-f -is v j r ) Jf V' t -f( 7P-" 1 7 ?y ; ' f V f- THE SCRANTON TttlBUNE-THUttSDAY, MAY 29, 1902. t 4 Vr C,'" 3 poooooocxxxx; THE MODSIttf HAKDWAIUI (TTOBi. The Cooper Hose Mender Mends gulden hose o shott notice. No tiit' , chitnleul skill leiiulietl i to ui.' It. Aludu of bin's m1I4 lnlilt! of liosp leaves no lough edges. Price 10 Cenfs. Footc & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Are Q :xxxxxxxxxxx The flard?nbergh School of Mtosic and flrf OiTeis the ic optional advan tages of piano unci oigan study with .Mr. .Summer Suiter, an nitlsl leather or leeognl.od standing In the musical wot Id. Onlv a limited number of houis being aiallnble, pupils mm tegl'tor now for lall. 001 L.I11 den slioet. DQ Mothers BABY'S OUTFITS heie awaiting YOU. The most Comfortable and easily dressed BABY is the one clothed in the little gar ments that you buy at the BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. Gut This Out ' Good for 10 Green Ti tid ing Stamps for eeiy pur chase over $1.00 at NETTLETON'S Values lu Shoes and Oxfoids. Good foi 30 dajs, tiom May 1'b. 134 Washington Avenue. PETER N. HAAN Livery, Boaiding, Heavy Teaming and General Draying. New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street. Now 'Phone 2057. Cost Is Small to Launder Your Lace Curtains. . . Dor't 5011 wait to til our Ay this onto W( Ki'iiunti'i' .iititle laiu PIT -els iid careful lianil work. Lace launck-iiiig Is a epcdalty. ACKAWANNA I THE LmmAUNDRY. 303 310 Tenn Arenuc. PERSONAL. John J Jones, of Buffalo, 11 fuuncr lcsldcut of this pi. ice, Is l-ttliig ti lends here. Mrs. Sarah rK. niotlai of , , Peck, cashier of the Third National h 111K, nnd I.uthcr Peck, of tho Globe stole, Is Odiously 111 ut lur homo on Del.uwuc street. 'Com Re 11011. tho well Known tenor dng. r, will niiivo In this eltv today to at tend the national ilstoddlod ami will l the guest ot Musph Aloiguu, ol Smith Mhlu avenue. W, A. Uuiton, foimeily uhs-lstant s.ec rotut J of tho Railroad Young Jleu ChrlHtluu association In tills city, now In churgo of the railroad wink at e'uiic" nuiagli, Ph.. bus been visiting lelutlws and friends lu Hall-dead anil .Heiauton for 11 few daH Ilu will lutuiii home with his -wlfo today. FUNERAL OF MRS. LAWLESS. She Was a Prominent Resident of Tobyhanna. Tito ftmeial of Jits, Lawless of Toby hanna, who died on .Sunday at the home of her ilautihtei, Mis, Jaingan, us held jeiteuluy, with liiteuiieiit ut Mt. Pol ono. Mis, Lawless wits 11 popular and pioinlnent lady of Toh lunula und her fiineml mih very lutsely attemlid, .She Is survived by her foui hoiih, John of thin elty; T. P of South Bethlehem; William, of Tobyhamiu; and V, II, , of EAht niiuieh, N. Y. Also two dauuh ttlH. Mrs. LaiiKan, of Tohyhanua and Mtt. Olwen Wlllet, of White Haven. Ftauk Wlllet, of N'ouuik, ilud Jlit.. Mc.Muhon, of I'hlladclphlu, nepliew and lilecn of defeased, attended tho funeiril. The pall-heuiers weio Wllllum JucK son, Daniel I'lielan, John llugau, An thony Giady, Ilenty Giiynor and Tliomus Haimelh, Delightful Conceit Tonight. Second Prenbyteilau church leeluu' room. Decoiatlon Day Floweis, at Clailt'u, Floilst. . Dr. Llndubury, Surjfeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 i.'onnell hulldliib. Hours: llu, in. to 1 p. 111.; itoS.Wp. in. at IH3I DON'T LIKE STRIKE ORDER ENGINEERS AND PUMPRTJNNERS WANT IT WITHDRAWN. At a Big Meeting Held In St. -David's Hnll Yesterday a Resolution Was Passed Requesting the Bontd Which Issued the Order to Rescind It Stiong Possibility That It Will Not Be Oenetally Obeyed Here abouts Nicholls Is Non-communicative. Theie me uv sUoiib suifnre Indl nitlons that the ninforltv of the en