The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 30, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
iiwjkhww .i&; ?rfiPiicJwpwp s'trM'-: i -"? " XT "? -r? '''' h ' "jV ' 'tVo,r i e MfWM" ;w,- f "n 6 '," Wl TftE SOR ANTON TRIBUXE-FIllDAY, MAY 30, 1902. , "',, it ."., n. I if I? K The News of - r May Dance Nighfof Decoration Day May 30th, At Burke's Hall, Commencing at t8 O'clock. Expense 50 Cents BRILLIANT ADDRESS BY ATTORNEY M'CQURT "Delivered Before the High. School StutJehts, the Grand Army Men and" Numerous Visitors In High School Auditorium Earnest Ad vice to Graduates, an Appeal for Forgctfulness of a Nntion's Differ ences and n Tribute to the G. A. R. His. 'Utterances Make n Profound Impression. Yesterday was the mosl interesting afternoon that tha students of the'Cni hondalo High school have enjoyed this year; and It can safely be said1 that 110 more Interesting and enJoyablo-ox- cruises have taken place In the nudlt orium of the Central school building for the benefit of the students finally loundlng out their course of studies in the city's public schools. The occasion was the exercises apro pos of Memorial Day. The programme of several musical numbers that was observed wns merely Incidental, how- JOHN M t'OfKT, "Who Gave Illinium Tull: Before Illsh School Students nnU, Numerous Vis itois. ever, the event of the afternoon being the address of Attorney John McCouit, of Scranton, who was Invited by Prof. W. D. Bryden, principal of the High school, to address thp students this Memorial Day. Those who came with the expecta tion of hearing a stereotyped Memor ial Day address, associating this belief with the clay that was being observed, were agreeably disappointed. Mr. Mc Court's address was an earnest, vigor ous talk to tho students, particularly the graduates of the class of '02, on the problems of life that confronted them. It was a sincere, forceful appeal to all his numerous hearers to avoid on this Memorial Day "this holy day" tho word or the thought that might arouse auger or hate against our foes of forty years ago; and the peroration was a grateful, warm-hearted tribute to the wearers of the Unron blue, the slivered veteians, who were before him.. Mr. McCourt's effort was brilliant, and fie most profoundly impressed the students and the visitors with his rare eloquence. Mis vigor and his force, while the old soldiers faces glowed with the kind feeling that they felt for the young orator, whose broad-minded views made an appeal tliut won their hearty approbation This was Mr. McCourt's second pub lic appearance in connection with the public schools of C'arbondale. The other occasion was tho debate In this city between the Scranton and Curbun d.ilcs High schools. This Incident was happily alluded to and discussed by Mr. McCourt In his preface, described it with n keen humor that lighted tho way for the earnest and vigorous thoughts that followed. Mr. McCourt spokes as follows: Ladles ami (iontlcmen: Just onco be fore in my career, a very long tlmo ugu, not measured by tho count of jcars at all, but becauso tho rude hand of change seems to have thrust It very far Into thu past, I had the honor of addressing the Cnrbonelala high school under ciicum stanees to different from thu present, that, as 1 sat hem, I could not help sd h'litly contrasting tho two, Dining my Scranton high school days them came, down the valley from this hehool a chal lenge to un to send forward a delegation to contest tho question as to which of the two cities was the moro miltnblei iis a home. Tho day tho Scranton high school went Into, n pqmmitto of the wholo to ihooso-tho "wnnlors three" who wui.i to lopresent them, thorn was a geuciul at mosphere of melancholy pervading tho cntlro. assemblage, because' wu felt that the .Indents' invh6ro"tn their gullelessness had no knowledge of what piofouml scholars ami causto manipulators of all hiibjects, wo were, including International complications and tho 'nebular hypothesis. And wo felt, ladies ami gentlumon, that It lias an act almost akin to tie.icheiy for us to -Inko -advantage of their Innocence. Hut, nfter duo deliberation wo enmo to tho conclusion tliat.all Is fair In love and war.'jind steeling bur hearts to overy ten der .seutlmont, threo of us wero dually selected to jntllct tho ctuel blow, Ayifh our schoolmates!, .to J cheou i&'iuuV our teachers to efllry'lia' ami bur city's ur'ch Ivcatto refresh us, wo swooped down upon