The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 31, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Michael Reilly Shot and Perhaps Fatally
Injured by 'John Lenahan, of
Sugar Notch.
'A shooting affray that will, no doubt,
end seriously, occurred yesterday morn
ing about 10 o'clock.
John Lenahan, of Sugar Notch, shot
nnd perhaps fatally wounded Michael
Hellly, of 1916 Jackson street.
The shooting occurred at the foomc of
Rellly's daughter, Mrs. Edward Mc
Tleman, of 1011 Jnckson street.
Lenahan, who Is a young man of
about 25 years, had been n visitor at
the'McTlernan home for the past few
days, being en route from his home to
Yesterday, while conversing with
Reilly, who Is an aged man, Lenahan
drew from his hip picket a 32-callbro
revolver. While handling It the
weapon was discharged, and the next
moment Reilly was writhing In agony
on the floor, with a bullet In his loft
The bullet entered slightly above the
knee and burst a large artery.
The wound bled profusely, and when
a physician arrived, It was learned
that the wound was a most dangerous
Reilly suffered great pain, and last
night wan In a most serious condition.
Lenahan was arrested by Patrolman
McColligan and taken to the .West Side
station house.
There he stated that the shooting was
Reilly, the wounded man, refuses to
speak of the affair.
Lenahan will be given a hearing this
morning before Magistrate Davles.
How Memorial Say Was Spent.
Hyde Park presented a somewhat de
serted appearance yesterday, almost
everyone having taken advantage of
the agreeable weather to Journey to dis
tant parts.
St. Leo's excursion to BInghamton
took many hundred West Slders to the
Farlor city, while the excursion to Lake
Lodore also claimed a great many.
Others betook themselves to Nay Aug
park and other places, and spent Me
morial day in a manner most pleasing
to themselves.
Jackson Street Baptist Notes.
Next Tuesday evening the Baptist
Young People's union will hold their
monthly social and entertainment. A
debate will take place; topic, "Which
stands most prominent in Bible history,
Elijah or Isaiah?" Messrs. Thomas and
Howell will present Elijah, Vand Messrs.
Jones and Evans will speak on Isaiah.
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
I The Knowing I
i Saturday Bargain Seeker I
Will have much to be thankful for today. Need
ed things for June wear are temptingly beautiful, and so
low in price for the last day of the week that one would
almost be tempted to think that something- was wrong, In
quality, perfection of finish or style. That is not so, how
ever, for the truth is that these goods stand for the highest
types of perfection in the latest of the season's productions.
Suits That Challenge Competition
J. B. Corsets
Made from fine French, cou
11, well boned and stayed,
straight front, lace and ribbon
trimmed, etc. Best $1.00 Cor
set in America. For Saturday
only, in drab and white. Fair.
Ladies' Neckwear
Novelties not yet seen in the
fashion plates, because they're
too new for that, andall the
popular styles in Stocks, Ties,
Bows, etc.
Wash Neckwear from 25c to
Silk Neckwear from 25c to S3.
Hosiery and Underwear
Black and White Hosiery is
popular with ladies of quiet
tastes. An extra special Una
In stripes or figures for Satur
day only, at the ridiculously
A'.'lowiprice of, pair,
I. . , - l2Y2c
Ladies' Summer .Vests
, Ladles' Bummer Vests, low
neck and short sleeves, ribbon
and lace trimmed; well fin
ished. Regular 25c. goods for
White Shirt Waists
Ladies' Fine White Shirt
WaisU,various materials, pret
tily trimmed with lace; tucks.
r,tc, Handsome models of fash
ion; usuany soia xor boo, ana
fl.OQ. Choice pn Saturday only.
Ladies' Wash Suits
In Linen Brown, Blue or Ox
blood, Waists and Skirts trim
med in fashion's latest fancies,
A matchless $5.00 suit for
1 Globe Warebotis?.!
. .
. MIWS -" V
The meeting will be Interesting. All
young people are Invited.
The young men of Miss Norma Nlch
olls' Bible class arc preparing for the
evening of Juno 10 a weight social. The
entertainment will bo novel nnd unique,
and will no doubt be attended by a
largo gathering of young people.
