The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 30, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    i i T'A "'mtrf rwi ! ,m i ' '-jTu'wiBU'tau 'fm if'nranHBnanaiiiHniHnaiSMWBNnmnin
o . -w -n t f a ws.i iw .a j . k. K.r..i rf.r . isj J h,j - .c-irrirv i- .p. a " - -'.ias j ..iirsM.j iit u i .w' i t v n ?;j.
i .
. J7 "5 tStvVfTU iV.! ,fr lrT TTsT sW.T3JSJt ,2M-I,TrPvn3WKnaKT,.rv--,-iir,vJT, v;- i,Jf.
,Was Not Invited Into the Mine nnd
the Defendant Owed Him No Duty
iWhile Ho Was There Case of Kee
gan Against the Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company Wa Given to
the Jury Late in the Afternoon.
A Peculiar Action in Ejectment.
Other Court Matters.
'A non-suit wait granted by Judge Mc
Clure yesterday afternoon In the case
of James Koblnson nsaliiflt the D., U
& V. Railroad company. The plaintiff
went on the stand' yesterday nnd told
the story of the manner In which he
was burned by an explosion of gas In
the Sloan mine. He went there to seek
employment and was Injured while
leaving the mine. . Peter Chuppoll, who
was with Robinson at the time, and
was also slightly burned, corroborated
the statement made by Robinson to the
effect thut In leaving the mine he fol
lowed the directions given him by the
footman of the Sloan mine concerning
the route he should take.
After the plaintiff rested Major Ever
ett Warren for the company asked for
n non-suit. The request was vigorous
ly opposed by Attorney L. P. Werte
niuu who represented Robinson. The
matter was argued at length by both
attorneys and at the conclusion of the
argument Judge McCluro granted the
non-suit for the following reasons:
"No Invitation to enter the mine was
extended to the plaintiff by the com
pany nor does It appear that permls
Blon to enter them was given to him by
Williams when he referred him to
tSvans to ascertain whether or not he
could secure employment. The plain
tiff was on the premises and within tho
mines of the company of his own mo
tion. Hence the defendant owed him no
duty to provide for or secure his safety.
"When the plaintiff attempted to
reach tho Mtrfittp -by way of the shaft,
gangway and slope, .a way unknown
to him, he assumed the risk of the pas
sage and is not entitled to recover from
the company for tho Injury he sus
tained." In connection with the non-suit Judge
JlcClure granted a rule to show caue
why it should not be stricken off. Re
turnable to argument court.
The case of Kate Keegan against the
Metropolitan Life Insurance company
was given to the jury at 5 o'clock yes
terday afternoon when Judge Weand
completed Ill's charge. Dr. Sullivan,
who was on the stand when court ad
journed Wednesday, went on tho stand
again yesterday after court opened
and his cross-examination at the hands
of Attorney C. W. Dawson was com
pleted. James Powell mvoi-p that he was em
ployed by tlie Baltimore AIiV society
and from 1S9:'. to 1S99 paid Mrs. Mary
Keegan, the deceased, sick benefits at
intervals during all that time on cer
tificates furnished by Dr. Sullivan.
Dr. W. E. Keller was. called as an
expert and testified that if Mrs. Kee
gan's condition was as described by Dr.
Sullivan she could not have been in
good health at the time she was in
sured by the defendant company.
In rebuttal a number of the neigh
bors of Mrs. Kcegan were called who
testified that she was a hard working
woman who hod every appearance of
being In rugged health. Dr. George
Brach. Dr. G. O. Caldwell and Dr.
Daniel Webb testified that they exam
ined Mrs. Kcegan for different insur
ance companies and found her in a
healthy condition. The closing ad
dresses wcio made by Judge Willard
for the company and Attorney Daw
son for the plaintiff.
