The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 30, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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BpOcUl to the Pcrnnlon Tribune.
Pittston, May 20. Dnnlel Lewis, of
Delaware avenue, who wh accidentally
shot by his wife lout night, ns noted In
today'H Tribune, died this evening just
before 6 o'clock. Mr. Lewis became un
conscious Immediately after the shoot
ing and continued In thnt state until 2
o'clock this morning, and hopes were
entertained that ho would survive the
nccldent. A sinking spell came on this
afternoon, which was followed by death.
Dr. Prevost probed for the bullet, but
was unable to locate It. Deceased was
employed as u company hand at Mt.
Lookout breaker, and was highly re
spected by his fellow-workmen and
friends. Mrs. Lewis has been confined
to bed since the affair occurred.
J. J. O'Boylc, of the Wyoming Valley
hotel, and P. J. Noonc returned home
last night from New York, where they
had been In attendance at the Brooklyn
handicap races.
Miss Anna Law, of Luzerne avenue,
West Side, gave a dinner to a company
of about thirty guests last evening.
Burglars continue their operations
among West Side residences, the home
ofvB. S. Werkhelser, on Luzerne ave
nue, being entered between 8 and 9
o'clock last evening. In an upstairs
bedroom a purse captaining $110 In bills,
the property of Miss Bertha Werk
helser, was taken, but In their hurried
flight the burglars dropped $80 of the
money on the bedroom floor and on the
roof of the rear porch, over which they
had gained an entrance to the build
ing. There Is no clue to the thieves.
Today the city solicitor had an In
junction served on the Erie and Wyo
ming Valley Railroad company to com
pel them to cease work of laying or
changing their railroad tracks In this
city. This is another chapter in the
"Cannon Ball" trolley fight. When the
latter company was refused right of
way through the city, It seems an
agreement was reached between the
trolley company and the Erie, whereby
the latter would endeavor to perform
the work of constructing the track for
the trolley company. This will not go
with the city officials, who are opposed
to the trolley company and have se
cured the aid of the courts.
The Taylor Reds and the West Pitts
ton team will cross bats on the West
lide fair grounds Saturday afternoon.
Rev. II. P. Walter, a recent graduate
,rom the General Theological seminary
)f New York city, has been appointed
.o the pastorate of St. James' Episcopal
:hurch of this city.
Special to the Scrunton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, May 29. Mrs. John M.
Garman, of Nanticoke, is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Louis P. Camp, on
Bridge street.
The Epworth League convention of
the Wyoming district, will be held in
the Methodist Episcopal church, on
Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.
The Memorial Day services will be
held at Gravel Hill cemetery this after
noon at 2 o'clock under the direction of
J. W.-Reynolds post, Grand Army of
the Republic. The address will bo de
livered by N. Frazer, of Wyalusing.
Refreshments will be served to the
veterans at Grand Army hall, by the
ladies of the Women's Relief corps.
The county commissioners have sold
the stone In the piers and abutments of
the river bridge to Nelson & Buchanan,
bridge contractors, of Chambersburg,
for $000. This makes the bridge bring
the county altogether the sum of $1,237.
John H. Jones, of Scranton, forjmer
landlord of the Spring Grovo house at
Lake Carey, was doing business tn
town on Thursday.
A hard frost visited this section on
Thursday morning, and many gardens
suffered heavy damages therefrom.
The postofllco will be open today
from 8 to 11 a. in., and from 1 to 3
p. m.
County Commissioner Edwin D. Rob
inson announces himself as a candi
date for re-nomination to that office at
the coming Republican county conven
t tlon.
In the trespass case of Prances Gro
gesky vs. Edgar Ross and Lorenzo My
' ers, In which a verdict was secured
for the plaintiff at April term of court,
an appeal has been taken by the de
fendants to the superior court.
Prof. E. B. Rice, assistant principal
of the borough high school, Is visiting
nis parents in I'erry county.
J. Harman Gearhart, who has been
confined to the house by a complica
tion of ailments for many months past,
, is again about the street.
Harvey Thompson, who has been
employed in New York for the past
two months, returned homo on Thurs-
day morning. He will remain here un
til about the middle of June, when ho
expects to return to New York again,
, Epeclil to the Scranton Tribune.
Harford, May 29. Rev. and Mrs.
Hawkins' returned from Blnghamton
" Monday.
The seventh social held by the Chris
tian Endeavor society on Wednesday
evening was a success. The proceeds
amounted to over $10.
Prof. G. A. Stearns attended the
funeral of Prof. B. E. James, at Mont
rose, on Sunday.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was played hero
on Tuesday evening. There was a largo
Mr, and Mrs, H. S. Estubrook visited
F. P. Tlngley on Tuesday.
Messrs. Whitney and Osborne are
painting Hugh Andrews' house.
Memorial exercises will be held here.