tho-yioneer City, all unconscious of tho ponding disaster, uud upon tho stage of youij opora houso tho debate In duo tlmo began. A young (lady from Cnibondaln opened the controversy by solving thn clt f Scranton by its metaphorical neck uml whirling It uiound Jior head in a way Mint i positively descilbo. Iiur fmul cf Uformatloh regarding thu faults and folblps of tho city of Scranton was (.Imply Inexhaustible. It wasn't accurate! At this late day I protest It wasn't accurate but ladles and gentlumon It was vory cf fectlyol At the end of an hour tho de bate'ended, the Judges retired and wo worn alone with a sickening consciousness that all had not gono well. "Wo ara whipped," I said to raytielf, "Wo aro whipped but the Judges will not daro to find :agaln3t us. Why If they had tho temerity to decide ,thaj, was mori desirable uso, homo-than Scranton '', "' llfef "" fSS Catbondale. this county would rlso In Its might and tho recreant ,1thh;os would expiate their folly In tho maelstrom of a popular re sentment. , No they won't Main to find against tin." lhlt, ladles and gentlemen, they did find ngnlimt us And thn Mum students of this school, tenderly took us down to the depot, gently put us on board tho train mid ton fully sent us back from whonco wo came. Ah 1 said lit the beginning that was u long time ago. but tilvlnl at the Inci dent Is It lauglit mo In a meuRuro to look at both sides of thing's. It taught me Mm lesson of Toleration, that lost chord In the lives of so many otherwise perfect men. Whnt I hnvo paid puts mo In mind of n time not long since when t was ns signed In ctlmliml court to defend a mnu who was charged with having been un duly familiar with his neighbor's chick en coot. t defended tho prisoner so very well that when thn Jury went out I turned to the defendant and told him to make some arrangements to pay me -for my services, lie suld h;j had no money but that he would very cnslly get work when hu obtained his freedom mid I ac cordingly ceinuncneefl to draw up an or der on his prospective pay. Hut while t was writing the jury came In with a ver dict of guilty and tho Judgo after re marking Mint my client had been very properly convicted sent him to .inll for nearly n year, nut as Hamlet says, "Something, too much of tlilsl" As we stand hero upon the Mirchold aC tho rnie ii ml rmlltuil mouth of June, a mouth dedicated to the brldo and tho sweet ghl graduate. Mm month when the school bell hoars Its mandate to be silent, u silence for some of you that means but a brief and welcomu forgetfulness of hehool tasks but for others n sllenco that Is neither "nuf wolderselm" nor "an re -voir" but "good-bye" and "good-bye" for ever." As we stand upon that Mitcsliold then, surely It Is neither amisi nor premature to extend our sincere congratulations to those who aro about to take their diplomas and go out Into thu world. H In far t'lom my intention to talk to jou pros pective graduates upon what must be to uil now the veiy threadbare sulilect of duty. Since your lisping childhood an endless lino of teachers luov been point ing the word "Duty" at you miuii as Hobfu Hood pointed his arrow nnd I for one am thoroughly satislled that the dart long klnce struck home. As 1 said I feel strongly the appropriateness of congratu lations only, t feel that the mature men and women assembled licie need no assurance from me of the fitting manner in which you lircMpcclivc gi initiates must necessarily hnvo sustained yourselves. Tint It there are any hero present who need such ns Hinance, to them 1 would say that, tho student, whether his shining morning fate boars tho Impress of the ruddy kiss of strawberries from the hill or is sicklied o'er by thu pale cast of thought, wheth er he woais a rap and gown or carries n broken slate, he has triumphs and trlaln that are as poignant and numerous as they nie peculiarly his own. Many iflf them may bo Imaginary but they are none the less Intense. None of your students are very o'd. yet measured by the length or brevity of your lives, which ever you choose. It Is a long time, a very long time, since with heni ts going pltly pat you first darkened the primary school house door. How manv student lads and lassii s have u stood shoulder to shoulder with since as the years went by and you advanced rdep by stop and where are they now? Some lay down by tho roadside, romp went to chiifo lalnbows and wlll-n'-tlip-uisp, some grew weary and straggled to the rear