trlnteis, pumpi linnet, flu nun and dilll men employed bv the lilt! timl eoui panles lieteabouts will lefuse In obey th oulei Issued by 1'iesldent Mitchell, (iilllnir theni out next Monday, If they 1110 not ki anted an tlKht-hottr day In tho jnenntlme. At 11 meeting of Home .100 of these (ompauv employes, held .esteiday muiitlng lu St. David's hull. Wt.s't h'eraiiton, a lesolutlon wiih passed eall luir upon the bo.iul, I1I14I1 Issued the 01 det tailing out the men. to leselnd It. and Implyliiu that the men will icfuu to ubov the 01 dei If It Is allowed to stand. The meeting was attended by 111- glneeis, pumptunncis and Hi emeu em plu.ved bv the Delawaie. Liukinvamm and Western, Ontnilo and Western, People's Coal, Seianton Coal, Kiio Hull load. Delawaie and Hudson and other eoalconipanlep. Select Councilman John J. McAndrew, hoisting engineer at the Diamond eollleiy, piosided at the nuet inr. The (luesllon was widely discussed, and a decided sentiment against a Ml ike iniinllesieil Itself. Xo dlieet ote either for or against a stiike was taken, howovei, those piesent lontcnt Ing tlicmselves with the passage of the lesolutlon uboc ic-rened to A com mlltec was appointed to wait on lJiesl ilent T. D. XlfholW, of this distiict, and ireent this lesolutlon to him. The committee waited on lifm at henduuai teis and piesented the lesolutlon. ANOTHEIt Mi:i:TINO SATITHDAY. Anothei meeting will be held on Sat in day morning, when the committee will make Its lepoit. Just what tians plied at the conreience with Pi evident Xlcholls could not be learned. The lat ter lefused point-blank to answer any mirations dealing with the mattei. The engineei.s, pat th ul.r.lv, seem to be bitteily opposed to going out on stiike. A oiy laige peicentage of them aie old men, who have giown giay in the set!cp ot the seeial comp mies and who hae no deshe to go out on stiike at this ciitic.il moment, le.illzlng as they do that they might expeiience some difficulty in legulnlng theii for mei Dosltions. The englnccis, llieincn and pumpi Illi nois at the Glenwood and Kile t olilci ieo at Jet nij n and Mavfleld have had a meeting and decided not to quit woik. Piesident Xlcholls was eij non-com-munlcatlve esteiday when asked 10- gauling his tilp to Harrlsbuig and his conreience with Governor Stone. "The goveinoi simpiv desired to be Infoimed as to the eact situation," said he, "and so he tailed upon Piesl dents Dufty and F.ihy and myself. It Is not surprising that he should take an Intei est In this gieat industiial snuggle which Is convulsing the whole state." The Tilbunc man suggested that the governor must have had some other puipose than the acquit ing of informa tion in mind when he called the dlstilct piesldents togethei, but Piesident Nic holls declined to disi uss this phase of the question. Neither would he deny orafllim that the confeience had ought to do with pioposed legal pioceedlngs against the alleged combination of coal intei ests. AUOUT TH13 KOCKMUN. Asked whether the executive boaul had any assuiance that the lockmen, who have a sepaiate union of tlielr own, would icfuse to take tho places of union men If called upon, Piesident Nichols said: "We lequlie no such assuiance. Wo know that tho lockmen will stand by us. Their action in quitting woik at Oh pliant because thov li.nl ienoiw.,i hints that they would be called upon to take mine workets' places is Indica tive of their feeling." POSTOFFICE HOURS. Order Issued Regarding Mails on Memoiial Day. Tho following older was Issued es teiday by Postmaster Hippie, govern ing the malls and postofllcc liouis to nionow: Scianton Postofflie, Ofllro of ihe I'ost- miistei, Scianton, Pa,, May M, I'ioj, Older No, '17, Prldav, May ;th, 110J (Memoilul Daj) will be olweiM'cl at the Scianton, I'a postofflcc as follows. Can lets villi make one dellwty In thu inclining General delivery and stamp windows will be open ri mu !) a, 111. to U noon, Registiy mid money older windows will be 1 lQsc-il nil ilitv, Police tlnus will be made at 10 P. , in, fiom Imincs on Main luenue, between Liickaunnna uwmio and W'ashbuiu StICC!: also West l.ackaunnnii tivnnno and Larkawaiuui avenue to Adams ave nue, Adams nvenue to Mulhcriv stieet, Mlllbr-trv street to PianKllli avenue, ami II mil all Iioms between these points, Cm 1 lor Xo. ?i will make tlio p. m, collocllon, ami tho usual evening colkc- tloiis will also be made li L'anieis Nos, fi, s and l'i. (Sight d) i:!ia il Ripple, Postmosti'i, A NOON WEDDING. Nuptial Knot Tied by Rev. R. V, Y. Pleice, D. D. At high noon i'steiday, Albeit Leh and Miss Uulilu Itutaii, of South nethlehem, Pa wero united In mai ilago by Itev. Itobei t K Y. Pleiic, D. 1). .Mi. Leh Is one of ih best ui chi ld Is In tho state, and has been associ ated In vuilmiH euteipines Uth Fiank Ciuluccl for the past seventeen yeais. Tlie bilde nnd gi 00111 weio the guests or Mi, and Mis, Catluul, 011 Mllllln nvenue. Aftei .1 bilef weddliiB tour, thuy will leslde lu South Hethlehem. Schtievei'a Sepia P01 traits. Tht'io's u touch fiom natuio's palate 111 these icullstlo culuigenienlH from photogiaph. Hepiodiuid lu any sUe, they olfer a poiliult "dllfeunt" fiom tho ordinary. An 111 list, whose sncclultv Is tho tin. est pom ait woik 111 Seplu, is under en giiKOimnt at Hip Ciiild Medal Studio, when.' 01 det s and ulleiatlons may be executed uikKh our personal supsivl.f EIGHT WEEKS Ofuninteirupted PIANO STUDY in the CON SfiRVATORY SUMMER SCHOOL, with two lessons each week thnt will be something worth having. And you will be surprised how Inexpensive the courses are. Courses for beginners and advanced, children and adults. Lessons will be given in the forenoon. For terms, call or write, or telephone to the Conservatory of Music, J. ALFRED PENNINGTON. Director. i.OI MXDIJK STKUKT, (Cattcr Hulldlng). TEAM HAS RETURNED HOME. Manager Lawson Will Maintain an Independent Club Heie. The membeis of the Scinnton base ball team letutned home vcstciday fiom Lancastei. where they played the final league game lecentlv. The dls baudnienl of the league was due to mis management on the pint of seveial of the clubs It is I. a son's Intention to maintain an Independent team In this city, Ir loveis of the game will pationUo them. Home of the best Independent and seml liiofcssion.il club", such as Yoik, Lati instei, Wilmington, Atlantic City, Chestei, Cuban Giants, etc., will be biought heie. Games will be ulaved on Wednesday and Satin day and the other dates will be booked awav fium home. These games, It is expected, will be much bet ter than the .11 tide of ball put up by some or the titatu league teams. A seiles of seven games has been nr l.inged with the Lancaster club for the championship of the defunct league. Two of tho games will be played In till" city lomoiiow morning and afternoon, and the third on Satuiday afternoon. The lemaiuliiR thiee games will bo plaed in Lancaster next week, and if a seventh game Is netessaiy the place to pla it will be decided by the toss of a coin. All of the plajeis have signified theli intention of lemainlng with Mnuagci Law son, but several clubs aie after some of tlu men. "Tommy" Gllleian, of this 1 Itv, has been signed, and It Is Liwson's intention of giving Ftantz. ot South Sd.inton, an oppoitunity to play with the team. The team will piactlce this afternoon and be lu shape