hH IfflP -At fa;i mm$M i0f J JT'aMJrf ' - v Qnm-ViM WEES'" fM :h 'i nfrw $ fr ?r H V " v -." - M v f, TttB S01UNTON TRIBUNfe-SATURDAY, MAY 31 1002. ft :ffeteM-rfii ( "I T i NORTHEASTERN P1TTSTON. Bpriil to tha 8crnlon TrlDun. Plttston, May SO.-Ovcr 1,600 people Attended tho matinee races conducted by tho Luzerne County Fair nssoclatlon nt tho West Plttston fair grounds this afternoon, iind snw a nno programme of races. The weather wna pe feet and the track was In very good condition. Every race was a close and Ixcltlng one and enthusiasm was kept at a. high pitch. 'Squire Ehiet, of West PlttBton, WHS-'Bturter. The-score was as follows:1 2.22 class, trot or pace. Jennie Glennon (Perrln, Pitts ton) 32111 Miss Jennie (MIers, Wllkcs- Barre) 1 132 3 Fusty Garret (Wood, Lacka wanna) 2 32 3 2 Tlme-1.12. 1.11., LH. 1.12, 1.10. Road race, trot or pace. , Kansas Chief (James Llewellyn, Plttston) ...l 1 1 Poor Richard (Davis, West Pltts ton) 2 2 2 Victor, Jr. (Corcoran, Plttston).... 3 3 3 Time 1.21, 1.22, 1.22. Free-for-all, trot or pace. Kxplolt (Porrln, Plttston) Ill Callle K. (Tatem, Plttston) 2 2 2 Time 1.08, 1.06, 1.03. The mucli-tulked-o match race be tween Major Ross (Dr. Coblclgh, Kings ton) and Lucy Heyer (James Cool, Wllkes-Barre) resulted In a victory for Lucy Heyer In three straight heats. The race was won easily) Mojor Ross break ing several times In each heat. Time 1.11, 1.13, 1.15. Joseph Jones, of Lansford, Is spend ing a few days at tho home of Isaac James, on Vino street. James Nagle, West Plttston Hose company's team driver, is enjoying a few days' vacation. Paul Cake will drive the fire team In the meantime. The Soranton Amateurs were twice defeated by the Brothers base ball team I at Hughestown today. This morning's game was very interesting, the Broth ers winning In the ninth Inning. At that time the score stood 7-6 In the Amateurs' favor. The Brothers were at bat and with two men out took advant age of a wild throw and 'scored two runs, winning by a score of 8-6. This afternoon the Brothers had no trouble in winning, making twenty runs to their opponents' five. Miss Hester Giles, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Giles, was united In marriage at 7 o'clock this morning to William Morrow, of West Plttston. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Robert Holmes, of the Water Street Baptist church. Rev. Peter Roberts, of Mahanoy City, formerly of Olyphant, will occupy the pulpit of tho Welsh Congregational church Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. Gwllym Williams and Mrs. Gwllym Evans will sing a duet at the evening service. Michael Connors, aged 40 years, died this morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. Margaret Miles, on Carroll street. The funeral of the late Daniel Lewis zjivill take place from the family home 'bn Delaware avenue, West Plttston, Sunday afternoon at .1 o'clock, with in terment in West Plttston cemetery. HALLSTEAD. Epecfal to the Scranton Tribune. ," Ilallstcad, May 30. Prof. C. T. Thorpe, of Forest City, was registered nt the Mitchell house, Thursday. Attorney Searle McCollum, of Mont rose, was a visitor in town Thursday. N. O. Major and family have removed to Scranton, where Mr. Major will take charge of a hotel. . Franklin Tusk, of Seattle, was call tug on friends here, Thursday. Miss Sarah Cruser and little1 niece, Marion Aldcn, are spending a few days With friends in Conklln. p Mrs. Arthur Chichester, of Blngham ton, spent yesterday with relatives in ..town. ' Miss Martha Millard was a' Bing- -fmmton visitor, Thursday. M Orange G. Woodhouse, of New Mil- ford. called on friends In town, Thurs- rav - 4 Mrs., William Hover, of Blnghamton, ffpent -Decoration Day with her si&ter. i$ RHsa, .Maggie Hayden, of New Mll- ;Jord, 1s visiting at the home of Mrs. .jChaylep. Chamberlln. 5? Johh'iFlnnegan, of Blnghamton, was ; recent caller in town. 2 Samuel Wills and Bruce Ross, who liave been fishing at tho Three lakes for thu last week, returned home Fri day. Rena HInchman, of Conklln, Is spend ing a few days with Leora Snedaker. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burton, of Blnghamton, spent Decoration Day with Mrs. Burton's parents. W. H. Gimlocks, of tho Brooklyn Chair factory, wus a recent caller at the chair factory. Mrs. L. T. Travis is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Richard Hill, In Blng hamton. Cleveland Dowllng has accepted' a position In "tho shoe fuctory at Lestor ehlre. Tracey Phillips Is visiting friends at ISlmlrn. UNIONDALE. Bpfclal to the Scranton Tribune, TTntintnl a Tlfrtt, Ort Pa.. , Wt(tWW4V, J MV, W, D. Jcn-Wllkes- hlns Is visiting relatives Barre. The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho dist Episcopal church met for tea at tho parsonage on Wednesday, A delightful time Is leported. Memorial bervices wore held In the Methodist Episcopal church last Sun day, , Claude Lockwood, little son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Weston Lockwood, is very Bjck. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Butler, of Welsh Hill,, sted (he.latter's sister, Mrs, kHllJah Carpenter, Wednesday. Mrs. Ilattle Crocker and young laughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; W. W. Smith of Burnwood. Tho will of the lato Elijah Carpenter Too Great a Risk. In almost every neighborhood some. flone has died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus, often before medicine could pa procured 6r a physician sum- mone1. A reliable lemedy for theso diseases should be kept at hand. The nstt is ioo great for anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy has undoubtedly uaved the lives of more people and relieved more pain and Buffering than any oth- er medicine in use, It can always be uepcnqeu upon, ror eaie by all drug? I ' was probated In Forest City on Thurs day. Mrs. J, F. Bass has returned home after visiting her daughter In Galeton, The funeral of Squire Elijah Carpen ter took place at his Into residence on Monday. Rev, II. J. Crane officiated, Interment was made In Unlondnle cemetery. m THOMPSON. Ppptlal to the Scranton Tribune. Thompson, Miiy 30. Miss Vangle Case Is spending n few weeks with her sister In isinghnmton. A. W. Gates and Samuel Hubbard were In Susquehanna yesterday. G. P. Little nnd Sheriff Maxey, of Montrose, .were here yesterday, tuklng the appraisal of the estate of the late Mrs. Fletcher. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith French are spending a few days with relatives in Blnghamton. H. B. Larrabce, dean of Keuka col lege, spent a couple of hours In town PICTURE General Wolfe wound at Quebec. yesterday morning, shaking hands with relatives and friends. He was on his return from Pleasant Mount, where ho attended a meeting of the alumni of tho academy of that place. He was tho successful principal of that school for a time. He reported a royal time at the reunion Wednesday evening, nnd he reported the Thompson boys at the col lege, Guernsey Hubbard and Jerome Pilkington, as progressing finely in their studies. County Superintendent of Schools C. E. Moxley examined a class of would be school teachers in tho graded school building yesterday. Miss Grace Tower, of West Lenox, who has been a student here the past winter, passed a good ex amination in the branches, but not be ing of legal age could not be granted a teachers' certificate. Prof. Edward Curtis, of North Jack- sjon, gave the Memorial day address in Grand Army hall this afternoon. Mr. und Mrs. ira Latham and son, Wallace, are spending today at Ararat. Miss Cora G. Simons, of Sterling, is visiting Mrs. Ernest Potter for a few days. Undertaker A. H. Crosier was called to New Milford today to conduct a funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gelatt, of Scran ton, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Gelatt. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Tallman, of Car bondale, visited his brother, W. P. Toll man, last night, and are over in Jack son today at the memorial services. Their son, Charles, who was a soldier in trie Spanish-American war, Is buried there. The carload of pigs landed here a short time ago have been driven over to Jackson. The whey from the cream ery did not prove wholesome food for them, or for some other reason, as a dozen or more died. Jerome Brundage, station agent at Preston Park, Is visiting nt the home of his father-in-law, Frank Crossln, today. Thompson presents a fine appearance today, arrayed In flags and bunting. MONTROSE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Montrose, May 30. Memorial day was fittingly observed today under the aus pices of Four Brothers post, No. 453, G. A. R Commander Dr. C, C. Halsey ln charge. The customary services at th'o cemetery were followed by publlo exercises nt Village Hall, which build ing was crowded to the doors. Music was fu.