and still othcir. went n sailiuE with the gilm ferryman whom all muit know. For after all the disciplining of the mind Is half the game of life and it is not sur prising that many push the game away fiom them and say It hi not worth tho candle, lint you a chosen few among the hundieds have passed through the Hood and Held of your labors. You are here! and that Is what I meant when 1 spoke of congratulations. You, ladles and gentlemen, of the clavj of JOOJ. have. 1 do not doubt, begun to live though a bi let pcilod of sweet conceits. It Is tho prerogative nl a gi.iduale to believe that tho wotlel gyia'tea around him. It ia a dream that will pass away, but none the less his prerogative. Fur the next few wee'-n you will be walking ns on violets tliinugli a coil of fairv moonlight and as it vanishes you will find yourselves standing in tho cold gioy dawn of a now elay, face to face with the' world. You have been told that It is a hard world and have been duly ton Hied thereby. So on that point let mo reassino ou by suggesting that If tho world is hind, it's veiy implacability makes it all tho "bol ter whetstone upon which to shaipon your wits. Let mo also suggest to you what overy wind of tho world and wave of the sea have already told ou. "That be yond tho Alps lies Italy"; that after the sowing comes ic corresponding harvest. Do not heed tho advice of the broken Wnlsuy, do not fling away ambition. Conjure up an ambition, mould it into an Ideal, nnuilsh It and If it be n worthy one, grapple to it with hooks of stool. It will bo your star at midnight, your au ehor In tho storm. Tt mnv carrv vou across tin; Alps of opposition to thu Italy of your dreams. There you may snatch your "buys" and who knows, some of you may chisel your names upon thu Par thenon of enrthly greatness. Furthermore let niii gugacit to you Mint you lend good books, look fairly' on both sides of a question nnd be ever and otoi nally paitlsans. Tho world thinks moro of a man who believes and nns the moon is nmdu of cheese Mian It does of the man who has no opinions whatever concernlm; Its composition. Tor If your views are false In tho beglunlne, If Vour heart is open and your mind I clerr, experience nnd nttlltlon will tear dovn youi fallacies and nourish mid r.ti"nrt:ei your login until your gospel will point vllh as much constancy toward Mm abiding liutli as docs thu needle of the compass toward the pole. Pay no heed to tho e-ynle who dolefully complains that success Is as a e'ast of thu dice', frowning on mnny ami smiling on few. Surely that in not true, In tho grand and broad sense of tho word, success awaits those who leunh out for it. hive strenuously, strive as hard us you 1'iin and as long as you can. Chorlsh your good nnmi) uubt'enthed upon anij thon whether you sweep over thu rani. parts, sink on Mm slnpa or fall fainting In the moat you will have attained Mm fullest measure of success In Us lirotd est meaning. THE RIGHT STEP. Every ordinary cold deserves serious attention. It is only a step from it into grippe, pneumonia, or con sumption; and it is only a short step the other way to cure the cold. Nature and Scott's Emul sion work together to make a cold take the right step. Na ture works , all the time and Scott's Emulsion works if you take it. Scott's Emulsion cures all kinds, of colds, Send lor Free Simple SCOTT & BOWNU, ChemUts, vi Fcirl St., N. V. But whether the cup with swcot or bit' ter run, even though, as tho fires of your youth grow fainter nnd fainter behind you the rentes of fame and prosperity loom higher nnd dimmer before you, over and always shake your sword In the faces of your 'foes and defy thpm In tho words of our good old long-nosed friend, Cyrano de Heigcine, "All, 1 know you all my nncleitt enemies, Cowardice, Hypocrisy. Piejiullco and Dastardly Intolerance! that 1 should cotrio to terms with yoltt Never! I'll light you, fight you always." Hut, ladles uud gentlemen, If standing on Mm threshold of tho mqnth of Juno has made It appropriate) for mo to say what I have to tho coming graduates and to thu high school pupils In general how much more appropriate Is it, on this tho ove of Memorial Day 10 lay an humble wreath of lovo and nffcctlon upon tho holy of our country's deathless dead. Tomorrow from tho tossing pines of Maine to the plumed palms of Florida, from whero tho statue of liberty throws Its welcome light across tho At lantic billows to whero the Golden (Into lifts Its brow