for tomorrow's games. Lawson has wagered a laige amount of monej on the outcome of the seiies. I. C. S. SOCIETY'S MEETING. Enjoyable Programme Rendeied in Guernsey Hall. Tile Intel national Couespondence schools association conducted its teg ular monthly meeting in Guernsey hall last night and following it .1 biief pto giajume was lendered. Hauy L. Tler, an accomplished musician, plujed a piano solo and .Miss ClUabcth Dm kin und II, u old Hothin sang. M. M. Dittei, a foi mer in stiuctoi in elocution, made .1 pio nouneed lilt with two lecitatlons. A comp.iti of boj s ftom the Bojs' Indus tiial association, gave a clever exhibi tion of dumb-bell woik and of fancy tumbling, which won much applause. A di awing followed and the follow ing eight membeis won their choice of any of the latest popular books: Ai thui Leech, Ai thur Rethlnc, T. F. Red dlngton, Miss Maiy Vnugluin, Maicus Duffy, Miss M.iyie Hush, Miss Lama Itodeilck and William Ilitdius. Lunch- on was seived at the end of the meet lug and dancing followed. PRIZES ON EXHIBITION. Hnndsoma Punch Bowls for German Singing Societies. The tiophles to be aw in tied the wln neis among the Geimun singing socie ties at the national eisteddfod tomonow am on exhibition In Re nobis Biothcis' windows and uttiact unusual attention. They aie of sllvei, highly mounted, and suitably engiaved. These tiopHica will be given In the Get man class "C" male choius 'ninkelu" competition, and the class "B" Get man male chorus "Der Pilot." lveiy thing Is In icadluess for tho giand concert this evening and the eisteddfod toiueniow, A huge advance sale ol seats has been made, but theie ct leinulns in.in good lesoivccl seats for all sessions, Many of the paiticl punts aie expected to an he today, and the iM'iuslonlsts will 111 rive cnily to monow uininhig, Wanted 100 Men. One hunched men wanted to woik on soft coal. Will pay 2." cents per hour. Apply to M, P, Howletf, stcvedotc, 220 Wulnut stieet, Philadelphia. Dr. C. W. Roboits will be at his ofllee Thin sdav of each week. " BUTTER We handle but one kind of lluttor and that tho Ginulne Elgin Creanwy, 25c Dlioet I mm ni.GlN, ILLlKOI8.lt Is by fill thevmost Delicious, Swiet cbI Hiiltcr made. Others adveitise It, but none ktep It, Like Coffee? Well. If OU do. Iiv A. A; P. BLDND. Pacij sip ot this Coffee Is n sip of pleusutu il is delicious, stieiigtheiilug and liivlgoiattug; "drives dull cam away lu fact, time Is not a doubt about li bo lug the HHST 25c, MOCHA AND JAVA IN TOWN. Ti' It "l'11 bo i onvlui id, ff jon oil not h4tlHlli.il we'll eliceUully io fund oui money. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,, til Latkawaima avoniio. JJt Noitli Main avenue. 'Phone, 7 1'-'. Piouipt Di'llvcty New 'Phono l.'J. &i .-. t . irf jjy EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION Will Be Held at Tunkhannock on June 3 and 4. Theie will be u convention of the npwoith League of the Wyoming dls tilct in the Methodist Episcopal chinch at Tunkhannock on June IS und 4. Following is the programme: tpi:sday, a TO 1; 1. M. Reiuptlon of Delegates ami Assignment to Places ol Tjiitertahiment. 