May 30, Rev, Hawkins will deliver an
Miss Lou Rogers is visiting relatives
in Scranton.
Mrs, Prank Tiffany and D, M. Farrur
are on the sick list,
Mrs, Julia Estabrook has returned
from New York.
Mrs, Will Colson and children, of ki.
Too Great a Risk,
In almost every neighborhood some
one has died from an attack of collo or
cholera morbus, oftenSjefore medicine
could be procured or a physician sum
moned. A reliable lemedy for these
diseases should be kept ut hand. The
risk s too gieat for unyouo to take.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diur
ihoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved
the Jives of more people and relieved
more pain and suffering than any oth
er medicine In use. It can nlwuys be
depended upon. For Hale by all drug
glsti. ;,
mini, nre visiting Mrs. Colson's por
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Doloway.
The annual roll-call of the Congrc
gattonnl church wilt be held June 12.
Miss Agnes Thnlchcr, who has been
ill for n long time, is no better nt this
Miss Minnie Darrow Is at New Mil
ford, caring for her father, who Is sick,
Special to the Hcrnnlon Tribune.
Towandn, March 29. The home of
Mr. and Mrs. N. J, Gaylord, Wyalus
ing, wns the scene of u pretty nnd most
happy occasion yesterday afternoon at
five o'clock, when their eldest daughter,
Miss Bertha, was Joined In marriage
with Mr. Leonard D. Leach of Auburn.
N. Y. Tho ceremony was performed
by Rev. T. S. Armentrout, the beauti
ful ring service being used, and was
witnessed by over 125 invited guests.
Two little misses, Marjorle Bunnell
and Hazel Armentrout, held white rib
bons, forming an aisle for the bridal
"Hark, hark,.thc dogs do bark." Find
two policemen who are watching the
beggars come to town.
party to pass through. The bride was
dressed in cream crepe de chine
trimmed with rope chenille. After the
ceremony and heartiest congratula
tions, elegant refreshments were served
by eight young ladles dressed in white.
The bride was the recipient of many
rich and useful presents, which is an
evidence of the esteem In which she is
held by a large circle of friends. The
groom's gift' to the bride was a dia
mond brooch. Other presents were a
set of gold-lined teaspoons, cut glass
water set, rugs, china, silverware, linen,
pictures, $25 cash, beautiful marriage
book of white satin, elegantly embroid
ered, containing an original poem and
the marriage certificate: a register of
guests was also made in the booklet.
The couple departed on the evening
northbound local train, amid showers
of rice. The groom is a prosperous and
successful jeweler at Auburn and is to
be congratulated in capturing such a
valuable prize. Mr. and Mrs. Leach
will be at homo after June 11 at 86 Ful
ton street, Auburn, N. Y. Among the
guests from out of town were: Mrs,
L. R. Currle, New York; Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Ackley, Olyphant: B. A. Gaylord,
Central Isllp, L. I.; Mr. and Mrs. G.
T. Ingham and daughter Louise, Mr.
and Mrs, E. W. Gaylord, Towanda;
Misses Ruth Taylor and Carrie Bloch
er, Spring Hill; A. G. Miller, Mrs. F. L.
Inslee, LeRaysvllle; Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward VanGilder, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
VanGilder, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cran
dall, Stevensvllle.
A stock of general merchandise In
Wyalusing borough, Bradford county,
Pa. A good chance for some one with
a small capital to locate in an up-to-date
growing town. First class stock.
Good location. Light, pleasant room,
Will either sell or rent store building.
Address P. O. box, 161, Wyalusing, Pa.
Snalal to the Scianton Triljui.e.
Brooklyn, May 29. Mr. nnd Mis. R.
K. Bailey, of Avoca, are the guests of
relatives in town.
Mrs. L. Tewksbury has returned from
a visit with friends in Scranton and
Mrs. S. B. Eldrldge and Mr, and
Mrs. Joe Tewksbury attended the com
mencement exercises of the Dnlton
high school last .Friday evening.
Misses Etta Sage nnd Lillian Austin
spent Wednesday in Montrose.
Mrs. Tewksbury, of Waverly, N. Y
is visiting her son, Lester Te'wksbury.
Misses Josle Gere und Sadie Rosen
eranti'. are attending the summer
school at New Mtlford.
Ruth Austin, of New Mtlford, Is .vis
iting at O. N. Dolaway's,
E. C. Ely und family of Carbondule
visited friends here, They drove here
Sunday and returned Monday,
The committee huvlng It In charge
are laying out the remainder of the
Untvermillst cemetery and making some
Mrs. Edgar nnd Mlbs Annie Edgur
ure visiting ut W. A. Stephens.
Miss Emma Eldrldge who has been
quite 111, is now spending a short time
at her home here,
Dr. and Mis. F, E. Bond are visiting
at Dr, A. J. Alney's,
Mrs. Sumner Deans Is seriously ill.