from tho whis pering waves of the Pacific, the American people with one accord will thrust from them tho sordid pursuit of wealth nnd place and power, will turn their backs upon the treasures of earth which the moth and tho rust consume, to do most leverenl homagu to tho Im mortal memory of our country's bravo and to tell onco moro the story nnd tho glory of the fallen of tho fight. Tomor row, from tho sunny prairies nnd from Mm, shadowy forests," from tho wind swept hillsides nnd from tho sheltered valleys, geutlo hands will gather tho fairest dow ns, willing feet will beur them to Mm nation's churchyards, loving hearts will scatter them upon the heroin dust that was once perfection and tender tears re fresh them as the celestial dews of thu paradise of God, Tomorow Is morn than a holiday. It Is a holy duy. Let no chutp orator raise his voice tomorrow to brcatho profane words of hate and anger against our foes of forty years ago. On the battlefields of the south, whero the? great grey gigantic hosts faded away before tho onslaughts of tho boys In blue, whero the hnndsome, dashing southern "cnvnller" succombed to tho cold, aseotlc northern "round head," where brilliant Virginia broke be fore stubborn Pennsylvania, there thn Grand Army of tho Hepubllc learned to respect and admire their brilliant foes and for any ono of another generation, with windy stisplrntlon of forced breath, to call forth from tho tomb of oblivion the? hatred of the past, for anyone on this day to needlessly reopen old sores by casting Into the lo"th of tho south the charge of "treason." are gulltv or an In sult to the dead to whose memory to morrow is dedicated, are guilt of nn In sult to those of tho living who fought that war with steel, are guilty of the very charge they nre Inveighing against nn effort to disrupt tho Union, and lastly are guilty of a general cheapness, against which, students of tho hlsh school, I would nrivl-e you to beware. Tomorrow I? Memorial Day. . day of tears and lovo for tho blue and tears and lovo for tho grey. I.ate line summer afternoon I walked through the white 'gate of Arlington ceme tery and stood before that grim and pro s.'i'e record upon which the war depart ment linn sunimail7ed the majesty and beauty of that quiet spot. fulled States Military Cemetery, Arlington. Intciments '. ll.L'Iii Known 7.1!'P Unknown 4,ti77 Around me as I stood alone nmld.-f the myriad dead lay the lengthening Hiadows of the trees and the vanishing lines of the graves. Delow me rolled the Poto mac and far beyond leiomed the oily of Washington In the gold light of tho sot ting sun. Over it nil wns a hush, a pon" and a bilenco. At my feet left slaudln; against a mie.hty oak was a simple sheet of bronze halt bidden in the waving giars.-s. As I stood Micro in the shadows of the giavo lost in nn Idle ievi-r!u T carelessly thrti"t aside wtlh my foot tba lohg grass and disclosed, -o deep cut In the Inonzc tablet as to defy all the ef facing influences of tlir.o, the keynote of tomonow, In the melodious lines of Theo dora O'llara's lmmorlnl edoglae: "Nor Vi'iH:, nor change, nor winter's blight Nor times remoiseless doom Shall dim one ray of hol;( light Thut gilds youi gloi Idas tomb; Xor rhiill you glory ho foigot While Fame her record keeps. Or Honor points the hallowed spot Wheie Valor piouelly sleeps." Burely, surely r bared my and abandoned n eveiy thought to the crumbling dust about nn-. not in pity or in sorrow, but In awo and admiration for tho great things they had wt ought and a llfo like theirs. in the language of n very gicat Ameri can orator, -let you and nto take out places In spirit by the lden of those men whoso memory wo celebrate tomonow. "Again wo are in tho great struggle for the national life. V henr tho sounds of preparation, tho music of the boisterous drums and tho sllery voices ot heroic bugles. We hco thousand; of nssom blngcs uml hear tho appeals of orators. Wo see the palu checks of women and thu Hushed faces ot men and In tho.ti as semblages wu sen all the dtvd whose dust we will cover with lloivera. Wo lose sight oi iiicm no more. We aro with them when they enlist In the great army of freedom. Wo ice them part from thoio they love-. Some nie walking for tho last tlmo In eiulet places with the maldoni they adore-. Other are bonding over cradles kissing babies thu I aro aMoep. Homo are leeching the blcsslusg of old men, Some aro parting from mothers who hold them and press them to their hearts again and again and nay nothing, and some mo talking with wives and en deiivinhig with bravo wutds spoken in Mm old tnnei to dtlvo from their hearts tho awful fear. "We see tho wifo standing In the door with tho liatm In hor nuns," stand ing In tho sunlight Robbing. At n turn In tho road n hand waves, she answer it by holding hlsh in her loving hands tho child. J fo Is gone ami foiever. We seo them all as they match pioudly away under tho Haunting Hags keeping tlmo to tho wild, grand music ot war, ii'iitehlng down thu streets of groat cities, through the towns and across tho prairies, down to the ilelds of glory to do and ello for tho oternnl right. Wo are by their sides on all tho gory Holds, In all the hos pitals of mill), on all tho weury marclie-s. Wo stand guurd with them In the wild stoini and under the ipilet atars, Wo ato at home when tho news conies that they are dead. Wo seo tho mntdim In the shadow of her llrst sorrow and wo see the Mlvored head of thn old man bowed with his last grief. These heroes are dead. They died for liberty. They died for us. They nio at iet. They sleep In the land they made frcn; under tho Hag they rep dined stainless: under tho solemn pines, the sad hepiloeks, the tearful willows and the e-mlirnclug vino. They sleep beneath thu shadow of tho clouds, carelcs.s nllkn of sunshine or of storm, etjeh In the windowle-ss palace of rest, Earth may run red with other wars-they uro nt pence, Ju the midst of tho battlo In tho roar of Mm conflict, they found the seren ity of doath. You, Miuli comraele.s, "who still llvo and who aro with us this afternoon, uro fast bieaklng to pieces on Mm locks of life. Tim bin den of your years uro crushing ou Tlowti and that elespo Tlmo who ciumbled Mm walls nnd Muew down tho gutea of Nineveh and Tyro has sprinkled your heads with Mm whlto nshes of old age. Vou uro hurrying onward to Join your bluo clud brothers of tho long ago and as you (llo to your long rest let thu consciousness of having trodden honor's path sustnlu you and tho pliiudlts of a grateful peoplo encourage you, so tjiat when the dear sweet notes of taps, bid. ding you to put out your light and go to Bleep, falls upon your enrs, over which tho great sllenco of this world Is rapidly settling, "may you wrap tho drapery ot your couch ubout you and llo down to pleasant dreams." I'rof. C. M. Lesher presided In the ab- n'ence of Prof. JBrydcn, who has been quite Blck for about a week. There were four musical numbers, two selections by the school, two contralto solos, "The Btigler" nnd "In the Trenches," by Miss Anna Brown, who wns vigorously en cored! and two selections by tho High school orchestrn, whose playing wns ex ceptionally good. Tho audience almost filled the auditorium, TODAY'S OBSERVANCE. The Decorating of Graves and Par ado of Grand Army This Forenoon. Camp fire in Afternoon Ball Game nt Lodore. Tho old soldiers will observe Mem orial day today after the usual man ner. Tho annual parude, concluding wfth exercises about the monument In Mem orial park, will take placo at 0 o'clock. Commander McComb of Duvles post, will be In command. The Spanish American volunteers will bo in line, commanded by Cnptnln Thdman P. Murphy, of Company C, Thirteenth regiment, who has kindly consented to act. Tho Sons of Veterans will bo a part of-tho procession, nnd the P. O. S. of A. drum corps will provide martial music. The procession will leave Davlea post quartern on Salem avenue nt K o'clock and will observe the following line of march: Snlem avenue, tin Church street to Main; down Main to Eighth avenue; Klghtli avenue to Church street; Church street to Memorial park. After the exercises In the park, the proccsglon will continue up Main street to Halem avenue to the post quarters. From thence, tho detnlls will be sent to decorutei the graves of the 200 sol diers who sleep In the cemeteries here abouts. In tho afternoon the soldiers will en joy a camp lire In the post rooms. Hon. J. J. O'Neill 'will bo among tho speak ers. This will be the only public demon stration today. It Is expected that u multitude of Carbondnlluns will go this afternoon to Lake Lodore, which will be opened today for the season. A good deal of inteiest centres In tho game of ball which will be played between the Crescents and the Alerts of Scranton, tho best team In the Elec tric City. A big crowd of enthusiasts will accompany the Crescents to help them win the day. Tonight