JJV' --li ' ti V tsshttts r-swBwwreiBiwiir v - ' 7Wm? rr ?;j wf&pr w ii rM,. .-. .pgH,.;!' v?Wr ' f' viJr.v; "rFrTv,, i m .Jt ' -.- iT J -- V '"- '-"" -' V f , I I J i - i it. THE SCttANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1902. 41 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. Bppclil to tlie tctanlon 'tribune. TunUhaiinock, May 2,-Mis. .Tunics Pi ear Is the (.tucst or licr slstetS) Misses Hrinnith unit Mai thn Lobeck, tit .Scruii lon, this week. aMIss Jofipphlne Stnrk visited nt PltlB Ion and Wllkrs-Hane on Tuesday. Kverott J. Hut ding, or Wllkcs-Hitne, iwas doing business In town on Tues kJuy. Mis. George Kutz Is visiting fi lends Bt Sctanton this week. Mis. Oscar Dei shinier, Mis. Thomas brenvlllc and Mrs. nos llorrlck spent Monday at Lake Carey. Street Commissioner Wllnwt K. Car penter Is putting In a new mossing ut the corner of Tioga rind Diidge streets. The Triton hose company Is preparing (to hold an old fashioned celebration on Duly 4. The funeral oC Mis. llattle Slrkler, wife of Associate Judge Harvey Hlok ler, took nlncp nt the Methodist Epis copal church on Wednesday afternoon nnd was lirsoly attended. The mem bers or the Wyoming Bar association nnd the county officials weie present In n body. ,MIs Sarah Ho.idlcv, who has, been fcmnloyed as Herk at the Instil nine ortlce of George P. Detshelmer, on War ren street, left on Mondav for Sei .ni ton, wheto she has incepted a position Ju the Intel national Correspondence Bchooli. n.ivid Detibler, of Spiingvlllo, c.iUed on his "parents here In the early part of the weuk. The sutter In fiont of the St.uk block, on th north side of Tioga street, is being ip-paved and broadened b a force of men, under the dtt cotton of Street Commissioner Caipenter. Quito a flurry of snow felt at Lemon on Wednesday morning. The scarlet fever case at the home of Colonel X. A. McKown has lecoveied, nnd the Quarantine established by the board of health has been removed. Mrs. H. Stanley Harding is the guest of, friends at Scranlon this week. The Wyoming Bar association held a meeting on Tuesday afternoon and a committee, consisting of J, Wood Pl.itt, James E. Prear and Charles M. Lee, vv'us appointed to draft fitting i evolu tions expressive of their sympathy with Judge Slckler in the loss ol his wife. These lcsolutlons weie later teuotted Btid unanimously adopttd by the asso ciation , Di'. George M. Khmer and v. ifp, of Jlehoopany, islted the lattei's patents at this place on Wednesday, while on their way home from the Knights Tem plar conclave at Scranton. ( Judge Piank M. Vaughn, of Mushop jin, was a visitor in town on Wednes day. -Chailes Jayne and family, who have oi ruplcd the house near the end of the river bridge, will lcmoic to the Dcnnl pon house, coiner of Second and Pine sticots.v Mrs Wilbur E. Lolt is quite ill at her Home on llanlson stieet. HONESDALE. Er'ds! to the Scranton Tribune. Uonesdale, May 28. Mr. John Bau roan, who has been in the asylum at Danville for seveial months, has le- loveied sullicleiitb to icturii to bis borne. He is expected to an he this ,lv cek. The students of the Honesdale high fcchool huo oiganied a base ball team with Gtoige Butler, manager; Fiank I-oate, tieasuter; Edwaid Swaer, cap tain. Mr. and Mts Andrew Thompson, daughtet, Rebecca, and son, Charles, Mill tail July 4 for a trip abioad to be (ilvont until Septembei. The annual picnic of the Wayne county Odd Fellows will be held at .l.uKe AtlPl. The date nab not Deen an-t; nnunced. Manager Sllverstone has ai tanged tor tnn up-to-date burlesque company to appear In llonetdalo Filday evening, May .10. Thlity people; pietty cos tumes and daueet.s; popular prices. Miss Catoline Peterson, who has spent tlie past three months abroad, lias i etui ned to Iipi home. At the annual meeting of the Hones dale high Mhool aluinul on Monday i enlnsr Miss Alke Rirdall was ic eleeted piesldent; Mi.ss Edith Swift, viee-piesldent: Mls Chailotte Bau wnn, scctetary; W. F. Suydam, ji tieasuiei. A committee was appointed o confer with the school dlrectois In jpgnrd to establishing a Claia T. Sut ton Mcmoiial seholaishlp, Miss Ilatue Sutton is ill with fever at (lip home of her sister, Mis. ic, i Mumfoul, The Ilonesdale Lutheian eongrega; lion huVP over $3,400 subscribed for their coiiieniphited new huine of wot Phlp. Itev, James P. Wate, Joseph X, Welch and Uemy '6. Uusse'.l left Tues day for York, Pa., whcie they will at tend the Episcopal convention of the Ulocpje of CVntial Pennsylvania, Snow tell in Honesdule today, but soon vanished, AVOCA. The school boaid will teoigaulze on Monday evening. The following attended the Knights Templars' ball nt the armory on Tues day evening: Mr. and Mis. W, H. Hol llster, Mi. and Mis. Solomon Dieblc, Mis. William Bennett, Eugene McAl plne, Mioses Berdella Dleble and Jen nie Boll, Patilrk Tlgue, of Main htieet Is cilt ically 111. N; E. McLaughlin, who for seveuil months has. supei Intended the Hon wotk on the Uapld Transit road, left yesterday for Murletta wheie ho will accept a position with the King Bildgo company, Gavin B. Aikninn, a graduate fiotn the Sctanton Business college, has been added to the electrical fotce at the P, Iv. & W. ollloen, Sevctal bos are In the hublt of thiowin' mud and stones ugainbt the Too Great a Bisk. In almost even nelghbothood tome me has died Itoni un attack of colic or iholeia morbus, often befoie medicine tould be piocured or a plislcau Hum iioned. A lellablo lemedy for these diseases should be kept ut hand, .The risk Is ton great for anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Iteiued has undoubtedly saved the lives of woio people and relieved more pain and suffering than any oth er medicine In use. It nnl filvi'nva lin I depended upon. For sale bv all ilruc-'tlio flats hose cni t whenever the door Is openrd. They are well known and should they pcislst In the wotk the hose company will deal with them scvctely, Miss Nellie Dougherty Is setlously 111 of appendicitis at Lackawanna hospi tal. The following man luges were an nounced In St. Mary's chinch on Sun day: Miss R. (Ml roy and Joseph San ders: -Miss Kutp Curley and David MeAndriews: Miss Maria Tlgue and Michael Houston. John and James McKenslo and Har old Davis will laavo this morning for Indian ten I tun, NICHOLSON. pcrla! to t!i! "irnnlon Trltiii.r. Nicholson, May 2S.--npv. C, P. Tif fany, of Yoik state, Is making a short vlolt with his paipnts and ft lends, PICTURE Find Gen. Montcalm and Col. Monroe at the massacre of Fort William Henry. F. N. Bo 1p ha e commenced the building of a poich on his lesidence. Floience Wilkins is visiting her brother, Di. If. K. Wilkins, of Jetbey City. ."Miss Sutan Black Is on the sick list. The fi lends of G. S. Harding ate glad to meet him as be walks our streets with his ever pleasant ways and words of good cheet. Mis. David Armstiong, of Factory vllle, isltcd her daughtet, Mis. J. A. Nlv er, Monday. Piof. noy Decker and Ch.ulcs Brown weie calleis at the Falls iccently. Dr. Lynch, of Clark's Summit, was a caller in town Monday. HALLSTEAD. IipcIjI to Hie hitJtilon lilliuir. Hallstead, May 28. Mr. Samuel Tur t ell's hoise became frightened on Mon day and btoke lose from the sheds at the Baptist chutch wheie he was hitched and made a stialght lino for the tailioad ciolng on Pine stieet. A laige gang of men wore digging a ditch near the ciotslng. The house plunged Into the ditch and had to be lemoved with a dPiilck. The hoise was not badly hint, but the buggy was almost a total wirck. .Mat tin DeVaney, John Swaitz and Edwatd Duffy, of Scianton, -visited ft lends in town Monday. Mis.s Jessie Smith, of Scranton, was a recent caller in town. Fied W. Church, who lias been spend ing the past week vvitli his patents, IJov. and Mi.s. L. W. Chutch, tetuined to Johnstown Monday. Milton Squlies, of Bellevue, of Ohio, is spending a tew days with his par ents. Chatles Tanner has accepted a posi tion In Buffalo. Rev. L. W. Chutch occupied the pul pit of the Piesbytetlun chutch Sunday morning and evening. Wan en P. Slim ell, Thomas Hitching und John Whteldon ate spending a few days in Scranton. Oiange G. .Woodhouhe has accepted a position with Frank Arnold. Mis-s Floience King, of Blnghamton, spent Sunday with her mother. Ptof, B. W. Pease was a teccnt New Miltoirt callei, Mib. Norman Spencer, of Lesteishhe, visited at the home of her patents Mon day. Hon. S, B. Chase, Mr. und Mts. James T. DuBois, William McLeod, William Bnines, Mis. Mary Wesley and Mis. Rose Dayton attended tho funetul of William Lusk at Monti ose on Mon day. Mis Julia Fenian, of Nicholson, Is the guest at the home of Michael Ter nan, Mr. and Mis, Lisle F.lghony ate visit ing Mr, Elghony's puientb at Locust street, Mis, Alaiy Wesley spent Tuesday In Scianton, MIph Cattle Stephens of Gieat Bend, Ih assisting In the postoflice, Mr, and Mrs, Fied Ross and chlldien spent Sunday with lelatlves in this place, Mr. and Mis, Walter Button, who have been bpendlng the past mouth with frlendh and iclatlves In this place, I etui ned to their home In Conemaugh Tuesday nioinlng. Anson D. Bit chat d, of Khnlia, special Insurance agent, was here on business Tuesday, The following ofnclals of the D., L. & W. H. R. weie In town Tucsduy: Gen eral Superintendent T, E. Ciaikc, trafllu manager, C, I), Cuidwcll; Indtib ti Jul agent, Sir. Ten Broeek; supeiln- temjent of transpoi tatlon, M. B. Casey; division superintendent S. und B A. H. Swiutz; division superintendent Buf falo division, ,Mr. Phelps; general freight agent, V, J. Flynn; eastern freight agent, W, lV Ciawfoid; west ern freight ugeU, C, J, Phillips. BRADFORD COUNTY. &pifil to the biranton liiuune. Tovvaudu, May 27. Tho comity coinmls- I sfuncit, utu awaiting an onlnlon of tho Sn. . ...M nA..... a.. ,1... plrrL.u n .!.. ... .... juvenllo rouit subject bofotn ptcnai- )ne iuuitet for u sepamto ptlson wheto ' they may hold youthful offenders of th5 W' . . . !- 1 Tucket, the Waveriv cigar denier who It Is alleged caused tho death of V, V. Piwloiti of llharrt, by pushing him out of tho former place, Ims been sued by the widow fin' dainngct to Iho nmnttnt of U:,,W Tlld ease Is caleiuletcd In the coitil atOwego In .111110. Tho popular summer leiort, I.nko Wus atildiig, will ho opciifd to trie public next Friday. The piopiltnr. C. K. Ilnrils, Is tirerillii,'f Ills eommodlmw tempeiauco iionse for a litiRe ciowd this season, atul Ids gcnilous palrnunge received last ijcn son will meilt hint u initio successful year. Tim lake Is abounded with sevoral cottages, nffoids excellent fishing, bath ing and bontlngi It Is also becoming a most popular lesort for nlcnlcs. Tho site Is within four miles of Tonnndn and the proprietor nm hacks to and from the placn ovciy day. A visit Is all that Is necessary to conlnce a person of the populallty Mr. Hants lias won for the place of lccicatlon. Ills caul nppaus elsewhere In Tho Ttlbune. The pull lotto societies atteadul the I'tesbyterlan ehtuch Sunday mottling. An able nddieis was delivered by the pastor, Dr. J, S. Stewait, How 12. A. Gcrnutit has gone to Yoik for a few dayB stay. Commencing with Satin day the toll Unci of the Bradford County Telephone Telephone lines at Athens, finyio and Telephone lines at Athens, Bayro and Wavotly. By July I It Is expected that feivico ran be given to Sctanton, lll iatnspoit and Wllkos-Baue, over tho line' PUZZLE. of the KnUein Telephone company bv way of Blmiia. Judgo Fanning gianted a conipulsoty non-suit in tho case lor damages of Will iam Flesclmtt s. tho Lehigh Valley Rail load company. Mr. ricschutt was stiurk by the Black Diamond cxpiebs at VV.va- lusing In Iclniiary, lfiOl, and was ln jiued bohides having a lioise killed Mis. J1. i: Wilson, Mis-. K. J, Roson giant and Mis S Kendall attended the illstilct convention of the Women's l'or- elgn Mlbilomuy society of the Methodist chinch which was held at Mansfield on Thiiisday and Fiidav. BASEBALL. American League. At Philadelphia It.H.E. JJclrolt 2 0 0001001410 4 Philadelphia 5 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 x 11 12 2 nattetlos cronlno and Buelovv; Plank and Sclueckengost. Umpire Connolly, At Washington Tt.lI.B. mcveiumi 4 0 10 0 0 10 17 7 3 Washington 1000010002 4 1 Batteries Joss nnd Bomts; TovviLiend and Claik. Umplte Sheridan. At Baltimore K1I.E. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 J 20 1 5 32 1 Baltimore 100 0 010002 10 2 Jiatlerles-Grilllth and Sullhan; Hughes and Bresnahan. Empties O'Lougblin and Caruthet!-. At Boston R.1I.E. St. Louis 0 11000000 2 10 2 Hosiou 00200 20 2.x 6 4 0 Battel les Harper and Sugden; Winters and Wat net. X'mplre Johnstone. National League. At Boston R.H.E. New Yoik 00 000 00000 fi 0 AJOSlon 0000 00 0 0 11 4 0 wattetfe.s Ta lor and Bow et man; Wil lis and Kittildge. I'mpite Emslle, At Plttsbiitg R.H.E. Cincinnati 0 u 0 0 0 a o o 0 3 7 3 Pittsburg 00 10101014 8 4 Battel ics-Thielman and.Peltz; Tanne hill und Smith. Umpire Pow eta nnd Blown. At St. Louis R.H.E Chicago S 00101000 5 S 3 St. Louis 000 000 1001 7 2 Batteries Tm lor and Chance; Wicker and O'Neill, X'mplre O'Day. At Biookljn-Pllllndelphla s. Biooklyn: tain. Eastern League Woiccstei, 7: Jeisey City, 1, Toionto, 9; Buffalo, E, Othor games postponed; tain. AMATEUR BASE BALL NOTES. Tho Weaiy Willies of tho Scianton Laie Curtain company, would like to play any team under Hi ear of age, May ."0 (Decoration Day), Answer in Ttlbune. W. Noith, niunuser, Tho Ftanklins, of the cential city, cliallungo any base hall team under It yeuw, for a game on Mcmoiial Day in the morning, at any giounds; gamo to start at to a, m. C, Joms, manager, Tho mauled men of Jonas Longs' Sops will play the .dnglo men, Memotlal Day at 10 a, m. James Deluuir will do tho twiling for the sliiBle men. At a match gamo of baso ball played yesti'iday afternoon on the giouiula of Ui Green Ridge Invlnclbles, tlie luvlncl bles beat the Littlo Rosettes, of Dun more, tho scoie being 2ii to ), IMMIGRANT RECORD BROKEN, Nearly 100,000 New Residents Ar rive in Month of May, U) Kxclujlve Wire from The AssocutcJ .'reu. New York, May 28. Theie nie 25,000 Iminlguuits on tho Atluntta due to ar rive at this port this week and they will bring the total for May up ti 85, 000 or 90,000. This will bieak all lecords for any month In tho last twenty years. The number of depot tallons Is Incieat, ng, 750 persons having been oiduied depoited dining tho first twenty-six days of May. The majority of the new tunvals ate fioin Austria-Hungary Italy and llussla. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Ch A. R. ENCAMPMENT. Reduced Rates to Gettysburg via Pennsylvania Railroad, For the benefit of those' dtslrlntr ilo nttend the annual enenmument of the Grand Army of, the Republic. Depart ment of Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg, June 4 to S, tho Penhsylvnnla tinllioad conipuny will sell excutslon tickets to Gettysburg fioin nil stations on Its lino In the slnte of. Pennsylvania, on May 31. Juno 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, good to return until June 7, Inclusive, at rate of a single fate for the round tilp. For spe cific rates, apply to local ticket agents. A Much Talked-of Improvement. The stir the New Jersey Ccnti ill's re cent announcement made In regard to Its hourly trains between New York and Philadelphia wus far reaching. Very few cities can boast oC such a tinln schedule and the beauty of It Is, that It's easily remembered a train cvety hour on the even hour from 7 a. m. to G p. m. The locomotives, cms and Puilnian cars are the most modem, the loudbed Is rock bnllasted, and as only hard coal Is used there Is no smoke or cinders. Kvery train inns dliect to Reading Terminal. Philadelphia, without change and many of them cover the distance In two hours. Tho Rending loute by which tho Philadelphia line Is often known, Is not only a short way to Philadelphia, but It Is likewise the scenic route. This service goes Into effect on May 18, but In no way does It Impair the fast and elegant service of the Royal Blue line, which will run Independently of the Philadelphia line. The N. Y., O. & W. Summer Time Table Will become effective on Its main line nnd Scranton division, Sunday, June 15. n'rnllici t.tll Vin nm ennm no lnuf an.iann .......w ..j.a w .... .(.,, ,v ,,., .(li,l ntUDUII. viiu me excei-iuuu ui an early morning connection which will be made for pas sengets Catbondnle and South with the "Quaker City" express of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. This train makes close connections for all promi nent Pennsylvania state points, an ly ing in Philadelphia at 12 noon; Balti more, 2.30; Washington, 3 30, und At lantic City, 3.20 i. m. ' First Class Tickets to San Francisco and Return at Less Than One Way Fare. On account of the Impel lal Council, Nobles of the Mystic Schrine, San Francisco, California, June 10th 14th, 1902, the Lackawanna lallroad will is sue flist-ciass excursion tickets from Sctanton at the low lute of $66.2.1 for the lound trip, on sale good going May 26th to Juno 7th inclusive and for le turn to teach otiginal starting point not later than 60 days from original date of purchase of ticket. See Depot Ticket Agent in legard to stop off priv ileges variable routes, side ttips, Pull man leservatlons, etc. Low Rate of Fare to Portland, Ore., and Return. On account of the National Convention Travcllets Piotectlve Association of America, Pottland, Ote., June 3td to 7th; the Supteme Lodge A. O. U. W., Portland, Ote., June 10th to 20th, 1002, the Lackawanna raihoacl will issue First Clas lound trip tickets for $70.30 on sale good going May 26th to June 7th Incl. and for return passage to reach original starting point not later than 60 days fiom original date of sale. See Depot Ticket Agent for particulars as to stop-over privileges routes and train schedule. G. A. R. Encampment Gettvsbuic-. Pa., June 4th and 5th. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna raiiioad will sell first class tickets to Gettysburg and leturn at regular one way fare for the lound trip good going June 1st to 5th inclusive with final ituin limit June 7th. Chlldien between the ages of 5 and 12 years one-half the adult fare. Intel collegiate Regatta, Ithaca, N. Y., May 30th. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna ralhoad will sell first class tickets to Ithaca and return at legular one way fare for the lound ttip. Tickets will bo sold good going May 29th and 30th limited for return to May 31st, Children between the ages of 5 and 13 years one-half the adult late. Low Rates to Ithaca, N. Y., and Return via the O. & W. Theie will be a college regatta at Ithaca, N. Y., on May 30. The Ontario and Western will sell round trip ticket ai me rare one vvuv. m tenets will be sold and good going May 29 and 30, good returning to May 31, Inclusive, MOSCOW. Mih. Amy Coolbaugh, of Mooslc, re turned home Saturday, after visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, D, J, Rob erts. Geoigo Boitiee woh slightly Injured Tuesday by being thrown fiom his wagon. As ho wus returning home fiom Scianton, his horse beenmo fright ened by a rtittlesnuke and inn uway. Several snow squalls visited this sec tion of tho country yesteidoy. The inembeis of the Giand Armv of the Republlu fiom this place attended memoilal service in the Methodist church at Dalevllle last Sabbath, Mr. Stoker, of Nantlcoke, who suc ceeds Mr. Sherman In the baiber busi ness here, has moved his family Into the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Ktnlly Travis, deceased. Mr. and Mis. Isaac Blesecker visited fi lends In Scranton Satin day und Sun day. Piesldlng Wder J. F. Warner will pi each Thursday evening In the Metho dist Kplscopal church. Mr. and Mis. S. J. Hornbaker went to Scranton on Tuesday to view the Knights Templar parade, but did not take pait In the festivities In the even ing, fflOOSIC. Miss Stella and Kdna I.eVan ate vis iting their uncle, Mr. Thomas Stout, of Dorrancpton, Mr. L J, Schoonover was a business caller In Wllkes-Uane Wednesday. Miss Ella King left yesteiday for her home, after spending four months In tow n. Miss l5thel Rogets leaves today to spend her vacation at her home In Cen- tiemoieluiid. Mr. and Mis. W, ft. Mauneis, of Main stieet, attended the Knight Tem plet' ball ti the armory on Tuesday evening, Tho html examination will be given I THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Mere Thin Four Llnet, A Cents Ut Etch Estrt Uns. For Rent. I'Olt IU2NT-8lx-room honsi with till mortem improvements til imi uaruoiu nvetiuc. KOft ItENT- No. 500 Dudley Hlrcet, Dun wore, Pa., ten looms, finnlslted or un furnished; all modern Impiovcmonts: wide porches and fine lawns, fruit, garden plot, convenient to all ti olley lines. Call or ud drcss D. K. Barton, 521 West Drln'ter stieet, Dumnorc, Pa. BArtN FOR nnNT-12. Apill 1st. three, box and three single stalls nnd wash lark, rear of 324 Madison avenue. In quire at (11 Madison avenue. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FOirTlKN",r-XTea1iic'f in-nlshed i oom ovei looking Court House Squure. Alt modern conveniences. References le qulicd. InqUlic 019 Spruce street. FOR RUNT A furnished room on Vine stieet, between Madison and Monroe avenues. Address T. T., Tribune office. TOR RBNT-Ono furnished room, with Improvements; also one on thhd floor, cheap, t.27 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modal n improvements; private family: gen tlemen ptefetrcd, at K7 Adams avenue FOR RENT-Finnlshcd loom; bath. 02" Linden strept. heat and FURNISH11D ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pre ferred, at K59 Adams avenue. For Sale. vW -vvn FOR SALK Two-seated suitev cheap, first class condition. Inquiie M0 Lacka wanna avenue. FOR SALK CHKAP A nlnc-year-old bay maie; weight 1,250; thoiough, sound and veiy gentle. Will sell at a baigain. 411 Penn avenue. FOR SALD All the buildings at 601 and 611 Lackawanna avenue, to be lemoved fiom the premises. Bids received until May 31. Call at ofneeyor fuithcr Infoi matlon. The Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company. FOR SALD First-class 3-hot sepower en gine, 5-horsepower vertical noller. Kunz & Moore, C03 Cedar avenue, Scran ton LIGHT your home, chinch, cottage, hotel, etc., with acetylene gas. Cheap as ketoscne, better than electricity or coal gas Safe. Write. Inspect our plant. Philip J. Vettcr. b2i Adams avenue. PIANO FOR SALE-Almost new; used less than five months; elegant uptight piano; will sactlflce. Call day or even ing. 324 Ftanklin ave. JU8T ARRIVED with 40 horses; good wotkeis and drlveii; weight lroni 1,100 to 1,700; spveial closely, matched teams; can bo seen at 334 Raymond court. F. JI. Cobb. TOR SALE-Hand silk douhlcrs. New. Bumf Old Bros.. Paterson, N. J. Auction. AUCTION SALE of household goods, 417 Olive stieet, Thuisday 10 a. m. Wanted. WANTED A tenant for furnished reM dence, IbW Madison avenue, for tho summer. Inquiie M. Chapman. No. 7, Doeknsh place Wanted Rooms and Board. WANTED Two communicating rooms with boatrt, ptivate family preferred. Two ladles and a gentleman: stato full partirulats Address C. IT. D, Tribune ofllro. Board and Rooms. VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with lit st class table boaid, can bo obtained at i13 Jefferson avenue. Strikers' Notice. WE SELL tickets and checks to all parts of Europe. Consult us befoie puiohiis Ing transportations. Wo will ravo vou money. Union Ticket Agency, "0i Lacka wanna avenue, Scianton, Pa Opposite Scranton House. Wanted To Rent. WANTED ROOMS-For two adults, thieo or four rooms, f mulshed or unfurnish ed for very light housekeeping, first Moor picfcned. Address M. 13, Tiibttne office. WANTED Furnished house of four or flvo rooms for housekeeping. Address A. G. E , Trlbuno office. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Wrlto for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. S. M. Hlbuatd & Co., members N, Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange. 44 nnd 46 Broadway, Now York. Established 1864. Long Distance 'Phono 23SS Bioad. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN In any amounts fiom $10 00 to $500.00 on household futnttuie, pianos, horses and rariiages, the prop erty lemalns undisturbed In your possess ion, giving you tho use of both the money and the property. Loans made to suit the borrowers convenience for any petlod fiom one to twelve months. Loan can ba paid In weekly or monthly Installments. We glvo you the ptlvllege of paying tlto loan at tiny time, so that vou only pay for tho time you keep it. We make a $10.00 loan just ns promptly as we do a largo one. It costs nothing to make applica tion. Wo ate only too glad to give you full Information regaidlng our now meth od of making this class of loans, Our offices aie eentially located and com modious, Pilvote offices for ladies, Ad vances made on storage watehouse io celpts, SCRANTON LOAN GUARANTY CO.. 207 Wyoming ave., 2nd Floor. 'Phono No, 28X ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN Qulek. stialght loans or Building and Loan, At fiom 4 to C per cent, Call on N. V, Walker, 311.315 Connell building, Lost Strayed Stolen. LOST A diamond biooch, nt, or near, Lyceum, to or fiom South Side. Re wnid, 4JS Cedar avenue, LOST Between Scianton and Piovideuce, a blown giip with stiup around it, with caipot layet's tools, Rowaid will bo given to tho tinder that returns It to J, Scott Inglla' caipet stote, Lackawanna avonue. LOST Tin ee keys on a, ring, clthor on Penn avenue, Spruce stieet or Wash Ingtun avenuo; a lowuid of icturned to U, Uliiil, 1J7 Penn avenue. LOST A ladles' gold 'valch, a llhoial luwaid will bo given If i etui pod to Hotel Ten ace. LOST-$. between Pack Lumber Co., East Market street and Presto torlan chin ch. Reward If icturned to office of Peck Lumber Co Rheumatism. RHEUMATISM-AII parties that wUh can i speedily and peiniauciitly cuied of all varieties of Rheumatism by a. v ego table compound; cures guaranteed. In qulio or addies3 J. E. Taylor, Scianton. by Prof. J. C. Taylor, of Scianton, In the high school on Monday, bcginnlns at 0 o'clock. i 1 SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. WANTED-20 moulders and Ei bricklay ers. Apply No, U Piatt Place. WANTED-A huge boy at Gel son's mil linery. Help Wanted Female. WANTED A housekeeper, must bo a good plain cook; references leqllhed. Apply nt 1010 Washington nvcntie In pven Ing. or .27 Connell building. WA NTflb-AN expeilencrd cook, Caii 1006 Linden street, city. Recruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U.S. AHMV-At.ln-hndled unmarried men between ages of 21 and 3i! citizens of United States, of good character and lempeiato habits, who can speak, lead and wilte English. For In I pt matlon apply to Recruiting Officer, No. 121 Wyoming avenuo, Scianton, Pa, Situations Wanted. WANTED A position as coaeiiman by sober, married man; one who thor oughly understands the cute of hotses nnd willing to do any kind of work around house. Call or addicss H. Van, 610 Latch street, Dunmoie. SITUATION WANTED-By bov of 17, with three ycais' cxpeilenco In inuilo store; wishes similar position or ono In furnltute stole. Addicss E. B., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED-To go out sew ing or unv kind of woik by the day. Address 549 Noith Uncle Park avenue. SITUATION WANTED-By a competent glrl.as cook or general housewoik. Call at 306 Franklin avenue, city. SALESMAN wants position of anv kind of store wotk; had seven yeats cxpeti encn in shoe business. Address A. J. C, Ti Ibune office. Real Estate. $1,800 will buy A Fine Single House All Improvements Electric Lights, Large Lot, Gteen Midge. M. H. HOLQATE. Commonwealth Blag. Great Bargain FOR SALE Elegant sites for homes In upper Green Ridge; choice neighhyi hood; most desttable locality for home in Lackawanna county. J. A. Marviue, 1736 Sandeison avenue. LEGAL. NflTinn Ih hiMnhv clven that wc shall sell to the highest bidder at public sale, June 9th, 1902. nt 10 a. m , at the Sheriff's orrtce in Scianton, Lackawanna County, for the benefit of whom It may concern, thieo ( shares of the prefeired stock of the Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co. WELLES & TORRE Y, Solicltois. NOTICE is hereby given that an appli cation will bo made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Monday, the second dav of June. 190.', by A. W. Jackson. A. V. Duffy, P. H. Kuiflleh, II. B Reynolds and Geoige S. Atkins, under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sjlvania. entitled, "An act to provide for the incotpoiation and legulatlon of cer tain incoiporations," approved Apill 2"t. 1S74, and the supplements theteto for tho chatter of an intended coi potation to be railed "Tho Perfection' Welding Com pound Company," the chaiactcr and ob ject whereof Is to manufactute nnd sell a seetct compound for the welding of steel nnd malleable lion, nnd for these puiposes to have, possess and enjoy nil tho tights, benefits nnd pilvileges of said Act of As sembly nnd Its supplements WALTER S. BEVAN, Solicitor. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. C. P. A., 21 Traders' Bank building Old telephone. No, 1S64. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B . Real, Estate Exchange Bldg , 126 Wash ington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. It. L. HARDING. Str. CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 726 CONNEf.L building. Dentists. DR. C. E. ElLENBERGER. PAUL! building, Sptuce stieet, Scianton. DR. C. C, LAUBACH, 113 WYOMING ave. Lawyers. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP. AT torneys and Counsellois-at-Law, 00.1 to b!2 Conuell building. JESSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth Building. Rooms 19, 20 and .i. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-HW, Board of Tiade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' National Bank building. A. W. BERTHOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO No, 211 Womlng avonue. Patent Attorneys. r A T r ITC United States PATENTS 25?" Trade Marks and Labels legibluied. The only licensed Patent Att'ys In Scianton, Hcploarlc & Co.. JWears Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANK lin avenue. Bates leasouahle, P. ZIEOLER, PioprlPtor, SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L & W, Passenger depot, Conducted on thn En lopean plan. Victor Koch. Piopijetor, Scavenger, A. B. BRIGCS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cets pools.; no odor: only inipt icd pumps used. A. II. liilggs. piopilotor. Leavo ordois 1100 Noilh Main avoniie. or Eli-he's ding stoie, coiner Adams and Mulbouy. Both telephones. Wire Scieens. JOSEPH Kl'ETTHU REAR 511 LAOKA. avo Scranton, mtis. of Wlto bcreons. Miscellaneous. MEGARGEE BROS. PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, IW Washington avenue. THE WILKES-BARRK RECORD CAN bo hud In Sctanton ut tl.e news t-Uiul of Relsman Bios., 40iJ Spnico and 50.1 Linden: M. Not ton. 3.'2 Latkuwu-ma ave.; 1. S. BthuUer, 211 Spruce sliest. DIRECTORY. & 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mar Tan Pour Unit, Centiler BechBstrs Mm. LKQAL. gECy.oy THE BOARD OF COMMt Sj'ONJJRS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND WILLIAM A. STONE. T. i,. MYnB. n. b. harWberoii. 8"lnA FRANK MrST1, Btata Treasurer, PROPOSALS for" furnishing Stationary, . Fuel nndothcr supplies. In compliance with the Constitution and the Inwo of the Commonwealth of Pohn sylvniila, we hereby Invite sealed pronas als, nt pi Ices below maximum rates fixed In schedules, to furnish stationery, fuel nnd other supplies for the severnl de pal tments of tho Btate government, r.nd for making lppnlrs In the sevetal depart ments, and for the dlsttlbutlon of the publlr documents, for tho year eafllns? the first Tuesday of June, A. D, 1103. Scpatate proposals will bo received and separate conttnets nwatded as announced In said schedules. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond, with at !eat two sin etles or one surety company, ap proved by a Judge of the court of com mon ploas of tho county In which the person or porsons making such proposal may icsldc, conditioned for the faithful performance or the contract, and cd diess"d and dollveted to the Board of Commlsuloneis of Public Ginund and Buildings before twelve o'clock M of Tuesday, the 3id day of June, A. D. '190.', nt which time tho pioposals will b opened nnd published In the Reception Room of the Executive Department at Ilnulsburg, und ccmtinets awaided ns sorm thereafter as tanutliable. Blank bonds and schedules containing all necessary infot motion can bo obtnt led at this department. T. L. EYR, For the Boatd of Commissioners of Public Grounds nnd Buildings. BANKING. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Scianton, 119 Wyoming avenue', rf Luckawannu County, Pennsylvania, at tho close of business May 22, 1901: RESOURCES Cash on hand $ 93.104(0 Checks and other cash items .. ll,r.26 !6 Due fiom banks and bankers... 21."..'i06 11 Loans and discounts 1,401,475 05 Investment secuiltles owned, viz.: Stocks, bonds, etc.. $382,77.1 02 Moitgnges 23,201 81 607i977 Si Real estate, fuinltuic and flx- tutes 97,439 70 Oveidinftsi 438 6T, Miscellaneous assets 12,634 7.1 Total $2,113,102 16 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in ., $ 250,000 0) Siuplus fund 230,000 00 Undivided piofits, less expenses and taxes paid 50,937 1' Deposits subject to check $6U,b3.l OS Deposits, special 998.4S4 48 Demand ccttlficates of Deposits 79.479 28 Ceitlfled checks 30100 1,691,905 S4 Cashiers checks outstanding.. 529 24 Due to banks and bankers 199,973 h Dividends unpaid 56 2i Total $2,443,402 16 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, ss : I, CHARLES W. GUNSTER, Cashier of the above-nabed bank, do solemnly sjeir that the above statument Is true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. (Signed) C. AV. GUNSTER. Cashier. Subscilbed and sworn to before me this twenty-fourth dav of May, 1902. (Signed) ROBT. J MURRAY. Notaiy Public. Mv commission explies at the end of tha session of the state senate. '- Coucct Attest: (Signed) JAMES J. AVILLIAMS, P. M. JORDAN. FRANKLIN HOWELL, Dltectois. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE SCRANTON SAVINGS BANK of Scranton, No 120 and 122 Wyoming ave nue, of Lackawanna County, Pa at tha close of business May 22. 1902. , RESOURCES. Cash on hand $ 37.(1". ? Checks and other cash items.,.. 5,22! M Due fiom banks and bankets... 21b,7i.) fl Loans and discounts 1,357,781 .9 Investment secuiltles owned, ' viz.: Stocks, bonds, etc.. $977,376 77 Moi tgages 11,873 00 981,251 7 Real estate, futnituio nnd fl- tuies 53,1M 01 Ovcidtafts 370 .'4 Miscellaneous assets 652 74 Total $2,.bJ,Car73 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 300,000 no Suinlus fund 250,00)00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 47,381 .t'? Deposits, subject to cheek $ 2.)J,8.'.2 97 Deposits, special 2,009,37f h6 Demand certificates of deposit 1500000 Certified checks 0,101 71 S.Sb.1 314 Si Cashier's checks outstanding. ., 2V-0 Total $2,li0.C9.S "t Stato of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, ss.: I. H. C. SHAFER. Cashlor of thn above named bank, do solemnly sweat- that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge nnd belief. ' (Signed) II. ('. SHAPER, Cashier. Subscilbed and swoiu to befoie me thh twenty-sKth duy of May. 1902. (Signed) WATSON BROWNING. Notnrv Public. My lominl-xlnii exphes June IS, 1903. Collect Attest: (Slgped) S B. PRICE. A. B. BLAIR, GEORGE II, CATL1N. Duectois. REPORT Or THE CONDITION OF THE Tith Guaranty and Trust Co.? of Scranton. Pennsylvania, No, 135 Wash ington avenue, ot Lac-kuwnnna County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business May 22, 1902: RESOURCES. Cash on hand $ 41,434 SI Checks and other cash Items,... 2,6 It Due from banks and bankers,, 29,09S 8.' Commercial and other paper -i owned I'O.CGl ;: i Call Joans upon collateral , 6t,,T0 on t'lino loans upon collateral 217,030 9 Investment secuiltles owned, viz.; Stocks, bonds, otc..$?74,2V. 10 Moitgages ,... 4-i.oiu i. Real estate, fuinltiilo and fix- tinea ., Ovetdl lifts , ,. , 958,775 17 38,938'0l MMtt IMHIMMM 317 S9 , .....jTsiLWifcrt Total LIABILITIES. J J J " Capital stock paid In $ SOO.OftO ol Undivided profits, (ess expenses K: and taxes paid ,., ,, 15,4M t$ Deposits, subject to , check $l,tl)l,32 36 r Deposits, special ,,.. 10,000 00 1,501,526 33 Total '..',$1,SI7,02 04 Amount of titii't funds Invest- , , cd '.,$ 40,148 tri Amount of tiust funds iiiiIim r, vested 3.217 SS Stato of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, ss,: J, FRANK L. PHILLIPS, Treaburer ul the above-named conipuny, do tnpmnl.v swear that the above statement Is tun to tho best of my knowledge and holler, (Slsned) 1 L. PHILLIPS. Treusuier. Subsri Ibcd and swotu to befoiu me thh twenty-seventh duy of May, 190.'. (Signed) E. L. CLARKE. INotuilal Seal. Notaiy Pubtto Commission expires Jan. 15, Iw, Concct -Attest: (Signed) L A. WATRES. HENRY A. KNAPP. W. F. HALLSTEAD. ' nl l'i :W nt tv'S K 1 M ffl iKi St I m n j 11 tl . 41 V' t l r ,'ii- v' h " - j- a