Her duughter, Mrs. McOennls, was
summoned from Scranton. Dr. Chum
berlaln is attending her,
Miss Lelnh Sterling returned fiom a
visit with friends In Scrunton.
A quiet wedding occurred at the
homo of Mr, and Mrs. W, L. Kent lust
Tuesday when their only daughter,
Miss Edith, was wedded to Edward M.
Elliot, of Coudersport, Pa. The cere
mony took place at noon and was wit
nessed by only tho neurest relatives.
Rev. Dr. Sago performed the ceremony.
The bride wore a traveling suit of blue
broadcloth with a blouse of white lib
erty satin and chiffon applique, Little
Dorothy Hard of Mansfield, niece of
the groom, wus a charming tiny flower
girl, After the ceremony delicious re
fershmeuts weic served. The bridal
couple left late In the afternoon for a
short wedding trip nnd they will toe at
home after June 20 at Coudersport, Pa,
where Mr, Eliot practices law.
The union services Memorial Sunday
In the Unlversallst church were well
attended. Rev. Smith of the Methodist
Episcopal church gave nil nble dis
course upon "National Evils and Their
Penalties." Rev. Sage and Rev. Rob
erts assisted tn the services,
Memorial services will bo held In all
tho town churches. At- the Forest
Home nnd Presbyterian cemeteries the
Ezra Griffin post, No. 319, Grand Army
of tho Republic, will view the graves
of their dead comrades and lire a vol
ley as a salute over the graves of the
departed martyrs.
Many of our -townspeople will attend
the national eisteddfod nt which our
town will bo represented by the Taylor
Juvenllp choir nnd Individual competi
tors. Tho only home attractions slated
are a base ball game between two lo
cal teams, In the afternoon, and the
grand ball of tho Bachelors' Social club
at Weber's rink, in the evening.
William L. Jones, of West Mlnooka,
won the silver watch at the benefit
drawing of John E. Matthews at Llew
ellyn's hall, on Tuesday evening, May
Miss Florence Swartz, of Pittston, Is
visiting relatives in town.
Taylor mine local, United Mine
Workers, will hold a special meeting
tomorrow evening in Jones' hall.
Mrs. J. F. Crocker and daughter,
Annie, of South Main street, are spenH
Ing Memorial Day -with relatives at
Washington, N. J.
Thomas Davis, of Willlamstowu, is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. David T. Harris,
of Union street.
Miss Margaret Endcrline, of Buffalo,
N.Y., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jacob
Yacksonlak, of Union street.
The William Tell Rifle club will hold
their annual Decoration Day shoot to
day on their shooting grounds at West
Taylor. All are invited to participate.
Captain S. H. Briggs will spend to
day with friends at Factoryvllle.
Memorial Day will be observed as
usual at Peckvllle today.
The cemeteries present a neat and
pretty appearance these days. Beau
tiful flowers and evergreens havebeen
used in abundance. Sexton Frank
Chlvcrs has greatly Improved tho ap
pearance of Prospect cemetery in the
past year.
Justice of the Peace S.W. Arnold lost
a valuable dog on Wednesday, by being
William Day and son John, will leave
Monday for Niagara Falls, where they
have secured employment during the
strike period.
Large numbers of the foreign ele
ment are packing their grips and leav
ing for their native countries these
days. The Delaware and Hudson sta
tion is thronged dally by those leaving
for other fields of labor.
Mrs. William Page is ill with an at
tack of quinsy.
American League.
At Philadelphia R.1I.E.
Detroit 00 100 3 00 0-1 5 3
Philadelphia 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 x 0 8 3
Batteries Yeuger and McOulie; Wiltse
and Poweis. Umplro Connolly.
At Washington R.H.E.
Cleveland 0 2000200 O-l 8 1
Washington 3 1 3 0 0 2 1 3x 10 21 1
Batteries Strclt, Lunborn and Bemls;
Orth und Claik. Umpire-Sheridan.
At Baltimore H.II.E.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 fi 0 0 0 5 13 2
Baltimorf- ,1 1220000 x 0 9 2
Butteries Piatt and MoFnrland; Mc
Glnnlty nnd Robinson. Umpires Caru
thers and O'Loughlln.
At Boston R.H.E.
St. Louis 0 10000100210 3
Boston o 2 0 2 0 0 Ox 0 12 2
Batteries Donohue and Sugden; Dlneen
and Warner, Umplro-Johnstone.
, National League.
At Urooklyn Jt.IJ.E.
Philadelphia ...,,,,0000000000 3 2
Brooklyn , 2 0001302 x 8 9 1
Butteries Felix nnd Dooln; Newton
und Aheurn. Umpire Cuntllllon.
At- Boston R.H.E.
New York 000110200413 1
Boston 01100 00035 9 1
Batteries Sparks and Bowermun; Ma
lurkey and Morau. Umpire Emslle.