Tuesday evening, Juno 10, is the date
sot npurt for the return of nil the tithes
books. The name of every book-holder
will be called, and every one Is re"
quested to be present. A few days only
remain in which to accomplish our
noble endeavor.
Next Sunday evening the pastor will
speak upon "Some Echoes of Memorial
Day." The orchestra will be present.
Funeral of Thomas May.
Funeral services over the remains of
the late Thomas May, of North Ninth
street, who passed away Wednesday
morning, took place yesterday. A high
mass of requiem was celebrated nt St.
Pn trick's church by Rev. P. K. Lavclle.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. Hnnii
way, Cooke, Callahan, Murphy, Jordan
and Barrett. Interment was made in
the Cathedral cemetery.
June Weddings.
Miss Evallne Phillips, of North Re
becca avenue, will be united in mar
riage to C. Brown, of Oreen Ridge,
June 1.
William Hutton, of this side, will be
wedded to Miss Edith Martin, of the
North End, June 5, at the home of the
Robert Bradley, of Plttston, formerly
of this side, will be married to Miss
Rose Dena. Rosencrans, of that place,
at the Plttston Presbyterian church,
June S.
Judson Hutchinson, of Washington,
D. C will be united to Miss Grace R.
Peck, of 1528 Price street, June 26.
George DeWllde, of this side, will be
wedded to Miss Marlon Hutchinson, of
Philadelphia, formerly of 'this side,
June 26.
These two weddings will take place
at the parsonage of the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church.
Miss Eva Davis, of Hampton street,
will be married to Evan Davis, of Tay
lor, in June.
Events of Today and Evening.
Officers of miners' locals on this side
are requested to meet in Jane's hall, on
Jackson street, this morning at 10
Mothers' Jewels, of Simpson Metho
dist Episcopal church, will meet in the
church parlors this afternoon at 3.30
Miss May Jones, of North Hyde Park
avenue, will entertain the Ladies' aux
iliary of the Simpson Methodist Episco
pal church at her home this evening.
No. 32 school team defeated the
Dress Skirt Special
Made from wool, in Black'
Cheviots and Etamlnes. Hand
some Taffeta Silk trimmings.
An excellent $7.50 value for
Hen's Furnishings
Hosiery that is, right ho
siery, fit for any gentleman of
fastidious taste. Blacks, Tans
and Fancies, guaranteed fast
colors, all sizes; best 25c, qual
ities for
Men's Silk Neckwear
All shapes, all colors, nil pat
terns, nil qualities. No stock
in ten counties that will equal
or compare with our extra val
ues at
50c and 25c s
Men's Wash Neckwear
In Stocks, with flowing and
straight ends, String Ties, 4-tn-Hnnds,
Band Bows, Puffs,
Knots, etc.
5c, 10c, 1 5c, 20c, 25c,
Shirt Waist
Ladles' Shirt Waists, plain
and striped madras, and in all
the sizes. Former price, 75c,
Saturday price 59c
gyrH ij-fr,,
Breaker boys yesterday on the No. 32
ground, by the score, of 19 to 13.
John Hlohnrdfl, the wife-beater, who
1st held In $300 bull, In still lodging In the
station house, he having fulled to se
cure bull,
Chicken thieves entered the hennery
of V. V. llnycs, nt 426 ChcRtnut street,
nnd stole a number of choice rowls. No
clue to the miscreants could bo discov
ered. '
Dog poisoners nre operating on this
side. The police tiro on the alert, nnd
It Is expected arrests will be mude In a
few days.
The Ucv. Wllllnin Dnvles, pnstor of
the Bcllcvuc Welsh Cnlvlnlstlc Metho
dist church, will preach nn Kngllsh ser
mon tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock.
He will prench In the Welsh language
nt 6 o'clock In the evening.,
Tho Saengerrunde Was One of tho
Prize Winners nt the National
Eisteddfod Yestorday.
The Sarnsrrrunde were one of the
winners In yesterday's nntlonul eistedd
fod In thp now armory. Their oppon
ents were the Junser Maennerchor,
Both societies hnd trained faithfully for
the event, and the contest was so close
thnt only n point divided them.
Last night a special meeting of the
society was held In Athletic hall and
their victory was celebrated In appro
priate fashion. The president, Philip
Robinson, was In charge.
