Iff- ,5 i MS iI - V1J" ,rT 'Wm i " 4j ia I" THE SCRANTON TRiBUNE-SATtTRDAY, MAY 31 1902. 12 i h In I :& : i . iV-v. RELIGIOUS NEWS ABEltVIOE or unusual Interest will bo held at the Penn Avenue BnptlHt church on Sunday morn ing. All the members of the church and congregation nro requested to be pres ent. The services will consist ot spe cial music by the choir, sermon by the pastor on "qhrlst at Home," reception of new members and communion. Dr. Pierce has Issued n pastoral letter to the members nnd a large attendance la expected. While It Is understood that nil members of a church are supposed to 'bo always In attendance nt the church services., yet It Is commendable to appoint special days throughout the yenr when extra effort can bo made to reach many who nro often unavoidably detained or who are frequently absent from the regular services of the church. Mnny churches should frequently ap point "family day" services. Universalists to liaise a Building Fund. At a recent meeting called for the special purpose, All Souls' tJnlversnllst church voted with great enthusiasm to accept the pledge recently make to It of $500 towards a new church, und ap , pointed a committee, of which Alder man Howe Is the head, to begin the raising of a building fund of not less than $20,000. This action marks a distinct step In ndvance on the part of the parish and registers Its determination to play a larger part In the religious life of Scran ton than It has hitherto done. The Ladles' Aid of the parish Is planning a monster fair, to be held next fall, In the Interests of the same fund. Religious Notes. The Methodist ministers of Scranton will meet In Klin Park church on June 2 ut 10.30 a. m. Rev. M. S. Godshall, of Waverly, Pa., will present an article on "Sabbath or Sunday." Rev. It. W. Clymor, of the First Christian church of this city, will pre sent a paper next Monday morning be fore the Haptist Ministerial conference In the' Penn Avenue church, on "The Place of the Christian Church Among Other Churches." The Kcv. B. P. Raymond, D. D LL. .. president of Weslcyan university, Mlddletown, Conn., one of the oldest and most noted colleges of the Metho dist church, Is to occupy the platform in Kim Park at both the morning and evening services tomorrow. The proposed revision of the West minster Confession of Faith and the New Statement of Doctrine, formulated hy a committee and recommended for adoption by the recent General Assem bly of the Presbyterian church in the United States ot America ought to in terest all Presbyterians. Dr. McLeod will speak nn this subject tomorrow in the First Presbyterian church. Knglish Evangelical Lutheran church of the Holy Trinity, Adams avenue and Mulberry street, Ttev. K. F. Ititter, A. M., pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.o0 p. m. In the morning the pastor will preach a special sermon, giving an account ot the meeting of the synod at Kaston. Sunday school at 12 o'clock; Luther league at 12 m. Seats all free. All welcome. SERVICES IN THE VARIOUS CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal. Elm Park Methodist Kpiscopnl church iDr. C. M. Glftln, pastor. Prayer and praise at .30 a. m. At 10.30 a. m., Dr. B. P. Raymond, L.L. D., president of Wca leyan university, will preach. Class meeting in Sunday school room at close ot morning services. Sunday school at 2 j). m.; Junior League nt 3.30 p. m.; Senior League at 0.30. At 7.30, President Ray mond will preach. Strangers are wel come. Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. H. C. McDermott, D. D., pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 12m. Junior league at :! p. m. Epworth league at 0.30 p. m. The pooplo cordially Invited to these services. St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church I P. Doty, pastor. At 10 u. m,, meeting of Brotherhood; 10.30 a. m morning wor ship and sermon; 10.45 a. m., Sunday school; 3.35 p. m.. Junior League; C.30 p. m., Epworth, League; 7.30, evening wor ship. Strangers and all others welcome. Providence Methodist Episcopal church Rev. Georgo A. Cure, pastor. The Brotherhood of St. Paul meet .ut 10 a. m. Preaching at 10.30 a. m.; subject, "Christ's Example for .Hours of, Darkless.1' Sun day school at 2 p. m.r Epworth League at 6.43; topic, "The Purposes of His Com ing," Nellie Benjumln, leader. Preaching at 7.30; subject, "The Apostle to Africa David Livingstone." Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, corner Monscy uvenuo and Delaware street Rev. Charles A. Benjamin, pastor. Devotional meeting of the Brotherhood of St. Paul at 9.30 n. m. Preaching at 10.30 a. m., subject, "Christ Our Peace." 