The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 29, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    vti ' "'f
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I9"! TWl''
fcibllshrd Dally, TAcept Punchy, hy Th Trlb
tine Publishing Companj, t Fifty Cents Month.
t ri ' , rm rsar t-ssjss
MVY 8 mcnAim, lMltnr.
O, P. BVXDHKi Businea Mnii3Rer.
New York OOot! 160 Naui St. . . ..
s s vnrriAN'i).
Me Agent for I'orelgn Ail icr thing.
n, a)
rnlcred at the Polomee at "cntilon,
Soraiifl Clasi Mill M-itter.
When space will peimtt, Tho
Tribune Is always glad to print
short letters from itq friends bear
ing: on ctment topics, but its rule 1b
that these must bo signed, for pub
lication, by the wiiter's leal name;
and the condition piecedent to ac
ceptance Is that all contributions
shall be subject to editorial revision.
mi: fiat rtvrn rou Mivntnsisn
The folloMlns iMp shims, tin? pi In) per Inch
mli Insertion, spin- lo ! used ilhln imp eir
Him nf IsTilliufoiil 1'iilt
Piiei Kpiillng.
Lot tliin no luc lion
An Indus
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Tor ranis of Iharil., resolutions of rfiinloknffP,
niul elnillir contrlhiition In dm mlum of nil-M-ilWns
Jin TiIIiiiiic mil p a chugc of r. rrnls
n llnp
flutes nf rimlflfil Aihorllilnr fiirnMirel on
PC P. ANTON. MAY ."1, I'm.'
Tni governor or Pcnnsjlvanht, on the
Wire of an open Held and f.ili pltiy,
JOHN V. ELKIN, of Indiana,
nil)jp(.t tu tup will uf the Jtepublluan
111 t"KS.
The Eisteddfod.
Bni GRAND feMtKnl or nit,
B ioc and miiik which will
-JL li'irln with lliW moniiiK's
II IRIllfll tilt I OI1CPI 1 at tho
m 11101 j iiul extend llnoiiKh Unci' buij
"C-xlon (in Ilic ntori ci, Minuld mil will
N tonini iiul tlio .mention ,uid .it tendance
or -tnMl mimh'ts ol 0111 people. It Is
II "-pli urliu piotti mime tliiemtjliotit; llb
ial In Its pilus wdl Mil lid. helped l
till' lliipst ol pioeitiablp t ileniY niul lo
la- lioiini.ii In the pi(it'iiu 01 miiiip of
Ainukui s KiettPKl huihIpIiuis
It ha- lit tn .1 koiI irr.ruv -lute
ve Imp hid m elMediiroil on a stale
.ippioicHiik tills one. and neei h.i e
we had 11111 ettl ll to It ui with sut h
f,ood uiatiKcments Cm the uiommodi
ll(in ot all who 111 m attend The new
ainioi hiMii.i seat- and sheltei Toi
all and onct within tlieiocan he nofill-
III e lo lii.ii . The pieseiRL a Lompetl
tnisol li-liiecntatUe Ciilin in and IChk;
lish sinlns "otlptlex, in addition to
1110m dlstiiK lively Cainhilan (.lionises
and Rice tltibs, will maid leally an In AiiiLiiuii in it
bioadesl sense and as well.
The attendant 0 should he in Keeping
Fot this (oiivenlent uppuitunltv to
frie and he.11 an elsteddlod at Its bp't.
the thuiisjiuts of Sli aiitoiiiaiis who in.
ifLPiit anivalH 111 0111 (it.v, 01 who 111. a
not lmvo been atti.uted to smallti (oin
pctitlM' events, am jjie.itlv IndebtPd to
the oiraiiius and inanasds Thtv
have pci Tot niul 1 tilfllc tilt t.i..v well
and it imiv leiiiains loi the piiDlk to
(.how suint mtial it I(iii
It the Civ k JV(ptatlon 01 imv othPi
Imdj ot p'ati -loviiifi: Lltlns (.111 woiU
nut 1 settlement ol the anthiaiite
tiouble 011 a basis which will not sub
ject the busiu..sS hi,. the jiuhi.ii.Ho
icial fields to liuitieni dlstuibauie and
duniKlti pei tods ot unc ei tuintj, it can
have the best wo own What is needed,
Jiow.vei Is mil a puihlnsr up ot illfll
1 tiltks piellunnaij toluithii wai The
net settle nit nl should Mttle This, tot
tho putlLUlai belle. hi n the Heianton
A Litlle Common Sense,
YS THi: I'lltilnn (laette:
follow lntr the .intluii It.itKo
Vs.... ainiijuii' eiuent niacie a wtelt
.CO that the stll 11 v or Piesl
ilwit TniL-ilale or the Ddtwaie, I.uK
.iw.mni and WihIciii liailioid coin
nnv, has befii inci eased h.v the veiy
11 .11 snip or HMii)0 a join, (onus the
.lif-iaja' limn oei Hie Kiem wateii
tdlliirV how .1 Pleipont .Moikjh, the
u an who holds the anthiadto toal 111I11
lii'. and cuijIiik btmliiesi In his hand,
his just hiin miiKlnir a little pie .tut.