-nlshed by a male quartette, consisting of Van Gaasbeck Munger, of Groat Bend, nnd li, S. Tltswdrth, Dr. H. V. Frlnk and Gordon Ayres, of Mont rose, and by Bullard's Comet band, of Hallstead. A grandly eloquent nnd fervently patriotic address was delivered by Rev. Father A. T. Urodriek, pastor of St, Mary's Catholic church. FOREST CITY. Special to the Scranton Tribune, Forest City, May 30, Considerable curiosity was aroused about town this evening by a dozen men who arrived on an afternoon train and made their wuy to a hotel. They were said to be coal and Iron police by some and others think they have come to take tho place of the firemen und pump-runners, but It Js rumored that these men are not go ing to leav their positions. The com pany Is building a barb who fence around the breaker. The register and recorder was in town yesterday and swore fifteen local men as coul and Iron police. There Is nti indication thnt the Btrlk ers will raise any trouble hereabouts. HOPBOTTOM. Iptclil to the Soranton Trllum. Mlopbottom, May SO. Hrank Janau shek Is visiting friends In town. C. S. Stono is. imnrovine his lintel wltn a now voraffda. Miss Ella Waters, of Blnghamton, Is ii ii - & . z.c. I vlsltlmr her sister, Mrs, D. W. Wright, of thin place. Mrs. Thompson and niece, of Lester shire, nre visitors ot tho Vitjley View hotlse. Mr. Cecil Wright was In Scranton on Thursday, Mrs. Parley Wright had returned to her homo In La Grnnge, III. Mrs. G. O. Bailey was In Nicholson Thursday. MIbb Bellva Taylor has Bcvernl music pupils In town. The Ladles' Aid at Mrs. W. A. Jot ters' was well attended j proceeds, $9.35. MIbb Lillian Byram Btnrted her class in vocal music Saturday, with seven pupils, and prospects of more. NICHOLSON. 8ptclal to the ScriintoffTrlbut.o. Nicholson, May 30. Decoration Day waa'attended by the usual ceremonies, with Odd Fellows and Reliokahs par ade. James Decker, of Alford, and James Jeffers, of Montrose, were callers on friends Friday. Here, as elsewhere, people are Inter ested in the strike situation. The Tribune's reliable information, togeth er with Its sound, common Bense edi torials and general news Items is popu lar with our people. Why Is it that some of the bright young men of this town do not enter The Tribune's prize contest? PUZZLE. receives his death Find his two aides. BASEBALL j American League. (.Morning Games). At Philadelphia- R.H.E. St. Louis 0 203 31 200-U 18 4 Philadelphia 12 2 0 10 0 0 1711 6 Batteries Sudhoff and Bugden; Plank and Sclneck. Umpire Connolly. At Boston R.H.E. Detroit 2 10 0 200 14-10 13 Boston 0 102020005 12 3 Batteries Miller and McGulrc; Dem ingcr, Mitchell and Warner. Umpire Johnstone. i At Washington R.H.E. Chicago 1 00001010 3 11 4 Washington 01330002 9 13 3 Batteries Garvin, Griffith and McFar land; Carrlck and Clark. Umpltc Sheri dan. At Baltimore R.H.E. Cleveland 2 0 0 0 10 0 104 8 3, Baltimore 0 0 0 1.2 3 u 1 12 13 5 Batteries Wright and Bcrnls; Howell and Robinson. Umpires O'Loughlin and Caruthcrs. (Afternoon Games). At Philadelphia- R.H.E St. Louis 0 000020114 30 4 Philadelphia 0 0 3 1 0 2 2 3 12 12 0 Batteries Powell and Sugden; Hust ings nnd Powers. Umpire Connolly. At Boston R.H.E. Detroit 0 0 0000000-0 6 2 Boston 001 4 3 1 03 1215 0 Batteries Mercer, Cronln nnd Buelowj Young and Crlger. Umpire Johnstone At Washington- R.H.E. Chicago 03 00 00000-3 9 1 Washington 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 7 2 Batteries Callahan nnd Sullivan; Pat ten and Clark. Umpire Sheridan. At Baltimore- R.H.E. Cleveland 10 0 10 0 3 0 2-714 4 Baltimore 4 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 -10 11 3 Batteries Mooro nnd Bemlsj Hughes and Robinson. Umpires O'Loughlin and Caruthers. National League. (Morning Games.) At Now York-(10 innings) R.H.E Philadelphia 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2-612 3 New York 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 9 4 Batteries Dugglcby and Jacklltsch; Mntthewson, Evans and Bowcrman and Yeager. Umpire Emsllo. At Brooklyn- R.H.E. Boston 00000 1000-1 9 3 Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 2 -7 9 1 Butteries Plttlnecr and Mown; KItson and Fun ell, Uniplio Cantlllton. At Pittsburg- R.H.E. Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0- 6 12 3 Pittsburs 0 00 4 03 01 -8 10 1 Batteries St. Vrnln and Kllng; Dohony, Choshro and Smith. Umpires Powers and Brown. At St. Louis- R.H.E. Cincinnati 0 00201011-8 U 3 St. Louis 0 0100100 0-2 10 2 Batteries Hahn and Peilz; Popp and O'Neill. Umplro-O'Day, (Afternoon aames.) At New York- R.H.E. Philadelphia 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 0- U 14 U New Yolk 000000000-0 4 1 Batteries Frazcr and Pooln; Taylor, Evans; Yeager and Bowcrman. Umpire Emslle. At Brooklyn- R.H.E. Boston ,,,,,.,,,,,.,.,0 2000 000 1-3 9 8 Brooklyn 2 2 1 0 2 0 0 a -io 13 1 Batteries Hale and Kittridgo; Donovan and Farrell and Ahearn. Umpire Can tllllon. At Pittsburg- R.H.E. Chicago ,,.,, 0 00004000-4 10 4 Pittsburg ...., 0 0 000 0 00 0-0 8 2 Butteries Mcnefeo and Chanco; Phillip? Pi and O'Connor. Umpires Powers and Brown. f At St. Louis- R.H.E. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0-1 4 St. Louis , 10100 1 00 -3 J 2 Batteries Erwln and Bergen; Dunham and O'Neill. Umpire O'Day. , THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Line, $ Cents fer Etch Extra Line, For Bent. COTTAGE on SUsquchanna river at Black Walnut, for rent by week or month; furnished, cots, Btovc, dishes, three boats, spring water, best fishing. Address T. J. ticinnnri, uiacK wainut, fa. FOR RENT Blx-room house with all modern Improvements at 350 Garfield avenue. BARN FOR RKNT-II2, April 1st, throe box and three single stall nnd wash men, rear 01 azi oiuaison aveiiuu, m qulro at 634 Madison avenue. Furnished Rooms for Bent. FOR RENT One furnished room, with Improvements; also one on third floor, cnenp. vu Auama avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, niodarn improvements; private family; gen tlemcn preferred, at C37 Adams nvemio. FOR RENT-Furnlshcd room; heat and nam. tiZu Linden street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and hath, gentlemen pro- icrrca, at 539 Adams avenue. For Sale. FOR SALE For want of uso, my black horse Idyl DuKc, mark 2.16. very nno road horse. F. II. Clemons, 003 Mears building. FOR SALE CHEAP A nine-year-old bay mnrc; weight 1,250; thorough, sound aim very gonuo. win sen ui u. mii IHTt'e Penn avenue. FOR SALE First-class 3-horsepower en gine, B-horscpower vertical boiler. Kunz & Moore, 505 Cedar avenue, Scran ton. LIGHT your home, church, cottage, hotel, etc.. with ncctyleno gas. Cheap nB kerosene, better than electricity or coal gas. Safe. Wilte. Inspect our plant. Philip J. Vetter, 022 Adams avenue. PIANO FOR SALE-AImost new; used less than live months: elegant upright piano; will sacrifice. Call day or even ing. 324 Franklin ave. FOR SALE Hand silk donblers. Bamford Bros., Patorson, N. J. New. Board and Booms. VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with first class table board, can be obtained at 333 Jefferson avenue. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS For two adults, thmo or four rooms, furnished or unfurnish ed for very light housekeeping, first floor preferred. Address M. B., Tribune office. WANTED Furnished house of four or five rooms for housekeeping. Address A. G. E., Tribune office. Wanted. WANTED A tenant for furnished resi dence, 3G60 Madison avenue, for the summer. Inquire M. Chapman, No. 7, Dockash place. Help Wanted Hale. CIVIL SERVICE OOVBBNMEST POST TIONS 9.8S9 appointments made last year; probably 10.000 required this year: only common school education required for examination: catalogue of informa tion fiee. Columbian Col respondence Col lege, Washington, D. C. BOY WANTED-Must give reference. Apply at West Side hospital. SALESMEN WANTED-Stato salesmen make $300 monthly, sells to merchants only. No fake. Call and investigate. Owen Hardman, Hotel Schadt. WANTED 20 moulders and 25 bricklay eis. Apply No. 9 Piatt Place WANTED-A laige boy at Ger&on's mil linery. Help