f , t THE SCKANTON TlUBUNE-TfiURSlUY, MAV 2!), 1002. . . ' -. I The News of Catbondale, May Dance Nightof Decoration Day May 30ih, At Burke's Hall, Commencing at 8 O'clock. Expense : 50 Cents PROGRAMME FOR' MEMORIAL DAY Airnngements for a Fitting' Obsetv nnce of This Significant Day Two Hunched Soldieis' Qinves to Bo Decointed in the Morning The Line of Maich of Pninde and Other Useful Infoimntlon of the Day, Supplied in Conimandei McComb's rinal Oidcis Camp riie in the Afternoon. Tomonoi. , Memoilnl Uiy, will be llt lluglv oiti veil liv the --oldleis of 1 ivies' iiist, 1ST, (iiiiml Aitnv of tin1 Kepublli. who will be joined In the stil I'lnn cvi'itNci bv the Spanlsh-Amc'ile m Will Volunti'ei.s In Cm bontlule. The pi of-i amine of I tit- day Is gllen In tho Until outer uf Colnm-1 .Inliii .Jb Potnl), tonini.indoi ol Dalies' liost. wTio ufleis some thrih suggestions mill at the '.inic time supplies nil the ile-Jicd inim mutton nl the exetcl-is As Is eustoiii irv, tin1 tleeoiatlng m tho giaies will lie the lb st wniK ol the fui11ii4 suldlci ', who will spicael How pi i o n the testing pliues ol two huudli'el ill Hull I'oiiu.iiles, whose jnoiinils lie -t itteicd anions thlileen cenietei leu The Sons of Veteians will islst In thN woik All who have llow oi s to spue i.i e ieiiiestei to olfei them as leineiiiln.imi s of the heioli deul The piuule will t.iKe plate In the illuming mil will stmt tiom the post hall at !i o'clock, lollow Ing tli" line of nmi eh to Memoilnl piil, as hen In Coinni.inilei Mt Combs oidei- llusl-ne-s men ami elti.ens gpnetally, aie le qucstcd to hoist the 'tins and stiipts to half-mast Those who hale i .li nages to spate, will do a Aiatelul nit bj allow las' the ne of them to the let eians duiing the imiatle.manv of whom aie not Mions enough to lollow the line of malt h. In the afleiiioon theie will lie u e imp Hie In the post looms on Salem ave nue, which will be a jollification loi the old '-oldieis lion James .1. O'Neill will bo among: the spenkois The eseieists In detail aie glien in the following oidei . Memorial Day Piogiamme. lr,ul(ii,nteis S ig"iint Willi im II Utile-. I'uM, No 1ST, IXptitmeiit ol l'i nii- jv ;mi;i CI nil id Alm ol the Ucpulilk f'ailiond.ile, I' i WpiIiH'mI i,, M.I J - 1 "J." Fpci l.il Oult i ,'n I Talk Hag to lie nil-til liiill-n i"l at i o i lot ' a 1" All lings in tin H -liould lie at lulf ni ist dining: the d t In Iionoi of nm nation- delendnis hn-l-n- plners nmi pi hate eludings l null! be liieh ciubi'llMu d with mil iutititi s Man imhltm Details to adlu-t lilies nlnip the -iiiImI ilnsl of diii honoud di ad should have t lie ii woik iicilmniMl li Tlimsdui uu ing, Mai .") "i hive aboiil two hii'Hlli.l luouud- to visit 'I he an -iiuteKd thiougli t 111 i -tein cine tci let The di-tanie to be coi oioel Is gloat and the noil, aidiio is Sons ol Vetii.nm s'lould be )iotiiit ti ar-lst in tills u oik and llRhteri the lulioi of the nn.li who wue miiiiik: liiu v.ai, at,o Details to leiihe tloml li limits -hould be in the po-t loom Til.liv nioiulii at 7 i t loek sh.ii i All people within oin puiliul vim lai. llowois to -pine .tie Imlipd to s. ad them lo Ihu po-t loom, Tl-7.1 Stkm iivpiiii , ln twpin 7 and s oilixk Tildav mui uliiv: TIip Women s Ttelltf cmjis nil) luno ihaiKe ol tin woik pnpiiilinr 1miiii.'Is ami iliaplils, and th, M dellHlili d to lime volunUi i aid Sihool thlltlien aie toidlalh linlled to JniiiK llowois and tisilst the woil.eis I'oniiadis aie all diipctpd to nooit l! foie ! o clock, each one In lull uiilloiiu, if possible Thin will be woik tu elo Suns ni Wtiians In lull uiilloiiu, with JUUPKD ABOUT. Until lie Founel the klht I" ioJ. What a hades sumo people go tliiiiiiBh lii'iause theh looel eloes not .supply the light kind of nouilsliinent to the bodi. Take the lollow lnpr loi eMtniple, A (jentlPiuun In Hultliuoie s,!)