Other clubs not scheduled.
College Games,
At Woicester Holy Clogs, 3; Cornell 0.
A voiy close and Interesting base ball
game was puycd .yesterday between the
Eclipse und Pedrlck's Indians. The lat
ter tgnm won by a score of 10 to 9. Ham
ilton won the game by knocking out a,
home run. Tho feature of tho game was
the superb base running of Benson, tho
clover young player of the Ecllpso team.
The score by Inning was as follows:
Indians 112 0 3 2 1-10
Kcllpso , .5 3 0 1 0 0 0 9
Batteries lluiullton, Peiry and Houck;
iluunu und C'ulllns. Umptio P. Barrett.
TRIBUNE - FitlDAYi MAY 301002.
4 Lines 10 Cents
Mere Than Pour Line, a Cents lor Cacti Extra Ltns.
For Kent.
FOR RENT Six-room house with all
modern Improvements at 330 Garfield
BARN FOB RKNT-112. April 1st. throe
box nnd three single stnlla nnd wash
rack, rear or 324 Madison avcntio. In
quire nt G34 Madison aventle.
Furnished Rooms for Bent.
FOR RENT A dealrablo furnished room.
overlooking Court Houso Square. All
modern conveniences. References re
quired, inquiro 019 Bpruco street
FOR RENT Ono furnlshod room, with
iiupiuvomoniBi aiso ono on mini nour,
cheap. G27 Adams avenue.
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, niodorn
Improvements; prlvato family: gen
tlemen preferred, at 637 Adams avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished room; heat and
bath. 625 Linden street.
heat, gas nnd bath, gentlemen pre
ferred, at K19 Adams avenue:
For Sale.
FOR SALE CHEAP A nlno-vnnr-olil b.W
maro: weight 1,230; thorough, sound
and very gentle. Will sell at u bargain.
411 Penn avenue.
FOR SALE First-class 3-horsepowor en
gine, G-horsepower vertical boiler.
Kunz & Moore, 503 Cedar avenue, Scran
ton. LIGHT your home, church, cottage, hotel,
etc.. with acetylene gas. Cheap as
kerosene, better than electricity or coal
pas. Safe. Write. Inspect our plant.
Philip J. Vctter, C22 Adams avenue.
PIANO FOR SALE Almost new; used
less than five months: elegant upright
piano; wilt sncrlflcc. Coll day or even
ing. 324 Franklin ave.
JUST ARRIVED with 40 horses; good
workers and drivers; weight from 1,500
to 1,700; several closely matched team1;
can be seen at 334 Raymond court. F.
M. Cobb.
FOR SALE-Hand silk doublers. New.
Bamford Bros., Paterson, N. J.
Wanted Booms and Board.
WANTED Two cornmunlcatlng rooms
.with board, private family preferred,
Two ladies and a gcntlumun: state full
particulars. AddM-ss C. II. D., Tribune
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with
flrst class table board, can bo obinlnsd
at 333 Jefferson avenue.
Strikers' Notice.
WE 3ELL tickets and checks to nil parts
of Europe. Consult us before purchas
ing transportations. Wo wl)l save vou
money. Union Ticket Agency, 203 Lacka
wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa Opposito
Scranton House.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED ROOMS-For two adults, thl-pe
or four rooms, furnished or unfurnish
ed for very light housekeeping, llrst Moor
preferred. Address St. B., Tribune ofllee.
WANTED Furnished house of four or
five rooms for housekeeping. Address
A. G. E Trlbuno office.
Beal Estate.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in
upper Green Ridge; choice neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for home
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Murvbie,
1730 Sanderson avenue.
Honey to Loan.
MONEY TO LOAN in any amounts from
$10.00 to $300.00 on household furniture,
pianos, horses and carriages, tho prop
erty remains undisturbed in your possess
ion, giving you the use of both the money
and tho property. Loans made to suit
tho borrflwer's convenience for any period
from ono to twelve months. Loan can be
paid In weekly or monthly installments.
Wo give you the privllegp of paying tho
loan at any time, so that you only pay for
tho time you keep it. Wo make a $10.0i)
loan Just as promptly as we do a largo
one. It costs nothing to make applica
tion. We are only too glad to give you
full Information reeurding our new meth
od of making this class of loans. Our
ofllres are centrally located and com
modious. Private ofllees for ladles. Ad
vances made on storage warehouse re
207 AVyoming ave., 2nd Floor.
'Phono No. 2S2.
Quick, stuilght loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to ti per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-313 Connell building.
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST White bull terrier, with ono black
eye. Finder please return to Tribune
and get reward.
LOST A diamond brooch, at, or near,
Lyceum, to or from South Side. Ro
ward. 428 Cedar avenue.
LOST Between Scranton and rrovldence,
a brown grip with strup uround It,
with carpet layer's tools. Reward will bo
given to tho Under that returns it to J,
Scott Inglls' carpet storo, Lackawanna
LOST A ladles' gold -watch; n Ill-oral
reward will bo given If returned to
Hotol Ten-ace.
LOST $23, between Peck Lumber Co.,
East Market street nnd Presbyterian
church. Reward If returned to olllco of
Peck Lumber Co.
$3,00 REWARD to tho person who returns
a small gold watch and pin, lost on
Wednesday afternoon, May 28th, about 2
o'clock somewhere botween Monsey ave
nue, corner Marlon street, and North
Main avenue, near Greon Ridge street,
Tho watch has an open faco and mono
gram "S. W. U." Return to S. W, Under
wood, 1530 Sanderson avenue,
can bo speedily and permanently cuivd
of all vurletles of Rheumatism by a vege
table compound; cures guaranteed, In
quire or address J, E. Tuylor, Scranton,
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Welsh Hill. May 28. Elk Mountain
was white with snow today; rather late
in the season!
About four hundred strikers mules
from Pittston are being pastured here.
Miss Cora Anthony is home from
Scranton where she spent tho winter.
D, J. Thomas and family of Scran
ton are visiting here,
Mrs. Mary Duncan and daughter,
Belle, have returned from Colorado
where they have been for about two
Miss Llzislt) Moses Is home from the
Stroudsburg state norma) school.
We nro pleased to learn that Miss
Veida Morgans who underwent an op
eration for appendicitis at the Moses
Taylor hospital In Scranton last week,
Is Improving. SJr, and Mrs. Morgan
Morgans and Itev. und Mrs, R, N. Har
ris went to Scranton yesterduy to see
Branch WANT Cfficm,
Want Advertisements Will Be
Beeelved nt Any of the Following-
Drug Stores Until 10 F. M.
Central 01 ty
AbtlEItT BCIIlJf.TZ. corner Mulhcrrr
trent onil Welwttr axrntic.
OUSTAV l'lCIIKb, tUO Adams RMmue.
West Side
GKOilOK W, .TKKKtKB, 101 South Miln
South Scranton '
FilED h, TCKI'I'K 729 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
OEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Mtn
aienue am) Market street.
Green Bidge
CIIAM.r.R P. .lOXKS, 1X37 DkUson
V. .1. JOHN'S, ftjo Oreen tlldiie street.
C. IORKNZ, corner Washington ave-
avenuo and Marlon ctrcct.
Petersburg .
V. II. KKUPm,, 1017 lrln avenue.
j. o. HONE k, w.
Help Wanted Male.
We can use all kinds of sober
workingmen and drivers immediate
ly. Qood treatment and long .sea
son. Address, Welsh Bros'. Circus.
New Bethlehem, Pa., June 2; Brock
wayville, Pa., June 3; Xane, Pa.,
June 4; Johnsonburg, Pa., June B;
St. Mary's, Pa., June 6, and Benovo,
Pa., June 7.
BOY WANTED Must give reference.
Applyat West Side hospital.
SALESMAN WANTED-Stutc salesmen
make $300 monthly, sells to merchants
only. No faUo. Call nnd Investigate.
Owen Ilardmun, Hotel Schudt.
WANTED 20 moulders and 'Si bricklay
ers. Apply No. 9 Piatt Place.
WANTED A Urge boy at Clcrson'n mil
linery. Situations Wnnted.
WANTED A position as coachman by
i sober, married mun; ono who thor
oughly understands the care of horses
and willing to do any Kind of work
around house. Call or address II. Van,
G10 Larch street, Dunmorc.
with three years' experience in music
store; wishes similar position or ope in
furniture store. Address E. B., Tribune
ing or any kind of work by tho day.
Address M9 North Hyde Park avenue.
NOTIC1J is hereby given that tho peti
tion of Saint Stanislaus Congregation
of the Polish Roman Catholic church of
Scranton. Pa., a corporation chartered
under tho laws of the State of Pennsyl
vania, asking for a decree of dissolution
of the suld corporation, ns approved un
der tho Act of Assembly approved tho
9th day of April, lSJti, and its supple
ments, will bo piesented to tho Court of
Common Pleas of Lackawanna county on
l'rlday, tho 20th day of June, 190:', at 9
o'clock a. m.
H. L. TAYLOR, Solicitor.
NOTICE is hereby given that wo shall
sell to the hiehest bidder at public
sale, June 9th, 190-'. at 10 a. m., ut th?
Sheriff's office in Scranton, Lackawanna
County, for the benefit of whom It may
concern, three (,t) shares of the preferred
stock of the Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co.
WELLES & TORREY, Solicitors.