Tho case of Mrs. Margaret Ridge
way against the Hillside Coal and
lion company was called for trial yes
terday before Judge Newcombe. The
plaintiff asked permission to amend
the pleadings and it was granted,
whereupon the defense pleaded sur
prise and had the case continued. A
verdict of .$227.20 for the plaintiff was
taken in tho case of D. E. Baldwin
against M. E. Worden.
An Action in Ejectment.
The Winton Coal company, limited,
E. S. Dolph and Isaac P. Hand, trus
tees ot the estate of! Edward Dolph,
yesterday began an notion In eject
ment agalnt J. Randall James and J.
C. Humber. A confession of judg
ment by I. H, Hums, attorney for tho
defendant, was attached to the papers
Instituting the suit.
TJio plaintiffs leased a culm pile at
tho Mt. Jessup colliery, together with
the necessary land to orect a washery
on, to tho defendants, but they have
done nothing In tho way of creeping
coal or paying royalties and therefore
the plaintiffs desire to regain posses
sion of their property.
Marriage Licenses.
James Uavlcs ...., Mooslc
Winifred Ring Greenwood
AVIIIlam McCleaiy Olyphant
1'it'c May Williams Olyphant
lr, Abiiihnm M. Blumberg Scrahton
; ln ciollsteln Scranton
. inies Kelly Wilkcs-Barro
Aunt Thomas i...,.Wllltes-Barre
William K. Francis Olyphant
Oiire M, Robertson Peckvllle
A yln J. Whiting Scranton
1 iiviua Kabtwood Scranton
Willi. 1111 Vuudewort ...., Peckvllle
T v&le M. Taxlor Peckvllle
Charles 1, cnilds Scruntou
Chiirlotto J, Swope ..Scranton
1'nllowlng Is the make-up of the
Ucluware, Lackawanna & Western
board for today:
Summits West-8 a. m., Carrlgg.
Pushers 7 a. m., Houbcr; 11,43 a, m
Moran ; 7,30 p, m., Murphy; 9 p, m., W. II.
Ifclptrs 1.30 a. m., McOovern; 7 0. m.,
Gaffncy; 10 a. 111., Secor; 4.30 p. m., Stun
ion. YOUR.
PAITH will be u
strong u
puraif jroutry-
PtMA tad oura U o trove we
IjUiC guarutca a cure or scluod
" money, sua wo scad you
free trial bottle if you write for it
BHILOU'S coat i ccuti and will ewe Coo.
sumption, PuemnoaU, BroocaUU aad all
Lung Trouble, will euro a coqgh o cold
w a any, aaa inut nrcveat Mrtoua rctulls.
It ha Ua doing thcictblan for i0 yean.
8. C. WLLa & Co., Le Roy. N. V.
KmrV iTlAVAaBMJ.4VAa rtmmim ..- CU..
Wall Street Review.
New Yotk, May 19. The new commit
ment In tho slock markot today were of
entirely Insignificant proportion, owing
to fear of possible developments over tho
ttlple holiday. There was somo closing up
of open accounts, however, and us menu
proved to be mostly on the short sldo
the tono of tho mantel was rather linn,
In sympathy with tho leaders. The move
ment In tho gcuoral list was listless and
very narrow, Tho loader of tho markot
in point of activity was Reading, nnd it's
advance of nearly 2 points was attributed
in large degree to the demand from Bhorta
to cover In tho feHf that a strlko settle
ment might bo reached between now and
next Monday. Tho immediate news today
did not favor such u presumption. Presi
dent Fowler, of tho Ontario and Western,
authorized an emphatic denial of reports
that concessions to the strikers wero con
ti'tniilntril on the nart of tho operators.
Tho reported utteiunco of F. IV Sargent,
ut inc aruurntion committee or mo umu
Federation, that he believed a sympa
thetic strike iirohable amonir tho soft
coul minds, was also rivoii somo atten
tion, but this did not reassure traders
shoit of the market sufficiently to Induce
them to remain uncovoicd for nn Inter
val of three davs. Tho advance In Can
adian Pacific was also renewed, In splto
of denials of reported buying for conrtol
in behalf of Northern Securities Interest.