AMii th Mtl.ooti to llln IIlRhnpss,
Kins: IMw.uil, And vet some people
vondei whj the men and bujs who
Mind out a mlseialile existence In the
(oal 111I1KH and who rumMi the money
lot these capitalistic 'baions' to ic.el
Ju liixiiiy nie discontented."
We must 1 duress that we aie untible
to see wlieuin this supplier a sufllolcut
uason roi disionteiil. KlRhtly iiiulti-
Htood, It slws elKoiiiatrenient. It
instead ot talsliiK Ptesideut Tines.
dale's huIiiij', as Is alleKPd; we don't
l.utiw whetlior they did 01 not; the rtl-
liPoiTus.or the j. 1. ,i sv. Inul ettt It
lintlte,fiil.Ui)t, tuiiiird; and if, Instead
of Pjcipont loisan hali)K had eiioiiKli
.triaivi ijuuiej tu buv tlio KIhk ot Uni;-
'JiiiTd"va'nliiablo inesent he hhould be-,iJI? J'oqi' man not uble to take hold
int' t.illioad piopeitle.s and
bulla thun'iip Intu luoiiey-iiiiiKhiK and
l.ufl.-niJlnK Instltutioiis, hi what ie.
ripect would It inntllblltu to thn c oil-
trptmeiit of thu men and uuj.s who
MV!? ?'' Kt,lla' '" tllp LOa' mines? To
Umve TruoMlale op Moigau pulled down
.-would not lift tlieii) up a hall's bieadtli
lt v oultl nut liicri-ffao theli earnlnu ea
v.PHcltj 0110 penny'H vvoith. it would
iKrtdd Ju the leaat to their nimllflru
"JtloiiS loradMiiuemenl In )fe.
l .'''"'"o n- '1'iueadulB began at the
"Cb(.rt..iu t'f Uie ladder without pull or
Jignjiltfcl wealth to help I1I111 ellmh up
rlle'aiot.e, nut by HkiiiIiw out plaiih how
)itcnul(l most ffiei'tmilly inulto double
simply RWUed his tceth.ptil In hittdef
licks, was mote caieful to iao his
enrnliiRs niul walled and watched f op
ine clinnee (o better himself. The
TiucHdalc policy won, but he holds no
nionopolv of ll. Any of Hip
coal fields with the tight hind of stuir
in hlin call i1 likewise, niul ninny nf
thnin have dotlc bo.
Wo have tilisenrd, by Hie way, that
tliee much nbliseil (itpltallHtlo biloni
aie better appi eclated when times an
haul nitd wai;es am senuu, When tlicy
11111 their lulhomls iuImph at 11
losp In oidei to supply emplojmciH ho
that men who hae wotked for Ihcm
may firm foodand this litis happened
inon! than once and will happen again
the endeavor or the men and luiya of
the coal legions s not to bllns these
operallons to a Hlundstlll and Hood the
minesnot it bit of It. There Is a iiish
and n ciush for the Hist chance to wet a
pine e to woik,
Mot (can's Klft to Kliij? lMwatd lep
lestntcd Just no iiuicli wages paid lo
labor and no doubt will be a means of
slciiiIiih: mom wurcs for rubor when
Moitfiin nets fioin IJdwanl what he Is
Jartei. With all Mottriih's millions lie
taiinol eat any moie'than the lutmblcst
miner; he cannot sleep any longci o'
nlRhtfi; he cannot wear nnv wanner
clothing or keep fin tlict out or the wet
when It inlns The peicenttiRe which
he pel -onnlly uses out or his inonej us
compamd with the peicentiiKe which he
mttiins to the public In the uerulness
or his Jndttsttlal and coinmeiclal opei
atlons Is a small one 1 omp ued 'with
Hint of the envlou. bov 01 man who
feels that .Morgan Is lobblnif him. The
men and bojs who "gilnd out .( mlfiei
able elsti'iKe In the (oal mines", If
suddenly put In cluug-p ot Moitjan's
iiul Tiuesdale's ptopeitles, couldn't
hhe men to admlulstet them In the
efllrlent manlier In which thej am be
ing ailinlnl.teied today without pajlng
nioie, In one way and another, thin
.Mm gun and Tntesdule are costing
The chain es aie thev would p ty much
moit, If not wind up in banki uptc v.