7 30 V. M. Ml. "iV. V. Ulllliigx, I'll si Vice PicBlflent, piesldlng. Song Seivlcc, lllble i:posllloii Itev. P. W. Voung Music TtiiiMiiililiuck Hi citation SIKh Mav rcinier Addiess, The Upwoith League and , He. Will 11. lllllcr WIIDNKSUAV, !J0 A. M. Mr. Wm Mi Council, Tlilul Vice Piesi dent, piesldlng. Illhle i:posltlou Ilov. C. B llcniy Roll Call of Chapteis. Hepoits of Sub-Distiiet lrosdcnt. Piopei AVoik foi DNtilcl League Or- gani..itlons Kev. A. Griffin D D. Discussion. Piopei Oiganl.ition .....Mi. C. A SUiait DIhliiusIoii. Solo ...Miss Al'illo lllackman, Kingston Junior Hour, conducted by Miss Mai- g.uet Ciavvfoul. I)ii"lmss. 1 !0 P. M. -Mi W. A Smfoid, Piesident, piesldlng. Hilslneas Bible i:posltloii ....Ite. jr S Goilsb.ill Poiwaid Mou-mcnt In tlie Kpwoith League Rev. J. C. Tennant Recitation Scianton Clt Pnloii Solo .Miss Mav Staley, Plttsion Chiist's Kinship with iT; Our IVittern in Youth. ..Rev. C. P. SItteil, Ph D. Bible Stuih in Cpwoith League, Ml. A. P. Dlffcndafev 7 M P. M. Mi. C. D Ri'ltei. Pom tit Vice Piesident, presiding. Pia.vei and Pialsc. Clnlsfs Kinship with Us; O111 Pattern in Young .Manlioocl, Rev. C. r Sltteih, Pb D. The oflUeis aie- Piesident, V. A. Sau foid; flist lice piesident, W. P. Hillings; second vice piesident. Rev. C. JT. Sewnid; tlilul vice piesident. William McConnell; foiuth vice piesident, C V. Reiter. coi lispondlng siciot.iiv, .Miss Lama M. White. tica"iirci, S. L Rlehaids; music il dliector of convention, Rev Prank Jams. CLOSING ARTISTS' CONCERT. Will Be Given at Lyceum on Monday Evening, June 9. The musical event which will close the season will be the conceit to bo given by Miss Grace Spencei, in con nection with the fifteenth Symphony conceit ol the Scianton Symphony or chestia, at the Lyceum thentte, Mon day evening, June 9. A piogiamme of unusual intei est Is being uiiangcd. Miss Spencer has given her sei vices fieely in tho past, whenever called Upun. and her many fi lends aie anxi ous to show theii uppieciatlon at this tune. Thu Sinphony orchestin, whoso con ceits in the past iiuvc been so favor ably iccelved, will lender somo fine se lections, and Pi or. Hembeiger Is detei mlned to give a popular piogiamme on this occasion. The tickets aio helling l.ipldly, and the Lyceum is sine to be well filled. MONEY MAY BE PAID. County Treasurer Wants to Know How Much Is Needed. County Tieasuier J. A. Scranton sent woid to City Treasuier Itoblnson esteiclay afternoon asking to know how much money ho needed at present. The city tieasuier consulted with Ite cotder Connell and was lerjuested by the hitter to Inform Mr. Scianton that the elty needs $170,000 at once. That Is the total amount of money due tho city as Its share of the liquor license fees. The iccorder wants the county treas urer to pay over all the money at once or none of It, and ho pi opuses to stand on this announcement. The city tiens Uici will watt on Mr. Scianton this mottling and seive this notice upon him. Delightful Concert Tonight. Second Picsbyterlan church lecture loom, Special Mammoth Olives, 25c. per bottlej 82.90 per dozen. Havana Flues for pieserving, 81.50 per dozen. Couisen Col, River Salmun, 20c. per can; value, 25c, Fancy Maine Sugar Corn, 12c; 81.20 per dozen. Windsor Manor, Spotts.-cod Mixed Pickles, 35:.; Enst In dia Ghetkins, 35c; Chocolate Menler, 40c per lb. E. G. COURSEN i I If! tJJj'M-i'i-iAitUj-fUi. ONLY THREE DAYS MORE THOSE TRYING FOR GOLD WATCH SHOULD HUSTLE. A. T, Kellerntan Has a Good Lead Now for the Trophy Two Changes in the List Yesterday Frcedmnn Makes Big: Gain on Shepherd, and Now Holds Sixth Place by Gener ous Margin, Standing of Contestants Poind. 1. A. J. Kellerman, Scianton. 192 2. Charles Burns, Vandllng.151 3. Wm. T. S. Rodriguez, Scranton 128 4. Herbert Thompson, Car- bondale 108 5. Maxwell Shepherd, Car- bondale 03 0. Albert Freedman, Belle- vue 88 7. Harry Madden, Scranton . 55 8. Wm. Sherwood, Harford . . 54 9. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 41 10. Grant M. Decker, Hall- stead 37 11. William Cooper, Pilceburg 34 12. L. E. Stanton, Scranton.. 32 13. A. J. Havenstrlte, Mos cow 31 14. Harry Danvers, Provi dence 25 15. Louis McCusker, Park Place 20 10. Miss Beatrice Harpur, Thompson .... 