Tlie promise today of tho British parlia
mentary leader of a statement on next
Monday concerning tho peaco negotiations
was tegarded in speculative circle as tan
tamount to an announcement of peace.
Total sales today, 320,500 share. Today's
bond market shared In the dullness of the
stock market nnd the closing was semi
stagnant below the best. Total Bales of
bonds, par cubic, 2,12."i,00O.
The following quotations are furnished
The Tribune by might & Frccso Co., 314
315 Mount building. W. D. Runyon, man
ager. Opon.Hleh.Low.Closo
Amal. Copper ii f,'t 68i CT
Am. C. & F 31 32H 31 32
American Ice 19'i 19U I!Hi 19',i
Am. 1-ocomotIvo .... 32k X !KH SJ',i
Am. Loco.. Pr 01 91 MV4 91
Am. S. & It. Co .... 4S?J 49?i mu -I8i
American Sugar ....129U 129U 12S 129
Anaconda Cupper ..ll"',i 118'fi 117'i 118,i
Atchison KOVi h0' SOU SOli
Atchison, Pr t'8'i !8 SKU 9S?,
Halt. & Ohio 106 10rt',4 106 KM
Brook. R. T G73i 7ft 07 07'i
Canadian Pacific ..lSfiRf, H9 13Gi, 138 i
Clics. & Ohio i 4f lR
Chleaco & Alton .... :S7!, 38 371;. 37U
Chic. & G. W 29Jt 2!)',i 2Sn 2'J4
L, M. & St. P 170 170;i 170U liMfc
tt. R. I. & P 173 173 liI 173
Col. Fuel & Iron ,.l(rt?i 10U4 lOOli 1WTU
Col. vt. Southern .... 31 31 .11 31
Del. & Hud 175 17"',i 175 175
Kile 37'i 38 37 U 3704
Erie, 1st Pr 7r'i GS G7, b74
Krle. 2d Pi- CJ'A n2 WV5 B2"H
Hocking Valley .... UiiJi S7i Wii HiVi
Illinois Central 153 IWi 153 153-H
Kan. City & South.. 3TJ r.'J sa,6 IU'H
Louis. & Nash 137 ns'i M7 l.S
Mnnhattntf 13J 132Vi 132 I3J
Met. St. Ity 148'i 14S',: 14SU lt8"i
Mcxlcim Central .... 2iii 27', 2!'i 2G'i
Mo., K. and Tex. ... 201 25"i 25?i 25Ti
Mo., K. & T Pr M fif.i, rli r,6V
Mo. Pacific 9'i 1001, 99'4 100
N". V. Central IMiJ, 157'S, lWj 157t
Norfolk & West 57', 571 57H B76
Ponna. R. R 14'H. H9"'s 14'1 149',
Poopl.-'s Gas 102 102', 102 lnji
Prced Steel Car .. Y.n 4li.i -(si; 4flw.
Reading fi;ij m w tvi
Reading, 1st Pr S.i"A 81 Xi SI
Reading, 2d Pr GS"- 'l,Ws lrf, fitU
Republic Steel 173 17-U 1714 1T.
Republln Steel. Pr.. 7 7r,ii 7(1 7'Ua
St. L. & San V (.7(6 G7':. r,7 1,7
Southern. Pnclric .... G44 im'9 i!4,i ill1.
Southern It. R 37" 37 3iiT :!8
Southern R. U.. Pr.. 94', 95 9l;i 9
Tenn. Coal R- Iron., fil iir, Kl Kl)
Tevns & Pacific .... ) 11 409i 41
lTnlon Pari Up 104'i lnVJ 104' 10f.