Wanted Female. WANTED A housekeeper, must bo a good plain cook; references leqiiticd. Apply at 1G10 Washington avenue in even ing, or 7-7 Council building. LADIES wanted to copy letters at home during spare time evenings and re turn to us. We furnish paper free and pay $10 per M. Send addressed envelope for particulars and copy. F. M. C. Dent. 135, Box 1411, Philadelphia. YOUNG LADIES, $6.00 easily earned at home evenings writing for us. For particulars send addressed envelope. Fil bert Mfg. Co , Dept. 135, Box 1411, Phila delphia. Salesmen Wanted. TRAVELING SALESMEN for Pennsyl vania, to sell retail trade. Attractive, salabla line. Established high rated house. Box 225, Detroit, Mich. Becruits Wanted, WANTED FOR U.S. ARMY-Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who tan speak, read and wrlto English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, No. 123 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted. WANTED A position as coachman by sober, married man; ono who thor oughly understands tho euro of horses und willing to do any kind of work around house. Call or address H. Van, tilO Larch street, Dunmoro. SITUATION AVANTED-By boy of 17, with tlireo years' experience In music store; wishes similar position or one in furniture store. Address E. B., Trlbuno office, Rheumatism. RHBUMATISM-AI1 parties that wish can bo speedily and permanently cured of all varieties of Rheumatism by a vege table compound; cures guaranteed, In quire or address J, E. Tuylor, Bciunton. Eastern League. (Morning Games.) Worcester, 6; Piovldence, 6, (Gamo called ninth Inning to allow playcia to catch train). Buffalo, 11; Toronto, 10. Monti eal, 9; Rochester, S. Newark, B; Jersey City ,1.. (Afternoon Games.) Toionto. 11;, Buffalo', 3, Jersey City, B; No walk, 4. Worcester, 4; Piovldence, 3 .Kochester, 8; Montical, 4. College Games, At Bethlehem, Pa. University of Penn sylvania, 7; Lehigh, 1. . . At Amherst, Mass. Georgetown, G; Am herst, 1. At Providence Brown, 4; Cornell, 0. At Worcestor Holy Cioss, 9; Dart mouth, 0. At Now Haven Yalo, 10; Pilnceton, 6. Nail Mill Burned. Dy Kxchuhc Wire from The AuoclatcO I'jn Bunbury. Pa., May 30. The largo nail mill In this city, tho property of the American Steel company, was totally de stroyed by fire today. Loss, $50,000; par tially covered tyy Insurance. Tho plant hu been idle slnco its purchase from the local owners by tho atccl trust (several years ago. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. SMsssssmassaiM W. T. HACKETT, REAL ESTATE BROKER, OFFERS FOR SALE Home Properties, Home Sites anil Real Estate Investments, The largest and most completejlst in Scranton. Properties to meet almost any requirements and at almost any price you wish to pay, from $700 up to $75,000. Cozy, comfortable little single houses, double houses, and spacious homes with ample grounds, are Included In our desirable llsb. WHY PAY RENT? Buy a home. Be your own landlord and let your rent prove an Investment fund. Aside from the comfort and luxury of being your own landlord our easy payment, plan gives you a start on the right road. In stead of paying rent that money goes toward buying and maintaining a home of your own. Read this list. If these do not meet your Ideas call we can surely show you some great values. $990 Lot 40x 160 on Harrison nuc. $3,000 ot. Dunmorc good houses. Bargain. $3,300 Large lot; modern house. On lino Petersburg cats. Great. Business Block in city's heart, for over $0,000. $53,000. Rents $2,500 Poultry Farm on "D. L:' house, barn, fruit, etc. with BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. If you have money to put in a business, have a business you wish to dispose of or want a partner, call and see me. I have many desirable propositions; have opportunity for others. In fact, this office Is a head quarters for good business chances. Come in and talk it over. $1,800 Buys an old, reliable, lished, paying business. estab- W. T. HACKETT, &" FOR SALE Lot, corner Myrtberry and Wheeler avenue, traw. nirai i on the hill. For terms address S. Kline, Plalnfleld. N. J. FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in upper Green Ridgo; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marviae, 173G Sanderson