6K K . Old Ago IS MADE Vigorous BY THE USB OP DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL 1 DISCOVERY. "I suffered for eix years with con stipation and Indigestion, during Which time I employed several phy. siclans, but tbey could not reach my case," writes Mr. O. Popplewell, of Eureka Springs, Carroll Co., Ark. "I felt that there was no help for me, could not retain food on my stomach : had vertigo and would fall helpless to the floor. Two years ago I com. tneuced taking Dr, Pierce's Qolo.cn Medical Discovery and little ' Pellets,' and improved from the start. After taking twelve bottles of the 'Discov ery ' I was able to do light work, and have been improving ever ince. I am now in good health for one of day age 60 years. I owe it all to Poctar ncrcc's aeaiciues." 4K 7 Sunday school nt 2.30 p. m. Epworth League nt 6.30 p., m, Preaching at 7.30, subject, "The Oospcl Meeting tho Test of tho Present Time." Prayer meeting, Wednesday nt 7.30' p. tn. Business meet ing of the Brotherhood of St. Paul on the second nnd fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 7.30 p. m. Special music at each service. Scats free and all nro wel come. Ash Street Methodist Episcopal church Rev. J. R. Austin, pastor. Morning preaching ncrvlco at 10.30 o'clock. ClaBS mod lug nt 11.30 a. m., Charles Croop, lender; Sunday school nt 2 p. m Peter Hartmnn, superintendent; tho Epworth Leaguo meeting nt 6.45 p. m., Georgo llnrtman, leader. Evening preaching scrvlco at 7.30, subject, "Christ In So ciety." v Court Street Methodist Episcopal church Rev. a. C. Lyman, pastor, Lovo feast, 9.30 n. m., followed by tho Lord's supper; Sunday school, 11.45 a. m., O. R. Clark, superintendent; Junior League nt 2.30 p. m.; Epworth League, 6.30 p. m.; Epworth League missionary service nt 7.30. Seats free. Strangers are wel come. Embury Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. James Bennlnger, pastor. Preaching scrvlco nt 10.30. Subject, "Saill.'s Eleva tion to Kingship." Class meeting at 11.30. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Epworth leaguo nt C.30; leader, Mary Parsons. Evening preaching scrvlco nt 7.30. Subject, "Sam son, or Feet In Slippery Places." Second In tho series on tho llfo and character of Samson. African Methodist Episcopal church, Howard place Dr. D. S. Bcntley, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m., subject, "Tho Fearlessness. of Faith"; communion will follow. Sunday school, 2.30 p. m.; Chris tian Endeavor prayer meeting, 7.15 p. m.; preaching at 8 p. m., subject, "The Re ward of Christian Triumph." A cordial welcome to all. Baptist. Penn Avenue Baptist Church, Penn avo-. nue, between Spruce and Linden streets. Strangers always welcome. Preaching morning at 10.30 and evening at 7.30 by tho pastor, Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. Morning prayers In the lower temple at 9.45. The morning hour will bo devoted to tho Family Day services, including the reception to the new members and com munion. All members ot tho church aro urged to be In attendance. Sunday school at the home church at 2 o'clock and at tho Amerman mission at 3.30 p. m. Young People's meeting nt (J.45. At tho evening hour service there will be special music and a brief sermon from tho topic, "Breaking Your Record." 1 First Baptist church. South Muln ave nue Rev. S. F. Mathews, pastor. The usual services Sabbath morning and evening, 10.30 a. m. and' 7.30' p. m. The Lord's supper will be observed at the closo of the evening service. Sunday school at 2 p. ni Dr. R. G. Bcddoc, su perintendent. The Baptist Young Peo ple's union service, (i.sop. m., Jn assem bly room. Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening at 7.311 o'clock. All aro wclcomo to these services. Jackson Street Baptist church Men's morning prayer meeting at 9.45, Brother Robert llolley, leader. Morning sermon at 10.30 by the pastor. Rev. Thomas de Gruchy, 11. d.; topic, "Living After Dentil." Sunday school at 2 p. m., John Lloyd, superintendent. Evening services at 7 sharp, praise awl song service, with orchestra, followed by a short address; topic, "Lessons from Memorial Day." This service Is bright and full ot song. Tho public Is welcome. Seats are all free. Green RlrlKO Baptist church. Mousey avenue Morning prayer meeting at !M5 o'clock. Preaching at 10.30 a. m, and 7.3J p. in., by the newly-elected pastor, Rev. IT. S. Potter, late of Albany, N. Y. This Is tho pastor's tlrst Sunday in Green Ridge, nnd It is hoped there will be a largo crowd to greet him. The Lord's supper will bo observed after the morn ing sermon. Sunday school will follow the morning service; meeting of the Ju nior Baptist Young People's union at 3.30 p. m.: meeting of the Senior Baptist oung People's union at 6.30 p. m. Shiloh Baptist church, corner Mulberry street and Adams avenue Rev. J. B. Boddle, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m., by Rev. J. R. Brown, subject, "Seeking the Lost." Sunduy school at 2.30 p. m. Preaching at 7.45 p. m,, subject, "The Last Supper"; also communion at this service. Presbyterian. First Presbyterian church Services nt 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Dr. McLeod will officiate, mornlpg and evening. He will speak on "Tho Proposed Revision of the Presbyterian Confession of Faith, nnd the New Statement' of Doctrine," a sub ject in which all Christians should be interested. Strangers welcomed. Green Ridge