Piiion Pacini:. Pr .... ,X7-j R8"i ,S7i KS'l
IT. S. Leather 13U 13'i 13 1!'J
(T. S. Leather, Pr .. 8I'4 S4V- 84U S4'i
y. S. Steel 40'i 405s 40 W
it. S. Steel, Pr 90i PO54 :iovi fl"9i
Wabash 2SV, 27 2C,I; 2K
Wabash. Pr 43Ts 44'i 43", 44
Western Union 91 91 901i ilij'i
Wisconsin Central .. 28',8 28 27si 27')i
Total sales, 318,700 shaics.
WHEAT. Onen. High. Low. Close.
J"'y ; lii 72, V2 72V
September 71 71 70?i 70J6
July 62?', Kl G2 Wf,
September 597. GO'i 59'. D9".
July 35 sr 31 34
September 2Si 287 2S--i 2a"
PORK. . s '
July 17.07 .17.07 17.00 17.00
September 17.03 17.20 17.03 17.13
July 10.10 10.13 J0.10 10.13
September 10.20 10.20 10.13 10.17
July 9.G7 9.G7 9.U 9 fi'i
September 9.G7 9.U7 9.C3 9.G7
Open. High Low. Close.
July 9.02 904 S.9S S.9S
August 8.72 8.7(1 t.M 8.GG
September K.17 8.20 S.17 S.18
October 8.02 8.04 8.00 8.00
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
uuotations ah quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr,
go ....
County Sav. Bank & Trust Co 300
i'lrst Nat. Bank (Carbondale). ...
Third National Bank 530
Dime Dep. & Uls. Hank 300
Economy L,, H. & P. Co
First National Bank U00
Lack. Trust &. Safe Dep. Co... 193
Clark & Snovor Co.. Pr 123
Scranton Savings Bank 1,00
Traders' National Bank 225
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123
People's Bank 133
Scranton Packing Co
Scranton Pnsbanger Railway,
first mortgage, duo 1920 113
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage, duo 1918 113
Peoplo's Street Railway. Gen- .
oral mortgage, due 1921 113
Scranton True. Co., 6 per cent. 113
Economy L H. & P. Co
N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co
Consolidated Water Supply Co ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.)
IJuttcr Fresh creamery, 23c; fiesh
dairy, 21c.
Cheese 13al3ijc.
Kggs Nearby, 18c: western, 17We.
Marrow Beans Per bushol, I2.35u2.40.
Green Peas Per bushel, $2.2i!. -
Onions Bermudas, $2.00 per crate.
Potatoes Per bushel, SOc
New York Grain and Produce Market
New York. May 29. Flour Kasy and 5
al5c. lower to hell; winter patents, $4a4.20;
winter straights, $3.S0a4; Minnesota pat
ent, ?4nl.l5: winter extras. 13.Uu3 30; Min
nesota bakers, J3.10u3.L'0; winter low
grades, J2.93u3.10. Wlieat-Spot easy; No,
2 red. nomlnul. elevator: No. 2 red. 79',ia
80c. t. a ,b. afloat; No. 1 noithern Du
In tli. 81c. f. o. b, afloat; wheat opened
easier, but Imnraved for a time, looked
quite Hteudy; but bears taking udvantuge
of lino crop pi aspects raided the marKet
and provoked heavy liquidation ut mid
day, Weakness continued dining tho af
ternoon and the close waH ViK-c. nut
lower; July closed 7S?ic: September, 7(i'c;
December, T7?ic, Corn Spot weak; No. 2,
72c, eluvator und 70H''. f. o. b. afloat; op
Hon maiket rallied after tho opening with
wheat, but later broke under heavy
liquidation and closed weak at c. net
decline; May closed 72u73c; July, G7o,;
September, uRo.; December, Softc. Outs
No. 2, 4r',Jc.; No. 3. 4Jc; No. 8 White, 50c;
No. 3 white, 49V$e.;,trark mixed western,
40ii4Sc; truck white, 49a33c; options eubler
wtlli corn and the favorable crop outlook,
Butter Steady; creamery, 20a22Vlo.; file
tory, UalSVic; renovated, isitsovtc; Iml
tatlon cieamery, lhV4a205ic.; state dairy,
is?f.a22c Cheese li regular; state, now
full cream, small colored, choice, lOUa.j
white, 10c: large colored, !)V$a9$Jo.j
white, 10c. Rggs Firm: state and Penn
sylvania. 17,ul8e.: western storago,
packed, 17al8c; southorn, liaise.