-: "About two eais ago I began to e.vpei ieiue a peculiar depie-slon oceusionally villi pains In the h.uk pint til in htntl anil down along the spine, Uimhmlly my eehlght began to mil and m mein in y giew poor, a geneial nenuusuess net In. I used all the will power could command to help myself bin was loiceel to give up n goo.l position ami scejj. the adMie or the laiully elnetoi. Ie sijltl neui asthenia anil t.cni nie to a Kjeat ncnf hpedniiHt, So for four lnontlis I huh niussiiff.'il mm dosed wltli inedlylue, but nil to no bonoilt: then 1 ein to New Voik and toiihulteil Hi, 77. "'' 5e,lt ",l '" another gieal spe- cnjllttind he In tm if sent nm to Hu.nHu.iJuiN wJipih I tueel Im it long IMPS'.. , l fth the .nu old htoiy. 1 wan rtpste with meilklno and innsmged ami liathpd. rinnllj I lett ilium and we-nt lo another fiieelallht who told me r flltld, only live u lew lnontlis, This ra(hep fiigbtened iiiq and 1 pliued ruy- nelf undei Dr. , Hu tald the btoimieh was at fault ami piobably I had not been given the light kind of food. .iW-Uput nm a cejtulu line or tieal meilt jpid Insisted that I iibo tluee jh fflui ilftjflppoufullB of Ui ape-Nuts, each if,Ut I -ts iiiuler bis caie for Feveuil Minntliu I steadily Impioved 'until now X,.i,if fully lestoied to both mental ti nil bodily visor, lie explained to me that fliape-Nuts contains u goodly poitlon of phosphate of potaah, a neivo and biaiu food, and that, tho tood being pattlally dlgmteel )he system could make use of It eablly, At uny rate I got well and both the doctor and myself know (hat Chape Nuts made It possible, 1 Hlncerely bellovu that piactleally ull Uf our nervous troubles nio caused by Imperfect nourishment, It was fortunate for me that I could pet such a food as Orape-Nuts. You can use this letter, lint don't publish my name, please."' Name given by Postum Co., Uuttle Creek, such. nuns and. iitnmunltloil, ale ieitieleil lo lepiiit ill s n'LleiL'k, at post loom. All Immilitbh' dint Inn id Hiildlui mill inn anil in ii hies tile linlleil to Join with us. Men w tin lime followtd the llng'tn morn tecelit Minn mo (onllnll askrd to piii tlelpate III llie naiaile. ' Talilotlu iieople who have ran Inge's at their illxpiiHiil, anil a ijeneioiis Impillso lo ukhIsI Piifoehhel ioiiihiiIph to Hit nei the Hue of nun ill, hip Invitee! to luue tin lit at post lii'iedeiiiillteis at S Irt o'clock, will! lull nr -I altiahee. Dunn imps will icpoit pinniptly at s o'elne It. I 'a mile will Ktait a( fl o'llmk. All eonilildes me iuiUHleel to liikei pint 111 llie piiliule, and not to usslimu pcionil lesiKinslblllty Line of Match. Plum bull oil Siilcni liM'tiiie, up t'liiuell htient to A tu 1 ii : dim n .Main to highlit ave nue: I'.lglilh aveillie "to Chili t li nil ee It Ohm ill stieit lo .Memoilnl pull. Appiopilute senkes will be obseived In the pule, aflei which the paiiule will b lontlmipil im .Inbi sheet to rialem ne niie mid thence to hiniliiuai teis, wheie the pniide will bo dlstiil-scil Kiom liiniliiiiai ti is the remeteiv de tails will stall oa IIipIi lespietlvo mls hIiiiis, ami plaie lilbnli's of a Iter t Ion and ii nn nilii am e on the giaxes ol those who helped bent the tattoo of human pl.neiy, nmi the i i'M llie of iinhcisal ficidoin, lib pi tv anil Inlelleetiiiil aiKancenieiil, Dinner will be sei u el In the post loom In the Indies of the Woman s Itellef mipq A inmii-llti- will Ii- held in the nftei iieon at hi'iidipi.u le is. at which Moil. .lame u .1. O NpIII and olhcis will talk, and at whli Ii the t mm mips will hive a i lmnco lo enjnv lliemsplus to their heal ts' roa tint l!v iiiiIpi of .lohii Me Co. lib. ('iinilnaud i. Attest. W. It t'linse. Adjutant GERRITY-HEALEY NUPTJALS AT ST. ROSE An Immense Thiong of Young Peo ple Witness the Nuptials of Miss Mniy Geiiity and Edwaid J. Hea ley, Who Aie Conspicuous in Cm bondale Social Ciicles. An immelisu, gatlieiing of joung peo ple almost lllle d the c hui c h of St. Ko.se .p ipiilav al tel noon when the nuptials o Mi-s .Mm v Oe.iiItv.ol Dunelaff slieet, and Telwaid J. ilialev, n pioniiiient cltlPii ol Fell township, anil ccni.illy conspicuous hi Caibondaie business cb e le-. line1 celebtated Tlie ceiemon.i, the bi'.uitilul slmplk il ot wblili was a sinibol ol the Hies ,uiel cliaiactet ot the bi ide and gloom, was soIemnlKi el In the pastoi of St, IJosi.'ihuich Veil itei. T T. Corfe, A' li , at 1 o'clock A conspicuous lealuie of the pioies slon ot till' bildil pail to the chtiiih was its being eh awn to the s,ltied edi fice In the