Presbyterian church Rev. I. 3. Lansing, pastor; Rev. I R. Foster, assistant. At 10.30 0. m., service of wor ship, with address and the Lord's supper; 12 m. Bible school,H'16.30 p. m., Christian Endeavor; 7.30 p. m evening! worship, with. sermon by the pastor; subject, ."The Presbyterian General ' Assembly and Representative Christianity. All aro wel oine. Washburn Street Presbyterian church Rev. John P. Moffat, D. D. ..pastor. .Ser vices' at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Bible school at 12 m.; Christian Endeavor Young People at (1.30 p. m. Prayer meet ing, Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Tho pas tor will preach, morning and evening. All welcome. Adams Avenue chapel, New York street The Rev. James Hughes will preach at 10.30 a. m., subject, "Men See Not the Llpht on tho Cloud." Sunduy school at 3 o'clock, Mr. Chandler, su perintendent; Christian Endeavor at 0.45, consecration. Mr. Hughes will preach at 7.45, subject, "Old Shoes and Clouted, or the Sin of Prevarication." You aro cor dially invited to attend these services. Capouso Chapel (Green Rldgo Presby terian Church) Preaching 10.30 and 7.30 by tho pastor, Rev. I,. R. Foster. Sundny school, 3 p. m. Jilnlor Endeavor. 4 p. in. Senior Endeavor, 0.30 p. m. Prayer mooting, 7.30 Thursday evening-. Welcome to nil. Episcopal. St, Luke's parish Rev, Rogers Israel, D, D., reclor; Rev. Edward J. Haughton, curate. First Sunday after Trinity. St. Luke's church 7,30 u. m., Holy com munion; 9,15 a. m., Sunday school; 9.45 u. in,, morning prayer; 10.30 a, .m., sermon nnd holy communion; 7.30 p. m evening prayer and sermon. St. Mark's chapel, Diinmore 7.30 a. m holy communion; 9.30 n. m., Sunday solipol; 10.30 u. m., morning prayer and sermon; 7.30 p. m., evening prayer und sermon. ' St, George's, Olyphnnt 2.30, p. m., Bun day school; 3.30 p. in., evening prayer and sermon. Bust End mission', Prescott avenue 3.30 p. m., Sunday school. South Bide, Fig street 2.30 p. m., Bun day school. Christ's Chinch, Washington avenue and Purkstreet Rev. F, 8. Ballentlne, rector. First Sunday after Trinity. Morning prayer, holy communion, sermon, 10.30. Sunday school,' 2.30. Evening prayer and address on diocesan convention und Bishop Talbot's fifteenth anniversary. Reformed Episcopal, Grace Reformed Episcopal church, Wyoming avenue, below Mulberry street Georgo L. Alrlch, pastor, Prayer and praise service at 9.30 a. m.; dlvlno wor ship at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; com munion at the morning service. Bishop 1, F. Stevens, D. D., ot South Carolina, will be present and preach, morning and evening. Confirmation In the evening. Sabbath school, 12 ni.; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m. Seats frco. All welcome. Lesson study, Wedncsduy at 7-30 p. m.j pruyer meeting at S o'clock. I '&(' 1 .1 fc- .'.u Evangelical Lutheran, Evangelical Lutheran First Sunday af ter Trinity. Gospel, Luko xvl!lD-31. Epis tle, I John lvtld-21. Bt. Mark's, Fourteenth nnd Washburn street Hev. A. L. Rnmcr, Ph. D., pastor. Services at 10.30 a. tn. and 7.30 p. m.i Lu ther League, 0.30 p. m. Sunday school, 12 m. St. Paul's, Short avcnue-Rov. W. C. L. Liitlcr, pastor. Services nt 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p, m. ; Sunday school, 2.30 p. m. Rev. Willis Beck, a recent graduate of the theological seminary nt Philadelphia, will preach morning and evening, Christ church, Cedar nvenue and Birch street Rev. James, Wltkc, pastor. Ser vices at 10.30 a. m, and 7,30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9 n, m. St. Peter's, Prescott avenue Rev. John Randolph, pastor.Servlces, nt 10.30 a. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m. ' Emmanuel German-Polish Lutheran church, Reese street Rev. Ferdinand Snttelmeler, pustor. Service In the Ger man -.language at 10.30 n. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m. Grace Evangelical Lutheran church (general synod)', corner of Mulberry street and Prescott avenue Roy. Luther Hess Waring, pastor At 9.30 a. m:, Sun day school: 10.30 a. m., Dlvlno worship; tho pastor will preach Ills third anniver sary Bermon'at this scr'vlco'on tho'Par nble ot the iWer'-; '7.15' p. m., Young People's Socle.'y of" Christian 'Endeavor; 7.43 p. m Divine worship; 'this sermon1 will ho the fifth' In" the series on "Hln-, drnnces to the Growth of Christianity." Tho subject will bo '"Strikes, nnd Strik ers." Good music. Everybody welcome. Miscellaneous. All Souls' Unlversnllst, Church,' Plnb street, between Adams and Jefferson ave nuesRev.' Thomns B. 'Payne, pastor. Dl vlno .service, with sermon, nt 10.30, a. ni. Subject, "Honoring 'Our Friltli." Simday school nt "12 m. Seats free. Strangers cordially welcomed. No evening services. Gospel tabernacle, Jefferson averiu, Dunmoro James Lelshman, pastor. Sun day preaching services at '10.30 'a. m. ahd nt 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Young People's meeting. 6.30 p. m. An all-day meeting of the Christian nnd Missionary Alliance will be held on Tuesday 10.30 n. m., 2 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. First Primitive Methodist church, Green Ridge Rev. G. Lees, pastor. Morn ing at 10.30, sacrament of tho Lord's sup per will ho administered. Evening, at 7, subject, "Vanity of Vanities, or Is Llfo AVorth Living." All welcome. First church (Christ Scientist), 519 Adams avenue Sunday services at 10.10 a. tn. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school 11.45 a. m subject, "God the Only Cause nnd Creator." Testimonial meetings, Wednes day evenings at 8 o'clock. The church Is nlso open every day during tho week. The Bible and all Christian Science liter ature Is kept in its free public, reading room. "Science and Health with tho Key to Scripture," by Mary Baker Eddy, will be loaned to Investigators without charge. Visitors nnd letter of Inquiry aro wel comed and given courteous attention and Information free. Calvary Reformed church, Monroo avenue and Gibson street Rev. Marion L. Piror, .pastor. Services Sunday at 10.30 n". m, and 7.30 p. m.: Simday school at 11.45 a. m.i Christian "Endeavor at 7 p. m. Morning and evening sermons by the pastor. ZI011 United Evangelical Church, 1120 Capouso avenue Rev. J. W. Messenger, pastor. Preaching 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. ni. Sunday school, 9.30 a. m. Junior En deavor, 4 p. m. Senior Endeavor, G.30 p. m. All seats free. Everybody wclcomo to all services. BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS nv nr.v. noiiKRT i v. pikrcb, d. d. (From Author's Notes in "The Smirlav School Leaon lllu-trator," Pulill.-lieil hy V. 11. Hovel & Co., Chicago, 111. LESSON iX-Paul at Lystra. Ac. 11:8 19. Golden Text "Thou therefore rmluro hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." 11 Ti. 2:3. Tho peoplo of Lystra wanted to wor ship Paul and Barnabas because ot the work thoy had wrought In the nnme of Christ. While they wore preaching In this city thoy beheld a poor "cripple" In the congregation, and Paul, seeing that faith In Jesus was springing up In Ills heart, commanded the deformed 0110 to stand upon his l'uct. A marvelous cure was wrought and the miracle of healing created a profound Im pression. The heathon peoplo at onco pro claimed that the npostles were gods, and sought to"worshlp them. But they re strained tho multitude and pointed tho misguided, ones to Jesus, in whoso no mo and power tho hcullng was done. Tho blackboard sketch today has a dou ble lesson. First, it is Paul's testimony to tho peoplo of Lystra, that their help and salvation Is to be found not in tho mystical gods, nor In the power of man, but in Jesus Christ alone, The second lesson Is for tho disciples: soon after tho miracle was wrought tho people turned away from Paul and Barnabas, and thoy woro stoned, But tho samo Christ who had been preached as a Saviour from fcln. was u Comfort and Help and Shield to His own children In the hour of their por.se cutlon and trial. Suggestions: Print the words.J E BUS S A V I O U it, lu such a milliner that tho words form 11 cross. Around the words draw tho outlino of a cross; then draw a huud pointing to tho cross, and nbovii It ,wrte tho words. "In Ills Namo Wo Re ceive Help and Ilopo." 'SiTUiiton, Pa, SUNDAY-SCHOOL v LESSON FOR JUNE 1 PAUL AT LYSTRA. Acts, xtv;ll-33. DY HEV. J, K. GILBEnr, D. D. Secretary of American Society ot Rcllftoui Education. CONTEXT. Paul's address to tho Jews at Antioch in Pisldla led to his ex pulsion from the city. (Acts, sill, 60. Jn company with Barnabas ho Journeyed cus(wurd to tho neighboring province of ft &''&- Aa,-- .3.4.1 HE9iHBBsKBliw(t9B9 ssssssssssS?99B9shKIbshBbBi$jIBHsssh 4 DOMESTIC SCIENCE. With the best berry God ever mndo reddening on tho, vines, piling up In tho fruit Btores and following tho huckster's -strident call of '"Straw-bcr-rlcsl Strnw-ber-rles;" as ho plods along tho street -with eyes out for prospective cu'stdmers, suggcstldhs for Its scrvlco will bo' of Interest. Curtail yotir ment bill now If you must, escheWjcnnncd fruits and Jellies, banish elaborate pies and puddings, but falto your fill of theso choicest of nature's gifts. Not thut tho nutrlllvo value" of tho berry Is great, for It Is not, Within Its luclous dcptlm lies neither muscle nor flesh-forming ele ments, yet It refreshes, It stimulates, It regulates. , Tho analysis of tho strawberry shows 'It to be particularly rich In soda salts. And In splto of the high percentage of water (eighteen hun dred pounds' to ench ton. of berries) It excels nil- other common fruits In tho hmount of mlnerul salts. On this account It Is often recommended -to gouty persons. It was tho great Lin naeus -who first discovered this pleas ant remedy for sciatica and his exam pic has 'been followed ever since, in In tho south of Germany, a pint 'of milk; a plcco of rye bread and a quar ter of a' pint of berries taken system atically twlco a day Is considered an Ideal summer diet and ono whoso beneficial results Is soon felt. The simpler method, ot serving tho straw berry, the better It Is. apprecia