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, May 29. Bull speculators in
f;ralns who figured confidently on a tally
n prices after yestorday'a serious slump,
came to grief again touay, For a. time
they took hold of a few early bull urgu
menta and upheld the pits, but mado to
order weather and Indications that tlie
farmer was ruahlng his holdings to mar
ket pushed all prices down to a new level.
July wheat closed He. lower: July corn,
c. depressed and July oats, Uaie. down,
Provisions closed' 214c. lower to 2&c. high
er. Cash quotations wero as follows;
Flour Dull: No. 3 spring wheat, ; No.
3. 70a73c; No. 2 red, Wta81e.; No. 3 com.
SlSaaeSiaSU N8. 3 yellow. tl2ati3c; No. i
onls, 41a43Hc.i No. 2 while, 43Mtt44Ue.i
Nil. 3 wfllln. .mtnMUr.t Nn. !! rn r.qUn
good feeding barley, ; fair to r.holca
malting, fi8a70c.( No. 1 flaxseed, 91.691 No.
j nortnwestern, i.7fs pnmo timotny seen,
.30a6 33i mess poik, per barrel, J17al7.or;
mu, )wr iw iiuumiH, tiu.iumiMi,
ribs, )9.70a9.80i shoulders, SuS'.ic
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Clllrnun. Mnv Lfl. Ciillto tUrrlnln 7..
poo, Including U0O Texuns', slow and toe.
lowerj iroou to pnmo steers, ffl.90n7.4n; poor
to medium, $i.75a0.iso: Blockers nnd feed
ers, $2.50ii5; cows, tt.SOaS.Toi helfors, 2a0j
runners, $1.60n2,50; bulls, f2.noaD.35i calves,
$?aC! Texas fed steers, $3a0. Hogs Re
ceipts today, 21,000! tomorrow, 20,000! left
over, 4,000! active and 6al0c. higher! mixed
nnd butchers, $l.D0n7.25; good to cholco
heavy. $7.20u7.10: lough heavy, Jrt.95a7.l5!
light. tit.70a7; bulk of sales, $7a7.25. Sheep
Receipts, 10,000; sheep, ewes lower;
wethers, stnndy; lambs, choice strong;
good to choice wothois, .".40.1(1.25; western
sheep, 5 2"ai!.25; native lambs, $3a"; top
spring Inmbs, S7.50.
East Liberty Live Stock.
Rnst Liberty, May 29.-Cattle-Stondv!
choice, 7.15a7.50! piinic, 0.76a7; ood, Jli.75.
lions Slow! llllmn licavv. S7.!!ftn7.3".! inn.
oiums. ini.oti; ncavy Yonceri, J(i.rrin7 :
llglit do.. ii.S0atl.90; pigs. tf.C0an.75: rought.
5nfi.7J. Sheep Slow; prime wethers, t.90
o.'.io; culls nnd common,; cholco
lumbs, tG.23ae.ii0: veal calves, 7a7.50.
Oil Market.
Oil City, May 2ft. Credit balances, 12i);
certificates, no bid: shipments, 91,70'J bar
lels; average. 102.349 barrels; runs, 99,994
barrols; average, 99,412 barrels.
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $600000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday
from 7.30 to S.30.
An investment opportunity of ex
traordinary merit. It is the best
known mining property in the state
01 wasmngton.
A Developed Working nine
Not a Prospective Proposition.
A limited amount of stock is now
being offered to raise money for im
provement in equipment nnd gener
al development of tho property.
Awarded Bronze Hedal
At the Pan-American Exposition at
Buffalo last season.
Stock now selling at 9' .50 a share.
The price will soon be advanced. Get
in now on the ground floor.