avenue. $1,800 will buy A Fine Single House All improvement!!, Electrlo Lights, Large Lot, Green ttldge. M. H. HOLQATE, Commonwealth Bldg. Great Bargain Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN In any amounts from $10.00 to $M0.00 on household furniture, nlnnos. horses and carriages, the prop erty remains undisturbed in your possess ion, giving you tho use of both tho money and the property. Loans mado to suit 41. a Knnnra.'i, nnmrniilnnKn tr nnir nA.lnri from one to twelve months. Loan can bo paid In weekly or monthly installments. We elvo vou tho nrivlleBO of naylnc tho loan at any time, so that you only pay for the timo you Keep u. wo maxe a ttv.uu lnnii lust as promptly as wo do a larce one. It costs nothing to make applica tion, we are only too giaa to givo you full Information regarding our now meth od of making this class of loans. Our offices are centrally located and com modious. Private offices for ladles. Ad vances mado on storago warehouse re ceipts. SUHANlUn I.UAK UUAHAflTI CU., U07 Wyoming ave., 2nd Floor, Phono No. 2820. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Qulck. stialght loans or Building and Loan, At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 3U-313 Connell building. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADErtS with out delay. Write for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. B. M. Hibbard & Go., membem N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange 44 and 4U Broadway, New York. Established 1S64. Long Distance 'Phone 21S8 Broad. Notice. NOTICE Appeals from tho stato tax as sessment will bo held In the office of tho county commls-slonois In tho court house on tho following named days; For townships und boroughs, excepting Dun moro borough, on Juno 2, 100J; for Scran ton, Carbondalo and Dunmoro, on Juno 3 and 4, 190J. JOHN J. DURKIN. J COUniEIt MORRIS, JOHN PENMAN. County Commissioners. Attest;-AV. Q, DANIELS. Clork. Lost Strayed Stolen, LOST White hull terrier, with one black eye. Finder please letmn to Tribune and got toward. LOST A diamond bioocli, at, or near, Lyceum, to or from South Bide. Ho. ward. 42S Cedar aveuuo. LOST A ladles' gold wutch; a Ill-oral reward will bo given if returned to Hotel Terrace. LOST 123. between Peck Lumber Co., East Market street and I'resbytorlan church. Reward if returned to office of Pack Lumber Co. DIRECTORY, 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mor)Thl Four Unei, o Ctntsfer EschBttrl Ua, imsm $2,975 Lot Qulncy avenue, street paved. Gas, water, steam, etc. $2,700 Smnll modern house, Nay Aug section. Desirable. $1,800 Finest cottngo at WInoIa. Barn ice house, and lot furniture. Below Cost Handsome homo at Dalton. Call and bid. $30,000 To loan on first mortgage nt 5 per cent. $3,000 Buys half interest in a splendid business. SEALED PROPOSALS. NOTICE Proposals will be received by the County Commissioners of Luuka wanna county for the erection of tho fol lowing described stone arches, steel truss, and steel girder, concrete floored bridges, to wit: One steel truss bridge (ffl-foot span) over Tunkhannock creek between borough of LaPlumo and township of Benton. One' steel truss (73-foot span) bridge over Spiing Brook In borough of Moo&lc. Two steel girder conciete floored bridges in Waverly borouerh. v One concrete and metal, arch bridge over stream near postofflce in tho borough of Dalton. One stone arch bridge over Fall Brook in Fell township. One stone arch bridge in Greenfield township over outlet of Newton lake on tho load leading from Carbondale to Clif ford corners. One stone arch bridge over Summit lake creek in South Ablngton township. Also one stone arch over Brltton creek In South Ablngton township. Also for building abutments over creek in Spring Brook township. All bids to be in the hands of the Coun ty Commislsoners at their office In tho Court House not Inter than twelve o'clock noon, of the I4th day of Juno, A. D. 19U2. Plans and specifications can bo seen at tho office of tho said commissioners on and after Juno L'. Contracts to be award ed as soon after tho 14th Inst, ns possible. JOHN J. DURK1N, JOHN PENMAN. J. COURIER MORRIS, County Commissioners. Attest: W. G. DANIELS. Clerk. Scranton, Pa., May 30, 1002. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COMMIS BUILDIN P PUDLtC GROUNDS AND WILLIAM A. STONE, Governor. E. B. HARDENBBRGH. Auditor General. FRANK G. HARRIS. State Treasurer. T. L. EYRH. Superintendent. PROPOSALS for furnishing Stationary, Fuel and other supplies. In compliance with tho Constitution nnd tho laws of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, wo hereby Invito sealed prop-n-als, at prices below maximum rates flxo.l In schedules, to furnish stationery, fuel and other supplies for the sovcral de partments of the stato government, r.nd for making repairs in tho several depart ments, and for tho distribution of iho publlo documents, for tho year ending tho first Tuesday of Juno, A, D. 1903. Be para to proposals will bo received and soparate contracts a waided as announced in bald schedules. Each proposal must bo accompanied by a bond, with at lost two sureties or ono surety company, ap proved by a Judgo of tho court nf com mon plena of the county in which tho peihon or persons mnklng Mich proposal may reside, conditioned for tho faithful performance of the contract, and rd dressed and delivered to tho Board of Commissioners of Publlo Grounds and Buildings before twolvo o'clock M nf Tuesday, tho 3id day of Juic. A. D. 100.', nt which timo tho proposals will be opened nnd published In tho Reception Room of the Executive Department nt Harrisburg, and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as piacthable. Blank bonds and bchedules containing all necessary information can bo obtained at thla department. T. L. EYRE, For tho Board of Commissioners of Publlo Grounds nnd Buildings. LEGAL. IN THE Dlstilct Comt of tho United States for tho Middle DlsUict of Penn sylvania. In the matter of Adolbort 8. Rhodes, bankrupt. No. 189, In Bank ruptcy. To the creditors of Ailelbort S. Rhodes, of North Ablngton. County of Lacka wanna, and District nforesald, a bank rupt: . Notice Is hereby given that on the 29th day ot May. A. D. 190.', tho said, Rhode was duly adjudicated bankiupti and that tho first meeting of their creditors will bo held nt tho offlco of the Rofeiee In the Government Building, in tho City ot Scranton, Pa., on tho 0th day of June, A. D. 1902. at 10 o'clock In tho foienoou, at which timo the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact such other business ns may properly como bo foio tald meeting. C. A. VAN WORMBR. Referee. Scranton, Pa., 190-'. Proof of Claim SO cents. BANKING, - HPORToFHBONBlTR3jrOFTHB Cwiff Savin?! Bank ?Trni Ci, of Bcranion, Nd', yk Bpruct. striet, ot Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, nt the closo of business May 22, 1902: msuritmrrfl Cash on hand,,,,,,, $ Checks nnd other cosh Items. .. Due from banks nnd bankers,. Loans and discounts investment securities owned, 37,934 It 2t,fl75 29 27S.41 13 838,931 3S Stocks, bonds, etc $010,29 M Mortgages .,., ,. 150,075 20 , , . ' 7,S4,'i 10 Real estate, furniture and fix tures 9I,240! Overdrafts 162 07 Total $2,029,631 14 . . . . LIABILITIES. Cnnltnl stock nnlil In 1 IMAMW .8irplus fund 128,000 00 Undivided profits, less oxponses iiiiu vuxen pniu., 41,311 Tt Deposits subject to . check $ 521,723 HI Deposits, speclnl 1,231,190 53 Demand certificates or deposits 6,032 22 Certified checks 378 59 1,759,927 09 Cashiers' checks outstanding... 448 38 Dividends unpaid 239 00 . Totnl $2,029,931 14 Stato of Pennsylvania, County ot Lacka wanna, ss.: 1, A. H. Christy, cashier of the nbove named company, do solemnly swear, that tho above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. n (Signed) A. II. CHRISTY, CaBlilsr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Cth day of Mnv, 190.'. (Signed) O. B. PARTRIDGE. Notary Publlo My commission expires April 13, 1903. Correct Attest: (Signed) O. 8. JOHNSON. JOSEPH O'BRIEN, EVERETT WARREN, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Scranton, 119 Wyoming avenue, of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, at tho closo of business May 22, 1901: RESOURCES. Cash on hand $ 93.404 I'O Checks and other cash items .. 14.526 45 Due from banks and bankers... 215,50 14 Loans and discounts 1,401,473 03 Investment securities owned, viz.: Stocks, bonds, etc.. $382,773 02 Mortgages 23,204 51 K07.977 XI Real estate, furniture and fix tures 97,439 70 Overdrafts 438 tt Miscellaneous atsets 12,834 73 Total $2,443,102 16 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ...$ 250,000 0) Surplus fund 250,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses und taxes paid 50,937 V Deposits subject to check $13.0.19 OS Deposits, special 998,484 48 Demand certificates of Deposits 79,479 28 ' Certified checks 303 00 1,031, 905 81 3.'9 21 973 B3 50 23 Cashier's checks outstanding.. utio to banks nnd bankers Dividends unpaid 199, Total $2,443,402 16 Stutc of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, ss.: " I. CHARLES W. GUNSTER, Cashier of tho abovc-nabed bank, do solemnly stvear that the abovo statement is true to 'the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) C. W. GUNSTER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this twenty-fourth day of May, 1902. (Signed) ROBT. .1. MURRAY. Notary Public. My commission expires at tho end of tha session of the state senate. Correct Attest: (Signed) JAMES J. WILLIAMS, P. M. JORDAN. FRANKLIN HOWELL. Directors. LEGAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho petition of thoj William Connell Hose company, No. 10, of Scranton, Pennsylva nia, a corporation chartered under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, asking for a decreo ot dissolution 'of. the said corporation, as piovidcd in the act of as sembly approved April Oth, 1S36, and its supplements, will be presented to tin, Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna county, on Monday, tho 16th day of Jun(, 1902, at 9 o'clock a. m. P. W. STOKES. Attorney. NOTICE Is hereby given that we shall sell to the highest bidder at public, sale, Juno Oth, 1902, at 10 a. m., at tho Sheriffs offlco in Scranton, Lackawanna County, for tho benefit of whom it may concern,. thrco (3) t.hares of the preferred stock of tho Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co. WELLES & TORREY. Solicitors. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD CrSPAULDINoTc. P. A.. 23 Tradcis' Bank building. Old telephone, No. 18'il. Architects, FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B Real Estate Exchange Bldg,, 120 Wash ington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. U HARDING, 815 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNlGHT,i726 CONNELL building. , Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER. PAULt building, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING aVo. Lawyers. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT torneys and Counsellors-at-Law. 003 to 012 Connoll building. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 19, 20 and 21. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAAV, Board of Trado Building, Scrahtop, Pa, PATTERSON & WILCOX. .TRADERS' National Bank byljdlng. A. W. BBRTHOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO No. 211 Wyoming nvenuo. Patent Attorneys.' i .T"T Tn PATENTS iSSI?'-8 Trado Marks and Labels registered. The only lU'onbed Patont Att'ys In Scranton. Replace & Co., Menrs Bide. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAKR. IK AND 127 FRANK lln avenuo. Rates reaHouublo. P. ZIEGLBR. Proprietor, SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L .fc-W, Passenger dopot. Conducted on the Eu topean plan. Victor Koch. Proprietory.. Scavenger. -r -V tr - A. B. BRIOGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odnv: only improved pumps u&od, A. B. Urlggx. propilotor. Leave ordord 1100 North Main aVenue. or Klcke's drug store, 'corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones, I I.I . . ) I ! . Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 311 LACKA. avo., Scranton, tnfrs. pf Wlro Screens. Miscellaneous. MEGARGEU BROS.. PRINTERS' Sup plies,? envelope, paper bugs, twine. Varohouse, t Washington avenue. THE WILKHS-BAR!H5 RECORD CAN bo hud In Scrantonjat the nowe stand of Reisman Broa.,r 40o Spruce and iO-i Linden; M. Norton, 3J2 Lackawanna, ave.; 1. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce strtH. i jtf I -5 I ?'; y ,!. f. m&.j 4fiHiaMteifci.i fca-Xi4 JtBMBMrtill. . jEt JIXtjJlMft 4.. 4i t &vw ut1s f i -e - i S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers