo .... ....... .108 8. Maxwell Shepherd, Car- boudalo ... S3 0. Albert Freedman, Bolle- vue 88 7. Harry Madden, Scranton . 55 8. Wm. Sherwood, Harford . . 54 9. Homer Krespe, Hydo Park 41 10. Grant M. Decker, Hall- stead 37 11. L. . Stanton, Scranton.. 35 12. William Cooper, Priceburp 34 13. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. 33 14. A. J, Havenstrito, Mos cow 31 15. Harry Danvers, Provi dence 25 16. Louis McCusker, Park Place 20 17. Miss Beatrice Harpur, Thompson 18 18. Lee Culver, Sprlngvllle. . 17 lv. waiter , Haiistead, Scran ton . 15 20. C. J. Clark, Peckvillo ... 15 21. John. Dompsey, Olyphant. 13 22. John Mtickie, Providence. 13 23. Hugh Johnson. Forest City II 24. M i s s Edna Coleman, Scranton 9 25. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton 7 26. Emanuel Bucci, Scranton. 7 27. Chas. O'Boyle, Scranton. . 5 28. Miss Nellie Avery, Porest City 4 29. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 3 30. Edgar Wilson, jr., Scran ton 2 31. B. S. Horsey, Scranton. . ., 1 32 .t 0 &i3 ! U On Monday the contest will begin Ha isecond month, and a valuable "special honor piisse ' will be offered to the con testant who scores the largest number of points before July 1. Thus every con testant will have an equal chance, whether he started at the beginning or will begin Monday. This makes it an exceptionally good time for new con testants to begin. Send your name and address to the Contest Editor today and you will receive full instructions and a book of subscription blanks, and ba fully prepared to begin work with the others. Full particulars of the contest will be found on the fourth page of this ibsue. The following ten additional entries were received during Thursday and yesterday: John F. Brennan, Minooka, Pa, Miss Jane Mathewson, Factory-viUe Pa. Benjamin Hunter, jr., Chinchilla, Pa. Miss May Biown, Nicholson, Pa. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst, Pa. Miss Vivian Mlkle, 61T Adams avenue, Don C. Capwcll, 221 Webster avenue Alfred E. Swayer, Honesdale. Mary Kelly, Honesdale. Edna C. Brown, Hopbottom. THE MEAT PROBLEM. It Can Be Solved by Not Eating Toe Much. Horn the Wa.liinKton I'it. When the price of meat soars to such an altitude tat It is practically be yond the reach of the masses, unless they dispense entirely with thrift and go in for reckless extravagance, is there no remedy? Whether tho phe nomenal soaring be the result of nat ural or artificial causes, or a comblna- tlon of the two, is there not a way by which the price can be reduced and held permanently at a lower level? The easiest, simplest, and surest way to cheapen the market prloe of any com modity Is to diminish consumption' of It. Cannot this method bo adopted with meat',' Can it not bo adopted without Injury to health or any deter ioration of physique'.' i There are many authorities who an swer that question with a .hearty, re sonant ','yes,"' Wodo not rofer especi ally to the vegetarians, although their testimony, resulting from experience, Is well worthy of consideration. Out side of their ranks,' among 'physicians and laymen In eve'ry occupation and ot no occupation, there Is a widely prevalent belief that Ameiicans eat too much men,.too mucli-for bolh physlqal und'piental welfare,' and that! there foie, u material reduction of bodily health and Intellectual achievement. Cut down the dally consumption of meat twenty to thirty per cent., and hold it there, mid the prices' would come flown und stay down, ' Haljf o(f tho people on this? globe sub sist almost exclusively .ion rlco and Jlsh, , HJair of the other half eat meat not 'ipore than twice a week. Tho oe. reals, Vegetables and fruits furnish an endless variety of food. As to fish, lit would be easily practicable to ndel nltely increase tho supply. Wherever there, is pure waterman cun be propa gated. There aro hundreds of thous ands of farms In tho United States on which fish could bo propas;u(ed nt small cost. The, possibilities, ot flh production, notwithstanding the wipe and well-directed labors ot national and stato commissions, have scarcely; been entered upon, Jacob A, Jtllj (on t'rcsHrnt Il003rKU.)-"lli carcci' i pniprfnt Willi .i incsxjgo ta i ull, pci'lapv lii tliiij'uuus m'yi, Matting out wftli J:U ImioiiiiUbla will jital lib licililiy belief in his f. lowi'aud in lili (Ifi) he jiusu-ri.il vcty problem, lie iui'U "llo i$r I'liiiiliatlully the tuuiir uioi'a president, tlif.tjpe and licio t (lie dorr, ot those viIiq hold I Ih futuic n their lunrli Surely flil U (tod1 country, tl.it fn loss Willlmi JlrKlnley ami liaie a 'flicodoiu Itoo'cvclt to itep into liU dives." .i.t c i i
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