We want io say anothei thing In this
connection. Am boy or man "gi hiding
out a nilseiable existence in the coal
mines" who feels like betUiing his lot
and llttlng himself to mingle on teims
of cqu illt j with educated men like Mor
gan and Tmesdile ought to vva&te no
time In taking advantage or the oppoi
tunitles embodied In 'I he Tiibune's I.d
uiutlonal Contest. We have had, as
jet, veiv few eniollnints and lelutns
fiom the kind of men and bojs who sit
aiouail (omplahilng because otbeis
have got along in lite We have ob
seived that the lads who make a go
in mil contests ne chaps like Moignn
and Title sdale doubtless weie when or
Hiinilai age, chaps VNiu, wonj lebs about
what otheis 111 ij be doing 01 not doing
than about how they can themselves
find time and ehcigv to do what they
w nit to do in oidei to move foiwaid
l.iiv v Is pool business We don't be
lieve tint it pajs In a newspapei to
eneomage it.
fault upon the safety of their piop
eitles can be met, however, only In one
wlij-n fight fop self-protection. This
ulll come as study as there Is luter
feieiicei and wo have every icason to
bulleie that If It comes It will be lgoi
ous and decisive.
Hy all nieatm keep up the decouttlons
for the eisteddfod vlsltots. Kill two
bluls with one stone.
For a 5how Down.
The nomination of .Mr. Clkln would not
ineiely ninko the state doubtful; It would
toHt the pai tv seven 01 eight members
or (oiiKross, which It cannot spare, would
plate the maturity In the legislature In
danger and defeat the local catiilldiites
In mom tluin a pioroYf uidlnarlly Hare
Hcpulillrnn counties, No Hepubllcan state
coineutlnii will iliMlbcriitelv nut the mil.
ty In any such deft useless niul lielples
position. Philadelphia Press.
'lor )iirtIfepj)l9i,ep and rpiee mote pay
for Jens woik. Ills success was won by
'p.vUUy tho opposlto taotfes. js con.
tlnual endetuor was to seivo his eiu-
."ployor faithfully und enicleniiy nnd at
the sanio tlipo to fit himself for linger
lespoiiBlbllitlcs. He siitceeded In both
(ambitions. Hut hern is nota man 01
,boy In the toal fields wjii! Hug pot be-
fore hltn the saiiie'DppofttinUlAgvhloli
Ktonfrontecl ouig Tiu'psidaleXfWien
thfijgs (llil'iiotgo to sult'liluu TjUti'-
Uulc did not get mad and stilke. Ifo
- -'v- .r ,v
P.epiesent.itive floldfogle Is the latest
specimen or a small man to attempt to
achieve notoiietv bj making 111 attack
upon a supeiioi Ml Uoldlogle de
mands tint tin accounts of (loveinoi
(Jdieiil Wood should be investigated,
intimating that this uitful ofllcei his
ben too eti ivagant with sums appio
pilalecl loi c lining on the woik of te
consliuction in Cuba.
Some Candid Truths,
OODINC, or the mines 0r the
intliiaclle fields would in Ilic t
loss upon theii owncis of
fJUOOOOOO, to siij nothing ot
the loss which it would Inflict upon the
inlneis when ihrv. get itadj lo leluin
to woik. II Hie ofllcei s ot the United
Mine Woikeis should set file tu the
cltj' of Sei anion and c.iip-e it to bum
to the giound, the loss would be less
than Is Involved In theli plan to doom
the mines to destine tion because the
on nets ol those mines will not accept
dictated teims A binned cltj could bo
lcbullt In shoit oidei anil be pel haps
the bettes ten Its newness; but Hooded
coal mines me slow things to lesette,
and 'It Is doubtful in many iiistauies It
the mints, aftei a long soaking, would
be vvm lb lecoveilng.
We note this laet in this wav at this
time In uulei that a pioper undei
st, Hiding 1u.1v pie will as to the setlous
ness of the ciisls which awaits the in
lribitants ot tills itlon nct week We
line the best autliiiilt.v loi rajlng that
the iiiinlug inteiests will exhausi eveij
uwiuif at thtii icininiaiid in tin
piopei endeavoi tosavetheii piopeitj'
ir men now winking roi thnin at the
fliKlllis and pumps see lit to leave on
tFie onleis ot Messis. Mitchell, Nlth
osN und their colleagues, as thev hive
a legal light to do, the opeiatlng In
tel ests will put othei men In their
pi lies, us thev huvc a legal light to do;
and if the new men aie Inteifemd with
full piotectlon will be arfoided them.
On this point them .should be no mis
undei standing,
Kuili piotectlon Is .ismhciI by the lad
that It destitution of piopoily shall
tome tin nugh any denuilt on the pint
or the (lll aiitlioiltlcs In artoidlng In
stant and ample legal piotectlon, full
damages cm be mtovtied )un the
public lieasuij-, whli h means at the
expeiipo of thu taxpajeis. This has been
dcolded mpeatedly and Is a JKed fuel
ill law. It Is up to the npeintois to
find inch to woik the mine engines and
pumps. It Is up tu the ofllcei s of tho
law to see that when tlio opeiatois Hud
such men nobody shall inteifem with
theiil. ir the civil (initials fall In their
C THIS weie title it would hive
11 eiy sinister meaning. It would
mean, foi one thing, that no
jouiig man of 1 lean chniacter,
high ability and gient peisonal chnrm
who gives to pin ty sit vice the atten
tion needed to pief-eive patty oigan-Is-atloti
ngalimt elcreat aild to roll at
tempts ut paity illsiuptlon may asplie
to elective ofllce; that the pathway to
such inerertupnt leads Instead tlnoilgh
channels of iion-piitlelpjtlon In politi
cal nrralis or Into camps of sedition
and contusion. That meaning, we are
satisfied, will not be acceptable lo thr
winking llepubllciins of Pennsvlvanla.
In the second place, what the Press
savs, ir It vvi'ie tine, would mean that
when the candidate pmlened by the
muforltv, with Indorsement fiom every
tounty vvheie an open poll vvus pei
mltted, and plainly In ravor among the
masses 01 the ppople, had been fahly
nomlnnted In couvpiitlon, thcie nie Re
publicans In consideuble number weak
enough in their paity attachment and
In their suppoi t of Kepubllcan natlonul
policies and piinciples, not only to
cany their personal piepie Into their
maiking or the slate ticket, but also
to daw nt Itepublitan nominees for
congress "We do not believe that this
is an accuiate statement or tho situ
ation In Pennsjlvaiila. We think that
Hie Pi ess is mistaken. Hut to make
ceitain, we aie loi having the tiuth
pi oved bv a show-down at the polls.
We don't want to 10b the slalwait
m.iloiltj on the meie testiinonj or n
newspapei which has been luigelj In
.stiuinental in pioducing among those
whom It Influences the veiy condition
01 Republican enervation which it now
feeeks to use as a 1 lub
AVo do not hesitate to say that the
pieseivation or majoiity mle in this
commonwealth is or greater importance
to the Republican paity than the pies
eivation or the gov einoi ship or of con
giess nut we afTlrm our belief that
the lei's of either is wholly Imaginaiy;
that it eIsts only In the fancy of those
who aie using it in a campaign to let
themselves down easllj f 10111 an atti
tude of political Ishmaelism to oneW
paitv legulaiity We ee no particular
mison why the gient stalwint mass
should discommode if-elt, sacrllico its
piefemnte and bow the knee to boss
dictation in oidei1 to case the return of
a revv Insurgent piodigals weaiied of
their diet or husks
The thiitj thousand N01 wegl.ins who
aie expected to kind In tills countiy
dining tlie present "t'ason, will be wel
conip Noivvegijiis as a rule taic more
about providing eoinroi table homes rot
themselves bj liulustiy and riugalllj
than thev do about 1 tinning the loun
tiv and lalsing Ned at the dlghtest op-
poilunlty. Noivvcglans aie needed.
Monioe touiitj his eletted a delegate
lo the Demotutlc slate convention
without instructions. In viow or the
piesent disinclination on tho pai t of
piomlnent Demociats to seek emptj
houuis, Monioe seems to have lost an
extellent oppoitunitj to present i fav
cuite son.
The piesent condition of the state
base ball league Indicates that the peo
ple who call up the pilntlng offites eai
lj In the evening and ask for the scoie
have been mom numeious than those
vv ho attend the games.
It begins to look as though the good
ofliets ot the National Civic Federation
maj be netessaij- to settle the Fif
teenth district deadlock.
Latest dispatches fiom Ohio seive to
lefute any lumoi to the eirect that
liucle Mink Haiina is politically no
lougei upon e.u lb.