ted by real strawberry lovers. Even rich yellow cream la objected 'to by many as detracting from tho dellcato flavor of tho fruit. Whllo the Ideal scrvlco of berries Is fresh from tho vines, unhutlcd and with stems on, and no washing to dlsslpnto the sweetness of the fruit, only a favor ed few arc able to compnss this gus tatorlal delight. The most of us aro obliged to get our berries at second or oven third hand, and In this caso tho berries must bo wnshed. Put them into n collander, and let tho cold wa ter run over them gently until all grit is removed. Drain thoroughly, and arrange them for breakfast on pretty Individual plates with stems upper most, .and a Utile mound of sugar in the centre to dip them In. If there Is a strawberry leaf to put Of uii iiiu uuiiuiu vi me iauic, ho mum T prettier Is the effect. Sugar should never bo sprinkled over berries before serving, as It draws the juices. Strawberry shortcake Is prepared hi two ways, but in the minds of those accustomed to it in their youth, tho genuine old-fashioned shortcake mado With a rich bulscult crust can never be excelled. The cako batter mado sweet nnd tender and filled and crowned with whole berries, lacks the characteristic charm of tho old New England straw berry shortcake, when tlio berries were mashed and sweetened, thus fur nishing their own rich sauce. When tho cakes baked in layer tins come from the oven they are buttered and covered with tho berries or split, the fruit plied on the cut side of each, and one piled above the other. The biscuit crust calls for four cups ot sifted flour, ono leaspoonful of salt, three teaspoonsfuls of baking powder, ono tablespoouful lard nnd butter mixed, and Mifllclcnt sweet milk or water to mnlto a. dough. Roll Into Jijt i4.iSij.,ti.a33a$,'iif Lycaonln, and visited Its chief city and capital, Iconlimi. (Verso 1.) There, ho spoke in tho synagogue, and many be lieved. But certain Jews who rejected the message prejudiced many, against the gospel. Hence, there was a division and strife In the city, some holding with tho Jews, and some with tho apostles. An attempt to mob them led Paul and Bar nabas to leave tho city and retire to Lys tra, a smaller town not far distant, where they preached. One day, whllo Paul was speaking, an Impotent man in tho audience manifested great Interest, and Paul observing his steady attention nnd his evident faith, directed him to stand upon his feet. Immediately the man was cured, and ho leaped and walked In sight of all. DEFYING. Tho province ot Lycaonla was the scene of more than one legend ary Epiphany which the Roman poets had given to the world of letters. Ono of the most celebrnted of these, recorded in tho beautiful tale of Philemon and Bouses, was snld to hove occurred In that Immediate neighborhood. Unsophls tocated by tho prevailing infidelity, the peoplo who had witnessed this wonderful miracle supposed that they wero oncd more favored by a visit from the old gods. (Verse xlO In conformity with the popular tradition they cried out: "Tho gods aro como clown in tho likeness of men." This they said In their own lan guage which tho apostles did not un derstand. The words wero taken up and repeated until the wholo town heard the announcement, and crowds with mingled astonishment und"" delight filled tho streets. NAMING Convinced that the apostles were gods in human form, the people dis tinguished them from the multitudes of deities nnd gavo them names. (Verse xll.) As Barnubas was older and probab ly more dignified, thoy called him Jupi ter, taking jilm for tho supremo divinity, whose Greek mime was 55eus. (Seo Thu cyd, 111, 14.) This namo signified descend er, and It was claimed that Jupiter had often been Incarnated. As Paul had been the spokesman, nnd ns his bodily pres ence was Inferior to that of his ussocinte (II Corinthians, x, 1), ho was named Mercurlus The peoplo wero probably led to this procedure by tho traditloif that these gods had onco traveled In disguise omong them (Seo Ovid, Met., villi till), u wakening an expectation thut they would appear. SACRIFlClNa.-Tho shouting of the people soon reached th ears of the priest of Jupiter, Procuring bulls and garlands he proceeded to tho temple, which stood before the gate of tho town, nnd accompanied by a festive crowd, pro pared tn offjr saerll'uo hi honor of tha two gods who had entered tho r-tty. (Verse 13.) In theso days heathen sacri fices wero universal. It Is difficult, how over to reduce to any single theories of the various Ideas Involved therein. Often they wero looked upon.ns a ,-jlft of tri bute to the godj. un I Idea that runs through nil Greek lltcj-ature, from the simple conception In Hluner to the. carl, catures of Aristophanes or Luclau. They were used as prayers to obtain benefits or to avert wrath upon tho assumption lhat by them favor could bo purchased for tho wicked, or envy averted from the prosperous. On the other hand they were regarded as thank offerings and the feasting on the flesh as pnrtuklng of the tnblo of tho gods. (I Corinthians, x, 20-21) Nor was tho higher Idea of self-devotion of tho offerer wholly lost. (See Bampnton lectures, 1S53.) RESTRAINING.