there will be u dance in the Burke building, which will be quite an attraction for the young people. Firth will provide music and Collins will di rect the dances. SHJT DOWN ALL COLLIERIES. United Mine Workers Ceise Mining Coal for Locnl Consumption. The half dozen Independent com panies In Cnrbondnlc, which have been producing coal for local consumption, have been ordered to shut down by the United Mine Workers. As tho conse quence, not n pound of coal is being mlneel In Curbondale. Hardships are certain to follow if the strike con tinues for any length of time. This step was ordered by the local odlceis of the United Mine Workers, It is given out. In justice to tho miners f the lower districts who hnvo been complaining that Mm men in Carbon dnio have been working continuously. As It coulel not be made clear, per haps, that the co;il produced here cut no (lguie In the output, it was decided an the best, to suspend nil work. Tho local miners, too, were becoming dis satisfied. The Black Diamond, Hal ton's, Mur rln's nnd Walker's workings are the ones affected. POOP. EOAItD QUARTERS. Will Try to Get a Room en Second Floor of City Ruildicjj. Tlu poor hoard at Us meeting night appointed Directors Iyneh and Williams to ask e-ounrils to rent the front corn"!1 room on the second lloor of the city building as a meeting plact r .,,- l I - IUI I III- IIUlllC. Mr. McMillan objected to the ex travagance of out-door rel'ef nnd on motion the board derided to investi gate as a committee of the whole, all cases of relief. The bo.uil uls-o decided to give no or ders for coal from May 1 to October 1, unless with the consent of the major ity of the directors. It was reported that the two children of Mrs. Miry Rllen Jordan, who "us Incarcerated for misbehavior, woio to be carcil for In two charitable Institu tions in Scranton. Pupils' Memorial Day Exercisss. Tno pupils of Miss Alice Itahlelgh's room In No. S school on Belmein; street observed the following: IntorestiiiB pro gramme In honor of Memorial elay yes terday afternoon: Sour "Columbia, thu Oem of tho Ocean." Ite-cltation "The Ulue and lh Oray." Xelllo Solomon rtecllatleiii "The le ket Ciimrel." Tlitzel DImoel: Recitation "The IShio and the Urny," l.ols Noirls Recitation "Tho Roll Call," Raymond Tiffany Sons "I'nfnrl tho Htimy Flag." Recitation "Memorial Ouy",I.llu Carlton Recitation "Tho Young Soldier," ilurtrudo Drcnnan Recitation "Memoi Inl Day" Kthel Wagner Recitation "The Now Memorial Day," I.llllnu Bowers Recitation "ICnlisteel" James Sllsby Song "America." Recitation "In One Clrnvc," Josephine Keefe Recitation "Dotty's Thought," Hazel llolgute Recitation "Tho West Wlnd'ii Offer ing" Maud Trice Re'cltutlon Uiirylng thu Dead" Kdna Sluman Song "National Memorial Hymn." Recitation "Driving ilomn tho Cows," Florenco Robinson Recitation "The Sluicing of the Maine" ,,..,,,, Marl Resbogulo Recitation "Raise the Banner" Warren llurd Recitation "The Duisy's Mission," Mary Morgan Reading "Tho First Memorial Day," Bong "Star Spangled Banner," Henry Whlttlngton's Funeral, The late Henry Whlttlngton was laid at rest In Maplewood cemetery yesteidny afternoon and was followed thencti by an unusually Jong; procession. Conspicuous ut the obsequies were th( lnplnhpra nt fnlll'l T.llv Vn KO TTnr. festers of America, to which the de ceased belonged. Observing the tradi tions of tho order uiul aiming to show tha utmost icspect for their departed member, the court turned out In force, about 150 members being In the proces sion. The iltual of tho departed was observed at tl(Q house on Ulrkett street and nt the grave by Pust Chief Ranger Charles Curtis, The religious services were conducted by Rev. H. J. Whalen, p. IX, r r of the Betean Paptlst church Connolly & Wallace Scranton'5 Shopping: Center To drop down to a common place store would be to drown our Ideals. Advance, advance, advance, Is the law of the life of the store. Store Closed on Friday, Memorial Day Summer Bedding A hundred more of these Dimity Quilts so much in de mand now for summer bedding. The 8-4 size, 68x90 inches $ .95 41 1 1-4 87x90 " 1,15 ; White Crochet Spreads, full size, hemmed and ready for use 95c. Very, special, c Cotton Comfortables The $1.50 ones for $1.25, simply because the line .is broken they are covered with fine silkoline and filled. 'with white cotton, light, soft and fluffy. Pongee Waists, $5. 00 Covered with little embroidered dots done in color; thq collar trim med withsilk embroidered turn-over to mntch the dots. And of nil tho materials that are fashionable for waists this summer Pongeo is in the lead. Waists like these would usually be ?6.75 but ve had them, made to our order specially. Several floral pieces were ubout tho ciislect, one ot them an anchor, being presented by tho Forertcrs. The pall-bcarcrs were from the For esters and were as follows: John Kvanr, A. Fi Hnhbs, James Solomon, John I'hllpot, Joseph Emmett, Frank Peaice. SOCIAL HAPPENINGS. The Misses Lucy and Anna Mil.lgan entertained at their home on Summit avenue, lust evening. A delightful evening- was spent by their guests. In attendance were: MIsscj Lucy and Anna Milll-mii, Alma fjtcvens, Kula Wy, Kalhe'rlne NIchMnon, Madeline MHK Uc3s:c Mcdllsi, Townsend, Uut'i inn, B.laa Hluinan and Edith Levi?, Donald Mllilguu and Mrs. James Be!'. Thomas and James Ilobb, who left yesterday for Aronfolt, were tendered a fcrewell at their home on Bslmont street on Wednesday night, at which the following were present: Missel Edith and Mac Dunlap, Dahsy McLain, Gertrude Smith, Agnes Wilce, Bessie Plcrc, Jlame and Laretta O'Keel'o, Beatrice and Clare Ilobbs and Mcssis. David Morgan. Sam Pierce, James nnd Richard Kwenglehurst, Alva Sampson, Ulles Prisley, Fred Wagner, jr., How ard McLaln, David mid Thomas Bat ridge, Ueorge Thomas and Jamci Ilobb". Miss Sailor Ite3i.ji' JIKs Lydia Sailor, of Scranton, whose cultured soprano voice has been nn Im portant factor In tho rare music nt Trinity F.plsi'opal church, has conclud ed the year's contract with the church nnd has withdrawn. Her resignation will he accepted with regret, the con gregation highly appreciating her tal ent ah a vocalist. Her successor has not been chosen as vet. Midnight Eire. A house on, upper Canaan street, above Pender's, burned down last night. It was owned by Mrs. Aim Kelly, ot River street. It was former ly thn Kelly homestead, and was com pletely destroyed. The property was outside the city limits, and tho lire companies did not respond. Lnst Night'B Social. The social conducted In tho Rurke building last night under the uuspices of tho choir of tho Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, was quite successful. The attendance was large nnd the eve ning was pleasantly passed. Memorial Day at Postofilco. Decoration duy (legal 'holiday) Fri day, May 30, 1902 Postofllee lobby open from 7 a, in. to 12 o'clock and from 3.30 p, in, until 6.30 p. in. for lock box own ers only, One delivery of mall by car riers. No money order or registry hus Iness done on this day. Anniversary Mass This Morning, There will be un anniversary high mass of requiem In St. Rose church at 8.30 o'clock this morning for the de ceased members of tho local council of tho Young Men's Institute, A Farmer .Straightened Out. "A man living on a farm near here camo In a short time ugo completely doubled up with rheumatism. I hunded him a bottle of Chamberlain's Palu Halm and told him to uso It freely and If not satislled utter using It ho need not pay a cent for It," Maya c, V, Huy der, of Pattens Mills, N, V, "A few days later he walked Into tho store as straight ns a string and handed me u dolur saying, "give me another bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm. I want It In the house all the tlmo for It cured me.' " For sale by all druggists. Connolly -& 12& Dimities and Lawns The daintiest, loveliest, lightest, coolest little dress materials in thq world, and so inexpensive that you would scarcely expect to see scattered over them the beautiful little rose buds nnd Dresden figures, with tho one edgo of tho selvage bound by a border. Yet hore they aro, fresh nn entirely new lot of designs and lovely. 11 efttJJi?.?'?.;,, Haul S3 Ti ": ""?" v."":iV" 41 fW-4 ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS G. A. It. ENCAMPMENT. Reduced Rates to Gettysburg via Pennsylvania Railroad. For tho benefit of those deslrliiff to. attend the annual encampment of the Grand Army ot the Republic, Depart ment or Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg, Juno 4 to S, tho Pennsylvania Railroad company will sell excursion tickets to Gettysburg from all stations on its line In the state of Pennsylvania, on May 31, June I, , 3, 1 and C, good to return until Juno 7, Inclusive, at ruto of a single faro for the round trip. For spe cific rates, apply to local ticket agents. Tho N. Y., 0. & W, Summer Time- Table "Will become- effective on Its main line and .Scranton division, Sunday, Juno 15, Trains will be run samo as last season, with the exception of an early morning connection which will be made for pas sengers Carbondalo and South with tJie "Quaker city" express of tho Central Railroad of New Jersey. This train makes close connections for all promi nent Pennsylvania state points, arriv ing In Philadelphia nt 12 noon; Balti more, 2.30; Washington, 3.30, nnd At lantic City, 3,20 p, in. First Class Tickets to San Francisco and Return at Less Than One Way Fare. On account of the Imperial Council, Nobles of the Mystic Schrlne, San Francisco, California, June 10th 14th, 1902, the Lackawanna railroad will is sue llrst-ciass excursion tickets from tjcranton at tne low rate of $00.23 for the round trip, on sulo good going May 20th to June 7th Inclusive and for re turn to reach original starting point not later than 60 days from original dute of purchase of ticket. See Depot Ticket Agent In regard to stop off priv ileges variable routes, side trips, Pull man reservations, etc, Low Rate of Fare to Portland, Ore., and Return. On account of the National Convention Tiuvelleis Protective Association of America, Portland, Ore., Juno 3rd to 7th; the Supreme Lodge A. O. U. W Portland. Ore, June 10th to 20th, 1902, the Lackawanna railroad will Issue yja &r xlv? " 'd 1 It requires a fund of fresh knowledge to keep the dry goods store that serves the people best. Last years Ideas are twelve months behindas worthless as bankrupt stocks. White Klbbons" Moire taffeta, splendid quality; 4 inches wide, 25c. a yard. Plain taffeta, with a beautiful loi ter, 4 3-4 inches wide, 25c. a yard. In the regular ribbon stock art white ribbons of all widths, from.tb narrowest to the widest, and all'prlCKS from 4c. to 60c. a yard a great!1 variety than we have seen anywhere1 else. '-. Wallace For the Strength of Woman to surmount the difficulties of social or worK-a-day life ANHEUSER-BUSCH'S a&Sutifn& ttxam mask. , is Nature's greatest assistant; Its use -wards off depression and illness and promotes digestion and healthr AH druggists sell it. Prepared ontg by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis. U. St A. "Brewers ef the famous Budwolser, Mlcholok, Black Cs Tan, Faust, Pale-Laser. Anhouaar Standard, Esport Pole and Exqulatte. First Class round trip tickets for $70.30 on sale good going May 26th to Juno 7th Inch and for return passage, to reach original starting point not later thSn 60 days from original date of sale. See Depot Ticket Agent for particulars as to stop-over privileges routes nnd train schedule. Reduced Rates to Lebanon, Pa. ' Great l.'ouncll, Improved Order ReJ Men of Ponn., will meet at Lebanon, June 9 to 13, 1902, For this occasion the New Jersey Central has made the fol lowing low rates: From Scranton $3.46, Taylor $5.30 Mooslc $3,22, Avoca $3.14, Plttston $5.06, Miners Mills $4.82, Parsons $4.78, Wllkes-Barre, Ashley and Nantlcoke $4.70. Tickets good to go June 7 to 12, Inclusive, and good to return June 15, inclusive. For further Information, up- ' ply to station ticket agents. G. A. R. Encampment Gettysburg, Fa., June 4th and 5th. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad will sell first class tickets to Gettysburg and , return at regular one way fare for the round trip good going June 1st to 5th inclusive with final return limit June 7th. Children between tho ages of 5 and 12 years one-half tho ndult fare. Low Rates to Ithaca, N, Y,,' and Return via tho O, & W. There will be. a college regatta at Ithaca, N. Y on May 30. Tho Ontario and Western will sell round trip ticket at the fare one way. Tickets will be sold nnd good going May 29 and 30, good returning to May 31, Inclusive. JESSUP. Miss Maine Coleman, who underwen. an operation In Scranton recently, 1 slightly Improved. Messrs. John Donnelly, John Lynch Michael Donnelly, Michael Kelly, Mich, ael Sweeney, Jumes Mullen, Michael Munley, Robert Itogan, Thomas Rej gau, Mlchuel Giles uud Michael Mce Andrew left for West Virginia nnd Pittsburg yesterday to obtain employ ment. P. II. Kiigan, of Wllkes-Banv, Is vis iting his purents on Hill street. The Young Men's Institute base ball club Is niuklng lliml preparations for their soelul, which s to take place at Billing's hall this evening. A $10 gold piece will bo chanced off at the door. Miss Lulu Bradley, tho well known pianist, will furnish music for the oc. fusion. I .. r. , ' ," ; -e a 'A Mv 1