1 18 17. Lee Culver, Spiingvllle. . 17 18. Walter Hallstead, Scran ton 15 19. C. J. Claik, Peckville 15 20. John Dempsey, Olyphant. 13 21. John Mackie, Providence. 13 22. Hugh Johnson, Forest City 11 23. M i s s Edna Coleman, Scranton .. 8 24. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton 7 .25. Emanuel Buccl, Scranton . 7 26. Chas. O'Boyle, Scranton.. 5 27. Miss Nellie Avery, Forest City 4 28. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 3 29. Edgar Wilson, jr., Scran ton 2 30. R. D. Dorsey, Scranton ... 1 31 O 32 O 33 O Two of tho contestants In The Tri bune's nducatlon.il Contest made slight changes in position yesteidny. They weio William Cooper, of Piicebuig, who went from thlitceuth place to eleventh, nnd A. ,T. Havenstilte, of Moscow, who went fiom eleventh place to thliteenth. Loioy Stanton, of Scian ton, was In the unique position of puss Ing one lival et ictaliiing the same position, twelfth place. Albert Fieedinan, of Bellevue, made a stditling upwaid swoop This morn ing ho Is but n points behind Maxwell Shepheid, of Caibondule, Instead of 2fl, as he was e.steiday. Mr. Ficedman holds sKtli place by 83 points, his near est competitor being Hauy Madden. A. J. Kelleiman holds flist place by a lead ot 41 points this morning. It looks as it be was almost ccitain to win the gold watch offeied as a "Spe cial Honor Piif" to the contestant who brings In the laigist number of points dm lug the month of May. His immediate neighbors will have to be stir themselves if they Intend to liy and win the tiophy away fiom Mi. Kellerman. Only three das uie now left in which to do it. WHERE TO SPEND MEMORIAL DAY. Go with the Crowd on the Opening Excursion to Lake Lodore. The c.ncuisIou season will open at Lake I.odoie on Decoiatlon dav. May SO. Among the many atti actions will be a spirited base ball contest for u puise of $23, between Scianton and Carbon dale ciack ball teams. The famous Mo7nit band, whose supeiior dnncc music Is lecognlzed by all loveis of the fantastic, will furnish a delightful pio gramme in the mammoth balcony en clicled pavilion, with its smooth and highly-polished floor. Cnteier M. F. Fadden will servo lefieshnients in abundance. The beautiful lake will be enlivened with Its fleet of ijow boats, its steam yacht, naphtha launches, unci Its huge and commodious exclusion boat. The Delawaie and Hudson rallioud will i mi exclusion tialus, stopping at all stations, fiom Wilkes-Bario. at gieatly reduced oxeui. slop rates. Trulns will leave Lackawanna avenuu stution at 9.15 and 10.13 a. m and 1.29 p. in. F.ue fiom Scianton, 75 cents. GENUINE I Best Qualities $5.00 and upwards. Straw Hats of Every Description. 412 Spiuce Street 309 Lackawanna Avenue. Dr. DelincTs Llnon Underwear Money to Loan On Watches, Diamonds and Gold Jewelery Lowest Rates of Interest. Private Offices, DavidoA's, 30V Lackawanna Ave. V Jtif.t.Tj.XoKja, jjLUi "' ''-' t H 1 Paine's Celery Compound , Will Secure for You the Health That Other Medicines Cannot Give. IT STANDS FIRST AND HIGHEST IN PUBLIC ESTIMATION. The Use of One Bottle Convinces the Skeptic and Unbeliever. The tone, character and quality of tho testimonials published In favor of I'alno's Celciy Compound have Jlrnily established Its position In the homes of all Intelligent nnd thoughtful people. Palne's Celery Compound has always appealed to the sick and suffeilng with honest statements and solid facts. Some doubteis with honest purpose have taken the tiotlhle to vvtltc to. and In many tases have Intei viewed the vvilt pis of published testimonial:?. In eveiy case they have beeil thoroughly uitls llctl and convinced