"Write for full particulars,
1202 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
VT.'.IU.S VJ!il?IKILi4
Six Eagles
The Month
Of Weddings
Will soon be here. Some of your friends are going to be
married. You have probably received 'an invitation, per
haps several. What to give that will please and at the same
time be useful, is the question. This store offers a hun
dred good things to the gift-seeker from its
Summer Cottage
Are here in all their newness and end
less variety. Cool in appearance, com
fortable, beautifying, and above nil
else, durable.
Porch and Lawn Furniture, Lounstes, Enam
eled Bedsteads, Odd Pieces, Choice Dra
peries! Japanese and China Mattings, Fiber
Mattlim. Domestic and Oriental Rugs,
('"Reasonable Prices prevail throughout the store. Call
in and look around, Five floors loaded with new goods,
Williams dMcAnulty,
129 Wyoming Avenue.
A "For Rent" sign
on your house will
only be seen by the
casual passerby.
A "For Rent" ad.
in The Tribune will
be seen by ALL who
may be contemplating
a change of residence.
Four, lines one time, 10c.
Four lines three times, 25c
and Drapery
m r
The women are delighted with the
"Dorothy Dodd" Shoe.
Such a shoe for three dollars is a
revelation. It fits the foot in every spot
it doesn't wrinkle nor does it pinch.
It's just right, and besides it has all the
lines of beauty that you would expect in
a shoe designed for women by a woman
of artistic-taste and special skill.
The Boots are $3.00
Oxfords $2.50
(A Few Specials 50 Cents Extra,)
Let us show you the
new shoe that is caus
ing the sensation in
the shoe trade.
Cor. Lackawanna
Manufacturers of
Old Stock
5E, Scranton, Pa.
Old 'Phone, 333 1.
New 'Phono, 2935.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandesni
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Peun Avenue.
Booms 1 nnd 2
Commonwealth Bldg.
Made at Mooatc and Ruthdalu Works.
Laflln & Band Powder Co.'s
Electric Batteries, Ulcclrlo lliploders, Kx.
plodlnjj Illists. bifely Fine.
Jfioedr Women
and Wyoming Arcs.
BUGOIES nd WAGOKS of all kinds; also
Hrnsri and Building Let at bargains.
Lackawanna Carriage Works.
Dcalirs in
Plate Glass and Lumber
Homo Office, 203--J03 Meara Building.
We are inatuiinp shaiM each month which
thow a net caln to the Investor of about 12
per cent. We loan money. Wo also lmue
f'ULL PAID STOCK $100.00 per share, inter
est pajablc beml-annually.
ALUGRT BALL. Secrelaiy.
rear ill LacKauanni avenue, manufacturer of
Wlie bcreens of all kinds; fully prepared for
the snrlns soaon. We make all kinds of
porch screen, clc.
General Contractor, llullder ami Dealer in
lliiIldiiiK Stone, Cemciitlue of cellars, a fp3
dally. Telephone 502.
Office, C27 Washington acnue.
Makers of Pailnir Urlck. etc. M. II, Pale,
General Jlcs Agent, Office 320 Washington
ae. Works at Nay Aur, Pa., K. a W. V.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Dfcct Nor. 3, 1101.
Trains leave Scranton for New York At 1.40,
S.13, D.U5. 7.1.0 and 10.0S a. m.: 12.43, 3.10, 3.3i
p. in. For New York and Philadelphia 7,50,
10.05 a. in., and 12,45 and !.2't p. in. For Tob.
haiina At 0.10 p, in. For Bultalo 1.15, 0.22 and
9.00 a. Hi.; 1.55, 0.50 and 11. Si p. iu. for Uliii;.
bamton and tvjy tatlons 10.20 a. in. and 1.10
p. in. For Osiu'go, yracme and Utlca LIS and
U.22 a. in.! L5i p. ra, Onego, byrocuw and
Utlca train at 0.2J a. in. dally, except bunday.