S11101; .Sagasta .should now .solve the
Spanish cabinet problem bj fining the
uiembcis and placing them all 011 the
beiu h,
Dr. Lansing Gives
Mis Uiew of Strikes
IMItot ot Tlio Tilbune
Sli. Couietnln tho statuments which
have been ulti Haiti d to mu hi souio uows
pipeib and nt which, and comments there
on, I have betonio iiwaio onlj thlj d.iv,
011 my 1 etui n aftei piolonged absence, it
becniH clcslialilc! that I should offei 101
ititloa ot wlnt Is manifestly en uncoils
mid Iniuciii.ile Notwithstanding tho
hastv and hostllo woicls of my assailants,
1 tniHt I shall not be hotiajecl Into hip
giUKu itsoinlilhig thehs, What I said ot
hlllkis and htilktis baa been wild bv mu
many times and in many plates. I am
glud to heiti lepcul the Mibslaiito or It
to show how unlike It is to the utuianits
unlimited to me, though every one at
titillated with mu knows baforchand that
I toulcl not have iihp.i1 tho lanmiuuo
gins, as aie tho wages of the woikers,
they would never encourage strikes. Hilt
the salary or the men who make tho
tiouble among these and lead others Into
It, goes on, while Hint or Ihelr ilupes
whom they tulsleud, suddenly and wholly
stops. -
In the mhieis' strike a yeni and more
ago In this vallcj. I was told by mlnem
that nine but or ten ot them did not de
slie the strike but were opposed to It.
Why, then, I asked, did they strike? And
the answer that they gave was that they
did not ehuo to mfuse to stilke. And why
not? Hetmne, they stid. they feamd
personal vlolenco for themselves and their
families, wnttlv abuse and plnslcal as.
saiilt, and the elesli action of their prop
rrtj. Slmllir statements weie made by
the mnthlnlats at the time of tho machin
ists' Btrlkei niul nlso bv thu carpenters
and the car men when they weie forced
out. Thev told their ernploj-ers that they
did not wish to stilke and were opposed
to it but elld not elaio lo stand out against
an abusive mlnoilty. It seems to me Hint
If thej eoulel Iinv'n a fair chance to ex
pmss themselves In a serict ballot with
out behiR bullied, the huge iniijiilltv of
the wolkmen In thtse iiihcs would havo
been leBlstcred against the strikes. In thn
tiolley wy stilke, 1 am told that about
sixty men out ol folir hunched was the
lnigest number over piesent nt a meet
ing of tho slilkeis and that tho number
who met nnd pei petuiited tho strike af
ter It was brcuit, was nbout ball that, a
nicie fnrctlolr or the whole. They would
not allow a secmt billot so as to eel a
ruli expiesslon of tho opinion of tho fair
minded men,
I have never said that all stilke leaders
woio diunkaidn or addicted to the use of
llquoi, but I Hold that most of the wolk
men who cii'ate tiouble and most of their
leaders who pieclpltate stilkes aie either
keepers of stloous or frequenters of the
ume nnd that. In mv opinion. If the sa
loons weie closed, them would be no
stilkes This I have abundant mason to
believe rnitbei I would like to take the
opinion of the Irouett and Indiistilous men
who have been foiced to go out In the
dozen stilkes which havo taken plate In
Sciuiiton and vlclntti In the last live
veins, so as to leain bejond doubt If what
f have been told is tine. Let them ex
press themselves without fcai of being
tailed vile names 01 sitffeiing any nbuse
and they will doubtless bo found in largo
mnjotlty opposed to the folly, wasto and
misery of these stilkes
I began tho tamtul Investigation of tho
whole matter of work and wages many
jeais ago Perhaps mv lierco and violent
ci rues or tho press and pulpit havo read
more and thought and observed moro on
this Important subject than I. But 1
would be tiuito willing to put their knowl
edge or their sympathies to a fair test. I
am the fiiend of every honest man who
works with head or hands, who by in
dustry adds to the wealth of soeletj. I
am in favor of bettor conditions and char
acter for every man in every station of
life I am and have alvvavs been as 10
spectful towuids the hand woiker as to
ward tne head workei
I am not In favoi or having mobs and
agitators mn the business of width they
know nothing. I ifllnu the light ot even-
man to wotk nnd equally his dutv to
do so I believe that among the most use
less and sellish or men aie those laboi
agitatois who am the fi lends or no In
dustiv und aie envious ofitll Industiious
and prosperous woikeis r believe In tho
freest interchange of facts and feelinss
so as to cieato a Bood imdeisla riding be
tween the men who hhe workmen and
tho woikmen whom they lilm But r
helieve that the strikes and bovcotrs of
our countiv am wasteful, destructive,
harmful nnd foolish as thev me v Ickpd
and the veiv things that laboi unions
should seek to avoid I do not denv the
light of men sometimes to stilke Hut r
doubt if It is ever wise nilminute the
laboi conditions caused bj stiong dilnk
and j 011 add piospeiltv In everv wav to
even mombei of society nnd to none mom
than the common, workman. Tho wasted
millions and the wasted encngv would e n
ilch eveiy one peiceptlhh if siveel
In this bilef and I trust wholly com
tcous statement. I have not attempted to
discuss at length the great matteis to
which I have alluded. I have brought
forward only a ipw facts of which 1 11 1 e
inioimauon. ir any one is willing to ad
vunco the pioposltlon tint those
have been excited eieattd and eairied on
bv reasonable, skillful. Industrious, sober,
vhtiious walking men, t nm madv to dis
cuss the facts with him In the kindest
and fairest manner 1 sin Ink fiom no
tiuth and I abuse no man t'pon the pa
peis and tho men who abuse me I havo
no time nor disposition to Illng epithets
01 reviling But 1 believe that If the
lav demagogues and the mischief mak
ers, and political, who huo
oil! wage eaineis Into the destine tl.o
battles which we call stilkes, would cease
to deceive the Ignorant and lathei 10
spect the Indiistilous, and to work with
theli own bands, they would be pcifoim
ing a r.n bettei service for humanity
than they have ever heietofom done.
I have studied the strikes of this coun
try and or Km ope as Indeed tho whole
cpiestlon or woik nnd wages, Tor the last
lltteen vears. with mj conclusions ns
published, sobei, capable, Indiistilous, fa!r
men, employers and emnloved. liam v
piessed themselves satisfied I am will
ing to stand on what I have neietorom
published (not what lam crroneouslj re
ported to hive said), and to testate at
auv time and In any presence, pieclscly
and without hesitation, what I know and
believe 1 covet onlv such ravoi as liiuh
gains fiom honest men. And f should
bo veiv glad to co-opeiato with anv and
all intelligent and consldeiate men 10 put
an end to the Tolly which, manifested In
incessant labor wai, Is working such uu
necessntj and immeasurable hniohin
and loss to all the people of eveiy condi
tion In this region. Veij truly vours,
0 I. J. Lansing.
Sc Milton, Mav JS
in Special Rewards
Scranton Tribune's dreateat of All
Closes October 25, 1902.
The: ScrAnton Tribune's third great Educational Contest Is now open. There are offered as Special
Rewards, to those who secure the largest number of points, THIRTY.THREE SCHOLARSHIPS In ,som
of the Leading Educational Institutions In the Country. '
List of Scholarships.
2 Scfcalarslrlru In Pvraciioe Unlmslly, at (32
rack f mi
I Scholarittilp In tlucknrll University f.20
1 (scholarship In Tho University of Itoclintttr., iUt
1 Scholarship in Wndilnirtoii Behoo.1 for Uoj-j.. 1700
1 oeiioiarsnip in niiuannport Dickinson beml-
ndry , 7;o
1 Scholarship In l)icklnon CollegUte l'ifpaia
lory School. , , , To')
1 Scholarship In Newlun CoJIrgjatr Institute., 7.'n
1 Schohrihlp In Keystone Itatlpmv.. COO
1 Scholarship In Drown t'ollete Pie-paratory
school , floe)
1 Scholarship In Hip School of the baclcawanna 4C0
1 Scholarship In Wlllcw'tlarrp tiutllutc S7G
1 Kcholarnhlp In Collilt Cottage (bummer
School) 2i0
el Scholarship In Scnnlon Conservatory of
Millie, At $12. fit) 600
1 Scholarship In IhrdcnbciRh School of MuMc
and Art cCO
3 Schft1sr1ilp In Serjnlon Huslncvt Coilcxe, at
1(100 cult SOO
6 Bdiolarahipt in International Corrcpondencc
School, average value Jf each 233
S SchOhlrshlps In Lackawanna riusinew College,
at $85 caih , 170
2 Scholarships In Alfred Wooler'a Vocal Studio Ut
Rules of the Contest.
The special rewartli wilt be glvsn (0 the period leeur
rnp; the largest number of points.
1'olnfs will he credited to contestant securing new iuV
icrlbera to The 8cranton Itlbune as tollowtl
One month' vibsctlptlon. ..,.,,. .80 1
lliree monlha' ailbscrlnllon..,,,. 1.2 !f
Six montlis' enibscrlnrion 2 .'0 (I
One jear's mhscrlptlon ...tjllO li
The contestant with the htgheat aunrber of .pointer will
be then a choice from the list ot special reward! the con
testant w th the second highest number of point will be
given a choice ot tho remaining rewards, and so on through
the list.
The contestant who secures the htgheat number of point
durlnir snv calendar month of (he contest will receive a.
special honor reward, this reward being enllrelv Independ
ent of the Ultimate disposition of the icholarh!p.
I'ach contestant falllntr to secure a medal rew
be idven 10 per cent, of all moncv he or she turns irr.
All subscriptions must be paid in advance.
emiy new sutwcrinora win nc counrea
ltrnewila bv persons whose name are already oil our sub
scription list will net be credited The Tribune will investl.
Rate each subscription and If found lrrcftular In any way
reserves the right to reject It
No transfers 1111 be made after credit has once been given.
Alt aubscriptionn and the caih to pay for them must be
handed In at The Tribune office within the week In which
thev are secured, so that pjpers can bo sent to the sub
scribers at nncr.
Subscription mint bp written on blanks, mhlch can be
secured at the Tilbune office, or will be sent by mall.
EVERY CONTESTANT TO BE PAID Each contestant falling to secure one of the scholarships
will receive ten per cent, of all the money he or she secures for The Tribune during the contest.
A new feature lsadded this year. Special Honor Prizes will be given to those securing the largest num
ber of points each month. '
The Contestant scoring the largest number of points before 5 p. m. Saturday, May 3 1 , will
receive A HANDSOflE dOLD WATCH, warranted for 20 years.
Special Honor Prizes for June, July, August, September and October will be announced later.
Those wishing to enter the Contest should send in their names at ones,
plan will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to
All questions concerning the
CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
and Lawn
The Largest and most
artistic line ever shown
in the city.
121 Washington Avenue.
tL I
A Series of delightful Sketchei just Is
sued by the Lackawanna Railroad. These
sketches are contained In a handsomely
illustrated book called " Mountain and
Lake Resorts," which describes some ol
the most attractlve'summer places In th
East. mmmmm I
Sond 8 Cents In postage stamps to T. W.
LEE, General Passenger Agent, New York
City, and a copy will be mailed ycu.
I. vw... ,,ut !,t,u ti?ljl, ,11,1 lilllfcillUKU
dint Red to 1110, These, tben, 111 c my wouIh
to ,ett)e ror tlio losses eiccnsiinod.
I'or uny law leanness iuIhIiis fiom
Uioli Intel lei phi 0 with lawful niutec
tion iiC piopeity lutejiesls It f.ioulel he
uiiiU'idtiioil plainly In ailvniicc tliut the
rilllflulH or the miners' union will bo
hold innttilly re spoilt Ible, Mwo it !h
thc-lr oider which will pifcpiiiitt ll,
and Miuo It Is in their power to Keep
eveiy member or the union avvn rioin
pliucK ol coutiut with the upeiutom
mid the men whom thu opewitoi.s may
fret) fit lo einploj to mivo their piopeity,
Tim publlo should observe (lint tho op.
I'liitnis have not ttiHen tho aggressive
In this mutter. Thej have shown their
wlllliiRiiebs to let tilings run ulunij in 4,
pearenbli! course, even (,'oincj to tho ex
treme of fe.islnjr to operate their wash
er lei, us they hud u peifett light to do
under thu law, mi an
fiutois of dlstui barice,
unci sentiments iih near uh 1 inn lup.'tit
iiiem. .
Tho dlKtutlieiH anil asitatin.s in hIiIUcs
am iniolj or uevui, so lur aa Known to
lllll, l!isl;ul.u.s vvenltnii'tl cl(ie in sKIII,
(ompetciuy, lnclne.tij, lompciauee, liiue
nt cue tor their emplojeu.i' Intel esta,
Woikmen, fllbt-eliihs In these lespecls,
do not vvlsli to stilho and pi oust agulpst
It. 'Ilroy Know Htrllte.s to be hostllo to all
their liituicstH, Ncltliei am the worKmep
even thoso sec ouil-t loss In sl.lll, who am
jot IhsUtluss in tliniaitei, tho leadcis 01
piomoteis of stilUes. TIioto among; vvoil,.
men who mo willing to woik, whu uso
their rnonoj ror their families mid who
neither ill Ink liquor run gamble, aio not
strlku lendeiH and aellulois. Hut tlio In
competent and Inter lor, tho unskilled,
cimlevi, lillo and nesllsent. the patrons
of Hiiloous, addicted to drlrrkhur mid
K.imbllui,-, iheso aie the discontented and
troublesome, mom Riven to talking than
to laliorlng. As to tlio salaried maiiiigeis
unci aueciors or stiuses, ir tho wages anil
not to liitioelnrp sn'irha of tlio wulkinu delegates and ills.
1 , ' moUuce turbe,rs Miould bo nit oft on the day the, 000
. 'ihc unions as- strlku which they have brought about bc-ioZS
v h
v 'mu
Closea All Bfty
Tomorrow Memorial Day.
Lewis & Re illy,
114-110 Wyoming Avenue.
S. J, Fuhrman & Bro
Ifjiiufjctuma of
Store and
Our celebrated
Strap Roller for
Awnings a Specialty
iackawanna kit. , Scranton, Pa.
We are ambitious and de
termined to keep all the
The Best Flour,
The Best Oats,
The Best Feed,7
The Best Hay,
In Scranton.
Scranton and Olyphaut.
Old Phone, Gieenj Ridfjrc, ai-S.
New Phone?, 1183.
Matchless Splendors
or the
Canadian Rockies
CIER a region described by Whym
ppi, the conquerer of the Mattel hot n,
as fltty or sixty Swltzei lands rolled
into one leached only by the
Canadian Pacific Railway
Dally transcontinental ti.iln service
throughout the year f 10111 Toionto
and Montr enl. IMPERIAL LIMITED,
crossing the continent In 07 houts,
leaves Toronto and Montreal (com
mencing Juno 15th next, eveiy Sunday,
Wednesdav and Frldaj-. Sleeping and
dining tars attached to all thiougli
Flist-ela's hotels in tlio mountains.
Swiss guides at tlie pilnclpil points.
Tor lates, etc, apply to nearest agent
or the C. P. R , or to E. V. Skinner, 253
Bioadway, New York.
Passenger Tiafflc Manager, Montreal.
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not a short course, nor an easy course,
nor a cheap course, but the best education
to bo had ho other education is north
spending time and money on. It you do,
write for catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
which offers thorough picparation in the
Lnginecrlncr and Chemical Professions as well
as the regular College courses.
it'll AVuKrvi:i:Ni!iirn ax Diioriisi.N
: When in Need I
Of anything in the line of
,, optical goods we can supply it. .j.
I Spectacles I
land Eye Glasses!
4 4
.j, Properly fitted by an expeit J
4. 'optician, 4.
From $1.00 Up
Also nil kinds of nrescrln.
tion woik and repairing.
Convenient to Theatres nnd Shopping
Districts. Taks 2,Kd st, cross town
cars onJ transfer at 'Hit nvc. direct
to hotel,
HociniawllU Until (hulls with IMtlr
ri.,l()uiwnrd. ) (. fi'j.5i).
V. II. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor. Sixteenth M. and Ir Ins I'lacr,
American Plan, $3 SO Per Diy and Upwards
turopcan plan, $100 per Day and Upward.
Epecial Hates to families.
During the summer of 1903, in
stiuction in all the subjects required
for admission to the best colleges
and scientific schools will be given
at Cotuit Cottages, a Summer
School of Secondary Instruction.
Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the
direction of Principal Charles E.
Fish The courses of instruction
are for the benefit of five classes of
1. Candidates who have received
conditions at the entrance examina
tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed
examinations until September.
3. Students in Secondary Schools,
who, by teason of illness or other
causes, have deficiencies to make up.
4. Students in Secondary Schools
who wish to anticipate studies and
save time in the piepaiatlon for
5. Students in college who have
admission conditions which must be
removed befoie the beelnniner of the)
next Scholastic Year.
For paiticulais address,
CHARLES E. FISH, Principal
School of the Lackawanna,
Scranton, Pa.
Dr. & Mrs. John MacDuffie's
2lh jejr. hunlj Bin icjis under Hie manage
ment of Vlb's HUW'.VIin. College preparalory
ami ac identic loiusis llisldeiit pupils limited ti
JO J gjrh 11011 resident, beautiful ground'.
Uiinis court-. Iiuliuctlnn in ncrouUncn with
highest irnulrfiiietils of best colleges. For par.
tkulJis ami iitiloauc iildreu
John Mai Unfile, 1'h l , bpringfleld, lias.
Mercereau & Conned,
1SS Wyoming Avenue,
4. 1 ur uii-5hii;")3 niuii
In the hart ot til whoicsals
t- district.
jsFor Sliopjioi'i
4. mlnutoo' walk tn Wanamnhorst
4. S minutes to Hiogel Coopei'ti Etg
T Store. Kasy ot occ-en to the srettt
X For Sightseers
One block from B'way Cars. civ.
Ins easy transportntlou to all
polnta ot Internet.
Only one BtocU rrom Broadway, 4
Room? fit IFn RESTAURANr
I IVUUUI), l up. prce, Ke!onbll 4
l'i.l MiouiMiurg, Pa
'ihe ciamlnjtloiH feu uilinlxlon to I lie Middle)
cJr aiiil henlor cur will he held June lei.
llith fihool DiaUudte'i will he pcrnilttcd to tale
liuili exanilnaliwii and inter IHc tniloi clan -whcie
(lit 1 r oil. Ii'ii cnteicd the Junloi and mid
,11c jears course ot the nainial, 'J his J Ear will
he tho lust iippoiluNit Hheu to do so, at Ilia
time jciiV louinc I 111 full fouo and all "ill
lome under the state regulations of examination,
lor full pntliulus aeldress at onee,
(I, P, 1IIUI R, A. Jl Principal.
T. J, Foster, I'lesldeat. I Imer II. Lawtll, Xuu.
B. 3, Foster, fctsnlejr p. Allta,
Vice President. Secretary.
The Ttibuno will guiirantee to print
our paper book quicker than any oth
ei pi luting house In the city.
.TSf e--
t&Uts& f j-fe fc-jJh iq &a