-When Paul and Bar nabas heard what was being done they wero horrlfled. Rending' their garments In token of distress, they ran among the people, seoklng to restrain them. (Verses 14 to 18.) This thoy did by appealing to them, a difficult tusk because of the dlff. r-iL-flal K fflhuf . 4 f H-H"M-f4-V4. Menu for Sunday. June 1. BRRAKPAST. Strawberries au 'Natural. ml. Water X cream of "Wheat Broiled Fresh Mackerel, cress, Creamed Potatoes. Johnny Cako. Coftco. DINNGP... , Carrot Soup. Olives. ' Minis. Started , Shoulder ot Veal, Roasted. Potato Souffle, Parsnips. Spinach, Molded. Toasted Crackers and Cheese. Strawberry ,lce. Cup' Cako. Black Coffee. SUPPfitt. I I' Cold Sliced Tongue. SiMinlsh Sandwiches. T Warm Biscuit. Honey. I .. v.... 44-H--f4-f-Mm- sheets about 'half an Inch thick and hake In a hot oven. . t Individual shortcakes may be mado by" making baking powder biscuit ot generous slr.c, splitting each nnd pre paring In the same way as' tho largo size. ' If sour cream, or rich sour milk Is obtainable, a: good biscuit crust may bo made, unslng a level teaspoonful of soda to a large cup of tho sour cream. If milk Is used, n little more shorten ing wilt be needed. With, strawberries In season, the jar of tutti-frutti may be oegun. Put ono pound of the ripe fresh ber ries in a stono Jar: add one pound of sugar and a. quart of the best cognac or rum. Set In a cool place, covered until rhcrries ure ripe. Add a pound ot pit led cherries and a pound of sugar. Continue lidding fruit as It comes In season, allowing always a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Cur rants, apricots, raspberries, pineap ples, plums, peaches and ripe pears, peeled, and cut fine, tuny all be added. When all tho fruit Is In the Jar stir up. cover closely, tying paper dipped In brandy over the top, and set In tho cellar. Strawberry snueq Is delicious sened with cottage or bread pudding on plain boiled rice. Beat n soft light cream one-half cupful of butter nnd ono cup of sugar. Add a cupful of rlpo, mashed berries and tho whipped white of an egg. In Bavaria a nourishing ten Is miulu for children of dried strawberry leaves. This is served to them with hot milk and sugar. A freshly baked sponge, cake, brok en, not cut. Is a good Accompaniment for berries at tea or luncheon. When a young fruit or shade tree stops growing and looks ns If It were about to Kivo up tho struggln for ex istence, tho trouble mny often be traced to Its being bark bound. In this com; il long perpendicular slit in the bark will allow It to resume Its natural growth. && 44a'''4'4l'Ssl'''',iI'4aS'ai"2l4'4l'2Ba'l4a4i'l4a4'4ai'l3a4a' erenco df language. Tho address on that occasion was a forceful plea, against su perstition and Idolatry. They declared themselves to ho but men, preachers sent out to turn tho peoplo from tho van ities of heathenism to the service of the true God, whom they represented as tho creator of all things. (Genesis I, 1.) This tholstlo doctrine, the fundamental prlncl pnle of Jutulaism, distinguishing It from all other religions, was boldly proclaimed In opposition to the views of tho deity held by the people. This living God, moreover, they announced as benevolent, bestowing all manner of blessings on his creatures, making himself known by his works. (Romans I, 20.) Tho address was well adapted to these deluded people, und produced the desired result, although somo wero reluctant to abandon their purpose. STONING Tho Lystrenians did not like to bo thwarted In their plans and prevented from their holiday banquet. Those who had been prominent In pro claiming tho advent of Zeus and Hermes were probably not a little ashamed. In the sulky revulsion of their feelings, and with a somewhat uneasy sense that they had made themselves ridiculous, they wero Inclined to avenge their error on those who had Innocently caused It." Tho case was mado worse by the arrival of certain Jews from Antioch nnd Iconl um with the express purpose of arraying tho populaco against the preachers. A tumult was easily raised. (Verse 19.) Paul was stoned, and when they thought, ho was dead they dragged him In front of the very temple to which they had proposed to conduct him. This con duct was by no means surprising. If tho two strangers were not gods It was but. natural to believe that thoy wero dls picable pretenders. If their mlrnclc was not a sign of divinity it might b o as signed to the malefic arts. REVIVING. It appeared that Paul had not labored altogether In vain In Lys tra. Somo hud believed in Christ through his preaching. One of 'tho converts made on thut occasion was a young man, who afterward becume a traveling companion with the apostlo (Acts, xvl, 1), and who shared tho closing hours of his life (If Timothy, Iv. 21), as tho Scripture inti mates and church history declares. These new mado disciples wero gutherlng about tho body of tho apostle as It lay on the ground (Verso xx). when Paul revived, It, for ho was not dead. His enemies hav ing departed, ho oroso and returned to the city. During the remainder of that day and evening and until tho next day they remained, offering such comfort as possible, nnd gathering up their strength for further servloo for Christ, Paul was learning what tho Muster meant at the beginning of his career. (Acts, lx, 10.) PREACHING.