For Moiilroc O.oo a. m.; 1,10 and 0.50 p. ru.
Nicholson acconiinodatiun 1.00 and 0.15 p. m.
Bloomshur.' UivUioii For Northumberland, at
e.35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and U. 10 p. in. For
Plyinuutli, at 8.10 u, m,; U.40 and 0.00 p. In
bunday Tialns For New York. 1.40, 3.13. 8 0S
and 10.O5 a. in.; 3,40, 3.SJ p. in. For lluflalo
1.15 and U'i a. m.; 1.55, b.50 and 11, W p. m.
Fur Bltulumlon and way stations 10.20 a. ra.
jllconnbui Uirltiou Leave Scrauton, 10.05 a.
in. and U.10 p. in.
Delaware and Hudson.
In LUcct November 21. 1901,
Tulnt fui C'Jibondali) leave Scrauton at (.20,
8.00, 8.5.1. 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, .fj. 2.SII, 3 52,
6.20, 0.25, 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p. iu,; 1.31 a. in.
For Ilonudale 0.20, lO.lSa. m.; 2.31 and 5.20
p. in.
For Wllkes-Barre-0.38, 7.4S, 8.41. 0.S3, 10.41
a. in.; 12.0J. 1.42, 2.1, 3.28, 4.21, CIO, 7.18,
10.41, 11.30 p. in.
For L. V. It, II. PoInU-US, 0.33 a. in.; 2.19.
4.27 and 11.30 p. in.
For Pennsylvania R. It. Points 0.33, 0.38 a.
in. ; 1.42, 3.2S ur.d 4,27 p. in.
Fur Albany and all point north 0.20 I. id.
Hid ISM P. ru.
For Caibondalc 8.00, U.SJ a. m.j 2.31, 3.52,
5.52 and 11,17 p. m.
For WilLus-Baiie U.38 a. in.; 12 03, 1.63, 3.28,
0.52 and 9.17 p. m. i
Fur Albany and puhiU north 3.52 p. in.
Fur llonedale 8 50 a. m. and 3.52 p. m.
W. L. rilYOli, U. P. A., Scranion, Pa.
Lehigh Valley Railroad,
in effect Slay IS, 1002.
Trains leave Scranton.
For Philadelphia and New York via D. & EL
It. I!.. at C.2S and 9.S8 a. m., and 2.13, 4.2?
(Black Diamond Express), and 11.39 p. ra. Sun
days, D. A. II. It. I!., l.CS, 8.27 p. m.
for White Haven, Hazlcton and principal polntr
in the coal regions, via 1). k II. It. It., 6.38, 2.13
and 4.27 p. m. For Pottsvillc, 0.SS a. m.. 2.18
p. m.
For Bethlehem, Kaston, Heading, Harrlsburc,
and principal intermediate stations, via D. it H.
R. It., fl.38, 0.33 a. m.; 2.1S, 4.27 (Black Dii.
mond Impress), lltS'i p. ut. Sundajs, V. k II.
R. R., D.JS a. m.; 1.03, 6.27 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Tonanda, Klmlra, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal Intermediate stations, via
D., L. & W. It. It., 6.35 a. m. and a.40 p. in.
For Geneva, Rochester. Butlalo, Niagara Kails,
Chicago and all points west, via D. & If. R, K.,
7.18, 12.0:1 a. in. J H.2S (Black Diamond L'x
prcsO. 7.4S. 10.41, 11.30 p. in. .Sundays, 1). &. II.
R. It., VIM, 8.27 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley
Parlor cars on all trains between Wilkea-Barra
and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen
sion Bridge.
IIOLLIN' II. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 28 CortlanJ
Etrcct, New York.
CUARLKS S. Llii:. Gen. Pasd. Act., 28 Oortlind
street, Kew York.
A. W. NONEMACUCR, DIv. Pass. Agt., South
Belhleiiem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to
city ticket oUk'c, CD Public Square, Wilkes-Bure,
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In Kircct Hay IS, 1W.