NOTICE Proposals will bo received by
tho County Commissioners' of Lacka
wanna county for the erection of the fol
lowing described stone arches, steel truss,
and steel girder, concrete floored bridges,
to wit: One steel truss brldgo (f5-toot
span) over Tunkhannock creek botween
borough of LaPlumo and township of
Ono stoel truss (7.1-foot span) bridge
over Spring Brook in borough of Mooslc.
Two bteel girder concrete floored bridges
In Waverly borouch.
Ono concrete nnd metal, arch brldgo
over stream near postofllco In tho borough
of Dalton.
Ono stone arch bridge over Full Brook
In Fell township.
Ono stono arcli bridge In tlreentleld
township over outlet of Newton lake on
tho road leading from Cnrbondnlo to Clif
ford corners.
Ono stono arch brldgo over Summit lake
creek In South Ablugton township.
Also ono stone arch over Brltton creek
in South Ablngton township.
Also for building abutments over creek
in Spring Brook township.
All bids to bo In tho hands or tho Coun
ty Commlslsoners at their office In inn
Court House not luter than twelvo o'clock
noon, of the Hth day of June, A, D. ltc.
Plans and speclilcatlons eun bo seen at
the ofllco of tho said commissioners on
and nfter Juno 2. Contracts to be award
ed as soon after tho Hth Inst, ns possible.
... . ,., County Commissioners.
Attest: W. G. DANIELS. Clerk.
Scranton, Pa May 30, 190.,
D. B. IIAiSSeW 8-
Auditor General.
State Treasurer,
PROPOSALS for furnishing Stationary,
Fuel and other supplies,
In compllanco with tho Constitution nnd
tho luws of tho Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, wo hereby Invite sealed prop-js-als,
at prices below maximum niton lixo.l
In schedules, to furnish stationery, fuul
and other supplies for the seyornl de.
partments of tho stuto government, r.nd
for making rcpahs in tho several depart
ments, and for tlin distribution of tho
public documents, for the year ending tho
llrst Tuesday of Juno, A, D, 1903.
Separate proposals will be received nnd
separate contracts awurded us umiounooj
In said schedules. Each proposal rmwt
bo uccompanled by n bond, with at least
two sureties or one surety company, np
proved by a Judgo of tho court of com
mon pleas of tho county in which the
person or persons making bucli proposal
may reside, conditioned for (he faithful
pcrformnnco of the contract, and cd.
dressed und delivered to the Board of
Commissioners of Public Grounds and
Buildings beforo twelve o'clock M of
Tuesday, tho 3rd day of June. A. D. 190.',
at which time tho proposals will h
opened and published In the Reception
Room of tho Executive Department at
IlarrlsUurg. and contractu anauled as
soon thereafter as piacth-uble.
Blank bonds and schedules containing
all neccssury Information can bn obtul.ied
ut this department. T, L. EYRE.
For the Rourd of Commissioners of
Publlm Groud and Buildings.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
MertThn Pour Unit, Cent (or BschRstr Llti,
Providing lor tho Construction of n Lat
eral Bower to Drnln Both Bides of Alder
Street Botween Klrst Court nnd Rosen
Court, as shown on Plan, Protllo and
Snocillcutlona Filed In tho Ofllca of tho
city Clork: Regulating tho Manner of
Mulling nnd Collecting the Assessment
Therefor and Appropriating Funds to
Pay for the BnmV.
Bectlon 1. Be It ordnlnpd by tho Select
rind Common Councils of tho City of
Boranton, and It is hereby ordained by the
authority of tho name, that a lateral
lower with tho necessary manholes, lamp
holes, basins, branches and appliances to
drain both sides of Alder street from
Klrst court to Rosen court, bo construct
ed In accordance with plan, profile and
yioc flcatlons llled In tho office of tho City
jSoo. 2. For the purposo of paying for
the construction of said Hewers, there Is
hereby appropriated the sum of sovon
hundred dollars or so much thereof as
may bo necessary, which sum shall be de
rived from assessments according to the
assessed valuation of tho properties abut
ting upon the streets upon which the pro
posed sower Is to be constructed, as such
properties are assessed for tho purposo of
city taxation for the year 1901.
Sec. 3. Immediately upon the' passage
of this ordlnencc tho Director of Public
Works shall assess tho cost and expenses
of constructing said sewer by an equal
assessment according to the assessed val
uation of tho properties abutting upon
tho streots along which this sewer is to
be constructed, us such properties are as
sessed for tho purpose of city taxation for
the year 1901.
Sec. 4. Tho sums assessed for the pur
pose otLpaylng costs and expenses of sold
sewer upon properties benefited thereby
shall be payable ns follows: One-half
thereof upon the commencement of the
work and the balance or so much thereof
as may be necessary, upon the comple
tion of the work. Interest shall be com
puted upon the entire assessment from
tho date of the commencement of the
work of constructing said sower. And the
City Solicitor shall llle liens according to
law for all assessments which are not
paid. Any assessment or Installment
thereof may be paid before It Is duo and
Interest thereon shall cease from the date
of said payment.