Some time In the near future, after
the prize has been received,' an open
house concert will be given, when the
Junger Maennerchor and friends of the
society will be invited to participate.
Those who won the prize yesterday are:
First Tenors Gustnv Schulz, August
Hagen, Berthold Schott, Peter Gard,
Charles Schwald, Jacob Schrelber, Emil
Eckert, Henry Renipe, Michael Phillips,
John aials.
Second Tenors Charles Pell, Emil
Wilhelm, Eugene Melchor. Bernard Da
mal, Jacob Guth, John Jlelssner, An
tony Herbster, Emit Herbr.ter, Fred Alg
brecht, John Schroedel. 4 '"J
First Bass Anton Fisch, Uathlas Da
mal, William Baumgartner, Edward
Clnus, Eugene Cluus, John. Schroedel,
Charles WapoolsUy, Fred Otto, Jacob
Hess, Max Ludwiff.
Second Bass Lewis Hetrlvk, Adam
Frantz, Albert Kuhn, Joseph Albrecht,
Lorenz Haberstroh, John Garn, Will
iam Grambo, Adam Klllian, Charles
Krayer, George Miller.
Fred Sehcll, of Cedar avenue, who
has been ill with typhoid fever, is some
what improved.
Mrs. Henry Ziegler, of Cedar avenue,
Is seriously ill.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam is
guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No
cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers.
The Young Women's Christian asso
ciation will hold a gospel meeting at
3.45 Sunday afternoon lead by Miss
Meredith, the secretary.
Bom Wednesday, May 28, to Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur L. Tisdei, of 342 Birch
street, a daughter.
The Junger Maennerchor will take
part in the "Kommers" to be given at
Music hall this evening In honor of the
Arlon society, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
August Jluhn, of Neptune place, was
hurt at the Cliff works yesterday. His
Injuries were dressed by Dr. A. Kolb.
Mrs. Rorlck, of Orchard street, is
seriously 111,
Concluded from P.iro .
Brlstley. Ice water was served to tho
veterans during tho progress of tho
parade by Mrs. M. J. Corbott of Wash
ington avenue,
Smith B, Mott was the chairman of
tho committee which arranged for tho
Memorial day celebration. Associated
with him were the following comrades:
P. J. MeAndrew, E. W. Pearce, John B.
Hobday, M. 'K. Bishop, George Geary,
George Shultz, B. U, Athcrton, John T,
Howe, Levi Getz, P. S. lluinlln, Wil
liam S, Jones, Mnrshall Prestou, H. E.
Paine, II. W. Loftus and Adam T.
A memorial concert was Klvon last
night In Memoiial hall, under the aus
pices of Ezra Griffin post. No. 139, A
very large audtenco was In attendance,
and n t-plendld programme, which hnd
been arranged by a special committee,
wan given.
Miss Beatrice Morris, one of tho most
versatile nnd charming recltatlonlHts In
the city, prooked hearty laughter with
her clever rendition of "Aunt Elinore's
Hero," un old "vet" who wns fright
ened almost to death by n slip of a
girl, who tells the story. Miss Maud
WcntherhauB, of North Scranton, also
pleased with her recitation of n patri
ots ode. Prof, Flavian Vundorvelien, a
violinist of rare ability, played to the
piano accompaniment of Mrs, F. E.
Wilson, and rendered a violin obllgnto
to u soprano solo sung by Miss Edith
Hurry Tyler, a pianist, possessing
great technical skill, played with won
derful spirit tho rollicking "Soldier's
Chorus" from Gounod's ''Faust," and
Miss Jennie Kaufman sang two soprano
one Ue (mailer after Using Allen's Foot-Eae, a
powder to U uluUn into tho itliocs. It nukti
ileht or new ilioca feel easy; give losUnt ie
lief to cow and bunions. It's the greaUit. comfort
dUcoury vt the ago , Cure and prcveutt mojlcii
feet, Ulsteri, cillou and or tnota. Allen'
Foot-Kate. U a certain cure (or awcatlug, hot, ac-U
liip (cet. At all drugeliti and shot atorci, '.'.
Don't accent any nututitutr. Trial package fllEK
by mall. AdJre Allan i, OlMttrad. Ul-uv V V
Interesting and Impnasirt Exercises
That Were Conducted Last Night
on the Lawn Miss Pearl Henry, of
Oreen Street, Tendered a Surprise
Party by a Number of Her Friends.
"Lynnwood" Produced at the Au-,
dltorium by the Crystal Literary
and Dramatic Club.
The crowning of the statue of the
Blessed Virgin with a wreath of flow
ers, a beautiful custom .which Is ob
served annually by the sisters In charge
of the Holy Rosary academy, was con
ducted lust night lu tho presence of a
large gathering,
The exercises were conducted on the
spacious lawn surrounding the church.
Colored Incandescent lights strung
from tree to tree and a profusion of
American flags rendered the scene a
beautiful one. Over the head of tho
statue of the Virgin Mother won fast
ened h halo of electric, lights.
The exercises were participated In by
all the children of the school. The
girls wore white dresses and every boy
hud u white waist. They sang with re
markable skill and took an eager and
enthusiastic delight In the cxcrelr;s
thnt was pleasurable to see. The full
programme carried out was as follows:
Litany of the Blessed Virgin School
Rosary, Recitation Little Boys
Lady of Grace, Recitation,
Miss Murgarct Joyce
Lndy of Grace, Hymn School
Lady of the Lamp. Recitation.
Little Girls
Consecration to Mary, Hymn School
Immaculate Conception. Recitation. .Hojs
Catholic Psalm, Recitation Seniors
Kntwlnc a Crown, Hymn School
Act of Consecration Seniors
To Ucum Chorus
Pleasant Surprise.
Miss Pearl Henry was pleasantly
surprised at her home on Green street,
last evening, by a few of her friends.
The evening wns enjoyably spent with
games and singing. The guests were
entertained with recitations by Miss
Lulu Constuutine and piano selections
by Miss Pearl Henry. The usual party
diversions were Indulged in until a sea
sonable hour when refreshments were
served. Present on this pleasant occa
sion were: Misses George Cure, Mary
Guest, Lulu Constantine, Cora Snyder,
Sophia Herr, Jennie Dotty, TearJ
Henry, Margaret Noone, Helen Dtui
bar, Maud White, Grace Marion,
Blanch White, Anna Henry and Messrs.
Daniel Hartzell, William Bright,, jr.,
Clarence McAllister, James Sand, Clar
ence Henry, Henry Twining, Edgar
Sanders, Samuel Weston, Bert Kvans,
John Jones, and Howard Rathmore.
"Lynnwood" Last Evening.
The Crystal Literary and Dramatic
club last evening produced before a fair
sized audience at the auditorium the
beautiful four act melo-drama "Lyn
wood," which deals with an incident
during the Civil War.
P. J. McGuire, Victor Blanchard and
Miss Margaret Burns as Lucille Car
lyle had the leading parts. Their work
was warmly applauded. The play as a
whole was splendidly presented.
Specialties weie given by John
Mrs. L. M. Gates, of Scranton, will
address the gospel yervlees in the
Young Woman's Christian association
parlors, 2018 North Main avenue, Sun
day at 3.?0 p. m. All young women are
cordially Invited.
Zacharlah Williams and Kvan Thom
as spent yesterday with friends in
George Booth, commonly known in
this section as "Doc." Ipavcs today- at
noon for his home In Ohio. Mr. Booth
has been a tesldent In this section for
eight years, during which time he has
made n host of friends.
Miss Kale Henry, of Xew York city,
Is spending a few days with her moth
er on Brick avenue. i
Miss Mabel Shepherd and Lillian Ross
spont yesterday in Wllkes-Barre.
Dr. Young, of Church avenue, in
structor of the gymnasium, is spending
a few days in New York. ,
Miss Mollle A. Collins, of Washing
ton, D. C, who Is on her way to Mont
real, Canada, is spending a few days
with her parents on North Main ave
Memorial day was observed In the
usual manner heie ycsteTday. The pa
rade of tho various societies formed on
Potter and Green Itldge street and pro
ceeded to the different cemeteries. whore
appropriate services were conducted.
Those taking part In tho parade were
ni follows: Police force, G. A. R. Drum
corps, veterans of tho O. A. R., Jr, O.
U. A. M cadets, drum corps, Sunday
school children, Y. M. T. L. and P..
cadets. K. T. and B. cadets, Y. M. I., E.
T. and R. society, carriages containing
tho borough council and heads of the
different borough departments.
The First Methodist Episcopal church,
Rev, Charles Henry New-lug, pastor.
Regular services nt 10.30 a. in. nnd 7,30
p. in. Sunday morning will be tho first
quarterly meeting service. Love feast
ut J'.SO a. in.; communion service at tho
morning service, The pastor will preach
ut the evening service; subject, "Tho
Few Which Abide." Sunday school at
2.30 p. m., Daniel Powell, superintend
ent. Kvcning prayer service at 6.30
o'clock. KpwortU leugue Tuesday even
ing ut 7,45 o'clock. Mid-week church
prayer service Wednesday evening at
7.30 o'clock. Tho church bell will not
ring for any services Sunday, as It is
being repaired and the work Is not yet
The Tripp Avenue Church of Christ,
Preuchlng both morning and evening by
the pastor, J. D, Dabney, Morning
topic, "The Hardships of Missionary
Life;" evening topic, "Pressing For
ward." Sunday school u,t 10 o'clock.
Uverybody welcome nt all services.
Dunmore Presbyterian church. Ser
vices nt 10,30 a. in. and 7,30 p. w.
Preaching by the pastor, Rev, W. F,
Gibbous, at bath services, Morning sub
ject, "Everyday Religion;'1 evening
subject, "Showers of Blessing."
Robert Young und family, of Avoca,
spent yesterday at the home of Peter
Plnckney, on Shoemaker avenue,
George and Irving Avery und Morris
Reynolds, of Carbondale, are the guests
of Clayton Dalrymple, on Blakely street.
A, L. Bryden, of North Blakely street,
spent yesterday In Plttston.
Mrs. Frank Skinner, of Dudley street,
Is 111 at her home,
James Ifopklns. of New York city, is
spending a few days with his father,
Dr. B, C. Hopkins, at his home on
Drinker street.
James a. Cullen, a student In the
University of Pennsylvania, Is ut home
for the summer vacation.
George Plnckney, of Forest City,
spent yesterday with his parents In
Mr. and Mrs. William n. Wilson nnd
; family, of Mlncrsvllle, are guests nt the
nome or Airs, wimon's parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Sidney Matthews, of North Blake
ly street.
Miss Allle Taft, of North Blakely
street, Is visiting friends In Hawley.
Rev. David Spencer, D. D of Blakely,
will preach In the Dudley Street Bap
tist church on Sunday afternoon nt 3
Concluded from Paso 9.J
was nlsn the winner of tho contralto prize
at the Allcutown eisteddfod. Her sing
ing iccolved marked attention and un
stinted praise.
As usual, Mrs. D. B. Thomas was In de
mand as nn accompanist, nnd. her pres
ence always gives any competitor confi
dence and courage,
The competition for tenor and bass, on
"Go, Baffled Coward, Go," nt tho morn
ing session, wan not up to the standard,
but owIik to tho fact that there were but
two parties entered, both wore allowed to
go on the stnsre.
"V Drych" and "The Cambrian," of
litlca, X. Y., were ably represented by
D. C. Powell, of Scranton, nnd Kccs Mor
gan, of Wllkcs-Baric.
The juvenile competition, In which chil
dren whose uges range from G to 16
years, .were the participants, was without
question the best competition of its kind
ever heard In an American eisteddfod.
William Dovanney, of Plttston: Tor
retire McCloskey and IT. Y. Rees. Wllkes
Barro Record; George A. Rd wants, of tho
Wllkcs-Barro Times, were among the vis
iting newspaper mem
The "other" conductor, T. P. William1),
of Newcastle. Ha., mrtde n hit with the
people of the eisteddfod, tho moment ha
was introduced. Tie has the voice for
such an Immense room as the Armory,
and can command the attention of all
wtihout much efToit.
The custom of preventing applause be
foie a competition was, strictly adherea
to by the conductors, and proved to bo
of much help' to the competitors vho are
f-ometlmea embarrassed by their fi!"nd3
befoie they do anything.
Gaiileld Davis, the talented young ac
companist of the Sherman Avenue Juve
nile choir, was especially complimented
by Adjudicator Darprotch for his play
ing in the competition at the morning ses
sion. Richard Phillips, the leader of the win
ning Juvenile choir, was also compliment
ed for his ability and leadership.
"Conductor Williams, of the mornhn?
session, Injected much humor into his
work, and his Welsh quips were received
with much pleasure nnd applause. Next
to Judge Rd ward's, he is a top notchei
In the eistcddfodlc world, and his pres
entee in Scranton was one of the most
pleasing features of the day.
Rev. Thomas Jenkins, of Madison. N.
Y., was among the interested specta
tors at the eisteddfod.
The threo unsuccessful juvenile choirs
were each given special prlzer. for their
excellent renditions. Thi is done to en
courage competition of thhi kind.
Roth the Saengerrunde and Junger
MrtennTehor vere highly complimented
for their sinking and Professor Hemberget
was given nn ovation when h stepped to
the singe to receive the prise . .,
Among the out-of-town visitors were
William M. Thomas. Llewellyn Morgan
and John Kvans, of WIIN-rfs-Bnri-e: G. M.
Williams, William L. Mylts. John Push.
Kingston: Reese G. Davis, of Kdwarda
dale. A noticeable feature In the competitions
was the large number of strange pnrtiel
pants, and tho absence of tho old stereo
typed compositions.
Dr. D. 13. Richards, of Slatlnelon.
"leuan Fardd." winner of tho WeUli
novel prize. Is an old elsteddfodau and
native American, and was heartily con
gratulated on his success. His nom do
plum" wns "Myra Gwyn." and his com
petitor, "Georr" AVnihlngton," Kvan R.
Kvans, is a native of Carnarvon, Wales.
Professor lorwerth T. Daniel, leader of
the Arlon Male chorus, of Plica, N. ..
is also the leader of the Utica Philhar
monic society and the Cecllians. of 1'tlca,
the mixed and ladles' parties, which sang
nt the ovenlntr session. Ills chorus num
bered In all, 168 voices. Professor Daniel
was the adjudirutor at tho West Sernnton
eisteddfod two wears ngo, and at North
Scranton last Thanksgiving day.
Walter Damrosch, J. W. Parson Plco
and J. Powell Jones, the adjudicators,
gavo excellent .satisfaction. Their decis
ions were brief, printed nnd Instructive.
Damrosch made a splendid Impression and
as accompanist to Gwllym Miles In ono
of his own compositions, heightened tho
opinion held of lilra as a musician and
composer. Mews. Price and Jones aro
too well known among the Welsh people
to need any special praise as to their
G. II. Humphries of fllcu, N. Y ne
nf tho literary adjudicators of tho day.
Is one of the most scholarly Welshmen In
America. Ills stylo is not very robust,
but his diction Is exceedingly pleasing to
listen to, and his adiudicntlons were given
in WolsH and Lnsllsh. lie Is nlso a Ger
man scholar and speaker of recognized
It is seldom, if over, that a mother,
her daughter and two sons comprise
a quartette and win a prlso In tho eis
teddfod. Yot this happened yesterday,
when Mrs. Kllzabeth Wutkins, und thivo
grown-np children. Edith. Gwllym and Ar
thur Watklns, of Harrlbburg, proved to
bo tho best quartette. Mrs. Watklns was
given a great ovation when sho was dec
orated with the prize badge,
T. Solomon Gr! ruths, of mica, N. Y
was a welcome attendant at tho eistedd
fod, and greeted many old acquaintances.
It wns regrettable that so few compet
itors of worth entered tho solo, duet and
quartette competitions for such worthy
The Pittsburg Chronlcle-Telegraph was
represented by R. II. Davles. and other
Smoky City people in attendance worn
W. J. Jones, of tho Pittsburg Bank for
Savings; Joseph D, Jones, Walter Evans,
J. Harry Jones and John D. Jones,
David Owens, Philip Warren and Tom
Stephens sang German with tho I.leder.
kianz, and wine well,
Jenklii Jones, of tho Pocahontas dls
trlct, Virginia, was nn Interested specta
tor. The voice of Conductor Williams could
bo easily heard nnywhero In thn great
building and many times proved a thorn
In the disturber's fide,
Thomas Williams, of Plttston, soloist
of the Dr. Mason Glee club, was easily
the best of them all In tho mnto party
competition, and fairly lifted the pooplo
from their seats with his supoib rendition
of "The Britons'' solo.
The attendonco at the nioinliig susMoii
was roughly estimated nt 4,000, tho after
noon fi,000, and tho evening S,(00 people,
When tho Arlons attempted to leave
the stage after their first teiectlon at tho
evening session, Judge Edwards would
not listen to It, and they formed ugnln
and sang a lullaby arranged by Profesbor
Arthur Classen, tholr leader, His com
plete mastery of tho hundred voices under1
lilni showed conclusively why the Ailous
aro In a class by themselves.
"An electrical effect," Introduced by
Conductor Williams nt the oveplng ses
slon had the propor effect In. having the
ladles remove their hats. It was a story
about the Ohio legislature passing a bill
gBi- AnlAfrif & jtog-jfcgg.Ss J . tiafrfflSSSSMW! gM-. ,.. 4ft M--:
THERE arts always some persons who do not believe what Is said In an
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Is because the reader does not take the trouble to find out just why a company
like this, for Instance, should make offers to the public which are such an
advantage to them when compared with the offers made by Its competitors.
This Is a new company started hero In Scranton. We thought
that by doing away with several of the more expensive and
disagreeable features of the old-fashioned concerns, we
should bo able to lend money on household furniture At
such moderate rates that even the very poorest people could
easily afford to get a small loan to help them over sonw
financial difficulty.
THIS company asks for your patronage on the distinct understanding that
' our new methods give you a positive advantage. Every word here Is
absolutely true. You will notice that we do not print tricky sentences
words which say one thing and really mean something else.
Here arc the reasons why yoou should come hero If you are l
In debt and need a loan If you want now clothes or any
thing else and need ready cash to get them In order to
keep up a good appearance before your friends.
No other security Is demanded hero
except the furniture. That means
that you will not have to got some
one to endorse papers for you.
Our rates are the lowest In Lacka
wanna county.
We do not charge compound interest
ut nil.
We charge no Interest on the paid-up
And the furniture Is left with you.
$10 to $300 Loaned Within 25 Hiies of Our Off ices.
NEW RHONE No. 2SS6. R. O. BOX 94,
Scranton Loan
No. 207 Wyoming Avenue.
making It a misdemeanor for lHdles to
wear hats in public assemblies of this
G. M. Williams, mine Inspector of tho
Fourth anthracite district, who was fore
man at the Bellevun mine previous to
leaving Scranton In 18J0, wns In attend
ance nt the vnilous sessions.
The Utlca Ladles' party presented a
very peat appearance in black skirts nnd
white shirt waists.
Tho singing in tho soprano solo com
petition ut tho evening session was un
questionably the best ever heard in com
petition In Scranton. All threo were
worthy of tho prize.
The song rendered bv H. F.van Will
iams, "Sound nn Alarm," affords an ex
cellent opportunity for his high tenor
voice. The Welsh encoro he gave pleased
The "Mermaids," of Bangor and "Tho
Britons," of the same place, failed to re
spond for competition.
Dr. Gunther. or Brooklyn, the double
bao with the china vein voice, who oc
cupied the position on the forward right
end of the Arions, made a lasting- im
pression on the audience.
Professor Daniel was tho recipient of
a banl-.etful of beautiful roses, and Mrs,
Brundage received a boquet of cainat
tlons. I
Announcement was mado of an eistedd
fod to ho hHd at Pittsburg next Christ
inas day, at which a prize of $1.(XK) wllj
be given for n mixed chorus and V'W for a
male chorus competition.
of the late Joseph Hughes, died early
yesterday morning after a long Illness
at her home, 164 South Hyde Park ave
nue. Deceased was born in Wales
seventy-six years ago and had lived In
Scranton since 1S66. She was u sister
of tho late Mrs. Benjamin Hughes and
was held in high esteejn by a, large cir
cle of friends. She Is survived by the
following children: David, John, Jos
eph, George, Rachael, Mrs. William
Jeremiah, and Mrs. John Eddy.
The funeral of tho lato William La
Monte will be held on Sundtiv at -.00
at tho family icsldenco, 810 Monroe ave
Annual Event ia the Grounds of the
Scranton Club at Dunmore.
The Scores Made.
The annual open shoot of the Scran
ton Gun club took placo yesterday on
tho grounds of the club at Dunmore.
It was difficult to make good scores on
account of tho high and uneven wind.
The morning events were practice
shoots In which a fair number partici
pated. Tho first prize event was ut
twenty targets, live prizes. The prize
winners were:
Sim Davis, filht 13
A, J. Kclloy, hecond 17
W, K. nitlenbender, third 16
J, D. Mason, fourth ,. 14
Joseph Bhutto, lit til Ill
T. J. Snowden was tied with J. D,
Mason at fourteen, C, Featherby with
Shotto at thirteen, The ties were shot
and Mason and Shotto won out. Other
shoatfra In this event were Harry Cul
len, C, II, Von Storch, T. F, Pudden,
John Pudden, Mr. Carpenter, John Cal
vin, H. JL Trunger, Mr, Ilaswell, Isu
dore Shoemaker, Mr. Hurdenbers and
William Anneman,
Tho second event was at twenty-five
targets, five prizes, Tho prize win
nets: A. J, Kclloy, first
Joseph Shotto, kccoiuI
W. K. UlttonlK'iider, llilul .
(.', 11, Von Storch, fourth .,,
ft. Dainty, fifth
John Padden was tied with Dainty at
seventeen und tho latter won on the
shoot off, Others In this event were
Sim Davis, T, F. Padden, William An
neman, c, h. Class and Carpenter.
The third event at twenty targets,
live prizes, resulted as follows;
Sim Davis, Hist ,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,.,,, 16
c II, Von Storch, second 15
It, Dainty, third , , 11
A. J. Kelley, fourth ,.,,,,...,,.,, 11
Joseph Shotto, HUH ,,.,,,,,,,.,,,, V!
Pudden, Mason and Snawder tied
Dainty at fourteen but the latter was
successful In the shoot off us was Kelly
who was tied by Hlttenbender and Cul
len at thirteen, Anneman tied Shotto
at twelve but lost-tho shoot off,
Threo consolation prizes at ten tar
gets wero offered. They were won by
the following:
ThUflgnaturoU on every bos of the gcaulr.
Laxative Bromo'0uinineibitt-.
remedy lust tsm cold lu e day.
There can be no publicity with thi
plan of ours.
Even your own family need not know,
Our expenses are less per loan. There
fore, our terms can be more liberal,
and aro so.
You pay In small, easy Instalments,
whenever you can spare the money
easiest. ,
We do not keep you waiting for thi
Guaranty Company
Lyceum Theatre
Monday BvenlnK, June 9, 1903, st 8.13.
Artists Recital by
In connection with tho Fifteenth Sym
phony Concert of the
Prices Lower floor, 73c, and $1.00; bal
cony. 30c. and 73c.
Diagram opens Friday, June , 1902, at
9 a. m.
Sugar Corn
5g a Can
This is a canned goods
value without an equal.
8 Department Stores have
maae similar oners, xor
au hour at a time. Here
the bargain is open until
the goods are sold.
The Corn is
the good
sweet Southern
Every 50c purchase en
titles you to gness on the
.strikes' duration, with a
chance to secur a part
of the
$300 in Prizes.
The Joyce Stores
Cubanola cigars
cost - one-third
more to man-
u factum
than other
5 cent
you not have
this benefit?
Wholesale Tobacconists.
Distributors of Cubanola Cigars.
J, D. Mason, first ..
llui-deiibcrg. second
John Padden. third
I,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i
(,, 1 '
Other shooters were T, F, Padden,
Henry Cullen, Caipenter and C, It,
The prizes for hlffh totals In the three
prize events were as follows;
A. J, Kelley, first .,.., K)
Sim Davis, second ,...,,,,,. 51
W, K, Bittenbcnder, third .,, i
Joseph Shotto, fourth , .,,.. i
C. II. Von Stoich. fifth ...,,,.,.
Perfect scoie, W5.
. v