Unit Palne's Celciy Compound effected chips that weio nun v clous, astonishing and happy. l'.ilne's Celeiy Compound claims a field not successfully filled by any other lemedy known to medical science. It Is the medicine on which the poor, disappointed suffeier can rely after all other medicines fall, when doctois give the patient up as Incut able. To the weak, debilitated, nervous, biokcn down, and despondent, Palne's Celery Compound gives a new and jo ous existence. It sticngthens the di gestive poweis. lenows the blood, and acts in the vitalizing, dilative, thoiougli manner that makes It the giandest help to suffeilng men and women Unit the wotlil of medicine affoids. The best test that can be applied to Palne's Cel lciy Compound Is to use It. ninMfllUn nVCC Tnir tn rnmc -m color. UIHIIIU11U Ulbi3 .o otiiin? can cjiul thciu. Weddings We have our own plant for Engraving and Printiug Invitations and Announcements. We do the work artisti cally, properly and as well as New York or Philadelphia. Our reputation for high-class work is an established fact, and Is only equalled by our desire and ability to serve you quickly and correctly. Samples sent promptly. We Use Hurd's Papers Only. WE HAVE THE ONLY Engraving Plant in the City. R. E. Prendergast Engraving, Plate Printing, Die Stamping, WHAT IS PROPER In Wedding Stationery need give you no concern. Come to us. Tell us lioiv many wed ding in itations you icquire. how many announcements., how many caids. etc. We will ask you questions enough in icgat d to names and dates to enable ui to get out all the stationery in the most coirect foi in. Theio will be no mistakes-, and the engraving will be done in a stylo that will leave nothing to be deslied. If tho woik does not suit, wo will do it over. If it does not suit then, ou . need not tukc it. We fill our ouler piomptly, and we charge you a pi Ice that ou can afford to pa. Tho en giaiing Is not cheap woik. It Is good work, at a ie.it.onablo price. REYNOLDS BROS., Stationers, Scranton, Pa. A GAS RANGE will remove all anxiety as to the Coal Supply for your kitchen, and will also save your wife much of the drudgery of housekeeping. Cnnkinn with Gas !s as c,eaP as coal' more convenient. We are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking Ranges for $9.75 and up. This price Includes putting them In your kitchen ready for use. All connections free on first floor. how About Hot Water? A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers that question. We have them. Price connected, $10. Fuel gas, gross $ 1 .00 j net 90 and 80 cents per thousand. I Ranges and Hot Water Heaters on exhibition at our sales- jj I room! No, 126 Washington Avenue, ! OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK. 1 Scranton Gas ? Lubricating OILS Malnnpu nil Manlifarflirind Combanu. 141-149 Meridian Street. ' 4 OLD 'PHONE 6S-S. NEW 'PHONE 233 4 v - y.itoSfetUt',S.!At . , I We solicit your trade in , "t Wheelbarrows,! : Goal and j , Dirt Picks, ! : Shovels, i: 4. Sledges and Drag Scrapers. BittenbenderSC 126-128 Franklin Ave. ,.. You Can Save 30 per cent, on the dollar when you purchase direct fiom the manufacturer. Our lino of Umbiellas ' and Fainsols is large and complete, and embiaces all the latest pat terns. We guarantee all ouo goods. i . . Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Coc. 313'Spiuce Street. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and WIlkes-Barre, Pa, . Stationary Engines, 'Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. 207 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. & Wate Co. J and Burning: ' v' juA&s i- . kw. l,A.k,u.t t .-- 4rffl'-' SJ If & r