splendid Not man hoises ot the Columbia Ilo-e compani, guided bj TiMiiianent man Thomas Kiuunan, who woie Ihu lumpauv's iinifoini Mi. lleiley, the gloom, is one ot the most aetlie mid influential meinbeis ol the- Columbias, which explains this little inteiestlnjf depai tutu fioiii tlie ilistomaiv pioccssiou Pi of SioeKinnii londeied the Jo ful music of the mat eh iiom l.oliengiin, Mile, n the hiielfil pioipsslun men eel up tlie aisle, while the expntnut assem blage of well-wishing 1 1 lends showed ihcieaseel Intel est In the couple who sh.ueil so eltepli in theii kind loelln? The In ide was attended 1. Mlss Kit tie Healei, ot West Pctanton, and Wil liam Uenlei, the gloom's biothei, was bis best man. Miss fienitj was an e(HiMt( Inlde. She vioie a sown of rnulaid satin, aitlstically elecoiated Willi applietue llei Gilnsboioiigh hat of whiti, e omploted the plctuie of loieliness she piesented. She cniled a bouquet ol white loses. In which woie mingled lilies n the valley. .Miss TIealei, the maid, was mot be eoming h gowned in rnulaid ".it In of old lose, with appliitue tiinimings; and a plc tuip hit. Sh" i in i Itil ellow loses and lllle-, eif the vallev. Artei the nuptial knot was tied and the good wishes and blessing ot the pasioi wuie bc-loied, tho biidal pai ty letbed to the siialus ot Mendels-ohn's wedding match. The lpieptlon and dliinei followed at the homo ni the bible's patents on Dun da IT slieet, where olilv the iclatlies assembled to honoi the occasion. At III 01, All. and Mis, lleiilev left oiei the Uelawaie ami Hudson fen New Yoik elij, wheie ihoy will spend their hone moon On leiuinlng, they will icshl.. mi Diinduff stieet, and will lie at home afti'i June 10 Alls'. Ilealey bus been emploitel for neailv ten eais as a lomposltoi on tile Hi'enlin; Lenelei, wheie her hiipei lois anil associates so itgiiuled hei that they keeuli feel lier wltlidiawal, though heaitilv uniting' In wishes foi hoi (u tilie happiness, Slie is n guuluate of the Caibondaie High school, and has been conspicuous in hei "oelal set, Hei simplicity of niaiiner ami hei kind sjihli haii' indoaieil her to u legion of ti leads whose, best wIMies she paiticu laily enjo.is on this happy occasion. Air, Ihulej Is piopiletor of tint An lluacltii Oalo In this city, and has a high standing among the business men of Cnibond tle, He likewise shines the highest login tls of those with whom he associates in a social n, lie Is a member of the Columbia Hose lom pany, and no menibei Is mme popiilin than lie. At Ills home In Fell township, he enjoys the highest conlldenco of lils follow eltlKeiis, holding: the olllce ot tieasuici ol the Fell se'hool' boaid, No Meeting of Tempeiauce Logijn. Theie will be no meeting this week of tho l.o al Tempoiauio Legion at tlin Fltst i.'onf,iegntloiml chinch, owing to Filday, the legulur meeting tiny, be ing Memoilal Uiy. Poor Boaid Meets Tonight. The Cm hondali' poor hoiiid will meet In Its looms In the city building this eieiilng, Instead of tumoiiow night, the legulur meeting night. Totnoiioiv be ing Alenioilul Day caused the iliunge. Meetings of Tonight, tleoige U. lliiiidolph camp, Sous of YeteiaiiH, At the Knights Templar Ball, Among the Cuiboudallans wim at tended the ckullng ball of the Knights Templar In the amioiy at Sci.iuton mi Tuesday nlghl weio: Sir Knights ami MesduiiKH Piank IJ Dennis, Cleoige W. Cioss, John H .Shannon, W. i'leteh er, tl, F. Siilgcit, H. IJ. Wilbur, J. Al. Stewnit, A. 13. Tllfan, H, Al, Vaniian, AV, D. Klaus, F, F. noemmelnieyer, Oeorgp Patteibon, J, P. A. Thigloy, C. li. Oeaiy, Ah-, and Ahs. llauy Wilght, Aliases Allnnln Howeu, Oeittudc Dennis, S.ua and Ihnmu Swltit, and Alice Voyle, of olvplinnlj Melvln W. Tappan Levi Patteison, John O. Miles, W. A. Spencer, P. J. Fouler, .1phc nngley, .tumps Place. ' WILL PLAY HONESDALe. Cicsccnts Will Go to Maple City on Satuidny Other Base Ball Notes of Interest. At lust! Jlonesdale has accenled a challenge fioiii the CiosppiHh ittul our "Pels" hip to have a tiy at the foimlilable team In the CheHtniit boiotiRh, which we have been lending about. Alunnger Dlttilck, of Honesdale, was In Carhonilalu ypsleulay and brought home an ngi cement not for one game, hut for two, The 111 at will be played In ilonesdale on Saturday nfteinoon next! the leturn game on the following Saturday In Carbomlnle. At last wn ate paitly satlsilcd, and will be fully satlslled when we wallop the Maple city lOSSI'lH, A veiy Intel estlng game of base ball will take placp on the Lake IxHloto giounds Filday morning, when the Helmont Stieet Crackeijncks will play the Peach Hill Ihisheci Will Dunn villi pitch flir tho "Clacks," and Hni iv lUiblnson will catch, irho lest of the loam Is In good older and will glic the Uusheis a run for their iron v. The (Hunts, of South Alain stieet, de feated the Llllles, of Pike stieet, yes teiday nfteinoon on Sand'sdleld. The sioie was: Giants. 17: Llllles, !), AVitlsh timplieel the game. The lluc-up was as follows: Giants Aim my, c.: Kelly, p ; L. AlcDonalel, s s ; Walsh, lb ; IJoylan, lib, j Atkinson, 3b,; F. Alurrny, 1, f,; L. Little, l. !.; II. Lin kin, c. f. Lillles nille, i.; A. Cohen, p.: Conuughton, s. s.; Kllancltey, lb ; I. Cohen, L'b.; O, Aim tin, ab.; J. Kelly, 1. f.; J. Levy, r. f.; ,1. Cit Kiln. c f. An c cltlng: game of base bull oc ciiiieel on Sandy's Held estetelay nf teinoon, when the Athletics defeated the Choweis, of Womlng stieet, by a scene of 7 lo fl The game vius lost by the bad playing of AVellbrock, of tho ' Cheweis" The le.ituie of the game was the pitching of Aloigan. O'Day umplieil the game. TWO JUNE WEDDINGS. Young People Who Will Wed in St. Rose Chinch Next Month. The month of June which Is nlwajs piollflc of nun i luges, will not be lack ing in this leopect this eur It can safely lie said Two announcements hive ab end v been made of the wed dings ol two couples fiotn the ounger society of the town. Tlie lb st of these nuptials will bo cel ebialed in St Rose chuieh on AVeclnps dni ne.Nt, June 4, when Allss Cathmlne Qtiinn, of Fallbiook stieet. and John Hcanlon, of the '.line thoioughfare, will be the pai ties The eeiemony will take place at !) o'clock In the foienoon. The other announcement Is that of Allss Luc McDonough. daughter of ex Common Councilman P. G. JIcDonotigh, of Cottage stieet, and Michael B.nrett, son or PN-Chlef-of-Police Al. F. Batrctt, ol Fallbiook street, who villi be wedded in tlie afternoon ot Wednesda, June IS at St. Rose chuieh, All or the pai ties are populai among their acquaintances and the announce ment of their coming nuptials win be met vi lib nuineioiis he.n t congratula tions AT HIGH SCHOOL TODAY. Attorney John McCouit Will Deliver the Memoiial Address. This ntteinoon will be Inteiesting at the High school as It bus been dedi cated to tlie obsci v.nue of Alemorlal d.tv. The feituio of the PNeuises will be the add! ess by Attorney John AlcCouit, of Scianton. All AlcCouit is a vigoi ous speaker and his patiiotic uttei-ance-. aie ceitaiu to bo timely and to awaken a bettei appieciation of the sjililt ol Alenioiial da. 'llie High school otchestia will i cu tlet seven al selections and the students will join In singing the national an thems. The eNeitises will take plate in tlie audiloilum, commencing at 2.30, The public is uiged to attend, pirticularly the pai ents and the soldieis of the thand Atmv, on whom the exumple of the students s teitain to make a deep impie.sslein. SPANISH-AMERICAN MEN. Decided at Last Night's Meeting on Memoiial Day Exeicises. The Spaiilsh-Aineilcan volunteeih at a meeting last night In the Mitchell compan.'s pai loi. s, decided to accept the Invitation of Davles' post, G. A. R lo pai Help ite In Memoiial day exei e Ises and will be out with a good lep icsentatlon In tomouon'a parade. l'i evident William J. Meyeis, or the association, was III the cliuii. It vias ii mm OF THE LOOM. 99 Men and women of taste and judgment go into eestiic.es oei the wonderful pat terns, textures and colors which are "the fruit of the loom," But there ts on frml of the loom they rarelj con eider, unci that is the frail and faded vioiimu, old before her tune, because necessity compels her to work under conditions, which seud her more favored sister to bed and the doc tor's care, The diseases which weaken and torment women, ihuy in almost all cases be cured by the use of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, 1 1 establishes regu lardy, clnes weak ening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. "I had frmnlcr trouble for eight years," write. Mrs, 1 J Dennis, of 828 Hilt College htreet, lacUsouiillc, 1IU Worels cannot express what 1 suffered, touxhl trlirf among Hit mtiical fioftsuoii and found nam. 1'rieneU urged roe to tf Dr, Pierce's l'aorite Prescription When I commenced tuklug this medicine I weighed ninety-Sir poiiiuU Now 1 weigh oue hundred ond fitly W pounds more than I ever weighed before, 1 a to had I would lie front day to day and lung far death to tome and relieve my (iifleriug. I had internal Inflammation a ili acrreeabie drain, brearlug-dowu pain, ami such dtntrcs every month, but lion I liner liaie a pain-do all my own work and am it Mroug and healthy woman " ' "l'aorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well, Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr, Pietce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with " Favorite Prescription " when e er a laxative it required. HAVE YHI I TRIED DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S, FAVORITE REMEDY ? All nriiBRlMH grille At $1 oo a Do tt lo. decided to meet totnonow' liioinlug at S o'clock, and pioceod thence to Davles' post riuarters on Salem avenue to he assigned a position In the line of maich. In oulei to make a wot thy lniptesslon It vi as piopospd unci decided to tender an Invltutlon to Captain Thomas Atui phy, ot this city, captain of Company C leglment, to assume command of the volunteets In the paiade. It Is prob ablo that Captain Mtnphv will give a favoiable answer to the committee when It calls on htm this morning. The mpetlngs which tho Spnnlsh Ameilcan volunteeis have had tecently filled them with the hope that they tout effect a permanent orgnnbatton. Uiged b.i President Jleyers, the le tuined soldieis decided to this effect, and a meeting vins set for Tuesday, June 10. at the Atltehell hose house. Aleetlngs theienfter will be the Hist Tuesday of each month. A. 0. H. DEGREE WORK. An Eventful Night for Carbondalft Divisions Four Degrees Exempli fied by Aichbald Degree Team. Last night was an eientful one in the history of the thioc divisions In Cai bondaie of the Ancient Older of Hlbei n Inns. Besides having as their guct C. Donovan, esq, of Scianton, county president of the oidei, the dlilsions wltnpssed the exemplification of the new iltu.il vioik, which was approved and accepted at the national convention held lu Boston. Tho exemplification consisted in the eonfeiiing of the foul degrees on fif teen membeis, Ave fiom each of the divisions in this cit. The team which did the woik was tho elegiee team of the Aichbald, the members of whom aie expel t and whose knowledge of the lituil and whoso execution deeply 1m piessed the Caibondaie Hibernians, whoe flist time, It vius to witness an exemplification, uf the beautiful and giandly imptesslve iltual The exeiclses took nlace In AVatt's hall and continued from S o'clock jjntll 11. Tho occasion was one ot much social enjoyment, besides the Insliuctlon and edification It afloided. Dance on Friday Night. TheiP will bo a dance In the Guike building on Tilda, which offei.s nn evening of pleasant enjoyment to the devotees of this dlveision. The man agement of the aft air is the hame which has been successful hetetofoie In the management of similar entei piisps. Fiith will piovldo music and Collins will be the dliector of dances, Position in Philadelphia. .1 Pianklin Crow oil, founeily oigan Ist at the Flist Congi egatlonal chuieh, left on Tuesday for Philadelphia, wheie he hns secured a position as musical dt lector which will keep him engaged duiing the summer months, He will 1 etui 11 lo Caibondaie In September. Tuneral Today. ' The f uncial of the late Heniy AVhlt tingtou will take place this nfteinoon at J.30 fiom the letddenie, on Biikctt stieet. Set vices will be nt 2.30 o'cloek, f'oiut Idly, Xo. 10, Foiesteis of Ameit ca, will bine ehnige of the obsequies. Mine Engineers Meet. The Htntloneiy engluecis and niemen of t'nrbondnlp. held a meeting last evening and dpelded on the course of action net vieeit, but lefuse to divulge theh decision. Tendeied a Faiewell. Thomas and Jaine.s Hobb.s, of Bel mont utieet. leave today for Aionfelt. Theie was a faiewell puity given them at theh home liiht evening. Throop Family 111. The family of Mia. Nicholas Flood, of Ji'llilete Ftieet, hlx In number, aie ull 111 of measles. THE NEWS IN BRIEI". Miss Maigaiet i'ole of the. AWst Side, Is slsltlng lelutlve's In Patei.son, N. J, The AViilbcll tamlly, of Summit ave nue, ye.steidny moved their household goods to Unlondtile, wheie they Intend to live. .Misses Oiaee and Kdiiu Will fey, who hnvo been visiting .Miss IJdnii ijood ilih at hei home on Belmont stieet, litivii tetutnetl to their homo in Oieen Rleige, Heniy Lewis of summit avenue, left yesteuhiy aftmnoou lor Xew Yoik ill wluio ho will assist In electing an Ice machine for tho Caibondaie Mu chlne company. THE PASSING THRONa. Miss neiic'ilcio Hellly, of Plpnnnt Mount, was a Caibondaie visitor yes lei day. Mis. P, A. Cat 1 oil and chlldien went to UonuMlulu esteulay, to spend sty eial dii, Miss Kietlioilnc; allien, the masseuse, made a piofesslonal visit to Scianton on Tuesday, Miss L'lslo Uoelie, of Jeunyn, was the guest of Caibondaie iclatlves on Tuesday ovenlng, Mis. William .Million, of Olyphant. wua it guest yesteiday at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. D. p. BurUe. II. D. Clempns, of Scrnntnn, a inom bor of tho Drlo company auiveyois' coips of tho Dunmoie general ofllces, was at the Ilairison house last yeur. Bey, Dr. II. J, Whalen, pastor of the Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping: To drop down to a common place store would be to drown our Ideals. Advance, 'advance, advance, is the law of the life of the store. Store Closed on Friday, Memorial Bay I ! I 1. I I 1....I ! , Suhimer Bedding A hundred more of these Dimitv Ouilts so much in de mand now for summer bedding. The 8-4 size, 68x90 inches $ .95 " 1 1-4 " 87x90 " 1.15 White Crochet Spreads, full size, hemmed and ready for use 95c. , Very special, s Cotton Comfortables The $1.50 ones for $1.25, simply because the line is broken they are covered with fine silkoiine and filled with white cotton, light, soft and fluffy. Pongee Waists, $5.00 Coveted with little embroidered dots done in color; the collar trim med with silk embroidered turn-over to match the dots. And of all the materials that nie fashionable for waists this summer Pongee is in the lead. "Waists like these would usually be S6.7S but we had them made to our older specially. Connolly & Wallace Berenn Baptist chuieh, leturnod yes tetday from Philadelphia, wheie he spent seyota' d.i.s fix-Judge Wilson and Hon. John Kin back, of IJonesdale, were In Caibondaie yesteiday on their nay home fiom the Knights Templai celebiation at Sciun ton. John H Jot dan, geneial manager ot the Lake JjodoieNlmpiovement corn pan, was In the city yesterday, at tending to some details of the opening of Lake Lodote on Memorial Day. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. The Citizens band will give an open nli conceit on Main stieet tbib nftei noon nt 3 o'clock, foi which the follow ing programme has been 11101)111011: Mm ch, "Bethany Commandeiy" (Mei); "Qttth of Love" (Lafeity): oveiture, "High Ball" (Beyer); cornet solo, "Luella Pollen" (Althotioe); oveiture, "Felicia" (Clounwald), song and dance (selected): conceit vialtz, "lolanthe;" match, "Blaze An.iv" (Holzman). The foimutlon and line of maich ot the .societies taking pait in tomouow morning's pai ado will be as follows: Orand mnishal, chief of police, old Vet eians In cartlages, can luges containing speakers, Hogaith'.s band, filing squad Pons of Veteians, Spanish-American War Veteians, Jerinyn Bos bilgade. The ptu tide villi start fiom Enteioilse hall at 0 1,", o'clock, up Main stieet to Hushbinok stieet, down Second street to Cemeteiv. A'fter exeiclses the line will be le-foimed unci nioceed down t'emeteiy stieet to Main stiet. to Kn tei prise hull. The Jennn Boys' bilgade will then maich to Muyllold with the Sons of Veteians. The bilgade will be In 1 hinge of their instiuctoi, Colonel Bolton, of Ol pliant, to Whom the boys nie Indebted for their pioflciency In their di ill and manoeuvies. Rev, Twson, 01 Plttsbmg, fotmer pastor of the Congiegntlonal chuieh, will mench heie in the chinch next Monday evening, when he will, no doubt, be gieetecl b a huge congiega tlon, A little daughter nulled esteulay at the home ol Mr. and .Mis, Frank Cog gins, of Mayfield, v Di. S. D, Dai Is and daughter, Coin, intended the Knights Templar bait In the Scianton aunoiy, Tuesday night. The public school teim will end next Wednesday, -The comment einent exer cises will be held on Fiidaj, June ti, In Assembly hull. "A Day In Camp" will be giien in Knteipilse hall tomnuoiv evening. OLYPHANT A ease' of smallpox has been disc in -eied on the "Bed Bow." The victim Is a man nanied Dugeno Wreck, A few days ago he complained of feeling lit and Di, Kennedy of Pilcebuig was called In, Ha diagnosed the case as smallpox, The houso has bien quai antlned and tho wife and child of the patient will bo vaccinated today. Dr, Kennedy pays tlie enso is a mild one. but a number of people were exposed to tho disease before a physician was called In, Dr. Ilnny E. Jones, who gi actuated A Farmer Straightened Out. "A man llvlnc on a faun near hero camo In a shoit time ago completely doubled up with iheumntlsm, f handed htm u bottle of Chambei Iain's Pain lialm and told him t,o use It Cicely and If not satisfied after using It he need not pay a cent for It," says C. P, Rny der, of Pattens Mills, N. Y. "A few days later he walked Into the stoie us straight as a stilng nnd handed me a dollar saying, "give me another botllo of Chambei Iain's Pain Balm. I want it In the house all the time for it cured me.' " Tor salo by all drugslsts. 12Jc Dimities and Lawns .The daintiest, loveliest, lightest, coolest little dress materials in the world, and so inexpensive that you would scarcely expect to see scattered over them the beautiful little lose buds and Dresden figures, with the one edge of the selvage bound by a border. Yet heie they aie, fresh an entirely new lot of designs and lovely. at the Medlco-CbuiUiglcal college, Philadelphia, las-t week, has lettuned to tills place. At the Memoiial day sen Ices which will be held at St. Patiiek's cemeteiy tomouow morning, the following pio giamme will be lendeted: Invocation, Bev. P. J. Muiphy; hymn, "Xeaiei, My God to Thee," Holy Name society and chob , pinei Bev. J. J. O'Donnell; hymn, "Jeiusalem,'.' Holy Nume society and choir; memoiial oration, Bev. Di. Geoige J. Lucas. Blossburg, Pa.; un veiling and blessing of the statue of the Blessed Virgin, Bev. P. J. Muiphy; "M Counti 'Tls of Thee." choir and Holy Name soclet. The statue to be dedicated was impotted fiom Geimany. It is of beautiful marble unci stands nine feet in height. The members of tho Holy Name society and the sodalities will meet at the Father Mathew opeia house at ! o'clock and walk In n body to thf cemetei'. A coidlal Imitation Is extended to the public to attend the sen ices. Miss Elizabeth Holmes, of Plttston, was the guest of Mr. and Mis. J. W. Sweeney, of Lackawanna street, Tues day. Mi. and Mis. Hnuy Howard aie vis iting lelatives at South Gibson. .Mis J. Aillngtnn Spencer and chil dren, of Wllkes-Baiie, aie the guests of Bev. Di. Spencer at the Rlukely Raptlst paiMinage. TAYLOR. The entcitalnment held last evening In the Welsh Congiegntlonal chinch, mulct the auspices ol tlie .luienlle choli, was well patlonUetl The pio ceeds will be used to delta tlie ex penses of the choir tomouow, when It goes to compete at the uutlonul eis teddfod at the new ainioiy. Their chance Is veiy blight foi I'liptuiing one ot the prizes at tomoii oil's big event. Aichbald mine local, No. 1C49, United Mine Workeis of Ameilia, will hold uu liupoitant meeting this evening In their looms, In the Odd Fellows' hall. Business 01 Impoitaiue will be tians acted, Tho local steamship agents aie leap ing ti bin vest these diis, In the man ner they dispose of passage tickets to many or tho foielgn countiles. Di, J. S. Pot tens, of Main stieet, was In attendance at tlie Knights Templai convention ut Scianton this week, Today the schools of our boiough will close ior their nine months' teim. Mis. Elmer T, Daniels, wire of Dep uty Cleik of the Com is Daniels, will leave tomouow foi 11 visit to bet foi iiier home In Ohio. Mis, William Snowdeu, of Wnmuit. Is a guest ut tho home of hei slstei, Mis, James Douiin, of Main slieet. MM Annie and Jacob Scheiei, ot Union stieet, attended the funeutl of the late Herman Schtien, In West Scranton, esteicluy, Joseph Ilowells was among the num bei who left tor a 11 Ip to his native land, Wale.-1, on Tuesday, Tho T.olor Reds wilt Joutuc to West Plttston on Satin day, wlieio they will meet tho lepiesentatlve team of that place. A large mimbei of looteis will uc company them, ,, Miss Ada Kloss, of T.ijloi stiiet, Is bcilousl III ' ANTARCTIC GLACIERS. C. V. UoicligieiliiU, thevlhst man to set fejot on the Antiuctlc continent, In nn mtlelc called "Faitliest .South," In tho Outlook, wi lies as follows of the Clnclcis he euinunteied theie; "Tho elevation Is notable, peaks leaching 11,000 leet uboie the sea, while mighty glucleis descend by a vety steep gi action t tnwaids the sea. The glacleis nie cut tluoiuh by yuivnlng cievasses, leady to devour uny caieless tiuveler wtio ventures upon them. One of my Noineulan Laps fell hcadloiuj Into one Center It requires a fund of fresh knowledge to keep the dry goods store that serves the people best. Last years ideas are twelve months behind as worthless as bankrupt stocks. White llibbons Moiie taffeta, splendid quality; 4 inches wide, 25c. a yard. Plain taffeta, with a beautiful lus' ter, 4 3-4 inches wide, 25c. a yard. In the regular ribbon stock are white ribbons of all widths, from the narrowest to the widest, and all prices from 4c. to 60c. a yard a greater variety than we have seen anywherr else. of these cievasses. He fell sixty feet, and wits then jammed at a nauow place In the cievasse. Had he fallen a little moie to the light of where he was, he wotdcl undoubtedly have been lost. These glaciers aie, in my opin ion, nothing moie or less than mighty llieis di (lining the vast lee-fields which cover the land. I mean to say that tlie glacicis within the Amniotic as well as the Aictlc legions take the place of llveis In w aimer lands. Many suggestions haie been made as to the thickness of this Uu covoi. I do not think that, as an aveiuge. It Is much moie than fifty feet on tho big flats, but undoubtedly liemendous Ice masses auiimulntc lu the glnclei beds In tho same way as does the water lu river beds. The fact that lie descends to il mils the sen only compaiattvely veiy slowly, nibbing 01 er the uneven locks, makes the lee heap together tor thou sands of feet. The le.ebeigs dtsehaiged fiom tho glacleis show this of them selves. The highest I have seen was about tluee hunched feet but, accoi cl ing to the specific giavity of sea tec, they extend below water in a piopor t ton of moie Hutu eight to one, Thus, an Iceberg tluee hunched feet high would have a depth of twenty-four bundled feet." HIS REBUKE. I'ioiu Uu' null's ( oniunloii Yeais ago at u gieat unlieislty In Massachusetts theie was a distinguish ed ptofessoi whoe looks did not coi lespond to the sweetness mid power of his mind His face was one of the sort thut suggests nicknames, and his way of walking and talking weie easily tinned to caiiiutun'. One of Ills students was a clever mlmli. lie took off the dtolleiles of all members of tho facult to the delight 01 his fellow students, and this pro fessor came In for his shine of ildle-ule, (t happened that once when the nihil lo was amusing some of his class mates with Imitations of Piofessoi , one of the audience was a tactless tell tale, who boaieleel ut the piofessoi's house, Of coutse he told the good old gentleman that be had been the object uf liicieient ildlcule, Tho next day the piotessor culknl his mimic to his desk aftei class unci said quietly: ".Mr. Hiiiilsiin, I iindeibtaiid that on have been having some fun at my ex pense. 1 icalUe that i lend myself to cailcatuie, and I do not mind your amiiblng out self nnd otheis by taking off my pecullniltlch. All 1 suggest s that in the futuie i'ou be e.ueful 4. chooso for our audience men of fact and cood sense," B v.hhbbbbE39bbhBhbbJ. 11 .- .f. 3ga 1. J vi