-Peisecutlon did not dl mintsh tlio ardor of the apostles. Called with a high and holy calling, sustulncd by a living futth, they, wero ready, If need be, Jo die for tho Lord Jesus, (Acts XX, 21.) Assured of the nbldlng presenco and perpetunl support of Him whom (hey served (Roman vill, 35), they followed Ills counsel, passing from city to city with tlio good word of life. (Mutt., x, 23), Our text Informs us that Paul and Bar nabas departed next day to Derbe to preach, that uftorwaril thoy returned to Lystra, to Iconiuni, and to Antioch In Plsldlu, (Verso xxl). Everywhere It was gospel thut thoy preached, to win men to Jesus. But they were careful also to in.' struct and comfort the new disciples (verso xxll), who greatly needed comfort, Tlio persecution would naturally alarm them, and they werothercforo mudo to know thut tribulation was a means of grace (II Timothy, III. 12). It was. no life of case, but ono of sutferlng that ho por trayed. (Romans vill, 17.) REFLECTIONS. This lesson presents the dark sldo of the apostolic ministry, n!r4Ssrr.lsc-Tty bis t4'Ma iskua Laxative BromoQuiiiine Tuts SLialaVlitiaBidan If caterpillars or worms are at the root ot tho trouble, n smitl! hole, bored In tho root and filled with pow dered sulphur and then plugged up will bo found effnclous. A favorite hot weather tonlo drink of Washington women sounds worse than It really Is. It goes by tho namo of highball, and although not a tern peranco boverngo It Is not a specially dangerous tipple, A glass Is filled over half full of chipped Ice, to which a tablespoonful of whisky Is added, then tho glass Is brimmed with lemon soda. Most' Interesting and Instructive reading for tho farmers' wives (as In deed for alt housekeepers), arc thj! rending lesson bulletins issued by tho college of Agriculture, Cornell Uni versity, Jthncii, N. Y In the months of November, December. January, February and March. Whllo these aro sent free on application to all parts of tho state, they may also bo obtained In othor localities by a nom inal payment to cover postage, etc. Tho last lesson on "Food for the Farmer's Family," in which tho nu trltlvo constituents of foods with some suggestions of t:io energy they nro capable of ylcldlng,..was discussed, was accompanied by ii "quiz," In which tho following questions were asked: , I. What part of this lesson woulo you like to have further explutned? II. Why nro green vegetables and roots needed hi a healthful ill"'' III. What Is tho principle underly ing the. habit of serving pom unli bnked beans? IV. In you bill of faro for break fast this morning, whul foods con tained proteld, what carbo-hydrates and what fats 7 I V. What are your most perplexing problems In preparing a suitable var iety of food for your family? VI. Explain a balanced ration. VII. Will you state what you had for breakfast, dinner and supper any one day, that we may form a general Idea of the bill of faro In various sections? I VIII. Will you suggest a bill of fare for one day, which you think will furnish a balanced ration? IX. Will you Rtutc a recipe of some dish In tho making of which you ex Each housekeeper returning this quiz with answers will be. credited ns a member of tho Reading Course, col? In connection with this lesson comes a valuable supplement on the making and earc of kitchen-garden, with suggestions for homo made hot beds, for f-tnrtlng tomato, egg plant, cuhbage, cauliflower and such other things as need an .early start. Among the mnny practlcnl hints Is this: that tho garden should be conveniently )o eated near tho house, not In the front of the lawn, nor prominent along tho roadside, nor yet In the back lot. The housekeeper visits it frequently; on business when she hastily picks lettuce or parsley for garnishing: or nn pleasure, when she strolls In with the "good man" to see If the sowing of wrinkled pens is up. Time Is Im portant to madam. Let tho garden bo conveniently near. ..When a candle wax, sperm or pnr aflno is too largo to jiut in tho candle stick, dip the end in hot water for a few minutes to melt down to the re quired size. There was a bright side, which, If sketched, would have given account of the conversions resulting from tho preaching of Papl, and the lovo shown toward him by those who hcllevcd. But that Is scarcely mentioned. It pleased the Holy Spirit to dwell rather on the cruelty, the enmity of the Jews, and the attempted murder. But tho record of these things 13 immensely valuable to af ter centuries. Any man can keep good courage in prosperity. But all needed support In adversity. , The scenes por trayed to us hero will strengthen every heart in the hour