Stations in New York, foot Liberty sticct and
South Ferry, X. It.
Trains leave Scranton for New Y'oik, Phila
delphia, Kaston, Bethlehem, Allcntoun, Muuch
Chunk, White Haven, Ashley, Wilkes-Barrn and
rittbtou nt 7.30 a. in., i p. m. ana 4 p. m. Sun
day, 2.10 p. in.
(Jinkcr City Eprc leaven Scranton 7.S0 a. in.,
through solid veitibulo t lain with Pullman Bullet
Parlor Or for Phlladf Iplii.i with only one chango
ot c'Ji.s for Baltimore liud Wajlilngton, i). (J,, and
all pvlncipal points south jnil vvent.
For Avoca, Plttslon and Wilkes-Barrc, 1 p. m.
and 4 p. iu. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Long Branch, Oienn (iiovc, etc., 7.30 and
1 p. in.
Fur Reading, Lebanon and IfariUburp; via AN
Untouii at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. in,, und 4 p. m. Sun
day, 2.10 p. in.
For Taniaipia and Fotlsvllle, 7.30 u. m., 1 p.
in. and 4 p. m.
Fur late.-, and tickets apply to agent at station.
W. G. lli:S)M.KIl, Cen. Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gin. Paa. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule ill Effect June 2, 1WL
Trains leave Scrauton: 0.33 a. in., week day,
tlirousli vestibule train fiuiu Wilkes Barre. Pull,
man bullet parlor car and coaches to Philadel
phia, via Pultsvillc; tOu at piinilpal ii.temie.
diate nations. Also connects tor Sunbury, liar
riaburg, Philudelplila, llaltinioic, Woaliiogtou and
lor Pittsburg end Iho wot.
O.iS a m., week ilajs, (or Sunhury, Ilarrhbuig,
Phlladelilila, Baltimore, Washington and Pitti
Lurg ai.d tho wot.
1.42 p. in., vveek days (.Sundays, 1.68 p. m.),
for Sunljury, llarrWnirj-, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington ind IV.isburg and the west.
3.28 p. iu.. week dais, through vestibule train
from Wllkea-Batrc. Pullman buffet parlor cir
and coaihes to Philadelphia via Puttsville. Stops
at principal inteiinediitn stations
4.27 p. in., week days, for llasleton, Sunbury,
llarrlsbing, Philadelphia and Pittsburg,
J, tt, lllllClllNSON. Gen. Mgr.
J, U. WOOD, Gen. Pas. Act.
New York, Ontario and Western.
lu L'dtct 'luebday, Sept. 17, 1'joi.
Leave Leave Arrlrsj
Trains. S":"'?11;,, C1J.,"'J".!?- .Sf04'1.
no, i i."",v, "" i ,,.r ::.,. i-rf.i'-n'-
11.10 a. m.
So. 7 "'
10 ii. in. Ar. Oaibuiidale,40i). m!
L'-avo Leave
Cadosla. Caiboudale.
7.00 a. m.
7.40 a. m.
No. u
k0 i 2.1Jp. m, luup. m. 4.10 u m.
" bUSUM'S ONLY, NOIiril BOUND. P ,0-
i.eaiu ueave irrlri
Trains. Scranton. C'aibondale. Cadosla
K 5 - o'utTi RouCarJJl,7,0''
Leave Leave Arrlvi
Trains. faduaia. Cailwndale. ficranton.
No, 0 , M 7.00 a.m. 7.40 a.m.
Nu. 10 4.30 p. m. 0 00 p. m. 0 45 p. ,.
Trains Nos. I on week days, and U on Sundays,
nuke main line connections for New York city!
Middlctunu, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Owe)
and all points west.
For further information ccnvult ticket agents.
J. ('. ANUWtSQN, O. P. A., New ork.
J, K. WELSH, T. y. A., BcrautOB, P. i
. It Alt iCs.'
'M?1 4
ioA. u