Sec. G. Immediately upon the pussage
of this ordinance the Director of Public
Works shall advertise for scaled pro
posals to construct said sewers, branchesj
etc, and the contract shall be let to the
lowest responsible bidder. Each proposal
shall be uccompanled by cash or certified
chock in tne sum of one Hundred uoi
lars. In case tho bidder to whom tho con
tract shall have been awarded refuses or
omits to execute a contract for the work
In accordance with the plans and speci
fications therefor within ten flays from
the date of award, the enclosure accom
panying his pioposal shall be forfeited to
the use of the City of Scranton.
Sec. fi. The contractor shall before the
execution of the contract, givo a bond In
the sum of five hundred dollars with
sureties to be approved by the City Exec
utive, and conditioned for the faithful
performance of the work according to the
contract nnd the plans and specifications
and for the payment of all claims ngnlnst
work for material and labor. The con
tract shall be completed within three
months after its execution and shall con
tain a penalty for five dollars pel day for
every day in o::cess of said time limit 1n
which the work is not completed.
Sec. 7. The eonti actor shall be p'Ud
upon monthly estimates mndo by the Di
rector of Public Works. less ten per cent,
which shall be held until the completion
of tho work and the llnal acceptance of
the same by the Director ot Public
Woiks. All amounts not paid the con
tractor within thirty days after they shall
have become due shall bear Interest at
tho rnto of six per centum per annum.
But in no case shall the contractor be en
titled to receive any sum whatever In ex
cess of the amount actually received by
the city from the assessments for said
Sec. S. Tf It shall apnear when the work
is completed thnt the aggregate cost
thereof is less than tho estimated amount
ns fixed by the Director of Public Works,
he shall prepare a revised assessment in
which he shall reduce all assessments I ro
rata, and certify the same to the City
Treasurer. ,
Sec. 9, The Executive shall appoint an
Inspector to oversee said work, who shall
be paid two dollars and flftv cents per
day. The Director of Public Works shall
keep the inspeetois' time and approve
his bill for services rendered.
Approved Julv 29. 1901.
W. L. CONNELL. City Recorder.
Attest: M. T. LAVELLE, City- Clerk.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank building Old telephone,
No. 1SS1.
Renl Estate Exchange Bldg., 12tj Wash
ington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building. Spruce street, Scranton.
DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING, ave.
torneys and Counsellors-at-Law. G03 to
612 Connell building.
Counsellors - at -'Law. Commonwealth
Building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21,
Board of Trade Building, Scranton, I'a.'
National Bank building.
No, 211 Wyoming avenue.
Patent Attorneys,
PATENTS issuer
Trado Mniks and Labels lrslstered. Tho
only licensed Patent Alt'ys In Scranton.
Kcploirlc & Co., Mcars Bltlr.
" Hotels and Bestaurants.
lln avenuo. Rates reasonable.
V. 81EGLER, Proprietor,
Passenger depot, Conducted on the Eu.
ropean plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor,
and ress pools; no odor; only Improved
pumps used. A. B. Briggs, propiietnr.
Leave orders 1100 North Main uveivje.
or Elcke's drug store, corner Adams and
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
ave., Scrunton, infra, of Wire Screens.
plies, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, JW Washington uvenuo.
bo nun in bcrunion ut mo nows stann
of Relsman Bros., 1(M Spruco and DO)
Linden: M. Norton. 332 Lackawanna
ave.; I. S. SehuUcr, 211 Spruco atre-.-t.
Count Suvlntt Im7 iTriitt Go
of Scranton, Uo. BOtiprUde street, ol
Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, nt the
closa of business May. ,22, 1902:
Cash on hand.,,...,..,,,!,!,.
T- !
it 07,930 ll
Checks and other ensh Items.. .
Duo from banks nnd bankers,.
Loans and discounts
Investment securities owned,
273.6 1J
838,931 3S
Stocks, bonds, etc...t.$,0 P0
Mortgages t 150,075 20
76,345 lo
Real estate, furniture and llx-
turcs i 91,2 lrt w
Overdrafts ,,,.,.,, 162 07
Total ,029,031 14
Capital stock paid tn 100.000 DO
Surplus fund 123,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses
nnd taxes paid 44,316 76
Deposits subject to
check $ r2t,72,-, 81
Deposits, special 1,231,190 5S
Demand certificates
of deposits 6,032 22
Certified checks 378 09
1,759,37 09
Cashiers' checks outstanding... 448 3f
Dividends unpaid ,, 239 00
Total ,..2.029,31 II
State of Pennsylvania, County of Lacks
wan mi, ss.:
1, A., II. Christy, cashier of the abev
named company, do solemnly swear that
the above statement Is true to the best
of my knowledge and beller.
(Signed) A. H. CrtRISTY. Cashier.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me thlr
26th day of May, 1902.
(Signed) O, B. PARTRIDGE,
Notary Public.
My commission expires April 13,, 1903,
Correct Attest:
(Signed) O. S. JOHNSON.
Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank
of Scranton, 119 Wyoming avenue, el
Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, at
tho close of business May 22, 1901:
Cash on band .' f 93,404 fl
Checks and other cash Items .. 14,n2S it
Due from banks and bankors... 216,508 II
Loans and discounts 1,401,475 0
Investment securities owned,
Stocks, bonds, etc.. 1582,773 03
Mortgages 25,204 81
Real estate, furniture and fix
tures 07,439 70
Overdrafts W 6i
Miscellaneous assets 12,834 73
.82,443.40! 18
Capital stock nald in S 250.000 01
Surplus fund 250,000 M
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 50,937 If
Deposits subject to
check $613,039 08
Deposits, special 998,484 48
Demand certificates of
Deposits 79,479 28
Certified checks 303 00
1,691,903 81
Cashier's checks outstanding.. 529 24
Due to banks and hankers ..... 199,973 6",
Dividends unpaid 56 2,-;
Total $2,443,402 IS
State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack
awanna, ss.:
tho abovo-nabed bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to the
best of my knowledge nnd belief.
(Signed) C. W. GUNSTER, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this
twenty-tourth day of May, 1902.
(Signed; ROBT. J. MURRAY.
Notary Public.
My commission expires at the end of the
session of tho state senate.
Correct Attest:
of Scranton, No. 120 and 122 Wyoming uve
nue, of 'Lackawanna County, Pa., at tho
close of business May 22. 1902.
Cash on hand 37,113 ns
Checks and other cash items.... 5,221 M
Duo from banks nnd bankers.,. 216,709 fl;
Loans and discounts 1,357,781 2!)
Investment securities owned,
Stocks, bonds, etc.. $977,376 77
Mortgages 11,875 00
9S9.251 77
Real estate, furniture and fix-
tares 53,000 00
Overdrafts 570 , "4
Miscellaneous assets G52 74
Total $2,660,G98 79
Capital stock paid In $ 100.000 00
Surplus fund 250,000 OIF
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 47,381 V
Deposits, subject to
check $ 232,832 97
Deposits, special 2,009,378 66
Demand certificates
of deposit 15,000 00
Certilled cheeks 0,10171
, 2,263,314 31
Cashier's checks outstanding... 2 50
Total $2,660,698 79
Stutc of Pennsylvania, County of Lack
awannu. ss.:
I. H. C. SHAFER, Cushlcr of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
(Signed) 11. C. SHAFER. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo me thlil
twenty-sixth day of May. 1902.
Notary Public.
My commission expires Juno 18, 1905,
Con cct Attest: '
(Signed) S. B. PRICE.
Titl3 Guaranty and Trust Co.
of Scranton. Pennsylvania, No. 1J5 Wash
ington avenue, of Lackawanna County,
Pennsylvania, ut tho close of business
May 22, 1902:
Cash on hand $ 41.434 84
Checks and other cash Items..,. 2.966 14
Duo from banks and bankers. . 296,098 8
Commercial and other papor
owned 153,663 3!
Call loans upon collateral 61,770 0
Time loans upon collateral 217.0M 8'
Investment securities owned, :-
viz.: A1"
Stocks, bonds, etc..$S74.2.V, 40 B
Mortgages 124.519 77 7?
993 775' 1'
Real estate, furnlturo nnd fix
ture's 3S.93S fl
Overdrafts -'Ul
Total 1,S17,3Fo4
Capital stock paid In $ 300,000'0
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxcy paid 15,409 b3
Deposit, (subject to
OlteSkV.A $1,491,526 3.1 T
Deposlts, special ..,, 10,000 00 ,,-
1 1,501,5636
Total :,; $l,S17,025'ol
Amount of trust funds Invest-
ed $ 40,148 66
Amount of trust funds unln- XL
vested 3.217 5?
State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack
awannu, ss.: v
tho above-named company, do soleiiftily
swear that tho above statement Is trua
to tho best of my knowledge und belief.'
(Signed) F. L. PHILLIPS,
Subscribed und sworn to beforo me iliU
twenty-seventh duy of May, 190.. p
(Signed) E. L. CLHRKWfr
(Notarial Seal. Notary Publlo.
Commission expires Jan. 15, 1905. ;
Correct Attest:
(Signed) L. A. WATRES. '
Business Opportunity,
out delay.Write for our special ma.
kot letter. Freo on application. S.fM.
Hlbbard & Co., members N, Y. Cousoll.
daUd nd.. Stick vExcbaup. 41 and -41
Bioacrwayi Now'YorK. Established 1811.
Long Dlstunce Thou 22S8 Broad-
K ". 11