of trial. Besides, tho divinity of our holy religion Is nttested by tho sacrifices made In Its behalf by its earliest advocates. Moreover, a religion that enn, triumph over heathen supersti tion nnd Jewish hato deserves to bo ac cepted by mankind. New York Announcement. Horner's Furniture in the subject of this announcement. The term stands for everything that is reliable and fashionable in Furni ture, in both the simple and ornate lines, whether wanted for town or country homes. Two other impor tant features are the modorato prices at which tho goods are marked, and their unequalled assortments. Dinlng-Room Furniture In all finishes oi Antique, Belgian, Flemish and Golden, wltliTables.DlningChairs.ChlnaClosets and Side Tables to match. Bedroom Furniture In all the various woods and finishes, including special lines for country homes. Brass Bedsteads in ex clusive patterns and all sizes. Enam eled Iron Bedstead? from S5.00 up. Latet designs In P.trlor Furniture, Library Furniture, Hall Furniture, Select examples of Old English. Mission, Weathered und Green Oak Furniture; also lull line of Venetian Carved Furni ture. H. J. Horner & Co., Furniture Makr uutl Importers, 01-65 W. aad St., New York (Adjotalnic Kdev Muss,) Attention! Owners of Real Eatei A gentleman recently sent word to our Philadelphia office that his slag roof was leaking slight ly. This roof was put on hy us In I870. Never leaked before, We re paired It, and now In good con dition. Warren-Ehret E 321 Washington Ave. AN EVENTFUL DAY. I10W HAPPINESS CAMK INTO A CLOUDED LIFE. AttF Months end Yeirt ut Sufterlnt, TNh Woman Is Now Able to Till in Interesting Story, "It vnn an eventful day for me,'' snld Mrs. Manila MoLenn, of No. 200 K. Con Bress street, Detroit, Mich. "I looked into the future and saw health und happiness In store for me. "I had h,nd n gloomy life," she con tinued. "My entire girlhood was sad dened hy 111 health, the result of a cold ' contracted nt n critical tlmo In my thirteenth year. Months and years of suffering followed and doctors did not help me. My blood hnd turned to wnter and the natural functions of my sos, had ceased. A noted specialist In tlio dlsonses of women who wnstrentlng mo snld my enso wus hopeless nnd that I could not live more than a few years ut the most. "I wan so weak that I could not walk across the room, I had not the 'slightest nppetlte, my feet and hands' were al ways cold and I was miserable and un happy. I wasted -away to a mcro shadow: I looked frightful and no medicine that I took did mo any good. I tried to be resigned to my fate, but it was hard.' "Then came the eventful day. An old friend of our family came In and told me so confidently that Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People woull euro me thnt'l began lo hope and life looked brighter. I' started taking the pills and I soon could seo that they were doing mo good. My llesh began to feel warm, my color to como back and I felt stronger. Improvement wns gradual but sure. I continued faithfully with the medicine nnd soon my functions be came normal nnd health came back. My friends thought my recovery was almost a miracle and the nhyslclans who had given me up for death were forced to admit that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills hud done what thev- couldj not do. "I am now, as you can see, a. sound healthy woman. I cannot express ml gratitude, but can only say that I ov my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People." No discovery of modern times hns proved such a blessing to women as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on the blood and nerves, invigorating the body, regulating' the functions, thoy restore the strength and health in tho exhausted patient when every effort of the physician proves un availing. These pills are sold In boxen at no cents a box or six boxes for J2.C0, and may be had at all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medi cine, Co., Schenectady, N. Y. ' Gay Gowns For Girl Graduates Commencement is-. one of the never-to- i be-forgotten events-'; i of your lifetime. .!, Choose from our stock the material i , that will help ypiix'' J look your prettiest. ' WJULO JU.UUBB11UO. UO. Sole, -Persian Lawn 'Wash Chiffon, French Organ dies, Lawnsdown, Alba tross and Batiste for com-' mencement exercises. Colored Pongees, Eta-, mines, Voilets, Printed . Poulards, Dimities, Silk, Grenadines, Mouseline de , Sole, French. Challies, Lansdownes, Albatross and Ktin's Veilings for. class day. Let us advise you in making a tasty selection. 126 Wyoming Aye, THE EXPERIENCES OF PA : A Ssrltt ol dtllflhtful Sketches juit If sued by Iht Lsckiwtnna Railroad. Theis sketches art contained In a bndiorael Illustrated book called " Mountain and Uke Reiorte," which describes toe ol the moet attractive summer slates In tht " . I Stnd 6 Cants In postsge stamps la T, W. LEE, General Passenger Agent, New York City, and a copy will ba mailed you, ,n ill a 1 11 ! 1 Y,, l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers